I bought a left mobile number what to do. Try to explain to the collectors that they made a mistake with the number and that the debtor they are looking for now does not live here

  • 02.12.2019

According to the project “Russia without debts”, every seventh mobile number in Russia is located in the telephone base of a bank or collection agency, as it previously belonged to the debtor. People are accustomed to observe special precautions when buying used goods, but almost no one is aware of the risks associated with obtaining a SIM card. Should the mobile operator, which did not warn the client about the previous owners of the number, be responsible for the possible consequences? Is it realistic to purchase a guaranteed "clean" room? Novaya Gazeta tried to sort out the conflict situations that arise around these issues.

Savings for the consumer

The resale by cellular operators of SIM cards with used numbers is no exception today, but rather ordinary practice. The “number of rooms” distributed between the operators of Roskomnadzor is very limited. “In order to satisfy the demand, the operators are putting into service the subscriber numbers released as a result of termination of the contracts for the provision of mobile services,” explains MTS spokesman Dmitry Solodovnikov. By law, this is a perfectly acceptable practice.

All major Russian operators resort to reusing numbers. This is necessary to reduce costs, because the numbering capacity goes to companies for free. The operator pays a state fee for each number purchased, as well as for its maintenance in the billing system. “Repeated allocation of vacated numbers is a saving, including for customers. In Russia, the prices for mobile communications are among the lowest in the world, ”says Yulia Dorukhina, head of Megafon’s press service.

All operators have one scheme, only terms differ. For example, in Megafon, if a subscriber does not use communication services for more than 90 days, and the balance of his personal account reaches zero, the number can be transferred to another client. “If within two weeks after the blocking of the number, the subscriber does not express a desire to return his number, then he can enter the repeated“ sale ”,” explains Dorukhina.

According to the Beeline rules, after the termination of the contract, the number is transferred to a special reserve, where it can be from 2 to 6 months. It is assumed that during this time he will be completely "cleaned" from the previous owner. If the number does not receive any calls for a certain time, it is allocated to another subscriber. At Tele2, the minimum period that elapses between the last use of a number by its resale is one year, in MTS - from six months.

Operators emphasize that the financial motive for selling used rooms is not the only one. “Dead souls” do not allow obtaining correct information about “live” subscribers who actually use mobile services, and this does not allow the operator to adjust their product and distorts the general socio-economic data, statistics for which are provided by communication operators, ”explained“ New ”in the press service of Beeline.

It is impossible to purposefully buy a completely new number even with a big desire: salon employees do not have access to billing information and, accordingly, cannot say whether a particular phone number belonged to another subscriber, explained Novaya in Tele2. “I turned to the [operator’s] office with a request to replace the SIM card with another one with a free number, to which I was told that they have all numbers - free and used - in the same list, and they cannot sort them,” - the user of one of the legal portals describes her personal experience. Most people never think about this problem: using a used number does not bring them any inconvenience. But less fortunate subscribers sometimes find themselves in rather unpleasant situations.

Dead Soul Credits

Some of these cases are relatively harmless: for example, the acquired number may be tied to the account of an unknown person on the social network or on another online platform, because of which the new subscriber will not be able to register there (“a user with this number already exists”) or will receive unnecessary notifications. However, sometimes episodes from the biography of former subscribers pop up under much more unpredictable circumstances. So, one of the Novaya Gazeta employees was summoned to law enforcement agencies: it turned out that the previous owner of the room was renting out an apartment to a person suspected of committing a serious crime.
But the most common problem is the purchase along with a SIM card of someone's bad credit history. The object of “telephone attacks”, when every day up to a dozen calls and SMS messages from a collection agency are received, children or overly impressionable people can become. At one of the Runet forums there is a story of a woman who suffered from a nervous breakdown due to pressure from collectors searching for a completely different person - for the treatment she needed the services of a doctor and expensive medications, all of which she had to bear on her own.

The first step in this situation is to try to block unwanted calls yourself by adding the number to the black list. But collectors usually neutralize this possibility: the numbering capacity of such companies can reach several hundred numbers, which makes manual blocking extremely difficult. Therefore, experts advise calling collectors and trying to explain the situation, and if they use threats or other illegal methods - immediately write a complaint to the prosecutor.

