You can not only repay the loan in full, but also make money on it! Proven and effective advice. An honest and legal way to make money from bank money. How to get a loan and make money on it.

  • 19.10.2023

I want to tell you how you can get passive income lending money through the Webmoney system.

There are two options for implementing this idea, or you have trusted correspondents to whom you open credit limit, or place your offer with the conditions for issuing funds on the WMZ wallet as a loan.

The service only works with dollars, so having a WMZ wallet is a must!

Getting started with a debt service is very easy. You need to log into your account and in the top menu, go to the tab For individuals – Lend – Debt Service.

On the website debt service You can create trust limits for familiar users or for those who respond to a posted offer to provide you with borrowed funds.

To create your application for provision credit funds, you must use the application creation form on the appropriate page.

As responses to the proposal are received, you can form your own list of borrowers, weed out unscrupulous ones, lower the interest rate for responsible ones, and so on.

Features of earning money on Webmoney loans

Freelancers are the main users of electronic payment systems, including WebMoney.

If there is a stable flow of funds to your dollar wallet, you can try to increase the balance by providing short-term loans on the account to other users who want to take them.

The interest rate is set at your request, you can set it to 7% per day and 30% per month, as you wish.

Since a freelancer works on the Internet anyway, including the risk of encountering unpaid work, the risks associated with non-repayment of debts in WebMoney can be called not critical, although the likelihood of such risks, of course, exists, as indeed in any type of business, especially credit.

The system has a certain set of tools aimed at identifying unscrupulous borrowers.

The system forces them to return the borrowed money along with interest or, in extreme cases, it will make it very difficult for them to work with their own wallet.

The wallet of an unscrupulous borrower can simply be blocked, and when funds are received, they will be automatically transferred to the borrower’s wallet until the entire required amount is collected.

If we take into account the fact that the supply and demand for these loans is quite high and many people earn money by providing WebMoney loans, then, accordingly, everything is not so bad.

What you need to make money on WebMoney loans

If you have WebMoney wallet, then to work with the debt service you only need to have some money in American currency in this wallet.

There is no minimum loan amount; you can issue 10 WMZ or 100 WMZ, in general, as much as you want or as much as available funds allow.

The credit exchange in this system has been operating for quite a long time and has gained the trust of users.

Thus, microcredit operations, in general, attract significant amounts and accordingly more and more new participants.

Most common lending rate 1% per day, this can be called the standard for the WebMoney debt exchange, there are also 5% and even more exotic options.

Well, we don’t need experiments, so it’s best to stick with the standard 1% per day.

Roughly speaking, at the current dollar exchange rate, under these loan conditions monthly salary can amount to 1680 rubles of passive income.

Is it a lot or a little? Considering the small active capital, this is not so little, and in terms of global enrichment, this amount is certainly insignificant.

Now it is possible to lend in WMR rubles, but traditionally everyone uses the good old WMZ.

The certificate must be at least formal. Get formal certificate It’s quite simple, you just need to provide your passport details and upload scans of documents.

The more information, the more trust. There is a special coefficient“reliability” or index business activity BL.

In addition, the borrower must upload his photo, otherwise the system simply will not allow him into the service.

Then select the delivery method cash in debt:

  • We independently select a correspondent and open a credit limit for him under certain conditions;
  • We go to the automatic exchange - machine and select a suitable credit line.

I made money for a while by issuing WebMoney loans, using money received on exchanges for this.

On automatic credit service never transferred, borrowed all the money only to familiar correspondents for a short time from one to 7 days, at 1%.

Mostly my borrowers were freelancers like me. They needed these funds to pay for server rental, buy a “pro” account on a freelance exchange, or purchase software.

They worked and earned money on the Internet and, accordingly, all payments took place in electronic currency, so the WMZ loan was the best option.

I didn’t earn much, and I was constantly in need of money, so I withdrew it to the card almost immediately after receiving it on WebMoney.

In my opinion, this type of earnings as WebMoney loans is quite normal. And whoever doesn’t take risks, as you know, doesn’t drink champagne!

How to choose a bona fide borrower?

A person’s activity in the WebMoney system is necessarily reflected in his ego profile.

To choose a responsible and conscientious borrower, you just need to carefully study the available information about this WebMoney user.

  • What interests you first:
  • How long does it stay in the system?
  • Level of business activity,
  • Reviews.

It should be understood that the business activity index takes a very long time to develop, over the years, and in case of dishonest attitude towards one’s obligations, this indicator cuts off instantly.

Thus, a high BL index is already a good guarantee for the borrower.

Shouldn't be issued initially large sums in one hand. It is best to develop your own financial communication algorithm.

For a conscientious borrower to consistently increase borrowed funds and lower interest rates.

Avoid giving money to people with a PMI below a certain number, such as 50.

Determine the maximum possible loan amount, for example 300 WMZ, and under no circumstances exceed it!

It is, of course, easiest to issue funds to correspondents yourself, but the entire risk from the transaction will lie solely with you!

What to do with unscrupulous borrowers?

The question is certainly interesting. First of all, put them on the “black list”, then try to influence them using debt service tools.

If all else fails, you can turn to “collectors,” but in this case financial result will be insignificant, unless justice prevails and the “bad” borrower will be punished in one way or another.

In conclusion, I can say that only a careful selection of borrowers and a balanced financial policy, guarantees a positive result and stable earnings on WebMoney loans!

It often happens that quick loan helps solve many problems, but did you know that you can still make money on the loan you receive? Yes, to earn money, and not just to pay monthly amounts including interest.

In this article we will look at some of the most common ways to generate income in family budget, based on the money we borrowed, we’ll talk about how to make money on loans, turning various business ideas into reality.

Earn money on a bank card!

Many media outlets and online publications publish articles about how to make money on a credit card without doing anything. After all, turning this type financial transactions, which, by the way, are considered absolutely legal, and banks know about this, it is very important only to choose the right card.

For financial institutions It’s profitable when customers actively use by bank transfer, then sales representatives transfer them a certain commission. A portion of the commission proceeds goes to the users themselves in the form of cashback.

Thus, you will be able to both earn money and fulfill your dream. One point in this matter is solvency, since the purchase must be paid on time and regularly on the due date.

How to make money in Warface: Warbucks and credits?!

Among avid gamers, earning virtual funds is considered no less important, since they are necessary to continue the leading process, purchase uniforms, weapons, etc.

In the warface app banknotes represented by credits, warbucks and crowns. You can become their owner in as little as real investment, and fulfilling the requirements and tasks in the game itself.

You can top up virtual currency in warface in the following ways:

  • taking regular part in special operations;
  • buying a VIP accelerator;
  • visiting applications daily for several weeks, months;
  • using standard weapons, while saving on their repair;
  • replenishing your account with Warbucks for money, etc.

As a rule, gamers purchase currency in the game at their own expense, since they usually own several free credits. Foreign exchange earnings increase when a player plays long matches and shows excellent results in them, and also does not allow serious damage to his equipment in the process.

It is worth noting that you need to replenish your gaming income carefully, with small income, since money that comes easily with large amounts of credits can lead you to a complete loss of inventory and knock you out of the application.

Thus, based on the above, we can confidently say that people who are not afraid of risks have an established system of monthly income. People with an analytical mind can easily increase their monthly earnings even if they are in debt to the bank.


We choose a bank. Main criterion– competitive interest rates, because the lower the interest, the greater the chance that there will be many clients.

This can be done by studying the products of several banks; you should take into account the degree of risk of non-return, which is why interest rate will vary slightly. It depends on the solvency and capacity of the borrower, his credit history. The bank will carry out the verification.

Detailed introduction to the products. Having concluded an agreement with a bank, you need to thoroughly study the products in order to competently inform the potential borrower. All conditions and tariffs can be found on the bank’s website, or you can take a package of offers in the bank itself.

Search for clients. Having notified all our friends that, believe me, it will give results after a while, we begin to look for clients in other places:

Local forums where the target audience communicates daily. It is enough to place several advertisements for those who want to get a loan on favorable terms with your contact information.

Having printed the pack, we distribute them to the mailboxes of neighboring houses. This procedure should be done daily at first, including in neighboring areas.

Telephone calls with offers to companies, email address which is unknown;

Large loans. The first clients have already arrived, perhaps one of the clients works at a company that wants to take large loan How legal entity. You can help them. Arrange a meeting with management, show up fully armed, because energy and the ability to communicate with people always lead to a positive result. Consult management about bank products, but never promise something that you yourself doubt. Leave a commercial offer and give it time to think about it; call in a few days to find out the result.

Video on the topic

Please note

Possible problems. Having left an advertisement on the forums for those who want to get a loan on favorable terms, or sent letters to potential clients, you need to understand that there is a small chance that the bank you brought will refuse to issue a loan. This problem may arise if, during a check by the bank's security service, it turns out that the potential borrower has previously been convicted, the level of his wages does not meet the requirements of the desired loan, or the client intentionally provided the bank with false information. You should try to screen out such clients in advance so as not to waste your time. To do this, it will be enough to analyze appearance client, his behavior. If he inspires confidence, take the client to the bank.

Useful advice

Over time, acquaintances begin to appear out of nowhere who intend to get married and want to take out an apartment on credit. It's not a problem, bring them to the bank. Your commissions increase more and more every month. Your circle of acquaintances is expanding, borrowers recommend you to their friends. The work is not rushed, the main thing is to get everything done in time.

Unfortunately, not all of us can live within our means. Especially when there is not enough money to live. In 2017 alone, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the demand for microloans in Russia increased by 62.4%. And where there is demand, there is supply. And where there are offers, you can make money. And it’s good if you can earn money without investment. We’ll tell you how to do this without any problems right now.

You should not think that the demand for microloans is generated by people experiencing financial difficulties. Such people make up no more than 22% of the total number. Surprisingly, 58% are the main part of users who take out microloans to purchase smartphones, household appliances and other consumer goods. The remaining 20% ​​are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The average loan amount is 9.5 thousand rubles. That is, the bulk of consumers of “loan money” are normal people who have somewhat miscalculated their financial capabilities. On the other hand, they have no refusals to issue cash loans.

Microloans- a civilized way to “borrow” money. There is no need to bother friends, there is no need to turn to semi-criminal personalities, there is no need to spoil relationships with people with all kinds of debts, requests and subsequent return of money. Microloans- it’s always convenient, fast and located near the house. The process of issuing loans is streamlined and the time to receive money does not exceed 15 minutes. Sometimes it takes longer to buy bread. Therefore, more and more people are turning to such forms of loans. The main thing is without fanaticism. The ease of issuing a loan is offset by the difficulty of repaying the debt. Once you miss the repayment deadline, interest accrues... but let’s not talk about sad things. After all, we remember that the majority of borrowers are decent people who temporarily lacked the required amount for an important purchase.

The Internet, as the most progressive form of communication in our time, has not remained aloof from these financial processes. It is in the global network that microloans have gained great popularity. And it’s clear why. There are no office hours on the Internet - everything works around the clock; there are no queues or imposition of services - the user himself chooses what he needs; Yes, you don’t need to look for a money issuing point - just enter your phone number, passport details and information about the card to which the money will be received. And within 15 minutes, the account balance will increase by the loan amount. Everything has been done to make the process of borrowing money easy and relaxed. In some online stores it is more difficult to make a purchase than to take out an urgent loan today.

Great competition that has formed in the market of microfinance organizations issuing short-term loans allows the user to choose more favorable conditions; more transparent interest rates; more reliable companies. And the process is reciprocal. It is no longer uncommon for some organizations to issue the first loan at 0% - the so-called money without interest. Of course, without interest you can get small amounts for short term. But those 58% of people who buy smartphones household appliances and other non-essential items, such proposals are very warmly received.

Of course, there is no altruism here; organizations expect that by issuing one interest-free loan, they will be able to turn a one-time client into a permanent one. And clients who take out a loan at 0% expect that this is the first and last time. In any case, at the intersection of these interests, where money is distributed without interest, quite a large demand arises. And this demand must be satisfied. And therefore it is possible to make money by satisfying great demand.

How to make money on microloans issued without interest

You can, of course, open your own microfinance organization, but this is quite difficult and requires capital expenditures. That is, it does not suit everyone. Or you can open the website - one of the largest aggregators of affiliate programs of microfinance organizations and various banks. It is in this aggregator that there are those offers where money is offered without interest.

Registration on the site is quite simple. And it’s familiar to any blogger who knows how to work with affiliate programs. Yes, in principle, to every user who managed to register, for example, on Vkontakte. After registration, in the catalog Leads You can find several companies that meet our conditions - issuing money without interest.

For example, IFC Ezaem— offers 15 thousand rubles at 0% for everyone who does this for the first time on their website. That is, for those who, thanks to the offer, become closer, for example, to the desired iPhone by fifteen thousand rubles. Or a Samsung phone. Or some other dream. Which can be managed, groomed and cherished. But 15 thousand rubles were not enough to complete it.

And thanks to this offer you can earn money. For each new application for issuance made through an affiliate link, we are paid 1680 rubles. The main thing is to register through Leads. And get an IFC Ezaem affiliate link. If you can’t do it yourself, then the aggregator has a responsive technical support. She will help you with any issue and tell you how to do it correctly.

A matter of technology: how to advertise your link

This postulate will make an advanced webmaster or blogger laugh. He knows how to advertise various affiliate links. For those who have no idea, our tips below will be useful. But without knowledge of how the Internet works, it won’t work.

On the other hand, we know examples when one inexperienced VKontakte user, who has 100 real friends, simply posted an Ezaem affiliate link on his wall with a request to look, in case someone might find the offer useful. And, as it turned out, 30 people immediately took out this loan without interest. It is easy to calculate that this user spent his 30 * 1680 = 50,400 rubles with great pleasure. And you say that making money on the Internet is difficult!

It's very easy if you follow some simple tips.

  • Social recommendations. Any blogger or owner of any group on social networks dedicated, for example, to shopping in China, can recommend a link to their subscribers. Or just friends. Or simply, in your group or blog, offer to buy a new Xiaomi smartphone on credit at 0%. Because phones from this manufacturer cost much less than 10 thousand rubles. And you don’t even have to be the owner of the group, it’s enough to have at least 1 friend in social network. Recommendations from someone you know are recommendations that always work well. Perhaps this particular friend needs an urgent loan without interest?
  • Local forums and communities. This is also a kind of recommendation. You can find a thread where people are discussing financial matters. And advise them to get a loan at 0%. You can connect to a community of joint purchases. You can join a local car enthusiasts club. Money is a subject that will always be on everyone's lips. Because, until now, no one can live without money for a long time. This is how modern society works.
  • Youtube. A separate platform of recommendations, designed with a video, where an overview and personal experience They also allow you to find those who need microloans. If you can create your own video and post it once, you can get a constant flow of registrations, and in the case of a loan, up to 1,680 rubles per person. Excellent scheme! You don’t do anything, they watch the video, and they pay for each registration.
  • Own website with visitors. The more visits, the more income. Only 100 applications will bring up to 168,000 rubles. Think about it, if there are only 100 loan applications every month, that is, 3-4 applications a day (which is not so much), then the monthly earnings will reach 168 000 rubles This, for a minute, is a fairly large monthly salary even for Moscow and the Moscow region, but here is a website and 100 applications per month. Free time can be put to good use by spending 168 thousand rubles, such a financial pun.

In general, anyone legal way distributing affiliate links - suitable. Working with MFO affiliate links means working with CPA platforms. The main thing is to know the place where profitable affiliate links are given, for example,

The User hereby gives his consent to the Limited Company “Expert Business Consulting”, OGRN 1096673009212, address: Moscow, Skolkovo territory, st. Nobelya, 7, fl. 1 room 148, workplace 1. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “Operator”) to process, store and transmit your personal data via the Internet using cryptographic protection means and confirms that he gives such consent, acting of his own free will and in his own interests.

Consent is given by the User for the following purposes: the purpose of unambiguously identifying the User as a user of the Company's products that require identification, use of the System and its functions available in the personal account, including application processing, formation and analysis of creditworthiness assessment, both in judgment format and in digitized form (scoring score), including in aggregated form (assessment based on several information and analytical sources), for timely informing the User about the services provided by the Operator, as well as including the User in the database of potential Partners Users, including for offering services to the User Partners by phone, by mail, in SMS messages or in the text of emails/messages (push notifications), receiving services from Partners related to prompt access to credit, banking, insurance and other products of Partners.

For the purposes of this Consent, personal data means any information directly or indirectly relating to the User as a subject of personal data transmitted by the User personally on a website on the Internet, in accordance with the following list: last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, gender, year, month, date and place of birth, residence address, postal address, number and series of identification document, insurance number of individual personal account, home, work, mobile phones, email address, data about the user device (including resolution, version and other attributes characterizing the user device), data characterizing audience segments, session parameters, data about the time of visiting the Site, user ID stored in cookies, Cookie- files, IP address, data about confidant, as well as other information that is necessary in specified purposes. This User Consent is provided for the implementation of any legal actions in relation to the User’s personal data that is necessary or desired to achieve the above purposes, including, without limitation: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer to third parties), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, processing of personal data for the purposes of statistical recording and scientific analysis, as well as carrying out any other actions with the User’s personal data within the framework of current legislation Russian Federation.

The processing of personal data is carried out using the following main methods (but not limited to them): receiving, storing, combining, transferring, as well as processing using various means of communication (Internet) or any other processing of the User’s personal data in accordance with the above purposes and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The User hereby agrees and allows (including third parties) to combine personal data into information system personal data and process personal data using automation tools or without the use of automation tools, as well as using other software tools, as well as process his personal data to promote goods, works, services on the market, to inform about ongoing promotions and discounts provided.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that if it is necessary to provide personal data to achieve the above goals to third parties, as well as when attracting third parties to provide services for the above purposes, the Company has the right to disclose, to the required extent, information about the User personally to perform the above actions (including the User’s personal data) to such third parties, their employees and other persons authorized by them, as well as provide such persons with relevant documents containing such information.

At the same time, the Company guarantees the security of transferred personal data. The User is warned that the Operator has the right to transfer his personal data for the above purposes to third parties only if they comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing.

This Consent to the processing of personal data is unlimited, is valid from the moment it is received by the Operator through the User’s registration on the website, by checking the box, and can be revoked by sending a written application to the Operator at the email address: support@site or by postal address : 620041, Ekaterinburg, st. Krasina, 7, PO Box 160.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that the User is independently and fully responsible for the personal data provided by him, including its completeness, reliability, unambiguity and relevance directly to the User.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that he has full legal capacity to express given consent and expresses his consent.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that the rights and obligations in accordance with Federal law“About personal data”, incl. I am familiar with the procedure for revoking consent to the processing of personal data.

The User must keep secret the password for his personal account on the Operator’s website at: , and also ensure the security of access to email, to which it will be registered personal account. If for some reason the User is not confident in the safety of his password, the User must immediately contact the administrator of the Operator’s website in order to change it. Otherwise, responsibility for the leak of the User’s personal information will rest solely with the User. For its part, the administrator of the Operator’s website guarantees the security of User data.

Identification of the User is a procedure for unambiguously identifying the User based on the personal data provided by him and is carried out upon the voluntary application of the User.

If personal data changes after registration on the site, the User is required to send an application to e-mail support@site