Subsidy and alimony. Subsidies for payment of housing and communal services Do child support be taken into account when making a subsidy

  • 09.12.2019

Earnings received in each family are different.

In order to determine whether citizens need additional support from the state or can claim to reduce certain categories of compulsory expenses, it is necessary to determine the average per capita income for a certain period of time.

Legislative regulation

The average family income is the income received for a certain period of time, excluding taxes, which falls on one member.

This term is used to recognize a family in accordance with the law, as well as in need of various types of social assistance from the state.

Per capita income   represents the size of all profits among citizens of a country registered for a certain period of time, divided by the number of people. This indicator is used in the process of price indexation for various categories of goods and services, also for the formation of the value of the population’s food basket, as well as in the process of establishing the minimum wage level.

Determining the amount of income per family member is carried out in accordance with:

  1. Federal Law No. 44-ФЗ “On the Procedure for Accounting for Incomes and Calculation of the Average Per capita Indicator of a Family and a Lonely Living Citizen for Recognizing them Poor and Providing them with State Social Assistance”;
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512 “On the list of types of income taken into account when calculating the average per capita parameter”.

The per capita income of the population is determined in accordance with statistical data and is approved annually on the basis of Government Decisions. Based on these data, changes are made to:

  1. Federal Law No. 134 o;
  2. Federal Law No. 80, which establishes the minimum wage.

Calculation Procedure

The amount of income per family member is calculated by social security authorities at the applicants ’place of residence.

The basis for the calculation is information on:

  1. Family composition;
  2. Profits earned by all members;
  3. On property rights.

To persons entering in the family, relate:

  1. Spouses and their children under the age of majority;
  2. Persons not registered as spouses, but living together, leading a common family life and having common children;
  3. Citizens who are or trustees, in accordance with the decision of the guardianship authority, living together with their wards;
  4. Blood relatives leading a joint life.

Not countedamounts received:

  1. Children who have come of age and live separately from their parents;
  2. Parents deprived of parental rights, but living with their children;
  3. Children held by the state;
  4. One of the spouses performing military service or studying at military educational organizations;
  5. Spouse in correctional facility.

Social Security the following types of profit are taken into accountreceived by each member:

  1. Payments related to remuneration;
  2. Retained average earnings on the grounds specified by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  3. Compensation payments received in connection with the performance of state duties;
  4. Payments of severance pay;
  5. Social benefits, which include:
    • Pension;
    • Contents for persons with judge status paid monthly;
    • Payout;
    • Payout;
    • Monthly, paid until he reaches one and a half years;
    • Insurance category payments for injuries at work or.
  6. Funds derived from the use of property owned;
  7. Other amounts of money, including:
    • Remuneration for works of literature, art;
    • Funds received from entrepreneurial activity;
    • Amounts received from bank deposits;
    • Funds received by inheritance or donated.

Period, for which the calculation is made, is the last three calendar months.

Allowed accounting in addition to cash payments of profits made in kind. In case of receipt of funds in foreign currency, their transfer is carried out in accordance with the exchange rate specified by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Calculation examples

Used for calculation following formula:

SD (average family income) \u003d D (profit of all members): Km (Calculation period - 3 months): H (number of people).

For example, a family consisting of 2 working citizens and one minor child applied.

The profit of one spouse for three months is 40,000 rubles.

The other spouse - 28,000 rubles.

SD \u003d 68,000: 3: 3 \u003d 7,555 rubles.

Living wage   equal to 16 160 rubles.

Size limit   average household income per person \u003d 16,160 * 1.5 \u003d 24,240. Consequently, the calculated amount is below the maximum size.

Second example. For calculation, a lonely living pensioner applied.

Her pension for three months amounted to 18,500 rubles.

SD \u003d 18 500: 3: 1 \u003d 6 166 rubles.

Size limit = 16 160 * 1,5 = 24 240.

The pensioner's profit is below the maximum size.

Example 3. For the calculation, two working spouses who have an adult working son and a pensioner grandmother applied for the calculation.

Profit Size:

  • one of the spouses for three months - 111,000 rubles;
  • the second - 90,000 rubles;
  • son - 75,000 rubles;
  • grandmother's pension - 20,000 rubles.