“Here, the actions are clear: contact the structure that collects - the creditor, the collection service, the bailiffs,” says Viktor Klimov, project manager for the ONF “For the rights of borrowers”. - And then - explain and show. This is not always easy, the procedure requires some effort. But, as a rule, the problem is solved. ” One of the resources that can help in this matter is the professional association of collection agencies NAPCA. According to the statistics of the association, more than 40% of complaints are precisely related to the fact that collectors are concerned about people not involved in debt.

In the best case, the problem can be solved by telephone or by sending the company a copy of the subscriber’s registration form, which telecom operators can provide. At worst, they will ignore the request and continue calling. “It seems that collectors are not profitable to call random people if they really want to return their money,” says Klimov. - But in reality it turns out that it’s easier for them to put the number on the dialer than to understand. This is partly due to the fact that citizens who avoid collectors often resort to a variety of methods. ”

Bad reputation trading

Experts believe that the scale of the problem is not so large as to further regulate the activities of mobile operators, forcing them to sell only unique numbers or to take special information from subscribers. “It’s not worth blaming the operators, because they have redeemed pools of number capacity and they use them,” says Oleg Shaburov, head of Softline’s information security department. “In reality, the percentage of such“ ugly ”situations is minimal, and refusing to use all the numbers that have already been used once is definitely not an option.” It’s best to change the phone number, choosing options with “fresh” prefixes, says Shaburov. The operators of the Big Four told Novaya Gazeta that they are ready to meet the needs of subscribers and carry out a replacement for free in problematic situations.

However, affected customers rightly point out that operators do not ensure the proper quality of their product by selling rooms with a "bad reputation", and the consumer is in fact obliged to bear all responsibility for this.

Oleg Frolov, a lawyer at the Consumer Rights Protection Society, believes that there are some gaps in the legislation that do not allow people to defend their interests. “You can make a complaint to the operator who did not provide the necessary information about the product. And the presence of previous owners is essential information. When buying a room, the client must be aware of the possible consequences, as they can adversely affect it. " There are practically no court appeals in this regard: all the plaintiff can count on is compensation for moral damages of a couple thousand rubles.

Victor Klimov, project manager for the ONF “For the Rights of Borrowers,” says that the problem of collector calls to third parties is much broader than the topic of used telephone numbers. “This happens due to an unsuccessful purchase of a used car or apartment, when collectors begin to search for the property of the debtor, or when applying for a loan, when a former colleague is indicated as a friend.” Adopting new laws on this subject is pointless, the expert said. Despite the existing regulatory framework, people are still subject to harsh pressure, and law enforcement agencies are extremely sluggish in dealing with such matters.

An alarmed reader turned to the MK editorial office in St. Petersburg: having bought a new SIM card in the office of one of the mobile operators, she received several calls with threats and demands to “pay back debts”

Journalists found out that our reader is far from alone in her unexpected problem. Today in St. Petersburg, thousands of bona fide owners of mobile phones overnight became the target of collection agencies. How to protect yourself from unexpected consequences that threaten new numbers, as well as what to do if you are "taken to the front" by debt knockers?

Vacation is ruined

Petersburger Galina Lomakina returned from winter vacation in Sochi in frustrated feelings. She and her husband did not expect that buying a SIM card in a mobile phone salon for home calls would result in them with worries and serious fears for their lives. Immediately after activating the new phone number, annoying calls and SMS from collectors began to come to him. The callers very confidently and aggressively demanded that the reader urgently return the debts for a considerable amount of several hundred thousand rubles. But the "debtor" was not Galina, but a certain Victor, who, apparently, was borrowing money. The calls were so regular that the vacation was ruined, and the nightmare ended only when the Lomakins simply eliminated this number.

To exhort collectors is pointless. The only solution to the problem is to change the number, but even here mobile operators do not guarantee that the new SIM card will have no doubtful credit history.

In addition, it is not always possible to refuse a purchased number. After all, it can be “beautiful” or matched with a special combination of numbers. On the other hand, collectors may not appear immediately, but after some time, when your number will already be “settled” by friends, colleagues and work partners.

Used room effect

The main reason that this problem arose in principle, IT experts called a limited period of "life" of an inactive subscriber - 9-15 months, after which the number is returned to circulation. Timing can be shorter when it comes to selling through dealers.

Another solution to the problem is simply to ignore the collection services and send them to hell. But what if the previous owner of the number was an avid debtor and collected loans from several banks and microfinance organizations ?! Calls from them can lead to a real breakdown.

There are many forums on the Internet dedicated to the “used room effect”. Numerous users complain that the inheritance of borrowers does not allow them to sleep and work. Often a SIM card with a "dowry" goes to employees of companies for which corporate numbers are acquired.

