The dubious top manager of Rosselkhozbank. Oksana Lut from Rosselkhozbank "brings" the agro-industrial complex of the regions Rosselkhozbank executive director

  • 05.02.2022

The Russian Agricultural Bank is a state-owned financial institution that is very popular among a large number of modern literate financial population and numerous entrepreneurs. Many people ask whether Rosselkhozbank is state-owned or commercial. This is one of the three dozen largest banks in the Russian Federation, and the main office is located directly in the capital.

Who owns Rosselkhozbank? The sole shareholder of the institution is exclusively the state, represented by the Federal Property Management Agency. The head of the special supervisory council is the Minister of General Russian Agriculture A. Tkachev, and Dmitry Patrushev is considered the official head of the board. Each of them bears its share of responsibility to numerous clients.

The history of the creation and development of Rosselkhozbank

The financial institution was established in early 2000. Initially, it was intended for the standard service of modern commodity producers in the field of modern agro-industrial production in Russia. In 2008, enterprises automatically became assets from four sugar factories and from a meat processing enterprise on account of debts.

The organization intends to create a special controlled functioning sugar concern operating on the basis of Euroservice enterprises. Since about April 2009, such large enterprises as a manufacturer of meat products for steers and a large grain processing company have been transferred to the RSHB.

The rapid development of the financial organization allowed it to become a laureate of the state-level award Banking. Currently, the institution has quite serious financial assets, the founders of the Rosselkhozbank offer users a huge number of profitable, easy-to-serve offers and financial products.

Who owns and who controls it?

The official owner of the institution is the Russian state, whose representative is the agency for the effective management of state property.

The shareholders of Rosselkhozbank and the official leaders are Tkachev and Patrushev. As for issues directly related to work, they are resolved at a regularly held general shareholder meeting. This meeting is organized every year. Not later than six months before the full end of the reporting financial period.

The most common meeting is about two months before the end of the full report.
Manages and controls the activities carried out - the executive body, that is, the official supervisory board. Members of the institution are elected by strictly official shareholders. The financial institution is run by:

  1. Chairman of the Board.
  2. Official members and employees of the Board.
  3. Deputies.

The specialist decides on various tasks that have been set by the Shareholders and the Board. Accounting and standard tax reports are managed by the chief accountant. It is he who promptly forms the general policy of the institution for the purpose of beneficial taxation, which is fully consistent with IFRS.

The chief accountant is developing a common methodology for optimal tax and official accounting. Control is exercised over all financial institutions conducted in the organization. The specialist provides correctly categorized reports on the work of the organization. The accountant is subordinate to the Chairman of the Board of the RSHB.

Rosselkhozbank is an OJSC or PAO

At the moment, the company can act in one of two forms of optimal ownership. It can be PJSC, that is, a public joint stock company. Among them are organizations whose securities and shares are placed on the stock market exclusively in the public domain. Former ALCs or OJSCs prefer this particular name. Another, less popular form of ownership is a non-public company of shareholders. It is a form of enterprise that does not involve the deployment of numerous valuable assets. Where is Rosselkhozbank located? Branches are located throughout the Russian Federation, everyone can use its services and products.

The form of common ownership is established by the organization in this way - at a meeting of owners of securities, a decision of such a plan is made and a completely new charter is introduced. After the decision is made, the papers are automatically transferred to the established control body.

Who owns a controlling stake in Rosselkhozbnk?

Many are interested in the question, RSHB - who owns the institution and how many percent of it belongs to the state? JSC RSHB is an exclusively state institution. All securities belong to the governing bodies of the Russian Federation and do not appear on the modern stock market. The ownership of PJSC by a modern financial institution is not provided.

At the moment, as the history of Rosselkhozbank says, the company is a joint-stock company, that is, a JSC. The company provides numerous legal and ordinary individuals with all categories of financial services, loans and social subsidies are issued to small and large businesses. There is an opinion that the institution may soon take the form of ownership of the NAO. The reason is that the shares are not publicly traded.

Bank shareholders

The official shareholders of the financial institution are Russia represented by the federal official agency for state property management. He currently owns 100% of registered standard shares. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation currently owns strictly 100% of registered preferred shares, and the state corporation or the Deposit Insurance Agency owns 100% of registered shares of category A. Without exception, all decisions on the organization's activities are made at a regularly held general meeting of shareholders, where everything about the bank is discussed Rosselkhozbank.

Income and expenses of JSC Rosselkhozbank

The net profit of Rosselkhozbank before deducting standard expenses for issuing loans and paying expenses last year amounted to 14.7 billion rubles. This is about 28% higher compared to the previous period. Interest income was increased by 3.4% and equaled 10.4 billion. Net commission income also increased, it grew by almost 30%, that is, it reached 2.7 billion rubles. Every year, profits grow by an average of 0.5 billion rubles.

As for expenses, the characteristics of Rosselkhozbank show that, on average, the organization issues 155 billion rubles in two months. Each given item of expenditure automatically increases profit by 95%. All this indicates optimum reliability. The number of customers is increasing more and more rapidly, as more and more favorable conditions for loans and deposits are offered.

Bank characteristics

The development of the company has become one of the most basic key participants of the modern, national and standard project. The main goal of its formation was the rapid development of the general agro-industrial sector of the economic sphere of Russia, as well as ensuring the optimal security of the state. During the implementation of the project, the company provided more than 350,000 loans.

At the moment, the RSHB is one of the largest banks in the state and occupies a leading position among modern creditors of the modern agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The bank has the second largest network of open branches. Offers and loan programs include:

  1. Livestock lending.
  2. Issuance of loans for crop production.
  3. Acquisition of agricultural machinery on bail.
  4. Rendering serious material assistance to small agribusiness.
  5. Providing optimal offers to owners of personal peasant and various types of subsidiary plots.

The offered products aimed at meeting the needs of individuals are developing quite rapidly.

For many years, the RSHB has effectively supported all forms of rural activity. In the general perspective of development - the solution of numerous tasks aimed at the revival of towns and villages and at the rise of the general agro-industry.

This bank is the official agent of the Government of Russia for the official implementation of the target areas of programs that are carried out in the modern agricultural sector. The RSHB has an ideally organized, formed and wide network of correspondents, which at the moment is more than 100 partner companies. All this makes it possible to provide a wide range of services to official clients related to lending.

RSHB is a fairly reliable financial institution that cares about the motivation, development and general level of social security of personnel. Ambitious employees who want to build a successful career in the bank work here. All of them are focused on results and teamwork. Professionals are offered a fairly high salary, a diverse social program and an interesting close-knit team.


RSHB or the full name of the bank Rosselkhozbank is not a private company, but a state-owned one. At the moment, it is the state that is the holder of the main block of shares. If you are interested in the question of how much percent belongs to the state, it can be noted that the founders of Russia have more than 90% of valuable assets. The owner is completely absent here, there are founders who exercise control over the activities of the company.

If you are interested in the list of founders, board of directors and executives, you can visit the official website of the bank. Here is a general and brief description, economic characteristics. In other words, you can learn everything about the bank and its offers.

Joint-Stock Company "Rosselkhozbank", established in March 2000, is legally the main creditor of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. In terms of assets, it is one of the five leading Russian banks. Rosselkhozbank is a unique credit institution 100% owned and operated by the state. In times of crisis, the Bank's income decreased significantly, but thanks to the support of the main shareholder - the Government of the Russian Federation and the intensive work of the top management of the Russian Agricultural Bank, the group has retained a solid capital reserve and is confidently heading for a positive result.

News about the leadership of the RSHB

According to official information provided by the press service of the Russian Agricultural Bank, due to the fact that the ex-head of the Board of the RSHB, Dmitry Nikolayevich Patrushev, was approved in the new Government of the Russian Federation under the leadership of D.A. Medvedev as Minister of Agriculture. There have been changes in the management of the credit institution.

For approval by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the shareholders, represented by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, submitted the candidacy of Listov Boris Pavlovich for appointment as Chairman of the Management Board.

The choice fell on B.P. Listov. It is no coincidence that for more than 9 years he has been invariably the first deputy head of the bank, and since May 18, 2018, he has been acting chairman of the Board of the RSHB.

As soon as the Central Bank approves his candidacy, he will take office and under his leadership the priority goals of the bank will be realized. Among which:

  • the growth of credit volumes not only in the agro-industrial complex, but also in other significant sectors of the economy;
  • development of retail banking business;
  • introduction of high technologies of banking services.

