Calendar on the desktop wallpaper widget. Clock and calendar for computer desktop

  • 04.12.2019

A site that gives +5 luck for an investor

The best way not to repeat the mistake is to derive a rule that allows you to remember about the same rake that you stepped on.

How I went into plus, but went into minus

Without any explanation, the paragraph title is an example of mutually exclusive paragraphs. So I’ll clarify: one of the projects where I invested paid all the interest and the body of the contribution. But because of cryptocurrency rates, I ended up losing more than winning.

We are talking about Der Global - at the time of writing, it’s quite a paying and working project that has not yet gone into the scam. In mid-December, I selected him among the most promising ones, and decided to invest there free air, which I hung around idle on my wallet. This project translates all investments into USD - I did not pay due attention to this factor then. As it turned out, in vain.

I invested ether for $ 500, contribution for 20 days, with an accrual of 2.1% per day. Interest payments daily, payment of the deposit body at the end of the deposit term. Everything went smoothly, and I received my $ 709.5 at the exit - the project paid everything to the penny, also in ETH.

Only over these 20 days, the ETH rate has grown almost 2 times, so my initial investment in the crypto, if I just left them lying, would be pulled not by $ 500 but by $ 900.

Conclusion 1: you need to carefully study all investment conditions

When evaluating a project, pay attention to such trifles. Often the answer to the question “will I have time to withdraw money from the project to scam?” Overshadows everything else. Scam project - far from only  risk. there is unintended  risks, which cannot be predicted, because such things simply never happened. And there are risks unintended  - those that we overlooked, although we could take them into account.

Conclusion 2: you need to look at the picture wider, evaluate the situation as a whole

What kind of currency do you invest? Which payment system will you use? Where will you withdraw funds? What are the forecasts for investment rates? You can find answers to all these questions - it means they need to be found, and these risks should be taken into account. We cannot defend ourselves against the black swan - an unintended risk. But here from inattention and a narrow look - completely.

Instruction manual

to install the calendar  on the working table, it is not necessary to install any program. It is enough to find on the Internet special desktop wallpapers on which is drawn the calendar  with the month that interests you. Type in a search engine a request with the words "wallpaper with a calendar" and write down the desired year. In the search results, select your favorite picture with the appropriate resolution and save it to your computer. Then call the context menu of the picture with the mouse and select the item with the words “Set as Background Image”. After that, the wallpaper with the calendar will be set to working  table. You can change an irrelevant picture in the same way by selecting a different image with the following months.

If you have installed Windows 7, put on working  the table is a special mini-program with a calendar that is part of the operating system. Such programs are called gadgets. They are in the gadget library in an inactive form. To get to the library, right-click on an empty area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop and click on the "Gadgets" item. This action will bring up a window with small pictures. They correspond to the installed gadgets. Select a picture with a calendar image. Then hook it with the left mouse button and drag it onto working  table. Subsequently you can move the calendar  to any other place.

There are many small programs that allow you to install on working  table calendar. One such program is Chameleon Calendar. Download the program from the site Run the chamcalendar.exe file. In the window that appears, confirm the license agreement of the program. Then select the location where the program will be installed, and continue the installation with the Install button. When finished, click on the word Finish. After that, the program with the settings will open. Here you can choose the size, theme and other calendar settings. After clicking Apply the calendar  set to working  table.


  • Windows Microsoft
  • desktop calendar

The calendar application is present on almost all modern computers and cell phones. If desired, the user can configure it so that, for example, receive reminders of upcoming events.

Instruction manual

Go to the calendar application from the main menu of your phone. Examine the program interface and pay attention to what functions it has. Usually, the “Options” item should be present in the main menu of the application, clicking on which you will be taken to the calendar settings. Here you can set the current date and time or configure their automatic installation by periodically reconciling with a special server on the Internet.

Click on the date you need in the calendar itself. Advanced phone models provide for keeping a diary with upcoming events on the calendar. You will see a list in front of you, each line of which corresponds to a certain time of day. By clicking on the lines, you can fill them with events and make appropriate notes. Here you can also configure notifications about upcoming events: at the appointed time, the phone will sound an alarm and remind you of your affairs, so you will not miss anything important.

Magical desktop clock  I already described to you about wonderful calendar  said, but today I want to talk about Clock and calendar for desktop  computer "in one bottle."

