How to get a loan under a business plan. Credit for small business development from scratch

  • 01.12.2019

Significant money is required for developing a business, opening new directions or starting your own business. And it often turns out to be easier and more profitable to get a loan under a business plan than to withdraw money from circulation or, moreover, make attempts to accumulate it.

In our article today, we will talk about how the “credit” business plan differs from standard document this kind, about its types and principles of preparation. Besides, it will go about how to convince the bank of the success of a new business and, finally, to obtain the necessary funds.

A business plan is a kind of forecast that is being built based on planned revenues and expenses enterprises as a result of the project. not easy - you need to have a large amount of knowledge as in financial analysisso in marketing.

As a rule, obtaining loans for an organization does not require a borrower to present a prepared business plan. To make a decision to the bank quite enough credit analysis conducted on the basis of financial statements by in-house specialists. However, there are situations when a bank may require a business plan to obtain a loan:

  • The borrower needs a loan to open a new business. Banks provide such loans very rarely, and loan programs require the applicant to write a business plan. Such a policy is justified: as the borrower no income from activitiesand at the time of conclusion of the contract, the bank wants to make sure of its solvency in the future. A professional business plan that reflects even the smallest nuances of activity is perfectly suited for these purposes.
  • When expanding operating enterprise (for example, you plan to convert to a factory). Since significant amounts of funds are required, the bank may request a business plan. This document will confirm that such investments will be effective.

Even if the bank does not request a business plan for a loan, presenting this document will be an additional advantage of the borrower.

  • With investment lending. By this, banks usually mean large investments in the enterprise (purchase of equipment, real estate, construction, etc.) with a long payback period. The loan term in this case is also quite large - up to 10-20 years.

Banking specialists do not have the proper experience and qualifications in order to be able to evaluate as soon as possible investment investmentsTherefore, a business plan for a loan is required. After analyzing it, it is highly likely to talk about the effectiveness of the project.

  • Is planned opening a new direction in the current business (or the purchase of a new business in the complex). Banks usually give out for a specific purpose - either the purchase of goods, or the purchase of equipment, transport, real estate. Opening an enterprise involves a large list of diverse expenses. To assess the validity and benefits, the bank requires the borrower to provide detailed business plan.

How to make a business plan for a loan - differences and features

Now let's talk about how the “credit” business plan differs from the traditional one. Contrary to popular belief, there is a difference, and quite noticeable:

  • The structure of the business plan remains unchanged - the changes concern only the content.
  • If you look at any sample business plan for obtaining a loan, you may notice that it presents information in a much more concise form. So, the volumes of the first sections are reduced, and the most important information about the product, the competitive environment, etc. remains.

This is justified - after all, bank loan officers need to study the information in a short time, so "extra" data is simply useless.

  • It is necessary to describe in detail what the borrowed funds of the bank will be specifically spent on - this question will certainly arise.

Lending to enterprises is exclusively targeted, so the bank needs to know in advance what the money will be directed to.

  • Financial section It turns out to be the most extensive. Here it is necessary to indicate income and expenses, not only for the opened case, but also for others, in order to justify the sources of funds for repaying the loan.

When analyzing borrowers, banks use a conservative approach. This means that they minimize possible profits and are attentive to risks.

  • A business plan must necessarily include a loan repayment schedule and interest on it in the expenditure side. A common mistake of enterprises is “forgetfulness” in relation to these expenses.
  • If we are talking about an entrepreneur, then his personal expenses should also be involved in financially - because they are usually made from the profits of the enterprise. The bank must be sure that there is enough income to pay off all liabilities.

There are a great many details and important nuances in the preparation of a business plan for a loan, and each mistake leads to an extension of the application review period. Moreover, having seen discrepancies between different sections of the document, the bank may refuse to issue a loan at all.

Also important is the ability of the head of the enterprise to protect the prepared business plan. If the person in charge does not navigate this document, this is an alarm bell for the bank.

How to get a loan under a business plan - useful tips

If you are planning a loan for an enterprise to open or expand a business, you should prepare for this issue in advance. This is especially true when the bank requires a business plan from a potential borrower. We, in turn, offer a list of recommendations on the preparation and execution of the application - this will help you expedite the consideration of a bank loan.

  • Try not to resort to the services of third parties to write a business plan. Quite often, in the form proposed by the bank, a decent justification for a loan can be made by the entrepreneur himself, his economist or accountant.

Knowing the activities of the company from the inside, you can better explain the need for a bank loan and the benefits of it.

  • If you still used the services of another organization, find out in advance whether the specialists have experience writing business plans for banks.
  • All contracts providing the purpose of lending must be prepared in advance. The Bank is much more loyal to the borrower, who has already concluded preliminary agreements with sellers, tenants, and suppliers.
  • The purpose of the loan should be provided not only by borrowed, but also by own funds.

If the share of own investments is 20% or more, you will inspire confidence in the bank, as you are ready to risk your own funds.

  • If you plan to attract a large and long-term loan, preferably by that time already be a customer of the bank. Ideally, the borrowing organization by the time of registration has already repaid several loans and earned a good reputation.
  • Particular emphasis in the business plan needs to be done to the financial part, in particular on the forecast of the benefits of investment.

In addition, be sure to write down at what expense the loan will be repaid - it is advisable that even before the start of the project you have sufficient income for repayments.

  • Marketing plan bank employees are generally considered superficially - the most important thing is that it does not contradict other sections.
  • The person responsible for interaction with the bank (director, accountant) must carefully study the entire business plan on loan before applying. Only in this case is it possible to promptly respond to emerging issues and provide the necessary documents.


Brief structure of a business plan for obtaining a loan

At registration bank loan for enterprises, most often only a request from the borrower and reporting are required - the financial organization employees conduct the analysis of the project on their own. However, there are situations when a business plan for a loan is needed.

This work can be done in-house or entrusted to professionals specializing in such documents. In any of these cases, you should understand the peculiarities of preparing and protecting your application at the bank - this will be the key to a positive decision.

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How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch? Where to get a soft loan for starting a small business? On what conditions is a loan provided for starting a small business?

Most common questionthat aspiring entrepreneurs ask themselves - where to get start-up capital for starting a business? If you can’t borrow money from parents, friends or get a loan from the state, there is only one option left - a bank. There is always money in any quantity.

With you, Denis Kuderin, an expert on finance at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to take a loan to open a small businesswhat are the requirements of banks to start-up businessmen, and whether there are soft loans in nature for new-found entrepreneurs and LLCs.

We read the article to the end - in the final you will find a review of banks with the most favorable lending conditions and tips on how to increase the chances of a positive response from a financial company.

1. Loan for starting a small business - assistance to a novice entrepreneur

Small Business (MB) - commercial enterprisewhose number of employees does not exceed 100 people, and annual revenue is not higher 400 million rubles . For small enterprises provided special tax treatment and simplified order bookkeeping.

Lack of start-up capital - main stumbling block for beginner businessmen. Lack of assets impedes the development of one's own business, prevents the realization of potentially profitable commercial ideas, and hinders self-realization.

Psychologically people who are on initial stage opening your own business ready to risk borrowed funds for a successful start. They have a sound plan and development strategy.

It remains only to present their ideas to creditors and make them believe in the commercial potential of the future business.

But rememberthat only about 10% of small enterprises pay off or at least do not burn out in the first 1-2 years after opening.

For this reason, banks are not eager to give out money to everyone. They have no interest in financing projects with an uncertain future. Therefore they need a clear business plan, guarantee or franchise. Better yet, a liquid guarantee.

Condition 2. Availability of collateral and guarantor

Mortgaged property - reliable money back guarantee. Secured loans are beneficial both to banks and, in part, to borrowers themselves. The interest rate on such loans is lower, the terms are higher, and the documentation requirements are more loyal.

As a pledge take:

  • liquid real estate - apartments, houses, land;
  • transport;
  • equipment;
  • securities;
  • other liquid assets.

It is even better if, in addition to the collateral, you have guarantors - individuals or legal entities. Guarantor has the right to become city \u200b\u200bor regional Entrepreneurship Centers, Business incubators and other structures that help novice businessmen.

Condition 3. Net credit history

Banks check the credit history of all borrowers without exception.

  • successfully closed loans;
  • no sanctions for past delays;
  • there are no existing loans.

If you want to fix credit history take time. Most effective method - take several consecutive loans in MFIs and close them on the terms of the company.

Condition 4. Full package of documents

The more documents you provide to the bank, the greater the chance of a positive response. Make sure that all documents are up to date and properly executed.

The clear plus is availability of ready-made licenses and other permits for the type of activity that you are going to do.

We will pause, watch a short video on the topic.

3. How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch - 5 simple steps for a borrower

First, decide on the amount that you need. There is no need to take more than required, but a lack of funds is also undesirable. Ideally need professional financial analystto calculate all the costs.

