Official MTPL insurance companies. Unified MTPL database (check policy)

  • 28.03.2020

Which insurance company is better? This question is usually asked by policyholders who are taking out a policy for the first time, as well as those who have had negative experiences with insurance companies. Most often people are interested in the issue of timely payments for insured events and reliability, which, in the opinion of many, can be ensured by insurance companies With state support.

Principles for choosing an insurer

Most often, the choice of company is influenced by subjective reasons, such as: proximity to the insurance company office, cost insurance policy, employee competence or insurance agent. Some of these factors may be important in each individual case, but are not decisive. The main thing is the reliability of the insurance company and the ability to fulfill obligations under the policy. And this can be done with a greater degree of probability by insurance companies with government support. This means that even during a crisis the insurer is able to make all payments. You can also conduct your own analysis, based on reviews of insurance companies, their ratings, and studying official websites. To your own analysis, it is worth adding recommendations from friends and relatives about their experience of cooperation. Today there are more than a hundred companies on the insurance market. Therefore, it is quite difficult to make a choice. To help you make your choice, there are independent rating agencies, insurer associations, etc. that publish annual and quarterly ratings based on analysis financial condition and the volume of reported but not settled payment cases. You can safely trust this information.

Insurance company ratings

External factors, such as: the size and change of assets and equity, authorized capital, total insurance premium;

Does the company belong to some important stable market segments (associations), the company’s reputation, brand recognition and price, obligations to supervisory authorities, insurance portfolio;

Management (owners, their financial indicators, whether the company is an affiliate of companies from other industries, what it owns, risk management, attitude towards improving the quality of management, information infrastructure, contracts with audit firms, access to these reports);

Geography of market presence (branch network).

Insurance business: insurance portfolio (its stability, types of insurance, risk percentage, reinsurance obligations);

Client base (structure of the client base, renewals, share of main clients, percentage of terminated contracts, percentage of active insurance agents);

Reinsurance (reinsurance of risks, their size, reliability of reinsurance policy);

Financial indicators (current ratio, large payments, fulfillment of obligations under them, availability of loans from the company, own funds, accounts receivable);

Profitability and loss ratio (loss ratio, percentage of expenses for doing business in overall indicator collection of insurance premiums);

Investment policy (investment objects, investment portfolio, its profitability, percentage of affiliates and subsidiaries).

The methodology for assigning a rating, taken as an example from the EXPERT RA agency, is presented in order to make it clear how difficult it is to objectively assess the condition of a company. Those. Ratings based on word of mouth are valid, but they are subjective. Reviews are also a relative indicator; they are often ordered or written on a wave of indignation, since among the clients there are both constantly satisfied and dissatisfied policyholders. Calculate the percentage yourself real reviews and custom ones are extremely difficult.

List of insurance companies with state participation

The best insurance company is the one you can trust. Passing information by word of mouth may be productive, but not in this case. As mentioned above, the reliability of a company is quite difficult to assess. But still, based on the conclusions of rating agencies, we present a list of insurance companies in Russia with state participation: "VTB Insurance", ROSGOSSTRAKH, SPJSC "RESO-Garantiya", insurance group "SOGAZ", insurance group "AlfaStrakhovanie", "Yugoria".

"VTB Insurance"

Insurance group founded in 2000. It is a systematic organization and the largest in Russia. It has 114 branches in different cities of Russia. Standard & Poor’s, a well-known American rating agency, assigned it a long-term rating financial stability BB+. This is the highest figure among domestic companies. "EXPERT RA" assigned the highest rating A++ to the VTB Insurance group. The company has licenses for all insurance products available on the market. Disadvantages: Long claims settlement time. Summarizing the reviews about the company, we can say that conflict situations are rare, the company is reliable, but the insurance products are expensive. However, policyholders will prefer this company, especially those who have had negative experiences with other insurers.


Long-lived and the largest state insurance company, or rather, a group of organizations. Many people turn to this company for a policy, because the network is very developed, and agencies are represented even in remote places. "EXPERT RA" gave an A++ level rating. It has licenses for all types of insurance services; in the regions, to a greater extent, the insurance portfolio consists of motor risks, i.e. MTPL policies. Due to monopolization in remote locations, agents often imposed additional insurance policies. After appeals to the Antimonopoly Committee, Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company's license to provide insurance under MTPL policies was temporarily revoked. In reviews you can often read about extremely long waits for payments, refusals to pay without reason, especially under compulsory motor liability insurance, but the court in this case is always on the side of the insured. They also write about the unreasonably underestimated damage assessment of this Russian insurance company with state support. The only plus in the reviews is a huge branch network and a large number of insurance agents.

SPAO "RESO-Garantiya"

It is also a systemically important company, founded in 1991. The policy is based on agency sales and on agents with balanced insurance portfolios. It has more than 800 branches and more than 20 thousand agents. The number of clients - both legal and individuals- more than 10 million

Licenses for more than 100 types of insurance. Priorities: OSAGO, VHI, mortgage insurance. The Standard & Poor's agency assigned a BB rating. The generalized reviews are due to the fact that the company bases its activities on the work of agents, and therefore the reviews are mostly negative due to the incompetent work of specific agents.

Insurance group "SOGAZ"

Systemically significant company. It ranks second in Russia in terms of insurance premium collections. The group includes both domestic and foreign insurance companies. More than 15 million individuals and 45 thousand legal entities have SOGAZ insurance policies. One of the areas is sponsorship activities (the company is the official insurer of all KHL championships). Just as with Rosgosstrakh, there were also reviews about the imposition of additional policies to the MTPL policies, the refusal to issue a policy without concluding another one - for life or property insurance of individuals. The advantages in the reviews include prices for CASCO policies. The disadvantages, as in all large companies, speak only of the human factor in the work of specific agencies and branches.

State insurance company "Yugoria"

"Yugoria" is already operating in Russia for a long time. This company offers all standard insurance services.

According to statistics, the organization has a reliability rating of A. Sometimes it drops to B++. Accordingly, this stands for "Reliable" and "Acceptable Reliability". Which isn't too high. It is for this reason that people do not trust Ugoria too much. Many people are skeptical about organizations with such a rating. This means that there are certain shortcomings that do not allow the company to work with 100% quality.

Insurance group "AlfaStrakhovanie"

Founded in 1992. The company's policy is aimed at meeting the needs for insurance products corporate clients. The company is one of largest insurers. Also has licenses for more than 100 various types insurance. A fairly decent insurance portfolio, more than 450 thousand companies and 25 million individuals have AlfaStrakhovanie SG policies. International agency Fitch Ratings assigned a rating at BB level. The company is also very reliable. The reviews, like all companies, talk about late payments and poor service, and specifically and unreasonably low payments when settling losses. Also note veiled conditions in policies voluntary insurance, which appear upon the onset insured event and applying for payment to the company.

The list of health insurance companies with state participation includes a certain number of organizations. Here are some of them: MAKS-M, ROSNO-MS, SOGAZ-Med, Rosgosstrakh-Medicine LLC, Capital Medical Insurance CJSC, etc.


The article is of a review nature; each person must subjectively decide which company to choose, based on his analysis or the positive experience of his friends or relatives with a particular company. But in any case, we must keep in mind that delays in payments for insurance claims are a normal occurrence in all insurance companies, including state-owned ones, the main thing is that they will pay in any case.

By the way, for more detailed and accurate information, you can refer to the Unified State Register of Insurance Business Entities. Data from the state register of insurance companies will help the common man navigate the insurance market.

As the demand for compulsory car insurance policies increases, so does the supply from various insurance companies.

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How to choose an insurer in Moscow? How to choose the most suitable insurance conditions for a car owner? How to calculate the cost of the policy yourself and not become a victim of fraudulent companies, read on.

