A loan secured by a land plot. Loans for land in the Russian Agricultural Bank

  • 08.12.2019

An article on the possibilities of obtaining a loan in 2019 without confirming income, if there is collateral in the form of land. The only problem in this case is to find a suitable bank issuing such loans.

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Crisis trends affected banking sector services, which led to a decrease in loan products, including loans secured by land.

What you need to know

Land as collateral for a loan has certain features. It can be an independent object of real estate or relate to a house, building or structure located on it.

Objects located on the ground have a legal status if they have title documents.

It is impossible to make transactions with non-legalized houses and other real estate objects, since it is legally considered that they do not exist.

Sometimes the opposite situation occurs when the ownership of the building, house or structure is, and the land documents are not executed.

This incident may be due to the fact that historically in Russia during privatization in the early 90s, buildings were first transferred to private ownership with re-issuance of existing documents.

All land was state property, so its division into separate land plots and further re-registration into new owners most often occurred with a time lag.

Therefore, in the legislation there is a situation when the land follows the buildings, and not vice versa. Currently, documents for land should be properly executed by any owner.

Sometimes the land is on the right of unlimited (permanent) land use or in a temporary lease (short-term or long-term).

This is not equivalent to the right of ownership, but allows you to lay the land within the lease term (land use) with the consent / notification of the lessor (if for a period of more than 5 years).

The specificity of the land as collateral for a loan is that this object often has low liquidity, so not all banks are interested in issuing such a collateral.

In addition, houses and buildings on the land may lose most of the value during the loan repayment due to normal wear and tear.

Basic concepts

A plot of land may be:

  • different location, size and purpose (settlements, agricultural purposes, etc.);
  • not fenced or fenced;
  • with or without a water source (well);
  • with communications (utilities) or without them;
  • flat or on a slope;
  • along the road, reservoir, river or not;
  • empty or with structures and construction in progress (at the foundation level or at a certain level of readiness);
  • divisible, indivisible;
  • whole, in the form of a share.

All of the above characteristics affect the liquidity of the land. The probability of issuing a loan and its amount depend on its value.

Depending on the rules of the credit institution, the loan amount sometimes does not exceed 25% of the price of the site. Land valuation is determined by the characteristics of a particular site.

The most liquid are plots located in prestigious areas, with central communications and the possibility of building individual housing.

The following areas are not accepted as collateral:

  • having burdens;
  • in dispute;
  • located in environmental protection zones, within the red lines;
  • without land surveying and borders in accordance with applicable law;
  • who do not have a cadastral number;
  • used not in accordance with category and permitted use.

Incomplete construction has a positive effect on land valuation if there is design and estimate documentation for the facility agreed with the authorized body, as well as communications.

It can be at the foundation level or higher (for example, 50% readiness). An unfinished house is most often taken into account by the bank in the presence of a roof, an entrance door and glazed window openings.

Certain lending institutions have short-term lending programs secured by agricultural land for farmers to finance spring work for sowing arable land, etc.

Agricultural plots can also be bought on credit with a pledge of the acquired property (for example, through the Agricultural Bank).

Borrower Requirements

Requests made to potential borrowers depend on a specific bank or microfinance organizations (MFIs).

Banks have more stringent lending rules, and the conditions are more favorable. In MFIs, the rules and procedures for registration are more simplified, but the rewards are high.

Appropriate loans are available for both individuals and legal entities. Under such security you can get:

  • special-purpose loan (construction or repair of an individual residential building, etc.);

Legal grounds

The pledged land remains in the possession and use of its owner. The encumbrance of the pledge prevents the sale and alienation in another form or re-pledge of land.

A share in a land plot can be mortgaged only after its allocation in kind. This is possible with the divisibility of the site in accordance with title documents.

The allocation of a share and its pledge should preferably be agreed with other co-owners of the land. There are requirements for the minimum size of a share (plot) to be taken as a pledge. Most often it is not less than 6 hundred parts.

  All land plots have cadastral value (established by the authorized body), according to which taxes are paid by the owners. When assessing the land, its price may not be lower than the cadastral value.

How to get a loan secured by land without proof of income

In the presence of highly liquid collateral (an objectively expensive area, the price of which will not decrease over time), banks may not require confirmation of the borrower's income.

Credit institutions are loyal to the possible risks associated with the lack of documented income, when they are fully covered by the highly sought after collateral.

The risks of a credit institution are also minimized by lowering the value of the land during the assessment.

The amount of the loan (loan) subject to approval shall not exceed 25-80% of the value of the land plot.

A loan secured by a land plot without proof of income for the year is quite possible to obtain from some banks and any MFIs issuing such loans.

List of required documents

To apply for such a loan, you need properly executed land documentation and documents of the borrower.

Banks most often require an extensive list of documents, unlike MFIs, where it is possible to obtain a loan secured by land without proof of income for 2 documents.

The list of documents proving the identity and other criteria of the borrower is standard in almost all credit institutions.

A significant difference lies in the requirement or absence of the need to provide proof of income and seniority.

The documentation for the land includes:

  • title documents (, etc., duly registered);
  • certificate of land rights;
  • extract from the Unified State Register confirming the absence of encumbrances;
  • cadastral passport (extract from it);
  • assessment report;
  • insurance policy.

The insurance policy serves as an additional tool to reduce the risks of credit institutions associated with unforeseen circumstances. It is paid by the borrower.

Banks that issue a loan in Moscow

Loans secured by land are provided by the following credit institutions in Moscow:

  • Sberbank
  • Russian Agricultural Bank;
  • Zenith;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Orgbank;
  • other banks and MFIs.

Interest rates on bank products are largely dependent on.

The rates are usually higher than for mortgage products for building a house and developing a personal subsidiary farm.

Rates range from 10.65 to 22% per annum. Lending periods depend on a specific bank and can be up to 30 years.


In Sberbank, you can get inappropriate consumer loans secured by a land plot on the following conditions:

  • no commissions;
  • with no need for down payment;
  • up to 20 years old;
  • with a maximum amount of up to 10 million rubles;
  • with a rate of 14% per annum.

On the bank's website, you can fill out a questionnaire and submit an online preliminary. In addition, the Internet resource of Sberbank allows you to calculate the loan amount on the appropriate calculator and make

To lay a land plot for a loan is a common and successful practice. But before applying for a loan, you should carefully study the features of such financing and choose a bank with optimal conditions for providing money.

For convenience, all of the banks described below are summarized in a table.

What is a loan secured by land

If you own a land plot, then you can make it collateral under a loan agreement. This means that during the entire term of the loan agreement, the property provided will guarantee the repayment of the issued amount. If the borrower does not pay according to the agreement, the bank will be able to sell the land, and to repay the debt with the proceeds.

Throughout the duration of the loan agreement, legal consent will be required. Until the burden is lifted, you cannot, without the permission of a financial institution:

  • to issue a will or deed of gift;
  • register tenants;
  • allocate a share;
  • make a deposit, etc.

An important point - the right to use the land when installing the encumbrance is not limited. You can live on the site and fully use it.

The advantages of such a loan:

  1. Low interest - a secured loan is more profitable to issue than a loan without collateral.
  2. Increased limit - banks are ready to issue 50-70% of the appraised value of an object.
  3. Reduced requirements - if there is a guarantee, individual financial institutions are ready to issue money without certificates of employment or other proof of income.

The main disadvantages are the need for collateral and the duration of registration. It usually takes from 5 days to 2 weeks for all approvals. If you need money urgently, it will be faster.

Lending secured by a plot with a house

Almost always on the site is a house or cottage. In this case, not only land, but also residential buildings located on it are transferred as collateral under the loan agreement.

An exception is the situation when the house is framed by another owner.


Ivan Ivanovich wants to get a loan secured by a summer house and a plot of 6 acres. But he owns only the land, and the house itself is framed by his brother. In such a situation, the lender can agree to a deal only with the consent of the burden from the borrower's brother.

In practice, such transactions are complicated legally; credit organizations prefer not to enter into such agreements.


When applying for a consumer loan without collateral. If a secured loan agreement is concluded, then the bank has the right to demand to insure it - this is the law. In a situation where the house and land become collateral, the policy is issued for both objects.

Personal insurance (life and health), as well as the protection of the title (legal rights of the borrower to the object) is issued exclusively voluntarily. The only thing that a bank can do when refusing financial protection is to increase the interest rate. On average, it will grow by 1-3 percentage points.


Title insurance - protection against situations when during the term of the contract circumstances are clarified, due to which the borrower's rights to real estate are canceled. For example, a garden plot was purchased from a person who concealed his disability. Such a deal can be challenged in court, which means the rights of the new owner to the land are canceled.

How can I use the money

Typically, financial institutions secured by a house with a plot or just land give out a cash loan. But it is also possible to arrange a targeted mortgage loan.

Unsecured loan poses land mortgage

In fact, this is an ordinary consumer loan, but with collateral. The funds are issued to the client in cash.

The borrower can spend the money received for any purpose - from vacation to repairs in the apartment or training a child. It is not necessary to report to the bank about where the funds were spent.

Target mortgage loan secured by land

In this case, the funds are spent exclusively for the purposes specified in the agreement. Otherwise, the bank may increase the rate under the contract or even require a full early repayment of the debt.