Immediately consider whether you can provide the bank with a deposit, if necessary, and find guarantors.

Open checking account - Not a single businessman can do without him.

The most convenient and quickest way to open accounts in the following banks:

Step 1. Choose a bank and loan program

Banks offer dozens of varieties of lending programs for aspiring businessmen. Your goal is to choose the one that best suits your needs.

To begin with, it is worth asking about offers in the bank whose services you use. Payroll customers and those who have a bank deposit or bank account, banks offer more favorable terms.

It is more reliable to cooperate with well-known players in the financial market, who have many branches in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Other important criteria:

  • independent bank rating - in Russia the most authoritative rating companies - RA "Expert" and "National Rating Agency";
  • work experience- Do not trust institutions that opened less than 5 years ago;
  • financial indicators - if banks have nothing to hide, they publish financial reports on your site;
  • reviews of other businessmenwho have already used the services of the company;
  • availability of soft loans with state support- in case you manage to take advantage of such programs.

And another tip - read the latest news about the bank. Suddenly he changes ownership or transfers its assets to another bank. Extra trouble with the details you do not need.

In the Russian Federation several dozens of banks per year lose their licenses. Only cooperate with companies whose position is stable and solid.

Step 2. We prepare documents

I already spoke about the package of documents - the fuller it is, the better.

You will need:

  • the passport;
  • the second document is preferably a TIN;
  • certificate of registration of IP or LLC;
  • fresh extract from the register;
  • certificate of registration with the Tax Service;
  • licenses and permits (if any);
  • documents for collateral (if you apply for a secured loan);
  • business plan;
  • income statement (if any).

The bank is entitled to require other documents - for example, list of purchased property for reference business activities , office lease agreement, etc.

Step 3. Submit an application

All modern banks accept applications online. Fill out the form, send and wait for a decision. Indicate the most detailed and reliable data - the bank will carefully check this information.

Do not try to hide important information for the lender - bankruptcy in the past, current loans. The Bank's Security Service is no less effective than the policewhen it comes to checking the borrower.

Banks will never take the risk of issuing loans to those who are trying to deceive them. On the contrary - they will blacklist such citizens.

A significant portion of loans for start-up businessmen are issued on conditions down payment in the amount of 10-30% of the loan amount. You should prepare this amount in advance and convince the bank that you have it.

Step 4. Conclude a contract

A loan agreement is a serious thing. The financial well-being of your company and your own emotional and psychological well-being for many years to come depends on it. Paying under a contract that you have not read is dangerous and stupid.

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the draft of this document in advance and read it at home, in a relaxed atmosphere. Better yet, let him study it with a lawyer who knows the intricacies and pitfalls of business lending.

What to look at:

  • total interest rate;
  • payment schedule - whether it’s convenient, whether it fits your capabilities;
  • procedure for calculating fines;
  • terms early repayment loan;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Study at the same time pledge agreementif you take a loan with a guarantee. You need to know your rights as the owner of the collateral.

Remember: if any clauses of the agreement do not suit you, you have the right to require the bank to change the wording or even remove this clause altogether.

Typical and formal banking agreements it doesn’t happen - they are all compiled taking into account the individual conditions and circumstances of the transaction.

Step 5. We receive funds and open a business

It remains only to receive funds in the current account or in cash and open your own business on them. Or the company will transfer the money to the account of the seller from whom you purchase equipment or special equipment under an agreement factoring or leasing.

4. Where to get a loan to open a small business - a review of the TOP-5 banks

The expert department of our magazine monitored the credit market of the Russian Federation and compiled a list the five most reliable banks.

Please note that in some of them it is more convenient to take consumer credit without specifying goals or arrange credit card with a renewable limit. This option is suitable if you need a relatively small amount within 300-750 thousand rubles .

1) Sberbank

- the most famous bank of the Russian Federation, the leader of the country's credit market. It uses the services of this organization 70% of the population of Russia. Here loans are issued to individuals, legal entities.

Novice entrepreneurs should pay attention to the loan program " Confidence”, Which is ready to finance the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Business Development Credit available to companies with annual revenues up to 60 million rubles . The rate for the program is 16.5% per annum. Maximum amount - 3 million rubles.

There are other programs - “ Replenishment loan working capital », « Express on the security», « Loan for the purchase of equipment and vehicles», « Leasing», « Business Asset», « Business Invest" other.

- loan programs for individuals and novice businessmen. Tinkoff calls itself the most convenient bank for doing business.

