Sample order for the provision of documents to the accounting department

  • 24.09.2021

Sample order for the provision of documents to the accounting department

Documents in the accounting department come from all departments of the company. In order for the papers to be given on time, the organization usually develops a workflow schedule. But even if this regulation is approved, not all services comply with the deadlines. At the end of the year, in a rush mode, it is not easy to collect a primary organization. A special order will help with this You will find a sample order for the provision of documents below

First of all, the document must list the primary documents that the employees did not submit on time, according to the schedule. And also set a deadline when you need to transfer the papers. The order can list the measures that will be applied to violators of the deadlines - a reprimand or a reduction in part of the bonus. With the order it is necessary to familiarize the units. And they will inform the employees about the new order.

The director may refuse to issue an order. To convince him, you can use this argument. Due to the late receipt of the primary accounts department, it is necessary to correct the already submitted reports. This may result in tax surcharges with interest and penalties. That is, the company is losing money.

Sample order for the provision of documents: