External processing 1s 8.3 help for inventory. Inventory in the 1C: Retail configuration

  • 26.04.2020

Inventory is mandatory to ensure the reliability of the accounting of any enterprise. This is also true when maintaining automated accounting using the 1C program. What are the features of inventory in 1C?

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The use of the 1C program for organizing the accounting of property assets significantly simplifies the accounting processes in general. To obtain the final data there is no need to carry out special calculations.

The program automatically takes into account all entered data. Therefore, you can receive accounting results at any time.

But even the most strict accounting does not exclude discrepancies between accounting and actual data. Inventory helps check compliance. How is inventory carried out in 1C?

What you need to know

An inventory of property is periodically carried out by any organization. Its procedure and timing are regulated by legislative norms and internal regulations of the enterprise.

The law requires an inventory of property before preparing the annual financial statements. A check is also necessary when replacing the responsible employee.

In general, the frequency of inventories is not limited in any way. Except mandatory checks The management of the organization has the right to order an inspection at any time.

A variety of reasons could be the basis:

  • the need to check the person in charge for suitability for the position held;
  • verification of conditions for storing valuables;
  • suspicion of theft;
  • identifying errors in accounting;
  • formation of surpluses, etc.

Absolutely any property shown in accounting can be inventoried. When using the 1C program for accounting purposes, all property assets are recorded upon receipt and disposal.

System calculation ensures that the final accounting indicators are known at any time. This greatly simplifies the inventory process.

It is enough to enter data on the actual availability of property into the program and the system itself will calculate the actual values ​​of shortages and surpluses.

Basic Concepts

Inventory refers to the processes of reconciling accounting and real indicators regarding property or other valuables. Simply put, it is checking whether the actual amount is what it should be.

Initially, inventory was carried out entirely manually. That is, first the total was compiled according to accounting documents. The number of objects to be checked was then manually counted.

The computerized accounting system in accounting is special program, which independently carries out all the necessary accounting calculations and generates final data.

The accountant is only required to timely enter the initial data. One of the most popular accounting programs is the 1C software and hardware complex.

When using it, inventory can be carried out fully automatically.

Automation of inventory using 1C implies that the system will independently calculate the results of the check, compare accounting and actual data and give the final result.

What are the advantages

The 1C configuration provides effective support for inventory checks of property assets owned by the organization.

The information base contains data on balances for all groups of goods determined when accounting for receipts and disposals.

Using the program, there is no need to prepare inventory document forms. All necessary forms are present in the system and are generated automatically if necessary.

There are two options for inventory using the 1C program. In the first case, objects are counted manually. Then the calculated values ​​are entered into the program.

Another option involves the use of special data collection terminals and the presence of a barcode label on each inventory item. In this case, all information is transferred to the program automatically.

In both cases, all calculations will be made by the program. After which all required document forms will be created and the inventory total will be displayed.

  • simplified calculation method;
  • eliminating errors in calculations;
  • minimizing the time spent on inventory;
  • minimizing the human factor.

Regulatory regulation

The inventory order is determined Methodical instructions regarding the inventory of property. These have been approved.

The general provisions of the Directions speak of the need to conduct scheduled inventories and the possibility of carrying out unscheduled ones.

An essential requirement is documentation any inventory check.

At the same time, the standard does not contain a direct indication of exactly how the check should be carried out - manually or using automated systems. Are determined only general provisions related to the reliability of accounting.

Since the accounting program allows you to create all necessary documents and accounting reliability is ensured to the maximum, then there are no legislative obstacles to inventory automation.

Inventory automation in 1C

How to make an inventory in 1C? The general scheme for conducting an inventory in the 1C program is as follows:

Absolutely any organization can use 1C for property accounting. And this allows you to automate inventory processes for any volume of valuables.

Moreover, it is possible to automate inventory in various departments of the enterprise, even at a significant distance from the head office.

To be able to automate inventory, you must have:

  • directly herself installed program 1C;
  • data collection terminal for reading barcode information;
  • a special printer for printing labels with barcodes;
  • programmable link module.

The first automated inventory is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Barcodes are generated and labels are printed.
  2. A register with inventory numbers is compiled.
  3. Property objects are marked with labels.
  4. When checking, the labels are scanned.
  5. Using a scanner, data is transferred to the program.
  6. A matching statement is created showing accounting and actual balances.

