Passing score economic security. Who can work as a specialist in economic security

  • 05.12.2019

Our society came to understanding the need to create reliable systems of economic security within the enterprise and at the state level not so long ago. But the problem is ripe. And it took those who are able to solve it effectively. In this regard, universities began to conduct training in the direction of "economic security". The first graduation of specialists of this profile in Russia took place in 2006. Over the following years, the demand for the profession has increased many times over. Today, everyone is aware of the importance of the role of security experts in building the state economy.

So what do those whose daily work is ensuring the security of the economy do?

Professional duties and interests

Those who managed to prove their professionalism in practice are working on the problems of economic security of our state. They identify external and internal threats to the country's security, choose mechanisms and tools for their neutralization. Their business is to protect the economic interests of Russia, state authorities, budgetary organizations, corporations, banks and other public and private companies.

But in order to get closer to these peaks, you must become an ace and earn a name for yourself. Daily hard work and rich practice will help to do this. . And the very first step towards a brilliant career will be admission to one of the universities graduating specialists in economic security.

By the way, not everyone can prove themselves in this profession. In order to achieve success, it is necessary to have an analytical mindset, be distinguished by a tendency to research, be carried away by calculations, have a good memory and attention. You will also need the ability to focus on details and the ability to express your thoughts, both in written and verbal form.

Where are these specialists waiting

University graduates who have received diplomas in the specialty of "economic security" may not worry about finding a job. The needs of modern society are extremely high. Here is what the head of the program “Economic Security” of the National Security Faculty (National Security Fund) of the RANEPA, I. Yushin, says: "Graduates are in demand, first of all, in state and municipal government bodies, the FSB of Russia, economic security and anti-corruption units of police departments, control and audit departments and the tax service."

As you can see, such a diploma allows you to take a place in prestigious public services and hope for decent social security and high salaries.

In addition to serious government offices, you will be welcome in private companies and banks. You can find yourself in companies providing insurance and leasing services, as well as those involved in securities.Not without specialists of this profile activity today financial, analytical and economic departments of any organization.

This is a truly prestigious and sought-after specialty that guarantees stable income and career growth. But success in it is achieved only by those who are focused on the result, serious and painstaking work, as well as continuous self-improvement in professional terms. Be prepared for the fact that you have to start small. Do not think that a diploma of graduation will be your pass to the world of experts on economic security. It will have to be confirmed by practical skills, and credibility - earn by tireless work.

And even more so, in this case there is no place for random people and amateurs. Therefore, before you decide to associate life with him, carefully weigh everything. Think about whether this work will really interest you. Indeed, without this, you cannot become a competent specialist, which means you will not be in demand.

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Want to get basic knowledge of economics and law in one program? The head of the program “Economic Security” of the National Security Faculty (NWF) of the RANEPA, Ph.D., associate professor Igor Yushin gave an interview in which he spoke about the uniqueness of the program, the possibilities of admission and guaranteed employment.

- What is the brief history of the program, to whom is it oriented?

The program of the specialty "Economic Security" The National Security Department of the RANEPA has been implementing since 2012. The methodological base for this program in the specialization “Economic and legal support of economic security” was prepared by the graduating department of national security of the faculty, and approved by the rector of the Academy. This program is primarily aimed at training qualified personnel capable of fulfilling the tasks of ensuring the safety of individuals, society and the state in the economic sphere.

- What is the feature, uniqueness of the program?

The uniqueness of the program lies in the fact that it gives students basic knowledge both in the field of economics and in the field of jurisprudence. The program focuses graduates on ensuring the economic security of Russia. This is the only program that is designed for different levels of training of specialists in ensuring economic security - from the level of an economic entity to the regional and federal levels.

- What are the opportunities and prospects for students of the faculty?

The program is constantly evolving. At present, on the basis of the National Welfare Fund of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the preparation of masters is carried out - highly qualified managerial personnel focused on protecting the national interests of Russia. Such personnel carry out effective organizational and managerial activities in the field of ensuring national and economic security of the Russian Federation.

Much attention at the faculty is paid to additional professional education. Here, the most popular programs and courses are “Public Administration and National Security”, “Public Administration and Information Security”, “Organizational, Economic and Legal Forms of Anti-Corruption” and others.

- Are there any communities within the framework of the NWF RANEPA?

In order to promote professional self-determination and self-development of students of the National Security Department of the RANEPA, the Scientific Society of Young Scientists named after Professor I.K. Makarenko (NOMU). The main tasks of NOMU are to promote the prestige and popularization of scientific knowledge in the field of national and economic security; holding seminars, discussions, scientific and practical conferences; preparation of scientific papers for publication in collections and periodicals.

It is important that many training programs are developed by teachers who have practical experience in the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and other ministries, departments, organizations, as well as in large companies of the Russian Federation .

What are the expected results of mastering the program and prospects for graduates - what knowledge and skills will they receive?

The results of mastering our specialty program are, of course, evaluated by the competencies acquired by graduates. Ready-made specialists should be able to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the tasks of professional activities in the field of economic security.

Our graduates will gain knowledge and skills in protecting the economic interests of the state, Russian state and private corporations. Trained specialists are competent to ensure the economic security of banks and investment companies operating both domestically and abroad.

- Where can a graduate find a job?

Graduates of our program will be in demand, first of all, in the bodies of state and municipal government, the FSB of Russia, the economic security and anti-corruption units of the police departments, control and audit departments and the tax service.

The graduates of the Economic Security program on the labor market have already shown interest:

  • economic, financial, marketing, production and analytical services of organizations;
  • information and analytical departments of organizations providing financial and economic security for enterprises involved in the collection and processing of information on market conditions, production technologies;
  • internal control services of banks and other credit organizations, insurance, leasing companies, professional participants in the securities market and other organizations that carry out operations with cash or property.

- What is the cost of the program?

The cost of the program is 180,000 rubles. for the year and 900 000 rubles. for the entire period of study. For those who have started training, the cost is fixed and will not change during the training process.

- What document will the graduate receive after graduation?

Graduates receive a state diploma of higher professional education with the qualification of “Specialist in National Security”.

- Duration and forms of training for the program?

The form of training in the program is only full-time. The term of study will be 5 years.
Subject to the successful development of the curriculum, students studying on the basis of higher professional education may be granted the right to study under accelerated programs.

- What is the infrastructure for program listeners?

Students of the Economic Security program study on the campus of the Presidential Academy on Vernadsky Avenue. On the territory of the academic complex there is the necessary base for conducting all types of training classes, as well as a hostel for nonresident students.

- What subjects will it be necessary to take to applicants upon admission?

Applicants who enter on the basis of a certificate (diploma) about secondary education are enrolled according to the results of the exam in social studies, the Russian language and mathematics. Those who enter, already having higher professional education, are credited according to the results of the interview.

Where can I get more information about entering the program, and when are open days?

Additional information can be obtained on the website of the Faculty of National Security (NWF) of the RANEPA -.

We invite applicants to visit the open door day of the Department of National Security, which is held several times a year. Prospective students and their parents will be able to personally clarify the features of the Economic Security educational program. You can meet with students who are already studying under the program, as well as get advice directly from the leadership of the faculty and faculty - regarding the procedure for entering the Academy for this educational program.

If you have often heard such a specialty as economic security, but cannot understand what it is, where you need to study and who to work after, then you should carefully read the description of this one.

How did this specialty come about?

This specialty has appeared quite recently. This is due to the fact that the need for an economic security service has arisen only now. So, the company's employees working in the field of economic security play an important role in the work of the entire company. Their functions and responsibilities include: production of plans and sections of buildings and structures of an economic type, accounting for all economic and socio-economic characteristics that affect the work of the enterprise, development and adoption of various decisions related to the projection that need to be made in order for the building successfully operated and used.

Also, employees in the field of economic security should be responsible for other functions. These features include:  creation of economic examinations of the judicial type, examination of economic regulatory acts, development of rules in the field of ensuring the economic order of commercial types of production, assessment of all possible losses of the enterprise. So, all the functions of economic security workers can be listed for a very long time, because here all the duties of employees directly depend on the enterprise and the specialization that they got employed.

Description and characteristics of specialization

Now the office of the Economic Security Officer is quite in demand and profitable. By working here, you can get good financial income. Of course, all this will happen if your work has a clean reputation and high rates. Providing enterprises with economic security is a difficult and difficult job. In order to fully study this specialization and secure your career growth, you will need to apply a large amount of strength and ingenuity. So, for this profession, the employee must have an analytical mindset, hard work, perseverance, and endurance. The employee will have to study a large number of disciplines in the service.

Economic security, who should work? Graduates can get a job in various areas of the enterprise. The most popular and common ones include:

So you can choose different areas of specialization in which it will be easy to find the job you need. For this getting a good education is important  and study this subject in detail.

Where can I go to study?

Obtaining this specialization is possible if you enroll in following higher institutions:

  1. Moscow State University named after V.M. Lomonosov.
  2. Moscow State University of International Relations.
  3. Southern Federal University.
  4. Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  5. St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Institute of Management.
  6. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Which specialty is suitable?

If you are sure that you want to get an education in this field, then you need to clearly define your future specialty. There are a large number of them. The most common are:

  1. The economic sphere.
  2. State audit.
  3. Legal support of state security.

As entrance exams to the institute, you will need to pass the Russian language, social studies (at the choice of the institution), mathematics (profile or general), and English.

What responsibilities should be performed at work?

As soon as you undergo comprehensive training at the institute for the specialty of Economic Security, you can easily find the right job for yourself. If your specialization will be bordered by the field of science, then your responsibilities will include conducting research that will be responsible for your chosen specialty.

The main responsibilities of specialists in this field are: conducting estimates of expenditure indicators from the enterprise budget, conducting audits of the tax base of the enterprise, compiling budget expenditures, generating and analyzing tax reports, ensuring a legitimate flow of financial transactions, and exercising financial control in the workplace.

Who is this specialty suitable for?

If you like to make predictions, make and plan calculations, have an analytical mindset, you can think correctly and consistently, be attentive, you have a good memory, you like to research, and you can form and express your thoughts with dignity, then this profession is better than any other for you. But at the same time, you must remember that in order to achieve truly high results, you will need to put a lot of effort and time. Otherwise, you can’t reach the heights.

Specialty practice

Students must necessarily take courses and practice in two ways - training as well as production. She should help the future specialist to develop and consolidate skills. It is also a good opportunity for a student to understand what this specialty is. The objectives, goals, as well as the type of internship must be determined by the university itself.

What is the demand for specialists?

Of course, employees of the economic sphere of security have high rates of demandbecause the economy is the main component of any enterprise and industrial production. Until the time that the business will develop steadily, you can remain one of the sought-after specialists. So if you want to connect your future life with this particular field and you have all the data for this, you can not be afraid to go and get a specialty in any suitable university in the country, taking courses and training. Without work in this area, you definitely will not stay.

How is a career built and is it difficult to get the desired profession?

If you pass all the courses and training and have a diploma in economic security, then you can easily get into any specialty. But you must be prepared that at the first time of your work you will be in low positions. A university graduate should start small and get the right qualifications. If you establish yourself as a good and qualified specialist and show initiative, you will have many chances to climb up the career ladder.

Specialists in the field of economic security can easily get a job at various enterprises and industries. So, if you find a profitable and large company, you can count on a high rate of income.

How much do people who take this specialization earn

The employee’s income and salary will depend on many factors. Mainly they will be influenced by the level of the enterprise and the direction of specialization in which you are going to work. Also, for employers, the main indicator is the level of qualification and the availability of work experience. You will be very lucky if you get a job in a large company or the Ministry of the Interior. In this case, over time, a high income will be guaranteed to you.

