Department of World Economy and International Relations. Department of World Economy

  • 05.12.2019

The Department of World Economy was formed in 1958 as a result of the merger of the departments of economic geography of the West and the economic geography of the East and was staffed by the famous economographers of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, who worked at MGIMO on a part-time basis (corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.N. Baransky, professor I. A.Vitver and A.T. Khrushchev, Associate Professor Yu.A. Kolosova and others). The department was headed by associate professor Pyotr Ivanovich Glushakov.

The main task of the department was the training of international experts in the field of the world economy and the economy of individual countries and regions.

Over the past decade, the professional profile of the department has not changed - it is still world economy and regional studies, the economies of individual countries and regions of the world, but the range of courses on global issues has expanded. At the initiative of the department, at the suggestion of deans and masters at various faculties, such courses as “Economic Modeling of International Relations”, “Actual Problems of the World Economy”, “Economics of Knowledge”, “Modern National Innovation Systems in the World Economy”, and “Comparative” began to be taught. Economics ”,“ Economics of Conflict ”,“ Promotion of International Development ”, etc. In total, over 45 lecture courses are taught by the department.

Another trend is the strengthening of scientific, methodological and research work. The department is actively preparing textbooks, study guides and reference books. Together with the Department of International Economic Relations, ed. A.S.Bulatova published the textbook “World Economy and international relationships”(M .: KNORUS, 2017). Its preparation was carried out jointly with three other departments of MGIMO, as well as in collaboration with specialists from IMEMO RAS, ISK RAS, ISAA MSU. The textbook "Economics of Russia and the Near Abroad Countries" is regularly reprinted (edited by A.S. Bulatov). Textbooks saw the light: “Economic diplomacy in the context of globalization” (edited by L. M. Kapitsa), “World Economy” (on english language) N.V. Galishcheva, “Foreign aid” (edited by L. M. Kapitsa), “Economics of international relations” A. G. Oleinova, “International competitive bidding” A. N. Zakharova and others. In 2019, Knorus publishing house published a collective monograph under the editorship of AS Bulatova, “Prospects for Economic Globalization,” outlining the authors' view of the processes of economic globalization in the present and future.

Currently, the collective scientific and methodological work of the department is focused on the preparation of textbooks and monographs on the economies of various countries and regions in the world economy as part of the series “Economics of Countries and Regions of the World”. So in last years The following editions saw the light: “The Economy of France” (J.N. Komisarova), “The Economy of Britain” (V.K. Lomakin), “The Economic Spaces of Equatorial Africa”, “The Countries of the Horn of Africa”, “The Economy of the Space of the East African Community” (In .N. Shitov), \u200b\u200b“The Economy of Australia” (L.M. Kapitsa), “The Geography of Australia and Oceania” (V.A. Gorbanev), “The Economy of the Countries of the Visegrad Group” (A.V. Drynochkin, A.A. Gabarta ), “The Baltic Countries in the World Economy” (S.V. Zhdanov), “The Economy of Italy” (M.S. Hovakimyan), “The Economy of Pakistan” (N.V. Galishcheva), “The Economy of Iran” (N.M. Mammadov), "The Economy of Turkey" (N.M. Mammadova, N.R. Masumova), "Economics of Sweden" (A.M. Volkov)

Teachers of the department also publish copyright monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. In recent years, the works of D. A. Degterev “Game-theoretic analysis of international relations”, V. A. Gorbanev “Public Geography” have been published. foreign world and Russia. ”

Since the mid-1990s work is being intensively carried out with graduate students, candidate dissertations are regularly defended. Many of the former graduate students became teachers of the department.

At the initiative of the department, student scientific conferences are organized annually, under the guidance of Assoc. I.R. Potapova and Assoc. L. Kapitsa created a scientific student club "Russia: Economics and Politics".

The department manages the publication of an electronic journal "World and national economy» systematically conducts round tables with other educational and research organizations.

Since October 2016, the department has been headed by a doctor economic sciences N.V. Galishcheva.

Last update is February 2019
Responsible for the information provided - N.V. Podvizhenko

From 2000 to 2013, the department was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Arkhipov Alexey Yuryevich. His efforts were aimed at strengthening staff departments and providing high quality training for specialists and bachelors. Since 2014, the Department of ME&M is under the direction of Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Voronina Tatyana Vasilievna.

Since 2014, teachers of the department provide training for bachelors in the direction 38.03.01 Economics together with other departments of the Faculty of Economics.

