VAT tax summary. For dummies: VAT (value added tax)

  • 15.12.2019

VAT is perhaps the most difficult tax, which has a lot of legislative exceptions in the order of its calculation and payment. A lot has been said about him, a lot of situations have been considered, and business entities tirelessly continue to pay penalties due to incorrect accounting due to a misunderstanding of the current legislation. In this article, we will try to deal with this complex tax.

The essence of value added tax

In the theory of tax accounting, there are two broad groups of fiscal obligations - one-time retention and cumulative.

The first, as their name speaks of, impose a burden once upon a certain list of goods and services, and this happens at a clearly established stage of pricing. The latter have a complex structure and are subject to retention during each trading operation.

And VAT - what is it? This is a cumulative combination of the above groups. The burden of value added, of course, should be attributed to the most complex and multi-stage, therefore, it has such a significant share in the fiscal policy of the Russian Federation.

So, VAT - what is it? This is an indirect tax of a traditional nature, which is an allowance for a certain group of goods and services, which is ultimately paid by the consumer. Although the obligations are imposed on the business entity, but more on that later.

Who is the tax payer

VAT payers are legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as those who carry goods across the state border of the Russian Federation and are recognized as bearers of obligations for value added tax in accordance with the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the company can achieve exemption from fiscal duties on legal grounds. Or apply for a change in the rate (after all, as you know, there is a VAT of 18, 0 and 10%).

With regard to exemption from tax, the business entity must independently take care of the exercise of this right. To do this, he needs to contact the fiscal authorities with all the necessary documents before the 20th day of the expected month, including extracts from the journal of business transactions and the balance sheet, as well as all necessary primary documents in the form of invoices.

Object of taxation

VAT - what is it? This is an indirect fee, the object of which is a list of certain operations:

  • regular sale of goods;
  • gratuitous sale of property, property rights or sale in accordance with a lease agreement;
  • transfer of goods and services for personal use, while their value is deducted in calculating the fiscal load on profits;
  • implementation of construction works intended for own use;
  • goods crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.

It is important to understand that in order to impose a tax burden on VAT, the sale of goods must be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation. If we are talking about export operations, the initial loading of the object of taxation should occur within the state border.

Tax base

VAT - what is it? This is a fiscal obligation, the basis of which is the cost of goods and services sold, and excise duty and sales tax are not included in its total amount. In this case, the price that is indicated in the purchase and sale agreement is taken as the face value, regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the cost price and the average market value. Therefore, according to the current legislation, it is the base of the VAT until the contrary is proved.

Value added tax is a fiscal tax with a lot of pitfalls, so it happens that government agencies take control of the pricing of a product (service). Often this happens when transactions are concluded between related parties, if barter transactions are involved, or if the market price fluctuates significantly in nominal value.

Fiscal rates

The calculation of value added tax today is carried out according to three rates - 18, 10 and 0%.

0% VAT is used in the following cases:

  • export sales of goods, which are carried out by crossing the state border of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the customs service;
  • the provision of services and works aimed at the production of goods, the export of which is planned to be carried out outside the country for further sale;
  • direct transportation of goods for further export.

The rate of 10% applies in a number of the following cases:

  • when selling food products specified in Art. 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • sale of periodicals;
  • production of consumer goods;
  • educational and scientific literature;
  • medical supplies.

The 18% VAT rate applies to the sale and manufacture of other goods and services.

Fiscal period

Like other varieties of the tax burden, fiscal liability with respect to value added has a clear calendar attachment established by law. Thus, VAT taxation is limited to one calendar month. However, there are a number of special business entities for which the mentioned period is one quarter. This group includes those enterprises whose net profit does not exceed two million rubles per month.

The basis for the payment of value added tax is the actual sale of goods and services subject to a fiscal burden, and it is made at the end of the legally allotted period, but no later than the 20th day of the following month.

Tax reporting forms

According to the allotted time, VAT payers are required to submit to the fiscal authorities all the necessary documentation regarding the burden. At the same time, it should contain not only a declaration, but also primary information regarding disputed and doubtful operations.

Reporting documents must be submitted to all business entities that pay tax (even those who deal exclusively with export and, accordingly, all their products are taxed at a rate of 0% VAT). However, in this case, the declaration has an atypical form, according to the approved order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 31n dated 03/31/2005.

All documentation required for reporting is provided by the business entity regarding the place of registration of the entrepreneur.

Methodology for calculating and paying VAT, example of use

So, for example, we have an enterprise - LLC. In order to calculate the tax base, an accountant must first take as a constant the market value of goods and services sold, and then subtract from the amount received all the necessary values, including legislatively allowed benefits.

In addition, the amount does not include the amount of obligations that were presented to the payer of the burden, and subsequently paid off indirectly when acquiring any goods. This rule applies to the following categories of operating activities:

  1. Acquisition of property rights, as well as goods and services for the purpose of their use in the further operational activities of the enterprise.
  2. Purchase of assets for their subsequent re-sale.
  3. The acquisition of imported goods from a non-resident non-payer of fiscal obligations to the state treasury of the Russian Federation.
  4. Those VAT amounts that apply to the returned goods from the buyer.
  5. Services received from contractors during installation work.
  6. Acquisition of services and goods by employees on a business trip.

Transactions that are not subject to VAT

There are a number of subtle points in the organization of operating activities that the value added tax does not in any way relate to. This provision is governed by the current tax code of the Russian Federation, namely, Art. 149.

In other words, this benefit is called tax exemption. In order for a business entity to be able to apply it in relation to its activities, its fiscal policy must include separate accounting, which will be kept separate both for operations subject to a burden on value added, and for others.

In addition, the company is obliged to have all the necessary licenses, allowing at some points to refuse to pay value-added tax legally.

Also, do not forget about import operations, which are not subject to a fiscal burden, since the goods are purchased from a foreign supplier, which has nothing to do with our legislation.

VAT was introduced in Russia from January 1, 1992 by the Law of the RSFSR of December 6, 1991 No. 1992-1 “On Value Added Tax” as a federal tax. VAT is the main tax source of the federal budget. Moreover, the VAT rate was reduced in 2004 from 20% to 18%.

At the beginning of the tax reform, it was recognized that any sharp changes in VAT are unlikely to be justified, therefore, of the major innovations, it was proposed to limit ourselves to approximating the design of Russian VAT to international analogues. As part of this task, the modernization of VAT was carried out in the following areas:
  - approximation of the basic concepts and structure of VAT legislation to European requirements - introduction of the concepts of the place of sale of goods and services, zero rate;
  - inclusion in the number of taxpayers of an individual entrepreneur;
  - introduction of a regime of exemption from duties of a taxpayer of VAT
  - the transition to the collection of VAT on the basis of a single tax rate (not including the rate of 0%);
- the transition to charging VAT on the basis of the accrual method, in which the moment of occurrence of tax obligations, as well as the moment of occurrence of the right to tax deduction, is determined as the earliest of the three points - receipt (issuing) of an invoice, receipt (making) of payment, shipment ( receipt) of goods;
  - reduction of tax exemptions to the list of standard exemptions used in international practice;
  - transition to the declarative procedure for VAT refunds and a single tax return on operations taxable at a rate of 0%, and other operations;
  - regulation of other issues in tax legislation, in particular, the procedure for VAT refunds.

All these innovations were put into practice during the period of the tax reform.

It should also be noted that since 2008 the duration of the VAT tax period has been increased to a quarter. This decision allowed not only a one-time increase in the financial resources of the taxpayer, but also to facilitate the administration of this tax.
  The legal basis for VAT payment is enshrined in Sec. 21 Tax Code.

Traditionally, this tax is given special attention in the formation of the tax policy of the Russian Federation.

VAT taxpayers are:
  - organizations;
  - individual entrepreneurs;
  - persons recognized as taxpayers of value added tax (hereinafter referred to as the tax) in connection with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Customs Union, determined in accordance with the customs legislation of the Customs Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs.

The following operations are recognized as a taxable item:
  - the sale of goods (works, services) on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the sale of collateral and the transfer of goods (results of work performed, the provision of services) under an agreement on the provision of compensation or novation, as well as the transfer of property rights. Moreover, the transfer of ownership of goods, the results of work performed, the provision of services free of charge is recognized as the sale of goods (works, services);
  - transfer of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation (work, services) for their own needs, the costs of which are not deductible (including through depreciation deductions) when calculating corporate income tax;
  - construction and installation work of the day of own consumption;
  - the import of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to exemption from taxpayer duties related to the calculation and payment of tax if, for the three previous consecutive calendar months, the amount of revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) of these organizations or individual entrepreneurs without tax did not exceed a total of 2 million rubles However, this provision does not apply to organizations and individual entrepreneurs selling excisable goods within the previous three consecutive calendar months, and also does not apply to duties arising from the importation of goods subject to taxation into the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

For VAT purposes, the place of sale of goods is recognized as the territory of the Russian Federation, if one or more of the following circumstances exists:
  - the goods are located on the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction, and are not shipped or transported;
  - the goods at the time of the start of shipment and transportation are located on the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction.
  The territory of the Russian Federation is recognized as the place of implementation of works (services) if:
  - works (services) are directly related to real estate (with the exception of aircraft, sea vessels and inland vessels, as well as space objects) located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such works (services), in particular, include construction, installation, construction and installation, repair, restoration work, landscaping, rental services;
  - works (services) are directly related to movable property, aircraft, sea vessels and inland vessels located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such works (services) include, in particular, installation, assembly, processing, processing, repair and maintenance;
  - services are actually provided on the territory of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, art, education (training), physical education, tourism, recreation and sports;
  - the buyer of works (services) operates in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 149 of the Tax Code defines a closed list of operations that are not subject to taxation in the Russian Federation. It includes, in particular, the sale of the most important and vital medical devices, the provision of medical services by medical organizations, emergency medical services, the provision of passenger transportation services, and implementation (transfer for own needs) religious objects and religious literature, the implementation by banks of banking operations, cultural services provided by cultural and art institutions, and kusstva and more.

If the taxpayer carries out taxable operations and non-taxable operations (exempt from taxation), the taxpayer must keep separate records of such operations.

The tax base for the sale of goods (works, services) is determined by the taxpayer depending on the features of the sale of goods (works, services) produced by him or acquired on the side.

The tax base when a taxpayer sells goods (works, services) is defined as the value of these goods (works, services). In addition, Ch. 21 Tax Code provides for the specifics of determining the tax base for certain types of transactions, as well as for certain categories of persons.

The tax period (including for taxpayers acting as tax agents) is set as a quarter.

Three types of tax rates are provided for VAT: 0%, 10% and 18%.

Taxation is carried out at a tax rate of 0% for the sale of goods exported in the customs regime of export, as well as goods placed under the customs regime of the free customs zone, certain types of work (services) directly related to the production and sale of certain types of goods, as well as other Cases stipulated by tax legislation (for example, services for the international transport of goods in which the point of departure or destination of goods is located outside the territory of the Russian Federation).

Taxation is carried out at a tax rate of 10% for the sale of: food products, goods for children, some periodicals, books, some medical goods of domestic and foreign production, medicines, medical devices.

In all other cases, taxation is carried out at a tax rate of 18%.

When determining the tax base, the tax amount is calculated as the percentage of the tax base corresponding to the tax rate, and when accounting separately, as the tax amount obtained by adding up the tax amounts calculated separately as the percentage of the corresponding tax bases corresponding to tax rates.

When selling goods (works, services), transferring property rights, the taxpayer, in addition to the price (tariff) of goods (works, services) sold, property rights being transferred, is obliged to present the corresponding amount of tax for payment to the buyer of these goods (works, services), property rights.

The tax amount presented by the taxpayer to the buyer of goods (works, services), property rights, is calculated for each type of these goods (works, services), property rights as a percentage of prices (tariffs) corresponding to the tax rate.

