What is more profitable to go on vacation before the holidays. When is it more profitable to take a vacation for money, season and comfort? Vacation with benefit

  • 08.09.2021
The 44th UEFA Super Cup, which will host the champions of the 2 major European club competitions of the past season - the Europa League and the Champions League, will take place on Wednesday August 14, 2019.

If last year's draw was attended by two Spanish football clubs (Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid), which, in addition to representing the same country, but also based in the same city, then the current UEFA Super Cup 2019 is entirely "English ". Clubs from Great Britain will compete for the trophy Liverpool and Chelsea.

The venue for the 2019 UEFA Super Cup (Liverpool - Chelsea) is Vodafone Park, Istanbul, Turkey.

What time will the Liverpool - Chelsea match begin:

The UEFA Super Cup soccer match kicks off on 14 August 2019 at 22:00 Moscow time.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the match:

Live the game for the UEFA Super Cup 2019 will show TV channel "Match!" ... The beginning of the live connection from Turkey is 21:55 Moscow time.

On repeat You can also watch the meeting on the "Match!" August 15, 2019 (Thursday) at 15:25 Moscow time.

Will a 4-day work week be introduced in Russia:

Currently, most Russian citizens work five days a week. According to a study conducted by VTsIOM at the end of June 2019, some of them are interested in the transition to a four-day period (of course, while maintaining the existing wages).

Thus, 29% of Russians are positive about the transition to a 4-day working week. 17% of the respondents have a neutral attitude to this issue, and 6% found it difficult to answer. Well, 48% of Russians in the course of the survey did not support the idea of ​​reducing the working week to 4 days. The fears of this "almost half" of Russians are connected with the fact that this change in the end may lead not only to a reduction in working hours, but also to a decrease in wages.

We hasten to reassure you - for the time being there are no applicable laws related to the future reduction of the work week to four days. Also on this topic no bills are being considered.

That is, in the near future:
* The four-day working week will not be introduced in Russia.

In this case, we mean, of course, the legislatively approved and common for all "four days" period. Individual enterprises, in the event of an unstable situation and financial difficulties, can still introduce both a four-day and three-day working week with a corresponding reduction in cash payments to employees.

On August 13, 2019 it became known that the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) sent its proposals for the transition to a 4-day working day to the Ministry of Labor. In the proposal, it was emphasized that this change should take place "with the obligatory preservation of the same amount of wages."

On August 14, 2019, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin is not currently discussing the transition to a four-day working week.

What Dmitry Medvedev said about the transition to a non-4-day work week:

On June 11, 2019, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the advantages of switching to a four-day working week as part of a speech in Geneva, Switzerland, at the 108th session of the International Labor Organization.

He predicted that the transition to the four-day week will take place in the not too distant future.

Quote: “Technological progress leads to the reduction of not only jobs, but also working hours, to the expansion of leisure. It is very likely that the future lies in the four-day working week as a new basis for the social and labor contract. "... YES. Medvedev.

As arguments, Dmitry Anatolyevich cited the example of the American businessman Henry Ford, who 100 years ago reduced the working week at his enterprises from 48 to 40 hours and achieved an impressive increase in labor productivity.

Also cited as an example was the New Zealand management company Perpetual, which, after switching to a 4-day workweek, achieved a 20% increase in labor productivity (based on an hour of work). At the same time, the stress level of the company's employees has significantly decreased.

When can a 4-day work week be introduced in Russia:

According to experts, a four-day working week can be introduced in the Russian Federation not earlier than 2030, or in 10-15 years .

For example, this opinion is shared by the vice-rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATiSO), ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Alexander Safonov. In his opinion, the transition to a four-day period will inevitably lead to a reduction in citizens' incomes. An exception will be those industries where payment is made not for the number of hours worked, but for the result, such as in the IT sector.

And the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin believes that the third day off should be "earned" by increasing labor productivity. Friday, or Monday, can become an additional (third) day off only when labor productivity increases by at least 20%. And this can happen just in 10-15 years.

