The structure and economic characteristics of pjsc sberbank. The main activities of Sberbank of Russia

  • 09.03.2020

Savings bank Russian Federation is currently the largest bank in Russia and in fact is one of the guarantors of the stability of the current economy of our country. The long-term stability of the bank and the state guarantee makes it very popular among the population. By revising banking services, one way or another, you have to focus on Sberbank of the Russian Federation, which offers a full range of services to both individuals and legal entities, however, the conditions for the provision of services do not always have an acceptable price, since the bank has a long-term serious reputation.

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form of a public joint stock company open type in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On banks and banking in the RSFSR ". Full name - Sberbank of Russia public joint stock company.

The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The history of the development of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation began more than 160 years ago, when the first Sberbank was opened in 1841. He called " National Bank»And his main activity was to ensure the safety of deposits. Subsequently, the bank was transformed into the Sberbank of the USSR, and in 1991 - into the Joint-Stock Commercial Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The bank has formed a stable resource base, increased the potential of branches and branches. The Bank was faced with the task of efficiently managing the attracted resources. In the period from 1991 to 2008, Sberbank of Russia underwent significant changes, survived the crisis and finally took shape as a modern and universal bank open to work with all groups of clients, support and support of the Russian economy. In 2006 Sberbank implements its expansion policy in international markets and opens a representative office in Kazakhstan.

In 2007, a representative office of Sberbank in Ukraine was opened; today it has over 190 branches.

Since 2008, Sberbank has received the status of a strategic partner of the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland).

In 2010, the sustainable development of Sberbank continued, a number of strategically important contracts were concluded, certification and assessment of the working personnel was carried out, additional measures were taken to improve the quality of service to citizens, socially significant and economic projects were implemented.

Sberbank of Russia in 2016 is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of banking services. The share of Sberbank of Russia in the total assets of the Russian banking sector was 29.4% as of August 1, 2014; in the private deposit market - 46.4%; the loan portfolio corresponded to 34.7% of all loans issued to the population. Sberbank holds the largest share in the deposit market and is the main lender Russian economy.

Sberbank has a wide range of services provided, the main of which are:

Lending to individuals and legal entities

Bank cards

Investments and securities


· Cash currency and traveler's checks

Precious metals and coins

Safe rental

Online services, etc.

The dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian economy in 2014 was formed under the influence of negative external factors: a drop in oil prices, a significant increase in geopolitical tension and the subsequent introduction of sectoral sanctions against Russia. Despite the external economic difficulties, Sberbank retained its leading positions in the main segments of the Russian financial market.

Key performance indicators of this enterprise are the following economic indicators:

Table 2.

Key economic indicators of Sberbank

Having studied the data in the table, we can conclude that the dynamics for these indicators is positive. Despite the current situation on financial market, the assets of Sberbank of Russia increased by 6990.5 billion, due to additional attraction customer funds (+ 3498.7billion) and increase own funds bank (+138.7 billion). The size of its own funds can also be increased by increasing the number of loans issued, and as a result, Sberbank increased the number of loans issued by 4,822.7 billion.

The bank's branch network as of April 1, 2015 includes 17 territorial banks and almost 20,000 structural units(branches) throughout Russia. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany. In June 2010, Sberbank received permission from the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission to open a representative office in Beijing, and in September 2010, the Bank of Russia registered a branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in India.

The organizational structure of the bank is presented as follows:

Sberbank of the Russian Federation Regional banks Branches Branches

Scheme 1. Organizational structure of the bank "Sberbank"

Regional business development is the main focus of Sberbank of Russia in its activities. Sberbank branches, together with the Main Directorate, are part of the unified system of Sberbank of Russia. Sberbank branches that do not have the rights of legal entities operate on the basis of provisions approved by the Board of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The balance of each branch is included in the balance of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The branch network of Sberbank of the Russian Federation covers the entire territory of the country. The branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation are hierarchically structured and subdivided into regional banks, regional banks and internal structural divisions.

North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia is one of 17 territorial banks of the largest banking institution in Russia - Sberbank and operates in 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Novgorod regions, as well as the Republic of Karelia. At present, the North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia has the most developed branch network in the region - of over 1,000 branches. Consider its organizational structure:

Figure 3. Organizational structure of the North-West PJSC branches Sberbank

staff turnover mentoring regulations

Sberbank of Russia ranks 66th in the rating of 1000 largest banks in the world in terms of Tier 1 equity capital according to TheBanker magazine (in 2006 - 82nd). According to the rating of the Financial Times newspaper, the bank entered the Top-25 largest banks in the world by capitalization, taking 24th place (in 2006 - 43rd), and in the rating of the 500 largest companies by capitalization in the world, Sberbank took 103rd place (in 2006 - 232nd), being included in the list of companies that have made the most significant jump in the ranking.

