And do not waste extra finance. Vacation wisely: how not to spend extra money on vacation

  • 28.11.2019

You can not save on "matches"

- There are rules for the right strategy. One of the rules: after receiving a salary, immediately pay for utilities, Internet, phone, purchase food and household goods, and from the remaining funds put a part of the money into the savings account. When there isn’t much money left on the card or wallet, the temptation to spend it on something not very necessary will be less, ”Margarita Alexandrovna says. - A family budgeting program can help teach how to spend money rationally. My youngest daughter has downloaded such a program from the Internet and is successfully using it. Positive results became noticeable already in the first week, and a little later, she had funds for coveted and previously inaccessible purchases. So I recommend it.

Well, and, of course, a constant analysis of family spending is required to identify weaknesses and find opportunities to reduce costs. True, it is important here not to start saving on matches, it is much more important to ensure large-scale savings - for example, to refuse cigarettes. Save not only money, but also save health.

Usually, after putting things in order, additional finances appear in the budget. And, therefore, a certain financial stability.

It is also worth learning how to redistribute expense items. For example, you are faced with a dilemma: to go to sea to relax or spend money on retraining or advanced training. Choose the second one. The new qualification will give you the opportunity to earn more in the future, and then you can relax in the future with great comfort.

A stash is definitely needed

In a decent society, it is considered indecent to have no savings. We need savings as an insurance fund, on the one hand, and as an investment in future large purchases. This process is unlikely to go spontaneously; a clear idea of \u200b\u200bfinancial goals is needed here (why save up?). It is important to avoid the "Plyushkin syndrome" - this is a pathology, the accumulation should go to improve your life, achieve its best quality. And what to save for - an apartment or, for example, skiing - here everyone decides for himself.

It is not necessary to store money in a pillow or stocking, but if possible, investing it in reliable and preferably profitable investment products. Most often this is a bank deposit, but there may be securities, stocks, for example. But here you need to remember the rule - the higher the interest rate, the higher the level of risk.

Do not save for what you can not buy

Every month you need to save at least 10 percent of your income, plus all unplanned. As an untouchable reserve (in case of loss of work, unexpected illness, and other troubles), keep savings equal to your family's semi-annual income. With an increase in income, do not drastically change the structure of the family budget in favor of everyday expenses, but increase the share of savings. Well, and remember that our desires must match our capabilities. Do not save up for a yacht, “like Abramovich’s.”

Taboo for loans

It is better, if possible, not to take loans at current interest rates. But, unfortunately, while in our country there is no other way to solve the housing problem, except for mortgages, people are simply forced to get into this bondage. But from consumer loans, I think it’s generally better to refuse. On a trifle, for example, on furniture, it is better to accumulate, since overpayments are very large.

Ten effective tips on how to learn not to waste too much:

To give up bad habits, which will give excellent savings both now and in the future. To do this, you should sit down and calculate how much per year you spend on cigarettes or beer. I assure you get a tidy sum;

Find a job near housing, which will make it possible to reduce transportation costs;

To cooperate with friends, colleagues, neighbors and drive to work in the same car;

Use reusable bags instead of disposable bags - it just seems that the bags are inexpensive, a decent amount is obtained for the year;

Buy products at wholesale stores;

We must try to avoid the so-called “prestigious” consumption, when goods are purchased not because of vital necessities, but in order to demonstrate to others their nonexistent welfare. For example, expensive repairs are done and expensive equipment is bought in an apartment, and there is nothing to buy products for. Poor youth acquire expensive gadgets, while wealthy people quietly manage with functional, inexpensive phones. There are many such examples;

You should not purchase expensive equipment if the old one still serves you properly;

Do not buy cheap clothes and shoes that quickly fail and require new purchases;

Try to shop at online stores as they have less overhead.

Five effective tips on how best to save money:

We must strive to earn more;

Rationally spend the received;

Invest in health and education - they can become a source of your income in the future;

Build long-term life plans;

Many regular readers ask me how not to spend money   in vain and properly dispose of your own resource so that there is always enough money? Especially for you, I have come up with a few rules that have greatly helped me to achieve success myself.

1. Do not compare yourself with people who are more successful than you. Such comparisons tend to block potential and literally paralyze a person. It’s better to praise yourself for what you have already achieved and set the bar higher.

2. One should imagine the achievement of the goal from the perspective of sports competition, fighting with your only worthy opponent - yourself.

You can break a big goal into small ones and purposefully move towards your cherished dream. But along the way, you need to stop briefly to correlate your actions and think about whether you are on the right path? It is possible that you are moving away from him.

For example, you are going to travel to the USA, but for some reason you cannot refuse a thorough one, although this is not necessary. Therefore, this way you will not be able to move towards the goal.

3. Arm yourself with the methods of rich people, read what they did to achieve their success. Observe, learn and learn, study, study. And then you will certainly succeed. Get ready to learn everywhere. See what qualities help your colleagues move forward, learn from them, watching how they solve problems.

4. Separate your confidence from your bank account and constantly develop it: losing confidence is disproportionately worse than losing money.

5. Do you know why you decided to increase your income? Think about your own motivation, and when you make money, imagine what you will spend it on.

6. Do not be afraid of your most daring desires, you should learn to think that you are a person who, without fear, can spend a large amount of money.

7. No need to look for easy money or easy money. In order to earn them you need to work hard.

8. So that you do not spend money - this is your investment, even buying a cake, you invest in your pleasure. Without forgetting about it, you will quickly learn not only to compare investments with benefits, but also to adjust them. In this case, the question “Where did my salary disappear?” Does not arise before you.

9. You should learn to distinguish between immediate and deferred benefits. For instance, how not to spend money   on precious accessories or, and invest them in education that will help you increase your income afterwards? It’s hard to train yourself, but you have to try.

10. A win-win investment is health and education.

11. For “money to flow in the river” it is necessary that they work, and not lie dead weight.

12. Spending money should be easy and fun, but rash expenses should be avoided. Before any purchase, you need to ask yourself, do I really need it?

13. Try to save any amount under any circumstances, even if it is small, but regularly replenish your capital.

14. Take yourself for practice to daily incur expenses. Thanks to such draconian measures, you can take a sober look at the situation and try to limit yourself in something.

15. You should not go into debt. It is better to rely only on yourself and strictly control your spending.

16. The main thing is that you should not work hard to get even very big money, and at the same time deprive yourself of all the joys of life.

Go for it!

What enrichment rules do you manage to follow, dear readers? And which ones are given with particular difficulty?

Mikhail Arslanov

Before we begin to understand the trading "science" of merchandising, we warn you - these tips are only for those who are not going to pay without looking. We are not Europeans who count every penny, but a reasonable saving of honestly earned money is a sign of a cultural citizen.

  Rule 1. Take a basket instead of a cart.

The doors moved apart on their own and in front of us is a nickel-plated cart on wheels designed to buy at least a bag of potatoes or hundreds of cans of instant coffee, sausage and cheese slices, a dozen packets of milk and a dozen loaves of bread. But we wanted to buy 200 grams of “doctoral” for dinner.
   A cart on wheels is a convenient thing, but very dangerous. She wants to fill it to the brim with all sorts of products that are unnecessary today and spend all the money that they were with them.

So take a basket or don't pay attention to sellers who disapprovingly look at your one and only bottle of milk in a huge cart. By the way, if you do not have unlimited credit, then pay for small purchases in cash, not a card. Of course, this is not up-to-date, but the money will be more intact - you can easily part with invisible money on the card, but at the end of the month you cannot understand where the salary went.

Pay with a credit card only for large purchases, it is better to pay for small ones in cash. Photo:

Rule 2. Having entered the supermarket, immediately move to the department you need, choose what is planned, and then go through the other halls. Better head straight to the checkout counter.

We enter the first section, and here merchandising begins, here we begin to be fooled. Please note - different types of goods are not located in some places, but "wisely." And not for our mind, but only to sell more. Surely you went to the store, intending to buy something specific, most often the most necessary and popular products.

What is it, the merchandiser argues, they will buy this cheap stuff - cereals, sugar, bread, vegetable oil, canned vegetables, baby food, small confectionery, soda, juice, mineral water - and then to the cashier? Will not work! He did not put these goods at the beginning of the trading floor, but closer to the end. And he will arrange the most expensive and profitable goods for himself along the way, and the buyer will buy something - coffee, expensive imported canned goods, elite varieties of olive oil, and something else. And you will have to go to a simple loaf like in a maze.

