Market and government regulation of labor remuneration. Wages, regulation in a market economy Regulation of wages in a market economy

  • 04.02.2021

Market regulation of wages presupposes the existence of an adequate mechanism, one of the important links of which is market self-adjustment, carried out under the influence of the changing balance of supply and demand in the labor market. The law of supply and demand in a market economy has a decisive impact on the level and dynamics of wages.

To ensure the efficient operation of the enterprise, it is important to regulate wages, taking into account supply and demand in the labor market.

The formation of wages based on the price of labor, being an important factor in the development of the country's economy, creates a more effective system of incentives for workers. The establishment of the level of wages under the influence of changing conditions on the labor market stimulates workers to master those professions for which demand increases under the influence of structural adjustment and requirements scientific and technological progress... At the same time, the presence of a free market choice of a particular profession resolves the contradiction between social expediency and the personal interest of workers in using their abilities.

The decisive role of supply and demand in the labor market in the regulation of wages is recognized by most economists. For example, JS Mill writes that "the size of wages depends mainly on the demand for labor and its supply ...". And then he continues: wages “under the dominance of competition ... cannot increase otherwise than as a result of an increase in the total funds spent on hiring workers, or a decrease in the number of people competing for employment; cannot earnings and decrease otherwise than as a result of a reduction in funds intended for payment work force, or increasing the number of employees who should be paid "

Modern economists define wages in essentially the same way. For example, McConnell K.R. and Bru S.L. write that the equilibrium wage rate is determined at the intersection of the supply and demand curves. In the textbook "Course of Economic Theory" Russian economists write that "prices for productive services, i.e. services of labor, capital, etc., are determined on the basis of the law of supply and demand "

If the price of labor in a competitive market turns out to be higher than the equilibrium value, then there will be an excess of supply of this type of labor, which will lead to a decrease in the level of its price. And vice versa, if the price of labor is understated in comparison with the competitive one, there will be a shortage of hired workers for the volumes of production planned by the employer, as a result of which the level of the price of labor will rise to market equilibrium.

However, it is important to bear in mind that in a really functioning market economy, the labor market is not perfect. The consent of an employee offering his services in the labor market to receive wages below the price of labor does not necessarily lead to the fact that the employer will dismiss a person with the same abilities. Typically, there are wage guarantees established by the government or agreements between employers and trade unions that do not allow wages to be set below a certain level, even if the supply significantly exceeds the demand for labor. The fact that the employer sets wage rates slightly above the equilibrium price of labor does not mean that the company will get as many workers as it wants. The imperfection of competition in the labor market is confirmed by the implementation of a certain wage policy by enterprises.

At the same time, imperfect competition in the labor market does not mean that there is no influence of supply and demand on the level of labor prices. If an enterprise does not adequately respond to the changing demand and supply on the labor market, sets unreasonably low wage rates for certain categories of personnel, then, although, perhaps not immediately, it will certainly face the problem of increasing staff turnover and difficulties in recruiting new employees.

And yet, despite the operation of the market law of supply and demand, the level of wages largely depends on the cost of reproduction of labor. Even D. Ricardo wrote: “The price of goods is ultimately regulated by the costs of production, and not, as is often said, by the relationship between supply and demand. Of course, the relationship between supply and demand can temporarily affect market value goods until it is offered in greater or lesser quantities in accordance with the increase or decrease in demand. But this influence will be temporary ”[7]

A. Marshall also notes that "when there are no abrupt changes in production techniques or in the general economic situation of society, the supply of each factor is quite thoroughly regulated by the costs of its production"

The cost of reproduction of labor is determined by the fund of subsistence, which is differentiated and depends on the needs of the employee, determined by the costs of physical and mental labor in the process of his activity. At the same time, the needs for food, clothing, footwear, housing, recreation, education, health protection, maintenance of a general cultural and professional level through communication and means of communication must be fulfilled.

The fund of living means also includes the costs of dependent expenses, which ensure the constant reproduction of labor power over time. Along with this, the cost of reproducing labor power includes the costs of improving its quality, education and upbringing, differentiated depending on the qualifications of the employee. Consequently, the cost of reproducing labor power changes with the change in the value of the fund of subsistence.

In turn, the cost of reproducing labor power depends not only on the needs of the worker, but also on the level of the gross national product. Speaking about the cost of reproduction of labor, A. Marshall notes that “in this case, one should take into account those traditional means, the consumption of which invariably expands as the increasing volume of national income allocates to one segment of the population after another an ever greater surplus over the only essential the means of living for productivity. " Moreover, the growth of wages occurs regardless of which factor of production - labor or capital - provided an increase in national income.

In a market economy, the basic wage rate set for an employee, taking into account the price of labor, is guaranteed subject to the performance of official duties and is paid regardless of the results of the enterprise. In a sense, the price of labor is set similarly to the prices of materials, fuel, electricity, etc. consumed in the production process. But the labor of an employee is an active factor of production, which largely determines the size of the newly created value. This means that the added value created by the labor of hired workers, as a rule, does not coincide with the price of their labor.

The problem of reconciling the size of the newly created value and the price of labor can be solved by flexible regulation of wages, taking into account the results of the enterprise and the personal labor contribution of each employee. The expediency of this approach is explained by the fact that the achievement of a higher production efficiency by updating the range of products or improving its quality, reducing costs, etc. increases the demand for manufactured products, and, consequently, for workers who produce such products. At the same time, linking wages with the results of the enterprise's work, we ensure a prompt response to changing demand and supply in the labor market.

The market wage rate and the conditions for the formation of its size, depending on the results of the enterprise's activities, depend not only on supply and demand in the labor market, but also on the balance of power between employers and trade unions.

The interests of the employee, which are called upon to protect trade unions through agreements and collective agreements, are to receive decent wages for their work, ensuring a normal standard of living for the family and reflecting their social status. The employer is interested in the payment of such wages to employees, which would make up the smallest share of the newly created value and ensure the maximum profit.

The executive authorities, being one of the parties in the system of social partnership, are called upon to implement public interests in the General, sectoral, regional and territorial agreements concluded. At the same time, the policy of the executive authorities should be built taking into account such socio-economic indicators as the subsistence minimum, the level of inflation and unemployment, the state (regional) budget deficit, the projected change in the volume of industrial production and gross (regional) domestic product.

In order to interest the employee - in the results of labor, the employer - in the development of entrepreneurial activity, the owner - in investing in the development of production, it is necessary to achieve an optimal combination in the ratio of wages, profits, income on invested capital and the amount of taxation.

The inclusion in the agreement or collective agreement of an unreasonably low level of real wages will lead to an increase in the share of profit in the newly created value, which will correspond to the short-term interests of the employer, but will lead to the undermining of incentives to work, an increase in social tension in the team and the possible transfer of workers to other enterprises.