Accept deposits and deposits: term deposit, online deposit, deposit for settlements, savings certificate, DIA payments, compensation for deposits, as well as tracing accounts. Sberbank in St. Petersburg is part of the structure of the North-West Bank with central office in the city of St. Petersburg


This report examines the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia. “Sberbank” of Russia today, almost nothing reminds of the savings banks, the functions of which it performed during a significant period of its history. But today, "Sberbank" of Russia has little resemblance even to itself just ten years ago. The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent "sports" form in which Sberbank of Russia is today. Title of the oldest and the largest bank Russia does not prevent him from openly and honestly competing in banking market and keep abreast of financial and technological change. Sberbank not only keeps pace with current trends market, but also ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences. The purpose of the educational practice is to consolidate and apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during training at the Department of Finance of Organizations. To achieve this goal, you must complete the following tasks:

· to give general characteristics PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· Consider the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia;

· To conduct a feasibility study of Sberbank of Russia;

Analyze financial condition PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia.

The training practice was held at Sberbank of Russia in the Bank of Tatarstan Branch No. 8610, in the period from 28.03.2016 to 09.04.2016.

General characteristics of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia

Sberbank financial organizational

Public Joint Stock Company Sberbank of Russia (hereinafter referred to as PJSC Sberbank of Russia) is a modern universal organization that is one of the largest Russian commercial banks in Russia and the CIS countries.

Sberbank of Russia has a huge branch network: 17 territorial banks and over 18,400 subdivisions. It provides services in all 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Remote service channels have recently been introduced. The development of the applications "Sberbank Online" and " Mobile bank»With a wide customer base.

Also recently, Sberbank has significantly expanded its area of ​​international presence. Previously, it was limited to the CIS countries, but recently the distribution area has increased significantly. Representative offices appeared in Central and Eastern Europe(Sberbank EuropeAG) and Turkey (DenizBank). The DenizBank acquisition was the most significant in the bank's 170-year history. In addition to the previously listed countries, Sberbank also has representative offices in China, India and Germany, and is managed by Sberbank Switzerland AG.

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form of an open joint stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR" in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal and individuals.

Higher governing body Sberbank of Russia - general meeting of shareholders.

The Bank is a legal entity and with its branches constitutes a unified system of Sberbank of Russia.

The history of the development of PJSC Sberbank of Russia began, on November 12, 1841, the Russian Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia "to deliver through that funds to savings in a correct and profitable way." This date began to be considered the birthday of Sberbank.

A few months later, on March 1, 1842, an employee Loan Treasury Nikolai Christofari crossed the threshold of the newly opened ticket office in St. Petersburg. He could not even imagine that at that moment he was becoming the first client of a financial institution, whose history would be inextricably intertwined with the history of Russia.

Sberbank is the historical successor of the Savings Banks founded by the decree of Emperor Nicholas I, which at first were only two small institutions with 20 employees in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They then expanded into a network of savings banks that operated across the country and helped to maintain the resilience of the Russian economy even in difficult times. Later, during the Soviet era, they were transformed into the system of State Labor Savings Banks. And in modern times turned into a modern universal bank, a large international group, whose brand is known in more than twenty countries around the world.

Table 1.1 below shows the stages of development of Sberbank of Russia.

Table 1.2. Development stages of Sberbank of Russia

Foundation and development of banking in Russia. The first client of the first bank in the country. Growth up to 500 clients per day

The "Golden Age" of the First Bank of Russia and Development financial literacy population.

3875 savings banks

2,000,000 issued passbooks

The first revolution and global changes in the policy of Sberbank. Savings banks began to implement Money transfers, issue its own loan certificates, carried out transactions with interest and securities.

Sberbank during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period, participation in projects of national and global importance. A new Charter of state savings banks was established.

Development and transformation of Sberbank during the "thaw", "stagnation" and "perestroika". The number of savings banks has doubled: from 40,000 to 79,000. The number of the bank's clients increased 12 times.

Global changes of Sberbank of Russia: life in a new way economic laws... The first ATMs began to function. Non-state Pension Fund Sberbank. The Sberbank Online service was launched.

Activities and measures of Sberbank of Russia in a difficult financial situation: the crisis has been overcome. The Sberbank Business Online system was launched. Sberbank entered the top 20 largest banks by market capitalization. The Bank became the general partner of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games.