I connected corporate numbers at Beeline. Sims were issued with numbers that were obviously used earlier, the number started at 905, this pool of numbers has been around for about 10 years, ”entrepreneur Ilya Korovenkov told Fontanka.ru. - After some time, calls from collectors began on one of the numbers. He always reacted calmly, and there was no rudeness on the part of the collectors. However, my oral assurances that the number no longer belongs to the previous owner did not work.

Fortunately, the interlocutor managed to fend off the collectors by persuading them to contact the Beeline corporate department to confirm the change of ownership of the number. After that, the night calls stopped. However, this is rather a unique case than a rule.

We began to be called personalities from the company Credit Incasso Rus and demanded Tatyana Sergeevna Ivanova on the phone. “We have explained to them a million times that there is no such person, etc., etc., but to no avail,” complains lawyer Alexander Trifonov. - Attempts to contact the “Credit Collection Rus” company ourselves did not lead to anything, we communicated very correctly and asked only to exclude from the collection business a telephone number on which there have been no Ivanovs since December 2013. As a result, we hear: "There are no elders now, call back later."

The banal blacklist does not help, in which you can include an annoying number. The collectors have a huge number base - up to 300 numbers, so one contact is replaced by another.

Fight off "little blood"

According to lawyers, changing the number is the only effective solution to this problem, as it will allow you to beat off the collectors with "little blood."

Actions associated with writing a complaint to the telecom operator will not bring the desired results due to the fact that the latter is not responsible for the debts of its customers and cannot affect collectors, ”says Anna Banko, managing partner of Alfa-Legal Law Firm. - As for the activities of the collectors themselves, you can simply politely explain the situation to them and send your agreement with the mobile operator to their address.

In the ideal case, Anna Banko believes, you can go to court, but this venture will be very laborious, and most importantly - it may not bring any result.

MK advice

What to do when collectors demand a “foreign” debt from you

Lawyers advise first of all to determine whether someone from your relatives and friends has recently taken a loan. According to the law, if you are not a guarantor or have not entered into an inheritance where there was someone else's debt, you are not obligated to repay it! Therefore, you can simply tell the collectors that you are not related to this case, and stop any communication with them. True, in reality it can be very difficult to implement.

Collectors can also call you if someone left your phone number in the bank. To fight back in this case, you need to get a certificate in this bank about the absence of debts in your name, and then send a copy of the certificate to the collectors.

If you are called with the debts of the past owner of your SIM card, then the simplest solution is to change the phone number. As a rule, negotiations with collectors do not bring results. Another solution is to send a copy of the contract with the mobile operator to the collection service. In isolated cases, this brings the desired result - night calls from debt collectors cease.

Executive search of the debtor is a compulsory collection measure, which is based on Art. 65 of the Federal Law No. 229. It includes not only establishing the whereabouts of the defendant, but also his property, accounts and income. Also, the lender has the right to independently search for borrowers and transfer this information to the FSSP.

Today, 147 million people live in Russia, of which 50 million took out loans from banks, MFIs, or private lenders. More than half have done this repeatedly.


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Due to the poor economic situation in the country, 10% of borrowers cannot pay off debts.

People are afraid to make contact with banks or collection agencies and begin to hide from them:

  • stop answering phone calls;
  • do not open the door to anyone;
  • fired from work;
  • change their place of residence.

Banks want to return the money along with interest and begin to search for the debtor. Each bank has its own search system, but in general terms they are similar. Security officers, these are former law enforcement officers because of this, there is a similarity of actions.

Directly, the search itself is divided into several stages. For each, of which, certain employees of various recovery departments are responsible.

It can be:

  • lawyers;
  • dialing groups;
  • visiting groups;
  • anti-fraud bank department;
  • other departments specified in the bank regulations.

Analysis of the data of the borrower:

  • the amount of debt and loan payments looks;
  • place of residence of the borrower;
  • place of work;
  • looking for the presence of relatives or colleagues who could get a loan from the debtor's bank, EARLIER.

Collector call to debtor

  1. The first phone they call is home. If the borrower picked up the phone, then passport data, place of work, and actual address of residence are checked. Then they go on to talk directly about debt. The person is found, the contact is established.
  2. If relatives pick up the phone, the borrower’s location, contact numbers are specified and information is left with a request to contact a bank or collection agency. If a person calls back, then the search for the debtor is over. Further, the conversation is about debt repayment.
  3. If the home phone does not answer, then the mobile phone rings. The borrower replied, personal data are verified, the conversation goes to debt. Cellphone is disconnected or does not answer, the call is transferred to another time.
  4. Last call is made to work. It is established whether a person works or not, when he comes to work, information is transmitted with a request to call back.