If you need small amount for current needs of the enterprise, order a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. Her renewable limit is 300 000 rubles , and base rate - from 15%. The interest-free period of use lasts 55 days. The card will be issued and delivered to the office or home for free.

- loans to individuals, companies and start-ups. Pay attention to unearmarked loan without collateral in the amount of up to 3 million rubles and the base interest rate of 14.9% per annum.

there is special programs for existing and newly opened MB enterprises - “ Turnover"(Replenishment of working capital)," Business perspective», « Overdraft". Use the offers of VTB Bank depending on your goals.

4) Alfa Bank

- loan programs for business and ordinary consumer loans in the amount of up to 5 million.

Pay attention to the unique product from Alpha - the Gemini card. This is a debit and credit card in one plastic. Renewable Limit - 500 000 rubles . Grace period applies to cash withdrawals. The record period for preferential use is 100 days.

5) Renaissance

- consumer loans for any need up to 700 000 rub . Special conditions for customers of banks and borrowers who have provided additional documents.

If you urgently need a small amount for the current needs of MB, order a Renaissance credit card with a limit 200 thousand and a grace period of 55 days. Free issue and annual maintenance. The rate is 24.9% per year.

5. How to increase the chances of obtaining a loan to open a small business - 4 useful tips

Want to increase the chances of a positive response from the bank - use our tips.

Read, memorize and practice!

Tip 1. Contact financial funds for support.

If you do not have a deposit, additional income and other obvious signs of solvency, try to take advantage of preferential credit programs and entrepreneurship Centers In your city.

Such structures will provide a guarantee to the bank or even take part of the loan payments.

Collaborates with Centers whole line Russian banks willing to provide loans to entrepreneurs at a lower rate and without any collateral. The cost is reimbursed to the state banks.

Franchise - additional guarantee MB success. Perfect option - buy a franchise in the partner companies of the bank. Financial institutions collaborate with large brands that have an effective business model.

Tip 3. Provide a deposit and apply for a guarantee

Collateral and surety help to achieve a credit goal as quickly as possible. If you have a deposit interest rates are reduced, and loan amounts and terms - on the contrary, are growing.

But it is worthwhile to soberly assess your financial capabilities. If you can’t pay off the loan, the collateral will go at a price of 40-50% of its real value. Yes, and you’ll let the guarantors - your debts will be reflected in their credit history.

Tip 4. Use the services of financial brokers

Financial brokers know much more about business loans than start-ups. The services of such companies cost money, but if you find a truly professional and experienced broker, your costs will pay off with interest.

6. Conclusion

A loan for starting a small business is a chance for entrepreneurs to launch a promising business project without personal savings. Many successful businessmen started with borrowed funds and now have billions in profits.

Question to readers

In your opinion, is it worth pledging personal property as a security against a business loan?

We wish you generous lenders and successful commercial projects! Write comments on the article, rate, share with friends on social networks. See you soon!

The development and expansion of a business requires regular investment. Question about the need for financial investments sooner or later, it arises among both novice entrepreneurs and successful businessmen. In such a financial situation, the question arises sharply: "Where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur?"

And in this article, how banks are presented, where you can take an individual loan without guarantors or collateral. To collect for you all the best conditions of banks in one place, we have analyzed quite a lot loan offersgiving a loan to an individual entrepreneur in 2019.

Ways to get an IP loan

Bank lending - an effective and efficient solution financial problems, a profitable tool for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the ability to respond in a timely manner to the emerging negative circumstances. Loan for individual entrepreneurs available to take for the purposeful development of the business, replenishment of working capital, for the purchase of new equipment, building up the production base. Practically in every credit institution there are loan offers even for entrepreneurs with zero reporting (declaration).

Private entrepreneurs confirm solvency on the basis of accounting documentswhere incomes from FCD are indicated; using declarations; profitable and account magazines; other accounting reports. In order to obtain a loan for entrepreneurs from scratch, it is necessary to draw up a promising business plan. It should reflect specific indicators of future periods, taking into account the specifics of doing business in Russia, the real level of demand for specific services or goods. When considering an application for a loan for entrepreneurs, it is important for the bank to understand for what purposes the loan money will be directed, and from what means it is planned to repay the debt. When asked about how to get an IP loan for the selected program, the bank loan manager will answer.

What loans do individuals give? For small and medium-sized businesses, banks offer loans in the following areas:

  1. Express loans: designed for businessmen with limited time. A minimum package of documents is provided. The decision on approval of the loan and its issuance are made within an hour. The interest rate on such programs is much higher, the loan term is shorter.
  2. Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs: a broader package of documents is required. If needed large amount, you should be prepared to provide collateral for a loan in the form of real estate, vehicles no older than 3 years old, or capable and solvent guarantors.
  3. Target programs, including state: include loans for small businesses. This is a form of financing activities. legal entitieswhen the guarantor may be the Assistance Fund. Issued only for specific purposes. Designed for entrepreneurs engaged in promising business and already registered for more than three months.
  4. A number of banks provide SP cash loan, revolving / non-revolving credit lines and overdrafts.

TOP-6 profitable banks for an IP loan

Ratings of banks offering the most profitable for IP credit products, are formed from an assessment of the general conditions, a list of required documents, interest rate, credit duration, possible cooperation with beginner entrepreneurs.

It is beneficial for individual entrepreneurs to take a loan from the bank in which the current account is opened. Loyal loans are offered to regular customers. Before opening an IP account, it is recommended to monitor banks not only relatively favorable rates, cash management services, but also in terms of lending.

The best offers in 2019 are offered by UBRIR, Housing Finance Bank, OTP Bank, Renaissance Credit and Sovcombank. We offer you to get acquainted with the terms of lending for a specialized small business loan from 2 banks and 4 universal programs of consumer loans, which can be issued individualengaged in individual entrepreneurial activity.

The best bank giving a loan for an individual on bail of an apartment from BZhF

Very often, entrepreneurs require a large sum of money to develop their business, to increase turnover or other goals that are associated with business development. A large loan without collateral is very difficult to take, even if you collect information. And then the most best option It becomes a loan for business IP secured by an apartment. Housing Finance Bank is by far the most popular bank among private entrepreneurs, which lends on the security of real estate, issuing the necessary amount of money to businessmen without bureaucracy and unnecessary references to the most short time. Due to the fact that the apartment is a guarantee, the bank more loyally evaluates your credit history and your business. This gives a real opportunity to take a loan for an individual entrepreneur without refusal.

So, loan conditions:

  • The loan term is up to 20 years, and the rate is from 12.49%.
  • Amount up to 8 million rubles (but not more than 50-60% of market value apartments).
  • If the apartment is owned by the spouse, then it can be indicated in the loan agreement as the mortgagor.
  • Early repayment at any time without fines and moratoria.
  • The apartment should be located in the cities where the bank operates: Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Volgograd.

Business loan SP secured by real estate

In the past few years, P2B crowdfunding projects have been actively developing all over the world, when individual investors lend to borrowers without the participation of credit organizations. Today in Russia there are also such companies offering lending to small and medium-sized businesses on simpler and more understandable conditions.

One of these companies is the Money in Business investment and financing agency, which lends to individual entrepreneurs on the security of real estate and without providing management, accounting and other financial statements.

The loan offer is inherently unique and not comparable to any bank. If the entrepreneur urgently needed money, we recommend paying attention to this company.

Brief conditions of the IP loan:

  1. The minimum amount is from 500 thousand rubles for a period of 2 years with the possibility of prolongation.
  2. Funds are issued strictly for targeted financing of your business.
  3. As collateral, it is possible to provide commercial or residential real estate, as well as third-party real estate.

Bank giving a loan to IE without collateral and guarantors

OTP is one of those banks that give individual consumer loans to individuals without collateral and guarantor .. An indisputable advantage of this credit institution is the ability to apply from the official website online and receive final decision in 15 minutes. OTP Bank offers a favorable cash loan, both for individuals and for individual entrepreneurs.

Lending terms:

  • The loan amount is from 15 thousand to 4 million rubles.
  • A loan is issued for a period of 12 to 120 months.
  • Interest rate - from 10.5% per annum.
  • The provision of security in the form of a guarantor or collateral is not required.

From the documents it is necessary to provide only the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a certificate of the USRIP, TIN. The bank is ready to cooperate with novice businessmen.

Cash loan for individual entrepreneurs from scratch on the day of circulation

Renaissance Credit is one of the few banks that provides consumer loans, including for individual entrepreneurs. We list the main advantages and possibilities of a cash loan for an individual entrepreneur in this bank:

  • Credit limit - from 30 to 700 thousand rubles;
  • The interest rate varies from 11.9%;
  • Validity loan agreement: from 24 to 60 months;
  • To apply for a loan, it is enough to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a second document of your choice;
  • Collateral is not required, but proof of ownership of the property will guarantee a lower interest rate.