Since 2011, the master's program "International Economics" was opened at the department, and from 2016 to the present, the master's program "Foreign Economic Activity and Law" is being implemented in the direction of preparation 38.04.01 Economics.

On the basis of the department there are graduate and doctoral programs in the direction of preparation 38.06.01 - Economics, specialty 08.00.14 - World economy.

The teaching staff of the department is represented by highly qualified specialists in the theory and practice of the world economy and foreign economic activity, including 3 doctors and 2 candidates of economic sciences, including a visiting visiting professor who form professional competencies and skills at bachelors, masters and graduate students. Most of the teachers of the department are graduates of different years of the Faculty of Economics of Rostov state university (SFU).

The teaching staff of the department are preparing monographs, scientific articles, abstracts, actively participate in international, all-Russian, regional, university and other scientific conferences; participate in competitions for research grants.

The department is actively working to attract students to research activities, to develop various forms of student scientific activities (conferences, olympiads, competitions, etc.).

Employees of the department participate in the work of dissertation councils:

Voronina T.V. - Member of the Council, Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 212.208.02 (specialty 08.00.14 - World Economy)

Evchenko N.N. - Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.208.02 (specialty 08.00.14 - World Economy), member of the Dissertation Council D 212.208.03 (specialty 08.00.05 - Regional Economics).

The staff of the department published more than 200 scientific and scientific-methodological works. Developed our own teaching materials, including 10 textbooks and teaching aids, and 46 teaching materials (programs and seminar plans, guidelines for a number of core courses), as well as demonstration materials in the disciplines of specialization.

The Department of ME and MO closely cooperates with business structures and publishing divisions within the framework of joint projects: with the Taganrog Inter-District Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Taganrog, RF), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region (Rostov-on-Don, RF) , The Center for Support of Export-Oriented Enterprises (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation), The Journal of News of Higher Education Institutions. North Caucasus region. Series: Social Sciences "from the list approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation," Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. Economics and Management".

The staff of the department act as members of the editorial boards of experts of journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor T. Voronina ("Scientific notes of the Crimean Federal University named after VN Vernadsky. Economics and Management"), Doctor of Economics Evchenko N.N. ("Proceedings of higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region. Series: social sciences").

Since 2014, the Department of ME and MO has been the organizer of the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Competitiveness of National Economies and Regions in the Context of Global Challenges of the World Economy" at the Faculty of Economics of the Southern Federal University in conjunction with the Economic Academy named after YES. Tsenova (Svishtov, Bulgaria), Department of World Economy, Institute of Economics and Management of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I.Vernadsky (Simferopol), Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyova (Astana, Kazakhstan), Belarusian State Economic University (Republic of Belarus), Department of Accounting and Evaluation Economics of Turan-Astana University (Astana, Kazakhstan), Department of Economics of Donetsk National University (Donetsk), with support Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region (Rostov-on-Don), Taganrog Interdistrict Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Taganrog).

With the participation of the department, a summer school project is being implemented in Dusseldorf for students of the Faculty of Economics with the support of the CCI of Dusseldorf, the Institute of Intercultural Communication, Stock exchange Dusseldorf

The Department of World Economy at St. Petersburg State University is the only institutional partner of the World Trade Organization in Russia - a member of the WTO Chairs project.
The staff of the department is the winner of the Russian contest "Best department of Economics - 2011 ”in the nomination“ Foreign Economic Activity ”.

About the department

The Department of World Economy arose in 1996 as a result of the merger of two departments of the faculty: the economies of foreign countries and international economic relations. Its first historical predecessor was created by Professor S.I. Tyulpanov in 1957. Department of Economics of Modern Capitalism at the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University.

The department prepares highly qualified specialists in the field of the world economy, forming both fundamental and practical knowledge in them. Its graduates are in demand in the labor market, occupy leading positions in large trading companies, banks, consulting agencies and government agencies.

Teachers of the department have a high level of qualification in various fields of theory and practice of world economic relations, and students take an active part in Russian and international research projects and conferences. The department has developed the practice of international student exchange.

From the 2012/2013 academic year, the Department of World Economy began training in the profile "International economic relations and international business "as part of the bachelor's degree program in Economics.

With the participation of foreign partners, the department implements a unique author's master's program "International Trading System".

Scientific projects of the department

    Research on the topic: “The application of measures to protect the domestic market in the modern international trading system: international experience, recommendations for the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan”