How to make adjustments to the VAT return. Submit an amended VAT return

  • 28.05.2022

The VAT declaration for the 3rd quarter of 2015 has already been submitted, but the points related to the closed period still continue to “emerge”. And therefore, some accountants are already puzzled by the preparation of an updated VAT return. In this article, we will talk about when it is necessary to resort to "clarifications", and how to do it correctly.

It would seem that the VAT return has been submitted, you can switch to other cases, but no, no, and there are questions related to the calculation of VAT for the “surrendered” period. These are "late" documents relating to the last quarter, and technical errors in the primary declaration. In this regard, accountants have questions: in what cases is it necessary to submit an updated declaration?

General rules

The company must submit an updated declaration if the identified error led to an underestimation of the tax. If the error did not affect the amount of tax payable, then the company has the right to file a “clarification”, but is not obliged to do so. This procedure is established in Article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The taxpayer is not obliged to attach any explanations to the revised declaration, but, as a rule, the tax office will still request them during a desk audit, so it’s still worth writing a cover letter. The letter must include the following information:

  • the period and tax for which the amended declaration is submitted;
  • what is the error or inaccuracy of the data;
  • indicator values ​​(primary and corrected) and in which sections, columns or columns they are indicated;
  • change and calculation of the tax base and the amount of tax, if it was underestimated or overpaid;
  • payment details and a copy of it in case the arrears and penalties were paid before the submission of the revised declaration.
By itself, the filing of an updated VAT return does not cause sanctions from the IFTS. However, if the reason for submitting the “clarification” was an error that led to an understatement of tax payable, then the company may be fined under Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as for incomplete payment of VAT. To avoid a fine, before submitting an updated declaration, it is necessary to pay the amount of tax arrears and penalties (clause 4, article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Error in specifying the period

It may happen that when filling out the VAT return, the accountant indicated the wrong code on the title page, which determines the period for which the declaration is being drawn up. Is it necessary to take any action in this case?

Yes, and the sooner the better. Otherwise, your company may be fined under article 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and an official under article 15.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Two options are possible here. First: fill out an updated VAT return, in which only the period code will be changed. However, be prepared for the fact that such a declaration may not be accepted by the IFTS. For the reason that in the data of the tax office there is no primary declaration with the same code. Or an updated declaration in the IFTS can be considered as primary. And since it was filed outside the deadline, they will impose a fine under the same article 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, it is better to resort to the second option. It consists in the fact that you inform the IFTS in writing that the VAT return filed on such and such a date is considered filed for the 3rd quarter of 2015, indicating the correct code. Usually such a letter is accepted by the tax authorities. But if it does not satisfy them and they try to punish you with fines, then these fines can be challenged in court. The courts note that the incorrect indication of the tax period in the declaration is not a significant drawback that does not allow the tax authority to conduct an audit in full (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District of July 30, 2009 in case No. A32-22251 / 2008-12 / 190).

By the way, in favor of taxpayers in this situation, the capital's tax authorities spoke out, as evidenced by the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated 02.11.07 No. 09-14 / 105412.

"Belated" Documents

The situation when documents from the supplier arrive late is not uncommon. The question arises: is it necessary to submit an updated VAT return if, for example, at the end of October an invoice was received from the supplier, dated, say, September?

No, it doesn `t need. You can include such an invoice in the current quarter's purchase book. Clause 1.1 of Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation gives you such a right, according to which a VAT deduction can be claimed within three years after the goods (works, services) are registered. Please note that this regulation is effective from January 1, 2015.

However, if we are talking about an “advance” invoice, then this rule does not apply (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 04/09/2015 No. 03-07-11 / 20290). But if you have proof of late receipt of such an invoice and if you wish to declare a deduction on it, you will be able to reflect it in the current quarter.

Overpriced deduction

It may happen that the VAT deduction for the 3rd quarter of 2015 turned out to be overstated. There are several probable reasons. This is the bad faith of the supplier who refused to send the original invoice, while the accountant, relying on his decency, took the risks and reflected the deduction based on, say, a scan of the invoice. Or the accountant mistakenly registered the same invoice twice in the sales book. Or the supplier sent a corrected invoice dated as early as the fourth quarter. Or the accountant incorrectly entered the amount from the received invoice.

