Protecting money on a Sberbank card. Bank card insurance: insure your cards or not

  • 03.12.2019

Insurance services are becoming the most popular; Sberbank insurance company offers its clients various financial protection programs, including bank card insurance. Such protection allows you to safely use plastic, protect yourself from the possible risk of fraud and receive compensation in the event of an insured event. But most customers are not aware of this service and its main advantages. Therefore, in this article we will answer the question of what is Sberbank card insurance, why is the service needed and is it possible to refuse it.

What is card insurance coverage?

Sberbank Insurance is a subsidiary, the eponymous company of the largest bank in our country. It offers cash protection on a plastic card account. And this program, it is worth noting, has some of its advantages:

  • absolutely every interested client of Sberbank can apply for an insurance policy in any way convenient for himself, namely directly at a bank branch or through its remote online resource;
  • partially pay the cost of the policy with bonuses Thank you, but not more than 15%;
  • the policy protects against fraud, such insurance cover is available for any plastic credit or debit.

Accordingly, bank card insurance allows you to receive financial compensation in the event of an insured event. Moreover, here the client can determine the amount of compensation in case of loss of funds, the size of the insurance premium will directly depend on this. Such a policy is provided for one calendar year and takes effect 15 days after its payment.Financial protection applies to the following cases:

  • theft of money stored in a plastic card account by intruders;
  • loss of bank plastic.

It is worth explaining in more detail what theft of funds means and what cases fall under insurance:

  • funds were stolen by fraudsters from the card account as a result of theft;
  • attackers used violent methods to obtain plastic media and data to access the client’s personal funds;
  • funds were stolen as a result of fraudulent activities when attackers forged documents and customer signatures;
  • robbery of the client and theft of a plastic card.

In general, if as a result of unforeseen circumstances the card was stolen by malefactors and they illegally received money from it, then the client can count on financial compensation from the insurance company.

Tariffs for the service

As mentioned earlier, the cost of the insurance policy will depend directly on the client, namely on the amount of insurance coverage. Therefore, for each client, it will be calculated individually. It is worth saying that the cost of the insurance policy is also affected by the way the contract is concluded, recall that the client has the opportunity to do this through Sberbank or through the official website of the insurance company.

For its customers, the bank offers three service rates, in order to compare them, we present a table. So, how much is the protection of funds. Consider:

Online Design

Registration through a bank branch
Compensation amount, rubles Amount of insurance premium, rubles

Compensation amount, rubles


700 120000 1900
120000 1710 250000



3510 350000


Please note that the price of the policy is indicated for one year of its validity.

It can be seen from the table that the cost of the policy will directly depend on the amount of compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event, and when applying for insurance online, there is an opportunity to save some on the purchase of the policy. By the way, it is also worth considering that the amount of compensation cannot exceed the amount that was lost by the owner of the plastic as a result of fraudulent actions.

Features of credit card insurance

Sberbank credit card insurance is most relevant, because the plastic account does not store the client’s own funds, but borrowed ones; accordingly, if the funds are stolen, the borrower will not be released from credit obligations. But if you issue a policy from an insurance company, then the obligation to pay a bank loan will fall on the shoulders of the insurer.

Please note that in cases with credit cards, the amount of insurance coverage should be equal to the credit limit, because if the stolen funds exceed the amount of insurance coverage, the borrower will pay the difference on his own.

And another important nuance, the insurance company will not pay the debt of the borrower himself, that is, the amount that he ordered before the theft of funds. Otherwise, the design method and procedure remains standard, but we will consider it a bit later.

List of insured events

Debit card insurance

Holders of debit cards can also use the services of an insurance company. Indeed, even if there are no borrowed bank funds on the plastic account, in case of theft or fraud, the client incurs losses. In this option, compensation under the insurance cover is received directly by the insured.

When issuing a policy for a debit card, the rates remain unchanged, that is, the client has the right to independently determine his own risks, and on the basis of them to purchase an insurance policy. That is, the amount of compensation upon occurrence of the insured event will be equal to the amount stolen as a result of fraudulent actions, but not more than the amount for which the card was insured.

How to purchase a policy, list of documents

A client can purchase a policy at a bank branch and receive a document on paper, or enter into an online contract with an insurance company and become the owner of an electronic document. Both of them have equal legal force. Accordingly, remote registration of the policy only makes it possible to save your own time and money.

As for the documents, you only need to have a passport with you, no additional certificates will be required. Next, you will need to come to the bank branch and declare your desire to insure the bank plastic. After that, the bank’s operator will carry out the entire procedure on his own, and will give for signing contracts with the insurance company. In another embodiment, all the same can be done independently on the official resource of the insurance company, for this we will provide a step-by-step guide for the user:

  • open the official resource of the insurance company;
  • in the main menu find the link “Insure yourself and your property”;
  • from the proposed list, select "Bank Card Insurance";
  • click the button "Checkout online";
  • fill in the necessary information, indicate passport data and other information;
  • confirm your actions by pressing the appropriate button.

An electronic document will be sent to the email address. Then it will need to be paid by debiting from your bank card account.

Please note that after payment of the policy, its validity begins only 15 days after the payment for the service.

Is it possible to refuse insurance

Most customers know little about card insurance. Therefore, for the most part, they easily agree to purchase a policy, especially when an employee of a banking organization strongly recommends acquiring financial protection, describes all the benefits of an insurance policy. But for most customers, it’s just a waste. In addition, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase insurance, and the other part does not see it as particularly necessary, hence the question arises whether it is possible to refuse it.

Registration of the policy online

In order to answer the question, we turn to the current legislation, according to the law this is not a mandatory type of insurance, respectively, the client can purchase a policy, or can refuse it. Moreover, according to the latest decision of the Central Bank, it is possible to return the policy and receive the full amount of its value within two weeks after signing the contract with the insurance company. And she, in turn, returns in full the amount of the insurance premium.

But customers may encounter some difficulties if the return period has already expired and the need to return the policy is still there. In this case, of course, there is no one hundred percent guarantee of a refund. Nevertheless, it will be possible to try to return at least part of the money spent.

To do this, you should appear in person at a branch of Sberbank with an insurance policy and your personal documents. You need to inform the bank employee about your intention to refuse insurance protection services, then fill out the relevant application and submit it for consideration. By the way, the bank employee does not have the right to reject the application, since he is not a representative of the insurance company, he only performs an intermediary role.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, employees of the insurance company must contact the client and clarify all the details of the return of the policy and money. By the way, if the return deadlines have already expired, the client can still receive the partially paid amount of the insurance premium, as a rule, in this case, the insurance company has the full right to charge a penalty.

Insurance of funds on a Sberbank card, especially when it comes to a credit limit, is primarily a guarantee for the bank. That is why when issuing a credit card, the manager will certainly offer insurance of financial risks, but the client may well refuse such protection without giving reasons. Banks, although this rarely happens, can tighten the terms of cooperation with a client, increase the annual percentage or lower the credit limit.

In the end, I must say that Sberbank card insurance is a personal matter of each client, the bank does not have the right to impose an additional service. But at the same time, if there is even a small probability of fraud, then you should not refuse the service, at least if protection is needed for a credit card. And when applying for such a policy, it will be necessary to correctly measure the size of the credit limit with the amount of insurance cover in order to receive full compensation in the event of an insured event.

One of the programs offered to protect your money and payments is bank card insurance at Sberbank Insurance. The program is valid only for plastic issued and serviced directly by Sberbank.

  Benefits of obtaining bank card insurance coverage

Money insurance on a Sberbank card is offered for customers who actively use the product when paying via the Internet, remote services for transfers, withdrawing money through an ATM, paying for purchases, etc.

  The list of insured risks when applying for a policy

The protection program covers the following risks:

  1. Possession of an extraneous payment instrument and pin code (possibly with the use of violence) and their use for capturing the client's money through an ATM.
  2. The receipt of unauthorized funds in the department by using a fake signature.
  3. Actions to fake or obtain information (skimming, phishing).
  4. Attackers receive cash from an ATM using fake plastic.
  5. Theft, robbery, loss of plastic, after which it was used by third parties.
  6. Accidental mechanical damage.
  7. Defective ATM, which led to the loss of plastic.
  8. Theft, theft, robbery of cash, which the client himself withdrew from an ATM.

  A complete list of insurance risks covered by the policy

A bank card insurance policy at Sberbank implies the possibility of applying within two days after the event. Only under these conditions, the insurer considers the incident and makes a payment. In any case, it is necessary to report the incident by telephone immediately after the discovery of the incident (up to 12 hours). In this case, you will also need to collect supporting documentation.

Among the advantages of this type of insurance, one can single out the fearless use of ATMs of other institutions, conducting operations in the Internet space, and withdrawing money from an ATM.

  The essence of the bank card insurance policy

Card insurance

Having chosen Sberbank card insurance, the cost of insurance is determined based on the amount of coverage. She, in turn, is selected individually by the client himself, according to her own preferences, the status of the plastic, the activity in conducting online operations.

  Three options for insurance coverage and premium size

Today, tariffs and the amount of insurance amounts depend on the method of registration of the policy.

When signing insurance at a bank branch, the client receives the following conditions:

  •   The amount of insurance is 120 thousand rubles - the cost of the policy is 1900 rubles.
  •   250 thousand rubles - 3900 rubles.
  •   350 thousand rubles - 5900 rubles.

If the policy is filled out through the bank’s website, then the client can choose one of the tariffs:

  •   The insurance amount is 30 thousand rubles - the cost of the policy is 700 rubles.
  •   120 thousand rubles - 1710 rubles.
  •   250 thousand rubles - 3510 rubles.

  You can buy a policy for 1 year online

Policy registration

Insurance can be issued at a branch or online on the bank's website. In the first option, the rule applies: insurance is assigned to a bank account, and all products that are connected to it, including additional ones, are subject to security. In addition, you can draw up one contract for all banking products owned by the client.

  Download file:

The following rules apply:

  •   Insurance is issued for one year.
  •   A similar procedure is valid for credit cards.
  •   For one policy, you can receive payments no more than three times.
  •   As payments are made, the amount of coverage is reduced in proportion to the amount paid.
  •   If the main card has expired, the contract provides risks for the rest.
  •   If only one card is insured, at the end of its validity period it is permissible to return insurance premiums in an amount equivalent to the difference between the periods.

In Sberbank, card insurance is carried out sequentially: the client selects a program, enters into an agreement, pays a fee, receives a paper version of the policy.

When applying for a policy online, the client receives more favorable conditions

Policy activation

In order for the insurance to take effect, it is necessary to connect it. Activation takes place independently and remotely - on the SK website. You must fill out the form: policy number, date of purchase, last name, code indicated on the issued certificate, phone number and e-mail. Activation occurs after checking the data and comparing them with the parameters entered into the database. This may take several minutes or a day or two.

Having chosen one of the options for insurance of Sberbank plastic cards, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the procedure for actions in case of an unforeseen situation. In any of these situations, you must take measures:

  •   Loss, theft, disappearance of a product for any reason.
  •   The card is damaged or demagnetized.
  •   Withdraw funds from the account without the participation of the client.

The procedure is prescribed by the instructions. It must be strictly observed, otherwise any reason may cause a failure. It would not be superfluous to first study customer reviews about bank card insurance at Sberbank so as not to make mistakes.

Step-by-step instructions on how to proceed in emergency situations:

  1. Call the Contact Center, report a problem and block the plastic. This can be done via SMS or through the Online Banking.
  2. Call the UK, name the policy number, explain what happened, receive instructions on further steps. A call must be made as soon as possible, otherwise it is fraught with failure.
  3. If a crime has occurred (theft, withdrawal of money without the knowledge of the client), contact the police.
  4. Visit the office of the insurance company, apply. It has been allocated 3 days since the incident.
  5. Collect a package of documents to confirm the case: an extract from Sberbank indicating the latest operations, a decision to institute criminal proceedings or termination, a court decision, information on the cost of manufacturing the product (requested by the bank).
  6. Wait for the decision to pay insurance.
  What to do when illegally debiting funds from a card

You can get insurance only after a positive response from IC Bank. At the same time, the company analyzes the submitted documents and checks the appropriateness of the payment.

It's no secret that bank cards are currently experiencing a peak in popularity as a means of payment for goods and services around the world. And although the Sberbank card is fairly well protected, there is always the possibility of theft of money by criminals or scammers.

To protect customers' money, Sberbank entered into a finance insurance agreement with Alfa Insurance. The developed cooperation program will allow, in the event of an insured event, to return money to customers on their card.

What does this campaign offer to Sberbank customers:

  • Protecting the money of the insured person around the world.
  • Protection when making purchases over the Internet.
  • Protection of payment for services through the payment terminal.
  • Protection when withdrawing money at any ATM.
  • Phishing protection
  • Protecting money from screaming
  • card loss protection
  • From card theft by scammers

ATTENTION: do not confuse bank card insurance with credit insurance. We talked about in past articles. In the case of credit insurance, money can be repaid.

What is the advantage of Sberbank insurance program

  • An undoubted advantage is the ability to insure all your cards on one insurance policy.
  • Low insurance price - in total (depending on the type of card) about 2-3 thousand rubles.
  • The speed of issuing an insurance policy directly at the bank’s office.
  • Fast payment upon occurrence of an insured event.
  • Several insurance options to choose a client

What are the disadvantages of this program

  • Have to spend some amount on insurance.
  • In case of negligence - insurance will not be paid.
  • It is necessary to keep the original documents for payment of insurance and policy.

IMPORTANT: Remember that you must handle your credit card carefully, store the card in places inaccessible to criminal elements, when paying for any services or withdrawing money from the card, you must always cover your PIN code with your hand. It is always necessary to adhere to these rules especially in the dark.

How much is the insurance policy

Let's consider the cost of the proposed insurance products:

How and where to buy a policy

In order to purchase an insurance policy, you can contact the nearest Sberbank office, choose the most suitable insurance program for yourself, and pay the amount due for insurance.

After you have paid the insurance premium, you need to transfer your documents to the insurance campaign within a month.

Data can be transmitted via the Internet by filling out the appropriate form on the Alfa Insurance website. You can also call the hotline at 8 800 333 0 999 and provide your details and policy number.

How to get an insurance policy online

On the official website of Sberbank, you need to fill out your data, select the insurance program that is most suitable for you personally, and pay in any convenient way. Also, additional information can be found in the article on the service.

  • Write a statement to the insurance company and attach an insurance policy.
  • Submit to the bank and insurance company a certificate on the cost of issuing the card, a bank statement with a list of recent transactions
  • The decision to institute proceedings.
  • Remember that having issued an insurance policy, you will reliably protect your money from loss, subject to all necessary safety measures. The decision on the insured event is taken in a 10-day period.

    A plastic card has become an indispensable tool for people in everyday life. With its help it is easy to make purchases, pay for services and perform other financial transactions. With the growing popularity of this banking product, the need for saving personal funds on the card increases, which insurance companies offer to do.

    Bank card insurance: advantages and disadvantages

    Any linking a bank card to insurance is beneficial. This provides peace of mind and customer confidence. Indeed, under unforeseen circumstances, all losses will be borne by the insurance company. For example, insurance against loss of a card will be appropriate if you often use the card with ATMs on the street.

    And the main disadvantage of any bank card insurance is material costs. And here it is not even the cost of insurance itself, but the need for regular payments.