May holidays and vacation time are approaching, in this regard, many decide to combine the "long" weekend of May with. But is it profitable to take a vacation in May 2017? To answer this question, we will figure out what the size of vacation pay depends on, how they are calculated and give examples of calculation that will clearly demonstrate the features of paying for a May vacation.

How vacation is paid

To begin with, let us recall that every year the bulk of working citizens have the right to leave in 28 calendar days, and for some categories of workers there are also provided. The leave can be used in whole or in parts, one of which must be at least 14 calendar days (Articles 115, 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How is vacation pay calculated? The first step is to determine the employee's average daily earnings:

The settlement period is 12 months preceding the month of going on vacation, and 29.3 is the average monthly number of calendar days taken into account, excluding holidays (Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The calculation period does not include the time paid to the employee according to the average earnings: past vacations, being on sick leave, etc.

Why is it unprofitable to take a vacation in May 2017

In 2017, there are 11 days off and holidays in May and 20 working days. In connection with the postponement of one of the weekend in January to May 8, two blocks of "long" days off were formed: a three-day one - from April 29 to May 1, and a four-day one - from May 6 to 9. The number of weekends and working days is not constant and may change annually.

It should be remembered that non-working holidays are not taken into account when calculating vacation pay, but the duration of the vacation will be increased by the number of days of holidays that coincide with it. In May, these days are the 1st and the 9th.

To understand why it is unprofitable to take a vacation in May, we will have to analyze a few examples.

Example 1. Vacation in May coincides with public holidays.

The employee decided to take a vacation for 14 days from May 1, 2017. His monthly salary is 50,000 rubles, the calculation period has been fully worked out, which means that the earnings from 05/01/2016 to 04/30/2017 amounted to 600,000 rubles.

Average daily earnings = 600,000 rubles. : 12 months : 29.3 = 1706.48 rubles.

For the vacation period, there are 2 public holidays at once - May 1 and 9 (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), so the employee will be paid not 14, but only 12 days of vacation:

Vacation = 1706.48 rubles. x 12 days = RUB 20,477.76

Due to holidays, the employee's vacation will be extended by 2 days, and he will go to work on May 17.

Let's calculate the salary for the remaining 11 working days of the month:

Salary in May = 50,000 rubles. : 20 working days in May x 11 days = RUB 27,500.00

Total for May, the employee will receive: 20,477.76 rubles. + RUB 27,500 = RUB 47 977.76

Example 2. May vacation does not coincide with holidays.

Let's consider another option of how best to take a vacation in May 2017. We will use the conditions of the first example, but the employee will go on vacation for 14 days from May 15th.

The employee will be paid this time for all 14 days of vacation, since they do not coincide with the holidays:

Vacation = 1706.48 rubles. x 14days = 23,890.72 rubles.

Salary for 10 days worked in May = 50,000 rubles. : 20 working days in May x 10 days = 25,000 rubles.

Total employee income in May: 23,890.72 rubles. + RUB 25,000 = RUB 48,890.72

Obviously, our conditional employee, if the vacation coincides with the May holidays, in the first example will receive less than 912.96 rubles, even despite the greater number of days worked. Now we understand how profitable it is to take a vacation in May 2017 - it is necessary that the days of the May holidays do not fall on vacation days.

Example 3. Vacation is not taken in May, but in June 2017.

Let's say that an employee decides to go on vacation in June, having worked the entire month of May. Vacation from June 13 for 14 days does not coincide with holidays. The amount of vacation payments will be the same as in example 2 - 23,890.72 rubles. (1706.48 rubles x 14 days). In June, the total number of working days was 21, of which the employee worked 11:

Salary for June = 50,000 rubles. : 21 working days in June x 11 days = 26,190.48 rubles.

Total for June 2017 the employee will receive: 23,890.72 rubles. + RUB 26,190.48 = RUB 50,081.20

As we can see, as a result, the total earnings in June even slightly exceeded the amount of the employee's monthly income.

So, is it profitable to take a vacation in May 2017? The answer is obvious - it is better to schedule a vacation for months with a large number of working days, and months generous for the holidays are better for working. In addition, it does not always make sense to combine vacation with holidays, which are still non-working according to the law. If there is no alternative, and you can take a vacation only in May, it is desirable that its period does not coincide with May Day and Victory Day.