Rating of insurance companies in Moscow in 2019

  • geography of location of official representative offices of the insurer on the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • the number of clients of the insurance organization with whom real auto insurance contracts have been concluded;
  • volume authorized capital. The indicator determines the level of financial stability of the organization;
  • the ratio of positive and negative decisions on insurance payments for a specific insurance product;
  • popularity of the organization among consumers of a particular insurance product.
A++ the highest reliability rating of the organization. Problems with payments are almost completely eliminated
A+ high level reliability, but there is room for further development
A high reliability, but there is a high probability of dependence on the market situation in the country
B++ sufficient level of reliability. However, with a large volume of payments, problems may arise
B+ the organization can be trusted if it is stable economic situation and for a short period of time
IN satisfactory reliability. The company's activities depend on many different factors
WITH low level of trust in the company. The organization has a large number of problems that require immediate solutions
D there is a high probability of bankruptcy of the insurance company in the near future
E liquidation of an insurer or revocation of a car insurance license
Name of the insurance company Assigned rating
Rosgosstrakh A++
Ingosstrakh A++
Geopolis A
VTB Insurance E (license revoked)
Jaso A++
Max A++
Uralsib A+
RESO-Guarantee A++
Alfa insurance A++
Muscovy A
Zeta Insurance B++
Yugoria A
Tinkoff Insurance A+
Liberty Insurance A+
Renaissance Insurance A+
Russian Standard Insurance B++
Bean Insurance WITH


The next indicator that determines the choice of an insurance organization is the cost of the MTPL policy.

The cost of a car license consists of a base tariff and a number of coefficients. The range of basic tariffs has been determined.

Currently, the base rate for motor vehicle insurance is:

The base rate for compulsory motor liability insurance in Moscow in the most popular companies is:

Name of the insurance organization Base rate for cars of categories B and BE, rub.
for legal entities for individuals and individual entrepreneurs
Ingosstrakh 2573 3432
Agreement 2573 4118
VSK 2573 4118
Yugoria 2573 4118
Max 2573 3650
Rosgosstrakh 2573 4118
Policy Guarantor 3087 3432
Jaso 2573 4118
RESO Guarantee 2573 3775
Alpha Insurance 2573 3432

Where can you apply for compulsory motor liability insurance in Moscow?

Many companies provide their clients not only with standard design services, but also special ones, which include:

  • the possibility of obtaining a policy in the capital for car owners registered in other regions of the Russian Federation;
  • the possibility of delivering the finished policy by courier service;
  • Possibility of 24-hour registration of motor vehicle registration and so on.

For regions

Which companies can individuals contact? Registered in other regions to purchase a compulsory car insurance policy?

Similar services are provided by:

Home delivery

Due to strong competition between insurance companies, many organizations are introducing new service– delivery of a car insurance policy to your home.

Document delivery can be carried out:

  • representative of the insurance company. In most cases, this service is free. However, there are significant nuances, for example, the service will be free at a certain cost of insurance;
  • courier service. In this situation, the cost of delivery will depend on the tariffs of the selected courier company and the distance to the client. On average, the cost of delivery in Moscow is 600 – 1,300 rubles.

To make it possible to deliver a vehicle title, you must first:

  • order a policy on the company’s website by selecting the delivery option;
  • arrange a meeting with a company employee at a certain location. In this case, the insurance contract will also be concluded at the agreed address.

You can order a car insurance with delivery in Moscow from the following insurance companies:

Around the clock

Currently, it is possible to issue a compulsory car insurance policy online, which allows clients to receive the document necessary for operating a car at any time of the day, including weekends and holidays.

Online registration of a motor vehicle license occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. The client independently chooses a company that provides 24-hour services online registration car insurance.
  2. On the company's website, you fill out a form - an application, according to which a preliminary calculation of the cost of the policy is made.
  3. The completed document is sent to the insurance company, where employees (working around the clock) check the client’s data and make the final payment.
  4. After verification, the client is informed final cost policies and methods of payment of insurance premiums.
  5. The policyholder independently pays for the policy. To do this, you can also use various payment systems that operate online or via mobile banking.
  6. After the funds arrive in the insurer’s account (as a rule, this operation requires no more than 25 - 30 minutes depending on the bank) email address The policyholder receives a completed document. To use electronic MTPL The document must first be printed.

Which insurance organizations Do Moscow provide the opportunity to obtain a motor vehicle license online 24 hours a day?

Currently you can contact:

One document at a time

To obtain a motor vehicle title for any vehicle, you must provide a package of documents to the insurance company, which includes:

  • civil passport of the policyholder;
  • PTS or registration certificate for the car;
  • driver's license (if the car license is issued not for one driver, but with a certain circle of persons allowed to drive, then additional copies will be required driver's licenses all persons);
  • diagnostic card.

The listed package of documents required to issue a compulsory car insurance policy is fixed at the legislative level and cannot change depending on the region of receipt of the car citizen or insurance company. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain insurance using any one document.

Calculation in the capital

To find the cheapest MTPL insurance in Moscow, you can do it yourself.

For calculation you can use:

  • the simplest formula;
  • online calculator.

To calculate using the formula, you need to know the values ​​of all that affect the cost of the policy.

These include:

  • territorial coefficient (Kt). For Moscow, this indicator is equal to 2, and for car owners registered in the Moscow region - 1.7. The territory coefficient reflects the traffic congestion in a particular region;
  • bonus-malus coefficient (Kbm). The value of the parameter depends on the driver’s accident-free driving. The longer the period spent without an accident, the lower the coefficient value. Kbm is determined annually and stored in the RSA database. You can independently determine the value using the table:

  • a parameter whose size depends on the vehicle power (Km).

  • coefficient determining the ratio of age and experience of drivers (Kvs):

  • driver number ratio (Co):

  • an increasing coefficient applied if the driver had gross violations of traffic rules or car insurance rules during the previous insurance period (Kn). If there are no such violations, then the parameter is equal to 1. If there are violations, then the coefficient value is 1.5;
  • coefficient depending on the seasonality of car use (Kc). Many people, especially older people, use a car exclusively in the warm season. Under such conditions, it is not advisable to pay for a policy for a whole year:

  • validity coefficient of the motor vehicle license (Ksd):

  • coefficient reflecting the possibility of using vehicles with a trailer (Kp):

    The formula for self-calculation is as follows:

    St = Bt*Kt*Kbm*Km*Kvs*Ko*Kn*Ks*Ksd*Kp,

    St cost of a car license
    Bt base rate according to compulsory motor liability insurance, used in an insurance company
    Kt...Kp corresponding coefficients

    One 5th class driver is allowed to drive, whose age is more than 22 years and whose experience is less than 3 years. Has no gross violations. The company's base rate is 4,118 rubles.

    To calculate the example, the following coefficient values ​​will be taken:

    CT 2
    KBM 0,9
    Km 1,4
    Kvs 1,7
    Co. 1
    Kn 1
    KS 0,7
    Ksd 1
    KP 1

    St = 4118*2*0.9*1.4*1.7*1*1*0.7*1*1 = 12,349 rubles 06 kopecks.

    To use online calculator You do not need to determine the values ​​of all coefficients yourself. This action will be done automatically when the appropriate data is entered into the program.

    Let's calculate the above example using an online calculator:

    Calculation result:

    What is needed to apply for a policy?

    The process of obtaining a motor vehicle license for different types vehicles somewhat different from each other. Let's look at the nuances of purchasing a policy for taxis, buses and trucks.

    For taxi

    Registration of a vehicle license for a vehicle used for passenger transportation (taxi) has its own nuances:

    • The cost of car insurance increases, since an increased base rate is used for calculation. The range of the basic tariff for a taxi, established by law, is 5138 – 6166 rubles;

      Most Moscow insurance companies use maximum value tariff, since the number of accidents, and therefore insurance payments, is greater than in the case of private cars.

    • required when purchasing insurance additional document– license for transportation.

    For bus

    Car insurance for buses is practically no different from insurance for other types of vehicles. The only nuance is the package of documents required by insurers to obtain auto insurance.

    Since most buses belong to legal entities, the set of documents includes:

    • certificate of registration of the enterprise (in some cases they may additionally require an extract from the register of legal entities);
    • civil passport of the representative;
    • PTS or bus registration certificate;
    • diagnostic card.

    An MTPL insurance policy is also issued after submitting a written application.

    For trucks

    Trucks can be owned by both individuals and organizations.

    If the car belongs legal entity, then to purchase a motor vehicle license you will need a package of documents provided for individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

    If the truck belongs to a legal entity, then the set of requested documents also changes.

    City lawyers for compulsory insurance

    During the registration and use of a compulsory car insurance policy, various problems may arise, for example, refusal to pay insurance compensation, they pay an amount that is not sufficient to carry out repairs, and so on.

    To solve problems with the insurance company yourself, you need to know all the intricacies of the law.

    In the absence of knowledge, qualified auto lawyers come to the rescue and, for a certain price, will help resolve insurance disputes in the shortest possible time.

    Residents of the capital for qualified help can contact:

    Name of the company providing legal assistance in car insurance List of services provided by the organization
    Moscow auto lawyer
    (Shabolovka st., 34, building 3, floor 3)
    — conducting an independent examination to assess the damage received;
    — collection of insurance payments through the court;
    — recovery of material and moral damage from third parties
    Avtojurist LLC
    (Avtozavodskaya str., 23, building 15)
    — assistance in registering a traffic accident;
    — assistance in preparing documents for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance;
    — evacuation;
    — auto examination;
    - recovery of compensation through court
    Moscow Union of Automotive Lawyers
    (Krasnoproletarskaya st., 16, building 2)
    — assistance in receiving insurance payments;
    — representation of the client’s interests in court
    (Leningradskoe highway, 36)
    — registration of a road accident (assistance in filling out the European protocol);
    — preparation of documents for insurance payment;
    — assessment of damage received;
    — resolving issues with insurance companies in court

    How to protect yourself from scammers

    Great demand for compulsory car insurance services is also generated by an increase in the number of fraudulent companies offering fake policies. How to avoid becoming a victim of a scammer?

    • You cannot purchase a car license from small unknown companies. Most scammers work in “trailers” located in different areas of the city, usually near the metro or large shopping centers;
    • There can be no discounts on auto insurance. The cost of the policy is determined by the state, and insurance companies do not have the right to reduce it at their discretion;
    • After purchasing a motor vehicle license, it is recommended to independently check the policy form for validity. To do this, you can use the RSA website and enter the document details into the verification form.

    Search by name:

    Presented list of insurance companies registered in the state register of insurance entities and having a license to carry out insurance activities. The alphabetical filter allows you to select companies whose corporate name begins with the selected letter.

    Search by name is carried out on all names of the insurance organization, including short, full, everyday and all previous names of the insurer. Be careful: search results show All companies, including those whose insurance license has been revoked.

    1. Ave Open joint stock company Medical insurance company "AVE" 1845
    2. Avangard policy LLC Insurance Company "Avangard Policy" 3920
    3. CJSC "Insurance Group "Avangard-Garant" 796
    4. Obverse LLC "Interindustry insurance company "Avers" 3362
    5. Closed Joint Stock Company "Insurance Company "Avesta" 3156
    6. Air Limited Liability Company Insurance Company "Avia" 2445
    7. Avia re LLC Reinsurance Company "Avia Re" 3850
    8. Aviva Closed joint stock company Insurance Company "Aviva" 3991
    9. Closed joint-stock company of aviation and space insurance "AVIKOS" 1967
    10. Avis+ Limited Liability Company "Insurance Company "Avis+" 3336
    11. Limited Liability Company "Insurance Company "Avista-Garant" 1127
    12. AURORA-GARANT Limited Liability Company "Insurance Company "Aurora-Garant" 3332
    13. Auto insurance Limited Liability Company Insurance Company "Avtostrakh" 3517
    14. Agricultural insurance company Limited Liability Company "Agrarian Insurance Enterprise" 2718
    15. OJSC "Insurance Joint Stock Company "AGRIGA" 3721
    16. AGRIS-VITA LLC "Insurance Company "Agris-Vita" 3444
    17. Agros "Limited liability company "Insurance company "Agros" 3775
    18. Agrostrakh Limited Liability Company Kalmyk agro-ya insurance company "Agrostrakh" 3251
    19. AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE-SIBERIA CJSC Insurance Company "Agroinsurance-Siberia" 3708
    20. Limited Liability Company "InpredStrakhovanie" 3290

    Insurance companies 1 - 20 of 1109
    Home | Prev. | 1 - not very convenient for consumers, since it contains information only about parent insurance organizations. At the same time, contact information may also not be the most up-to-date, since it serves mainly for official (written) communication with the insurer.

    List of insurance companies by region

    For the above reasons, the Insurance Case portal has created its own list of insurance companies, with easy navigation, simple and advanced search capabilities. You just need to either select your region if you want to find an insurer closer to your home or office, or enter part of the name of the insurance company in the search field if you are interested in a specific insurer. You can combine these two actions.

    The portal’s employees make every effort to ensure that visitors can not only conveniently search for insurance organizations, but also receive maximum information about each insurer.

    Blacklist of insurance companies

    When choosing insurance partner It makes sense to familiarize yourself with the so-called “black lists of insurance companies.” Of course, there is no official document with this name, but there are a number of criteria that allow a particular insurer to be included in such a list.

    After insurance companies leave the market, their former agents are left with a lot of insurance policies. Unscrupulous insurance intermediaries may try to sell such policies to unsuspecting citizens. That is why, before purchasing insurance, you should use the lists provided to find out whether everything is in order with the insurer offered to you. Another option is to immediately check the authenticity of the insurance policy that is offered to you. In this case, you will be protected from purchasing a policy stolen from a completely prosperous insurance company.

    Insurance companies with revoked license

    Insurers that have lost their license to carry out insurance activities are, in fact, no longer insurance companies. They do not have the right to provide insurance, but are required to meet their obligations under existing insurance contracts. You cannot insure yourself with such companies, but you can get insurance payment you can try.

    Insurance companies are bankrupt

    Bankrupt insurers are insurance companies that not only lost their license, but were also declared insolvent by a court decision, i.e., they are unable to satisfy the claims of creditors.

    Insurance companies with suspended license

    For serious violations insurance legislation insurance company licenses may be suspended or limited. This means that the insurance company continues to operate in normal mode, but does not have the right to conclude new insurance contracts in general or under a specific insurance contract. Naturally, insurance contracts concluded during the period of suspension or restriction of a license will be void.

    Before insuring a car, many motorists look at the ratings of MTPL insurance companies that provide insurance services. This allows you to choose the best insurer. After all, rating developers focus not only on the financial performance of companies, but also on reviews from real clients. The ratio of payments to refusals and the average amount of compensation are also taken into account. This is important, because according to the Central Bank, about 2.7 million people applied for compensation under MTPL policies. True, 3.4% of requests were refused.

    Main evaluation criteria

    According to Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002, owners of any vehicles must insure their motor vehicle liability. This is stated in Art. 4 of the said law. You can choose the best insurer if you look at the ratings of companies.

    To evaluate the activities of companies that deal with insurance, several criteria are taken. This comprehensive approach allows us to create the most objective rating. Taken into account:

    • reliability of the company;
    • size of the authorized capital;
    • reviews and evaluation of the insurer’s activities by real clients;
    • the amount of insurance payments.

    Depending on performance indicators, certain rating categories are assigned. The highest indicator is “A”. It can only be obtained by reliable companies, which immediately pay compensation when an insured event occurs.

    A “B” rating is given to those firms that do not have problems with liquidity, but have delays in payments. It is not recommended to consider organizations that received a “C”, “D” or “E” based on the results of the analysis.

    • Class A++ Exceptionally high level of reliability
    • Class A+ Very high level of reliability.
    • Class A High level of reliability.
    • Class B++ Satisfactory level of reliability.
    • Class B+ Low level of reliability.
    • Class B Low level of reliability.
    • C++ class Very low level of reliability.
    • Class C+ Unsatisfactory level of reliability.
    • Class C Failure to fulfill obligations.
    • Class D Bankruptcy.
    • Class E Revocation of license (not at the initiative of the company).

    Rules for choosing an insurance company

    It is advisable to choose a company that provides insurance civil liability car owners for several years now. You should only trust those who have been assigned an “A” reliability rating. The official rating of MTPL companies is based on data financial statements and information from the Central Bank. They do not allow an objective assessment of the work of insurers.

    Periodicals on automotive topics and statistical companies sometimes create their own “popular” ratings. They are based on reviews from car owners.

    Rating agencies

    There are several agencies in Russia that compile their own lists of the most reliable companies.

    Expert RA evaluates:

    • volumes of work of insurance companies;
    • amount of capital;
    • ratio of positive/negative decisions on payments.

    Reliable companies are usually assigned an A++ rating. They have a stable development forecast. With a high degree of probability, we can assume that the situation will not change in subsequent years.

    Expert rating of insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance

    Insurance company reliability payout level likelihood of legal action reviews final rating
    AIG 4,5 21% 2,32% 4 3,8
    Alfa insurance 4,3 43% 0,67% 2 3,9
    Alliance /former ROSNO 3,6 110% 4,65% 3 3
    VSK 4,1 45% 8,51% 2 3,1
    VTB Insurance 4,6 29% 10,47% 3 3,5
    Ingosstrakh 4,6 56% 0,13% 2 4
    MAX 4,5 92% 13,83% 2 3,4
    RESO-Garantiya 4,4 52% 1,41% 2 3,9
    Rosgosstrakh 4,6 52% 13,09% 1 3,3
    SOGAZ 4,8 53% 1,37% 2 4,2

    Reliability, reviews (negative) and the final rating are calculated on a five-point scale.

    Reliability rating of insurance companies according to OSAGO

    • SOGAZ - 4.8
    • ERGO - 4.7
    • VTB Insurance - 4.6
    • Ingosstrakh - 4.6
    • Rosgosstrakh - 4.6
    • AIG / former Chartis - 4.5
    • Surgutneftegaz - 4.5
    • MAX - 4.5
    • RESO-Garantiya - 4.4
    • Chulpan - 4.4
    • Spassky Gate - 4.4
    • RSHB-Insurance - 4.4

    Rating of insurance companies for MTPL payments

    Insurance company Average payment under compulsory motor liability insurance
    Geopolis RUB 118,333
    Verna RUB 103,440
    Alliance RUB 86,338
    Welfare General insurance 80,000 ₽
    Muscovy RUB 72,751
    Strizh them. S. Zhivago RUB 71,667
    ASKO RUB 71,203
    Renaissance Insurance RUB 70,846
    Moscow region RUB 70,435
    Rosgosstrakh 69,362 RUR

    People's rating of insurance companies

    • JSC "Intach Insurance"
    • Renaissance Insurance
    • AlfaInsurance
    • Zetta Insurance
    • Yugoria
    • Soldier
    • Ingosstrakh
    • ZHASO
    • Tinkoff Insurance
    • UralSib Insurance
    • BIN Insurance
    • RESO-Garantiya
    • SOGAZ
    • Energy guarantor
    • Agreement
    • MAX
    • Rosgosstrakh

    Assessment and analysis of the activities of the insurance company

    Video: Analysis of insurance companies and how to choose the right one

    The best insurance companies in Moscow

    Experts, based on Central Bank statistics, assessed the activities of various companies and created a list.

