Check yourself and the counterparty on the site

  • 08.10.2021

The problem of the integrity of the counterparty is quite acute in modern business. Every year, the state introduces many amendments to tax and administrative legislation to increase the transparency of transactions, combat fly-by-night firms and fraudulent schemes.

If an organization has come to a certain market sector seriously and for a long time, it values ​​its name and reputation, it needs to be as confident as possible in its partners.

Let us consider in more detail what risks come from the imprudent conclusion of contracts with unverified counterparties and how to protect yourself from such risks.

Why it may be necessary to find out the counterparty by TIN before concluding an agreement

A partner applying for long-term cooperation with an enterprise may turn out to be unreliable for the following reasons:

  • Lack of a license or permit to conduct certain activities. If you work in licensed areas, this is an extremely important point. You need to find out the types of activities according to OKVED, prescribed by the potential partner in the statutory documents, the availability of the necessary licenses and permits.
  • Unreliable person in the position of leader. When one person is the CEO of a dozen firms, half of which are in bankruptcy, this is a serious reason to think about the advisability of working with such an enterprise. Checking the general director of the company also makes sense in the case of tenders for the place of the contractor. If all the firms that have submitted applications to you for such a competition belong to one person, this clearly does not testify in his favor.
  • Initiated liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings. The counterparty may remain silent about such facts, but it is better for you to be aware in advance.
  • The duration of the company's activities. If representatives of the organization you are interested in assure you that they have been present on the market for decades, and the company was registered six months ago, it is better to find another partner.
  • Bulk registration address. By itself, this fact does not indicate the unreliability of the enterprise, but it is definitely worth keeping in mind.
  • Disqualification of the entire enterprise or its management. This term refers to a ban on the right to engage in certain activities.
  • Inconsistency of the provided details with reality. This moment may arise simply due to the inattention of the legal service of the future partner. For example, the inconsistency of the TIN with the specified checkpoint, however, if you do not focus on this in the future, this situation will bring a lot of headaches to your accounting department when trying to submit an alcohol declaration, where invoice data is verified.

Here is a far from complete list of reasons why you may need to check the counterparty by TIN.

Why test yourself

Given that now checking a potential counterparty by TIN is very popular and does not take much time, it would be useful to check your company in this way. So, you can see the information that your partners will receive.

By constantly monitoring this data, you will be able to quickly respond to undesirable nuances that have arisen. For example:

  • pay your tax debts on time;
  • control your accounting service for the quality and completeness of the submitted reports;
  • be sure that you have not become a victim of a raider takeover.

The information in the IFTS database is updated promptly and it will be more convenient and faster to conduct such a check on a regular basis than to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities every time.

How to check yourself and find out the counterparty by TIN on the site - step by step instructions

Step one

You need to go to the IFTS website at

The home page will look like this.

It has two active windows for data entry. In the top one, you need to enter the TIN number of the partner being checked or the number of its PSRN, and in the second captcha, that is, enter the numbers that you will see below the window, in figure one these are the numbers 703799, you will have new ones every time.

step two

So, let's check the counterparty by TIN using an example. Take, for example, the TIN of OAO Gazprom. His TIN is 7736050003. Enter these numbers in the first window and captcha in the second, click find.

Step Three

In just a few seconds, the system processed our request and issued this information.

Already at this stage, we see that two legal entities were registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the same name - Gazprom, a single organizational and legal form - Open Joint Stock Company and an identical TIN number. But one of them was registered in 2002 and is still operating, while the second functioned for only 21 days. In addition, in this window you can see information about the checkpoint and PSRN of these companies, they have different, different and legal addresses.

Theoretically, if the audit were conducted not in relation to the mentioned firms, but, for example, in relation to a potentially dishonest organization, it would already be possible at this stage to establish whether this organization is operating, where it is really registered and when.

The data in the first column, namely the name of the legal entity, is active, that is, by clicking on it with the mouse, you can continue the analysis of a potential business partner.

Step Four

When you click on the name of the first legal entity, the system automatically downloads to your computer a PDF file with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for this taxpayer. Here's what it looks like - .

A lot of information can be gleaned from this file. For example, it indicates what date and in which IFTS an entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the registration of this enterprise. There is also information why this company was declared inactive.

In this example, the following reason is indicated - the inclusion of an entry on the state registration of a legal entity during creation was recognized as erroneous by a decision made by the registering authority.

The date of termination of existence and the name of the issued in support of this are reflected - a certificate of the presence of signs of an inactive legal entity. Reference number 855 It was issued on 07/26/2006, and a certificate reflecting the existence of an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, its details and the date of submission 15 000686143 12/20/2006.

Step five

Now let's analyze the existing firm. This is the PDF file that the system loads when you click on the second legal entity - . There is much more information here, already 55 sheets, we will analyze the entire statement.

What information about the counterparty can be obtained

After analyzing the received extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can obtain the following information about an existing legal entity:

  • Its full and abbreviated legal name.
  • Details of the certificate of inclusion of data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Date and form of establishment of the legal entity.
  • The body that registered the establishment and the body that put the enterprise on tax records.
  • The name of the branch of the Pension Fund in which the enterprise is registered, the registration number in this fund and the date the number was assigned.
  • Size and date of formation of the authorized capital of the enterprise.
  • Information about the person who has the right to act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney. His f. And. o., position and TIN.
  • Information about the main type of economic activity according to OKVED and the date of its assignment.
  • Information about all additional types of economic activity and the dates of their assignment.
  • Information about all licenses held by the enterprise. Their numbers, dates of issue, names of the bodies that issued these licenses, their validity period. As well as the type of licensed activity and the place of validity of licenses.
  • Information about all branches and representative offices of the legal entity. Their addresses, names, dates of organization and numbers of certificates of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Information about all changes made to the constituent documents from the moment of registration of the enterprise. The essence of these changes and their dates.

From the second example, it becomes obvious that the information that can be found on the public site is very extensive.

In addition, it is absolutely reliable, up-to-date at the date of the request and, importantly, free of charge.

Many are familiar with the phrase: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." With the new service for checking yourself and your counterparty by TIN on the site, it becomes much easier to own the world.

So far, the described service is working in test mode, but for sure, given its demand, it will be transferred to the basic services of the tax inspectorate and will complement the line of no less relevant products.

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Video - how to check yourself and find out the counterparty by TIN on the tax website. RU: