What are the types of loans? Bank loan

  • 05.03.2020

Borrowed funds are money that can help solve many problems for a particular person. The money can be useful to pay for purchases or taxes, to contribute funds for study or treatment. Legal entities apply for a loan to replenish working capital or use the money to buy equipment or materials.

Getting money from a bank is often not easy. Most banks prefer to deal only with reliable and trusted clients who are able to confirm their social status and position. In our article we will look at what forms and types of loan security there are and how a citizen can confirm his solvency.

Before starting a conversation about what types of collateral there are for a loan, it is worth understanding what is meant by a loan and what forms of loan there are. This will allow you to determine in the future the necessary security and additional guarantees.

All types of loans are divided into two groups: targeted and non-targeted. Target loans include mortgages, car loans, and business loans, but non-target loans include consumer loans, credit cards, and mini-loans.

Regardless of which group your replacement belongs to, the bank may require additional guarantees loan repayment. In one case, we can talk about necessary documents and fulfillment of all requirements of the creditor, and in another - to provide security for the loan.

Who can apply for a loan and what requirements do banks impose on borrowers?

Despite the fact that there are a lot of forms and types of lending, the requirements for the applicant are usually standard. To apply for a loan you just need to meet the following standards:

  • confirm the presence of a valid Russian passport with registration;
  • place permanent registration must be in one of the regions of the Russian Federation.
  • the applicant must be at least 21 years old;
  • in the loan application you must indicate work experience - six calendar months;
  • you will need to confirm your solvency in the form of a bank or in the form of a 2-NDFL certificate, but with any type of loan repayment security there may be no need to provide a certificate;
  • Additionally, a package of documentation for the collateral property may be required, as well as various certificates relating to the borrower’s activities.

As additional documentation, it is worth considering such papers as driver's license, INN, compulsory medical insurance policy, international passport. If all rules and conditions are met, the loan will be issued very quickly and in the required amount.

What types of loan collateral are there?

To ensure repayment of the loan, the applicant is required to provide certain guarantees to the bank. It should be noted that the types of collateral can be very diverse and depend on what type of loan the borrower is applying for.

Types of security include:

  • using real estate as collateral, for example, an apartment or a secondary home;
  • land plot with or without equipped communications;
  • You can offer a car or other equipment, including construction equipment, as collateral;
  • third party guarantee.

Each option allows you to get the loan you want, but it may take a lot of time to prepare the accompanying documentation.

Is it worth taking out a secured loan?

This question is of interest to many borrowers, since in case of non-payment of the debt, the property will be transferred to the disposal of the bank and will be sold forcibly. To make such a decision, you must first carefully evaluate your own financial situation, and also understand how reliable a client you are.

If the borrower is not confident in his solvency, then you should not risk your own property. In cases where there are additional guarantees, you can apply for a loan. Moreover, the collateral will significantly reduce the interest rate on the loan.

When applying for a guarantee, it is worth remembering that persons no younger than 21 years old and no older than retirement age can become participants in the event. This moment It is recommended to take this into account before contacting the bank, since the likelihood of loan refusal increases significantly. This approach is due to the fact that the debts incurred will be transferred to the guarantor and it is this person who will have to pay the funds.

It is very important to foresee all possible risks, since using property as collateral may cause it to be lost in the future. The best option For many borrowers, it may be necessary to obtain a loan with the provision of official certificates and statements characterizing the financial stability of the citizen, but much depends on the type of lending. For example, with a car loan, the car automatically becomes collateral, and in the case of a mortgage, this property is an apartment.


Regardless of what situation a person finds himself in, he should not immediately apply for a loan and provide his own property as collateral. First, you need to assess your own capabilities and existing risks. This will allow you to objectively understand whether it is possible to issue this loan without causing future damage to yourself and your property, or you should act with caution and try to solve the problem in a different way.

Bank loan

Provided by banks and other financial institutions to legal entities, the population, the state, foreign clients in the form of cash loans. A bank loan exceeds the boundaries of a commercial loan in terms of direction, duration and has a wider scope. Replacing a commercial bill with a bank bill makes this loan more elastic, expands its scope, and increases security. A bank loan is dual in nature: it can act as a capital loan for operating enterprises, companies, or in the form of a loan of money, i.e., as a means of payment when paying debts. As it develops and expands credit system The growth rate of bank credit is increasing. Currently, there are several forms of bank loans.

How is a bank loan classified?

Classification of a bank loan occurs according to a number of criteria.

1. Method of issuing a loan:

    cash and non-cash loans (by transferring funds from an account or by issuing cash from an account)

    refinancing (rediscounting bills, purchasing resources for interbank market, issuance of bonds and other debt obligations by a commercial bank)

    re-registration (debt restructuring)

    bill loans

2. Loan currency:

    in national currency

    in the currency of the creditor's country

    in the currency of a third country

3. Number of participants:

    bilateral transactions

    multilateral transactions

4. Purpose of a bank loan:

    loans provided to increase fixed capital (renewal production assets, new construction, expansion of production volumes)

    for temporary replenishment of working capital

    on a consumer basis, including mortgage loans

5. Delivery technique:

    one-time loans, i.e. issued in one amount

    limited loans (overdraft, credit lines)

6. Loan security:

    A secured loan is the main type of modern bank loan. The security can be any property owned by the borrower: real estate, securities and so on. If the borrower violates its obligations, this property is sold to compensate for losses incurred.

    unsecured loan

7. Maturity period:

    short-term- are provided mainly to replenish the borrower’s working capital. Apply to stock market, in trade and services. The repayment period for this type of loan usually does not exceed one year

    medium term- are provided for a period of one to three years for production and commercial purposes (for example, the agricultural sector or partial modernization of production)

    long-term- used for investment purposes. They service the movement of fixed assets and are distinguished by large volumes of transferred credit resources. Used when lending for reconstruction, technical re-equipment, new construction at enterprises in all sectors of the economy. The average repayment period is usually from three to five years, but can reach 25 years or more, especially if appropriate financial guarantees are obtained from the state

8.Repayment method:

    loans repaid in one lump sum at the end of the term are a traditional form of repayment of short-term loans

    installment loans

    loans repaid in unequal installments over the loan term (a grace period is possible)

9. Type of interest rate:

    fixed rate loans

    loans with floating interest rates

10. Methods of charging interest:

    loans on which interest is paid at the time of its total repayment

    loans, the interest on which is paid in equal installments by the borrower throughout the entire term of the loan agreement

    loans, the interest on which is withheld by the bank at the time of its immediate issuance to the borrower (used only by usurious capital)

State loan

State loan should be divided into state loan and government debt. In the first case, state credit institutions lend to various sectors of the economy. In the second case, the state borrows cash from banks and other financial institutions on the capital market for financing budget deficit And government debt. At the same time, in addition to credit institutions, government bonds people buy legal entities, various enterprises and companies.

State loan- is a collection economic relations between the state represented by its authorities and management, on the one hand, and individuals and legal entities, on the other, in which the state acts as a borrower, lender and guarantor.

If the state assumes responsibility for repaying loans or fulfilling other obligations undertaken by individuals and legal entities, then it is a guarantor.

Acting as a borrower, the state influences the size of centralized monetary funds.

State credit is characterized by urgency, payment, and repayment. Funds are raised by the state for a specific period. After a period of time, the amount must be repaid with interest.

Commercial loan

Provided by one operating enterprise to another in the form of the sale of goods with deferred payment.

The instrument of such a loan is a bill of exchange, payable through commercial bank. The peculiarity of commercial credit is that loan capital here merges with industrial capital.

The main purpose of such a loan- speed up the process of selling goods and the profit contained in them. The interest on a commercial loan, which is included in the price of the goods and the amount of the bill, is usually lower than on a bank loan.

The size of a commercial loan is limited by the amount of reserve capital available to industrial and trading companies.

Consumer loan

As a rule, it is provided by trading companies, banks and specialized financial institutions for the purchase by the population of goods and services with installment payment.

Typically, durable goods are sold with the help of such a loan.

The loan term is up to a year, the interest is from 10 to 25. In case of non-payment, the property is seized by the creditor.

International loan

It is both private and public in nature, reflecting the movement of loan capital in the sphere of international economic and monetary relations.

Bank loans can be divided according to several main characteristics - purpose, collateral, method and form of issuance, urgency, method of repayment, category of borrower and others. The main conditions of the loan depend on the characteristics of the loan - amount, term and interest rate, as well as requirements for the borrower and the procedure for provision.

Let's take a closer look at the classification of loans:

  • By purpose loans are divided into targeted, which can only be used for a pre-agreed purpose, and non-targeted, which can be spent for any purpose. Targets include mortgages, car loans, land loan, educational loan, some consumer loans and others. Non-targeted ones include, for example, credit cards
  • Issue form loan may be cash or cashless. In the second case, the money can be transferred to the borrower’s account (for example, to a personal bank card) or another organization (for example, to the seller’s account). Some loans, such as mortgages, are always provided only in non-cash form
  • The loan may be provided in several ways - one amount immediately upon registration, in the form overdraft or line of credit. Overdraft involves using it when there is no money in the borrower's main current account. Credit line You can use it at any convenient time - interest is accrued only on the spent portion. It can be renewable (revolving) or non-renewable
  • Depending on provision loan maybe secured or unsecured. The collateral can be a pledge of the borrower's property or a guarantee from other people and organizations. Banks can combine different types of collateral with each other
  • By urgency loans can be short-term (up to a year), medium-term (from one to three years) And long-term (from three to five years). Also distinguished call loans, which are issued for an indefinite period and are repaid upon the bank’s first demand, and overnights, which are issued only large companies just for one night
  • repay loan is possible completely at the end of the term or in parts during this period. In this case, the parts can be equal ( annuity) or unequal ( differentiated). For example, the payment amount may increase or decrease over the course of the term, or be paid only during certain periods (this is called a seasonal loan). In more rare cases, only interest is paid during the term, and the body of the loan is returned at the end
  • Borrowers bank may be individuals and legal entities, property owners, government and municipalities , participants stock exchange or other banks. Categories are often divided into subcategories - e.g. individuals allocate employees, pensioners, students, unemployed, individual entrepreneurs , premium clients and others. It is the category of the borrower that largely determines the conditions, requirements and procedure for obtaining a loan.
  • The loan may be interest-free or be issued at interest. The interest rate in the second case may be fixed or changing during the period ( rollover). The rollover rate may change depending on the economic situation, the condition of the borrower, compliance with loan rules and other factors. In rare cases, instead of interest, a special commission

It is important for both the bank and the borrower to know the signs various types bank loans. The bank will be able to determine which loan to issue for a particular client. The borrower learns exactly how the terms for the loan are determined.

Each of us at least once in our lives needed cash loan. It can be useful in any life situation. But sometimes it is not possible to borrow from friends or relatives or you simply don’t want to show your critical financial situation. In this situation, the only way out is to contact one of the many financial organizations. But what if your credit history is badly damaged or there is no way to document your income? There is a way out. It is worth taking out one of the types of secured loans.

What is a loan

A loan is one of the types of consumer loans, which is issued for a certain period of time and at an individual annual rate.

Loans can be of different types and categories. It could be:

  • consumer;
  • targeted loan;
  • credit card;
  • installment payment card;
  • mini-loan;
  • a loan secured by certain property.

The main types of secured loans are:

  • loan secured by real estate;
  • pledge of any transport property or PTS pledge;
  • a pledge secured by a third party, that is, a loan secured by a guarantee.

The term, amount of the loan and the interest rate on it directly depend on the main type of loan collateral.

Who can take out a loan and what documents are needed?

Forms and types of secured loans vary, but the requirements for the borrower remain unchanged. To receive a cash loan, any potential borrower must meet standard requirements. These are:

  • Having a valid citizen's passport Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary to have permanent registration in one of the many regions of the Russian Federation.
  • The borrower must be at least eighteen years old.
  • You must have at least three calendar months of work experience at the place of work indicated in the potential borrower's application form.
  • It is advisable to provide the bank with a certificate confirming income in the bank form or 2 personal income tax, but with any type of loan repayment security there may be no need to provide a certificate.
  • Certificate of ownership of your own property.

In addition to the main package of certificates, for a greater likelihood of a loan and a reduction in the interest rate on it, in financial institution You should provide documents such as:

  • driver's license;
  • voluntary health insurance policy;
  • TIN of the potential borrower;
  • a foreign passport, and it is desirable that it contains marks of travel abroad for the last six months or twelve months.

Types of collateral

To secure a loan, types of collateral can be varied. It is possible to pledge an apartment or dorm room, as well as a private house or land property.

Types of loan repayment security include:

  • Collateral from any real estate. They can serve as a primary or secondary housing apartment.
  • Pledge of a land plot with or without communications.
  • Pledge of a car or other vehicle, including a construction vehicle.
  • Pledge against the signature of a surety person.

Pledge of property

One of the most popular types of loan collateral is property collateral. They can be any real estate, including apartments in a residential building, dorm rooms, or any premises that can be rented out.

In order to provide the bank with a pledge of real estate property, it is necessary to present to the bank documents confirming the ownership of the real estate.

When registering equipment as collateral or precious metals, no certificates are required, one passport will be sufficient. You can also prepare documents and receipts that record the purchase by a specific person.

Vehicle pledge

An equally common type of loan collateral is the collateral of any vehicle.

To do this, the potential borrower must provide the bank with a certificate of ownership of the property. This vehicle can be a personal car, or trucks, cranes, and so on. The presence of a passenger vehicle is one of the most common types of loan collateral. To do this, it is enough to provide a technical passport for the car to a bank or any other microfinance organization.

In order to offer existing property as collateral vehicle In addition to PTS, you must:

  • provision of a passport;
  • availability of SNILS, for older people it will be replaced by a pension certificate;
  • salary certificate;
  • and, of course, a mandatory document will be a certificate of ownership of the vehicle.

Ensuring repayment by a third party

In addition to the above types of bank loan security, there is a loan guaranteed by third parties.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who is twenty-five years old can act as a guarantor. The guarantor, in addition to the passport, is obliged to provide the financial institution with a certificate confirming his income. It can be issued in the form of a bank or 2 personal income tax. In this case, the guarantor’s income for the last three months should not be less than fifteen thousand rubles per month.

In the event that a potential borrower is unable to make payments on his loan obligations, then they pass to the shoulders of his guarantor. He will be required to make monthly loan obligations.

Apartment deposit

One of the well-known types of security for a bank loan is the pledge of an apartment. It should also include mortgage lending. It’s worth doing this, since an apartment or other living space becomes the property of the borrower only after full repayment of all loan obligations to the financial institution.

In case of failure to fulfill loan obligations, any of the pledged real estate becomes the property of the bank.

Required documents

Once the type of security for a bank loan has been determined, it is worth putting in order all the documents necessary for this procedure.

First of all, you should make sure that the passport with which you confirm your identity as a citizen of the Russian Federation is valid. Otherwise, you can forget about getting a loan. And it doesn’t matter whether he is provided with anything or not.

The presence of the borrower's SNILS is also necessary. It is required for verification credit history potential borrower at any financial services bureau.

Is it worth taking out a secured loan?

Whether or not to take out a loan secured by movable or other types of property, as well as on behalf of third parties, depends only on the solvency of the potential borrower of the financial structure.

If the future credit client If the bank is not completely confident in its solvency, then it is better not to risk your property. In cases where the borrower is reliable and loan collateral is necessary only to reduce the annual credit rate, then it’s definitely worth using it.

The services of a guarantor should not be neglected by borrowers who have just turned eighteen years old or, conversely, the potential client has just retired.

It is worth considering that in case of evasion of obligations to repay the loan provided by the bank, the property left as collateral will be confiscated.

Well, if a specific person vouches for a potential borrower, then all loan obligations will be transferred to him.

It is for this reason that the question of whether it is worth leaving your property as collateral financial organization, remains open to this day. To some, this offer seems to be the most profitable, but others only accept it as a last resort.

Whatever the situation you find yourself in, it is worth considering all your risks, whether you are ready to sacrifice your movable or immovable property or whether it will really only be a clear security and proof of your solvency.

Many people have been actively using credit for quite some time, but for some, the experience of using borrowed funds is still a curiosity. Let's figure out together whether it is easy to get a loan in our country and what you need to pay attention to so that your first application to the bank does not end in refusal and disappointment.

What types of loans are there?

First of all, you need to decide what you need a loan for. Today in the domestic lending market there are the following main types of loan products:

  • Targeted consumer loan
  • Non-targeted consumer loan
  • Car loan
  • Mortgage loan
  • Loan for housing construction
  • Business loans

Targeted consumer loans

The main difference between these loans is that the bank gives the borrower money to purchase specific, pre-agreed goods and/or services.
As a rule, such loans are not issued to the borrower. When making a purchase, the invoice is simply forwarded to the bank for payment. In fact, the bank immediately pays for the purchase, while the money immediately goes to the seller, and the borrower simply repays the loan to the bank under the agreement.

Non-targeted loans

Here the situation is a little different: the bank is completely indifferent to what the borrower spends on credit funds, as long as he makes payments under the contract on time after using the borrowed funds. The borrower can spend the money received under a non-targeted loan on absolutely any goods or services at his discretion. This kind of money can be cashed out at an ATM and spent by paying at the supermarket, or you can buy a tour to warmer climes - everyone needs something different.
The peculiarity of non-targeted loans is that the borrower himself has to pay for the bank’s less curiosity. In non-targeted loan programs, as a rule, conditions are slightly worse. Thus, the interest rate and late fees on such loans may be slightly higher.

Car loans

From the name it is clear that we'll talk about buying a car on credit, but not everyone knows that in this way you can purchase not only new car from a car dealership, but also a used (used) car secondary market.
Of course, the terms of a loan for a used car and a brand new car from a showroom will be different, because the bank’s risks will be different in both cases.

Mortgage loan

A mortgage provides the opportunity to use borrowed funds to purchase housing. In our country, this type of lending is especially relevant, because real estate prices are constantly rising for young people housing issue becomes a serious stumbling block.
A mortgage loan is actually a type of targeted loan because the borrower does not participate in the financial side of the transaction, his task is only to provide the bank required package documents and show the apartment or house that he would like to purchase. If the bank approves the required loan amount, it simply transfers the money to the property owner after signing a purchase and sale agreement with the borrower.
From the moment the payment is made, ownership of the property finally passes to the borrower, and the right of claim passes to the bank that paid for the purchase. Mortgage loans have one of the most long terms repayments that provide payments over 15 years or more.

Construction loan

In fact, this is the same mortgage, only slightly modified. Here the borrower must provide the bank with all documentation that confirms his ownership rights land plot, on which he intends to build a house, all the necessary design and permitting documents that must be issued to him by the relevant government bodies.
The bank checks this whole hefty pile of papers and if they find no reason for refusal, they give the borrower the amount of money he needs. After this, you can safely begin building your home.

Social credit programs

Social credit programs is a very powerful tool with which the most different groups Citizens are provided with various benefits when lending. For example, in our country there is special type mortgage loans for military personnel. The essence of this loan is that the borrower, if he is a military man, having taken out an apartment on credit, pays only part of this loan, while the other part is paid for by the state.
In our country there are different social programs lending, including:
Mortgage loan for young families
State program subsidizing car loans
Preferential loans for education and others.

Business loans

This type of loan is perfect for all entrepreneurs, young and old. A businessman can use borrowed funds in different ways, for example, he can:
purchase raw materials for your production
purchase the latest equipment
build a new workshop or even a whole plant
invest money in the development of some innovative technology, etc.
As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities, but borrowed funds in any case, you will have to return them, so you need to use them extremely carefully and carefully, weighing all the pros and cons, as well as assessing the possible risks.

Where do they give loans?

Having decided which loan is right for you, you can safely ask the question of where to get it.
Today, you can get a loan even at home using a computer and the Internet. The most common options today are:
Loans that are issued directly at places where something is sold (equipment, building materials, car dealerships, etc.).
Loans issued by banks.
Internet loans (while sitting at home, you send an application for a loan to any bank, provide them with primary information about yourself and wait for a response from the bank; if the loan is approved, go to the office with a full package of documents and fill out loan agreement. Convenient, isn't it?).

What determines whether a loan will be given or not?

To describe it in a nutshell, then key factor The issue of whether a loan will be given or not is the solvency and reliability of the borrower. What is actually hidden behind these concepts is a question.
From the bank’s point of view, a borrower can be considered reliable and solvent if:
The borrower is over a certain age;
He has a stable source of income (job);
This stable source of income can be confirmed by documents (certificate from place of employment);
The borrower's income is sufficient to repay the loan (payments are no more than 50% of the borrower's monthly income);
The borrower has some social connections (family, permanent place of residence, work).
In addition to these factors, there are many others, but most banks keep them secret in order to protect themselves from all sorts of fraud.

How easy is it to get a loan?

There can be no clear answer to this question. Objectively assess the situation, if you fit the description outlined above, then your chances of getting a loan are quite high. In the same case, if any of the points (or even all) do not meet the established requirements, then problems may arise. In any case, to increase your chances of receiving a loan, you should provide the most complete package of documents confirming your solvency.

What are the loan payments?

In fact, there are only 2 types of loan payments:
Their difference is that according to the differentiated method, the loan body gradually decreases and, as a consequence, interest, too. With this type of payment, by the end of the loan term the amount of monthly payments is significantly reduced.
With annuity payments the picture looks different. The borrower pays the same amount each month from the first payment to the last. The differences are clearly demonstrated in the diagram below.