    The leading position is held by the joint venture "ZHASO". She has minimum percentage refusals (only 0.5%). The amount of her compensation is also not large and on average amounts to almost 45 thousand rubles. And this is less than the average level of compensation by 3 thousand rubles. According to RAEX and RA Expert, the company has been assigned an exceptionally high level of A++. Total annual contributions for compulsory motor liability insurance amount to 2.5 million rubles.

    The results of the Ugoria company are no worse. They refused to reimburse 0.7% of their customers. The amount of their contributions is 3.1 million rubles. The main shareholder of the company is Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. But this does not mean that it only works within its limits. The company has more than 60 representative offices in the Federation. The average amount of payments is 44 thousand rubles. But according to RA Expert, the company was given an “A” rating, its rating is under observation. Analysts say it is a growing company.

    IC "MAX" has been on the market since 1992. But she has been involved in compulsory motor liability insurance since 2003. After all, this type of activity requires a special license. This is stated in Art. 1 of Law 40-FZ of April 25, 2002. 0.8% of applied clients are rejected by IC MAX. The amount of average insurance compensation for this company is small - 35.4 thousand rubles. According to the analysis of RA Expert, this is a reliable company with a stable development forecast. Under the MTPL program, the amount of contributions to IC MAX is 3.7 billion rubles.

    SD "VSK" is one of the largest in the Federation; clients under compulsory motor liability insurance brought in 18.2 billion rubles. The Military Insurance Company has already twice received gratitude from the President for its work. But in terms of the number of refusals, it ranks 4th - 1.4%. According to the indicators, the average amount of compensation is 42 thousand rubles. RA "Expert" confirms the reliability of this insurance house. It is rated "A++".

    Firm failure rates "Alpha Insurance" the same as for SD "VSK". Their average payment amount is slightly lower - 41.8 thousand rubles. The total amount of their contributions is 10.6 billion rubles. This is a company that was assigned an “A++” rating by Expert RA. Her developmental prognosis is stable.

    The amount of insurance payments in SAC "Energogarant" slightly higher – 45.6 thousand rubles. But they refuse 1.5% of clients who apply. Judging by the total amount of contributions, the company is not very popular. The total amount of insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance is 2.8 billion rubles.

    Uralsib offers a fairly high average amount of compensation - almost 51 thousand rubles. But this organization refuses 1.9% of its clients. 6 billion rubles were raised under compulsory motor liability insurance policies. Rating agency"Expert" assesses the reliability level of Uralsib as "A+". He was promoted further forecast development – ​​stable.

    A subsidiary of an oil production company is popular "Transneft" with the same name. Since 2013, its owner has been the SOGAZ company. According to RA Expert, since 2011 it has held the position “A++”. But her payments are small - the average amount of compensation is 17.5 thousand rubles. She refuses 2.4% of clients. But few take insurance from her. The total amount of investments under MTPL policies is 0.4 billion rubles.

    SPAO "Ingosstrakh" gives a refusal to 3.3% of people who apply. Their compensation averages 40.5 thousand rubles. The total amount of insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance policies is 15.5 billion rubles. This is a reliable company with an A++ rating and a stable forecast for further development.

    One of the most famous is Rosgosstrakh. If we evaluate the size of insurance premiums, then this is one of the largest companies. They equal 77 billion rubles. Also, PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh has one of the largest amounts of compensation - it is equal to 53.6 thousand rubles. True, 3.5% of all applicants are denied compensation for losses. The company has maintained the A++ reliability level, according to RA Expert, since 2008.

    But that's not all rated insurers are. Don't forget about "RESO-guarantee" with an A++ rating. The amount of insurance premiums for compulsory motor liability insurance is quite large and amounts to 27.6 billion rubles. But they have a high number of refusals – 4.8%. The amount of compensation is 43.8 thousand rubles.

    The average level of insurance claims for the Renaissance-Insurance group is quite large. They pay almost 53 thousand rubles. But 5.1% of those who applied refuse to pay compensation.

    When choosing an insurance company, you need to take all this data into account. This is the only way to choose the best insurer, who will definitely pay the due compensation when an insured event occurs.