Future prospects

If you feel that the specialization of economic security is for you, and you want to connect your future life with this profession, then feel free to enter courses at a higher educational institution, get a higher education and a specialty. The main thing is that you have the potential, desire, as well as the initial inclinations for this work, then you definitely will not be left without a profession. Specialists of economic security can settle in various fields. So, you can even go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Your work will always be appreciated. Try to remain the best specialist in this field and you will surely succeed.

“The Faculty of Economic Security - what is it?” A similar question is asked by a large number of applicants when choosing a specialty for which they would like to apply. Well, economic security is a great choice.

For many years, the faculties of economics and law have been among the most popular, and the faculty of economic security is at the junction between economics and jurisprudence. Entering this faculty is very promising, because if you have the necessary efforts in the future, you can make an excellent career and become a banker, minister, head of a huge corporation, politician ...

Faculty of Economic Security: whom to work after graduation?

Even those graduates of this faculty who do not try to “jump so high” and do not set themselves such global goals as politics and managing a large enterprise, will still not be left without work. Those who graduated from the Faculty of Economic Security will always be in demand as well as various specialists who help ensure tax and economic security of both an individual enterprise and the whole country. In the second case, they are required in various organizations that represent the legislative and executive authorities, in the economic and information departments of commercial and state organizations of various kinds.

They possess the necessary knowledge in order to make the sphere of the economy legal, to prevent or investigate various economic violations and crimes. Those who graduated from the Faculty of Economic Security, but who do not have the soul to work in tax authorities, authorities or banks, can engage in teaching and read this subject to students in various educational institutions with an economic bias.

Where else can graduates of this faculty work?

Students who graduate from the Faculty of Economic Security can also count on working in the accounting and financial departments of companies of various kinds, including sensitive facilities, and in many other places. The universality and modernity of education received at this faculty gives graduates the opportunity to adapt perfectly in the field of business and in the modern labor market.

What salary can graduates of this faculty expect?

At the very beginning of their career, graduates of the Faculty of Economics usually receive from 25 thousand rubles a month. It goes without saying that with an increase in work experience, wages also increase. If a person is well versed in his business and knows all the moves and exits in tax matters, he can apply for a salary of 60 thousand rubles or more. Those who managed to rise to the positions of chief economists and accountants of large enterprises should expect a salary of 90 thousand or more. Of course, these figures are only approximate indicators, and the exact amount of wages depends on the characteristics of the region and organization.

What exams do I need to pass to enter this faculty and what disciplines do students study?

In order to enter the Faculty of Economic Security, you need to pass math, Russian language and social studies.

The training that students of the specified faculty receive can rightly be called universal. In the process of studying, they comprehend subjects related to economics, jurisprudence, and finance. The most important ones include accounting, statistics, insurance, enterprise economics,

In the process of study, students are engaged and they choose Her direction close to the profile of their specialty.

Like all students, students of this department undergo practical training. It is carried out in various tax authorities, economic departments, bookkeeping organizations of various fields of business and industry.

Is it difficult to study at the Faculty of Economic Security?

To enter this faculty and study there is no more and no less difficult than any other. Many universities have a faculty of economic security. Feedback from students and graduates suggests that if the soul lies in this specialty, if you have the right level of mental and physical preparation, study, and not be lazy, then everything will work out.

You can study at this faculty both full-time and in absentia. The duration of full-time education is 5 years, and part-time - 6.

In most universities, this faculty offers several specializations, and each student can choose the one that he likes.

In conclusion, we say that if the university you want to enroll in does not have a faculty of economic security, take a look at other faculties. Perhaps you have a department of economic security at the Faculty of Economics and Law.

Today, the key to successful and stable development of almost any company, business or enterprise is such a thing as "economic security".

The profession of the people involved in its defense bears the same name. It appeared on the domestic labor market relatively recently and includes several related specialties, united by a common specificity.