When selling goods (works, services), transferring property rights, relevant invoices are issued no later than five calendar days from the date of shipment of the goods (performance of work, rendering of services) or from the date of transfer of property rights. The invoice is a document that serves as the basis for acceptance by the buyer of the goods (work, services) presented by the seller, property rights (including a commission agent, agent who sells goods (works, services), property rights on his own behalf) tax deductible (art. .166.169 Tax Code).

The taxpayer has the right to reduce the total amount of tax on tax deductions established by the Tax Code. Tax deductions are made on the basis of invoices issued by sellers when a taxpayer purchased goods (work, services), documents confirming the actual payment of tax amounts, documents confirming payment of tax amounts withheld by tax agents, or on the basis of other documents. The amounts of tax presented to the taxpayer and paid by him when purchasing goods (work, services), or actually paid by him when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction, after taking into account these goods (works, services) with taking into account the features provided for in the Tax Code and in the presence of relevant primary documents.

If the amount of tax deductions in any tax period exceeds the total tax amount increased by the amount of tax recovered in accordance with the Tax Code, the positive difference between the amount of tax deductions and the amount of tax calculated on transactions recognized by the taxable entity shall be refunded to the taxpayer, with the exception of cases when the tax return is filed by the taxpayer after three years after the end of the relevant tax period.

Recently, one of the most discussed and relevant issues of tax policy is a possible reduction in VAT. There are two possible scenarios: the introduction of a single VAT rate of 12% or reduction of the VAT rate to 14% while maintaining a preferential rate of 10% for certain groups of goods (children's goods, medicines, etc.). It is believed that both scenarios will help stimulate economic growth. However, to implement such a tax reform, it is necessary to analyze the shortfall in federal budget revenues and propose alternative sources of income.

To tell about what value-added tax (VAT) is is not the most difficult task if you do not go into the details. Basic knowledge on this issue will not be superfluous not only for future accountants and economists, but also for people who are far from such specific areas of activity.

The economic content of VAT

VAT is one of the taxes in Russia that has a significant impact on the formation of the state budget. The essence of the tax fully reflects its name. That is, it is with added value by which the manufacturer increased the value of the original product (raw materials or semi-finished product) that it is accrued.

For dummies: VAT is a tax that is charged and paid by manufacturing enterprises, wholesale and retail trade organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs. In practice, its size is defined as the product of the rate on the difference between the revenue received from the sale of own products (goods, services) and the amount of costs that were used to manufacture it. Simply put, that part of the goods that the manufacturer or seller has "grown" to the original product (in fact, this is the newly created value) is the taxable base. This type of tax is indirect, since it is included in the price of the product. Ultimately, the buyer pays for it, and formally (and practically) it is paid by the owners and producers of the goods.

Objects of taxation

The objects for calculating VAT are the proceeds from the sale of created products, works and services, as well as:

The cost of ownership of goods (work, services) upon their free transfer;

The cost of construction and installation works carried out for their own needs;

The cost of imported goods, as well as goods (works, services), the transfer of which was carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation (it is not included in the taxable income tax base).

VAT payers

Article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that VAT payers are legal entities (Russian and foreign), as well as individual entrepreneurs who are registered with the tax authorities. In addition, payers of this tax include persons moving goods and services across the borders of the Customs Union, but only if the customs legislation establishes the obligation to pay it.

In Russia, VAT is provided in 3 versions:

  1. 10 %.
  2. 18 %.

The amount of tax assessed is determined by multiplying the interest rate divided by 100 by the tax base.

Non-operating sales (deposit operations on the formation of the authorized capital, transfer of fixed assets and property of the enterprise to the assignee and others), transactions on the sale of land and many others fixed by law are not recognized as objects for calculating this tax.

18% VAT rate

Until 2009, a 20% VAT rate was applied to the largest number of transactions. The current rate is 18%. To calculate VAT, it is necessary to calculate the product of the taxable base and the interest rate divided by 100. Even easier: determining (for "dummies") VAT, the tax base is multiplied by the tax rate coefficient - 0.18 (18% / 100 \u003d 0.18). Thus, the amount of VAT is included in the price of goods, works and services, falling on the shoulders of consumers.