A new stage in the history of Sberbank of Russia: the introduction of innovative solutions, new programs and progressive technologies. The new future of the country.

Sberbank canceled all commissions for the consideration and issuance of loans. Have been lowered twice interest rates lending.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, including foreign investors. The structure of the share capital of Sberbank testifies to its high investment attractiveness.

Today, Sberbank of Russia, as one of the market participants, occupies a leading position in the Russian banking, as well as in the lending market, this rating is presented in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1.

The main goal of Sberbank of Russia is to ensure the growth of investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian market financial services by modernizing management and technological processes. To achieve this goal, the activities of Sberbank of Russia are aimed at improving the client policy, creating a flexible and effective system of interaction with clients based on taking into account the needs of various client groups.

PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia - universal commercial Bank satisfying the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of high-quality banking services throughout Russia.

Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, Sberbank of Russia seeks to effectively invest funds raised from private and corporate clients in the real sector of the economy, lend money to citizens, and contribute to the sustainable functioning of the Russian banking system and saving deposits of the population.

The main activities of Sberbank of Russia:

· Attracts funds from individuals and legal entities for deposits;

· Places funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

Opens and maintains bank accounts of individuals and legal entities,

· Carries out settlements on behalf of clients;

Collects bills of exchange, cash, payment and settlement documents and carries out cash service individuals and legal entities;

Buys and sells foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

· Attracts in deposits and places precious metals;

· Issues bank guarantees;

Carries out translations Money on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts;

· Carries out leasing operations;

· Provides brokerage, consulting and information services;

· Carries out emission and maintenance bank cards;

· Carries out the issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities, and much more.

Funds for the implementation of these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources: shareholders' funds; deposits of private clients; funds of legal entities; other sources, including borrowing from international financial markets.

The training practice was completed in the department of crediting of medium and large business of the branch "Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610.

Providing services to medium, large and private individuals is priority area activities of the branch "Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610.

"Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610 is actively developing lending programs, offering its clients lucrative loans for project and investment business lending, improvement housing conditions, acquisition Vehicle, obtaining higher education and solving many others financial issues... Sberbank of Russia helps to carry out payment transactions, takes responsibility for the storage and augmentation of funds, its depositors.

Each client of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610 can always count on the help of qualified specialists, individual approach and attentive attitude.

The reliability of Sberbank of Russia and its impeccable business reputation in Russia and abroad are confirmed by high ratings from leading rating agencies.

The SWOT analysis of Sberbank of Russia is shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. SWOT analysis of Sberbank of Russia


Sberbank of Russia is a reliable credit institution. The bank has high ratings, both in Russian and international rating agencies and is also one of largest companies Russia; The controlling stake in the bank belongs to the state. In case of problems with the bank, it can count on the help of the main shareholder; Has a developed regional network branches throughout Russia; Publication of quarterly reports on international standards testifies to the great transparency of the bank's activities; It possesses high liquidity of its securities, which for a long time were perceived by the market as a security paper. The bank has a diversified resource base, which gives it stability.

Weak sides:

The bank's low maneuverability to changes in external conditions will contribute to a gradual decrease in its market share; Strengthening competition in the Russian banking services market.

Features: ѓ

Sberbank of Russia seeks to strengthen its position as a leader in the retail sector; The bank plans to issue global depositary receipts (GDRs) for existing shares on London stock exchange... Withdrawal of shares to Western trading platforms will further increase the liquidity of securities.

Threats: ѓ

The possibility of a conflict between the development of the business of Sberbank of Russia and the interests of the main shareholder; Strengthening competition in the banking services market in the event of accession to the WTO and the entry of foreign banks into Russian market; Potential increase in the volatility of stock quotes due to personnel changes in the bank's board.

We present the main technical and economic indicators of Sberbank of Russia from 2013 to 2015 in Table 1.3, which is presented below.

Table 1.3. Main technical and economic indicators of Sberbank PJSC

Main factors

unit of measurement

Key figures of the income statement

Operating income before provisions

in billion rubles

Profit before tax

in billion rubles

Net profit

in billion rubles

Key balance sheet indicators

Impairment allowance loan portfolio

in billion rubles

in billion rubles

Client funds

in billion rubles

Key quality indicators

Ratio of provision for loan impairment to non-performing loans


Loans / Deposits

Sberbank is financial institution known not only to the overwhelming number of Russians, but also to residents of other states. The reason is its scale, uniqueness, fame against the background of other similar institutions in the Russian Federation. In this article, we will focus on the organizational structure of Sberbank, which has no analogues in Russia. Let's start with a general introduction to the organization.

About Sberbank

The subject of our conversation is PJSC, the largest Russian bank... Its founder is the Central Bank of Russia. It is the Central Bank that owns the controlling shareholding of this institution. Other shareholders are both organizations and individuals.

The uniqueness is noticeable not only in the expanded organizational structure of Sberbank. It is also distinguished by the following:

  • Provision of state guarantees for deposits.
  • Participation in an international program whose goal is the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.
  • Maintenance of accounts, accounting of income and turnover of the federal Russian budget.

Organizational chart of Sberbank of Russia

Let us analyze the hierarchy of the components of this large banking organization:

The entire organizational structure of Sberbank can be divided into almost equal four shares:

  1. Head office.
  2. Territorial offices.
  3. Agencies and branches.
  4. Other branches of the system.

Meeting of shareholders

The managerial structure of this organization presupposes the existence of ruling bodies with established volumes of responsibility, a number of powers and rules of interaction with other components of the system. We pass to its top.

The main governing body of the organizational PJSC structures Sberbank - a meeting of shareholders. Only it has the right to elect the board of directors of the institution, as well as the supervisory board. Shareholders are both individuals and legal entities. They are the owners of both common and preferred securities.

The main tasks of this part of the organizational structure of Sberbank:

Structure management

The overall management of Sberbank is the responsibility of the elected Council. His key responsibilities are:

  • Determination of the vectors of the bank's development.
  • Control over the work of the board.
  • Statement annual report.
  • Monitoring investment and lending policies.
  • Organization of the activities of the audit and credit committees.
  • Choice of the chairman.

Auditing and Credit Committees

We continue to get acquainted with the organizational structure of Sberbank. As we have already mentioned, its Council creates two committees, each of which has specific tasks:

Head office

Let's move on to the organizational structure of Sberbank branches. The main office here is the head office - it manages smaller-scale branches. Hence, its tasks are the following:

Territorial divisions

Note that the activities of the territorial structures are provided by the security service of Sberbank. They themselves are busy with the following:

Regional branches

Regional divisions and branches are the most widespread in the entire Sberbank system. It must be said that within the structure, they are constantly being optimized based on the density of population living in a particular region, the number of bank customers. Much attention is paid to the preference of consumers for certain banking services.

Regional branches of the organizational structure of Sberbank have the full range of rights of legal entities. The balance of such a branch is an integral part of the unified balance of the entire corporation.

Activity regional offices based on the approved regulation. Based on it:

  • Branches in the regions have the rights of legal entities.
  • They are part of the Sberbank system.
  • In their work, they rely on acts that have been adopted both by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and by Sberbank itself.

Here it is necessary to highlight specialized branches. They focus not only on individual and specialized banking service, but also on the development of some areas financial business: work with corporate clients, operations with currency, stocks, etc.


One cannot but single out such a part of Sberbank's structure as agencies. They are considered the very last link in the system - created at large institutions to work with the population of remote and sparsely populated regions of the Russian Federation. The range of operations they perform is limited - settlement and cash services, transfer of wages.

In the future, it is planned to replace agencies with mobile operating cash desks.


The structure of Sberbank has the following branches:

Organizational structure functions

Let's consider the general functions of the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia:

  • The turnover of funds received from the population and organizations.
  • Issuance of loans to individuals and legal entities.
  • Settlement and cash services for the population.
  • Work with securities: emission, sale, purchase.
  • Commercial services: leasing, factoring.
  • Issuance of bank cards.
  • Currency transactions.
  • Consulting and informing citizens on economic issues.

We briefly examined the extensive organizational structure of Sberbank. Now you are aware of its components, their specifics of activity.

PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" is the largest bank in Russia and the CIS with the widest network of divisions, providing a full range of investment banking services. Since September 2012, 50% plus one share of the bank is under the control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, over a third of the shares are owned by foreign companies. Sberbank accounts for about half of the Russian private deposit market, as well as every third corporate and retail loan in Russia.

The history of Sberbank of Russia begins with the personal decree of Emperor Nicholas I of 1841 on the establishment of savings banks, the first of which opened in St. Petersburg in 1842. A century and a half later - in 1987 - on the basis of state labor savings banks, a specialized bank for labor savings and lending to the population was created - Sberbank of the USSR, which also worked with legal entities... The Sberbank of the USSR included 15 republican banks, including the Russian Republican Bank.

In July 1990, by a decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank of Sberbank of the USSR was declared the property of the RSFSR. In December 1990, it was transformed into a joint stock commercial bank, which was legally established at general meeting shareholders on March 22, 1991. In the same 1991, Sberbank became the property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and was registered as a joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. Largely thanks to the support of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and an increase in fees for settlement service Sberbank managed to withstand the default on GKO-OFZ 1998 (at that time the share of government debt in the bank's assets was 52%, and the loan portfolio accounted for only 21% of net assets).

In September 2012, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation sold a 7.6% stake in Sberbank to private investors for 159 billion rubles, or almost $ 5 billion. At the moment, the Central Bank continues to control the controlling stake in Sberbank (the regulator has 50% plus one share). The minority shareholders are about 250 thousand legal entities and individuals, including foreign institutional investors, who own more than a third of Sber's shares.

The management of Sberbank of Russia is based on the principle of corporatism in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code approved by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank in June 2002. All governing bodies of the Bank are formed on the basis of the Charter of Sberbank of Russia and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Bank today. V today's Sberbank almost nothing reminds of the savings banks, the functions of which he performed during a significant period of its history. But another thing is surprising: Sberbank already has little resemblance even to itself just ten years ago! The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent "sports" form in which Sberbank is today. The title of the oldest and largest bank in Russia does not prevent it from openly and honestly competing in the banking market and keeping its finger on the pulse of financial and technological changes. Sberbank is not only keeping pace with current market trends, but also ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences.

Leader in the banking sector. Sberbank today is the circulatory system of the Russian economy, a third of its banking system. The bank provides a job and a source of income for every 150th Russian family.

The leader of the Russian banking sector in terms of total assets accounts for 29.4% of total banking assets (as of August 1, 2014).

The Bank is the main creditor to the Russian economy and holds the largest share in the deposit market. It accounts for 46.4% of household deposits, 34.7% of loans to individuals and 33.9% of loans to legal entities.

Sberbank today is 16 regional banks and more than 17 thousand branches throughout the country, in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, located in 11 time zones.

In Russia alone, Sberbank has more than 110 million customers - more than half of the country's population, and about 11 million people use Sberbank's services abroad.

The range of Sberbank services for retail clients is as wide as possible: from traditional deposits and different types lending to bank cards, money transfers, bank insurance and brokerage services.

All retail loans at Sberbank are issued using the “Credit Factory” technology, created to effectively assess credit risks and ensure a high quality loan portfolio.

In an effort to make service more convenient, modern and technological, Sberbank is improving its capabilities for remote management of customer accounts every year. The bank has created a system of remote service channels, which includes:

    online banking Sberbank Online (over 13 million active users);

    Sberbank Online mobile applications for smartphones (over 1 million active users);

    SMS-service "Mobile Bank" (over 17 million active users);

    one of the world's largest networks of ATMs and self-service terminals (over 90 thousand devices).

    Sberbank is the largest issuer of debit and credit cards... The joint bank, created by Sberbank and BNP Paribas, is engaged in POS lending under the Cetelem brand, using the concept of “responsible lending”.

Sberbank's clients include more than 1 million enterprises (out of 4.5 million registered legal entities in Russia). The bank provides services to all groups of corporate clients, with small and medium-sized companies accounting for over 35% of the bank's corporate loan portfolio. The rest is lending to large and largest corporate clients.

Sberbank today is a team of more than 260 thousand qualified employees working to transform the bank into the best service company with world-class products and services.

International network. Sberbank today is a powerful modern bank that is rapidly transforming into one of the world's largest financial institutions... In recent years, Sberbank has significantly expanded its international presence. In addition to the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus), Sberbank is represented in nine countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Sberbank Europe AG, formerly Volksbank International) and Turkey (DenizBank).

The purchase of DenizBank was completed in September 2012 and was the largest acquisition in the Bank's more than 170-year history. Sberbank of Russia also has representative offices in Germany and China, a branch in India, and operates in Switzerland.

In July 2014, Sberbank took first place among banks in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as 33rd in the overall standings in the annual rating of "TOP 1000 banks" in the world, published by The Banker magazine. In addition, Sberbank online was recognized as the best online retail banking in Central and Eastern Europe by Global Finance magazine, and was also recognized as the best bank in Russia according to the research conducted by this magazine in 2015.

In 2014 DenizBank (Turkey) was named the World's Most Innovative Bank at the BAI Innovation Awards.

Shareholders. The main shareholder and founder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which owns 50% authorized capital plus one voting share. Other shareholders of the Bank are international and Russian investors. The bank's ordinary and preferred shares have been listed on Russian stock exchanges since 1996. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the London Stock Exchange, admitted to trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and over-the-counter market in the USA.