SD \u003d 296,000: 3: 4 \u003d 24,666 rubles.

The maximum size of the average household income per person \u003d 16,160 * 1.5 \u003d 24,240.

Earnings of this family are above the maximum size.

Purpose of this indicator

When the level of income per one family member does not reach the required size, this means that this cell of the company gets the opportunity to apply for assistance from the state a certain type of support:


You can get help by contacting to the territorial body of social protection   by your place of residence, presenting required documents:

  • The size of the subsistence minimum in the territory of residence of the person;
  • Date, signature of the person issuing the document.
  • Getting this help is the basis for   the above types of state aid.

    Limit value for the provision of social services

    To determine whether there is a reason for receiving state aid, you need to know the maximum level of income per family.

    This indicator is equal to the size established for a certain period. cost of living multiplied by 1.5.

    The cost of living is 16 160 rubles in Moscow. Respectively marginal revenue   must be less than or equal to 24,240 rubles so that these citizens can apply for state assistance.

    See the following video for new measures to support Russian families:

    OOOOOOOOOOOO, no words.
      Alimony is not for you and not for you but for the child.
      Why should your child suffer because of your problems?

    Alimony, subsidies, benefits. QUESTION asked Ekaterina November 22, 2007 Divorced, from marriage there are two minor children of three and one year old.

    All arrangements are made in writing. Then he will throw you and the child. My friend receives alimony, and receives a subsidy to pay for communal services, and she was also recognized as poor.

    The subsidy may not be every month, but alimony is stable .. that’s it will not pay .. then the subsidy will be

    When applying for subsidies, they require a certificate of alimony, for what? it’s not income, but child support

    All incomes, including alimony, are taken into account .. the subsidy is calculated not on a person, but on housing

    Although I experience great material difficulties, I do not plan to collect child support from my ex-husband. But can I, under these circumstances, apply for a subsidy?

    Alimony is just a part of your income, which is taken into account when calculating subsidies.

    Child support is part of your family’s income.

    Demography, alimony subsidies ???

    I do not understand why cancel child support? o_0

    Kamchatka Territory, Children and Housing Utilities and subsidies Alimony. How can a single mother get a subsidy for utilities and child support?

    Am I entitled to a subsidy in the absence of alimony on the part of the father of my child, if I am the owner of the apartment?

    A subsidy involves income in a certain amount. your family members may not be eligible for the subsidy. child support is generally useless

    You have not been refused subsidies - they told you to provide documents and the issue will be resolved. But it’s so well arranged and it receives alimony and does not pay a communal apartment for a child.

    Not supposed to. To get a subsidy, you need to prove your poverty. And since you do not receive child support, then you do not need.

    Make alimony. And in the aggregate it will be seen whether it is laid or not.

    They didn’t pay me child allowance because I didn’t receive child support ... with the wording - you demand from the former money, and not from the state ...

    You filed for child support and do not receive them, or did not even file? If you didn’t apply, then you are not entitled to a subsidy.

    Is there a subsidy for utility bills?

    If, in accordance with Art. 159 LCD RF, will be recognized as eligible

    How to apply for a subsidy. Clarification of questions and answers. The subsidy is targeted and the total income does not include paid alimony, funeral allowance, part ...

    You can apply for a subsidy for the apartment in which you are registered with the child, you need a lot of documents, a certificate of work for payments for half a year if you worked (in your case it will be maternity) a certificate of registration in the apartment, a certificate from the bailiffs that did not apply and do not receive alimony, a certificate and receipts on the payment of utility bills for communal debts should not be, well, a passport, etc.

    How to calculate income when applying for a subsidy agreement on alimony of 500,000 rubles and 1/3 of the apartment

    It is important to know if you have any income, but you didn’t make a mistake in the zeros, this is 500,000 tons per year. R. alimony? even if so, what subsidies do you have ???

    What is a subsidy, what does it give, how do I get a subsidy, and what is needed for it? Is help necessary for me if I alone grow a child of 10 years for a minimum salary my husband does not pay.

    Why were subsidies for rent refused without a certificate of alimony?

    With such a fright, the abolition of alimony? Who "did" let him pay.

    Do I need a salary certificate for a non-living family, paying spouse child support for a subsidy in the housing and communal services?

    Call the judges department, they know what they need, there aren’t any

    The money was transferred to the e-mail account. She died and did not use the subsidy. Can I have a car child support damages citizenship gift gift contract accident ...

    He may not live, but be registered in the apartment. and they count the rent on it. this is necessary.

    Yes need.

    Alimony subsidies and demographics ???

    The situation with subsidies and alimony. In the explanations.

    Bring evidence to court that your husband’s son is living with you and refuse to pay child support.

    Writing out a child is not only low and vile, but also expensive: in this case, your husband will be obliged to purchase housing for him (see IC of the Russian Federation). You need to contact the head of the department, then the head of social protection. It will not help - to court.

    You have something like a topsy-turvy!
      The child MUST be registered with the one with whom he lives, and not just somewhere and with someone .... for this there is a registration.
      If you look at your situation documented, then you live together with the child from the first marriage.
      The fact that the husband pays alimony, so this will reduce his income.
      For registration of the subsidy, you still need then a certificate of tm that was. the wife also contains a child.
      Then you will get a subsidy.
      And today you yourself are breaking the law.

    My friend is not divorced from her husband, but they have been living in different apartments for a long time. Alimony is not considered to be a subsidy for rent;

    While studying - yes

    It’s not a matter of divorce, since a certificate is required from him, it means that he is registered in this apartment. And upon reaching the daughter of 18 years old they will require a certificate from her, too, either from work, or from the employment center, or from an educational institution. If she studies on a commercial basis, the subsidy will be canceled.

    What benefits can an unemployed mother of two children get divorced (dad does not pay child support)

    No, with alimony, the floor of his salary is yours.

    Now, when my earnings have decreased, and accordingly, child support has decreased. Often it hurts, big expenses for school are registered in the apartment of my parents - they have subsidies for ...

    So if mom doesn’t work, let her get to the employment center, there may be a benefit. Alimony in the amount of 33% from dad, but the fact that dad does not work is for the bailiffs. Actually, mom needs to work, not rely on benefits

    Current legislation does not link the availability and size of child benefits from the fact of receiving (not receiving) alimony. Therefore, you will receive child benefits in the amount provided for by law, whether you receive or do not receive child support.

    A subsidy, if there is not enough living wage per person, that is, 5,500 tons should be paid per person, if less then you will be paid extra deportation of social protection of the population. let's assume the utilities payment

    If you have not applied to the court for the appointment of alimentoa, then no benefits will be assigned to you. You can get a subsidy for an apartment if you are recognized as a low-income family.

    Divorced, I haven’t filed for alimony yet. I need a certificate of non-receipt of alimony for the subsidy. Where is it taken and will it be given?

    1) need to file for alimony
      2) you need to receive a court order for the appointment of alimony
      3) a court order attributed to the bailiffs
      4) it is necessary that arrears on the payment of alimony are formed, that is, for some time not to receive
      5) it is necessary that the subsidy department make a request to the bailiffs for the issuance of such a certificate (in our city, recently, only on request)
      6) get a certificate from the bailiffs about not receiving alimony
      7) take the certificate where the department of subsidies, social protection, etc. is required.

    14 30 Military in the Far East received 7 billion rubles of housing subsidies. Footage Legal consultation of the Investkafe agency, Divorces and alimony.

    Do I need a salary certificate for a spouse who does not live with the family, who pays alimony to receive a housing and communal services subsidy?

    Yes, I need it.

    Scholarship. Subsidies. Child support payments are those payments that the father makes the child’s mother after the family breaks up.

    No, not needed. All you need is a certificate of the amount of alimony paid.

    I need a certificate of the received alimony - if the one who pays alimony to the housing for which the subsidy is issued is not registered.

    Demographics of child support subsidies ???

    Yes, you’re a campaign yourself a negligent dad, evading child support !! ! boo-ha-ha.

    Are child support payments from the work center subsidy kept?