For example, if the price of goods without VAT is 1000 rubles, the rate corresponding to this type of goods is 18%, then the calculation is simple:

VAT \u003d PRICE X 18/100 \u003d PRICE X 0.18.

That is, VAT \u003d 1000 X 0.18 \u003d 180 (rubles).

As a result, the selling price of goods is the calculated value of the product with VAT.

Reduced VAT rate

A 10% VAT rate is applied to a certain group of food products that are considered socially significant for the population of the state. Such products include milk and their derivatives, many cereals, sugar, salt, sea, fish and meat products, as well as some types of products for children and diabetics.

Zero VAT rate, features of its application

The rate of 0% applies to goods (works and services) related to space activities, sales, mining and production of precious metals. In addition, a significant amount of operations is made by transactions on the movement of goods across the border, during the execution of which it is necessary to comply with the Zero VAT rate, which requires documentary evidence of export, which is provided to the tax authorities. The package of documents includes:

  1. The contract (or contract) of the taxpayer for the sale of goods to an alien outside the Russian Federation or the Customs Union.
  2.   for export of products with a mandatory mark of the Russian customs on the place and date of departure of goods. You can submit documents on transportation and escort, as well as other evidence of the export of any products outside the borders of the Russian Federation.

If, within 180 days from the moment of movement of goods across the border, the necessary documents have not been completed and submitted to the tax package, the payer is required to accrue and pay VAT at the 18% (or 10%) rate. After the final collection of customs confirmation, it will be possible to return the tax paid or set off it.

Use of the estimated rate

The estimated rate is used for prepayment and in some other cases. For "dummies" VAT at this rate is calculated when it is necessary to distinguish the "tax" in it from the total cost of the goods. This action is performed according to the simplest formulas, depending on the type of applicable VAT rate.

At a 10% VAT rate, the calculated one is 10% / 110%.

At an 18% rate - 18% / 118%.

Filling in the VAT tax return and deadlines for submitting it

At the initial stage of preparation for the submission of tax reporting, the accountant's work is focused on determining the base on which the amount of tax is subsequently charged. Filling out a VAT tax return begins with a title page. In this case, it is very important to carefully and accurately enter all the required details (names, codes, types, etc.). All pages contain the date and signature of the head (or individual entrepreneur), which must be stamped on the title page. The declaration must be submitted to the tax office at the place of registration, but no later than the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter. In the same time period, its payment was also established (with a quarterly term for provision). Thus, the payment and accrual of tax for the 1st quarter of 2014 had to be made before April 20 of the current year.

Tax calculation

For "dummies": VAT payable is calculated in several stages.

  1. Determination of the tax base.
  2. Accrual of VAT.
  3. Determining the amount of tax deductions.
  4. The difference between the accrued and paid tax (deduction) is the amount of VAT payable.

If the deductions exceed the accrued amounts, the taxpayer has the right to compensation for this difference upon written application and after the decision is made, but more on that later.

Tax deductions

Particular attention should be paid to deductions, that is, the amount of VAT that is presented by suppliers, and is also paid at customs when exporting goods. It is very important that the deductible tax be directly related to the accrued turnover. Simply put, if VAT is calculated on sales of goods “A”, then all purchases related to this product are taken into account. Confirmation of the deduction is certified by invoices received from suppliers, as well as documents on payment of tax amounts at the border. VAT is highlighted in a separate line. Such invoices are filed in a separate folder, and the turnover for each product is recorded in the purchase book in the approved form.

During tax audits, quite often questions arise regarding the improper filling of required fields, the indication of incorrect details, as well as the lack of signatures of authorized persons. As a rule, in such a situation, employees of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate annul the corresponding deductions, which leads to additional VAT and penalties.

Electronic submission of declarations

Since 2014, a VAT tax return should be submitted only in electronic form. There are only a few exceptions related to special tax regimes.

VAT Refund Terms

Satisfaction of the rights of payers to refund the amount of tax paid is based on a desk audit carried out by tax authorities. The application procedure for VAT refunds occurs for a few payers that meet the following conditions:

The total amount of taxes paid (VAT, excise taxes, income taxes and production taxes) must be at least 10 billion rubles. for 3 calendar years that preceded the year of filing the application for reimbursement;

The payer received a bank guarantee.

