OMS Metal account. What is an impersonal metallic account (OMS)? Pros and cons of OMS, species, yield

  • 03.07.2020

To date, there are many tools with which you can differentiate attachments. Funds can be stored in cash at home, place in bank deposits, in savings accounts. Recently, precious metals are gaining popularity. Banks offer customers not only to purchase ingots, but also take advantage of the OMS service (impersonal metallic account) or discover metallic accounts responsible storage.


OMS is an alternative to a standard deposit. Banks open metal bills, and gold, silver, platinum in an impersonal form take as currency. Accounting The movement of values \u200b\u200bis carried out in grams without individual signs (numbers and numbers of ingots, samples, the name of the manufacturer, etc.).

Metal account is the transfer of metals to the storage of the jar. The client transmits inventory values \u200b\u200bin which mass, sample, manufacturer, ingot numbers are indicated, and credit Institution responsible for their safety. The bank has no right to use values. At the end of the contract, he must return the same ingots, without changing quantitative and high-quality signs. For the storage of values \u200b\u200bis charged.

OMS differs from a metal account. The depositor does not become the owner of the value in the physical equivalent, and buys it at the bank's course at the time of the transaction. Gold, silver, platinum are charged in grams to accounts. Most often, the metals are bought for cash. But some banks make it possible to write off the funds from the current account or make a physical metal in the ingots.

Metal accounts open and closed. The purchase and sale rate is formed on the basis of the data on real transactions on the commodity exchange and the CBD account. Cashing the OMS is to implement the "virtual" value at the bank's course on the day of operation.

Types of OMS

  1. Urgent. For such an account, interest is not accrued. It is simply stored "gold reserves" of customers. Income is possible only in the event of the cost of values. At the same time, the metal pick up (for example, in the case of a sharp growth of its cost) can be at any time.
  2. The deposit account provides for the accrual of interest at the agreed rate on the residue. But it will be possible to use funds only at the end of the Agreement. If the depositor terminates the contract before the term, it will lose its income in the form of interest.

Usually agreements on the opening of an account in gold are concluded for a period of one month to one or two years. Maximum rate - 5% per annum, for a short time (1-3 months) - up to 1.5%. To open an account, you need to immediately purchase 50-100 grams of metal. This increases the amount of investment. The more fee and shelf life, the greater the percentage will offer a credit institution.


They are not so little:

  • the ability to increase funds with increasing cost;
  • the ability to reduce the risks of losses due to oscillations on Finrynka;
  • high liquidity - the bank will open an account on the day of the client's appeal;
  • it is possible to obtain the contribution of OMS in the ingots (paying 18% VAT);
  • the metallic account in Sberbank will open for free, there are no commission for operations;
  • operations with values \u200b\u200bare not subject to VAT;
  • low threshold (metallic account in Sberbank, VTB 24 opens under the condition of attachment of 0.1 grams of gold);
  • lack of transportation costs, storage, production of ingots.


Compared to the advantages, there are few of them, but they are quite significant:

  • metal accounts are not involved in the deposit insurance system, and in the event of bankruptcy bankruptcy, the depositor will lose its savings;
  • there is a spread (the difference between purchases and sales prices), which reduces the effectiveness of investments, makes an investor dependent on pricing policy.


To open a metal account, IP needs to be provided:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • card with signature samples;
  • a copy of the PP State Registration Document;
  • card of registration in the FIU, Hypn, if operations with metals will be carried out in physical form.

To open an account, an individual must provide a passport and INN.

Investor costs

Banks have the right to independently install quotes for metals. Spread is the difference between sales and purchase prices. It is different in banks and territorial offices. This value is not legally regulated. On average, the difference is 3-10%. As a rule, immediately after opening an account, the amount of investment is reduced by the amount of the spread. In order not to incur damages, you need to wait for the rise in prices for these 3-10%. Therefore, metal accounts are recommended to open for a long period.

Most often, the opening, closing and maintenance of the account additional payments are not charged. But the service conditions need to be clarified separately in each institution. But for the issuance of the ingot, its authenticity check and for acceptance of the metal will have to pay the commission.


When closing the OMS and receiving in the hands of ingots, you need to pay VAT 18%. The tax is immediately included in the price. Even if, when opening an account, precious metals were made in the ingots, for which VAT has already been paid, the tax will have to pay again.