If, however, the excessively overestimated demands of employees are satisfied, then the inevitable restraint of the pace of economic development, which can ultimately lead to a reduction in the number of employees and a decrease in the purchasing power of wages.

An excessive increase in the amount of taxes leads to the suppression of entrepreneurial activity, the transition of enterprises to the shadow economy. However, insufficient tax revenues could lead to an increase in the deficit state budget, non-fulfillment of social programs, inability to finance the socio-cultural sphere and other sectors that work under the state order in the required volume.

The interests of all parties involved in the negotiation process can be most fully satisfied only under conditions of a dynamically developing economy and an increase in gross domestic product. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve an increase in the purchasing power of wages, and profits, and budget revenues.

Thus, the parties to social partnership should strive to develop an agreed position on ensuring financial stabilization, overcoming inflation, creating effective owners and a competitive environment, implementing structural restructuring, setting maximum permissible social costs, and reducing unreasonable government spending, rigid suppression of all illegal channels of enrichment, as in all civilized countries.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the study of the essence and principles of the organization of wages in a market economy.

1.1. The essence and function of wages in a market economy.

1.2. Organization principles and structure of wages in a market economy.

Chapter 2. Features of the organization of wages during the transformation of the economy.

2.1. Impact of market reforms on the level and differentiation of wages.

2.2. The ratio of the dynamics of labor productivity and wages.

Chapter 3. The market mechanism and state regulation of wages in the economy.

3.1. Modern methods regulation of wages.

3.2. The main directions of reforming wages.

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Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Features of the organization and regulation of wages in a market economy"

Relevance of the research topic. Organization and regulation of wages is an integral part of socio-economic policy aimed at increasing the income of the population, living standards, development and stabilization of the economy. The purchasing power of the population and the interest of workers in the final results of production depend on the effectiveness of the mechanism for regulating wages. Effective regulation of wages is, on the one hand, an important factor in improving the living standards of the population, on the other hand, a factor in the competitiveness of enterprises. In economically developed countries regulation is carried out at the macro-, meso-, micro-levels based on a combination of market mechanisms and state regulation of wages.

The increase in the efficiency of labor and production in the national economy of Russia is largely constrained by the lack of a system of organization and regulation of labor remuneration adequate to market conditions. Market relations have led to fundamental changes in the role of wages, the mechanism of its organization, the sources of the formation of wage payments. The approaches to the use of traditional systems, forms, methods of organizing and regulating wages have changed. During the transitional period in the Russian economy, the following was observed: firstly, the weakening of the performance of basic functions by wages (reproduction, incentive, distribution, etc.); secondly, a decrease in labor motivation; third, the strengthening of interregional and intersectoral differences in wages. The existing imbalances in the sphere of employment and labor remuneration necessitate an analysis of the ways of transition to an effective system of organization and regulation of labor remuneration. The lack of effective models for regulating wages has a negative impact on the production and economic results of enterprises.

Overcoming the crisis phenomena in the sphere of social and labor relations is possible provided that the forms of organization and methods of regulating labor remuneration are improved. There is an objective need for a theoretical study of the essence, functions, principles and features of the organization of wages, the search for effective mechanisms for regulating wages.

V. V. Adamchuk, T. V. Blinova, G. Gendler, B. M. Genkin, G. Yu. Dubyanskaya, Yu. P. Kokin, S. G. Zemlyanukhina, R. . I. Kapelyushnikov, A. P. Lyashetsky,

B. D. Rakoti, G. E. Slezinger, R. A. Yakovlev. In the works of these authors, conceptual provisions for reforming the Russian labor market in the transition period are developed, issues of the formation of the structure and models of the labor market, their impact on the level of wages, as well as problems of state and market regulation of social and labor relations are considered. A significant contribution to the development of theoretical aspects of the formation of effective models of remuneration in the conditions of the formation and development of a market-type economy was made by foreign scientists

C. Adams, J. Grayson, P. Doyle, E. Lock, P. Drucker, D. McGregor, E. Mayo, W. Skinner, W. Taylor.

The study of the problems of increasing labor productivity and wages, their relationship in the conditions of the reformed economy of Russia are devoted to the works of OV Germanova, AM Lubkov, Yu. Nikiforova, Yu.M. Ostapenko, B.P. Plyshevsky.

Applied aspects of the organization of remuneration at various enterprises, the problems of differentiation of remuneration and regional differences were studied in the works of N.A. Volgin, A.L. Zhukov, V.I. Levashov, B.G. Mazmanova, N.M. Rimashevskaya, S.Yu. Roshchina, A.I. Rofe, A.V. Sobolevskaya, P.E. Schlender.

Despite the presence of a significant number of scientific publications, the problems of organizing and regulating wages at the macro, meso and micro levels have been studied fragmentarily. The high relevance and insufficient scientific development of a multi-level systematic approach to the study of the characteristics of the organization and the regulation of wages determined the choice of the topic, goals and objectives of the dissertation research.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation research is to analyze the features of the organization and regulation of remuneration in the context of market modernization; development of practical recommendations for improving existing methods of regulating wages in modern conditions.

In accordance with the set goal, the solution of the following tasks is envisaged:

Consider theoretical approaches to defining the essence and functions of wages in a market economy;

Analyze the existing forms, systems and principles of the organization of remuneration at enterprises of various forms of ownership;

To study the influence of factors and prerequisites on the differentiation of wages in the regions and sectors of the national economy of Russia;

Identify the nature and dynamics of changes that have occurred in the context of economic transformation and determine the main trends in the relationship between labor productivity and wages;

Explore the effect of market mechanisms and forms of state regulation of wages in the Russian economy;

Subject and object of research. The subject of the research is the features of the organization and mechanisms for regulating wages in a market economy. The object of research is the system economic relations on wages in the market economy of Russia.

Methodological, theoretical and informational foundations of the study. The methodological and theoretical basis of the dissertation research was the works of domestic and Western scientists who contributed to the theoretical development of labor market issues and wages. In the study of the processes of regulation of wages, the following methods were used: statistical, comparative-analytical, graphical, systematic approach method.

The dissertation research was carried out on the basis of studying the relevant legislative, instructive and regulatory materials. The empirical base of the work was formed by the data of statistical reporting and publications in periodicals both at the regional and national levels, as well as materials presented on official sites in the global Internet.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research is as follows:

The author's clarification of the concept of "wages" is proposed: in contrast to the existing interpretations of wages as the cost of labor or the share of an employee in the total product of society, the work theoretically substantiates the definition of wages as a form of the price of labor, which includes the equivalent of costs not only for compensation, but also the development of the ability to work, forming the prerequisites for expanded reproduction;

Disparities in the organization and regulation of wages during the period of market reforms were revealed: firstly, economic and legal (the lagging of the legislative and regulatory framework of labor remuneration from changes in the mechanism of its organization), secondly, organizational and economic (replacement of official wages with unofficial payments , the expansion of the shadow segment of wages, the manifestation of opportunistic behavior in the form of delays in wage payments); third, socio-economic (strengthening of interregional, intersectoral and socio-status differences in the level of wages);

Developed and substantiated measures for regulating the wage system in a market economy: first, the adoption of a law on the minimum wage; secondly, the revision of the order of indexation of wages; thirdly, strengthening the role of social partnership in regulating labor remuneration; fourthly, improving the system of labor rationing; fifth, revision of the personal income taxation system;

An assessment of the relationship between the dynamics of wages and changes in macroeconomic indicators: gross domestic product, purchasing power of wages, the level of the subsistence minimum, monetary incomes of the population, the value of hidden wages;

The factors of differentiation of wages by industries and regions are revealed: uneven growth of gross regional product, the presence in the regions of raw materials industries with an export orientation, the discrepancy between the growth rates of labor productivity and wages, the lack of an effective mechanism for regulating interregional and intersectoral differences;

A classification of economic sectors was developed according to the dynamics of labor costs in the structure of production costs (works, services) for 1992-2002; an assessment of the change in the share of wages in the total costs of enterprises and organizations by industry has been made;

Sectors of the economy are grouped according to the relative level of wages: branches with a high, medium and low level are distinguished in comparison with the average wage in the economy; carried out comparative analysis dynamics of wages by industry over the period of reforms;

The features of the relationship between the dynamics of labor productivity and wages at different stages are revealed. economic development country; the paper substantiates the position that the growth of labor productivity is the most important source of increasing wages at the present stage; methodological recommendations, an algorithm for calculating and a model for organizing wages at the enterprises of the Saratov Regional Consumer Union are proposed, which allows, firstly, to increase the wage fund, secondly, to reduce production costs, and thirdly, to strengthen the stimulating role of wages.

The main provisions for the defense:

A systemic multi-level approach to the organization and regulation of wages at the macro, meso, micro levels;

The optimal combination of state regulation and market mechanisms in the system of organization and regulation of wages;

Methodological recommendations, a calculation algorithm and a model for organizing remuneration (using the example of enterprises of the Regional Consumer Union), which allows you to directly link the results of production activities of the entire team and each participant with their labor contribution, as well as increase the interest of workers in saving production resources

The theoretical and practical significance of the work. The provisions, recommendations and conclusions formed in the dissertation follow from the logic of theoretical and methodological analysis, generalization of statistical data and the study of domestic and foreign literature on the problem under study. The conclusions and recommendations made in the work can be used to solve practical problems in the field of regulation of wages; to improve public policy in the field of regulation of wages; when preparing and drafting tripartite agreements; in the development of training courses in the disciplines "Labor Economics", "Economics and Sociology of Labor", "Organization, rationing and remuneration", "Personnel Management", as well as special courses.

Approbation of research results. The main theoretical and methodological provisions, the results of the dissertation research were reported at international, all-Russian and regional scientific conferences: “ Actual problems employment and employment of the population ”(Penza, 2001); "Cooperative identity on the threshold of the new millennium" (Engels, 2000), "Mechanisms for the development of investment processes in Saratov: prospects, experience" (Saratov, 2001), "Saratov region on the threshold of the XXI century: state and development prospects" (Saratov, 2001) ; "Regional problems at the turn of the XXI century" (Saratov, 2001); "Improving the theory and practice of production economic activity"(Samara, 2001); "The system of labor relations: the results of the reform and development prospects" (Saratov, 2002); “Formation and development of market relations: problems of theory and practice (Saratov, 2004); All-Russian Forum of Young Scientists and Students (Yekaterinburg, 2002).

The structure of the work is determined by the goal and objectives set in the dissertation research. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of used literature, and annexes.

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Conclusion of the thesis on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics ", Ivanova, Natalia Alekseevna


Based on the analysis performed, the following conclusions can be drawn:

In modern conditions, wages are a form of the price of labor, which includes the equivalent of the cost of compensation, but also the development of the ability to work, forming the prerequisites for expanded reproduction of labor; its size depends on the quality and quantity of labor expended and the employee's real contribution to the final result of the enterprise. This approach to the study of the essence of wages allows us to recognize it as the main component of the fund of subsistence, the main form of product distribution according to the criterion of the quantity and quality of labor expended, and also the most important tool of the market mechanism.

The transition to market conditions of management introduced changes in the mechanism of remuneration: firstly, the organization of remuneration is based on market principles, labor is seen as a commodity; secondly, the transfer of all questions of the organization of labor remuneration to business entities; third, increased differentiation of wages by region, industry and within the industry; fourth, the expansion of the shadow segment of wages, the manifestation of opportunistic behavior in the form of delays in the payment of wages; fifth, the lagging behind the legislative and regulatory framework for remuneration of labor from changes in the mechanism of its organization.

The peculiarities of the formation and regulation of wages are predetermined not only by the laws governing the formation of market institutions, but also by the specifics of the transformation of the Russian economy. The main trend of the period 1992-1998. there was a decrease in real wages, its purchasing power, a decrease in the share in the population's monetary income, gross domestic product as a result of a decline in national production, a decrease in labor productivity, disparities in wages by region and industry, a passive state policy in the field of wages. 1999-2004 there is an increase in wages, which is associated with a positive dynamics of gross domestic product and an increase in production volumes, an increase in labor productivity, a partial restoration of the stimulating function of wages, as well as with a decrease in inflation during this period.

During the period of market transformation, real growth of wages in the economy can be ensured only on the basis of an increase in production efficiency, the generalizing indicator of which is labor productivity, defined at the macro level as the ratio of the national income produced to the number of people employed in the economy, and at the enterprise level as the ratio of the volume of production to the number of industrial and production personnel. Positive trend optimization of the ratio of labor productivity and wages was outlined in 1999-20004, and is associated with economic growth in the country, the expansion of effective consumer demand, an increase in production and investment in the Russian economy.

Effective regulation of wages is, on the one hand, an important factor in improving the living standards of the population, on the other hand, a factor in the competitiveness of enterprises. Such regulation is possible only on the basis of a combination state methods and market mechanisms for regulating wages, which should be carried out at the macro, meso, and micro levels. Regulation of wages is an integral part of the socio-economic policy aimed at increasing the income of the population, the standard of living in order to develop the economy. The purchasing power of the population and the interest of workers in the results of production depend on the effectiveness of the mechanism for regulating wages.

A set of measures to improve the regulation of wages at the present stage of economic development should include: raising the minimum wage to the value of the subsistence minimum (WL), systematic indexation of wages, labor rationing, implementation of a system of social partnership, improvement of tax policy. These measures will make it possible to form a mechanism for the growth of wages, form the preconditions for the transition to an efficient wage policy, and will help to optimize the proportions in the distribution of wages at the macro, meso and micro levels.

To solve problems in the field of wages, it is necessary: ​​first, to adopt the Federal Law on the Minimum Wage, which will ensure the expanded reproduction of the labor force; second, to ensure inflationary security of wages through indexation in order to preserve their purchasing power; thirdly, to introduce a progressive system of taxation of personal income; fourthly, to introduce the practice of signing annual agreements between the state, employers and trade unions on the maximum permissible difference between the maximum and minimum levels of wages, as well as to establish a price increase threshold at which automatic indexation of wages occurs, fifthly, to ratify the conventions The International Organization labor related to wages and, above all, the minimum.

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The presence of various methods of regulating wages, the forms of their manifestation, as well as their interconnection and interdependence, makes it necessary to study the theoretical issues of the principles of their functioning in the conditions of the modern stage of economic development. At the same time, due to various objective reasons, in the aggregate of regulation methods, a special place is occupied by state regulation of wages.

In modern conditions, the organization of remuneration of employees objectively needs a certain state participation in reforming wage relations. This is due, from the point of view of some researchers, to the fact that it is impossible to transform the socialist economic model that existed in the recent past into a capitalist one without strict and dosed participation of the state, since not a single element of the capitalist economy and capitalist relations is contained in the depths of the socialist model. Lack of control over the processes of reforming the economy in general and wages, in particular, led to serious distortions in the area under study. Taking into account the above, the need for state regulation of wages in the current socio-economic conditions is dictated by the following reasons listed below.

First, the transition from a command economy to a market-oriented one in the Republic of Kazakhstan was accompanied by the destruction of the system of administrative methods of regulation, and, in fact, by the self-elimination of the state from the sphere of organizing wages. This approach has led to the most negative consequences.

The existing imbalance in the labor market of Kazakhstan, caused by the mismatch between supply and demand for labor, objectively determines the situation in which the determination of the equilibrium wage rate in specific labor markets in the foreseeable future becomes very problematic. Based on this, it can be concluded that the solution of this problem should be carried out with the direct assistance of the state.

Secondly, in accordance with the "classical" theory of the labor market in a market economy, the unemployment rate should be inversely related to the value of wages. In other words, a high level of wages leads to high unemployment and vice versa. Meanwhile, according to the statistical reporting data, such a relationship is not at all visible.

Thirdly, over the past several years, the situation in the field of wages has been aggravated by the extremely low size of the statutory minimum wage, which does not reflect practically any economic relations, including the minimum permissible labor force price, except for budgetary possibilities. In such conditions, it seems to be difficult to talk about objectively establishing the level of minimum reproduction of labor.

Fourthly, the modern socio-economic conditions of the republic are characterized by a serious gap between the price of labor and its cost, which is confirmed by a significant differentiation of wages by regions and industries of the republic, professional and qualifying groups of workers, which is not amenable to logical comprehension, due to the premature transfer of almost complete independence to businessmen. subjects in the field of wages.

Fifth, to date, there is practically no market mechanism for regulating wages in the republic, and, first of all, its contractual regulation, which determines the role, place and specific interests of social partners, including the state, in this process. At first glance, taking into account the legislative and regulatory acts adopted by the republic, a multi-level contractual system for regulating labor relations has been created in the country. However, as evidenced by the analysis of the content of the concluded agreements, it should be recognized that the contractual aspects of the regulation of wages, with the exception of certain sectoral agreements, are in their infancy. As before, the overwhelming majority of aspects of wages are resolved only in collective agreements, i.e. at the level of business entities.

It should also be borne in mind that a significant number of employees employed in various sectors of the economy are not covered by collective bargaining regulation of wages due to the absence of trade union organizations or other representative bodies in business entities.

Finally, sixth, the current economic situation in the republic is characterized by the presence of a shadow turnover of capital, which determines the payment of a significant part of wages in the form of the so-called “black cash”.

Based on the foregoing, it seems objectively necessary to define the functions and methods of state regulation of wages in the transition period.

In developed market countries, state regulation of wages is limited by the legislative establishment of the minimum wage (and, by no means in all) and the taxation system. In addition to this, such states regulate the “rules of the game” by adopting appropriate legislative acts on the effective interaction of social partners - employers and employees, on the basis of collective agreements and agreements of various levels. This approach, in principle, corresponds to the level of economic development of countries with market economies, the established and functioning labor market, the level of development of the principles of social partnership. Therefore, in this case there are two regulatory functions of the state. The essence of the first function is to create conditions for the effective functioning of the market mechanism for regulating wages. It, as noted, is manifested by the provision of the necessary legal basis for the organization of remuneration. The second function of government regulation is to supplement and correct the action of market regulators.

Similar functions of state regulation are characteristic of the modern period of development of the economy of Kazakhstan. However, taking into account its specifics, their implementation has its own characteristics. The instability of the economic situation, the presence of hidden unemployment, the magnitude of which is several times higher than the officially registered labor market, an inactive system of collective-contractual regulation of social and labor relations due to the underdevelopment of individual subjects of partnership - all these factors dictate the advisability of developing a special approach to state regulation of the organization of remuneration.

The stated functions are known to be carried out by the state on the basis of administrative and economic methods. At the same time, the predominance of administrative methods of regulating wages is characteristic of a planned economy. In the foregoing aspect, administrative methods are understood as a tough state influence on the processes occurring in the field of wages, and which have nothing to do with the above-mentioned administrative regulation of wages within the framework of economic entities. In a market economy, on the contrary, the regulation of wages is based primarily on the use of economic methods.

In principle, administrative methods of regulation are directly opposite to the nature of the market, since they restrict the freedom of choice of an economic entity and block the action of the corresponding market regulators. At the same time, they are closely intertwined with economic methods of regulating wages. For example, the Unified Tariff Schedule with rigidly established tariff coefficients, which was in force until recently, approved by a special government decree, clearly represented a typical administrative approach to state regulation of wages. However, within the framework of its practical application, economic entities were given the right to independently determine the tariff rate of the first category, the specific sizes of tariff rates and official salaries of employees, which indicates the presence of certain market regulators of the size of wages.

In the former economic system state regulation in various forms (administrative and economic methods) covered all elements of the organization of wages. And this was quite natural, since the state, as the actual owner of the means of production (employer), should participate in all issues related to wages. With the destruction of the command and control system, new class owners, which entailed the creation of fundamentally new social and labor relations. However, such a process, unfortunately, was not accompanied by the corresponding creation of market regulators, which led to a crisis in the field of wages.

Therefore, there is reason to believe that in the current socio-economic conditions, government intervention in the formation and organization of wages is objectively necessary. However, the recognition of the need to strengthen government influence on the processes of reforming the organization of wages in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy in the republic seems insufficient. There is reason to believe that the next logical step in solving the problem should be to study the question of the nature of such influence.

The market-type models operating in the developed countries of the West are characterized by the absence of state regulation of wages, with the exception of the establishment of minimum wages in certain states. However, at the same time, the state takes measures to maintain the purchasing power of wages and other monetary incomes by protecting them from inflation and protecting workers' rights to pay from insolvent employers. Such measures, as a rule, are enshrined in current legislation and ensure that appropriate measures are taken by employers.

For countries with a reformed economy, including Kazakhstan, direct copying of the experience of countries with a developed market economy is unlikely to be a justified measure, primarily due to the lack of a civilized labor market and its attendant elements. It is quite obvious that in relation to the transforming economy, it is necessary to search for acceptable options for state regulation of wages that are adequate to the current economic situation.

In the Russian economic literature, in fact, the first attempts have been made to formulate the principles of state influence on the level of wages in the period of transition to the market. S.N. Ivashkovsky, for example, believes that such measures of influence should be: 1) the establishment of minimum wage rates; 2) legal protection of workers and the provision of certain guarantees to them; 3) modification of labor contracts and agreements in accordance with measures to combat inflation; 4) limiting the influence of trade unions. The authors of the textbook "Enterprise Economics" propose to limit ourselves only to the state regulation of the minimum wage. A set of measures to strengthen state regulation of wages was proposed by R.A. Yakovlev. Among the most significant areas he considers: active government intervention in stopping a further decline in the purchasing power of wages on the basis of the adoption and strict implementation of certain legislative and regulatory acts by the legislative and executive authorities in the center and at the local level; a radical change in the level of the minimum wage; restoration of the purchasing power of the tariff wages of workers with average qualifications, and then high and higher qualifications; gain state influence for the performance of its stimulating function by wages; active influence of the state on the regulation of macroeconomic processes and, above all, the dynamics of monetary wages and prices.

Specifying the essence of the presented areas, the researcher justifies the need to introduce a number of measures, such as, for example, the adoption of a set of legislative and regulatory acts: laws on the indexation of average wages and on the mandatory increase in wages in the event that the government adopts laws that change the structure of income use or the ratio tax burden not to the benefit of the employee, government decrees on the compulsory payment of accrued wages and on the coverage of wage arrears with the products of the enterprise or received by way of offset (barter) at reduced prices). At the same time, they are offered a phased increase in the minimum wage to 2.5 living wages, the restoration of the institution of labor rationing in the broad sense of the word, and the introduction of a real mechanism for indexing wages.

The proposed R.A. Yakovlev, measures for state regulation of wages are complex and comprehensive, and although they are devoted to the regulation of wages in the Russian Federation, there is nevertheless reason to believe that many of them are quite applicable in Kazakhstan.

In the aggregate of measures of state regulation of wages, the decisive place belongs to the institution of the minimum wage. The vast majority of researchers are of the opinion that the minimum wage should be established by law. Meanwhile, even in developed countries, discussions continue about the effectiveness of this measure. So, D.N. Hyman believes that minimum wage fixing has the most controversial effects in industries with low average wages, such as retail. Employers often respond to increases in minimum wages by worsening working conditions and reducing various benefits. At the same time, a higher level of labor intensity is set, and the duration of labor leaves tends to decrease.

Opponents of this measure argue that the result is imbalances and reduced market demand for low-skilled labor. Another reason for criticism is the fact that the minimum wage is not sufficiently targeted at reducing poverty.

Supporters of the legislative establishment of the minimum wage believe that in a monopsony labor market such a measure can lead to an increase in wage rates without causing unemployment. Moreover, this approach may result in an increase in labor productivity. At the same time, the demand for labor increases and thus any effect of unemployment is covered.

The general opinion of Western economists is that the impact of the legislative establishment of the minimum wage on poverty reduction is mixed and dual. Those who lose their jobs plunge deeper into poverty; those who remain employed tend to avoid poverty.

It should be noted that by no means in all developed market countries the minimum wage is established by law. In the United States, for example, the minimum hourly wage is set at the federal level in legislatively, however, by state laws, it can be adjusted in one direction or another. In Belgium, by contrast, the minimum wage is regulated by a national tripartite collective agreement. In addition, in some states, the institution of the minimum wage at the state level is not applied at all. In this case, we are talking about Germany, where only the minimum tariff rates determined by sectoral tariff agreements have become widespread.

The opinion of almost all researchers in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and other CIS member states boils down to the need to establish the minimum wage at the level of the subsistence minimum, calculated according to the real consumption rates of food and non-food products and services. At the same time, the point of view of most of them is again inclined towards its legislative establishment, which is unlikely to contribute to effective solution Problems.

It seems that when developing a mechanism for setting the minimum wage, it is necessary to proceed from the very generic essence of wages as the price of labor. At the same time, it is obvious that its price should be determined in the labor market, that is, on the basis of negotiations between social partners, including the state. Consequently, the issue of establishing the minimum wage should be unambiguously resolved at the level of a general agreement between the republican associations of employers, trade unions or other representative bodies of workers and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Therefore, in the development of this solution to the problem, the following approach can be proposed. In accordance with it, it is possible to preserve the current procedure for the legislative establishment of the minimum wage, but only after preliminary consultations and agreement on its size with the aforementioned partners. Moreover, it is precisely this procedure for setting the minimum wage, taking into account national conditions and needs, which the aforementioned convention recommends to use.

The recognition of the proposed approaches objectively puts forward the need to select options for a reasonable calculation of the minimum wage. Convention No. 131 stipulates that the factors that are taken into account in determining the level of the minimum wage include, as far as possible and acceptable, the needs of workers and their families, as well as economic considerations, including the requirements of economic development and the maintenance of a high level of employment. Consequently, in this case, the cost of reproduction of labor power is put in first place, and then the economic capabilities of the state.

The second most important direction of state regulation of wages should be recognized the development and adoption of relevant legislative acts, to one degree or another, regulating the issues of wages in relation to business entities of various organizational and legal forms. In this case, the point is that the state establishes the "rules of the game" for enterprises of various forms of ownership.

Taking into account the increasing differentiation in the amount of remuneration of workers of various professional and qualification groups, and the decrease in the stimulating role of tariff payment, there is a need for state regulation of these processes. Granting almost complete independence to economic entities in the area of ​​wages, as practice shows, was a premature and erroneous measure, which ultimately led to extremely negative consequences. A possible solution to this problem seems to be the establishment at the state level of the main minimum permissible proportions in the remuneration of workers of various qualifications. Moreover, such an approach does not have to be enshrined in the relevant law. It seems that a sufficient measure in this case may be the adoption of an appropriate government decree.

The order of indexation of wages should also be included among the measures of state regulation of wages. During an unstable economic situation, as the experience of the CIS member states shows, there are possible and real cases of a sharp surge in inflationary processes, the consequences of which for employees are obvious. Therefore, the role of the state in such cases should be to develop appropriate mitigation measures. Currently, the indexation of wages by national level carried out by setting the appropriate law of the minimum wage for each year. At the same time, it is quite obvious that when approving its size, it is not the real tendencies of inflationary processes that are taken into account, but the possibilities of the state budget. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to develop something else to solve the problem.

State regulation of wages cannot be imagined without an effective tax policy. Through the tax mechanism, the state influences the processes of production and circulation, enhances or weakens the accumulation of capital, stimulates or restrains the rate of reproduction.

As the analysis shows, the social potential of the tax system in modern Kazakhstan is practically not used. This refers to its ability to redistribute income from the high-income to the middle and low-income strata of the population. The current system of income taxation does not take into account the factors of the prevailing reality. Meanwhile, the situation is such that the burden of taxation must be shifted from the less-income strata of the population to the more profitable strata. In other words, you need to focus on progressive scale taxation of income. At the same time, it is important to observe a certain measure, since, as world practice shows, if 40-45% of income is withdrawn, the entrepreneur loses interest in his business.

Finally, economic policy the state should be aimed at creating mechanisms for the implementation of contractual regulation of wages on the basis of a multi-level system of agreements and contracts. In this case, the role of the state is not only as one of the partners in collective bargaining, but also in creating the most favorable conditions (legal, economic, etc.) for the implementation of the principle of social partnership.

Literature. Yakovlev R.A. Strengthening state regulation of wages at the present stage of economic reform. - // Labor in Kazakhstan: problems, facts, comments. - 1999. - № 4. - P. 19. Ivashkovsky S.N. Microeconomics. Textbook. - M .: Delo, 1998, p. 329. Hayman D.N. Modern microeconomics: analysis and application. In 2 volumes.Vol. II. Per. from English - M .: Finance and statistics, 1992, p. 153. Sar A. Levitan, Richard S. Belous. More Than Subsistence: Minimum Wages for the Working Poor. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979;

The modern economic situation is characterized by a deep deformation of the system of distribution relations. Wages are gradually losing their purpose to ensure the normal reproduction of the labor force and encourage workers to work efficiently, turning, in fact, into a kind of social benefit.

As you know, in a market economy, the state retains its regulatory functions.

How were wages regulated in Russia before the transition to a market economy?

During the Soviet era, there was excessive government regulation of the wage bill. The state in a centralized manner controlled the amount allocated for wages. In this case, the wage fund performed only social functions and was weakly connected with the real results of work. The methods of distributing the wage fund at the enterprise were quite simple, mainly regulated by the state.

Russian and world practice testifies to the need to preserve the "zone of influence" of state power structures on certain aspects of wage policy. This influence is carried out through the regulation of the level and conditions of remuneration.

There are two main methods of regulation: centralized and local.

The centralized method involves the legislative establishment of wage standards, the implementation of which is mandatory either for all enterprises and organizations in Russia, or only for certain industries and professional groups.

Centralized regulation of wages is carried out using the following mechanisms.

  • 1. Application of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regulating the conditions and procedure for remuneration, the amount of additional payments in case of deviation from normal working conditions. The norms are set by the employer independently, but they cannot be lower than the legislative ones.
  • 2. Use of the tariff system. The tariff system is a set of state normative acts that allow, on the basis of uniform criteria, to differentiate wages depending on its complexity and the conditions of the employee's qualifications. The tariff system includes uniform tariff-qualified directories, a single tariff scale, tariff rates, as well as a system of tariff surcharges and surcharges.

The tariff system is a means of state regulation of the wages of public sector employees. For workers in other industries, it is advisory in nature.

3. Establishment of the minimum wage. The minimum wage is a state guarantee and is established by the law of the Russian Federation. This state standard is mandatory for all organizations and enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, industry, territory.

Local methods of wage regulation include all procedures, mechanisms and methods of organizing wages that enterprises develop independently. In particular, the amount of funds spent on remuneration of employees is determined locally; decision on choosing a tariff or a tariff-free system; the introduction of various additional payments and allowances to wages (not lower than the norms of the Labor Code); development of regulations on bonuses and payment of remuneration based on the results of work for the year.

The emergence of a significant number of owners of the means of production led to the need to develop a consensus in the views of employees, the state and employers.

World practice shows that the most effective method for solving socio-economic problems and regulating contradictions within society and at the international level is social partnership. It means a transition from "conflict rivalry" to "conflict cooperation". As we can see, the confrontational component remains, since there remains a rather tough confrontation between workers and employers. However, destructive violent actions are excluded, and the relationship is built on a voluntary contractual basis.

The issues of regulation of wages and incomes are part of the social partnership policy, which are resolved in the process of negotiations and take into account the interests of all stakeholders.

For the trade unions, the key issues are the growth of real incomes of employees, guarantees of social protection, the provision of decent working and living conditions, and the participation of workers in management.

For unions of entrepreneurs, this is a guarantee effective use capital, an increase in profits through an increase in labor productivity and product quality, the continuity of the production rhythm, an improvement in positions in world markets.

For the state, as an exponent of public interests, this is social world and the cohesion of the nation, growth in budget revenues, high competitiveness of the national economy.

As a rule, the main subject of discussion is income policy, the meaning of which is to ensure a solidary interest of labor, capital and the state in increasing total income.

Interaction based on social partnership of these three forces is called tripartism. It is based on the following interaction model: employers - trade unions - government. Tripartism is implemented at three levels: central, sectoral (regional), grassroots (enterprise). This ensures a combination of macro- and microeconomic levels of partnership, leveling the playing field.

At the federal level consists general agreement ... This document ensures the economic balance of the interests of society as a whole. The Russian government, united trade unions and employers 'associations annually reach an agreement on the problems of employment of the population, a gradual increase in social guarantees for citizens, social protection of the most vulnerable groups of the population, and ensuring an increase in workers' incomes as the economy stabilizes.

Industry level sectoral tariff agreements are concluded, the participants of which are the industry leadership and sectoral independent trade unions. Tariff agreement is a legal act that establishes the directions of the social and economic development of the industry: wages and working conditions, the level of employment, social guarantees for workers in the industry by professional qualification groups. It is within the framework of the tariff agreement that the wage levels of all categories of workers in a particular industry are determined. At the same time, the main limitation of the amount of wages is the size of the budget of organizations and the possibility of generating funds for wages in organizations. Regional agreements are designed to take into account the specifics of the standard of living and the situation on the labor market in specific regions. It is especially important to develop such agreements for depressed regions. In practice, regional agreements are often closely related to sectoral ones. This is due to the mono-industry structure of a number of Russian regions.

At the enterprise level labor relations are regulated by the conclusion of collective agreements. Collective agreement - this is an internal regulatory act of the enterprise, which reflects all social guarantees within the funds earned by this enterprise, including:

  • o specific sizes of tariff rates, salaries and their periodic increase in comparison with the state, as well as an increase in average wages based on the implementation of a program of specific measures to increase production efficiency;
  • o the procedure for application and specific amounts of allowances, additional payments, including compensatory payments, bonuses, remunerations;
  • o labor rationing and tariffication of works and workers;
  • o the procedure for assessing the labor contribution of employees, etc.

Tax system contributes to the rationalization of wage ratios established during the negotiation process, and allows to reduce the possibility of deformations in wage levels under the influence of the scarcity of certain professions in the labor market.

Information system shows the relationship between changes in wages and quantitative changes in the factors that determine it.

The functions of the state are reduced to ensuring the best conditions for the operation of the entire mechanism of the market organization of wages, to interfering with the operation of this mechanism in order to make the necessary adjustments to it, when the emerging trends become negative for society.

State regulation of wages is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and includes:

  • o establishment of a guaranteed minimum wage;
  • o introduction of the order of indexation of wages with the growth of consumer prices;
  • o determination of the procedure for remuneration of employees of federal government agencies, state institutions of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities;
  • o establishment of minimum and increased amounts of additional payments and allowances to wages.

The regulation of wages is a part of the country's economic management system, which is a hierarchical structure divided into levels, which are territorial and sectoral systems, including local subsystems for managing enterprises and organizations.

The criteria for the regulation of wages in our country are legislative and regulatory acts: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as laws adopted on various aspects of social and labor relations. Their main provisions should be reflected in regional laws and regulations and regulations.

The state uses methods of direct and indirect regulation of wages and incomes.

TO methods of direct regulation relate:

  • o establishment of minimum social guarantees and standards, tariffs for housing and communal services;
  • o approval of the size, procedure for calculating and calculating pensions and benefits;
  • o streamlining the system of granting benefits and compensations;
  • o indexation of wages, incomes and savings.

Indirect regulation methods income and wages include:

  • o control over inflation and exchange rate;
  • o setting tax rates for individuals, rates of contributions to state extra-budgetary funds (a single social tax), rates of deductions for compulsory social insurance against occupational diseases and accidents at work;
  • o tax incentives for small businesses;
  • o tax incentives for charitable organizations, firms and individuals who donate funds for charitable purposes;
  • o money issue;
  • o development of tariff and qualification reference books for workers and employees.

Methods of direct and indirect regulation are combined with a system of measures providing for their short-, medium-, and long-term government regulation. Short-term measures include ensuring socio-political stability, guarantees of constitutional rights of citizens, reduction and elimination of arrears in wages, pensions and benefits, etc. Medium-term government regulation provides for a slowdown in the trend of decreasing real incomes of the population based on the development of a socially oriented market economy.

Long-term regulation provides for the consolidation and development of positive trends.

The concept of reforming wages, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, provides for a number of principles of state regulation of wages:

  • o recognition by the state of the priority of investments in the development of human capital;
  • o participation of the state in the regulation of the price of labor (wages) based on the system of social standards;
  • o implementation of the decisions of the authorities in any systemic, structural economic transformations, which should be assessed in terms of their impact on the cost and quality of life in a comprehensive connection with measures to adequately increase the price of labor;
  • o transformation of wages into a reliable source of funds, ensuring a dignified existence for the employee and his family and allowing to create savings.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 130) establishes the main state guarantees for labor remuneration, which include:

  • o the size of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation;
  • o measures to ensure an increase in the level of the real content of wages;
  • o restricting the list of grounds and amounts of deductions from wages by order of the employer, as well as the amount of taxation of income from wages;
  • o limitation of wages in kind;
  • o ensuring that the employee receives wages in the event of termination of the employer's activities and his insolvency in accordance with federal laws;
  • o state supervision and control over the full and timely payment of wages and the implementation of state guarantees for wages;
  • o responsibility of employers for violation of the requirements established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws, and other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements, agreements;
  • o terms and sequence of payment of wages.

Indexation of wages- an increase in nominal wages (rates and salaries) as the inflationary rise in prices for consumer goods and services for a certain period. Indexation of wages and incomes of the population is one of the generally recognized worldwide basic forms of social protection in the context of inflation, aimed at maintaining and restoring the purchasing power of the earned labor income.

It should be noted that an increase in rates and salaries with inflationary price increases is a factor in an increase in production costs, which, in turn, causes an increase in prices for goods and services produced, and this ultimately requires further indexation of wages: in this way, it is possible to form called the "wages-prices" inflationary spiral.

To avoid this, indexing, as a rule, is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • o With the help of indexation, not any, but only inflationary price increases are compensated for, while, as a rule, a "indexation threshold" is established, i.e. the price increase from which income indexation is required;
  • o not all types of income are indexed, but mainly wages and social transfers (pensions, scholarships, benefits). The monetary income of the population from property (from the lease of property, from shares and other valuable papers, from running a farm and personal subsidiary plots, from entrepreneurial and other permitted by law economic activity), since they are formed in conditions of free pricing and therefore do not need additional protection;
  • o indexation almost never fully compensates for the rise in consumer prices to all income recipients. The indexation mechanism is designed in such a way that the growth in the cost of living is compensated to a greater extent by those persons whose current consumption level suffers the most as a result of inflation, i.e. receiving lower incomes.

When determining the consumer price index, the parameters of the prevailing average consumption level for the population as a whole are most often used. The price index measures the ratio between the aggregate price of a certain set of consumer goods and services (market basket) for a given period and the aggregate price of a similar group of goods and services in the base period:

In addition to the general consumer price index, private indices of changes in the cost of living of certain strata or groups of the population can be calculated, as well as special indices in order to correct social payments or their tariffs as a result of inflation. The conditions for indexing income differ from country to country. Thus, in Belgium and Luxembourg, indexation is carried out when prices rise by more than 2%. In Greece, the level of income subject to indexation is revised every four months. In France, the indexation of the minimum interprofessional guaranteed rate is done once a year if the price index exceeds 2%, but the government has the right to raise this rate at any time if necessary.

In Russia, indexation was introduced by the Law of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on October 24, 1991 "On the indexation of monetary income and savings of citizens of the RSFSR."

The official sources of indexing in Russia are:

  • o for the public sector of employment - budgets of all levels;
  • o for pensioners - the Pension Fund;
  • o for benefits - Social Insurance Fund, federal budget;
  • o for low-income categories of the population - territorial budgets, as well as funds for social protection of the population;
  • o for those employed in the private sector of the economy - financial resources the organizations themselves.

State indexation of wages in relation to the budgetary sphere means an increase in the minimum tariff rates established at the federal level, the level of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities. As for private enterprises and organizations, for them the state indexation of wages means the establishment of a new state minimum wage. Whether and how much higher rates and salaries will be increased is an internal matter of the organization; it depends on the availability of funds, as well as on how the issues of indexation are fixed in collective and labor agreements.

Example 8.12

Consider the options for indexing wages in a private organization.

Suppose, based on the terms of the collective agreement, it is necessary to increase wages and salaries by an average of 20%. Let the monthly wage fund be 650,000 rubles before indexation, the number of employees - 50 people. In this case, per month, the required increase in labor costs will be: 650,000 · 0.2 = 130,000 rubles.

Let us assume that the financial capacity of the organization allows for such an increase. The question arises - how exactly to carry out indexing?

The first option is proportional indexation, when all rates and salaries increase by 20%. In this case, if the cleaner received a salary of 3,000 rubles, and the director received 15,000 rubles, after indexation, the new salary of the cleaner would be: 3,000 · 1.2 = 3,600 rubles. (an increase of 600 rubles), and the director: 15,000 · 1.2 = 18,000 rubles. (an increase of 3000 rubles).

Comparing the increase in salaries in absolute terms, it can be seen that, given the simplicity of calculations, it can hardly be argued that the cost of living and the reduction in current consumption are more compensated for by an employee with low incomes.

The second option is share indexation, when all rates and salaries increase by the same amount, which, based on the total increase in the wage fund and the number of employees, will be: 130,000: 50 = 2,600 rubles.

The salary of the cleaner after indexation will be equal to: 3000 + 2600 = 5600 rubles. (an increase of 86.7%).

Director's new salary: 15,000 + 2600 = 17,600 rubles. (an increase of 17.3%).

However, at the same time, the range in wages of workers of lower and higher qualifications is sharply reduced from 1: 5 to 1: 3.14.

The third option is proportional-share indexing. In this case, most of the increase in the payroll (for example, 60%) is directed to proportional indexation. The proportional index will be


The remaining amount of the increase in the wage fund (40%, or 130,000 · 0.4 = 52,000 rubles) is sent to share indexation, i.e. increase in rates and salaries in equal amounts. With a staff of 50 people. this value will be: 52,000: 50 = 1040 rubles.

Then the salary of the cleaner after indexation will be: 3000 1.12 + 1040 = 4400 rubles. (an absolute increase of 1,400 rubles, or 46.7%).

The new salary of the director: 15,000 1.12 + 1040 = 17 840 rubles. (an absolute increase of 2,840 rubles, or 18.9%).

The proportional-share indexing option softens the negative features of the first two. Naturally, proportional-share indexation also gradually reduces the range of tariff rates and salaries (in our case, to 1: 4.1).

Therefore, applying this option of indexing, it is advisable from time to time to adjust the used wage scales and salary schemes in order to ensure a reasonable level of differentiation in the remuneration of workers.

Measures of state influence play a special role in the mechanism for regulating wages. The transition to a market economy has led to new approaches to the organization and regulation of wages. There is a fundamental change in the entire system public relations based on changes in the economic and political conditions of society. With regard to the relationship about remuneration for labor, this means a transition from distribution according to labor to distribution according to the price of labor power to a model of organizing wages that corresponds to the notion of a market mechanism for regulating it. New regulators of wages are being formed, the functions of the main economic entities in resolving issues on its determination are changing. The mechanism of market regulation of wages includes the following elements.

A multilevel collective bargaining system with the use of multi-stage negotiation processes makes it possible to adequately reflect the entire gamut of economic, political, and social interests of individual groups of employers and employees when establishing wage conditions.

The system for ensuring minimum guarantees in the field of wages and protection of wages from the negative phenomena of the market economy is the starting point for determining the degree of increase in the lower limits of wages and an obstacle to their reduction. It ensures the timely payment and maintenance of the purchasing power of wages, acts as a guarantor of a certain level of personal consumption of workers and their families.

The tax system for regulating wages in the composition of individual income and (in some cases) in the composition of the employer's labor costs contributes to the rationalization of the wage ratios established during the negotiation process and helps to reduce the possibility of deformations in pay levels under the influence of the scarcity of certain professions on the market. labor.

The information system provides information for analyzing the level and dynamics of wages, other costs of the employer for labor, gives a real idea of ​​wages as the price of labor, demonstrates the relationship between changes in wages and quantitative changes in the factors that determine it.

The functions of the state are reduced to providing the best conditions for the operation of the entire mechanism of the market organization of wages, to intervention in the operation of this mechanism in order to make the necessary adjustments to it, when the emerging trends become negative for society.

The regulatory and legal framework for regulating wages in our country is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as laws adopted on various aspects of social and labor relations. Their main provisions are reflected in regional laws and regulations and regulations.

At the federal level, state regulation of wages is directly related to the current system legislation. On regional level state regulation of wages is reflected in the regulatory legal acts adopted at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities. At the level of organizations and enterprises, there are local regulatory documents on remuneration (Regulations on payment and bonuses for employees, regulations on personnel, wage scales, collective agreements, etc.), developed taking into account the provisions of regulatory documents of the highest levels of management.

The state uses measures of direct and indirect regulation of wages and incomes. Direct regulatory measures include:

Establishment of a guaranteed minimum wage.

Establishment of the order of indexation of wages in the event of an increase in consumer prices.

Determination of the procedure for remuneration of employees of federal state institutions, employees of state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

Establishment of minimum and increased amounts of additional payments and allowances to wages.

Measures for indirect regulation of income and wages include:

Control over money issue, inflation and exchange rate.

Establishment of tax rates for individuals, rates of contributions to state non-budgetary funds (unified social tax), rates of contributions for compulsory social insurance against occupational diseases and industrial accidents.

Development of tariff and qualification reference books for workers and employees.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the main state guarantees for the remuneration of workers, which include:

the size of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation;

measures to ensure an increase in the level of the real content of wages;

limiting the list of grounds and amounts of deductions from wages by order of the employer, as well as the amount of taxation of income from wages;

limitation of wages in kind;

ensuring that the employee receives wages in the event of termination of the employer's activities and his insolvency in accordance with federal laws;

state supervision and control over the full and timely payment of wages and the implementation of state guarantees for labor remuneration;

responsibility of employers for violation of the requirements established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements;

terms and sequence of payment of wages.