The application of this procedure provides one more condition: the payer must be registered with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation for at least 3 years before submitting a tax return for

Compensation Procedure

To refund VAT, the taxpayer must submit a written statement to the tax authority on the refund of tax amounts. These amounts can be returned to the current account indicated in the application or set off against other tax payments (if there is a debt on them). Within 5 working days, the inspection makes a decision. VAT refunds are made at the same time in the amount specified in the decision. In case of untimely receipt of funds to the current account, the taxpayer has the right to receive interest on the use of this money from the tax authorities (from the budget).

Office check

In order to verify the validity of the returned amounts, the tax inspectorate carries out a desk audit within 3 months. If the facts of violations have not been established, then within 7 days after the completion of the audit, the inspected person is informed of the legality of the set-off.

In the event that violations of existing Russian legislation are discovered, the inspection draws up an audit report, which results in a decision being made with respect to the taxpayer (either to refuse to hold or to hold accountable). In addition, the offender is required to return excessively received VAT and interest on the use of these funds. If the specified amount is not returned, the obligation to return it to the budget of the Russian Federation rests with the bank that issued the guarantee. Otherwise, the tax authorities write off the necessary funds in an indisputable manner.

Some provisions related to the calculation and payment of VAT are quite complex for a momentary understanding, but thoughtful awareness gives the result. Particular difficulty in perceiving this tax is created by specific terms and regular changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

VAT is one of those types of taxes in the Russian Federation for which there is no single rate. Therefore, it can cause the greatest number of difficulties for entrepreneurs and accountants. In this article, we will talk in detail about each tax value and, thereby, explain how to choose the right VAT rate in 2018 in Russia (table).

There is a choice, but not free

In fact, VAT tax rates can take three, if not five, different values. In practice, this tax is calculated at five different rates:

  • 10/110;
  • 18/118.

Zero tax

The first paragraph of Article 164 of the Tax Code indicates the categories of operations that are exempted from payment of the tax in question. But since, according to the law, they cannot donate money to the budget at all, there is such a VAT rate of 0 percent.

Also, those companies that provide international transport services are not subject to tax. Moreover, we are talking about the transportation of goods, and the transportation of passengers. Thus, numerous transport companies fall under this criterion.

Some specific types of industries are not yet subject to value added tax. For example, these include the space industry, as well as companies engaged in the oil sector.

Reduced tax

To calculate VAT in Russia, they also use a reduced VAT rate. It is equal to 10 percent. Groups of goods that fall into this category are described in detail in the second paragraph of Article 164 of the Tax Code.

Here is a table with VAT rates in 2018:


At the word "VAT" any, even an experienced accountant, there is a certain thrill. And there are objective reasons for this, because it is one of the most difficult taxes, the calculation and payment of which is regulated by multiple regulatory documents. Let's try today to understand the basics of VAT.


Value added tax is indirect, for the reason that its actual payer is the final consumer. If it’s quite simple to say, then in the final result, ordinary consumers who purchase goods in the store, ordering any services or work will be charged with VAT. Let’s figure out how this happens.

VAT is the “value added” or, if even simpler, the margin in the percentage established by law for the goods produced, the services rendered and the works performed. Moreover, the “added” value increases at each stage.

Good example

To understand the "intricacies" of this insidious tax, you need to understand for itself its mechanism and its meaning.

In order to imagine the whole chain, we will analyze this moment on a concrete example. To do this, we follow all stages of production and subsequent sale, for example, shampoo.

The first step is an enterprise that supplies raw materials for a cosmetics factory, i.e. during the sale of raw materials, the first “added” value was formed, which the manufacturer included in the sale price. Further, the cosmetics factory produced shampoo, packed it and sold it to a trading company. Now the price of the product is composed of the cost of the purchased raw materials, the costs and the percentage of the planned profit of the plant and VAT, which was added by production to “its” part in the price.