About the profession in a nutshell

Its growing popularity is due to the presence of a large number of risks associated with the conduct of production, consulting, trading or other business activities. serve unprofessionalism or negligence of employees and the actions of competitors.
  To identify violations, a specialist needs to possess a whole system of concepts and knowledge relating to areas such as economics and finance. These unique workers are hired by both government and private company executives who are concerned about economic security. The profession allows the specialist to get many advantages and opportunities when looking for work. Employers note that they appreciate the systematization and breadth of their knowledge.

What does an economic security specialist do?

Economic security is a complex profession, as it includes a combination of economic and legal aspects. Working in this area, experts analyze the economic and financial activities of an enterprise or organization in order to identify violations of the law and abuse.

The company’s counterparties are also studied and analyzed. That is, the task of such workers is to support the economic security of the enterprise.

Specialties within the profession

There are several specialties with a narrower focus under the general name “Economic Security”. The profession (where to work after graduation, will depend on the quality of the knowledge gained, the desire of the young specialist to master a particular field of activity, the ability to quickly understand the essence of production problems, etc.) is associated with economics and jurisprudence, therefore, students learn during its development such items:

  • Features of the activities of banking and financial institutions involved in ensuring state security.
  • Forensics related to tax, investment and other matters.
  • The implementation of control and financial accounting in law enforcement agencies.
  • The rules of the organization to which sensitive enterprises are subject.
  • Legal aspects guaranteeing economic security.

“Economic security” (profession or specialty) can be mastered upon admission to higher educational institutions with a social, economic, scientific or law enforcement profile.

What you need to enroll in a university

First of all, the decision to enter such a specific course should be accompanied by the desire of a person to work in this area. It is important to carefully study certain aspects of this difficult work. “Economic security” (a profession whose feedback from successful graduates only confirms this) is an occupation for the strong in spirit.

If a decision is made, you need to prepare for the following exams:

  • Russian language.
  • Mathematics at a basic level.
  • Foreign language.
  • Social Studies.
  • Stories.
  • Computer science.

The university may add or remove some subjects (while Russian and mathematics are required), but often the list looks just like that.

Economic Security (profession): universities, study program

The basic course includes several subjects borrowed from the economy, financial management, the tax system and jurisprudence. Studying them, students get acquainted with:

  • Econometrics, and economic analysis.
  • Accounting.
  • Administrative, financial and tax law.
  • Banking, insurance, credit management.
  • Securities transactions.
  • Enterprise management.

After choosing a narrower specialization, students are taught exactly those subjects that relate directly to their future employment.

Responsibilities of an Economic Security Specialist

As a result of training, having acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills, a graduate becomes a sought-after specialist. Many companies are interested in him, whose managers expect the following functions from the new employee:

The development of methods to combat corruption, to identify the concealment of income or attempts to legalize the financial results of criminal activity is one of the most important responsibilities assigned to graduates of the Faculty of Economic Security.

The profession (the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government agencies are interested in competent personnel) is very much in demand in tax and law enforcement institutions. However, employers claim: in order to get a good job and move up the career ladder, a specialist must be very diligent, knowledgeable and active.

Profession “Economic Security”: who to work with

Work as a specialist in economic security requires a person to be able to think logically, analyze large amounts of information and draw relevant conclusions. Such an occupation is not monotonous, and it certainly cannot be called boring, because the competence of this employee is not only a guarantee of compliance with the law when concluding agreements between individuals and legal entities. He carries out a set of measures to control finances, detects violations and offers solutions to critical situations.

Graduates of this faculty can hold the following positions:

  •   consultant on tax law and tax assessment.
  • Specialist or consultant in economic security.
  • Forensic expert in investigating violations in the economic sphere.
  • Analytics in a private enterprise, in a municipal or state body.
  • A specialist working in the control service of the bank.
  • A specialist performing economic competitive intelligence.
  • A teacher at a university with an economic profile.


The above information relates to the topic of “Economic Security”. The profession, where to work, what is needed for admission, what is included in the study program, in what areas you can apply the knowledge gained, are interested in applicants who want to build a career in finance, economics or security, as well as their parents.