TOP-management of Rosselkhozbank

The senior leadership team of Rosselkhozbank, formed over the years, continues to work in full force and will continue to carry out effective management.

Governing body

The Board is directly involved in managing the organization, making collective decisions and exercising operational management. Its task is effective management, income growth and minimization of financial risks. Members of the Management Board are approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, appointed by a collegial decision of the Supervisory Board, and their candidacies are presented by the Head of the Management Board.


The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme management body of Rosselkhozbank JSC. Once a year, after summing up the results of the financial year, the General Meeting of Shareholders is held. It makes important financial and personnel decisions. It elects the composition of the Supervisory Board, which protects and represents the interests of shareholders.

The shareholders of the bank are:

  • Russian state;
  • Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".

At the same time, 100 shares, on the basis of which the right to vote and make strategic decisions, are owned by the state, represented by the Federal Property Management Agency.

The Supervisory Board, elected on the basis of the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders, develops promising projects and provides general management. Its task is to strengthen the organization and ensure profits for the holders of the main block of shares. Under the leadership of the Supervisory Board are the enforcement bodies:

  • Chairman of the Board;
  • Board members;
  • Deputy Chairmen of the Board.

Since September 2017, the honorary and responsible mission of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board has been occupied by Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich.

Rosselkhozbank specializes mainly in lending to the agro-industrial complex.

It ranks fourth among Russian banks in terms of assets. In 2018, there were changes in the composition of the board of the financial institution. Read more about the composition of the board and the latest news of Rosselkhozbank below.

More about bank management

The main governing body of a banking institution is the meeting of shareholders. It is held annually 2-6 months after the end of the financial year, but no later. The shareholders elect the Supervisory Board, which controls the activities of the executive bodies - the Chairman and the entire Management Board in general. Throughout the year, all current affairs and the solution of the tasks set are handled by the members of the Management Board.

The number of elected members of the Management Board is determined by the Supervisory Board. They are led by the Chairman of the Board. If one of the members leaves for any reason, the Supervisory Board has the right to appoint a new one from among the candidates presented by the Chairman.

Latest news about the leadership of the RSHB

In 2010, Dmitry Patrushev was appointed to the position of chairman of the board. This year there was a change in the top management team of Rosselkhozbank, therefore, in addition to him, three more new members of the Management Board were appointed to the position. And then the chief accountant was replaced, as well as most of the management.

In 2018, Patrushev became Minister of Agriculture, and Boris Listov, who has been working at the RSHB since 2009, took his place. He was the first deputy chairman of the board, and after the resignation of Patrushev, he performed his duties for a month.

In recent years, the RHSB has suffered huge losses due to the accumulation of problem loans in the agro-industrial complex, but at the beginning of 2018 it finally turned a net profit. Its amount is 876 million rubles. Great hopes are pinned on Boris Listov: he must maintain a positive trend and increase capital.

The composition of the top management of Rosselkhozbank

The top management of Rosselkhozbank, and especially the board of directors, often appears in economic news regarding the agro-industrial complex. Since this is the main area of ​​activity of the RSHB. Let us consider in more detail the composition of TOP management, its structure and all the nuances associated with it.

Governing body

In addition to Listov's presidency, the composition includes 8 more people. There are four women and four men among top managers. Board members:

  1. Barabanov A. N. Has been working in the RSHB as Deputy Chairman of the Board since 2015. Education: teacher of social science and history. In 2006 he completed the retraining courses "Personnel Management in the Civil Service".
  2. Levin K. Yu. Moved to Rosselkhozbank from Gazprombank in 2011. Kirill Yurievich is an engineer-economist by education.
  3. Zhdanov A.Yu. Was approved as a member of the Management Board in 2012. He is an economist by education, he is a Doctor of Economics.
  4. Markov P. D. Appointed to the position in 2015. Prior to that, he worked at VTB Bank. Graduated as an economist.
  5. Zhachkina I. V. Irina Vladimirovna is an English teacher by profession. After retraining, she received the qualification of an economist. Works at Rosselkhozbank since 2014.
  6. Romankova E. A. Deputy Chairman of the Board and Chief Accountant. Studied economics and mathematics.
  7. Lut O. N. She was appointed to the position in 2015, before that she was the director of the Corporate Business Development Department of the RSHB. By education, he is an economist.
  8. Kulkina T. B. Has been working in the position recently - since February 2018. Economist by profession. Three times she took retraining and advanced training courses.


Rosselkhozbank has only one shareholder - the state. The authorized capital is divided among three state structures. The Ministry of Finance has 6.5%, the Federal Agency for State Property Management - 75.63%, the share of the Deposit Insurance Agency is 17.87%. In total, 100% of the shares belong to the Russian Federation, so all strategic decisions are made by the state.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Dvorkovich A. V. He is the current state adviser and assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Arkady Vladimirovich has been working in state structures since 1994, has five state awards. Considered one of the best experts in the Russian Federation in the field of economics. The Supervisory Board also includes 8 people, including Patrushev, the former Chairman of the Board of the RSHB.

Bank management bodies

Since Rosselkhozbank is a joint-stock company, the General Meeting of Shareholders is considered the main governing body. In this case, it is the state. The top management also includes the Supervisory Board and the Management Board. At the bottom step is the management of branches and structural divisions of a banking institution.

The Patrushev clan uses Rosselkhozbank for criminal business and robbery of its assets.

The decision of the Artemovsky city court (Sverdlovsk region) came into legal force, which satisfied the civil claims of Rosselkhozbank OJSC against Agrofirma Artemovsky LLC and its owner Sarkis Eiriyan for the recovery of overdue loans totaling 24.7 million rubles, as well as arrest collateral property (production equipment of the company, which is used in the production process for growing broiler chickens).

Eiriyan has repeatedly challenged court decisions in favor of the RSHB, but Themis has always been on the side of the credit institution ... Meanwhile, the leadership of the Rosselkhozbank itself is squandering state money and engaging in raiding. In the Voronezh branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB), which lends to almost all major agricultural projects in the region, the second director changes in less than a year - Alexey Bykov leaves the post after seven months of work.

Rosselkhozbank does not explain the reasons for his departure. Mr. Bykov's colleagues say that his tough style of working with debtors "did not fit" into the bank's policy. But the largest regional borrowers and regional authorities do not find shortcomings in its activities. Do not find shortcomings in the work of the dismissed banker and independent observers. The reason for the removal of Alexei Bykov, in their opinion, is his professional adherence to principles. He simply did not accept the long-existing vicious system of work of the RSHB, with which the bank is saturated through and through!

"Laundering" bank

Rosselkhozbank has been showing huge losses for a long time. As follows from the reporting of the Russian Agricultural Bank under RAS as of January 1, 2016, its net loss for 2015 amounted to 72.6 billion rubles. This is a record for him since 2008. By the way, a year ago the RSHB also showed losses. In particular, in 2014 the loss of Rosselkhozbank amounted to 7.5 billion rubles. Experts are wary of such a significant increase in RSHB losses in just one year. And this despite the fact that Russia is pursuing a policy of anti-sanctions, closing its borders to European products and helping domestic producers.

It would seem that the Russian agricultural market should be on the rise, and the RSHB should show a profit, but instead, only continuous losses were recorded in the statements of this bank.

"Our debts are heavy"?

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) "overgrown" with bad debts. As it turned out, the volume of overdue debts in its corporate portfolio under RAS increased over the year from 165.8 billion rubles. up to 226.2 billion rubles. The level of delay - from 13.4 to 14.9%. According to Moody's estimates, as of mid-2015, the portfolio of problem loans was only slightly more than a third reserved. According to the bank's statements, the coverage of overdue debt reserves was 87%, as of December 1, 2015 - 66%, as of January 1, 2016 - 78%. For comparison, as of January 1, 2016, this ratio for Sberbank was 190%.

Will the government help us?

It would seem that the chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, should make every effort to save the financial organization entrusted to him, but instead, the RSHB continues to tritely “pull” money from the state. For example, in May 2015, the Russian government signed a decree on additional capitalization of Rosselkhozbank by 10 billion rubles. This money helped the bank compensate for losses accumulated since the beginning of 2015 in the amount of 9.2 billion rubles.