In all these cases, it is necessary to draw up an updated VAT return. Indeed, due to the overestimation of the deduction, there was a decrease in the amount of VAT payable to the budget. But before proceeding with the preparation of an updated declaration, it is necessary to correct the data in the purchase book. This is done by compiling an add-on list to the shopping book. If you need to cancel any entry, then this entry is recorded in the purchase book with a minus sign.

"Technical" errors in the shopping book

Another series of errors are technical errors that did not result in a change in the amount of the deduction. For example, when entering information from a received invoice into a purchase book, another organization was erroneously indicated as a seller. Or the wrong address, TIN, etc. Since the data from the purchase book is included in the VAT declaration, it is obvious that the information in the declaration is not correct. Such errors do not affect the amount of VAT payable, because the invoices themselves contain reliable information. So the deduction is correct. Do I need to file an amended VAT return in this case?

Not necessarily, by virtue of Article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which requires that an amended declaration be submitted in a mandatory manner only in the event of an understatement of tax payable. However, officials in their speeches advise submitting “clarifications” in order to avoid the need to submit explanations to tax authorities during desk audits.

Invoices with a "defect"

If the accountant found errors in the invoice itself received from the supplier, then before contacting him for correction, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the error. The fact is that not every mistake deprives the company of the right to deduct. So, for example, an incorrect indication of the consignee or the TIN of the seller does not give the tax authorities a reason to “withdraw” the deduction. This follows from paragraph 2 of Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It says that errors that do not prevent the tax authorities from identifying the seller, buyer, name of goods (works, services), property rights, their cost, as well as the tax rate and amount of tax cannot be the basis for refusing to deduct.

If the seller made a mistake in the name of your company in the invoice (for example, instead of Avrora-Lux LLC, he indicated Avrora LLC), then in this case you need to contact him for corrections. True, in this case, the procedure for correcting is not to replace the “defective” invoice with a new one, but to draw up a corrected invoice, in which the serial number and date of correction should be indicated.

Such invoices, according to the tax authorities, should be registered in the purchase book during the period of receipt of the corrected invoice. This means that the deduction of the previous period will have to be canceled and an updated VAT return with additional tax and penalties must be submitted. We note that such a position is controversial, and the courts do not have a unanimous opinion. Thus, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District, in Resolution No. KA-A40/17450-10 dated January 26, 2011, in case No. A40-19455/10-90-183 ruled in favor of the company. And the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, in Resolution No. F05-13962/2014 dated 04.12.2014 in case No. A40-31001/14, supported the tax authorities.

Specify "on the delta" or completely?

In sections 8 to 12 of the VAT declaration, line 001 is present, characterizing the sign of the relevance of previously submitted information. This line indicates either "0" or "1". The number 1 is set if the information in the primary declaration section was correct and does not require changes. Zero is set if changes or additions are required in a particular section.

At the same time, annexes are provided for sections 8 and 9 of the VAT declaration. In these applications, there is also a "relevance line". These applications are filled in if changes are made to the purchase book (or sales book) for past periods. Thus, if, for example, a certain invoice for shipment was not entered in the sales book for the 3rd quarter of 2015, then this document must be included in the additional list to the sales book for the 3rd quarter of 2015. As a result, the “forgotten” invoice will be included in Appendix 1 to Section 9 of the revised VAT return for the 3rd quarter. In this application, the sign of relevance "0" should be indicated.

And at this stage, many accountants have a question: is it necessary to simultaneously submit Section 9 itself as part of the revised VAT return? Similar questions arise in the case of additions to the purchase book and, accordingly, to section 8 of the declaration.

Unfortunately, no official clarification has yet been received from officials. However, this issue was raised at seminars and interviews conducted with the participation of representatives of the Federal Tax Service. According to their verbal explanations, two options are possible. First: send only data from additional sheets to the purchase book or sales book, that is, the changed data. Officials gave this method the name “to the delta”. In this case, all changes are reflected in Appendix 1 (with a sign of relevance - 0), and in sections 8 and 9 the sign of relevance "1" is indicated and dashes are put down on the lines of the section. Such actions do not contradict the Procedure for filling out a VAT tax return.

The second way is to resend the entire purchase book or sales book. In this case, the Appendix to sections 8 and 9 is not filled in, and in these sections themselves the sign of relevance "0" is put and already changed data are given.

This method seems to us somewhat doubtful, because all changes in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1137 are made through additional lists. Nevertheless, officials are talking about it and let's hope that official clarifications from them will appear in the near future.

A corrective VAT return is submitted based on the request of the tax authorities or in the event of self-detection of errors made in the original submitted report.

Are there any mistakes in which "clarification" is not needed?

Yes, the issue of filing a corrective declaration should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

An amended VAT return must be submitted in 2018 if an error or inaccuracy led to an underestimation of the amount of tax payable (clause 1, article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

There is no need for a corrective declaration if the tax was additionally assessed or reduced as a result of a tax audit. The tax authorities independently reflect the results of checks in the accruals on the taxpayer's personal account, the latter will only have to reflect the inconsistency in the accounting accounts - if we are talking about a company.

An amended VAT return is not needed if there are errors in the data that are not significant for the declaration as a whole, such as, for example, an erroneous TIN of the buyer or an incorrect date of the invoice. Such information does not directly affect the amount of tax.

It is entirely at the discretion of the taxpayer to file corrective reports if errors identified in the original filed declaration led to an overpayment of VAT. But it should be remembered that, having received such a correction, which involves the return of a certain amount of tax paid from the budget, the Federal Tax Service will not limit itself to the usual desk audit. The declarant must be prepared for the fact that he will at least additionally be asked for all documents from suppliers confirming his right to the deduction. In some cases, it can even go as far as an on-site inspection.

Completing an amended VAT return

An important nuance: the corrective declaration is filled out in the form that was valid during the period for which the relevant changes are made (clause 5, article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The corrected amounts are displayed in the corrective declaration in full, it is not enough to indicate only the difference between erroneous and correct information. In general, the report is filled out according to the same rules as when submitting the primary declaration, while the values ​​​​are indicated without errors. The main distinguishing feature of the primary declaration from the revised one is the note on the title page "Adjustment number". The primary declaration is marked with the code “0”, and the updated one is marked with “1” (or “2”, “3”, in case of repeated changes during one tax period).

Clarifying VAT declaration: an example of filling out a title page

Another nuance of the revised declaration: in sections 8 to 12, you must specify the code for the relevance of information. A similar line is in Appendix I to sections 8 and 9. The relevance code in the "clarification" has two parameters "0" and "1":

"0" - if the data was not provided in the previous version of the declaration or if it needs to be replaced;

"1" - if the previously provided information remains relevant and does not require changes.

The sign of relevance allows you to avoid duplication of a large amount of data. In the case of the relevance indicator "1", the information from the previous declaration will be automatically saved. Otherwise, updated data will be uploaded for those sections indicated by the clarifying VAT declaration.

Recall that the revised declaration - just like the original one - is submitted to the Federal Tax Service in electronic format (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03.20.2015 No. GD-4-3 / [email protected]). The filing of VAT returns in paper form is currently not provided for by law.

Explanatory letter to the corrective declaration

In addition to the corrected declaration form, you should attach a cover letter. Formally, the law does not require this, but practice shows the need for this step.

The form of the explanatory letter is not officially approved, so it is allowed to submit it in any form. The letter should include:

  • Information about the taxpayer;
  • The period for which the recalculation took place;
  • The reason why a corrective VAT return was filed;
  • Declaration lines that have been changed;
  • New values ​​of changed indicators;
  • Details of payment documents confirming the transfer of the missing amount;
  • Leader's signature.

Deadlines for submitting clarifications

Submission deadlines are not specified. It is recommended to provide corrections to the IFTS as soon as an error is found. In the ideal case, the submission of an updated VAT return occurs within the standard deadline for submitting declarations - no later than the 25th day of the month following the tax period (quarter). Submitted to the inspection so promptly, the declaration will be counted by the tax service as correctly filed.