    Yes, do not suffer, he will not receive this subsidy, which is within 60 thousand. rub. Who will give him this money if he is a malicious alimony?

    But for this, you need to know what documents are needed for child support, and how to draw up a statement of claim. What documents are needed for a subsidy?


    Who do you receive child support for?

    So, on the basis of applicable laws, mother support can be paid by court order or voluntarily ...

    Who do you receive child support for? .. + granddaughter and daughter, the same person or two different? .. in addition to the question, write

    What subsidy?

    Add up the income of all family members, divide by the number of registered, and see if there is a living wage! If not, you go to social security and they explain everything to you (rights)!

    One of the parents wants to refuse child support, but then he loses the subsidy for housing. How to be?

    Want is not harmful.

    The certificate of the alimony payer shows the alimony itself and the amount of income for them. In the form section there is a statement of income for 3 months. in social protection or subsidy department.

    It is impossible to refuse child support !!!

    If it would be so easy to refuse child support ....
      you can’t refuse them, they are paid not for the parent, but for the child.

    Is it possible to live with a child (nursing) on \u200b\u200bthe pension of parents + 3 thousand (maternity allowance)? Pension 8 + 9 tr Pension 8 + 9 tr

    Those who charge, think dogs, that -Yes!

    Subsidy. Subsidy, .Subsidy should be distinguished from subsidies. With a subsidy, financial assistance from the budget is not stipulated by any conditions, which corresponds to and ...

    And before you thought? n .. hello?

    No, it’s impossible, the child needs a lot, sometimes you need to think with your head and not just one place, I already feel sorry for such a child.

    Difficult, but possible. and if you transfer the child to the mixture and persuade the parents to sit with him, then you can go somewhere to work at least for half a day.

    By retiring your parents, you and your child can only survive. Where is the father of the child? Let him pay child support.

    If the company keeps alimony from the employee’s salary, then the accounting department issues a certificate. If there is no main place of work, etc ...

    It depends on your fitness for life! Some people live well and are well off without money, they don’t need them at all. Because to live well, you need as much food as you need, clothes, etc., to have all the money you need are not necessary at all! Well, naturally not for everyone.

    I was given material assistance, a subsidy for rent, maternity allowance, a lump-sum allowance for a second child, alimony and allowance for the first and second, free meals at school and I work part-time. and my status is a low-income single mother. I want to go south ...
    and your parents also live with you retired 8 + 9?

    Of course you can, only if you yourself want it, go to work in kindergarten as a teacher, the salary there is not big but there are many privileges for you, and parents can look after the child while you are at work !! ! and so if you sit on the neck of the parents on their retirement and hang a child, of course it’s difficult ...

    Of course you can, if you live not in a rented apartment. do not listen to insults, situations are different.

    You can, of course. Just need to optimize your expenses. Think about what you can absolutely do without and what you should not spend money on. I’ll buy natural food (for example, cereal instead of ready-made cereals - cheaper). Learn to sew, knit (or grandmother). Unsubscribe from multiple cell phones. You can earn extra money (I worked as a cameraman on a home telephone, someone washes the floors in the entrance). Do not refuse help (if someone offers some children's things). Turn to the monastery, they often help those who are in difficult life situations. The truth is not free. In our city, such mothers receive humanitarian assistance as wives. in the monastery, and in return make a contribution: sort things, take them to the needy.
      This is a difficult period in your life and it will pass. You are still happy, you have parents, someone didn’t get them either. Your parents can walk and sit with the child. Do not despair. And remember that it does not kill us, makes you stronger

    Housing certificate. Housing subsidies. Young family. Taxes and housing. How to make a claim for child support sample in court?

    If there is an agreement between the mother and father on the maintenance of the child without paying child support, is it possible to issue a subsidy

    Useless. Father is alive. They seem to take it from him.

    Divorce and alimony. Actual information on divorce, division of property, recovery of alimony for children. Free legal advice.

    To apply for a subsidy for a rent, they require a certificate of alimony, but the documents have not yet arrived for her husband’s new job and

    1. If the documents were sent, then they should arrive at the place of work within 3-4 days at most (if they are not lost in the mail)
      2. Take control of the "document path" - in the MTP urgently find out the exact address of the recipient and the outgoing number
      At the recipient's address (new place of work), check the receipt.

    Personal income tax - certificates of the amount of the received pension, subsidies and other social benefits - other families divorce certificates and alimony, agreement on the payment of alimony ...

    • Husband does not pay alimony - The ex-husband never paid alimony, he dismissed that he was not even in the debtor database of the FSSP, how to get the debt paid?

    The legislator has decided the categories of citizens that may qualify for a subsidy:

    • tenants of housing in the municipal and state housing stock;
    • tenants in a private housing stock;
    • homeowners.

    Of course, the main criterion here is the level of income of citizens. If rent payments go a large part of the income, then apply for a subsidy. Naturally, such a service is free, but you will have to prepare a package of documents.

    Subsidy calculation

    To receive a subsidy for the payment of housing and communal bills, and even for rent, are able citizens who have utility bills more than 22% of the average family income. But in certain regions, this percentage is set less.

    The family income includes not only salary, but a scholarship, pension, unemployment benefit. That is why each member of the family is required to enclose an income statement for the past six months to the documents. As a result, all these certificates are summarized and calculated, then it is determined what percentage the family spends on utility bills and rents.

    Do not forget about relatives

    The subsidy is assigned to citizens, taking into account family members who are constantly living with them. A proof of place of permanent residence is the registration of a citizen.

    When calculating the subsidy, the income of all citizens living in the apartment is taken into account. Except if one of the spouses is registered in another place. After all, the law does not oblige spouses to live separately, but all incomes are considered joint. So if the second spouse refuses to provide such a certificate, they will refuse the subsidy.

    When distant relatives are registered with you in the same apartment (house) who, for various reasons, do not want or cannot apply for a subsidy, then you can only apply for compensation for your expenses. At the same time, the rent is charged on all, but the subsidy is charged only on the applicant.

    How to be unemployed and needy subsidy

    The legislator separately considered the issue of those with no income. Such citizens are required to submit relevant documents - certificates of lack of income. For example, a student who does not receive scholarships, a woman on parental leave, and other categories of citizens.

    When a person is simply unemployed, he brings a certificate of the extent to which he was assigned unemployment benefits. Those who have not registered with the employment service will not receive subsidies.

    Denied subsidies

    Of course, they can refuse subsidies not at all out of the principle that there is not enough money for everyone. Let's look at the main reasons for rejection, which are fixed by law:

    • the applicant has submitted an incomplete package of documents;
    • the presence in the documents of conflicting information (for example, a different number of registered in different organizations);
    • filing by an unauthorized person;
    • the presence of income that allows you to pay utilities on your own, that is, family expenses for a communal apartment do not exceed the permissible percentage;
    • utility Payments Debt;
    • the applicant or his family members provided false information, which is important in calculating the subsidy.

    We collect documents

    To apply for a subsidy, you need to collect the following documents:

    • applicant's passport;
    • bank details where the assistance will be transferred;
    • income statements of all family members;
    • copy of the housing document;
    • certificate from BTI about residential and non-residential area.

    When not only family members live with the applicant, he must bring a document, which confirms the payment of utility bills.

    Also, family members who do not work need to attach to the package of documents a photocopy of the work book and a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the unemployed citizen is not registered, and the applicant’s passbook.

    Everything is submitted through the Unified Portal, by mail or with your own hand to the State Public Institution “State Center for Housing and Public Health”.

    Calculation and timing

    It is recommended to apply for a subsidy from the 1st to the 15th day of each month. If everything is in order with the documents, then a subsidy will be assigned on the day of treatment. When a person has submitted documents from the 16th, then the subsidy will be credited.

    A half year subsidy is given. Assistance is assigned on a monthly basis and is determined by the expenses of the family for the payment of communal and regional standards in calculating the subsidy.

    Living wage

    The cost of living varies, depending on the subject of the federation. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region this amount will be significantly different than in Nizhny Novgorod or Krasnoyarsk. The living wage level is reviewed every quarter and is set for 3 categories of citizens:

    • children
    • retirees;
    • able-bodied persons.

    In order for a family to become registered as poor, it is necessary to compare the income of the family with the size of the living wage for the region where it lives. If nevertheless it turned out that the signs of family income are nevertheless referred to the poor, then you need to go to the social welfare authorities to acquire this status. It is necessary to write a statement to the social security authority and attach documents. The exact list can be found in the public protection authority at your place of residence, but you do not need to assume that it will vary greatly from the approximate list:

    • passport;
    • family documents (marriage certificates, child birth certificates, etc.);
    • documents that confirm family income;
    • documents for property.

    The decision is made from 10 to 30 days.

    How is the subsidy paid?

    The subsidy is credited in cash to the applicant’s bank account (any), for example, the account to which the pension or maternity capital comes. It is just right to choose any bank, but it must be remembered that not all banks have a wide network of branches.

    When a person for health reasons cannot specially walk, open accounts, use them, then by decision of the authorized body, you can receive money in the post office.

    If a citizen and his family spend more than 22% of the total family budget on payment of utility bills (according to article 159 of the Housing Code), he is entitled to a partial reimbursement of expenses.

    Subsidies are granted for a period of 6 months. After this time, you will need to collect all the documents again and contact the same organizations.

    How are subsidies calculated? Methods and Examples

    In management companies and HOAs, bookkeeping usually uses special software to automatically calculate benefits and subsidies and transfer information to social protection authorities.

    The amount of subsidies is calculated based on regional living space standards. These standards affect such indicators as the price of housing services, the amount of subsidies and the maximum share of expenses for paying utility bills.

    When establishing regional standards, the following shall be taken into account:    level of improvement of the premises;    various building parameters (structural, technical);    utility tariffs;    service consumption standards;    the amount of the minimum installment for overhaul;    amount of payment for using housing;    payment for housing services (contributions for the maintenance and repair of the premises are also included in this amount).

    In addition to regional standards, the calculation of subsidies takes into account the used living space and the costs of its maintenance. To calculate the amount of the subsidy yourself, you need to find out the price of services per 1 sq.m. living space installed in your subject. As an example, consider a Moscow family of 3 people (mom, dad, child under 1.5 years old).

    Moscow Standards for 2016:    number of sq.m. for a family of 3 or more people - 18 sq.m.    price of services for 1 sq.m housing - 175.8 rubles ()    the cost of living for an adult is 17,487 rubles, for a child is 13,159 rubles.    allowance for a child up to one and a half years - 2 206 rubles.

    The salary of parents in the amount of 40 000 rubles.

    Standard amount of payment for housing services   calculated as follows: the price of services is multiplied by 1 sq.m., the number of people living and the norm of square meters per person:

    175.8 x 18 x 3 \u003d 9,493.2 rubles

    We consider total family income: parent's salary + child allowance:

    40 000 + 2 206 \u003d 42 206 rubles

    Living wage   for our family will be:

    17 487 x 2 + 13 159 \u003d 48 133 rubles

    42 206/48 133 = 0,88

    If the total family income is less than the cost of living, the correction factor is 1 (as in our example).

    Next, the percentage that the family spends on paying for utility services instead of the maximum allowable 22% is calculated. To do this, 22% are multiplied by a correction factor. However, in Moscow, usually the maximum allowable payment is 10% of income, since the capital has a different calculation procedure. In other regions, most often - 22%. But the figure needs to be clarified. In our calculation, the figure will remain 10%.

    Then you need to count the maximum possible amount of payment for housing services by the family. To do this, we determine the necessary percentage of total family income:

    10% x 42 206 \u003d 4 220.6 rubles

    It turns out that the family spends almost two times more for housing services than it seems acceptable with its income level in Moscow. Therefore, the maximum possible amount of subsidies will be the difference between the actual costs of the family to pay utility bills according to the standard and the maximum allowable by law:

    9 493,2 - 4 220,6 = 5 272.6 rubles

    This is an approximate mechanism for calculating the amount of subsidies. The more accurate amount of subsidies due to you will be calculated after providing all the necessary documents and taking into account local relevant coefficients.