A mortgage loan can be secured with a plot of land:

  • for the purchase of an apartment - it is possible to purchase both in the secondary market and in new buildings;
  • for the construction of a house - funds are issued in several stages according to a previously agreed estimate.

When building a house, it is not necessary to involve intermediaries, you can carry out work yourself. But statistics show that when drawing up a contract with a construction company, the likelihood of approval is greater.

Land requirements

The main condition for registering a house and land as a guarantee is high liquidity. This means that similar objects should be in demand and appreciated in the market. Otherwise, if the borrower does not fulfill its obligations, the bank will not be able to sell the land and pay off the debt.

There are other requirements for mortgaged property:

  1. Property rights. The object must belong to the borrower completely. In some cases, it is allowed that the land be registered with a close relative, for example, the applicant’s spouse. In this case, the present owner will need a full set of documents for the transfer of real estate as a pledge to the bank. But if there is a share in the minor, it is unlikely that a deal can be completed - the guardianship authorities will not give their consent.
  2. No burden. The site should not be subject to litigation or collateral under another loan agreement. Also, minors should not be registered there.

As for the type of land, the possibility of drawing up a loan agreement depends on the conditions of a particular bank. If the property is registered in accordance with all the rules, then the owners can receive financing:

  • suburban areas;
  • iZHS land (provided for individual housing construction);
  • sections SNT (garden non-profit partnership) and DNP (summer non-profit partnership);
  • agricultural land.

When lending both on the security of agricultural land, and all others, you need to make sure that the territory does not belong to protected areas.

How to take a loan underground

The procedure for obtaining a loan when providing land for collateral is more complicated than the process of obtaining a consumer loan. To make it easier for you to navigate, I have compiled a detailed step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Bank selection. Focus not only on the size of the interest rate. Evaluate how conveniently located offices or comfortable remote service. Read reviews from other users and analyze them.
  2. Filing an application. Most financial institutions provide the ability to send a loan application remotely. This saves time and allows you to contact several banks at once. At this stage, it is not required to provide documents for the mortgaged property.
  3. Provision of documents. If the application received preliminary approval, then you will be invited to the office with documents. You will definitely need to take a certificate of ownership of the land or an extract from the USRN, and if the land was bought in marriage - the notarial consent of the second spouse to the transaction. The full list of documents depends on the conditions of a particular bank. For example, some financial organizations ask for certificates of employment, while others are willing to provide the required amount for 2 documents without proof of income.
  4. Assessment of the facility. After providing all the documents, the bank makes a decision not only on the application itself, but also on the facility proposed as security. If the answer is yes, then the site and the house are evaluated. This is necessary to determine both the insurance and collateral value of the property. Also, the maximum amount of the credit limit depends on the set price.
  5. Signing an agreement and receiving money. On the agreed day, the borrower and the bank representative sign the documents - loan agreement, insurance agreement, mortgage, payment schedule, etc. After that, the loan is considered granted and the borrower receives cash.

If a consumer credit agreement is drawn up, then money can be obtained at the bank's cash desk or on a special card from which it can be withdrawn free of charge at any time.

With a mortgage, money is almost always transferred directly to the seller of the apartment or house. An exception is the provision of a loan for the construction of a house or a summer residence without involving contractors. In this case, the money is issued to the borrower, but he must report to the financial institution on their use.

Which banks give inappropriate loans secured by land

Mortgaging land for a consumer loan agreement is possible in many, but not all, financial institutions. For example, in and get a non-target loan is possible only.

To make it easier for you to navigate, I made a selection of 3 banks with optimal financing conditions.


In Sberbank, the contract rate is fixed - 12.5% \u200b\u200bfor all categories of borrowers. But when you refuse personal insurance, it increases to 13.5%.

To complete the agreement you will need a full package of documents, including a work book and proof of income. Sberbank accepts both 2-personal income tax and free certificates. It is also necessary to provide a document stating that the borrower has other housing in which he has the right to reside - this may be a certificate of ownership or an extract from the house book.

An agreement can be drawn up from the age of 21, at the time of repayment of the debt, the borrower must not be older than 75 years.


Compared to other banks, the rate is higher, it is 20.4%. But the offer has other advantages:

  • you can get a loan up to 85 years old, which is important for pensioners;
  • confirm income is allowed not only 2-personal income tax, but also a certificate in free form and upon request to the employer;
  • to draw up an agreement can not only employees, but also individual entrepreneurs;
  • refusal of personal insurance does not affect the size of the interest rate.

To apply, you must have work experience at the last place of work from 4 months.