Carefully monitor what you put in your basket at the supermarket. Photo:

Rule 3. Take only the most necessary, but rather make a list in advance.

Without being distracted by the bright packaging of “new” products deliberately put forward, they are the same, only more expensive. Do not trust sets (coffee + mug, razor + foam). You already have a mug, the foam is not over yet, and a new razor can be bought cheaper on an adjacent shelf. In addition, there will certainly be no savings - why would they give you gifts?

Usually, they don’t use any special tricks in the departments of “milk”, meat, fish, and so on, unless, as usual, expensive products are brought closer and cheap products are put away. The choice is yours, do not buy only on bright "original" packaging and check the expiration date.

Rule 4. Do not go to supermarkets hungry.!

Jewelry stores, expensive clothes, or even casual shoes are always scented, and also to further attract customers.

A classic shoe market research showed that one and a half times more were bought in the department with an artificial smell of genuine leather. A shelf with instant, almost odorless coffee can be “perfumed” with the aroma of freshly roasted arabica.

Do not go to the supermarket hungry, this can greatly increase your spending. Photo:

Rule 5. Do not trust smells!

The same with music. Somewhere merchandisers were taught that a pleasant melody pushes the buyer to unnecessary purchases. And they start Vivaldi or retro in different departments of the store, and many come across - but you are not, smart and economical buyer?

The courses for future sellers teach that the best selling product is on a shelf at eye level of the buyer, i.e. at a height of 1.5-1.7 meters. This is true, therefore, it is on such shelves that sellers place more expensive wines, packaging of imported cheeses, elite varieties of coffee and even soda.

Rule 7. On the lower and upper shelves the goods of the optimum ratio of price-quality are placed.

When arranging the goods, another trick is used - sweets and bright toys are placed on the lower shelves, at the height of the child’s eyes.

If you refuse to buy - it starts to whine and cry, you will be uncomfortable in front of others. And you buy him a kinder surprise by wasting money and ruining your child’s teeth.

Rule 8. Whenever possible go shopping without children.

The most profitable area for sellers in the store is at the checkout. No matter how quickly the cashier works, no matter how many cash registers in the store, there will always be a queue. But even 5 minutes is a lot more time than we spend near a shelving with coffee or a counter with slices.

Eyes by themselves stick into batteries, lighters, cigarettes, lollipops, key chains, some kind of bottles with anti-hangover, toothpicks, sweets and so on. Sellers also call this small thing - goods of impulsive demand. It seems to be inexpensive, but it wasn’t very necessary. How not to fall for this trick?

Rule 9. Standing in line at the cash register, occupy yourself with something so as not to be distracted by shelves with unnecessary goods.

For example, carefully examine the labels of all your purchases, once again check the expiration date, and just read the newspaper. And in a long line you can make an acquaintance.

And the last one. If you decide to consult with the seller - not about the technical data of a complex product, but about what is best to buy, then consider in advance that he is not telling the whole truth. No, of course, he can honestly tell you the best purchase option, this happens with us, the people in our mass are good-natured. In the end, it's up to you to decide.

Entire works and manuals have been written on how to trick a buyer, and experienced sellers work no worse than gypsies.

For your interest, somehow yourself, for no reason to buy something, go through your supermarket and look at the arrangement of goods, the layout of the assortment, the location of the shelves, and the behavior of sellers. But you cannot be fooled!

How to buy what you need at the right price? Reasonably save, save money. Preparing for purchases, making them deliberately, according to plan. Do not fuss. We buy the necessary, useful, important. We avoid useless, superfluous, unnecessary, waste, shopping and things. (10+)

How not to spend too much? Empty purchases, expenses, unnecessary, useless things

The most important:

I buy everything in a row, then I regret it.   Follow the tips of the article, and everything will work out.

I can not resist shopping.   At home, in a relaxed atmosphere, write a list of what you need. Buy only what is on this list.