During the next checks, you just need to scan the labels and upload the data to 1C. The automatically generated one will show the results.

In exactly the same way, inventory can be carried out in remote departments.

Information about the barcodes read is transmitted to the head office, where the calculations are carried out. At the same time, department employees will not be able to change the results of the inspection in any way.

The procedure for carrying out the procedure in the program

The procedure for conducting inventory in 1C can be considered using the example of using 1C 8 “Trade Management” programs for warehouse inventory.

The first step is to draw up the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses”. To do this, go to Documents → Inventory warehouse → Inventory of goods in warehouses.

In the document journal, you need to select the button called “Add”. The new document window is filled with the name of the organization and the inventory warehouse. This document contains the conditions for conducting the inspection.

If it is necessary to compare real warehouse balances and database data for a specific item, select the “Nomenclature” checkbox. In the line itself, the type of item of interest is selected.

After filling out the document, the accounting balance of the selected item will be displayed. By analogy, checking the “Item group” checkbox will reveal the remaining goods in the warehouse regarding the selected group.

The “Take into account series” checkbox adds a column to the tabular part that displays the series number, if any.

If you do not check any boxes, then after clicking the “Fill/Fill by warehouse balances” button, the warehouse balances according to accounting will be displayed in the table.

When the document is completed, its tabular section will display all the item items listed in accordance with the accounting records at the selected warehouse.

The “Accounting Quantity” column is automatically filled in with accounting data. The data in the “Quantity” column is duplicated, since by default the database and warehouse data are identical.

After entering real data in the “Quantity” column, the document must be saved. After this, using the “Print” button, printed forms are generated. In particular, “Goods Inventory Act” and “Inventory List”.

Registration of write-off as a result

If the final quantity of goods in fact differs from the accounting value to a lesser extent, a shortage occurs. Based on the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses”, the document “Write-off of goods” is created.

It will display those item items for which the actual balance is less than the accounting value. When creating a document, the names of the organization, warehouse and document are automatically entered.

The “Products” tab displays unprofitable positions. Next, in the “Accounts” tab, enter the details “Write-off account” - 947, “Cost items” - Losses and shortages, “ Tax purpose costs" - Household. activity.

Posting this document will automatically deregister the product from the program database. To generate a printed form of the “Write-off of goods” document, use the “Print” button.

By analogy, the document “Receipt of goods” is used when identifying surplus property. In the “Accounts of Accounts”, the “Income Account” is filled in - 719. After write-off and capitalization, the inventory in 1C is considered complete.

If retail for goods

When an organization sells goods at retail, maintaining quantitative accounting finds it difficult. And only inventory allows you to determine the composition goods sold.

Automation of inventory in the presence of retail goods is convenient when using the 1C 7.7 program. During the verification process, the document “Inventory of goods and materials” of the type of goods and materials “Inventory in retail” is used.

The “Fill” button enters into the document the balances of inventory items in the selected retail warehouse, the quantity of which is determined according to accounting data. The selling price is determined by the value specified in “Storage Locations”.

In the “Inventory” tab under tabular part the proceeds taken from the “Undistributed retail revenue” account are displayed.

The completed document contains the actual balances of goods based on the results of the inspection. Inventory of goods sold at retail assumes that the identified deviation shows the number of goods and materials sold.

To identify surpluses or shortages, the amount of goods sold is compared with the amount of retail revenue.

Inventory automation using 1C ensures that possible errors are reduced to an absolute minimum.

In addition, using 1C, you can inventory not only all property as a whole or individual warehouses, but also individual groups of goods.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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Inventory - checking the availability of the organization’s property (or the condition of its financial obligations) by comparing data accounting and factual data.

The procedure and timing of the inventory are determined by the head of the organization.

IN mandatory inventory is carried out in the following cases:

Before preparing annual financial statements;
in case of sale of property;
during reorganization or liquidation of the organization;
change of financially responsible person;
after natural disasters;
when revealing facts of theft or damage to property.

Inventory objects can be:

Fixed assets of the organization;
goods in the retail chain;
cash cash;
securities And monetary documents.

Carrying out an inventory of materials in 1C Accounting Enterprise 8

For the purpose of inventorying inventories in warehouses, 1C Enterprise Accounting 8 provides the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses.”

You can find it in the “Nomenclature and Warehouse” section, subsection “Inventory”, link “Inventory of goods in the warehouse”.

We create new document. The date of the document sets the date of the inventory.

Depending on the order of the inventory, you can fill out the document in different ways. If we simply carry out an inventory of the warehouse, then in the “Warehouse” attribute we select the warehouse.

If the inventory is carried out in connection with a change in the materially responsible person, then the “Warehouse” detail can be omitted (if this person is financially responsible in several warehouses, for example), but only the “Responsible person” detail can be filled in.

When you click the “Fill” button, a submenu will open, from which we select “Fill according to stock balances”. After this, the tabular part will be filled with balances according to accounting data.

After this, go to the “Additional” tab and fill in all the details so that the order number, the reason for the inventory and the members of the commission are printed in the printed form of the inventory list.

We process the document and print all the necessary forms from it: this is the inventory list INV-3, the order to carry out the inventory INV-22, the matching sheet INV-9.

After the inventory, we enter deviations into our document.

By default, the “Quantity” column (in which the actual quantity is supposed to be entered based on inventory results) is equal to the “Accounting quantity” column. If deviations are detected, we adjust the actual quantity. In this case, positive or negative amounts appear in the “Deviation” column.

If, as a result of the inventory, inventory items are found, information about which is not in the database, then enter them in a new line in the tabular part of the document (if necessary, entering at the same time new product in the directory “Nomenclature”), fill in the columns “Quantity”, “Price”, “Account”. If there are products in the directory, then it will be easier to use the “Selection” button - this will open the item selection form.

We carry out the document. The document “Inventory of goods in warehouse” itself does not generate postings; it is intended for the convenience of entering information when conducting an inventory and can be the basis for documents on writing off shortages or capitalizing surpluses.

Thus, in the 1C Enterprise Accounting program, edition 8, data is entered inventory of goods and materials in stock.

Carrying out an inventory is a comparison of the actual availability of material assets in warehouses with the data reflected in the documents. Cases when inventory is mandatory are provided for by accounting standards. The time frame within which the reconciliation must take place, as well as the procedure for its implementation, is determined by the head of the organization.

All enterprises that record information about their activities by recording business transactions in accounting accounts must conduct an inventory of goods at least once a year.

Inventory registration

Software product 1C “Enterprise Accounting” version 3.0 allows the user to draw up 4 documents necessary to carry out the inventory procedure:

  • Inventory list - form INV-3;
  • Inventory of goods in a warehouse - a free-form inventory;
  • Order to conduct an inventory - form INV-22;
  • Matching statement – ​​form INV-9.

In order to make an inventory in 1C, you need to go to the “Warehouse” menu section. In the list that opens, select “Product Inventory”.

In this journal, it is possible to create a new document by clicking the “Create” button.

In the field that opens, you need to specify the main parameters:

  • Number;
  • Time and date;
  • Details “responsible person”.

Moreover, the program will fill in the time, date and number automatically; you can change these parameters if the program data differs from the accounting data, for example, accounting is kept in separate programs for each department, and the numbers are entered in general procedure for the entire organization. The full name of the person responsible must be selected from the employee directory opened by the program.

You can fill in accounting information about warehouse balances for all product items automatically using the “Fill” button. It has a submenu with the option to fill out the default document and adjust the already created one. The program fills out the document for all material reserves, if their number is large, then you can create several inventories by different groups goods through the “Selection” button.

Important: information is transferred as of the date on which the document was compiled, and not as of the current moment.

After transferring to the inventory list all the balances of goods in the warehouse according to accounting, a comparison is made with the actual balance. A document is a table where you can adjust the actual quantity, and the program itself will calculate the difference and display the deviation in a separate column.

In order for the order on the INV-22 form to contain all the necessary information, you will have to fill out the fields on the “Inventory taking” tab. Here are the following:

  • Period;
  • Basis document;
  • Number and date of the basis document;
  • Reason for taking inventory.

On the “Inventory Commission” tab, its composition is indicated. It is possible to select members from the directory of company employees. Any of them can be marked with a tick, which determines the chairman.

The “Print” button opens a list of documents that can be printed.

The Post and Close button does not create any accounting entries, so they must be created using the Create Based on button.

Important: If necessary, fill out additional documents based on the results of inventories made in 1C, for example, a statement in the INV-26 form.

Capitalization of inventory items

If surpluses are found among the goods that needed to be inventoried, then according to accounting standards they are received. In the 1C Enterprise program, for these purposes there is a document that is entered on the basis of the inventory of goods with a positive deviation, the available actual balances from accounting data.

You can create a document by clicking the “Enter based on” button and selecting “Receipt of goods” from the list.

You need to start filling out the document by entering the number, date and selecting the income item. As a general practice, surpluses are classified as other income.

The created document is filled out in two ways:

  • In manual mode via the “Add” button;
  • Automatically by clicking the “Fill” or “Fill according to inventory” buttons.

Automatic transfer fills all columns of the table. When making manual adjustments, setting the price type (purchase price, sales price, average discount price, etc.) will help get the job done.

A printed form of the document is displayed when you click the “Invoice for receipt of goods” button. The tabular part of the invoice can be changed in the document forms directory using the administrator.

To check the correctness business transaction The “Dt/Kt” button is used, with which a new tab is displayed with transactions for this operation.

Important: Tax is imposed on all identified surpluses of inventory items, so do not forget to take into account the positive result of the inventory as part of your income when filling out your income tax report.

Write-off of materials

If a shortage is identified during the inventory, the negative difference will have to be written off. Tax accounting does not always allow you to include identified deviations in expenses. Material deficiencies can be written off as costs only within the norms natural loss. In other cases, you need to find guilty person and write off the loss of inventory items to his account or attribute the shortage to financial result.

To reflect the fact of a shortage, a write-off document is created, which is filled out from the material inventory document in 1C in the same way as capitalization. Required: click the “Create based on” button and select “Write-off of goods” from the list.

The write-off document is filled in automatically from items for which there was a negative deviation in the quantity of actual goods through automatic completion. You can manually fill out a document using the “Add” button when filling out one item or the “Selection” button if the filling is on a large scale.

You can correct the entered data using the “Change” button, which displays a window with positions open for manual correction of the document. Changed data is transferred using the “Transfer to Document” button.

The “Print” button prints two forms from the list:

  • Unified form of decommissioning act TORG-16;
  • Free form register of invoice for write-off.

When posting a document, the program generates transactions that write off all missing goods. The generated records can be viewed through the “Dt/Kt” button.

The document transfers the shortage to the debit of account 94. At the end of the inventory process, you need to create an order about the reasons for the shortage, and based on this order, write off the negative deviation to:

  • 20 count in case of a negative result in the amounts established by the standards;
  • 73 count, if there are guilty persons;
  • 91 invoices in the presence of reasons that the company cannot influence;
  • 99 in other cases.

Important: Shortages for goods with a quantity in pieces or for goods reflected in the accounting accounts in packaged form should not be included as expenses.

How to properly make an inventory in 1C?

  • Before conducting an inventory in 1C, it is necessary to check in the logs that all entries are entered correctly. primary documents according to the movement of goods and materials. These include all types of invoices: for receipt, for write-off, for return.
  • Generate balance sheets for accounting accounts in order to determine the amount of goods remaining in the warehouse, in general, for the enterprise. The result of the inventory completed automatically, according to accounting data, must match the amount received. If there is a deviation, then some item items were not included in the inventory document and everything should be checked to find goods that are not in the inventory sheet.
  • It is better to carry out inventory in 1C separately for each warehouse and for each materially responsible person, since in this case, if there are deviations, it will be easier to identify their cause.
  • Offsetting surpluses when goods are re-graded is possible in rare cases. The adjustment is carried out subject to the identification of shortages and surpluses for the same period, for the same responsible person and for similar goods in equal quantities.

The Accounting Law prescribes mandatory inventory for inventory items. Inventory of goods and materials is carried out according to a plan approved by the manager. In addition, the reason for conducting an unscheduled inventory may be a change in the materially responsible person (MRP). A shortage of inventory items or, in some situations, surpluses can be discovered during an inventory count.

Any discrepancies found between accounting data and the actual quantity of inventory items should be registered in accounting (hereinafter referred to as accounting) and tax accounting (hereinafter referred to as TA) during the period when discrepancies are identified.

The 1C Accounting 8.3 program allows you to draw up documents for conducting an inventory of goods and materials, write off identified shortages, and capitalize identified surpluses.

How to conduct an inventory in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Creating a Goods Inventory document

The document Inventory of goods in 1C 8.3 is universal document. It is used when conducting inventory of the following types of inventory items:

  • Goods (account 41);
  • Materials (count 10);
  • Finished products (account 43);
  • Non-current assets (account 08).

Using the Goods Inventory document, you can document inventory results for all types of warehouses:

  • Wholesale;
  • Retail (automated point of sale);
  • Manual point of sale.

The Goods Inventory document is created through the section Warehouse – Inventory – Inventory of goods:

Press the button Create:

Fill in the title of the document:

  • In the field Number
  • In the field From
  • In the field Organization– name of the organization;
  • In the field Warehouse– a warehouse for which inventory is carried out. Installed from the Warehouses directory. If the field is left empty, then the document will display material assets across all warehouses;
  • In the field Responsible person– responsible person, indicated from the directory Individuals. If this field is left empty, then the document will display material assets for all responsible persons:

Step 2. Filling out the table in the Inventory of goods document

The document table Inventory of goods contains three tabs: Goods, Carrying out inventory, Inventory commission.

Fill out the Inventory Commission tab

On the bookmark Inventory commission, using the button Add, We select members of the commission from the directory Individuals. The flag indicates the employee who will be appointed as the chairman of the inventory commission:

Fill out the Inventory bookmark

  • field Period– timing of inventory;
  • field Document– details of the document providing the basis for the inventory;
  • field Cause– reason for taking inventory:

After filling out the bookmarks Carrying out inventory and Inventory Commission, using the button Seal, You can create a printed form of the Order to conduct an inventory (form No. INV-22):

Fill out the Products tab

Bookmark Goods filled in 1C 8.3 automatically when clicked Fill – Fill according to stock balances:

  • 1C 8.3 analyzes the balances of inventory items at the time of inventory for the specified Warehouse and distribution center and displays the name of inventory items (Nomenclature column), accounting quantity and accounting amount (according to accounting data) in the tabular section;
  • In the columns Quantity actual and Amount actual. accounting information is duplicated. These data may be changed during inventory. The difference between the actual and accounting quantities of inventory items will be indicated in the Deviation column;
  • If an object is detected that is not reflected in accounting, it is entered into the tabular section using the button Add:

The Goods Inventory document does not create movements in accounting registers. The document can be recorded and processed using the button of the same name:

Step 3. View printed forms of the document Inventory list of goods and Matching sheet

The results of the inventory in 1C 8.3 are reflected in the document Inventory list of goods. From the document Inventory of goods, print out the standard form Inventory list of goods (form No. INV-3). To open the required printable form, press the button Seal and select Inventory list of goods (INV-3):

An example of filling out page 2 of the Inventory List of Goods (INV-3) report:

If, based on the results of the inventory, discrepancies were found between accounting and actual data, then in 1C 8.3 you can make a matching statement in the INV-19 form.

Press the button Seal, select the Matching Statement (INV-19):

Sample of comparison sheet No. INV-19 for inventory inventory results:

Surplus inventory items during inventory in 1C 8.3

Capitalization of surplus inventory items discovered as a result of inventory:

  • In accounting, surplus inventory items are taken into account at the current market value. Posting Dt accounting account – Kt account 91.1 as other income;
  • In NU, surplus inventory items found during inventory are taken into account as non-operating income by virtue of clause 20 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 1. Creating the Goods Receipt document and filling it out

To capitalize surplus inventory items discovered as a result of inventory, use the button Create based on – further Posting of goods:

Filling out the title of the Goods Receipt document:

  • In the field Number– document number automatically generated by 1C 8.3;
  • In the field From– date, month, year of the document;
  • In the field Organization– filled in automatically from the Goods Inventory document;
  • In the field Warehouse– warehouse where detected inventory items will be taken into account;
  • In the field Income item– item of other income and expenses; income in accounting and accounting records will be included in it:

The tabular form of the Goods Receipt document is filled in automatically from the Goods Inventory document. All inventory items for which surpluses have been identified are transferred to a tabular form:

Step 2. Posting the document Receipt of goods

By button Carry out

Step 3. Printing the Goods Receipt document

Print the invoice by clicking on the button Invoice for goods receipt:

Lack of inventory items during inventory in 1C 8.3

During the inventory, a shortage of inventory items may be identified. In this case, in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 it is necessary to enter an operation to write off inventory items.

Step 1. Creating a document Write-off of goods and filling it out

To document shortages during inventory in 1C 8.3, a document is created . This document generated from the document Inventory of goods by clicking the button Create based on:

Filling out the document Write-off of goods:

  • In the field Number– document number automatically generated in the 1C 8.3 database;
  • In the field From– date, month, year of the document;
  • In the field Organization– filled out automatically from the Goods Inventory document;
  • In the field Warehouse– warehouse where inventory items were taken into account.

The tabular form of the document is filled in automatically from the Goods Inventory document. All inventory items for which a shortage has been identified are transferred to a tabular form:

Step 2. Posting the document Write-off of goods

By button Carry out The following transactions will be created:

Any company's products must be periodically inventoried. Let's look at the design of the inventory process in the 1C: Trade Management program, ed. 10.3".

Inventory document

To carry out an inventory there is special document- “Inventory of goods in the warehouse.” Using this document, you can reflect in the program the fact of an inventory, indicate the current balances of goods and see the discrepancies between actual and accounting balances. This document is widely used in the practice of specialists involved in trade automation when transferring data between different 1C databases.

Menu: Documents – Inventories (warehouse) – Inventory of goods

Let's create a new inventory document. First of all, the document indicates the warehouse where the inventory is carried out and the organization that owns the goods:

Inventory of goods can be carried out immediately for all product items. If the number of goods is very large and it is difficult to take inventory of them at one time, you can create several inventory documents. In this case, each document can be made for a specific group of goods.

Our inventory will only include items from the group " Household appliances" To do this, set the comparison type for the “Nomenclature” field to “In group”, and in the adjacent field select the group we need:

Next, you need to list the required product items in the “Products” table and indicate their actual quantity in the warehouse. In order not to fill out the table manually, we will use auto-fill using the button: “Fill – Fill according to stock balances”:

The program will fill the table with goods that are in stock according to its data:

In the “Accounting” column. quantity" indicates the balance of goods in the warehouse according to the program data, and in the column "Quantity" you must fill in the actual balance of goods in the warehouse. In the “Deviation” column, the program will calculate the deviations of the actual balance from the accounting balance:

A positive deviation indicates a surplus of goods, and a negative deviation indicates a shortage.

A fully completed document must be saved in the database using the “Save” button. The document has several printed forms, including an inventory list (INV-3). You can print the document by clicking the “Print” button and selecting the required form:

The document “Inventory of goods” records in the database information about the actual balances of goods, but it does not adjust the balances of goods. In order for the accounting and actual balances of goods to coincide, it is necessary, based on the inventory, to write off the missing goods and capitalize the surplus.

Write-off of goods based on inventory data

Write-off of goods is done using a document of the same name.

Menu: Documents – Inventories (warehouse) – Write-off of goods

It is more convenient to draw up a document based on the inventory of goods, then the program will immediately fill it with the missing goods:

It is necessary to post the document using the “OK” button; all missing goods will be written off from the warehouse at the time of posting.

Capitalization of goods based on inventory data

The posting of goods is also carried out on the basis of inventory using the document “Posting of Goods”. The program transfers to the document all goods for which surpluses were detected:

The price of the product (cost of capitalization) was also filled in automatically - the program substituted the average cost of this product in the warehouse. If there is no data on the cost of goods in the database, then the “Price” column will need to be filled in manually.

The completed document must be submitted by clicking the “OK” button; at the time of posting, excess goods are credited to the warehouse.

Registration of re-grading of goods

If you keep records in the database of additional characteristics of goods (colors, sizes, etc.) and find mis-grading, then you can register it without conducting an inventory. To do this, use the document “Adjustment of series and characteristics of goods”.

Menu: Documents – Inventories (warehouse) – Adjustments of series and characteristics of goods

Suppose we find a shortage of one white T-shirt in size M, while there is one extra black T-shirt of the same size.

Let's create a new adjustment document, fill in the warehouse and organization in it:

Let's add a new row to the table, indicate the item in it - T-shirt, quantity - 1 piece. In the “Item characteristics (old)” field, select the characteristic “M, White”, and in the “ New characteristic nomenclature” we indicate “M, Black”:

At the time of posting the document, clicking the “OK” button, the program will write off one white T-shirt from the warehouse and credit the black one.