The 44th UEFA Super Cup, which will host the champions of the 2 major European club competitions of the past season - the Europa League and the Champions League, will take place on Wednesday August 14, 2019.

If last year's draw was attended by two Spanish football clubs (Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid), which, in addition to representing the same country, but also based in the same city, then the current UEFA Super Cup 2019 is entirely "English ". Clubs from Great Britain will compete for the trophy Liverpool and Chelsea.

The venue for the 2019 UEFA Super Cup (Liverpool - Chelsea) is Vodafone Park, Istanbul, Turkey.

What time will the Liverpool - Chelsea match begin:

The UEFA Super Cup soccer match kicks off on 14 August 2019 at 22:00 Moscow time.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the match:

Live the game for the UEFA Super Cup 2019 will show TV channel "Match!" ... The beginning of the live connection from Turkey is 21:55 Moscow time.

On repeat You can also watch the meeting on the "Match!" August 15, 2019 (Thursday) at 15:25 Moscow time.

Will a 4-day work week be introduced in Russia:

Currently, most Russian citizens work five days a week. According to a study conducted by VTsIOM at the end of June 2019, some of them are interested in the transition to a four-day period (of course, while maintaining the existing wages).

Thus, 29% of Russians are positive about the transition to a 4-day working week. 17% of the respondents have a neutral attitude to this issue, and 6% found it difficult to answer. Well, 48% of Russians in the course of the survey did not support the idea of ​​reducing the working week to 4 days. The fears of this "almost half" of Russians are connected with the fact that this change in the end may lead not only to a reduction in working hours, but also to a decrease in wages.

We hasten to reassure you - for the time being there are no applicable laws related to the future reduction of the work week to four days. Also on this topic no bills are being considered.

That is, in the near future:
* The four-day working week will not be introduced in Russia.

In this case, we mean, of course, the legislatively approved and common for all "four days" period. Individual enterprises, in the event of an unstable situation and financial difficulties, can still introduce both a four-day and three-day working week with a corresponding reduction in cash payments to employees.

On August 13, 2019 it became known that the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) sent its proposals for the transition to a 4-day working day to the Ministry of Labor. In the proposal, it was emphasized that this change should take place "with the obligatory preservation of the same amount of wages."

On August 14, 2019, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin is not currently discussing the transition to a four-day working week.

What Dmitry Medvedev said about the transition to a non-4-day work week:

On June 11, 2019, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the advantages of switching to a four-day working week as part of a speech in Geneva, Switzerland, at the 108th session of the International Labor Organization.

He predicted that the transition to the four-day week will take place in the not too distant future.

Quote: “Technological progress leads to the reduction of not only jobs, but also working hours, to the expansion of leisure. It is very likely that the future lies in the four-day working week as a new basis for the social and labor contract. "... YES. Medvedev.

As arguments, Dmitry Anatolyevich cited the example of the American businessman Henry Ford, who 100 years ago reduced the working week at his enterprises from 48 to 40 hours and achieved an impressive increase in labor productivity.

Also cited as an example was the New Zealand management company Perpetual, which, after switching to a 4-day workweek, achieved a 20% increase in labor productivity (based on an hour of work). At the same time, the stress level of the company's employees has significantly decreased.

When can a 4-day work week be introduced in Russia:

According to experts, a four-day working week can be introduced in the Russian Federation not earlier than 2030, or in 10-15 years .

For example, this opinion is shared by the vice-rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATiSO), ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Alexander Safonov. In his opinion, the transition to a four-day period will inevitably lead to a reduction in citizens' incomes. An exception will be those industries where payment is made not for the number of hours worked, but for the result, such as in the IT sector.

And the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin believes that the third day off should be "earned" by increasing labor productivity. Friday, or Monday, can become an additional (third) day off only when labor productivity increases by at least 20%. And this can happen just in 10-15 years.

If the organization has a choice, any employee will think about when is the best time to take a vacation. This is important, since the amount of vacation pay and the duration of the rest can be different depending on the month.

It is advised to choose a month in which there are more than 20 working days. The largest number of working days is usually in months such as July, August, September, October and December.