The application is sent from the bank's website. Upon approval, you must visit the office and submit a minimum package of documents. It is enough for private entrepreneurs to bring a certificate of state registration SP. Balance sheet not required. Also, as your solvency, you can provide TCP for a car or documents for an apartment. (It will not be a guarantee!). Offers from Renaissance Credit Bank can be used by businessmen opening an IP business from scratch. The optimal rate and loyal conditions will allow you to quickly get the right amount on the day of circulation without unnecessary paperwork.

Sovcombank - low interest cash loan

Sovcombank offers consumer loans to all categories of citizens, including private entrepreneurs.

  1. The limit is 1 million rubles for any purpose.
  2. Base interest rate of 12% per annum;
  3. The application is available to send via the Internet, the loan is issued at the bank office.
  4. A loan is issued for a period of up to 60 months.
  5. Application review from one hour to three days.

Individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to obtain a loan in a larger amount by providing real estate as collateral or vehicle. There is a program "For Responsible Plus". Private entrepreneurs are not required any documentation. Therefore, a consumer loan in Sovcombank is suitable for entrepreneurs with zero reporting.

Attention! The Bank approves loans to new customers only for persons over 35 years of age. If you are less, then leave a request better in another bank.

Credit “Trust” for business development from Sberbank

A loan for an individual entrepreneur is offered by the country's main lender - Sberbank. The Trust program will allow resolving current financial difficulties and implementing plans for the future. The essence of a business loan:

  1. Type of loan - without collateral and for any needs.
  2. The loan is available to individual entrepreneurs whose annual revenue does not exceed 60 million rubles.
  3. When applying for a loan secured by a guarantee, a reduced interest rate applies.
  4. The base rate is 16.5% per annum.
  5. The maximum loan term is 36 months.
  6. Credit limit - up to 3 million rubles.

Sberbank requires such documents for an IP loan as a passport of a citizen - an individual, a military ID, if available, a USRIP certificate, a certificate from the IFTS on registering a private entrepreneur, the last option financial statements With a stamp tax authority, tax receipts. Licenses, permits for carrying out activities, lease agreements (subleases) or certificates of ownership of non-residential premises may be required.

Thus, to answer the question of where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur and how to get it is not so difficult. If the terms of a specialized loan for small business are difficult to fulfill, it is available to take a standard consumer loan in an amount acceptable for starting a business. I hope that a review of the conditions of banks issuing IP loans was useful to you and you will find financing for your business from the list provided.

For small enterprises, loans are almost always issued only if there is a specific business plan. At the same time, it is wrong to think that the bank will give you money precisely under (that is, “based on”) a beautifully and competently written document.

Here you need to understand the fundamental difference between the two sources. Money can be borrowed from the bank and from the investor (which, however, can also be a banking organization).

In the first case, they simply give you a loan, hoping for a profit in the form of interest. At the same time, the bank does not really care what kind of business you are doing and what are the prospects for the development of this market segment in long termwhat is the value and innovativeness of your idea and so on. They are only interested in whether you can repay the borrowed funds on time.

The investor is planning a more or less long-term cooperation with your (probably not yet existing) company. He is potentially ready for risky investments, as he hopes to get much more high profit as part of a successful business.

From this long introduction, it is not difficult to draw a simple conclusion: credit organization she won’t give money purely for a “piece of paper”, only an investor - a “business angel” can do this.

Under what and to whom in this case they give loans?

The answer is simple - they are given to already operating enterprises with certain assets that can act as collateral. At the same time, the company's debt, its current financial indicators and only then the business plan are carefully studied. Nevertheless, the way it is composed and presented also affects the final decision - to give out or not to give out.

What should be a business plan for a bank to issue a loan?

Actually, here it would be possible to limit ourselves to one short phrase: it should be convincing and drawn up in accordance with the real situation on the market. However, there are a number of points that are associated precisely with the decision to grant a loan:

  • Is the need itself reflected additional funds? Will the enterprise benefit from this, or does the businessman want to take the money just like that (for example, to quietly build his own mansion outside the city)? See how this is determined.
  • Is the chronology of the use of the received money adequately reflected and are the timing of the return on investment clearly defined? How well is this calculation made?
  • How consistent is the plan with previous activities of the enterprise? Has the entrepreneur conceived this project in his “own” sphere?

What else do you need to know?

Note that in this article we have rather superficially touched on the topic taken in the title. There are many nuances and additional "pitfalls" that are highly dependent on a particular organization, a specific region, even the time of year (more precisely, calendar period) Read about them in other publications of the resource.