If the filing period has expired, but there is time before the actual payment of tax, it is important not only to file an adjustment, but also to pay the correct amount of tax on time. In this case, the taxpayer will avoid both fines and late fees.

When the clarification goes beyond the deadline for tax payments or refers to previous tax periods, liability arises under Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine for late payment of tax. It can be avoided if an updated VAT return is filed before the tax inspector discovers the error (clause 4, article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). It is also recommended to pay the arrears resulting from the tax recalculation before the correction is submitted. As in the situations described above, in this case, the taxpayer will be charged only penalties for the difference between the erroneous and correct VAT amount.

As a general rule, an organization (IE) is obliged to submit an updated declaration to the tax authority if the amount of tax payable to the budget was underestimated in the originally submitted statements. If the errors or inaccurate information indicated in the declaration did not lead to an underestimation, then the submission of an update is the right of the taxpayer, and not an obligation (clause 1, article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In accordance with this rule, the need to submit a VAT clarification is also determined.

Consider an example. Suppose the organization forgot to reflect the operation for the sale of goods in the VAT return for the first quarter. Moreover, I discovered this after reporting to the IFTS. The transaction is also not recorded in the sales book. Now the company must submit an updated VAT declaration to the inspection.

How to fill out an amended VAT return

If the organization in such a situation is able to reflect the forgotten operation by the actual date of sale directly in the sales book in accordance with the shipping documents, i.e. the date falling in the first quarter, then in the revised VAT return it will be necessary to indicate:

  • on the title page in the "Adjustment number" field, the serial number of the clarification "1--" (clause 19 of the Procedure for filling out a VAT tax return, hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for filling out);
  • in section 9 "Information from the sales book on transactions recorded for the expired tax period" in line 001 "A sign of the relevance of previously submitted information" code "0". It is put in the event that the information in this section was not previously submitted, or was submitted, but errors were identified in them and they require replacement. Accordingly, section 9 of the clarification should include all information from the sales book, including the forgotten operation (clause 47.2 of the Filling Procedure, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10/29/2014 N ММВ-7-3 / [email protected], );
  • in section 8 "Information from the purchase book on transactions recorded for the past tax period" in line 001 code "1". It means that the information previously presented in the section is relevant, reliable and there is no need to correct it. Therefore, dashes are put in all other lines of section 8 (clause 45.2 of the Filling Procedure, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.29.2014 N MMV-7-3 / [email protected], Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 06/17/2016 N SD-3-3 / [email protected]).

An example of an updated VAT return in accordance with the option discussed above is shown on the page. The example shows an updated declaration for the first quarter of 2017. Please note that the procedure for filling it out in 2018 has not changed.

Another option is to reflect the forgotten operation by compiling an additional sheet to the sales book and filling out Appendix 1 to section 9 in the clarification. In this case, section 9 can be filled out as follows:

  • or enter the code “0” in line 001 and indicate in the section the information that was in the original declaration;
  • or enter the code “1” in line 001 and do not indicate the previously submitted information in section 9. Because the program will take them from the original declaration.

If, due to a forgotten operation, you underpaid VAT to the budget, and you have a debt, then now you need to pay it off, as well as pay penalties. In addition, an understatement of VAT can also lead to an underestimation of the amount of income tax. Under such circumstances, you will need to submit a clarification to the IFTS for this tax as well, pay additional tax and penalties.

Very often, taxpayers make mistakes when calculating tax and. What to do if you find such an error in your declaration, we will consider in this article.

The reasons for the incorrect calculation of VAT may be such inaccuracies as the incorrect formation of invoices or the incorrect reflection of indicators in the books of purchases and sales. Also, simple ignorance of tax legislation can cause incorrect tax calculation. In order to avoid such consequences as recalculation, fines, penalties, the error found must be corrected. Let's see how to do it next.

How to correct mistakes made when calculating VAT

You should be aware that the rules for correcting errors are presented in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1, article 54). This norm determines that, if errors are found in the calculation of the tax base (in cases where these errors relate to previous tax periods), in the current period, the recalculation is made for the same period in which these errors or distortions were made. What to do if the taxpayer cannot independently determine the period of a specific error. In this case, the legislation allows for a recalculation in the period when the error or misrepresentation was discovered.

It is always necessary to start correcting a mistake from the moment it is made. This happens at several points:

  • upon checkout or receipt of an invoice
  • during registration in the book of purchases and sales,
  • when reflecting business transactions
  • when completing the declaration.

The simplest, to correct, are considered errors made when filling out the declaration. For example, the lines are simply mixed up. The most time-consuming is the correction of errors that are associated with the calculation of tax (and there are many such errors). When working with errors made in invoices, you should refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1137 dated 12/26/2011. After changes have been made to the invoices, it is necessary to make the changes made also in the book of sales and purchases.

So, the invoice has been corrected, changes have been made to the tax registers. In accordance with the Federal Law No. 402 of December 6, 2011, all organizations are required to keep accounting. accounting. Therefore, further accounting data needs to be corrected. So the bug was found and fixed. The taxpayer is faced with the question: "How to correctly fill out an updated VAT return."

Submission of an amended declaration

In order to correctly, and most importantly, file an updated tax return on time, it is necessary to be guided by the approved rules established by the same Tax Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 81.

From this article it follows that:

  • If the taxpayer has found in the already submitted declaration not reflected or not fully reflected information, errors that lead to a decrease in the amount of tax, then they must be submitted a corrective declaration.
  • The revised declaration must be submitted before the deadline for submission.
  • If the existing errors and inaccuracies did not reduce the amount of tax paid, then the submission of an updated declaration after the deadline for filing is not a violation.
  • If the taxpayer did not have time to file an amended declaration before the deadline for filing, but before the deadline for paying taxes on it, he is relieved of responsibility for not submitting an amended declaration on time.
  • If the taxpayer did not have time to submit an amended VAT return before the end of the tax payment period, then liability will be removed only if the declaration is submitted before the notification from the tax authority about the discovery of an error arrives.

It should be noted that the exemption from liability indicated above will also apply to tax agents.

Deadlines for submitting an amended declaration

Much has been said above about the timeliness of filing an amended declaration. Let's note once again in what terms - this must be done.

In accordance with the law (namely, paragraph 1 of Article 174 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), such a tax as VAT must be paid before the 25th day following the last quarter. The VAT return must be submitted no later than the 25th. Such changes were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation FZ dated November 29, 2014 No. 382.

Therefore, the submitted corrective VAT return, within these terms, taking into account the requirements of Article 81 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is considered to be submitted on time. However, the submission of a corrective (updated) declaration on time is not the whole procedure for correcting mistakes. Before applying to the tax office with an adjustment declaration, you must pay the amount of tax (if it was underestimated), as well as calculate the amount of the penalty and pay it.

It should be noted that the taxpayer can avoid a fine (20% of the unpaid amount). This penalty is determined by art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. But this is possible only if he discovered the error and arrears himself. And also paid for everything until the submission of an updated declaration. Otherwise, penalties cannot be avoided.

In order to reduce the tax risk, it is necessary to pay both arrears and penalties. Of course, Article 122 is not talking about fines. But if we analyze judicial practice, uniform decisions on this issue are taken by the court quite rarely.

Very often the question arises of the need to send a cover letter, along with an updated declaration. No cover letters required by law! And yet, many tax inspectors ask for such a letter. In this case, you can simply make a few suggestions. For example, “Please accept an amended VAT return. After submitting the declaration on value added tax for the (required reporting period), errors were found in the calculation of the amount of the tax base, which occurred due to a failure in the computer program. Errors were identified and corrected independently.

As with any other legal matter, there are special cases in submitting an amended VAT return.

  • If the first tax return was not submitted for whatever reason (incorrect form, forgetfulness of an accountant, loss during shipment), then the submitted amended declaration will not be accepted. There is simply nothing to clarify in this case.
  • An amended (adjusted) declaration is submitted in the form that was in force in the period for which the changes are made. Therefore, revised declarations for the period up to 01.01.2014 can be submitted on paper.
  • In the event of a change in the legal address and, as a result, the place where the organization is registered, an updated declaration for the time period when the organization was located at a different address is submitted at the new place of registration.
  • If a reorganization was carried out in the form of a merger, the revised declarations are submitted at the place of registration of the recipient organization.

And lastly, the submission of an updated VAT return always arouses the interest of the tax inspectorate in you. Therefore, in order to avoid on-site and desk audits, always check and double-check the information when filling out the declaration.

Dubinyanskaya E.N.,
Head of Audit and Finance Department
CJSC United Consulting Group

Errors occur in the taxpayer for various reasons. He may make inaccuracies in the calculation of tax when determining the tax base and rate, or incorrectly fill out an invoice, a sales (purchase) book. In addition, there are technical errors. You will have to answer for any errors, so it is better when the accountant finds and corrects them himself.

Errors in the calculation of tax as a general rule are corrected by submitting an updated declaration to the tax office.

The specificity of this tax lies in the fact that it is often not enough for a taxpayer who has discovered a VAT error to draw up only an updated tax return for the period in which the tax base was distorted.

The accountant must make adjustments to the invoice, or to the sales book or the purchase book. The rules for making corrections to these documents are not regulated by the Tax Code, but by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2000 No. 914 “On Approval of the Rules for Maintaining Record Books of Received and Issued Invoices, Purchase Books and Sales Books When Calculating Value Added Tax” (hereinafter - Decree No. 914, Rules).

1. issue or receive an invoice;

2. register it in the sales book or purchase book;

3. make entries on the reflection of VAT in accounting;

4. and finally fill out the tax return for .

The procedure for correcting VAT errors depends on at what stage of the tax calculation and in which documents the inaccuracy was made.

An accountant should start correcting a VAT error from the very stage at which the error was made. (In any case, the correction of an error in value added tax, which led to a distortion of the tax base, ends in the same way as for any other tax - the preparation of an updated tax return).

Let us consider in detail each stage of correcting VAT errors.

Invoice errors.

The error may be related to incorrect registration of invoices by the supplier (contractor, performer). In this case, the buyer will be able to apply the tax deduction on the corrected invoice only in the tax period when the corrected document is received (in any case, this is exactly what is stated in the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 06, 2006 No. MM-6-03 / [email protected]). Accordingly, in the purchase book, this invoice must be recorded by the date of its receipt (ie, the date of receipt of the corrected document).

Corrections are made to the purchase book by compiling additional sheets, that is, by canceling records of incorrect invoices (clause 7 of the Rules). In this case, the details of the incorrect invoice are indicated with a minus sign. Information about the corrected invoices is reflected in the purchase book in the usual manner - at the time of their receipt.

In a letter from the Ministry of Finance dated July 27, 2006. No. 03-04-09 / 14 states that this procedure must be followed regardless of which specific invoice details were filled in incorrectly (or missing) by the supplier: TIN, KPP, address of the seller or buyer, payment order number for prepayment, etc. .d.

The supplier who issued an invoice with an error, after correcting it, must draw up an additional sheet to the sales book (clause 16 of the Rules). In this additional sheet, the erroneous entry is canceled and the correct one is reflected.

Mistakes are made inbookshopping andbooksales.

Errors can also occur when compiling a sales book or a purchase book.

So, if the invoice is drawn up correctly, but mistakes were made when registering it in the purchase book (or sales book), additional sheets are also required.

If the invoice was erroneously registered in the purchase book (for example, an invoice was reflected for goods that were not accepted for accounting), then in the additional sheet for the period in which it was registered, this entry is canceled (reflected with the sign "minus").

If everything was filled out correctly in the invoice, but the data from it was incorrectly transferred to the purchase book, then an additional sheet must be filled out. According to the oral explanations of officials, in this case, two entries are made in the additional sheet: one - canceling the wrong entry in the purchase book (with a minus sign), the second - the correct entry (with a plus sign).

The seller also corrects the error when the invoice is incorrectly registered in the sales book.

If the invoice was not registered by mistake (although it was received in the past tax period), then the organization must make the necessary changes to the purchase book for the tax period to which such an invoice relates and submit an updated declaration (clause 2 of the Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 06.09.2006 No. ММ-6-03/ [email protected]).

Correction of errors in accounting registers.

After the accountant has corrected the indicators in the invoice and corrected the sales book or the purchase book (by compiling additional sheets), he is obliged to make corrective entries in accounting.

Depending on the nature of the detected error, corrections to accounting registers can be made in several ways, including:

By way of additional accounting entries;

The "red storno" method.

Note that the method of additional accounting entries is used if the correspondence of the accounts is not violated, but only the amount of the transaction is changed. Correction of the error is done by making an additional entry with the same correspondence of accounts for the amount of the difference between the correct amount of the transaction and the amount reflected in the previous accounting entry.

The reversal method is used, as a rule, if the accounting registers contain incorrect correspondence of accounts or the amount of the transaction is exaggerated.

Adjustments for VAT are reflected in the same accounting accounts that originally reflected entries for the accrual or deduction of value added tax. Errors made in determining the tax base are corrected by adjusting the entries that reflect the amount of sales.

The basis for adjusting entries for VAT in accounting are, as a rule, corrected invoices, additional sheets of the sales book and purchase books, as well as an accountant's certificate. The situation is not ruled out. when the accountant could make a mistake only in reflecting the operation in the accounting, in this case, the compilation of additional sheets of the sales book or the purchase book is not required.

The accounting statement contains a description of the error made, all the necessary calculations and postings that should be entered in the accounting registers. When issuing an accounting certificate, one should be guided by the principles for issuing any primary accounting documents. Because it indicates all the mandatory details listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ "On Accounting".

It should be remembered that the rules for making adjustments to accounting registers depend on the moment the error is discovered.

If the error relates to expired reporting periods, then corrections for that period (unlike the tax period) are not made. The procedure for correcting errors in accounting is set out in paragraph 11 of the Instructions on the procedure for compiling and submitting financial statements (see Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n).

Errors of the current reporting year, identified before its end, are corrected in the month of the reporting period in which they were discovered. If an error was made in the past reporting period, but discovered after the end of the reporting year for which the financial statements have not yet been approved, corrective entries in the accounting are dated December of the past reporting year.

If an error was made in previous reporting periods for which financial statements have already been compiled and approved, then the accountant reflects corrective entries in the registers of the current period (as of the date the error was discovered).

Consider examples.

Example 1.

Accountant of Goods for Offices LLC December 12, 2007 found an error in the invoice dated 25.09.2007. This invoice was issued to the buyer (OOO Lastochka) when the products were shipped and registered in the sales book in September 2007. The price of the sold products was incorrectly indicated in the documents. In particular, instead of the price for writing paper - 450 rubles, the price was indicated other goods - 250 rubles.

1. Correcting an error in the invoice, the accountant of Office Goods LLC crossed out the incorrect figures in columns 4, 5, 8 and 9 and wrote the correct amounts instead.

Based on the corrections in the invoice, the accountant made the appropriate adjustments to the sales book for September 2007. The total data from the sales book for September 2007 were rewritten in an additional sheet of the sales book, the indicators from the incorrect invoice with a minus sign were indicated and reflected correct amounts. In the line "Total" of the additional sheet, new results of the sales book for September 2007 were displayed.

2. Further, the accountant of Office Goods LLC, having corrected the invoice dated 25.09.2007. and filling out an additional sheet to the sales book for September 2007, reflected these adjustments in accounting. To do this, he compiled an accounting statement dated 12/12/2007, in which explanations were given about the mistake made.

An error in determining the tax base and calculating VAT was made in September 2007. By the time it was discovered, the financial statements for this period had already been submitted. Therefore, corrective entries were made on December 12, 2007. - on the date of making corrections to the invoice, filling out an additional sheet to the sales book and compiling an accounting statement.