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Human Resources and Accounting do not like it when the vacation period is heavily fragmented, since the turnover of documents increases several times. Although the employee has every right to go on vacation several times for a small number of days.

What months is it better to take?

If you want to get good cash payments, then take a vacation that starts on Saturday and ends on Sunday: Weekends are added to the vacation pay count.

With loyal company management, employees can go on vacation for 4 weeks in a row... Use this opportunity if your employer gives you the opportunity to take the whole vacation.

However, it is worth remembering: when you go on vacation, you will be provided with funds. for its entire duration, and in the future, you can only count on payment for the number of days actually worked, which in this case is approximately several days.

Number of working days in 2018:

May and holidays

In terms of duration, it is quite convenient to go on vacation in May, but for short term... You can take about 4-5 days.

You can apply for working days that fall on the time from May 1 to May 9, take into account the postponement of the weekend, and you will be given about 10-11 vacation days. In this way, you can act on other holidays, adding it to a long weekend.

The most disadvantageous in terms of money for vacation months are January and May. The number of working days in these months is minimal, but the salary is paid in full, so it is not profitable to rest at this time.

Why it is not profitable to take a vacation in January or May:

  • Your salary reaches 30,000 rubles.
  • In the month of January (May), you will need to work 17 days (20 in May), and the price of one working day is 1,764.7 rubles (1,500).
  • Moreover, for any day of vacation is charged 1023.8 rubles.

It is obvious that the employee is much it is more profitable to work a small number of days(including holidays) than going on a less paid vacation.

From what date to go on vacation, it does not really matter. The main thing is a large number of working days.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the most profitable vacation is the vacation that is taken per month. with the least number of days off and the maximum number of working days.

Do not forget about the fact that not just taking into account the wages earned, but also taking into account the bonus for the last year before vacation pay.

Not later than two weeks before the New Year, all companies must approve a vacation schedule. In this regard, employees should decide in which month they plan to relax in 2018. When it is most profitable to go on vacation, we tell you in our regular section "Questions and Answers".

When shouldn't you go on vacation?

January and May are the most disadvantageous for vacation. We work less than usual during these months, but at the same time we receive a full salary. But if you decide to go on vacation, for example, at the beginning of the year, you will significantly lose money.

Conventionally, your salary is 30 thousand rubles. In January, you have to work only 17 days, while the cost of one workday will be 1,764.7 rubles.

But if you decide to extend the New Year holidays, for example, from January 9 to January 23, for each day of vacation you will be charged 1023.8 rubles (30,000 / 29.3, where 29.3 is the average number of calendar days in a month, which is applied when calculation of vacation pay). Note that sick leave is not included in the vacation pay calculation.

By the way, if you decide to go on vacation during non-working holidays, you should know that, unlike regular weekends, they will be excluded from those days for which you will be charged vacation pay. That is, if you decide to take a vacation, say, from April 23 to the end of the May holidays, it is more profitable to write two statements: one - for the period before the holidays, the second - for the days between May Day and Victory Day.

And when is the best time to relax from an economic point of view?

From a material point of view, it is most profitable to go on vacation in those months in which the number of working days is more than 20. Most working days are in August, September and December.

Note that vacation pay is calculated on the basis of calendar days, and wages are only for workers. It is better to start your vacation on Monday and close on Friday. With this option, your two-week vacation can be extended by the weekend to vacation and another at the end. Thus, you will save a few days for the future, but they will not be included in the calculation of this vacation.

How many days can the vacation be split into?

Specifically, into how many parts the vacation can be divided is not established by law. But according to article 125 of the Labor Code, one part of the leave must be at least 14 calendar days. Further, you can take a vacation for at least 1-2 days, adding it to Saturdays and Sundays and resting for 3-4 days. The leave is split by agreement with the employer.

By the way, in some companies they are forced to break up the vacation. To agree to this or not is your choice, because the employer does not have the right to independently decide the issue of dividing the annual paid leave into parts. This issue is resolved only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

If the employer does not comply with the requirements of the legislation on the granting of vacation or its payment, the employee has the right to appeal these actions in the state labor inspection bodies.