    Is it obligatory to insure a card?

    No, this procedure under current law is purely voluntary. Whenever a bank employee imposes a safety policy on you, you have the right to refuse. Refer to the law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”.

    How to insure a bank card?

    For example, Sberbank's Bank Card Insurance program provides for the following steps:

    1. Contacting the nearest bank branch to conclude an agreement.
    2. Payment of insurance policy.
    3. Transferring a copy of the completed policy to Alfastrah Insurance Company within thirty days. More detailed information can be obtained on the special website of the - bank card insurance.

    The most common cases of bank card insurance

    1. Credit Card Loss Insurance . This type of policy will protect your personal funds from the risk of their loss. For example, as a result of a hacker attack or a virus.
    2. Life insurance with health loans. This type of insurance not only eliminates the risk of loan delays and non-repayment of funds issued by the bank, but also helps the client to avoid difficulties in repaying the debt in case of loss of working capacity. Is credit insurance obligatory? No, like any other consumer insurance.
    3. Credit card insurance for travelers abroad. Having an insurance policy when traveling abroad increases the chances of obtaining a visa. Travel insurance guarantees payment for medical services in another country. Often this policy is limited to the included risks.
    1. Often banks apply aggressive insurance to their customers when they receive a credit card. Although everyone has the right to refuse this service, bank employees often simply do not provide him with such an opportunity. Sometimes they add insurance to the default cost of the loan. In this case, you need to be vigilant, study the contract and, if necessary, refuse insurance.
    2. Bank employees can claim that it is impossible to get a credit card without insurance. But the contract will necessarily have a special clause written in small print, where to cancel the policy you just need to check the box.
    3. If you were unable to timely refuse unwanted insurance of loans to individuals or you forgot, even after signing an agreement with the bank within 14 days, you can safely declare your refusal. After all, the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" is on your side.

    Recently, bank accounts and cards have often been the subject of crime. The reasons are called different - social, economic, educational. Since almost 70% of the country's population is covered by the services of Sberbank, the problem of protecting the money of principals is relevant for the bank.

    The Bank and Sberbank Insurance have developed a joint program of how to protect money on a Sberbank card. The funds receive insurance protection against unauthorized access, robbery, and losses are covered by the payment of insurance.

    Card insurance in Sberbank

    Most Sberbank cardholders are active users. They withdraw money from ATMs, make payments for goods, services, transfers through terminals, pay for online purchases at various trading platforms. These transactions are accompanied by the entry of confidential information that may become the property of cybercriminals.

    As a result, there are frequent cases of cash withdrawals using a fake card with genuine details, counterfeiting a customer’s signature on the back of a carrier, online theft of money from an account, payment for goods using genuine CVV2 / CVC2 codes.

    The object of the crime is bank plastic: robbery of a card, cash, PIN, phone number of the victim or withdrawn cash. Often, retirees come across fraudulent activities.

    For its part, Sberbank makes every effort to prevent the actions of fraudsters, but the criminal environment is developing and, at times, the only thing the bank can do is to compensate and compensate for losses.

    What it is?

    Sberbank card insurance is a financial service provided to a client for a relatively small fee, and which will subsequently compensate for losses upon the occurrence of an insurance event. Outwardly, it looks like a sale of a document, an insurance policy. It indicates possible adverse events that may occur for the client and his bank card.

    How does it work

    For example, as a result of a robbery against a citizen, which occurred half an hour after receiving money from an ATM using an insured debit card, 75 thousand rubles were stolen. cash and bank card. The card is insured for a period of 1 year, in the amount of 60 thousand rubles, with a one-time payment of 1161 rubles.

    The client promptly appealed to the bank's call center with a request to block the carrier; filed a police robbery report. To pay for insurance, a package of documents was collected and submitted to the insurance company. After making the decision, the amount of compensation paid to 60 thousand rubles.

    Sberbank card insurance coverage is carried out against three risk groups:

    • unauthorized operations with money. Included are the risks of forgery of a bank card, customer signatures on it; the use of confidential information by fraudsters for their own purposes; Forcible seizure of the PIN code of the card;
    • loss of a bank card. It includes the loss of media as a result of robbery, mechanical damage, thermal effects, demagnetization, ATM malfunction;
    • criminal possession of funds that are received by the client on the insured carrier within 2 hours from the moment of cashing out.

    You can select one of the listed groups or all three.

    What are the benefits?

    Why and is it profitable to insure Sberbank cards? The minimum insurance payment is 1161 rubles / year for 60 thousand rubles stored in the account, or 1.935% of the deposit.

    For 350 thousand rubles. - insurance 5310 rubles. or 1.517%. In other words, the payment decreases with an increase in the insured amount.

    What cards are insured?

    All carriers tied to a bank account are subject to insurance:

    • debit cards, among which - main and additional;
    • credit.

    How to get insurance payments

    To receive payment from the insurer, the correct sequence of client actions is of great importance:

    • if the card became the object of the attacker, the carrier is blocked by a call to the call center;
    • a statement is filed with the police if there is a crime;
    • contact by phone 8-800-555-555-7, introduce themselves, report the policy number, notify of the event;
    • within 3 days they collect documents confirming the insured event;
    • a package of documents is transmitted to the insurer by mail or through a division of Sberbank.

    The insurance company will make an opinion on the reimbursement of losses.

    To choose the correct debit card insurance option, calculate the average annual amount of incoming operations on the account and correlate it with the amount of insurance payment. The resulting% ratio is part of the family budget that will be used to pay for the policy.

    It is especially worthwhile to approach Sberbank credit card insurance. Loss of media or money does not cancel the obligation. The borrower will have to repay the loan amount and interest on it to the bank. Whereas the insurance indemnity will cover the losses incurred.

    How much is a card insurance

    The cost of insurance of Sberbank cards with online registration is presented in the table.

    The amount of insurance coverage, thousand rublesprice, rub.
    60 1161
    120 1710
    250 3510
    350 5310

    Important! When contacting the office, the cost of insurance services will be slightly higher.

    Ways to get a policy

    Customers are offered two ways to take out insurance: in the department, and online. Please note: insurance protection occurs on the 15th day after payment of the policy and is valid for a year. After registration, the policy must be activated.

    In the department

    To draw up a document at the company’s office, provide a personal passport, card account service agreement. The document indicates:

    • details of the insurer;
    • the personal data of the policyholder;
    • list of bank cards used for property insurance;
    • insured events, upon the occurrence of which compensation is carried out.

    The policy is signed by the head of the department and the beneficiary.


    You can apply for an insurance policy yourself from the official website of Sberbank. Why do three steps:

    • the type of insurance cover and the amount are selected. If desired, the service "All cards are locked" is activated, which will protect existing media;
    • customer passport data, email address are entered;
    • actions are confirmed.

    The executed document is transmitted to the client’s e-mail.

    How to activate a policy

    The policy is activated on the website of the insurance company. A special form is opened in online banking in which information is transferred: the date of purchase, policy number, certificate code, personal data of the client, mobile phone number. The entered information is verified with the database of insurance documents. Activation lasts from a few minutes, up to 2-3 days.

    How to refuse

    You can often hear phrases from customers how to refuse insurance coverage of funds on Sberbank bank cards. Indeed, the attitude of compatriots to any insurance services is rather negative. The actions of bank employees are regarded as “imposing” unnecessary services. Due to the difficulty for the average person to understand the evidence of the insurance event and receive compensation.

    In order to make an informed decision about insurance or refusal, and bring it to a bank employee, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of services, a list of insurance risks and the procedure for processing documents. Ask the employee of the bank or insurer company to write down in sequence what needs to be done upon the occurrence of the insured event, at what time, in order to receive payment for the insured event.