The free computer program, which will be discussed in this article, is called - Clock and calendar for the desktop. It is immediately clear that the author absolutely did not bother about the name of his creation.

At the end of the installation of the program (on the official link that at the end of the article) you will be asked to read the detailed help ...

I advise you to look at it - it is very detailed.

Such a clock and a calendar on your desktop will meet you when you first start the program. Of course, the appearance can be easily changed at your discretion.

Settings "Clock and calendar for the desktop"

What catches your eye right away is the number of different program settings ...

Naturally, there is a convenient event planner (reminder) ...

For analogue clocks, there is even a separate designer ...

By the way, in the preview, the slider on the right does not change the size of the clock, but turns the hands ...

You can move the clock and calendar for your desktop anywhere, make the background completely transparent ... everything is in your hands.

The calendar can be closed if it is not needed at a given time ...

... and right-click on the "cap" of the clock ...

Unfortunately, the program is slightly flawed - some buttons in the settings do not work, and after clicking on some, the program generally crashes. I hope that the author will correct these inconveniences soon.

Download “Clock and calendar for your desktop”

To make spending time at the computer more convenient and comfortable, many users install gadgets on their desktop. However, not everyone knows that gadgets are available not only for Windows 7 or smartphones, but also for Windows XP. But initially in this operating system there is no Windows Sidebar for gadgets, you must first install it, and then add the calendar and other necessary elements to it.

Install Windows Sidebar

Run the file with the Windows Sidebar distribution and see the window in which you need to click the "Next" button.

In the next window, the application indicates in which folder the installation will be carried out, after which you need to click on “Install”.

After that, the side panel for Windows XP is installed, and then the user is prompted to restart the computer in order to complete the installation of Windows Sidebar. In this window, select an immediate reboot and wait for it to happen.

From the screenshots you can see that:

  • the application does not offer to choose a location for installation (this is impossible, since it will not work in another folder);
  • installation is very simple even for a novice user, it requires only consistent mouse clicks.

After rebooting, you can start the sidebar through the Start menu - "Programs" - "Windows Sidebar" - "Windows Sidebar". If a window appears with an inscription saying that there is no Nlsdl.dll library, the problem is solved by updating Internet Explorer browser. This library is not available in all versions of the browser below 7.

Adding a Standard Calendar

After installing the sidebar, it becomes possible to place any necessary gadget on it. They can be:

  • find in the standard gadget collection, which is installed by default with Windows Sidebar;
  • download and install if the required gadget is not available.

A standard calendar can also be found in the pre-installed gadgets. In order to move it to the side panel, click on the “+” icon on the panel.

This action opens a window in which the gadgets already installed in Windows XP are located. Among them are many useful for work, as well as mini-games that do not bring much benefit, but bring a lot of pleasure. After looking at the list of gadgets, we find the calendar. In some versions of the sidebar, one version of such an application can be installed, in others two or more. The found application is easily added in one of two ways:

  1. Double click on the shortcut.
  2. Right-click on the shortcut and then select the “Add” item in the context menu that appears.

After that, the necessary gadget will be placed on the screen on the right. It is quite simple and has no additional features. Its purpose is to display the current date and search, if necessary, for a given date in any month of any year, to determine the day of the week. The transition to viewing the date of interest is made by clicking on the calendar.

In this case, the calendar was already installed by default with the Windows Sidebar, it only remained to find and add it to the sidebar. But what if it is not in the list of gadgets?

Installing a third-party application

In order to install the gadget you need:

  1. Download it (usually such applications can be found in archived form).
  2. Unzip the archiver.
  3. Copy the unzipped file folder to C: Program FilesWindows SidebarGadgets. The Windows Sidebar folder should be looked for in the Program Files folder, and not in the Program Files (x86).
  4. Check that the application files are already in the folder responsible for the Calendar application, and not the subfolder with them. Consider the option when you need to copy the Calendar.Gadget folder to the Gadgets folder. If you open the latter, the application files should be located in it, and not the Calendar.Gadget subfolder of the same name with the files.

Next, we carry out all the actions in the same way as when adding the standard calendar in Windows XP. When you click on the “+” icon on the side panel in the window that opens, a new application should already appear, which should be added to the Windows Sidebar.

The developers have created many similar applications. They all differ in their functionality, so first you need to decide what the gadget is for and what functions it should perform. It will be enough for someone to see today's date in large numbers on the desktop and not look for a paper version of the calendar to see which day of the week this or that number falls on. Another user needs a calendar with additional features. They can be:

  • notebook;
  • alarm clock;
  • various reminders and similar useful things.

Therefore, if you are not happy with such a primitive application, you can find something more functional and install it on your computer. The principle of installing any gadgets is the same, and this means that no difficulties should arise with them. Making your desktop to your liking, you will uniqueize your own workplace and make it more convenient and enjoyable.

The category gadgets calendars for the desktop for windows 7 offers you the applications with which a nice calendar will appear on your desktop. Each of the gadgets is unique in its own way. Therefore, make a choice based on your taste. Whether it is an office calendar in a classic style or vice versa, bright and cheerful, which diversifies the desktop of a computer. After downloading one of these calendar gadgets for free, you can put notes and reminders the other day, be aware of all the holidays and remember all the important dates.

The standard Windows calendar does not surprise anyone - it is in every computer device on which this operating system is installed. But it can easily be exchanged for an interesting, cute and original gadget calendar for the Windows 7 desktop. Our site offers an extensive collection of such gadgets.

In the selection of calendars you will find varieties and modifications that differ from each other in form, appearance, stylistic and color design, as well as functionality and capabilities.

For users who simply need to always have the current date in their eyes, just download the calendar gadget with a minimum set of options. If your goals and needs are broader and more diverse - pay attention to widgets with reminders of certain events. Having entered all important memorable dates into the mini-program, you can be calm: now the risk of forgetting to wish your beloved great-grandmother a happy birthday or starting a spring cleaning on a big church holiday is excluded - the calendar for Windows 7 will warn you in advance about an impending event.

The collection has applications that allow you to mark on your calendar your immediate plans that tell about events and incidents that occurred on a particular day, calendars of Orthodox and state holidays, lunar calendars, as well as sets of gadgets, which, in addition to the calendar itself, include other functions: serial number of the week of the year, current time, weather, Internet connection status, processor load level, basket full, system uptime since last power on, and much more.

Developers who offer users a particular desktop calendar for Windows 7 have taken care not only of the functionality and usability of all modifications, but also of the appearance of any gadget. In the catalog of our site, each user will be able to choose a calendar to their liking - black or white, colorful multi-colored or in the form of crystal clear glass, designed in the format of a pocket, tear-off or flip-flop.

Fans of unusual pictures will certainly pay attention to the calendar gadget on the Windows 7 desktop in the Chinese style. Also, the “fruit collection” of utilities will not leave them indifferent - with background images of both familiar and exotic, but always juicy and mouth-watering fruits. Many widgets imply the possibility of independent choice of color and coloring, shape, size and interface. And if you are too busy and preoccupied to keep an eye on upcoming events - call the original Google Calendar gadget for Windows 7 to help: a smart application allows you to create planned events in one click, and for this you often do not even have to enter a date. The program successfully recognizes the word "tomorrow" and sets the correct day on which the event should occur.

Windows 7 Desktop Calendar: Key Benefits

You are probably asking yourself the question: what will I gain by receiving a gadget calendar? We answer:
  such gadgets are always right in front of your eyes directly on the desktop of an electronic device;
  they are quickly downloaded, instantly installed and practically do not take away computer resources, which means that they do not affect the speed and efficiency of its work;
  you save clicks - to open the calendar, just one click with the mouse button;
  the stylish and elegant gadget on the monitor screen is pleasing to the eye and sets the user up for positive, which positively affects the quality of the workflow.

We suggest you visit our online catalog both for free and without registering on the site. Come in, choose the calendar you like and download it quickly and conveniently. You can even choose not one but several widgets and change them depending on your current goals and just for your mood. Please note that most of the applications demonstrated on the pages of the site are able to work correctly not only in the seventh, but also in the eighth and tenth versions of Windows.

And in order to make your desktop as elegant and functional as possible, we offer, in addition to calendars, to download and install other useful mini-programs, for example, radio, player, game utilities, system monitors, weather displays informing about traffic jams , holiday programs and many others. All of them are collected in our extensive, diverse, conveniently structured and constantly updated catalog of modern free applications for Windows OS.