Important! Collectors and employees of the bank recovery, enter the result of negotiations into the program. The next call displays the entire conversation and all arrangements.

The collector called all the contact numbers at different times of the day and days of the week. Phones were not contact.

What happens in this case:

  1. Connected persons of the debtor are established at the home address. For example, a borrower is registered with relatives who previously took a loan from a bank. Their profiles are displayed in the database, along with all the information. All phones also ring and find out where the debtor is.
  2. Set up liaisons at the work address. Call colleagues and find out information. Does the person work at the moment or not? Where can I find him?

If the debtor can be found, then they will go directly to the problem of debt, if not, then continue the search.


According to telephone bases, home phones of neighbors are installed. Call them and set:

  • whether the debtor lives at the registration address;
  • when at home;
  • where does it work.

Leave contact information.

Important! Neighbors, unlike relatives, do not try to hide information about the debtor and tell everything they know. Often, people do not withstand collector calls to neighbors and get in touch, and in the future pay the debt.

Neighbors constantly swear with the debtor, put pressure on him, ask to pay the debt. If only the calls stopped.

If the debtor's phones are disconnected or do not answer, neighbors confirm that the borrower has been discharged from the apartment and his whereabouts are unknown. Colleagues say that he was fired for a long time, then the search in this case goes as follows:

Many collectors or collection officers, former employees of various state law enforcement agencies.

Through their colleagues, they “break through” the existing police or FSSP bases:

  • new address of the debtor;
  • home phone;
  • make inquiries to the pension fund in order to find out the place of work.

Banks and collection agencies often set up databases such as Cronus and Octopus.

In these programs, all data per person is displayed:

  • passport data;
  • registration;
  • phones
  • traffic police fines;
  • criminal record.

All the work is done by the employees of the dialing group, without leaving the office. If a person could not be found, then the information received is transferred to the work of the visiting team. Which establishes visual contact with relatives, friends, colleagues of the debtor.

Visiting group

The riders determine the distance to the debtor's intended place of residence, look at the amount of debt and the number of payments. Then carry out the trip to the available addresses, including the worker. Remember to visit the neighbors. If a person is found, then they take contact numbers from them and work to collect debts.

Important! Check-out results are entered into the computer. If the amount of debt is small, and the distance to the actual place of residence of the debtor is large (from 150 km to the central office), then the departure will not be made.

The search for property is a priority area of \u200b\u200bforeclosure. Employees of credit organizations cannot independently enter the home of debtors and pick up things that they like. Bailiffs are ONLY entitled to apply such methods in the framework of enforcement proceedings.

Bailiffs may also offer the lender to take part of the borrower's belongings onto the balance sheet. For example, real estate or car.

How does this happen:

  • the bank is suing;
  • lawyers receive a court order in their hands;
  • send it to the FSSP service, at the place of registration of the debtor;
  • bailiffs, who come to the apartment and arrest the property located in the address.

You can see the list of things to be arrested in this one.

The bailiff can open the defendant’s housing, even if there is no one at home and on the basis of Ch. 8 tbsp. 69 FZ-229 to take measures to foreclose on property. But this is rarely used and only for large debts.

If the FSSP could not find the property at the place of residence of the debtor, the creditor has the right to write an application to search for this property. For example, the bank through its channels learns that the borrower has real estate, the transaction through which you can challenge. In such a situation, a request is written to verify this object. And if the bailiffs reveal the fact that the transaction is null and void, they will seize the property to pay off the debt.

Search for debtor in enforcement proceedings

The search for a debtor is not limited to our country. According to the norms of international law, it can be implemented in other states (Article 65, part 2 of Federal Law-229).

In fact, if a person owes a large sum of money, they will look for him by all means even abroad and often this gives its results. The recovery of other countries at the request of the Russian side arrests the property of our compatriots who decided to flee abroad.

Advice! If you have a big debt you do not need to try to escape, they will want to find. Better exercise your legal bankruptcy right. Upon recognition of your insolvency, any further actions by the creditors will fall under the Criminal Code (extortion).

Bailiffs or creditors, having received a writ of execution, can apply to the STSI with a request to put a wanted car on the wanted list if the debtor tries to hide it.