The following entries were made in the accounting records of Office Goods LLC:

D 62 K 90-1 - 25,000 rubles. - reflected the proceeds from the sale of writing paper to the buyer - LLC "Lastochka" in the amount of 100 packs;

D 90-2 K 68. VAT - 3,813.56 rubles. - reflected the amount of VAT calculated for payment to the budget;

D 62 K 90-1 - 20,000 rubles. (45,000 rubles - 25,000 rubles) - the amount of proceeds from the sale of writing paper has been increased (bug fixed);

D 90-1 Credit. VAT - 3050.85 rubles. (6,864.41 rubles - 3,813.56 rubles) - the amount of VAT payable to the budget was additionally charged.

It should be borne in mind that the accountant of Goods for Office LLC could make corrections in a different way, namely, by reversing the previous (incorrect) entries in full and reflecting the correct amounts:

D 62 K 90-1 - reversal of 25,000 rubles. - the amount of proceeds from the sale of writing paper was reversed (bug fixed);

D 62 K 90-1 - 45,000 rubles. - reflected the proceeds from the sale of writing paper actual (error fixed);

D 90-2 K 68. VAT - reversal RUB 3,813.56 the amount of VAT accrued to be paid to the budget on the invoice was reversed;

D 90-2 K 68. VAT - 6,864.41 rubles. - reflects the amount of VAT payable to the budget.

Example 2

In January 2008, the accountant of Pencil LLC revealed that in December 2006 (!) The proceeds from the sale of goods in the amount of 118,000 rubles were not taken into account. (including VAT 18,000 rubles). At the same time, the cost of goods sold was taken into account in December 2006 expenses.

An invoice for this sale was issued in December 2006 but was not registered in the sales book.

Let's say that the amount of the VAT penalty amounted to 5000 rubles. Penalties and tax surcharges for 2006 were transferred in January 2008.

Since the error refers to 2006, for which the financial statements have already been approved and submitted. Therefore, in accounting, the error is corrected by the records of the month in which it was discovered - January 2008.

January 2008

D 62 K 91.1 - reflects income (revenue) relating to previous periods - 118,000 rubles.

D 91.1 K 68. VAT - VAT charged on proceeds from the sale of goods - 18,000 rubles.

An error in the VAT calculation is corrected by drawing up an additional sheet to the sales book for December 2006, drawing up an updated tax return for the same month. At the same time, according to the declaration, it is necessary to pay the amount of VAT, as well as penalties. And only after that you should submit an updated declaration to the tax authorities.

Example 3

Let's turn to the conditions of example 1 - How can the buyer - LLC "Lastochka" correct VAT errors in accounting?

Ltd. "Lastochka", filling out an additional sheet to the book of purchases for September 2007. and reflecting in it the corrections on the invoice received from the supplier - Office Goods LLC, compiled an accounting statement dated December 12, 2007. It explained the reasons for the corrections made in the purchase book for the past tax period, and also indicated the correct amounts of VAT that should be reflected in accounting. VAT errors were made in the 3rd quarter of 2007, and the accounting statements for this reporting period have already been submitted. Therefore, corrective entries in the accounting of Lastochka LLC were reflected on December 12, 2007. (as of the date of making corrections in the purchase book and drawing up an accounting statement).

The following entries were made in the accounting of Lastochka LLC:

D 41 K 60 - 21,186.44 rubles. - reflects the cost of paper purchased from Goods for Office LLC;

D 19 K 60 - 3,813.56 rubles. - reflected the amount of VAT presented by the supplier;

D 68 K 19 - 3,813.56 rubles. - the amount of VAT presented on writing paper was accepted for deduction;

D 41 K 60 - 16,949 rubles. (45,000 - 25,000 rubles - 6,864.41 rubles) - the cost of paper purchased from a supplier has been increased (base - amended on September 25, 2007);

D 19 K 60 - 3,051 rubles. (6,864.41 rubles - 3,813.56 rubles) - the amount of VAT on paper has been increased (the basis is a corrected invoice);

D 68 K 19 - 3,051 rubles. - the additional amount of VAT is accepted for deduction.

Similarly to the situation described in the first example, corrective entries could also be made using the “storno” method.