Cash loan secured by land. How to get a loan secured by a land plot in Sberbank? If the earth does not fit

  • 08.12.2019

Do you want to know if there is a loan at Rosselkhozbank secured by land? Yes, this company provides such an opportunity, and today we will tell you about the possibilities and conditions of lending under this program.

general information

Each of us can face financial problemsthat require an immediate solution, no one is safe from this. And most often the solution to this situation is to appeal to financial organizations to receive a certain amount of borrowed funds at a percentage, in other words, a loan.

Of course, many of us were faced with ordinary consumer loans, which require a little time for processing and a small list of documents. In this case, the money is taken in a small amount and at a relatively short term, while the maximum will directly depend on your income.

But what if you need to borrow a large amount, and your savings are not enough, and the salary is low? In this case, providing security in the form of real estate that is in your property will help to increase your chances of approving the application.

Its presence significantly increases the bank's loyalty to you. The lender will be sure that you can return cash issued to you - you will either make monthly contributions that are feasible for you, or, in case of delay, the bank will take property from you through the court and sell it to cover its expenses.

Pros and cons of lending secured by housing

A collateral loan involves the transfer of any property as a pledge to a bank, and the right of ownership is transferred to the credit institution. An apartment can be used as security, private house, land or agricultural machinery.

Of the pluses, it is worth noting the bank's loyalty: a higher loan amount and repayment terms, a low interest rate, more chances of approving an application, when compared with applications without collateral. This can help you if you have a low income, and you need to receive a substantial amount for certain purposes.

Please note that for the entire period of the loan agreement, the collateral object, i.e. real estate will be located. In other words, you cannot of one’s own will dispose of it, sell, exchange, give, etc. You can only with the written consent of the lender.

Please note that in any case, in addition to the costs of the loan itself, you will need to make additional payments for the following operations: valuation and insurance of the property. To insure your own life and health is entirely voluntary; you can refuse such insurance.

What kind of loan can I take at the Agricultural Bank on bail?

So, for example, the borrower's liquid assets can be used as collateral for such loans:

  1. Target mortgage - in this case, you can get a large sum of money for the purpose of acquiring housing, provided that you can provide the bank with existing real estate as a security (it can be an apartment or a house \\ townhouse with a plot). Conditions: the amount from 100 thousand to 20 million rubles (but not more than 70% of the estimated value of the pledge), the repayment period is up to 30 years, the percentage varies from 9.2 to 9.3% per annum, without commissions.
  2. Ineligible on the security of real estate - you will be offered a loan at a rate of 12.5 to 14.5% per year. The amount varies from 100 thousand to 10 million rubles. (not more than 50% of the market value), the validity period of the contract is up to 10 years. You can get a loan from the age of 21 and attract a co-borrower;
  3. Gardener - designed for owners of garden and suburban areas, as well as those who are only going to acquire such. Here the rate starts from 11 to 13.25% per year. A loan of up to 1.5 million rubles can be granted for a period of up to 60 months. Objectives - the acquisition of land, the construction of a house or banks, communications, etc.
  4. For the development of personal subsidiary plots - lending is carried out at a rate of 10.25 to 13%. A loan is provided for a period of up to 2 years inclusive for an amount of up to 300 thousand rubles and for 1 year for an amount of up to 700 thousand rubles. How to get a loan for private partnership - read.
  5. For reliable customers and state employees - they give out for any purposes up to 1 million rubles at a percentage of 10% to 15.5% per annum. The contract can be concluded for a period of 1 to 84 months, and a guarantee can be selected as security.
  6. Engineering communications - funds are issued on special conditions, their purpose is to conduct water, gas, sewage, change the wiring, heating system or put a telephone. You will be able to offer a loan within 500 thousand for a period of up to 60 months, the percentage starts from 11.25 to 13.5% per annum.
  7. Refinancing for LPH owners - allows you to re-arrange existing debts in other companies at the Agricultural Bank under more favorable conditions. If you require a large loan, the bank may ask you to bring a guarantor or provide security in the form of liquid property. What they offer: loan size from 10 thousand to 700 thousand rubles, the contract validity period - not more than 60 months, the rate will be from 11.5% per year.
Rate% per year:
Duration (months):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Total pay:
Loan overpayment

Owning land plots in Moscow and the Moscow Region can be beneficial to mortgage property for urgent receipt of money: first, market value is assessed, and then details are discussed. It is convenient to contact FC Priority if you want to receive real money on bail the landwithout stretching the procedure.

Benefits of an Underground Loan

  1. Land is highly valued (especially in Moscow and the region). This is a guarantee of obtaining impressive capital. It is believed that a loan secured by a plot of land can act as an investment.
  2. Having received the money, the owner still owns the property.
  3. Our company is not interested in the size of the salary of the borrower, his experience at the last place of work and other nuances. Specialists of FC PRIORITY do not call the office or home to find out additional information about the client.
  4. The validity period of the contract may be a maximum of 20 years.
  5. Lack of interest in credit history - Everyone can count on approval.

Land owners can receive loans secured by land and at 15% per annum, and there is an option to urgently complete a transaction.

What can be the subject of a pledge?

Objects that are of interest to FC PRIORITY:

  • Land for individual housing construction (individual housing construction) In this case, loans secured by land plots can have an impressive size, because, despite the small area, such real estate is often elite and expensive.
  • Agricultural land. For example, plots for building a farm or growing agricultural crops.
  • Land under management commercial activities. For example, it was planned to build a factory, logistics or shopping center, but urgently needed money.

Lending terms

  1. The borrower must be at least 21 years old. Today, even banks lend with more stringent conditions by age.
  2. A citizen receives a loan secured by a land plot only if there is a right to own and dispose of the property.
  3. It is possible to agree on individual terms of the contract, and it is still possible to achieve refinancing in case of force majeure.
  4. The maximum approved loan may be 100 million rubles.

As a rule, the amount of money received in this case will be lower than with a pledge of an apartment or house.

If you lay an apartment, you can get a loan of up to 80% of its value. And when pledging a land plot, the amount usually does not exceed 70% of its price, in some cases no more than 25%. In this case, the required size down payment higher.

It's connected with increased risk bank, since in case of default on a loan it is more difficult to realize a land plot than an apartment.

Home construction

Having pledged a plot of land to really get funds for the construction of residential or country house, as well as its repair. Land pledged should be intended for settlements or for gardening, respectively. A mortgage of land for a loan to build a house can be arranged with the consent of the bank.

Bank may require additional documentssuch as a house project, a contract with a contractor for construction or repair.

If ownership-owned buildings are located on the site, they can be taken into account in the assessment, the collateral value of the site will increase, and the amount of money will increase. A loan is issued for a period of not more than 10 years.

Consumer loan

A loan secured by land for any purpose is issued by many banks. The size of the loan can be determined only after the bank accepts all the documents and assesses the risks. The size of the loan will be lower than secured by an apartment at the same estimated cost. Loan term is shorter. Interest rate for consumer loan higher than a mortgage.

Land requirements

Pledged land plots must meet certain general requirements Russian legislation, as well as the requirements of banks:

  • This should be the land of settlements or agricultural land at the location of the bank or its branches.
  • The site may not be located in closed territorial entities, protected by natural or historical reserves, in the exclusion zones of reservoirs and other objects.
  • Access to the site should be provided for year-round travel,
  • The borrower has the title to land.

Purpose of sites:

  • housing and summer cottage construction
  • gardening or gardening,
  • personal subsidiary plots.

If the land is in common shared ownership, the borrower can only pledge his share. In this case, the share is actually allocated on the ground, minimum size its may also be limited. When leaving the site, the bank representative will verify its availability and delineation. The allocation of shares should be agreed with other owners.


One of the most valuable characteristics of a land plot when pledging it is liquidity, i.e. the bank’s ability to quickly sell land in case of loan default.

The liquidity of the site depends on many factors:

  • location
  • its popularity
  • security of communications and access roads,
  • prospects for the development of the territory.

For example, plots of land on the seashore or river are more liquid than those remote from them.

The collateral value of land is determined by specialists of an appraisal company accredited by the bank. The price of the plot cannot be lower than its cadastral value.

Pledge of agricultural land

Agricultural land may also be subject to collateral when applying for a loan.

  • The borrower must be the owner of the site and have a document on it.
  • The owners of neighboring plots should not have property claims against him.

Banks usually take a deposit of a sufficiently large area (each bank has its own requirements). Small garden plots are of interest to them only if they are liquid and expensive, for example, summer cottages in the suburbs.

Banks also accept land shares as collateral. In case of default on the loan, the unit becomes the property of the bank.

Assessing the value of agricultural land is a rather long, laborious and complex process.

The procedure for obtaining a loan

To obtain a loan, offering land as collateral, the borrower must:

  • contact the bank or call by phone, preliminarily on the bank’s website
  • to issue online application for the type of loan that is required;
  • fill out an application form;
  • collect all required documents;
  • submit the completed application form and prepared documents for consideration by the bank;
  • wait until the bank considers the application and announces its decision. The bank sets the deadline for considering applications. Usually it does not exceed 10 days;
  • in case of approval at the bank office, sign the contract and other documents;
  • apply to the cashier for money.

Required documents

To obtain land as collateral and obtain a loan, the following documents will be required:

  • two identification documents (passport and driver’s license, passport, TIN or SNILS),
  • documents for collateral.

Bank List

There are few banks that practice lending on the security of real estate such as land.

The most active is lending on the security of the land is promoted by the Agricultural Bank, which has several programs to support land owners: for the construction and repair of houses, gasification, installation of utilities, personal development.

Below are some banks that accept land as collateral, and their loan conditions.

Name of the bank Type of loan Size and Duration Loan rate,%
Russian Agricultural Bank Consumer up to 5 years 21-22
Mortgage 5-25 years 12,9-14,5
Engineering Communication up to 5 years 16,5-17,5
Gardener up to 5 years
from 10,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
On the development of personal subsidiary plots 2-5 years old
300 000-700 000 rub.
AK Bars Consumer 5-10 years
from 10 000 rub.
Bank of Moscow Residential building 3-30 years, from 170 000 rubles. From 10.65
Sberbank Consumer up to 7 years, up to 10,000,000 rubles. From 14.5
Agropromcredit Consumer up to 7 years old
no more than 70% of the value of the pledge
Deltacredit Home construction under 25 years old From 12,5
Tatfondbank For consumer needs from 3 to 10 years, from 300,000 to 10,000,000 rubles. From 15,75
Zenith To purchase a land plot with a residential building from 1 year to 25 years,
270,000 to 10,500,000 rubles.
UniFin Credit "Affordable" (for any purpose) up to 25 years old
up to 80% of property value
From 12,5

The practice of lending for various needs secured by land in Russia is developing at a slow pace. This is due to the lack of necessary legislative framework. Banks are guided by the law on mortgages when considering land plots as collateral. But, nevertheless, land is increasingly becoming a liquid and attractive real estate, and land owners have the opportunity to receive financial resourcesusing them as collateral for loans.

If money secured by land is needed urgently for 1 day, then you will have to try to find an offer that will suit all parameters and will allow you to get funds really quickly. Mortgage property acting as a loan security for the lender becomes a guarantee of a full repayment of funds issued to the borrower. From the article, all interested parties will be able to find out whether it is possible to take a loan against the security of a land plot, and under what conditions it is realistic to do so.


What you need to know about such a loan

Having set the goal of getting money on the security of the land, the first thing to do is find out the main nuances of this type of lending. They are as follows:

  1. The pledge assumes that the site is pledged, becoming a loan security. This means that if the borrower refuses or ceases to fulfill his debt obligations, the land will be sold under the terms of the loan or loan agreement: the creditor will use the proceeds to repay the debt.
  2. When pledged, the borrower remains the owner of the site, that is, the legal ownership rights are reserved for him, and the land is not reissued to the bank. But, firstly, there is always the risk of losing their land. Secondly, the pledge imposes restrictions on the commission of such actions as the sale or division of the site, the construction of buildings on it.
  3. Different types of sites are accepted. So, you can get a loan secured by your own agricultural land intended for construction or for commercial activities. But certain requirements are presented, compliance with which is mandatory.
  4. The pledge of the site will allow to achieve favorable conditions, namely to increase the maturity, reduce the amount annual rate, receive large amountexceeding available for consumer lending.
  5. The registration procedure is quite lengthy, because loan and mortgage agreements are drawn up, numerous real estate documents are prepared, inspections and registration of the object are carried out. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to get a deal on the day of the appeal: lenders are not ready to force things and spend extra energy and money to speed up the procedure.

We analyze all the pros and cons of the pledge of the site

Loans issued on bail of land have both negative and positive sides. You should start with an analysis of the merits:

  • Reduced interest rates to avoid significant overpayments when paying off debt. Their sizes, as a rule, are 3-7% lower than with standard consumer lending.
  • The ability to increase the payout period. Although it will take a long time to repay a loan taken on bail, but monthly payments will not greatly affect family budget and significantly worsen the financial situation.
  • Since the plot being pledged performs the functions of securing a loan and guarantees complete closure of the debt even under force majeure circumstances, lenders pay less attention to other factors. For example, different options for confirming income may be accepted, and credit history is no longer the main criterion when considering applications.
  • The client does not transfer the land to the bank, remaining its owner.

Disadvantages are also available:

  • The owner of the site can do with him not everything he wants. For example, he does not have the right to divide it or sell it, and construction on the territory of buildings is not always possible and only with the permission of the creditor.
  • The procedure is complicated by the preparation of collateral documentation.
  • When transferring a plot as a pledge, there is a risk of losing it in case of non-payment of debt, because the bank is entitled to sell land under the terms of the agreement if the other party (client) refuses to fulfill its obligations.

Good to know! Deficiencies mainly affect force majeure and dishonest payers: if you soberly assess your financial capabilities, choose the most suitable and loyal conditions and treat your debt obligations in good faith, you can avoid problems, get money on bail and save the plot.

Where can I get money on the security of the land: actual banking products

Which bank gives out loans secured by land? Although financial institutions are reluctant to enter into transactions if the collateral is land, there are still relevant offers, and there will be plenty for the potential client to choose from. Consider a few products.


Sberbank secures a non-targeted loan on bail, and plots can be pledged. The conditions are as follows:

  • From 12.5% \u200b\u200bper year at the interest rate. For payroll clients - minus 0.5%, and in case of refusal of voluntary insurance, the value increases by 1%.
  • Up to 10 million rubles. to receive.
  • Repayment can be given up to 20 years.
  • Applications are considered for a maximum of 6 days, the amount is issued at a time, and payments are annuity (equal).


On the security of any real estate, including land plots, it’s realistic to get money at Tinkoff. Lending features:

  • Rates start from a minimum of 12%.
  • Really take up to 15 million rubles.
  • The pledger does not have to be the borrower himself, objects belonging to relatives and even friends are accepted.
  • The contract is valid for a maximum of 15 years.
  • Revenues are confirmed in many ways.


At Sovcombank, it’s realistic to take out a loan only against the security of a plot with a residential building on it; separately, land is not accepted. The principles are as follows:

  • Rates are 14.99% and 23%, but may differ from these values \u200b\u200band be selected personally.
  • Really achieve the receipt of the amount of up to 100 million.
  • Individual terms.

Russian Agricultural Bank

The Rosselkhozbank has several lending programs in which liquid areas are accepted as collateral: both already registered in the property and those purchased with borrowed money.

The conditions may be as follows:

  • The rate in rubles is from 11.5-13.5% and higher.
  • Amount - from 1 million to 10.
  • Loan terms - up to five to ten years.
  • Money is issued at a time without charging fees.

What can affect the loan amount

The final loan size is influenced by several factors, which are the main characteristics of the site. The liquidity of the facility depends on them, that is, the ability to implement it quickly and at the highest possible market price. All fundamental factors are considered below.


Sites located outside the city limits are considered illiquid, therefore they are rarely accepted as collateral. The land should be located on the territory of the village, and preferably in a prestigious location with good infrastructure. An excellent factor will be the presence of nearby reservoirs, parks and protected areas.

Relief features

The plot drawn up as a pledge should be as flat as possible, since territories with complex terrain are difficult to develop: it is difficult to erect structures on them, plant trees, create landscape design. Illiquid is land located in ravines, on hilly areas or slopes.


The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, the more willingly it will be accepted as a pledge, and the higher will be market value. The optimal quadrature is about 6-10 acres. These are the middle sections where you can build houses and set up gardens and kitchen gardens. Wider territories are accessible only to people with high incomes and are not suitable for the middle class (namely, its representatives more often apply for loans).


It is important that equipped and well-walkable access roads lead to the site. The ideal option is a wide asphalt road along which any car will travel at any time of the year. A dirt road can be periodically covered with snow in winter or eroded in the off-season.

Fertility of the earth

As a rule, land plots are acquired not only for buildings, but also for housekeeping, gardening, and truck farming. Therefore, if the earth is not rich, clay, heavy, sandy or swampy, then it will be much cheaper, which will directly affect the size of the loan. Fertile soils increase the liquidity of the site.

Land Requirements

Loans secured by plots are issued if the land suits the lender and meets the requirements. Accepted land for different purposes, for example, used for the construction of country or capital residential buildings, farming, gardening or gardening, opening a business. Accordingly, the requirements are different, but several mandatory ones can be distinguished:

  • among owners there are no persons under the age of majority;
  • no encumbrances, such as bail in another bank, seizure, passage through court cases and participation in proceedings, section begun;
  • the site is privatized, owned either by the borrower or by the co-borrower (pledger);
  • other persons do not claim the territory;
  • land is located in the city in which the bank operates.

Also some lenders require good developed infrastructure, access roads and communications (gas pipeline, water source).

For your information! If the site belongs to a conservation area, protected or closed territory, it is unlikely to be accepted as a pledge.

How to get a loan secured by a land plot: preparation and conclusion of an agreement

It will not be possible to get a loan quickly on the security of a land plot without drawing up and not signing a contract. And the loan conditions and debt obligations of the borrower directly depend on the correctness of its preparation and the thoroughness of the study.

The loan (loan) and pledge agreements are drawn up separately. IN loan agreement terms of issue are prescribed borrowed money, personal information and duties and rights of the two parties, payment schedule, penalties and other nuances. Mandatory collateral information is required.

The pledge agreement contains a full description of the land plot (area, location, purpose) and the specifics of using it: restrictions imposed on the actions of the owner, the rights of the lender in the event of default by the borrower.

Collection of necessary documents

To draw up and even more so conclude a contract, you need to provide documents. The borrower must present a civil passport and, at the request of the lender, a second document (for example, TIN, SNILS). A work book is provided with a copy to confirm employment. Also, you will probably have to collect certificates confirming earnings (as a rule, this is 2-personal income tax or an extract in the form of a bank).

On a site gather:

  • proof of ownership extract from the USRN;
  • boundary and cadastral plans;
  • documents proving the legal entry into ownership (purchase agreement, barter or inheritance certificate);
  • certificates that there are no burdens;
  • notarized consent of the second legal spouse to the alienation of land (or certificate of absent marriage);
  • certificate of payment of all taxes assessed on the site.

Samples of contracts

In order not to be mistaken, you need to familiarize yourself with the sample contracts and remember that they are compiled separately for a loan (loan) and pledge. Free form is unacceptable, there are established rules for compilation, so be sure to check out the examples.

Registration and pledge procedure

The plot, if accepted as a pledge, is subject to registration consisting of several stages:

  1. Insurance covering damage or loss. As a rule, it is mandatory.
  2. Documents are being registered for transfer to the UFRS - Office of the Federal Registration Service, which deals with real estate transactions. Is paid national tax, a number is assigned, documents are sent to the cadastral service.
  3. Registration in the State Register, which requires the presence of both parties: the borrower and the lender. The USRN contains information on the transfer of the plot as a pledge.

For your information! All registration operations take from 2 weeks to a month, but sometimes these periods can be reduced to a week or even less. And yet in one day to enter into a transaction is extremely problematic.

How long are applications processed?

On average, it takes about 4-8 days to review applications, and during this period the lender carefully checks the object and the solvency of its owner. The site is also priced to determine maximum sizes amount.

For your information! If all the documents are ready at the stage of submitting the request, then it will be possible to take out a loan secured by land on the next day or two days.

What are the nuances

When applying for a loan secured by the acquired land or own, various nuances may arise, which sometimes entail the extension of the registration procedure or even rejection of the application. Such cases are discussed below.

Credit history damaged

If the credit history is spoiled, this reduces the likelihood of approval, because it is unlikely that the lender wants to deal with a malicious deadbeat. But loans are secured by land by virtually all categories of citizens by private lending companies. One of them is ➥.

Here you can get a loan in the amount of up to 90% of the collateral price (up to 100 million) at 9.5% for a minimum period of up to 25 years. And applications are considered not only by the company itself, but also by investors attracted by it.

If the earth does not fit

If the site does not meet the requirements or is used not for the purpose specified in the documents, it is unlikely to be accepted as a pledge. But in this case, you can contact private lenders, brokers, or, for example, a pawnshop. You can also try to re-register the land by changing the purpose or improving the characteristics.

For your information! The reason for the refusal of a pledge may also be the lack of a cadastral number assigned to the site or land surveying of fixed borders.

It is real to transfer a piece of land as collateral, and now you know where you can apply for a loan, and how to speed up the process of obtaining money.

Video: for a good mood!

A loan secured by a land plot in a bank is one of the ways to get money for different purposes. The client can pledge agricultural land for a loan or land for the construction of a private house. Many banks are more willing to give money against a pledge of a plot more willingly than unsecured loans, however, land is quoted as illiquid collateral, therefore a small number of banking organizations offer this type of loan.

To get a loan in cash, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming ownership of the property. Confirmation of income at the bank is not always mandatory, therefore, you can receive money without confirming income in large cash equivalent. Long-term loans are good way take a loan for up to 15 years and pay it in small monthly installments.

A loan secured by a land plot in a bank

Key information for those wishing to receive cash at the bank by laying a summer or garden plot:

  • the client can take money without confirming his income for any purpose;
  • loan agreement is concluded with automatic renewal;
  • a loan is issued for a period of up to 15 years;
  • the age of the consumer depends on the particular banking organization and varies between 18 and 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • the state of the credit history for some banks does not matter;
  • the interest rate on long-term loans depends on the conditions of the bank and starts at about 15%
  • secured loan suburban area can make up to 90% of its value;
  • the client can take a loan and continue to use the property.

There are several lending options available to Russian customers:

  • loan secured by agricultural land;
  • loan funds for a site for private construction;
  • a loan secured by a garden plot in Moscow;
  • allotments with buildings located on them;
  • loans secured by IZHS land in Moscow;
  • other difficult cases.

Lenders may be banks or microfinance organizations. Privately executed loans may have more attractive conditions. Therefore, you should get more information about current offers in advance.

On the Creditznatok website you will find credit organizations where you can take cash loans under the land of individual housing construction (individual housing construction). IZHS lands over banks enjoy special advantages, the main of which is the possibility of registering the facilities built on it and easier sale in case of withdrawal for non-payment.

A long-term loan can be taken only if the real estate does not yet have any existing encumbrances.

In some cases, you may need to lay a private garden plot, land for individual housing construction or agricultural land:

  • the need for investment in an unfinished house;
  • large debts;
  • impressive debts on utility bills;
  • pressure from collection companies;
  • unfavorable conditions for previous loans and the need for debt restructuring.

To lay the agricultural land, you must have a passport and its photocopy, documents of title, cadastral passport on hand.

How to get a loan?

Before you take a loan secured by the land, you need to choose credit organization with the most profitable interest rates. Creditznatok collects up-to-date information on trusted organizations and offers a ton of selection tools. Choose your favorite conditions, go to sites and fill out applications. After a while, you will receive confirmation of a loan or employees of the selected organization will contact you. Also on our website you can find companies that give money without collateral under profitable interest - both small and large amounts.