At the same time, at the time of requesting an additional 35 billion rubles, in the RSHB out of 1.4 trillion rubles. total portfolio of the bank 429 billion rubles. (31%) accounted for problem loans, as well as those loans, the quality of which raises questions. A year earlier, the situation at Rosselkhozbank was no better. The thing is that in 2014 the RSHB received 30 billion rubles from the state: 5 billion through an additional issue and 25 billion through the conversion of a subordinated loan from VEB. This helped the bank to create reserves for 56 billion rubles, and the bank's capital was reduced to 198 billion rubles.

It turns out that Dmitry Patrushev solves the problems of the bank he manages at the expense of subsidies from the budget. In fact, Rosselkhozbank has become a "financial freeloader".


Experts have a lot of questions to Dmitry Patrushev himself, who headed Rosselkhozbank in 2010 (at the age of 33). As it turned out, Dmitry Patrushev managed to unlearn at once in four universities: at the Higher School of the FSB, the State University of Management, the Diplomatic Academy and the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. At the same time, experts do not understand how he had enough time to study at four universities and at the same time be vice president of VTB, where he worked before moving to Rosselkhozbank.

By the way, before the arrival of Dmitry Patrushev to Rosselkhozbank, an inspection of the prosecutor's office was carried out. Following his arrival, many leading managers left the bank, including a member of the Board of Directors (at that time) Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik and Deputy Chairman of the Board Arkady Kulik, the son of the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation for Agriculture Gennady Kulik. According to experts, the fact that Rosselkhozbank helps the “Patrushev family business” suggests that the head of the RSHB can be suspected of abuse of office.

bank invader

It is worth noting that Rosselkhozbank prefers to take the assets of debtors in whole holdings, which clearly makes this bank related to ordinary raiders. As a rule, the RSHB begins to bankrupt its debtors, not meeting them halfway and creating additional difficulties with the repayment of the loan. However, the Antipins agricultural holding started having problems with the RSHB. In particular, the Rosselkhozbank unexpectedly refused the Emerald Country in the previously promised "short" loans for the sowing campaign, without which almost no agricultural enterprise can do.

Antipins could do without these loans, but decided to purchase new equipment. However, this time the bankers refused loans, and even demanded early repayment of part of the previously received loans. Experts considered that the RSHB attack on the "Emerald Country" followed the scenario of the "dashing 90s".

"Squeezing" assets "on a grand scale"

Rosselkhozbank has previously taken away their assets from businessmen-agrarians. For example, the Samara branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank took all the assets of one of the largest market participants in the Samara region, the agricultural holding ALIKOR Group, for debts. The following assets were transferred into the ownership of Rosselkhozbank: OJSC Bezenchuksky Elevator, OJSC Podbelsky Elevator, OJSC Pokhvistnevsky Elevator, OJSC Koshkinsky Elevator, OJSC Alekseevsky KhPP, OJSC Zhito (flour mill), OJSC Samara Feed Mill ”, a pig farm under construction in the Krasnoarmeisky district, an oil extraction plant on the basis of the Bezenchuksky elevator, as well as three dairy complexes for 1200 heads and agricultural land with a total area of ​​​​about 200 thousand hectares.

Also, Rosselkhozbank received such assets as the Crimean fishing holding "Blue Sea", the largest meat producer in the Leningrad region "Parnas-M", the sugar factories of "Euroservice", the meat processor "Buryatmyasoprom", the grain processing enterprise LLC "Zernostandart-Kostroma", OJSC "Mill plant in Sokolniki", etc. It seems that instead of developing the Russian agricultural market by lending to farmers, the top managers of Rosselkhozbank are engaged in banal raiding.

Gang friendship?

Against the backdrop of how the RSHB takes assets from ordinary farmers, rumors have appeared in the business community that Rosselkhozbank may be associated with organized crime and may support the business of “criminal elements”. The thing is that earlier the Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC was engaged in lending to a business controlled by the infamous Tsapkovskie organized criminal group from the Krasnodar Territory (it is also the Tsapkov gang). Simply put, Rosselkhozbank credited Tsapkov.

"Worthy" local colleagues

After the Rosselkhozbank was headed by Dmitry Patrushev, top managers of RSHB branches were increasingly accused of asset stripping. For example, the former heads of the Altai branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank Evgeny Rogovsky and Konstantin Gladyshev are suspected of fraud in lending to one of the companies that has accumulated a debt of 20 billion rubles.