From this moment, the car falls into the stop list of all traffic cops in Russia. When her numbers are displayed on cameras, the Potok system notifies law enforcement officers who immediately stop the transport and take it to the parking lot.

Also, this car cannot be registered.

Important! If you decide to sell the mortgage machine without the consent of the bank, for example, having received a duplicate of the TCP, then this is a criminal act (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation fraud).


Collectors are conducting serious work to identify debtors, but in 80% it is inconclusive. If a person decided not to pay the debt, then it is very difficult to get him to do it. You can sue banks for years. The actions of the bailiffs are disputed and canceled.

If you have questions about the topic of the article or need advice, describe your situation in the comments or contact the on-site lawyer. We will answer you shortly and will help you.

Dionis Nagibin, creator of the unique SkidMe portal, shared their unpleasant mobile adventure with Telecomblog and asked for help to understand this matter.

Recently, he acquired a MegaFon SIM card. A girl called him, she introduced herself as a collector and demanded to pay the outstanding loan. It turned out that the Dionysus number used to belong to another person. To the assurances of our hero that the collector had not addressed to the address, they demanded that he provide the bank with confirmation - an agreement with the telecom operator. Our hero was rude to the annoying girl, and now he is called 5 times a day by the no less annoying head of the security service.

Dionysus, like any other busy person, has no extra time: "I bought a room in MegaFon and I don’t want other people's problems hanging on me," he says. In addition, it is unclear whether the callers are fraudsters or real collectors - according to the hero of this situation, the callers did not say anything about the amount of the debt, nor about the bank, and the contract with the service provider that they require contains passport data to provide to fraudsters extremely dangerous.

To understand this situation, I decided to call the numbers of annoying collectors, contact MegaFon, and also take comments from representatives of MTS and Beeline. I wanted to understand what happens after the number is sold again, is it possible to resolve this situation without the direct intervention of the new owner of the number and to find out if the collector is really ringing.

An attempt to call the collectors and question them was unsuccessful - my telecom operator said that the annoying numbers were invalid. I tried to find information about the organization and reviews about it on the Internet by phone number. It turned out that the numbers belong to the collection agency Sequoia Credit Consolidation. The reviews about Sequoia turned out to be terrible - everyone complains about the incompetence of employees, calls to the wrong address and rudeness.

MegaFon was not pleased with the good news: “If you call from the bank, only the subscriber can resolve the issue with the bank or another lender. For this, he has an agreement with the effective date and his passport data. He can contact the police with an application for unreasonable extortion from bank, because the bank must check the contacts of its debtors, or respond to calls by disconnecting the call. To check the scammers call him or not, it can only be the police. "

MTS explained why operators are forced to reuse the number: “The operator’s numbering capacity is an objectively limited resource, in accordance with Russian legislation, allocated by the regulator. Given the proliferation of a huge number of devices using SIM cards, reselling unused numbers is standard operator practice."

Beeline spoke in detail about what happens to the number after it is no longer used: “After the subscriber’s SIM card is inactive for 90 days (there were no calls, SMS, account replenishment), it goes into the pre-blocking status, which is 180 days. If the subscriber has not been active during this time, the number is released and can be re-sold. The balance of the number is completely updated, so that the new subscriber cannot get any debts from the previous user. " In addition, Beeline said that mobile operators do not participate in proceedings between various organizations and subscribers: “We do not transfer user numbers to any databases (banks and other organizations), and therefore we cannot delete them from there.”

So, the collection agency turned out to be real, but judging by the reviews, incompetent employees work in it. Dionysus still has to find the time and provide the agency with a contract with the operator or write a statement to the police (unjustified extortion is the fault of the bank). In no case do not show all organizations the contract in which your passport data is indicated! First, find out who is calling you, check this information and only then act - provide them with what they require, or contact the law enforcement authorities.

Having bought a new SIM card, you can get into an unpleasant situation - if previously the bank debtor owned this number. The new owner of the "bad" number will have to convince bankers that he is in no way connected with the deadbeat. Sometimes it’s easier to add annoyingly ringing collectors and bankers to the blacklist of the mobile phone or change the number again - perhaps the “karma” of the new one will be better.