    Procedures for reviewing, processing, issuing subsidies

    The procedure for obtaining subsidies is divided into several stages:

      filing an application;

      consideration of the application;

      suspension of consideration of the application in some cases;

      making a decision on the application;

      issue of subsidies;

      suspension of subsidies.

    When submitting an application and documents by a housing authority, the correctness of completion is checked. After this, the name and signature of the employee, as well as the date of adoption and the seal of the state institution, are put on the application.

    When reviewing an application, officials verify family income. They can also send requests to various bodies and organizations.

    If the applicant has not submitted all the necessary documents, consideration may be temporarily suspended after 10 days from the time of receipt of the application for up to 30 days. If during this time the missing papers are not provided, the subsidies will be refused. A notice of this will arrive at the applicant's address within 3 days.

    Then, within 10 days, the citizen's application will be considered. Based on the results of consideration of the application, two decisions can be made: subsidies will either be granted or denied. After that, a personal file is formed in relation to the applicant. In this case, all documents for calculating subsidies are filed. The information about the applicant is stored in the public service database for at least 3 years.

    If approved, the subsidies will be transferred every month to your bank account by the 10th day. As an option, payments can be made at the cash desk of the bank or at home for certain categories of citizens (disabled people of group 1; elderly people who need constant care with an appropriate opinion; citizens over 80 years of age who are assigned a social worker).

    The grounds for suspension of the payment of subsidies may be:    failure to pay current utility bills for a period of two months;    change of place of residence, grounds of residence, composition or size of family income and non-notification of this;    debts for the payment of utility bills or failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement for the repayment of debt.

    Subsidies may be suspended for up to 30 days. Payment can be resumed if valid reasons are identified (death of a relative, delayed salary, treatment in a hospital).

    In the absence of good reasons for the formation of debt, subsidies will be renewed only after the repayment of the debt or notification of a change in personal data. Moreover, if you became a debtor for the first time, then perhaps payments will be resumed to you after the maturity of the debt is agreed.

    Questions on calculating subsidies

    Can I count on a subsidy if I am not married and on parental leave? I get 3500 rubles. There is no alimony, there is a debt for paying for the apartment. In the apartment (39 sq.m.) I live only with my daughter up to a year.

    - You can count on a subsidy, but first of all, you need to pay off the debt on the rent. Or you can conclude an agreement with the management company on the gradual repayment of the debt. After that, collect the necessary documents (including certificates of income and the absence of alimony) and contact the social protection department or the multifunctional center.

    Unemployed, with two children. My husband is not divorced, but we do not live together. His salary is above the total cost of living. I receive alimony from him, I have no more sources of income. Can I then receive subsidies?

    - If the size of utility bills does not exceed 22% of the total family budget, which includes the husband’s salary, since you are officially married, then you can’t count on subsidies. About the joint income of spouses it is stated in Article 34 of the Family Code and the Rules for the provision of subsidies for housing and utilities (Government Decision of 17.12.2005 No. 761). In case of divorce, you can apply for a subsidy by providing a certificate confirming that you have no income other than child support.

    Registered in Moscow, recently designed an apartment in the suburbs. The income is about 15,000 rubles, the rent is 4,500 rubles. Is it possible to apply for a subsidy. Where to go: to Moscow or Moscow region?

    - Since the costs of housing and communal services, judging by your data, exceed the permissible threshold of 22%, you can apply for subsidies. Subsidies are provided only for one dwelling, at the place of registration in Moscow. The place of registration is considered to be the place of residence of a citizen in accordance with Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 288 of September 11, 2012.

    My mother and my brother died, I entered into inheritance rights to a house in another area where I am registered. I myself live in another region with my husband. I am on maternity leave for a child under 3 years old; my husband does not officially work. Can I get a subsidy?

    - You can get a subsidy at the place of registration, that is, in another area, and your husband - where you currently live, if he is registered in this housing. The main thing is that you do not have debts to pay for "communal".

    The son is a student. The income statement shows only two payments for half a year. How to calculate the average monthly income to calculate the subsidy?

    - The average income is calculated in any case according to the arithmetic average principle: all payments for six months (scholarship or salary) are added up and divided by 6 months.