Russian Agricultural Bank

In case of refusal of personal insurance, the interest rate will increase to 14.5%. For public sector employees, on the contrary, a discount of 1 percentage point is provided.

A full package of documents will be required to complete a loan agreement with the Agricultural Bank. The total working experience at the time of application should be at least 1 year, the last 6 months - at the last place of employment.

An additional advantage of the proposal is that it is not required that a registration be made in the region where the loan is issued. The main thing is that permanent registration should be in any other city in Russia.

Loan secured by land without proof of income

To date, only one financial institution is ready to provide an inappropriate loan secured by a land plot - Vostochny Bank.

The interest rate is set individually in the range from 9.9% to 26%, the refusal of insurance does not affect it. You can issue from 300 thousand to 30 million rubles for a period of 1 year to 20 years. To apply, you must be over 21 years old, and at the time of debt repayment - younger than 76 years.

Despite the fact that it is not required to provide income documents, it is mandatory to be employed. A guard is required not from the current place of work from 3 months, but for clients under 26 years old - from 1 year.

(1   ratings, average: 2,00   out of 5)

A loan secured by a land plot in a bank is one of the ways to get money for different purposes. The client can pledge agricultural land for a loan or land for the construction of a private house. Many banks are more willing to lend money on a security deposit than loans without collateral, but land is quoted as an illiquid security, therefore this type of loan is offered by a small number of banking organizations.

To get a loan in cash, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming ownership of the property. Confirmation of income at the bank is not always mandatory, so you can receive money without confirming income in large cash equivalents. Long-term loans are a good way to take a loan for up to 15 years and pay it in small monthly installments.

A loan secured by a land plot in a bank

Key information for those wishing to receive cash at the bank by laying a summer or garden plot:

  • the client can take money without confirming his income for any purpose;
  • loan agreement is concluded with automatic renewal;
  • a loan is issued for a period of up to 15 years;
  • the age of the consumer depends on the specific banking organization and varies between 18 and 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • the state of the credit history for some banks does not matter;
  • the interest rate on long-term loans depends on the conditions of the bank and starts at about 15%
  • a loan secured by a summer cottage may be up to 90% of its value;
  • the client can take a loan and continue to use the property.

Several lending options are available to Russian customers:

  • a loan secured by agricultural land;
  • loan of funds for a site for private construction;
  • a loan secured by a garden plot in Moscow;
  • allotments with buildings located on them;
  • loans secured by IZHS land in Moscow;
  • other difficult cases.

Lenders may be banks or microfinance organizations. Privately executed loans may have more attractive conditions. Therefore, it is worthwhile to get more information about current offers in advance.

On the Creditznatok website you will find credit organizations where you can take cash loans under the land of individual housing construction (individual housing construction). IZHS lands over banks enjoy special advantages, the main of which is the possibility of registering the facilities built on it and easier sale in case of withdrawal for non-payment.

A long-term loan can be taken only if the real estate does not yet have any existing encumbrances.

In some cases, you may need to lay a private garden plot, land for individual housing construction or agricultural land:

  • the need for investment in an unfinished house;
  • large debts;
  • impressive debts on utility bills;
  • pressure from collection companies;
  • unfavorable conditions for previous loans and the need for debt restructuring.

To lay the agricultural land, you must have a passport and its photocopy, documents of title, cadastral passport.

How to get a loan?

Before you take a loan secured by the land, you need to choose a credit institution with the most favorable interest rates. Creditznatok collects up-to-date information on trusted organizations and offers a ton of selection tools. Choose your favorite conditions, go to sites and fill out applications. After a while, you will receive confirmation of a loan or employees of the selected organization will contact you. Also on our website you can find companies that give money without collateral at profitable interest - both small and large amounts.

Among the many proposals of banks, of particular interest are loans secured by land. This type of loan is characterized by a long term and an affordable interest rate, which is much lower than ordinary loans. However, in order to receive funds from the bank, it is necessary to go through a longer approval process and collect more documents.

Features of loans secured by land

In addition to the length of the term for obtaining and low interest rates, a loan against collateral has a number of other features:

  • the borrower risks his property, registered as a pledged object, if credit obligations are not performed properly;
  • the maximum limit of funds, as a rule, is not more than 50% of the value of collateral land;
  • often the bank provides a deferral of credit.

Requirements for a security deposit

Most banks put forward similar requirements for collateral, without which a loan is unlikely to be provided:

  • land should not be pledged, arrested, leased, i.e. be completely free from burdens;
  • pledged land from agricultural land or within settlements;
  • property rights must be registered;
  • the location of the site should relate to the territory within which there is a representative office of the credit organization;
  • all buildings on the land in question are executed and registered in accordance with Russian law;
  • the site must be liquid, so that in case the borrower refuses its obligations, the bank can quickly realize it and pay off the loan debt through the sale.
  • the availability of access to land for car passage;
  • the allotment is not allowed in a protected, closed area, in nature reserves.

Order of registration

If the borrower's property meets the requirements of the bank, the chances of getting borrowed money are great.

Getting a loan with collateral is longer in time, however, following a certain sequence, obtaining a loan will be easy.

The procedure for obtaining a loan secured by real estate is as follows:

  1. Search for the best option and the right bank. Compare the offers of several credit institutions, choosing more profitable and affordable options.
  2. Consideration of the application. The client submits a preliminary loan request.
  3. Having received approval, the borrower prepares a package of documents.
  4. For registration of collateral and the loan itself, an expert assessment of the land will be required.
  5. Conclude an agreement on conditions that take into account the characteristics of the pledged property, the value of the land, the borrower's income, the availability of certain promotional offers.
  6. After providing a full package of documents, the borrower receives funds, and after signing the contract he is given a contract, a payment schedule.

A lot when approving a loan depends on the characteristics of the collateral object:

  1. Features of infrastructure, the availability of communications leads to a rise in price of the site.
  2. Convenient access and proximity to populated areas.
  3. Prospects.
  4. Ecological situation, especially the places where the site is located.

Consideration of the application takes into account specific circumstances and individual parameters for solvency, allotment liquidity, credit history, etc.

The whole procedure takes about a month in duration, and the maximum loan amount does not exceed 60%, while registration as a pledge of an apartment will allow you to take a loan in the amount of up to 80% of the cost.

If, together with the plot, a dwelling house erected on this land is pledged, the credit line increases.

Actual loan offers with collateral

Not all lending institutions provide loans at low interest rates, with registration of land as collateral.

Large Russian banks offer advantageous lending options:

  • Sberbank;
  • RosEvroBank;
  • Moscow credit bank;
  • Russian Agricultural Bank and others.

In order to find the best offer, the future borrower needs to study the options offered by the banking sector in a particular region. As the most famous bank providing a loan secured by land, the offer of Sberbank is interesting. A wider range of offers is provided by the Agricultural Bank.


The advantages of a loan secured by real estate from Sberbank include:

  • wide range of loan amounts;
  • duration of the loan agreement - up to 10 years;
  • the most favorable loan rate;
  • the borrower has the right to apply for a deferred payment and has a high chance of receiving it;
  • targeted and consumer lending are provided.

Sberbank offers the following loan conditions:

  • individual consideration of the application and the opportunity to receive large amounts;
  • most of the current offers are designed to be repaid within 7 years;
  • minimum loan term - from 3 months;
  • favorable rate - within 14.5%;
  • the need to arrange insurance for a collateral object.

The Bank considers loan applications with a collateral, however, most of the proposals are related to more highly liquid real estate.

Russian Agricultural Bank

The broadest loan portfolio with collateral registration is provided by the Agricultural Bank. A distinctive feature of the proposals is the ability to calculate differentiated payments, which allows you to save on overpayment if you partially repay the loan.

Lending conditions are as follows:

  1. Target loan for personal management for up to 5 years at 14% per annum.
  2. Target loan for educational services - up to 10 years at 16% and a maximum amount of up to 350 thousand rubles.
  3. Loans to pensioners are provided at 15% in the amount of 10 thousand to half a million rubles for up to 5 years.
  4. Consumer lending for up to 5 years with a 19 percent rate and an amount of up to 1 million rubles.

In the video on the registration of a loan secured by land

In addition, the Agricultural Bank provides ample opportunities for refinancing various loans, including a private equity loan with a rate of 15 to 18.5%.

Among the forms of collateral can be attributed land. This type of loan allows you to get a large loan amount for a long term with a low interest rate.

What is special about a loan secured by a land plot? First of all, this is a rather long process of collecting, preparing and processing documents. In addition, in order to receive money, you will need to obtain insurance for the pledged property. In addition, banks that provide loans secured by the plot do not provide small amounts, but the maximum loan size depends on the total value of the collateral real estate. The main disadvantage of such a loan is that the borrower risks losing his property if he cannot repay the loan.

Calculation of the loan amount secured by the site

Before applying for a loan secured by a plot of land, the pledged property is assessed by bank specialists. If the client is not satisfied with this price, he can invite independent experts for his money. After determining the loan amount, the process of registration of the contract begins. He needs standard documents - a passport, TIN, a certificate of employment, income, land documents, as well as the consent of the second spouse for a loan secured by the plot, if the client is married.