In an unpleasant, but quite common situation, the invision user turned out to be an online banking resource who left such a review. “I registered a number in the TELE2 salon,” the client writes. - I barely managed to activate Simka, as they began to call from the debt collection service, which, they say, is operating in the interests of HCF Bank. Calls are frequent, sometimes in the early morning, sometimes in the late evening. The bottom line is that the callers are trying to find a certain debtor of this credit organization by this number, which, according to them, used to belong to this number. ”

According to invision stories, in order to stop calls, he had to write a message to the bank’s e-mail, write to an online consultant, write an “offline” statement in the department of the credit institution asking him to remove this number from the database, as his owner changed. But no results so far.

An employee of a Moscow commercial company under the name Lotos2010 spoke about a similar case. “Our company entered into an agreement with one mobile operator, and they gave me a direct metropolitan number,” she writes. “But I didn’t rejoice for long - almost immediately, calls from various banks began to come to this number with a request to call a certain AV, who owed them money, to the phone.”

As it turns out, no one is safe from buying a room with a bad credit history, since the secondary sale of unused numbers is a common practice of mobile operators. MTS said that they use a six-month subscriber base accounting policy. “If the subscriber does not use communication services within six months, the operator considers such an agreement terminated and blocks the number,” the MTS explains. - Then the operator waits for another 3 months, after which this number, being in no way connected with the previous subscriber, goes on sale again. Moreover, this number is attached to a completely new subscriber account. ”

Beeline also ceases to serve the subscriber if he has not used the number for 180 days. The operator transfers the number to a special reserve. If during a “certain period” (which one was not specified in Beeline) no calls are received to this number, then the number is sent for resale. “In practice, there is no specific average term for transferring an unused number to another subscriber,” the company said.

MegaFon’s conditions are slightly different - they block the number if the subscriber has not used it for more than three months. “For another 3 months, the subscriber has the opportunity to restore the number by visiting any sales office of the company,” Megafon said. “If this does not happen, the number is assigned to another subscriber.”

Since many banks can search for debtors for years, they manage to change mobile numbers even for several owners. This is recognized by bankers, noting that the new owners of the "bad" numbers have different actions.

“A person who finds himself in this situation needs to simply explain to the representative of the bank, collection company or any other organization mistakenly contacting that the phone number was purchased recently, its new owner is not related to the old owner. Usually, an explanation is enough, ”said Alexei Arutyunov, head of the department for working with late payments in retail lending at Nordea Bank. - The new user of the number is not required to provide any evidence. If after explanations the employees of organizations or unknown citizens continue to call, this already reminds of hooliganism. ”

Zhanna Schennikova, senior vice president, director of information technology, customer service and operations of Renaissance Credit, said that in order to resolve the issue, the owner of the problem number needs to tell the employee of the lending institution their personal information, which the specialist will check on banking systems. “If we see that the person is not really our client, we will remove his number from the phone database of defaulters,” she explains. - Usually all messages sent by the financial institution are addressed to a specific client and contain the number of the loan agreement. The availability of this information will give us the opportunity to quickly help those who apply. ”

However, some banks indicate that the owner of the “unsuccessful” room will have to fight for peace. UniCredit Bank employees say that if a citizen has such a situation, he can come to the office, grabbing a passport, and submit a document that confirms the possession of the specified phone number - for example, a service agreement with a mobile number or a corresponding letter taken at the operator. "Further, the citizen writes a statement in arbitrary form with the requirement to disconnect this number from the receipt of bank messages, to which the mentioned documents are attached." UniCredit claims that after the necessary verification and if this number matches the number from the base of the credit institution, calls and messages to this number will stop.

According to Vladislav Kotelnikov, head of the Raiffeisenbank Overdue Debt Collection Department, this procedure may seem complicated, but you cannot do without it. “Often, debtors try to mislead banking services, claiming in telephone conversations that this number was acquired recently, and the new owner of the number is not familiar with the real non-payer,” he explains.

Telecommunications operators, in turn, assure that they do not transmit to collectors the numbers received for use by new subscribers. “If we talk about the collection services of a banking organization, then a person always has a subscription agreement, which indicates the date on which he became our client,” they say in Beeline. “Based on it, he has the opportunity to prove that the previous user of the SIM card has nothing to do with the debt.”

If negotiations with collectors or a bank do not work, mobile operators recommend using useful communication features. “If“ left ”messages arrive at your number, you need to notify the callers of this,” advise MegaFon. - When continuing, you can use the "Black List" option or change the subscriber number. " The number is changed either at the operator’s office, or independently by dialing the desired key combination, or by telephone request. The room changes per day, the cost of the service is around 50 rubles.