Naturally, the trading company made an extra charge on shampoo and also added VAT to it. And now the shampoo has hit the trading counter, the consumer bought it and paid the cost, including VAT at all stages. Each of the participants in this chain paid its share of VAT to the budget, and reimbursed it by including it in the sale price.

Now imagine the same illustrative example, in numbers, and suppose that:

  • The cost of raw materials is 118 rubles (in this value of VAT at a rate of 18% is 18 rubles);
  • The selling price of shampoo at the factory for a trading company is 236 rubles (in this value of VAT at a rate of 18% is 36 rubles);
  • The selling price of shampoo in a trading company is 302 rubles (in this value of VAT at a rate of 18% is 46 rubles).

Being the primary source, the manufacturer of raw materials for shampoo will pay VAT to the budget in the amount of 18 rubles from the entire sale amount. The cosmetics factory will already be able to deduct the amount of “input” VAT from raw materials 18 rubles, which means that VAT will be paid (36 - 18) \u003d 18 rubles. Now the trading company, it will deduct the amount of VAT in the amount of 36 rubles deducted by the cosmetic factory on the VAT invoice, and accordingly, it will pay 10 rubles to the budget (46 - 36).

And now, according to the theory presented above, by paying VAT to each member of the chain we should get the amount of this tax in the final price of the goods.

The amount of VAT in the final price of the goods is 46 rubles \u003d 18 rubles (supplier of raw materials) + 18 rubles (cosmetic plant) + 10 rubles (trading company).

We have sorted out the essence of this tax, and now with a full understanding of the matter, we can move on to the aspects of the legislation that govern its payment.

Payers and object of taxation

VAT payers are organizations and entrepreneurs who have chosen the basic taxation form. The object of accrual of this tax is the following operations in accordance with the provisions of article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Implementation of works, goods and services, collateral and transfer of property rights in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Transfer for own needs of works, goods and services on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Construction and installation work carried out for own needs;
  • Import into the territory of the Russian Federation of goods.

In the case of the importation of goods, entrepreneurs and organizations that apply other forms of taxation, except for basic taxation, become VAT payers.

VAT rates

The size of VAT rates is regulated. There are three bets in total:

  • 18% is the largest amount and it is set for most objects of taxation;
  • 10% - this rate applies to the bulk of food products, as well as children's products;
  • 0% - this rate is applied by exporters who have documented the fact of an export transaction by providing the necessary set of documents to the tax authorities.


When calculating tax, the tax base is the entire amount of revenue, but we remember the principle of this tax, which is the added value that is formed at each stage. So, in order for the VAT payer to transfer to the budget precisely his “added” cost and there is a deduction.

A deduction is the amount of the “input” VAT, i.e. VAT paid by you when purchasing services, goods and works during the course of your business. Dedicated to deductions.

Let's go back to our milk example. For a dairy, the amount of “input” VAT is VAT on raw materials from an agricultural enterprise. Those. taking as a base of taxation your revenue for the product sold, and calculating VAT from it, the amount of VAT paid on the purchase of raw materials will be deductible. Thus, VAT will be payable only on the part of the revenue that was generated at the plant itself. The same thing will happen in a trade enterprise, having accrued VAT from the proceeds for milk sold, it will deduct the amount of VAT from the dairy plant and, accordingly, only the amount of VAT from the trade margin will be payable.

Payment Procedure

The timing and frequency of VAT payment are established by Article 174 of the Tax Code. A quarter is recognized as a reporting period and transfers to the budget of this tax must be made no later than the 20th day of the month immediately following the past quarter. For the first quarter of the year, this is April 20, for the second - July 20, for the third - October 20, and for the fourth - January 20 of the next calendar year.

VAT refund

There is also a situation where the amount of calculated VAT is less than the amount of VAT deductible. In this case, you get the right to compensation for the resulting difference. To do this, you need to submit a return to the tax authorities in the prescribed form, undergo a desk audit, and if as a result the amount to be refunded is confirmed, then you will be returned to the current account that is due for VAT refund.

The procedure for the implementation of VAT refunds is regulated.