Everything is very expensive.   Everything will rise in price until we pay attention to prices. As soon as we start looking at price tags, prices will go down.

I can afford to overpay.   If you buy a handmade thing, a tablecloth embroidered by hand, and calmly use it, you are cool. If you pay ten times the real thing for a print item, then you have been deceived, you are simply bullied. Will you let me do it? Only manual labor costs money.

  Why do we buy and spend too much?

In general, it is human nature to replace some things that, for some reason, are not currently available, with others. This also applies to food: we often replace food with a lack of communication, significant results in life, and much more. The same mechanism appears in purchases. Some natural needs, for example, the need for respect from others, are replaced by ostentatious respect and attention of sellers when you come with money. Another reason for unnecessary purchases is the person’s tendency to stockpile. Money appeared and became a familiar attribute of life relatively recently. And things have always been. So biologically, a person much more appreciates things, even unnecessary, than money.

All this, of course, sellers actively use, pushing us unnecessary goods. We need to learn how to deal with it. Not spending too much is very important for creating financial well-being.

  How to avoid waste, unnecessary expenses?

  Do not buy at discounted sales

More precisely, not so. Buy if you need a thing and you are satisfied with the price. The words "Discounts", "Sale", "Favorable conditions" and other crap should not affect your decision. Accustom yourself to look at consumer properties and price. Previously, sales really allowed you to buy something on favorable terms. Now many manufacturers exhibit goods at multiple inflated prices. Then they arrange the first wave of discounts - they reduce the price a little bit. Then the next wave. Finally, they arrange a grand sale, the liquidation of the collection. At the same time, they establish discounts of 80% of their first price. It turns out that this last price is still higher than how much the product actually costs. It is interesting to know when you see a price tag with a discount of 82%, and someone, ever bought at least one thing at that first price? I assure you, the answer is no. No one ever bought these things at their first prices. This is just a hoax.

And one more thing: statistics is inexorable. Three-quarters of things bought at sales, on occasion, are unnecessary on the farm. Based on this, the following advice.

  Do not make impulsive, random purchases

Any purchase requires careful consideration. When shopping, you need to proceed from your needs and the needs of your family, and not from the availability and price of the goods at the moment. The easiest way not to buy unnecessary goods is to have a list of the right ones. Get a list of things that you plan to buy in the next six months - a year. In this list, enter not only the name and requirements for the product, but also its correct price. How to determine the right price, read below. Do not buy anything that is not listed on this list, no matter what price and on whatever conditions it is offered to you.

Do not carry large amounts of money and credit cards with large limits. First of all, you cannot then accidentally lose them. Secondly, a good thing will calmly wait for you in the store. You can always ask the seller to postpone it for a day. If the store has fuss, excitement, then it must have been created artificially so that you buy a bunch of unnecessary things, thinking that tomorrow there will be no way to buy them. As a rule, such an opportunity will be, and at an even better price.

  Buy where it’s cheaper

Additional guarantees, prestigious points of sale, we do not need. Usually cheaper in online stores. In them and buy. Often, small things are profitable to buy in a regional online store with mail forwarding to Moscow. It turns out seriously cheaper. A guarantee from the manufacturer? In the event of a breakdown, you can contact any authorized service.

  You are the master, manufacturers and sellers are servants

There are a lot of goods and manufacturers, the goods you need will always be found. Accustom yourself to the idea that you give your good look products, you decide when, where and at what price to buy. And manufacturers and sellers are obligated to provide you with exactly what you need, then at the price that suits you. Coming to the store, without embarrassment, name the price at which you are ready to buy. If you do not sell, then go to another store, let these sit with their goods. Some time ago I decided to try to behave this way. The result was incredible, I almost always manage to buy what I want at the right price, not in this store, but in another, on the Internet or somewhere else.

Of course, you should not name the price taken from the ceiling. You must first determine the price, work through the issue. If the product is imported, see how much it costs in the country of origin. Fortunately, everyone now has the Internet. Estimate the cost of customs and shipping. The right price will immediately become clear. If the product is domestic, compare with foreign analogues, see how much this product cost 10 years ago, when people still did not have that much money. Over ten years, costs could increase by 2 times. The price could also grow 2 times, but not 10 times.

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