The axiom of commerce - any business needs financial investments. This is especially true at the initial stage of activity. In order to make money on the implementation of a business project, you must first invest in it. Large projects require large funds, small ones - a little less. But in principle, it is impossible to get rid of expenses in normal conditions.

Well, if a novice businessman has at least some money. And if not, there are several options where you can legally get finance. One of them is to get a business loan from a bank. Its conditions should be relaxed compared to normal. Otherwise, a successful start to the project cannot be seen. But here certain subtleties and roughness arise.

Risks to Parties

Commercial banks give loans only at interest. On the general conditions or preferential, but in addition to the loan itself, you will have to return the accrued interest. If the business is successful, then such a financial loan, no matter how heavy it is, will pay off. And if not? An unsuccessful businessman will lose not only his business, but also his property. And then it will remain a debtor with all the ensuing legal consequences.

It should be noted that for a bank, the issuance of a loan for the development of a commercial business is considered a risky transaction. There is no unconditional guarantee that the loan of the newly-arrived merchant received for starting a small business from scratch is not. In the worst case, when the option of ruin appears on the horizon, an unfortunate entrepreneur may, after some time (mainly a month), declare bankruptcy and refuse to return the received cash resources to the bank.

And yet, how to get a loan for a business from scratch? This is no more difficult than getting a regular loan for training, improvement housing conditionsbuying a car and so on.

Mandatory conditions

Despite these risks, a loan for preferential terms for small businesses, it is slowly but still renewing. Including taking a loan for a business from scratch is possible subject to certain stringent conditions. However, there are no superheavy impracticable points in the contract:

  1. Good credit history of the borrower. Difficulties in paying past loans, outstanding loans or late payments may be a reason for refusal to issue a loan.
  2. Professional business plan. The self-evident possibility of earning money soon, albeit small but steady, will force financial experts to agree with the borrower and issue the right solution.
  3. Availability of employment giving additional income. Solid income makes it possible to successfully repay a loan received for the development of small businesses from scratch.
  4. The presence of personal property that can be mortgaged on credit. This is a serious guarantee of a mandatory refund.
  5. The presence of a reliable guarantor.
  6. The existence of starting financial capital, which is approximately 25% of the required amount.

There are other circumstances in the matter of whether for a business from scratch. It is worth considering at least some of them.


Where to get a small business loan from scratch, which bank to contact? It must be understood that, firstly, not all financial institutions give such loans, and secondly, the requirements and offers of the bank differ, and the businessman, of course, wants to choose the most profitable option.

Those wishing to organize their own business Russians can accept the help of a number financial institutions. Which banks give loans for businesses from scratch? A loan to small businesses from scratch is available in several banks Russian Federation - more about them later.

VTB 24

VTB24 offers the most profitable rates for legal entities registered in Russia, a variety of conditions, including business loans for entrepreneurs. The approaches to LLC and IP are significantly different. Often, to issue a loan, property is required as collateral. Specific examples:

  1. Express micro. The loan is given in the amount of from 30,000 to 600,000 rubles for a period of 3 months to 3 years. Pledged personal property is not required.
  2. Small funds are released on the security of a personal movable or real estate for a period of 3 months to 7 years. The amount of credit in this case is in the range from 600,000 to 30,000,000 rubles.
  3. Under the contract. By issuing such a loan, the bank subsequently has a legal right to claim for amounts under the contract. The loan is issued for a period of 3 to 12 months. The volume of the loan in this case varies from 150,000 to 6,000,000 rubles.


Sberbank issues a loan for new business from scratch as part of the Business Start project. Funding is given for an existing business project. Franchise entrepreneur activities are also possible.

In addition, for design and development own business can join loan program "Business Trust" of Sberbank. She does not require strict reporting about the purposes and directions of lending. "Business Trust" is:

  • loan without guarantee of collateral;
  • the amount of funds in the amount of 80,000-3,000,000 rubles;
  • no commission;
  • need a surety - the owner of the company;
  • interest rate of 13.94% or more;
  • the repayment period ranges from 3 months to 3 years.

Russian Agricultural Bank

Russian Agricultural Bank presents separate loan products to strengthen small firms. There are no funding restrictions. The main focus is the agricultural sector, but there are other areas of loans for starting a business from scratch:

  1. Investment standard. The loan volume is 60 million rubles, repayment period - up to 8 years. Deferral of payments - up to 1.5 years. A personal loan repayment schedule is possible.
  2. For the purchase of machinery and / or equipment, a loan is granted only on the security of the purchased machinery and / or equipment. Deferral of payments - up to one year. The loan period is up to 7 years.
  3. To purchase land plots. It is issued only on the security of the purchased land. Deferral of payments - up to 2 years. Loan period - up to 8 years.
  4. For the purchase of young animals, a loan is granted only on the security of agricultural animals purchased. Deferred payment - 1 year.

"Alfa Bank"

In Alfa Bank, there are only two types of obtaining a loan for a business. But at the same time, managers report activities with small and medium-sized companies as the most important priority.

Financing methods

Modern banking methods of financing loans for starting a business from scratch have a number of subtleties. And the main one is to minimize the risks, both considered above, and others (there are a lot of them to consider the full list).

First of all, the financial institutions are faced with the task of determining the degree of financial risk when lending to small businesses that have applied. Banks use two methods that are quite different in degree of objectivity and depth of analysis:

  1. The work of experts on the application. IN this case making a final decision on the allocation of a loan to a large extent depends on a very subjective verification of the businessman’s arguments
  2. Another massive way to measure risk is to use automated financial system "Scoring" that appeared half a century ago. Not burdened with any emotions, the program considers the points received, takes into account the total results on the basis of the data specified in the questionnaire this customer. Scoring is divided into types: according to the points received (it is necessary to score the assigned level, many who apply do not reach it); against obvious fraudsters (through a review of behavior, reveals factors confirming data on a possible threat to the bank's assets); against irresponsible and frivolous borrowing customers (the probability of delay is considered).

Receipt process

Getting profitable loan for a business for an individual entrepreneur, it involves a certain tough procedure. Logistics of actions for obtaining a loan for opening a small business:

  1. First you need to send a reasoned request to the selected bank. It notes the form of activity, a specific lending program.
  2. Then you need to provide data on financial situation your small business. It will require a business loan from scratch and documents: you need to provide an identity card, TIN, a copy of the potential borrower's workbook, income statement, documents confirming other income (deposit at the bank, shares of any companies, investments), papers establishing the right to real estate or other property that will act as collateral, and so on. The emphasis should be on the amount of profit received, a positive credit history, the presence of additional earnings or other sources of finance that will help return the money if it does not work out.
  3. If the application is accepted (and this usually happens in most cases) and is considered, concrete work begins - the loan conditions are approved: the amount of funds, the chronological framework, the form of the loan.

Increase opportunities

How to get a business loan from scratch? During the search for a loan for the development of their business, a novice entrepreneur needs to choose the bank in which he will then be serviced as carefully as possible. Nuances:

  1. Analyzing the situation of financial institutions, it is necessary to inquire whether there are special offers (and what kind of nature) for the development of small enterprises.
  2. Important advice and recommendations of commercial partners, acquaintances and friends in contact with a particular bank.
  3. Loans are distributed more freely under an existing business. An application with an attached project of a case that has not yet begun has few opportunities to obtain financial support.
  4. It’s good for your company to be solvent, to successfully develop for at least six months.
  5. In favor of a positive decision of the bank to issue a loan there will be a certain collateral. Real estate, machinery, and technical equipment are usually considered as collateral.

Subjective factors

Moving forward on how to get a loan for a business from scratch, the bank considers other factors that seem to be completely subjective regarding the borrower:

  1. Current age. World practice suggests that the age at which a potential client is the strongest and most able-bodied and can most likely vouch for the loan process is in the range of 30 to 40 years.
  2. Formal marriage. If the lender is legally married, his chances of getting the requested loan for the existing business increase significantly, because if there is a problem with the return borrowed money the husband (wife) of the borrower will be able to join the closing of the loan.
  3. Monthly regular expenses. Financial institution, lending to the development of small businesses, may also consider the amount of the amount of monthly costs in the process of developing the entrepreneurial activity of the borrower.
  4. Interior office space. The bank will examine the premises that the loaned businessman has designated as an office for the presence of communications, business office equipment, several computers, and good furniture.

Additional options

When wondering how to get a loan for a business from scratch, you need to understand that there is an alternative opportunity to get potential financial assistance - ordinary consumer lending. A loan can be issued for an individual working in the company. As a deposit, a personal car or real estate can be used. The institution of guarantors is also used.

Obtaining such a loan is not very difficult, however, loans are not entirely beneficial to the businessman because of the large interest rates. Therefore, it is better to think again, look for options for obtaining start-up capital. In most regions of our country now there are funds that provide financial support to small businesses. These institutions work on behalf of the state as guarantors of the issued loan, and they themselves can offer small preferential loans to businessmen.