The base for calculating NFFL (13%) is the entire interest income without discounting. This amount also immediately holds the bank. The income obtained as a result of changes in quotations is also subject to taxation. But the responsibility of the investor is responsible for the timely transfer of funds.

Metal VS Currency

Gold price dynamics - important economic indicator. In periods of instability, investors are trying to protect the assets by investing in metals. During economic growth, the situation changes, investors are looking for higher-boating tools, the price of gold falls.

Statistics on precious metallals confirms demand during periods of unstable financial situations. The table below provides information on the profitability of investments over the past 5 years (from 2009 to 2014).

Are metallic accounts beneficial? Answer this question is uniquely impossible. It all depends on the conditions of a particular bank and initial investment. Experts claim to acquire precious metals, to open deposits with them. It makes sense only on long term, that is, for 3 years or more. Short-term investments are unprofitable. The quotation of a metal account at the time of sale of values \u200b\u200bis reduced.

Usually this service enjoy persons who are calculated on the rise in prices, including as a result of rapid inflation, more than percentage income.

What metal to choose?

Banks provide the opportunity to invest in gold, silver, platinum or palladium. The first two metal are the most popular, and the latter are called "professional." Despite the strong volatility and small volumes of the market, large stocks of investment in silver are more risky than in gold. On the other hand, at the expense of rolling prices, this metal allows you to get big profit in a short period of time than gold.

Metal account, open in platinum, will make a profit during economic growth and losses during the periods of unstable world financial market. The demand for this metal is opposed to demand for gold. The cost of platinum is almost equal to its cost.

Palladium is actively used in industry, in particular, in automakers. Metal reserves are greater than gold, but it is very hard to get it. Since the demand for metal strongly exceeds the offer, the price is growing. Therefore, to invest in palladium makes sense only for the long-term period.

Investing strategies

  • Conservative. Open deposit OMS and wait for the end of the contract. The investor is guaranteed to receive interest income and possibly remuneration from exchange differences. The agreed period eliminates the risks to break the transaction ahead of time and lose part of the profits. But it may occur so that prices will decrease greatly, and interest income Not enough to cover losses.
  • Speculative. Open OMS to demand. During the periods of short-term economic recovery and recession to make sales transactions. This approach will be profitable if the investor will be able to receive income higher than from standard deposits opened in the same bank.

Metal account: reviews

According to depositors, the main disadvantage of operations with metals is that transactions are not subject to insurance. Opening the OMS, the investor receives a certificate that it is the nominal metal owner. But in reality in the bank's repository, ingots do not arrive. Credit institution does not acquire a precious metallol open accounts. Therefore, in the case of bankruptcy, the investor will not receive its savings. Of course, it is possible to extend the term of the contract in the hope that the cost of metal will grow. But this option will arrange not everyone.

The second drawback, which is noted by customers is a high commission for receiving, storing and evaluating ingots. It is not regulated by law, so the bank can overestimate the collection. In the conditions of a sharp increase in volatility, the credit institution can greatly overestimate the spread, reducing the income of the investor. If, on this background, the price will decrease, then the depositor will result in damages, and will not receive a profit.

06.11.17 78 673 4

What is an impersonal metallic account

How to invest in gold, silver and platinum

My name is Victor, and for many years I have inserted into precious metals.

Victor Tyurin

invested in precious metals

I'll tell you why it is necessary and to whom it will work.

How can you be investigated in precious metals

There are three ways to invest money in precious metals: buy bars, buy coins or invest in an impersonal metallic account. Each method has its pros and cons.

Method 1. Buy bars in the bank. It is necessary to do this if for some reason you want to have ato ingot of gold or platinum. There are many minuses: banks rarely dig such ingots back, and if they get off, then the purchase rate is strongly understood. After buying gold, you pay 18% VAT - this amount will be included in the price automatically. That is, effective yield at the time of purchase - minus 18%.

Method 2. Buy coins. Coins made of precious metals can be bought in banks or numismatic stores. VAT for coins does not apply, therefore the price of metal in a coin is often more profitable than the price of a similar amount of metal in the slope. The coin can bring additional profits due to the growth of collective value. Minus investments in coins - limited liquidity. This means that it is easy to buy a coin, and it is often much more complicated to sell.

For 115 € You can buy a silver coin with cats released by the Bank of Latvia

Method 3. Open OMS - an impersonal metallic account. In an impersonal account you do not have on the hands of a physical metal. So, do not think how to store it, buy a safe, and then bother with the implementation. In addition, when you buy a "virtual" metal through an impersonal account, VAT is not charged. Buy metal through the OMS initially 18% more profitable than buy gold ingot.

I'll tell you about an impersonal metallic account.

How is an impersonal metallic account

OMS is a hybrid of a bank account to demand and investment product. You buy a certain amount of virtual metal and expect that in the future this metal will rise in price. The OMS can be replenished, and you can partially output tools from it or close at any time without fines and loss of accumulated income.

When you open normal contributionYou choose its currency: in Russia it is rubles, dollars or euros. Also when opening an impersonal metal account you choose a metal. Banks usually offer four metal: gold (AU), silver (AG), platinum (PT) and palladium (PD).

In a conversation, bank employees reported to me that most depositors in the OMS choose gold. It is believed that this is the most stable precious metal. In second place silver. Platinum and palladium customers choose very rarely. Trust this data or not, I do not know.

Course prices for precious metals can be viewed on main page Site Central Bank:

How are the prices for precious metals

The cost of metals is different, and the dynamics of price changes are also different. Banks set the price on their own, based on the price of the Central Bank - by analogy with foreign operations.

I analyzed the dynamics of gold prices, silver, platinum and palladium for three recent years: From September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2017.

Gold (AU). For three years, 1 gram of gold rose in price by 66%: from 1500 to 2500 p. At the best moment, on February 13, 2016, it was possible to sell gold at a price of 3167 r per gram - this profit is 111% in relation to the beginning of the period. In 2017, prices are still relatively stable - about 2250 rubles per gram.

Graph change price of gold from September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2017. According to Investfence

Silver (AG). Silver prices are one of the most volatile on the market. The dynamics of silver prices are similar to the dynamics of gold, but lifts and drops are sharper. For 3 years 1 gram of silver rose by 47.7%: from 22 to 32.5 p. At best, on August 3, 2016, it was possible to sell silver for 44 rubles - a profit of 100% in relation to the beginning of the period.

Silver price changes from September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2017. According to Investfence

Platinum (PT). Platinum is not the most popular jewelry metal. It is quite rarely chosen for investment, because prices for it are highly dependent on real demand. industrial sector Economy.

For 3 years, 1 gram of platinum went up by 10.7%: from 1680 to 1860 p. But against the background of a sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate on January 30, 2015, it was possible to sell platinum grams for 2740 p - this is 63% of profits in relation to September 1, 2014. Then, however, prices have greatly fell.

Schedule change price of platinum from September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2017. According to Investfence

Palladium (PD). Palladium prices are also associated with industry demand and now on the rise.

For 3 years 1 gram Palladium went up by 67.6%: from 1050 to 1760 p. The best moment for sale - now, 1760 P is the highest price for three years.

Schedule Change Palladium price from September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2017. According to Investfence

Profit with currency oscillations

The impersonal metallic account allows you to get additional profits when falling the ruble exchange rate.

The price of metal is determined by the London Stock Exchange and exhibits it in dollars per 1 ounce. Banks and jewelers measure metal in Troy oz, 1 Such oz is 31.1 grams. The Russian Central Bank divides the price of the London Stock Exchange by 31.1 and translates into rubles - this turns out the accounting price of the Central Bank for 1 gram of metal in rubles.

Prices for precious metals of the Central Bank and the London Exchange on November 3, 2017. According to Investfence

If the ruble rate decreases, the cost of gold in rubles will grow. This will happen regardless of changing the price of metal on the London Stock Exchange. Sell \u200b\u200bmetal at such a moment - get extra profits.

Here, for example, the growth schedule of the accounting prices of the Central Bank for Gold in November-December 2014. Then, due to the devaluation of the ruble, the price of 1 gram of gold increased by 63%: from 1600 r to 2600 p.

So the price for gold at the Central Bank was jumping due to the fall of the ruble at the end of 2014. According to Investfence

At the London Exchange at the end of 2014 there were much more modest fluctuations: from 1140 to $ 1230 per ounce, it's total + 7.9%.

The minimum price of gold at the end of 2014 on the London Stock Exchange - $ 1140, the maximum -1230 $. According to Investfence

Fairly the opposite: if the price of metal in dollars is growing, and the dollar rate drops, then an impersonal metallic account can bring a loss. With the growth of the ruble exchange rate, you can get a loss, even if the price of the precious metal will grow.

How to open an impersonal metallic account

Contact the bank, the course in which you liked. From the documents you will need a passport. Some banks additionally request Inn, it is also better to take it with you.

Determine the amount of attachment. For this amount, the Bank will sell you the appropriate amount of metal according to its quotations and take it into an impersonal metallic account. Banks set various minimum metal purchase sizes. As a rule, on gold and silver, the minimum purchase or sale is 1 gram. On platinum and palladium, the volume can be significantly higher.

For larger metal, more often acts favorable course Shopping and sales.

Usually all banks are allowed to buy and partially sell metal by analogy with replenishment and partial removal from deposits. Immediately specify the minimum volume of such operations from the bank.

Open the current account in the bank and make money on it. From this account, the money will be transferred to your impersonal metallic account when buying a metal. They will return to him when selling. As a rule, for the opening and maintenance of such accounts, the Commission is not charged.

If the metal grows in price, sell it to the jar. Sale occurs instantly, money can be immediately pick up.

Some banks, such as Sberbank, allow operations with OMS through their Internet bank. This allows you to make a deal faster, which is convenient when fluctuations in the course. Not all banks that work with metal accounts are available such option.


If you get a profit, then it will be necessary to pay income tax 13%. Many banks themselves act as tax agents and immediately hold the amount of tax when transferring you money. If the bank does not provide such a service, you will need to independently submit a declaration in the tax next year and pay personal income tax.

Ndfl can not be paid in two cases:

  1. if the metal "lay" on the OMS for three years and more, then the profit received during its sale is not taxed;
  2. if the total amount of metal sold does not exceed 250,000 rubles per year. The declaration of tax, however, will still need to pass.

Clients in different ways describe the experience of communication with tax Inspectorate on issues of taxes with OMS. I recommend when communicating with the inspector to refer to the letter from 05.03.2014 No. BS-4-11 / [Email Protected]

OMS and deposit insurance

Funds on impersonal metal accounts are not falling under the deposit insurance system. If you have such an account in the bank, which will suddenly respond to the license, you will not receive any insurance payment.

So it is very important to choose reliable bank To open a metal account. Ask yourself a question: "Would I put more than 1.4 million rubles to this bank if I had such a topic?" If the answer is negative, look for another bank and for OMS.

Pros and cons

OMS CA investment tools There are advantages and disadvantages.


  1. You can get high income, not limited to sums and percentages.
  2. There is no VAT 18% when buying precious metal.
  3. You can buy at least 1 gram of gold.
  4. You can replenish your account or partially take the means.
  5. You can close the account at any time without losing the result.


  1. The income is not guaranteed - as in other investment methods, you can get a loss.
  2. For metal accounts, as a rule, interest is not charged.
  3. The bill is not insured by the state.
  4. The bank independently sets the price of the purchase and sale of metal - it can reduce your profits.
  5. It is necessary to pay the inclination of 13% of the profits received - if this does not make the bank, you will have to do it yourself.

An excellent alternative to the standard contribution in dollars or in rubles is a metallic account in Sberbank. In some situations, it opens up great prospects for earnings. The most popular are the impersonal metallic accounts, also known as OMS. Their main advantage is that they do not require additional expenses For service, and any manipulations with them are very simple. OMS are offered in almost any financial institutionBut, despite the specific partnership conditions in each of the banks, there are general standards and rules.

What does an impersonal metallic account implies?

The metallic account in Sberbank is one species of the client's accounts, on which the precious metal is listed. It is not characteristic of the presence of typical signs of signs, such as the amount and sample. You can remove from account as directly in the format of ingots, which will be accompanied by additional costs and in cash equivalent.

If at the expense it is planned to put gold, silver or platinum directly in physical format, you will have to carry out a metal examination, to order its assessment and ensure transportation. Moreover, you will have to pay off VAT in the amount of 18% of its cost. Simplification of the account replenishment procedure occurs if the impersonal precious metal is used. It will be reflected in his own deposit in grams. Metal can be put on the account in a volume of 0.1 grams, which makes an offer available to almost every person.

How about interest accruals?

The impersonal metallic account in Sberbank is not accompanied by interest accrual. In Russia, not accepted additional means on the accounts of this category. If the financial institution offers a bet in size from 1 to 2%, which will be calculated in the grams of metal, then this is an incredibly advantageous offer, and it should be immediately accounted for. IN western countries The practice of accrual for interest is quite widespread. Profit for this category of deposits The depositor receives due to changes in quotations. If the cost of precious metal during the partnership with the bank will grow, the depositor will earn. If the value of the asset decreases, the deposit will give a drawdown. Specificity determines low liquidity in the wide masses of such a product as Sberbank's metal accounts. The course of the precious metal on the international market determines the yield and unprofitability of the asset, which is very risky and is not suitable for most investors.

Conditions of opening

OMS service is available for each client. financial Institutewhich at the time of signing turned 18 years old. The metallic account in Sberbank can be opened on a child who has not yet turned 14 years old, but only subject to the presence of an official representative. Children aged 14 to 18 can independently open this category of accounts, but only subject to the official permission of parents or guardians.

The account management may be entrusted to a third party with a certain level of qualification. The main thing is that the power of attorney for the authority is officially certified and is notarized. The technical opportunity to open a metal account in Sberbank is far from all branches of the financial institution, so this question is worth asking in advance.

Important aspects of partnership

Metal accounts, the reviews of which are mainly positive, in most cases open for one year. The client is given the opportunity to conduct a prolongation of the contribution. The account can be opened in one of the four popular metals, such as gold, platinum, silver and palladium. Most often in gold, as it is considered the most liquid and demanded asset. The opening of the account in silver, platinum or palladium is the prerogative of professional investors. These metals are distinguished by high volatility and how to provide good perspectives For earnings and provide high risks. When Sberbank's metal accounts are drawn up, the asset sales course is a financial institution and is the price that the client pays. After the end of the deposit, the client receives funds in the course of metal purchases in the bank. The difference between the cost of buying and selling an asset is customary to be called spread. Quotes are determined by the bank himself, but taking into account actual value Metal on the international market and the situation within the state.

Specific accounts

The impersonal metallic account in Sberbank is very specific, since it does not provide for the immediate contact of its owner with the metal. The client simply brings funds. And the equivalent in metals is accrued to the account. To see, and even more so hold your asset in your hands, no additional costs will not work. Assets are essentially virtual. Optionally, the account can be replenished or partially cashed. Even the possibility of temporary closing it is allowed if the market situation indicates the coming sharp drop in the metal. It is worth noting that, despite the excellent opportunities in managing their assets, for any manipulation, the Bank charges an additional commission.

Are there any ways to cash off a gold?

Metal accounts can be cash and replenished not only in the form of a cash asset. Cash out and quite really ordinary ingots. Here we note that this feature Available only in 500 branches of Sberbank from 8500 working across the country. If it is decided not to take money from the account, and the metal itself, it is worth warning the bank in advance. As a rule, in this situation on the client assigned certain financial expenses. It will be necessary to pay for the release of ingots and their transportation to the bank branch. Moreover, the VAT will have to pay off, which is not charged when the virtual metals are circulated. According to the law, gold, which did not leave the financial institution, is not subject to tax. If you look at the situation objectively, then mutual calculations with the bank for an impersonal metal accounts are much more profitable to carry out without directly manipulating the ingots.

It is necessary to know

Each client of such a financial institution, as Sberbank, discomposed metal accounts (the course under which is constantly changing) can open in any volume. The top limit does not exist.

Persons who are actively used online banking are provided by universal, more favorable partnership conditions. We draw your attention to the fact that the accounting operations can be carried out exclusively in the separation in which it was previously decorated. Transfer from one OMS to another is not possible.

Disadvantages of OMS, or how to make a decision

Metal accounts differ significantly from standard deposit programs, which, although they guarantee a stable increase in the deposit, but are not protected from inflation. As for gold or any other precious metal, these are assets that belong to the category of exhausted natural resourcesTherefore, their cost in perspective will increase. By deciding, it is important to pay attention to the fact that this category of the contribution does not fall under the protection of the deposit insurance agency, and if something happens to the bank, the damage will not be reimbursed. It is very important to select and the opening time of the OMS, since the profitability of the asset will depend on how profitably the metal was bought. If we draw on a rollback schedule in such an institution as Sberbank, metal bills, a course (gold, silver, platinum, palladium) at that time will be the most profitable as possible, and this will allow you to earn great. The average annual profitability of this category of investment programs is at least 20%.

Nuances worthy of attention

OMS is more suitable for those who are well versed in international and metal market. Today, when the situation in the economy is unstable, it is better to stay from this type of investment. Opening an impersonal account is a lung matter, but the ability to remove profit from it is considered professional manipulation. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the purchase of precious metal in the bank will always be carried out on a speculative course, which will differ significantly from the exchange, which is already some of themselves certain extra spending.

Hello. Today we will tell you what is an impersonal metallic account (OMS) and talk about it as an investment method. One of the tools for protecting financial well-being has long been considered physical Gold. This is a particularly interesting decision during periods of economic concern and instability. Therefore, many recommend paying attention to impersonal metal bills. But such forms of savings have their drawbacks. Talk to all in this article!

What is an impersonal metallic account and what is his advantages

Disclinished metal bills - a kind of bank deposit. Evaluation of its value is made on the basis of the current value of precious metals. Palladium, gold, silver - an impersonal metallic score can be opened in any metal that seems more profitable. Gold accounts are the most popular.

You can list only some advantages of investing through impersonal metal accounts that clients receive when opening them:

  • The availability of the operation is almost for everyone. The minimum contribution is 1 gram of precious metal;
  • Large simplicity compared to the purchase of physical ingots;
  • The ability to open an impersonal metallic account in favor of third parties;
  • Lack of fixation B. tax authorities at the place of residence. The acquisition of real metals cannot boast of this advantage;
  • An open account is not subject to 18 percent;
  • Minimum difference between selling and buying;
  • Lack of expenditures and problems associated with transportation, storage of investments;
  • Liquidity. For investors, it is not difficult to turn the virtual gold into real accumulations.

The following types of metallic accounts are allocated.

  1. Urgent or deposit. The formation of income occurs on the basis of two indicators: the growth of the course value in world markets plus interest accrued in the grams of precious metallol. When opening an account, the client must be reported to what time a contract is concluded because time is limited. Excellent solution for lovers of long-term strategies. But for early termination The contracts of the recovery interest are not paid.
  2. Current, demand. The income is formed only from one indicator: the growth of the course price of the metal, which is on the score. For customers, it is available to replenish funds or partial removal. This option is suitable for those who can change their decisions, adapt to the current conditions. There is an opportunity to make money on investments in a short time. Percentages are not accrued. But there are no restrictions on the terms of the contract. The exception did not, for example, an impersonal metallic account in Sberbank.

Where and how to open an impersonal metallic account

Currently, just find banks where you can open impersonal metal bills. Among them are such major institutions as VTB24, Nomos-Bank, Sberbank, Promsvyazbank and so on. And each organization offers their conditions related to this service. There are only a few general parameters to which it is recommended to pay attention to:

  1. SPRAD for the implementation of operations with the contribution;
  2. The period for which the contribution is placed;
  3. Interest rate B. annual percent. It is only necessary for urgent deposits;
  4. Types of available contributions;
  5. The minimum metal mass that is to be purchased.

Under insurance system bank deposits Such accounts do not fall.

How contributors manage their OMS

Each client has several possibilities that allow you to manage investments.

  • Acquisition or sale of metals. At the same time, the banks themselves fulfill requests, focusing on the current market situation.
  • Sale of part of the contribution for the currency, not only national, but also foreign.
  • Transfer of deposit between bank departments if necessary.

What documents will be needed for the opening of the OMS

The largest package of documents provide individual entrepreneurs. They do not do without:

  1. Registration cards, if you plan to perform operations with a precious metal having physical shape;
  2. Copy of certificate of production tax accounting, with notarization;
  3. Document O. state registration. It is also needed in copies, with confirmation of the notary;
  4. Bank card, where there are sample samples;
  5. Document for identity card;
  6. The application itself, where the desire to open the score of the OMS is expressed.

It is much easier to individuals. Their list consists of only from:

  • Inn, if available;
  • Personality document.

How to cash out an impersonal metallic account

Can not only be used cash In order to replenish and cash off such accounts. For this purpose, it is allowed to use conventional bars. But, for example, in Sberbank from 8500 branches throughout the country, only 500 are offered such a service. It is better to warn the bank in advance if it is planned to take off the wrong money, namely the metal itself.

After all, the client is assigned financial expenses associated with this operation. Paying services is the transportation of funds, as well as the release itself. A separate responsibility is the repayment of VAT, which is not available when working with physical ingots.

What nuances are in working with OMS

The main thing is counting the costs that are associated with the fact of opening the account, storage on it of precious metals. And maintenance.

For keeping and opening, the Commission in most banks is not charged. But it is better to clarify this question in advance.

But with operations in the account more difficult. Each bank itself determines not only the amount, but also the possibility of removing commissions. Their size is sometimes determined as a percentage of the value of the most precious metal. Or is determined in the form of absolute numbers. Each client himself must understand exactly which operations it will continue:

  1. Creating duplicates of documents;
  2. Receiving statements on account;
  3. Discovery or replenishment of accounts in the ingots;
  4. Cash.

Etc. When forming the price of buying and selling a starting point for banks is the official course adopted by the Central Bank of Russia. Even information on official sites does not always correspond to reality, but has a reference. This lies small cons .

An impersonal metallic account and taxes

While it is meaning precisely an impersonal metal, there is no obligation to pay VAT. The commission and taxes are charged from the moment the contributions acquire a physical form. The size of the commissions, again, is determined individually for each case. Are metallic accounts beneficial in this regard?

15 percentage tax income from metal, which is stored in a bank less three years. Payment of NDFL and compilation tax Declaration Mandatory if income is formed by an account open to demand. You can use property deductionTo reduce the taxable base.

The bank is speaking tax Agent When opening an urgent metallic account, but only partly. He keeps at customers 13 percent from the income from the rate, and lists them to the budget. At the same time, the NDFL is held, even if the price of the precious metallol is reduced. After all interest rate Still continues to be accrued. It means that income continues to be formed from which it is necessary to keep those 13 percent.

The metal owner itself declares the income he receives when selling metal. Accordingly, the owner pays NDFL. Typical forms of contracts are always presented on official sites. Also on our site you can familiarize yourself with and download form form.

Are there any deficiencies in OMS

The main among them is the lack of guarantees related to insurance and protection of deposits. Some operations are distinguished by very large amounts of commissions. Considerable difficulties are waiting for those who plan at least part of the time to work with the metal in physical form.

In this case, expenses include:

  1. Banking commissions;
  2. Transportation costs;
  3. Insurance;
  4. Production of ingots.

What income bring impersonal metallic accounts

The growth of the metal course is the main indicator, on the basis of which the yield of impersonal metallic accounts is developing. When calculating, it is necessary to rely not only on the course of gold and other metals by Central Bank Russia, but also on the cost of redemption by the bank, where a specific account is opened.

Banks on official sites are trying to lay out the quotes of the main metals.

On some portals there is an opportunity to modulate the growth of savings, as if the score is already open, although this is, in fact, not so. Disconnected metal accounts lose deposits on short terms investments. But for long, on the contrary, overtake.

There are two ways to open an account in Sberbank.

  1. The physical metal is made in the form of a ingot. The bank takes not only the highest, but also normal, satisfactory quality;
  2. You can buy an impersonal metal at Sberbank at the official sales course set on the day of the operation.

The organization signs a standard cooperation agreement with the contributor. It speaks to opening and maintaining the account. The client's money exchanges on the so-called "impersonal" metal.

The client gives not only the second copy of the contract, but also a special savings book. It is written in it, how many metal in grams acquired the client. Opening and closing of such accounts is carried out on a completely free basis.

Service features

This account can be opened "to demand". This means that there are no hard time constraints. Operations of the sale and sale of assets are carried out at any time, without visible obstacles. It is possible to open a metal account online .

There are no restrictions as much as the maximum, minimal balance on accounts. Customers have the right to open several impersonal accounts at once. But it is impossible to translate funds from one to another.

There are still urgent deposits opened for a certain period. For it, you need a greater amount of metal, but also the yield is guaranteed greater.

Opening and maintenance of metallic accounts in VTB24

In this bank, the client can work with any metals available in the modern market:

  1. Platinum;
  2. Gold;
  3. Silver;
  4. Palladium.

For all metals, the minimum amount at the conclusion of the transaction is 0.1 grams. Silver needs only one gram. In VTB 24, metal accounts are opened only "to demand". There is no interest at the expense of interest. The income is formed only at the expense of the intended increase in the metal prices selected by the client.

There are no restrictions on the unumbed restraint. This means that you can sell everything that is in the account, without official closure.

At one name, the visitor has the right to open not one metal account in VTB24 , and immediately several. And there is an opportunity to translate funds from one account to another if the metal is the same.

Rules of opening

First, a standard contract is concluded with the bank in order to open an impersonal metallic account. , lead it. Individuals for this is enough to present a document certifying personality. The prerequisite is the opening of the current ruble account in the VTB Bank itself. If it is absent, it will be opened simultaneously with the OMS. By the term of action, the contract is unlimited.

Service and features of operations

You can replenish the deposits in precious metals by performing the following operations:

  • When the required amount is paid, when the depositor is credited about the precious metallol in an amount equivalent to investments at the time of operation;
  • Transfer of precious metallol from other accounts opened in the name of the depositor, if they have the same metals;
  • Purchase of precious land from the bank itself for rubles.

Disclinished Metal Accounts and Speculations

OMS contribution from various banks rarely has indeed high percentages. Such an investment in precious metals will become justified only if the cost of gold grows. But for this, the investor needs to constantly monitor the situation that develops in the markets. It is better to open accounts when gold is very cheap, and close to the maximum of this indicator. Without special knowledge, win is very difficult.

Specs with metals are possible. But for this, experts recommend investing the amount of up to 100 thousand dollars. If the cost falls, the open account brings only losses.

The smaller the term of the deposit - the less percentage is valid. This rule is similar to what is valid when working with ordinary currencies.

Once again about the liquidity of the OMS

Compared to investments in gold, in the short and mid-term runs will be more profitable OMS using other metals. But according to reliability, such accounts lose with other options.

Between the course of the purchase and sale of gold for such accounts the difference is less than, for example, in gold coins. Any impersonal metal accounts in Gold - liquid property. That is, attachments in precious metals can be translated into real money at any time.

Usually buyers try to use two strategies using this feature.

  1. Speculative. It has an open current account. Rely on attempts to predict changes in the cost of metal. To then achieve the rapid appearance of profit;
  2. Investment. She followed trying to conclude urgent contracts. They just need to make investing in gold, and then wait until it becomes expensive to cover all expenses, bring profits.

Such investments will become an excellent solution for those who plan to accommodate available funds For a long time up to 3-5 years. And who has a lot of money for this. Then it will be a profitable payment due to the funds of the OMS of any services.


Gold is one of the tools that allows reliable protection against the crisis. But only if we are talking about global problems. Only in this case the investment will become justified. Especially if there are several sectors at once on the current market.

If there are problems, but they are limited exclusively to the territory of one country - the decision will not be the best. It is usually recommended to use only 10-20 from the investment portfolio to open impersonal metallic accounts.

Large investments will become meaningless. They will not generate income by themselves. In stable periods, the cost of these funds is growing, but in a small pace. And if the amounts are less - they will not affect the reliability and stability, even if the crisis situation is developing.

And one more additional advice. It is better not to consider gold as an independent investment tool. And combine it with other options. Read reviews of professionals about impersonal metallic accounts. Look for proposals in which you can use several indicators at once for estimating profitability, increasing your investments.

If you are generally interested in the topic of multiplying your savings, we advise you to get acquainted with the following articles:

(Deposit in gold or any other dragmetal) is issued by a banking institution physical lick or the company, an entrepreneur to carry out operations with precious metals. In other words, the metallic account is a Jiopo account, open in a certain credit organizationwhere the N-number of precious metallol is located with the definition of its purity. The number of precious metals is indicated in grams.

Types of accounts for precious metals

Metal accounts are classified on:

    metal account blocked (responsible storage).

The latter is distinguished by the following features:

    Banks enroll the precious metallic account in:

    • ingots that are purchased directly in a credit institution that opens up this account;

      ingots that were on stored in another banking institution or directly from the client.

    Banks do not have the right to use precious metals that are accepted from the client for storage, as credit funds. It should be noted that in the first requirement of the client is issued inhibits.

    Factors that affect the choice of "metal" deposit:

      interest rate;

      terms of registration and maintenance of this account (for example, the availability of the Commission for the provision of services);

      the presence of minimum / maximum contribution size limitations.

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