Structure of economic informatics. Economic informatics

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Basic concepts of economic informatics


  • 4. Information technology
  • Conclusion

1. Basic concepts of economic informatics

Object, subject, methods and tasks of economic informatics

The intensive introduction of information technologies into economics has led to the emergence of one of the directions in computer science - economic informatics, which is an integrated applied discipline based on interdisciplinary connections between computer science, economics and mathematics.

The theoretical basis for the study of economic informatics is computer science. The word “informatics” (informatique) comes from the merger of two French words: information (information) and automatique (automation), introduced in France to define the field of activity involved in automated information processing.

There are many definitions of computer science. Computer science is the science of information, methods of collecting, storing, processing and presenting it using computer technology. Computer science is an applied discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, etc. Computer science consists of three interrelated components: computer science as a fundamental science, as an applied discipline and as a branch of production.

The main objects of computer science are:



information systems.

General theoretical foundations of computer science:


number systems;



Structure of modern computer science:

1. Theoretical computer science.

2. Computer technology.

3. Programming.

4. Information systems.

5. Artificial intelligence.

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

The object of economic informatics is information systems that provide solutions to business and organizational problems arising in economic systems ( economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

An information system is a set of software and hardware, methods and people that provide collection, storage, processing and delivery of information to ensure preparation and decision-making. The main components of information systems used in economics include: hardware and software, business applications and information systems management. The purpose of information systems is to create a modern information infrastructure for company management.

The subject of economic informatics is technology, methods of automating information processes using economic data.

The task of economic informatics is to study the theoretical foundations of computer science and acquire skills in using applied systems for processing economic data and programming systems for personal computers and computer networks.

2. Data, information and knowledge

Basic concepts of data, information, knowledge

The basic concepts used in economic informatics include: data, information and knowledge. These concepts are often used interchangeably, but there are fundamental differences between these concepts.

The term data comes from the word data - fact, and information (informatio) means explanation, presentation, i.e. information or message.

Data is a collection of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transformation and processing of data allows you to obtain information.

Information is the result of data transformation and analysis. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that is stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing when solving specific problems. For example, various data are stored in databases, and upon a certain request, the database management system provides the required information.

There are other definitions of information, for example, information is information about objects and phenomena environment, their parameters, properties and condition, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge about them.

Knowledge is processed information recorded and verified by practice, which has been used and can be reused for decision making.

economic informatics software information

Knowledge is a type of information that is stored in a knowledge base and reflects the knowledge of a specialist in a specific subject area. Knowledge is intellectual capital.

Formal knowledge can be in the form of documents (standards, regulations) regulating decision-making or textbooks, instructions describing how to solve problems. Informal knowledge is the knowledge and experience of specialists in a certain subject area.

It should be noted that there are no universal definitions of these concepts (data, information, knowledge), they are interpreted differently. Decisions are made based on the information received and existing knowledge.

Decision making is the selection of the best, in some sense, solution option from a set of acceptable ones based on available information.

To solve the problem, fixed data is processed on the basis of existing knowledge, then the information received is analyzed using existing knowledge. Based on the analysis, all feasible solutions are proposed, and as a result of the choice, one decision that is best in some sense is made. The results of the solution add to knowledge.

Depending on the scope of use, information can be different: scientific, technical, management, economic, etc. For economic informatics, economic information is of interest.

3. Economic information and information technology

Economic information is a transformed and processed set of information reflecting the state and progress of economic processes. Economic information circulates in the economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the types of management information.

Economic information can be:

manager (in the form of direct orders, planned tasks, etc.);

informing (in reporting indicators, performs a feedback function in the economic system).

Information can be considered as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Information resources are a set of accumulated information recorded on tangible media in any form that ensures its transmission in time and space to solve scientific, production, management and other problems.

4. Information technology

Collection, storage, processing, transmission of information in numerical form is carried out using information technology. The peculiarity of information technologies is that in them both the subject and product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are computers and communications. The main goal of information technology is the production of information necessary for the user as a result of targeted actions for its processing.

It is known that information technology is a set of methods, production and software-technological tools combined into a technological chain that ensures the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information.

From the point of view of information technology, information requires material carrier as a source of information, transmitter, communication channel, receiver and recipient of information.

A message from a source to a recipient is transmitted through communication channels or through a medium.

Information is a form of communication between managed and control objects in any control system. According to general theory management, the management process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - the controlling and the controlled.

The enterprise management system operates on the basis of information about the state of the object, its inputs (material, labor, financial resources) and outputs ( finished products, economic and financial results) in accordance with the goal (to ensure the production of the necessary products).

Management is carried out by submitting management influence (production plan) taking into account feedback - the current state of the managed system (production) and the external environment - the market, higher management bodies.

The purpose of the control system is to form such influences on the controlled system that would induce the latter to accept the state determined by the control goal.

In relation to an industrial enterprise, with some degree of convention, we can assume that the goal of management is to fulfill production program within the framework of technical and economic restrictions; control actions are work plans for the department, feedback data on the progress of production: release and movement of the product, condition of the equipment, stocks in the warehouse, etc.

Obviously, plans and feedback content are nothing more than information. Therefore, the processes of forming control actions are precisely the processes of transforming economic information. The implementation of these processes constitutes the main content of management services, including economic ones. The following requirements are imposed on economic information: accuracy, reliability, efficiency.

The accuracy of the information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and resulting information, at which the efficiency of the system’s functioning is maintained. Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in changing conditions.

Computer Science and Information Systems

The word "system" comes from the Greek systema, which means a whole made up of parts or many elements. A system is a collection of interconnected elements that function to achieve a specific goal.

Main characteristics of systems: purpose, inputs, outputs, feedback and external environment. The systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in their main goals. Systems include computer hardware and software, telecommunications, life support systems, education systems, etc.

TO economic systems include: industrial enterprises, trade organizations, commercial banks, government agencies etc.

So, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system. Thus, the main purpose of the information system is to create a modern infrastructure for managing an enterprise, organization, or institution.

The variety of problems solved with the help of information systems has led to the emergence of many different types of systems, differing in the principles of construction and the rules for processing information embedded in them. Information systems can be classified according to a number of different characteristics.

Classification of information systems based on the structure of tasks.

There are three types of tasks for which information systems are created:

structured (formalized);

unstructured (unformalizable);

partially structured.

A structured (formalized) task is a task where all its elements and the relationships between them are known.

An unstructured (non-formalizable) task is a task in which it is impossible to identify elements and establish connections between them.

Information systems for semi-structured tasks. Information systems used to solve semi-structured problems are divided into two types: those that create management reports and those that are primarily focused on data processing; developing possible solution alternatives.

Classification of the information systems market by system scale:

Local systems (1C, BEST, Info - Accountant, etc.)

Small integrated systems (Skala, Parus, Galaktika and others)

Medium integrated systems (MFG-PRO and others)

Large integrated systems (SAP/R3 others)

Classification of systems, which is based on the classification of business problems.

Principles of classification of management information systems:

1. Level of strategic management (3 - 5 years)

2. Level of medium-term management (1 - 1.5 years)

3. Level of operational management (month - quarter - half year)

4. Level of operational management (day - week)

5. Real-time control layer

There are other types of classification of information systems. Special programs have been developed abroad

Standards for enterprise management information systems: MRP, MRP-II, ERP, ERPII systems.

MRP is a demand planning system for material resources(provides the required amount of remaining materials in the warehouse).

RP-II - designed for planning production resources, i.e. resources used to produce products.

ERP - designed for planning and managing material, production and human resources. SAP R/3 is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for enterprise resource management or SAP ER. ERP II - designed for managing resources and external relations of enterprises.

Information systems used to plan and manage various resources are called integrated management systems or enterprise information systems.

The main components of information systems used in economics include: hardware and software, business applications and information systems management.

1. Hardware and software of information systems:

technical means of information processing (computers and peripheral devices);

system and service software (operating systems and utilities)

Office application software (MS Office);

computer networks (communications equipment, network software and network applications);

databases and data banks.

2. Business applications (application programs):

local information systems (1C: Accounting, Infin, Parus, etc.);

small information systems (1C: Enterprise, Parus, Galaktika, etc.);

medium information systems (PEOPLE SOFT, BAAN, SCALA, etc.);

integrated management systems (ERP).

3. Information systems management is intended to manage and support enterprise information processes (personnel management, development, quality, safety, operational management, etc.)

Thus, information systems that are considered in economic informatics consist of three main components:

information technology (computer hardware and software, telecommunications, data);

functional subsystems (production, accounting and finance, sales, marketing, personnel) and business applications (application programs for solving business problems);

information systems management (personnel, users, IS development, finance)

Currently, the most appropriate way to build an economic information system is to use ready-made solutions, which are implemented in the form of ready-made application programs.


Computer science plays an important role in modern economic science, which has led to the identification of a separate direction in the development of science - economic computer science. This new direction combines economics, mathematics and computer science, and helps economists solve problems of optimizing the activities of enterprises, make strategically important decisions on industrial development and manage the production process.

The developed software base is based on mathematical models of economic processes and provides a flexible and reliable prediction mechanism economic effect management decisions. With the help of computers, analytical problems that cannot be solved by humans can be quickly solved. Recently, the computer has become an integral part of the workplace of managers and economists.

List of used literature

1. Information systems in economics. Karminsky A.M., Chernikov B.V. Moscow: Finance and Statistics 2006. 320 p.

2. Economic informatics: Textbook for universities. Konyukhovsky P.V. St. Petersburg: Peter 2001. 560 p.

3. Economic informatics. Kosareva V.P., Eremina L.V. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2002, 592 p.

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Lugachev M.I.

Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics, ТП@ econ. gshi. w

Economic Informatics at the University

education in Russia


Computer science, economic computer science, applied computer science, business computer science, IT education.


The article is devoted to describing the evolution of the discipline “Economic Informatics” at Russian universities. The main sources of the development of economic informatics are discussed: the creation of computers, the development of computational mathematics and mathematical economics. The fundamental integrating role of academicians L.V. Kantorovich and A.N. Tikhonov in creating the fundamental foundations of IT education in Russia is shown. The ambiguity of the consequences of the transition of domestic computer technology to a single series of computers "Ryad", created on the basis of the IBM-360, from the point of view of economic and technical results the transformation carried out. Particular attention is paid to the training of IT specialists within the framework of the standards “Applied Informatics”, “Business Informatics” and the insufficiency of this training is shown for solving modern problems of the economics of information systems, which is the subject of economic informatics. It is the classical university IT training of economists that underlies the logic of presentation of the material in this article.

We will try to present a picture of the development of economic computer science in Russia, considering the dynamics of university structures that provide extensive training for specialists in the field of computer science in general. Economic informatics was created closely by two related thread knowledge formed in the depths of mathematics and economics. Computers that appeared in response to the needs of science and defense departments obviously had enormous potential for their use in traditional (non-military) branches of science and national economy. To realize this potential, a new type of specialist was needed, capable of effectively using and developing emerging computing capabilities. Prepare these

Only new institutes and faculties were capable of specialists, the curricula of which would combine the competencies of mathematicians, physicists, economists, and specialists in the field of programming - which formed the fundamental basis for the development of information technology. Looking ahead, it can be noted that such institutes and faculties have been created and are successfully solving the assigned tasks of training specialists in the field of IT and IS. The only point here is that economists have not yet proven themselves sufficiently in this activity.

The beginning of the computer era in the USSR. Mathematics, technology and economics.

As is known, work on the creation of the first computer in the USSR - a small electronic calculating machine (MESM) - was started in Kyiv by a team led by S. A. Lebedev in 1948. MESM was put into operation in December 1951.

On December 4, 1948, the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the introduction of advanced technology into the national economy registered the invention of I. S. Bruk and B. I. Rameev “Automatic Digital Electronic Machine” under No. 10475. This invention was brought to life at the Energy Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow, in a laboratory headed by I. S. Bruk in the form of the M-1 computer. In January 1952, the M-1 was put into trial operation. One of the first M-1 solved problems in nuclear research of the group of Academician S. L. Sobolev, at the Institute of I. V. Kurchatov. It was manufactured in a single copy, but its architecture and many fundamental decisions were later adopted as the basis for the development of serial vehicles “Minsk”, “Hrazdan”, etc.

But mathematics lived not only in traditional scientific and engineering calculations. In 1923-24, V.V. Leontyev formulated the problem of building an inter-industry balance, which required large computing power18. At the end of the 30s, the works of L.V. Kantorovich appeared, creating the basis for the penetration of mathematics into economic calculations. The famous “plywood trust” problem was formulated, which became the basis for the formation of an optimization approach in economic planning. In 1937, L.V. Kantorovich, at the request of engineers from the local plywood trust, solved the problem of finding the best way processing 5 types of material on 8 machines with a certain productivity of each of them for each type of material. In a seemingly simple problem, L.V. Kantorovich saw and formulated the problem for the first time linear programming and proposed a method for solving it, which significantly reduced the search for optimal solutions and assumed the necessary application

18 In 1973, V.V. Leontiev was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics.

computer technology.19

An important stage in the creativity of L.V. Kantorovich was published in "Advances of Mathematical Sciences" in 1948 by his large article "Functional Analysis and Applied Mathematics", and then in 1956 "Functional Analysis and Computational Mathematics", which made functional analysis the natural language of computational mathematics. According to academician S.L. Sobolev, just a few years later it was just as impossible to imagine computational mathematics without functional analysis as without computers.

These ideas of the unity of functional analysis and computational mathematics, as well as connections with economics, were consistently embodied by L.V. Kantorovich brought to life: when organizing in 1948 the training of specialists in “computational mathematics” at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad State University and later - in 1958 - when creating the specialty “economic cybernetics” at the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University In 1959, L.V. Kantorovich became one of the organizers (and teachers) of the famous “sixth course” of the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University. Graduates of the regular fifth year and a number of young economists were enrolled in the “sixth year” for an in-depth study of mathematical methods and computers. It should be noted that some graduates of this course had a significant influence on the development of Soviet and Russian economic science, in particular, these are academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences: A.G. Aganbegyan, A.I.Anchishkin, N.Ya.Petrakov, S.S.Shatalin.

Naturally, the processes of development of training of specialists in the field of computational mathematics and economic and mathematical methods were not isolated. At the same time, similar processes of forming the basis for the use of computer technology in science and economics were taking place in Moscow and Moscow State University. In 1949, the Department of Computational Mathematics was created at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, which in 1952-1960 was headed by Academician S. L. Sobolev, already quoted above. At that time, such outstanding specialists as A. A. Lyapunov, M. V. Keldysh, M. R. Shura-Bura and others taught at the department.

In 1958, the outstanding economist and statistician, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.S. Nemchinov, created a laboratory of economic and mathematical methods at the Academy of Sciences, and in 1962, at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, the Department of Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis (MMAE). The famous 6th year graduates of L.V. Kantorovich - S.S. Shatalin (headed the department in

19 In 1965, L.V. Kantorovich, together with V.S. Nemchinov and V.V. Novozhilov received the Lenin Prize “for the scientific development of the linear programming method and mathematical models of the economy.” In 1975, L.V. Kantorovich and T. Koopmans were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for creating the foundations of linear programming.

1970 -1983) and N.Ya. Petrakov - Director of the Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1990 to 2014). L.V. Kantorovich himself led a scientific seminar at this department for a number of years in the 70s of the twentieth century. The need for graduates of this department was largely formed by the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (CEMI AS of the USSR), created in 1963 on the basis of the laboratory of the same name, which served for many years as a professional nursery for the training of specialists by the Department of MMAE of Moscow State University. CEMI of the USSR Academy of Sciences, of course, was created on the initiative and with the participation of V.S. Nemchinov. Academician N.P. Fedorenko became the first director of the institute, and in 1985 he was replaced by academician V.L. Makarov, L.V. Kantorovich’s closest student.

The 1950s and 60s added a lot to the awareness of the need to expand the training of specialists in the field software not only technological, but also economic processes. First of all, this was facilitated by the problems of the new science “Operations Research” generated by computational mathematics, algorithms for solving inventory management problems, as well as the formulation of scientific principles of enterprise management. There is experience in using the first business information system, Material Resource Planning (MRP), developed in the 1950s in the USA, but which began working on real business problems in the 1960s. Even those who doubted were finally convinced of the enormous possibilities of using electronic computers (computers) in the economy.

An important stage of development this direction At Moscow State University, in 1955, under the leadership of Professor I.S. Berezin, a computer center was organized, the first in the USSR university space. The Moscow State University Computer Center has become the base for training specialists at the Department of Computational Mathematics. The computing center has created a scientific and technical platform for a significant expansion of the contingent of specialists in the field of computer software. On the basis of the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the Computing Center (CC MSU), the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC) of MSU was organized. The founder of the new faculty and its first dean was Academician A.N. Tikhonov, scientific director of the Computing Center of Moscow State University and head of the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Andrei Nikolaevich was the first who not only realized the needs of science and the national economy for a new type of specialist, but also managed to achieve the creation in the country of a system for training personnel in the field of computational mathematics and programming. In February 1970, the USSR Ministry of Higher Education issued order No. 114 approving the structure of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. The Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University became the first in the list of almost 50 similar faculties newly created in the early 1970s in large universities of the USSR. A whole branch of training specialists in the field of computer software has emerged,

which was supposed to support major changes in Soviet policy on the creation and use of computer technology. It was about the country's transition to new standards of information technology - the introduction of the "Unified System" - a line of computers that copied the architecture of American computers of the IBM-360 series. The need for such a solution had already formed: it was dictated by the concept of the National Automated System (OGAS) developed under the leadership of V.M. Glushkov. OGAS was designed to solve the national problem of accounting and control for the unhindered application of socialist planning and management methods in the USSR,

Computer revolution, Soviet style

On March 18, 1968, Order No. 138 of the USSR Minister of Radio Industry was issued on the creation of NICEVT and its appointment as the lead organization for the development Unified system COMPUTER (ES COMPUTER) "Row". Since then, debates and discussions have not subsided about the advisability of the decision to produce EU machines by copying the architecture of the IBM S/360 mainframe.

It should be noted that until 1968, the creation of computers in the USSR was rather poorly coordinated. There were several design bureaus in different parts of the USSR, which developed wonderful second-generation computers that worked in various mathematics and met their own technological standards. The undisputed leader was the powerful BESM-6 of the design bureau of S.A. Lebedev, which used a 6-bit word. Minsk computers with a 7-bit byte were popular in the national economy (only the Minsk-32 computer designed by V.V. Przhiyalkovsky was eventually produced about 3,000 pieces). The family of vehicles of the Ural series produced in Penza, developed by B.I. Rameev, was very progressive. The Ukrainian “Mir”, the Yerevan “Nairi”, the Vilnius “Ruta-110”, and the Moscow “Setun” had their advantages. (Note that the unique computer “Setun”, which used the ternary number system, was developed at Moscow State University under the leadership of N.P. Brusentsov). It is not necessary to add that each family was provided with its own peripherals and original software. This talented and interesting variety of computers could solve local problems of various natures, but with their help it was impossible to create a national infrastructure for organizing information processes. Thus, the question of the prospects for the development of domestic electronic computer engineering sounded very relevant. In 1966, the national economic plan mentioned that new third-generation computers should be built on “a unified structural and microelectronic technological base and compatible programming systems for computer centers and automated information processing systems.”

In the official report of ITMiVT, in mid-1966, there was a clear answer as to how

S.A. Lebedev did not allow us to build “Ryad”. However, together with academician V. M. Glushkov, he expressed the opinion that copying the third generation computer IBM S/360 would mean lagging behind world standards by several years, since the S/360 series began to be produced back in 1964. If only these outstanding scientists knew how optimistic their assessment was.

In the diversity that existed in the USSR, computers of the Ural family were closest to the requirements of the third generation. Bashir Iskanderovich Rameev formulated and implemented the idea of ​​a family of computers on the principle of software and design compatibility, independently and earlier than the IBM S/360 series. However, when developing the decision of the State Commission of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry in 1968, the domestic version was not considered at all. Only the American IBM and the British ICL took part in the discussion. The choice made by the commission still does not leave specialists in the field of computer technology indifferent. The debate about whether this decision was a strategic mistake and who is to blame continues. The minutes of meetings of state commissions record the objections of domestic developers Lebedev, Rameev, Glushkov, and others - but the firm position of the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. Keldysh and the Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR

V.D. Kalmykova resolved the issue in favor of copying IBM S/360.

This was a tragic decision for the Soviet computer industry, which destroyed the strategic guidelines for its development. The gigantic intellectual capital of domestic developments in the form of produced and promising computer equipment, as well as the corresponding software, became unnecessary along with its carrier - a large detachment of highly qualified specialists. Some were able to retrain, but the focus was on training new professionals. True, there remained a serious contingent of developers for military purposes, headed by a student

S.A. Lebedeva - Academician V.S. Burtsev. The computer support for the S-300 missile systems, developed under the leadership of V.S. Burtsev, still successfully solves the assigned tasks. In addition, the scientific legacy he left behind still feeds the ideas of supercomputer developers.

However, from an economic point of view, it can be said with confidence that the decisions adopted in 1968 by the State Commission of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry did not have a fateful impact on a national scale for the national economy of the country. No option, even the best one from a technological point of view, for the development of domestic computer engineering could correct the ineffective socialist system of the national economy. The idealistic planned economy was doomed even if the OGAS project had been successfully implemented, since this economy lacked natural market mechanisms for managing the economy. Planning elements can be good and

useful if they do not claim to be universally applicable always and everywhere. Western economists, in particular L. von Mises, back in the 1920s, proved the impossibility of rational economic calculation in a system where there is no private ownership of production resources and no real (market) prices (von Mises theorem). Before technological re-equipment in the USSR, it was necessary to reform the economy - create conditions for the emergence of real economic instruments of self-regulation. So in 1968 in the USSR it was quite possible to forget about IBM, rely on the promising Ural family of computers, or leave all existing -negative consequences for the national economy it could be less. At the same time, it is difficult to deny the significant progress that has emerged in the development of the national programming industry, whose specialists, during the transition to international standards, acquired new opportunities for organizing work and gained access to the world's accumulated program libraries. Preparation and decision-making in specific areas, including the national economy, have been enriched by access to already established databases of industry applications.

A new era of IT specialist training

So, a unified policy of computer support for scientific developments and the national economy of the USSR required adequate mass personnel support. Methodical works in organizing the all-Union training of the necessary specialists, he actually headed the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, relying on the authority and knowledge of the highest professionals of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The “academic” provision of methods for training IT specialists could be the envy of any scientific center in the world. The regulatory component was provided by the USSR Ministry of Education.

It can be noted that in the world, control over the creation of methodological foundations for the training of IT specialists has traditionally been an area of ​​interest for professional public organizations. In the United States, this role has been taken on by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Society of the IEEE (IEEECS).

which lead this work, starting in the 60s. last century. In 1965, the Education Committee of the ACM organization developed the first draft of a standard program for undergraduate courses in Computer Science, which, after revision, was published in 1968 in its final form, becoming known as Curriculum 68. There was no normative component in the developed document , it had a recommendatory character for American universities, but de facto quite quickly turned into international standard training of IT specialists “Computing Curriculum (CC)”. Sponsored by ACM and IEEE-CS

Peter Denning's group prepared the report "Computing as a Discipline" in 1989. In the new discipline “Computing”, two components were distinguished: “Computer Science” and “Computer Engineering”. This was later methodically embodied in the fundamental curriculum CC2001, which was developed in versions CC2005. But CC2005 already contained a fundamental difference from previous versions - it clearly indicates the need to train specialists for applied industries. World professional organizations AIS (Association of Information Systems) and AITP (Association for Information Technology Professionals) - create IS2002. A new full member appears in the computing family - information systems. CC2005 “Computing” includes the following areas: Computer Engineering (CE), Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE), Information Technology (IT), Information Systems ( Information Systems - IS). Russian higher education also responds to the need for specialists for the preparation, development and operation of applications in professional university training. In 2000, a new state educational standard for specialty 351340 “Applied Informatics (by area)” appeared (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 14, 2000).

The document specifies: “A computer science graduate (with qualifications in the field) must have a specialization determined by the scope of application of computer science methods and professionally oriented information systems, a list of disciplines studied in a particular field, information disciplines and final qualifying work.” At the same time, the area of ​​application of qualified knowledge is also determined: “A computer scientist (with qualifications in the field) largely deals with a professionally oriented shell (which he designs, creates and applies), consisting of special software tools, information support and organizational measures to support the functioning of specific processes in the area of ​​application, and to a lesser extent deals with the core of the information system (development of a complex of computing tools, operating system, database management systems, etc.).”

A little later, in 2003, another specialty standard 080500 “Business Informatics” was opened (order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2003) for the training of specialists in the region professional activity which “includes: Design of enterprise architecture, Strategic planning for the development of IP and ICT enterprise management, Organization of processes life cycle IS and ICT enterprise management, Analytical support for processes

making decisions for enterprise management."

Thus, the Russian economy receives specialists in “Applied Informatics” to provide IT support for information processes in the industries: “economics, law, political science, psychology, sociology, political science, psychology, ecology, humanitarian-social and others, in which professional oriented information systems...", as well as specialists in "Business Informatics" to support information processes within enterprises.

Now the de facto global methodological standard for training IT specialists for applied industries is the Information Systems 2010 (IS2010) curriculum, created by the entire professional IT world using the Wiki resource. Most complete professional area graduates of this direction are described in CC2005. It also distinguishes between the target areas of training for IS and IT specialists: “Professionals in this specialty (Information Systems) primarily deal with the information that a computer can provide to an enterprise so that it can better define and achieve its goals, as well as with the processes that the enterprise implements or improves with the help of information technology. ... Information Systems focuses on the information aspects of information technology. Information Technologies are this kind of complement: their area of ​​interest is the technologies themselves, but not the information they process. IT programs are designed to produce graduates with the right combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to manage an organization's information technology and the people who use it."

Didactic role of economic informatics

The presented description of curricula for national training of specialists in the field of “Applied Informatics”, “Business Informatics” and the closely related American curriculum “Information Systems - IS 2010” allows us to introduce a new direction into consideration: “Economic Informatics” in order to analyze the general and different and evaluate its prospects.

Firstly, it should be noted that “Economic Informatics” is not included in the national list of professional training specialties and one of the goals of this study is to prove the advisability of considering this issue, perhaps in the context of other areas, about which we'll talk below.

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used in economics and business, as well as the economics of these systems.

This definition contains an indication of the difference between areas

applications: economic informatics deals with the comparison of costs and benefits from the use of information systems in the traditional scheme economic analysis. Both “Applied Informatics” and “Business Informatics” and “IS -2010” are focused on training specialists in the field of application of information technology to solve problems in the subject area. Assessing the effectiveness of such decisions remains a subject classical economics. In addition, an information product that has many non-trivial properties of pricing, consumption and development requires economic description and study. There are traditional economic issues: production and distribution of information products. Moore's law requires an economic interpretation, according to which a more productive information product has a lower cost. The market for information products is formed and develops according to its own laws: real material entities also circulate on it, but the main engine of this market is an intangible service or service that has the property of inexhaustibility and marginal costs tending to zero. Here, new industries (gaming) are created out of the “information air,” and gigantic fortunes arise “out of nothing.” Finally, information itself becomes a commodity, for which classical economic models: Demand does not create supply. Information products are appearing, the economic properties of which require modern interpretation: unlimited access to cloud services provided to end users free of charge, growth in the consumer properties of information technology products without increasing their prices. The price structure of an information product is also unusual, in which marginal costs tend to zero.

Nowadays, the economics of information systems looks as natural as the economics of any branch of the national economy - for example, economics agriculture or industrial economics. But the information market has little in common with the grain market, and new research is needed to describe the market for information products.

In general, when discussing issues of general economic informatics with computing, it should be noted that these sciences have a direct connection only when considering information technologies (IT) and information systems (IS). At the same time, for economists in the term “information technology” - in the first place are “information”, “information”, services that provide information processes, and only then - “technology”. As noted above, information systems are the object of study of economic informatics and the name itself is characterized by the presence of the definition “information” and not “computing” - directly following from the basic direction of “computing”, since modern applied tasks, including

economic content- are associated primarily with the processing and analysis of meaningful information, considering the calculations themselves as a necessary accessible tool.

Speaking about the effectiveness of information systems, we can note the objective relevance of the emergence of “Economic Informatics”: today the environment for using information systems has changed qualitatively. According to some experts, traditional consulting in the field of using IP, aimed at formulating the goals and objectives of implementation and choosing the best option IP for a specific enterprise. Over the decades of the active entry of information systems into the practice of planning, management and decision-making of organizations, a sufficiently qualified contingent of users has been formed, capable of independently answering the initial questions of the formulation of technical specifications. In addition, IT standardization has enabled convergence processes that have, in practice, minimized the consequences of IP type selection error. The main issue of consulting was the problem of the efficiency of the functioning of the information system and its impact on the processes of adding value to the enterprise. There is only one way to answer this question: to give approaches to assessing the costs and benefits of using computers.

It is obvious that there is no economic field of activity for IT specialists preparing according to the curricula and curriculum discussed above. This is not surprising: the field of activity of IT specialists is in the nature of engineering and technological services for business. The subtleties of identifying and assessing costs and benefits belong to the field of economics and are traditionally not of interest to IT students. Moreover, the work on such assessment is not structured and cannot be reduced to a familiar business process or a well-known algorithm with a fixed number of iterations. This is a matter for economists.

What is the outcome of studying in the field of economic informatics? What will graduates who have completed the full training cycle know and be able to do?

The fundamental thing in organizing IT training for economists is the formulation of two important provisions.

The first is the correct definition of the “entry point” of IT and IS into a specific subject area of ​​economics and business. For economics and business, this role is played by the business process and providing IT services, for education - the educational process, for healthcare - the medical process, etc. Distinctive feature main entity of a specific application is its process nature, mass distribution in the subject area, repeatability in time and space. Specification of the main essence is the task of specialists - economists. The purpose of training these IT and IS specialists is to provide them with the knowledge, skills and abilities to describe IT services used to

automation of business processes.

The second provision is a clear definition of the goals of training future specialists in the field of IT and IS. In our opinion, good knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of IT and IP allow a graduate to gain a competitive advantage in the professional market. For classical universities and modern research institutions, it seems natural to formulate the role of IT and IS as tools for increasing the efficiency of basic business processes: scientific and educational activities. Main goal application of these tools - improving the quality of training of specialists and ensuring a high management level of operating activities and competitiveness of the organization. Achieving the highest professional level in economics and business by universities is possible only by building a logical chain of training their own IT specialists. The elements or stages of this chain are known: bachelor's degree - master's degree - graduate school. Conventionally, we can assume that each stage has its own level of IT training. Basic - for a bachelor's degree, professional - for a master's degree, research - for a postgraduate student. The success of training will be more noticeable for young specialists, for the university, and for the entire industry, if the result of each stage is a specialist in a specific subject, rather than a technical field. For this purpose, it is necessary to create an appropriate institutional environment, an element of which will be national system education with educational standards and the corresponding specialty - economic informatics.

Similar proposals would be valid for other specialties: historical computer science, biological, medical, ... It seems that they should all be represented in the list of university specialties. But according to the draft new order of the Ministry of Education, only business, bio-, geo- and applied informatics appear on this list.

In fact, the training of such specialists is ongoing, it is often carried out intuitively, and significantly depends on subjective factors. However, decades of widespread use of information technologies and systems have already created a sufficient professional reserve of industry competencies, there are ideas about professional standards - all this should lead to the official creation of corresponding subject specializations and specialties of higher education.


Professional groups have already formed around the world and in Russia, dealing with the problems of economics of information systems. IN modern conditions these issues become key when addressing issues of selection, implementation and operation of information systems in

enterprises and organizations.

Currently, there is no system for training specialists capable of analyzing economic consequences implementation of information systems. Current system IT education mainly solves the problem of training technical specialists.

Security innovative development specific applied branches of higher education require the creation of a system for training IT specialists within the applied humanitarian and socio-economic sectors. This requires the creation of specialties not only in applied (technical) but also in subject information science.


1. Kantorovich L.V., “Mathematical methods of organizing and planning production”, L.: Publishing house of the Leningrad State University, 1939. - 67 p.

2. Kantorovich L.V. Functional analysis and applied mathematics. "Advances in Mathematical Sciences" 1948

3. Kantorovich L.V. Functional analysis and computational mathematics, 1956. - history of computer science until 2000.

4. Maxon: Two tragedies of Soviet cybernetics. EYE OF THE PLANET information and analytical portal^M, 02/29/2012.

5. Ludwig von Mises. Die Wirtschaftsreсhnung im sozialistischen Gemeinwesen", Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaften und Sozialpolitik, Vol. XLVII, No. 1 (April, 1920).

6. Mises L. Human activity. Treatise on economic theory. M., Economics, 2000.

7. “Efficiency of investments in IT”, M., SoDIT, 2013, 194 pp. ISBN 978-5-4465-0104-5.

8. Sukhomlin V.A. International educational standards in the field of information technology. Applied Informatics, No. 1 (37), 2012.

9. Computing Curricula 2001 (CC2001). Computer Science, Final Report, (December 15, 2001). The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula, IEEE Computer Society, Association for Computing Machinery.

10. Computing Curricula 2005 (CC2005). The Overview Report, covering undergraduate degree programs in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Software Engineering. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), The Association for Information Systems (AIS), The Computer Society (IEEE-CS), 30 September 2005.

11. J.T. Gorgone, G.B. Davis, J.S. Valacich, H.Topi, D.L. Feinstein, H. E. Longenecker, Jr. IS 2002, Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Association of Information Technology Professionals AITP.

12. H. Topi, J. S. Valacich, R. T. Wright, K. M. Kaiser, J. F. Nunamaker, Jr., J. C. Sipior, G. J. de Vreede. IS 2010, Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Association for Information Systems (AIS).

13. Lugachev M.I., Abramov V.G., Skripkin K.G., Tikhomirov V.V. Methodology for developing programs in the discipline “Informatics” for areas of non-core education. Max Press, M., 2006.

14. Lugachev M.I., Skripkin K.G., IT competencies as part economic education. Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 6, “Economics”, No. 4, 2009.

15. Draft Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On approval of lists of specialties and areas of training in higher education”

Economic informatics is a field of knowledge that considers as a subject information systems used for preparing and making decisions in the field of economics and business. Business processes are considered as a method of "Economic Informatics". The presentation of information systems includes a description of the architecture of information technologies (programming, hardware, telecommunications and data), business applications (DSS, SCM, CRM) and information systems management. In addition, an important component is IS, which discusses the problems of assessing costs and benefits at the stages of implementation, operation and development of IS within the framework of the adopted management structure.

Dictionary of business terms. 2001.

See what “Economic informatics” is in other dictionaries:

    Economics is the science that studies the various uses limited resources in order to meet the needs of people and the relationships between various parties that arise in the business process; the economy itself, that is, the totality of all means ... Wikipedia

    A discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, as well as the patterns of its creation, transformation, transmission and use in various spheres of human activity. Many questions that are now included in the circle... ...

    Applied informatics Specialization: scientifically practical Frequency: once every two months Language: Russian Editorial office address: Moscow Editor-in-Chief: Emelyanov A. A ... Wikipedia

    A scientific direction that deals with the application of ideas and methods of cybernetics to economic systems. In a broad and not entirely precise sense, often under K. e. understand the field of science that arose at the intersection of mathematics (See Mathematics) and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Coordinates: 49°53′38″ N. w. 10°53′12″ E. d. / 49.893889° n. w. 10.886667° E. d. ... Wikipedia

    Faculty of Economics Belarusian State University ... Wikipedia

    Faculty of Economics of BSU. Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. K. Marx 31. View map Faculty of Economics of BSU Faculty of ... Wikipedia

    Full official name since September 2007 Federal State educational institution higher vocational education Russian state university tourism and service (RGUTiS) University in the Moscow Region, in ... Wikipedia

    Faculty of Economics of BSU is one of the leading educational institutions for the training of highly qualified economic personnel. The Faculty of Economics of BSU began work on March 1, 1999 ... Wikipedia


  • Economic informatics. Textbook and workshop for bachelor's and master's degrees, Yu.D. Romanova. The basic concepts of economic informatics are presented, an analysis of problems is given information security, describes technologies for storing and processing economic data, using...
  • Economic informatics. Study guide, . The main computer technologies used in the professional activities of future economists are considered. The basic properties of economic information and requirements for...

Economic information– characterizes production relations in society (economic information about resources, management processes, financial processes). Properties: alpha-digital signs, variable volume and post signs; discreteness, heterogeneity, persistence, reusability, long shelf life, change)

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

Object Economic informatics are information systems that provide solutions to business and organizational problems that arise in economic systems (economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

Item: technology and stages of development of systems for automated processing of economic information and justification of the feasibility of such processing, functional analysis of the subject area, algorithmic representation of the problem and its software implementation.

Peculiarities: presentation and reflection in the form of primary and summary documents, repetition of stages of processing information, the predominance of arithms and log operations in the processing process

Analysis and design of business processes. Functional modeling, which describes the sequence of operations of a business process, as well as modeling the data used in it.

Analysis and design of enterprise information systems architecture. Here the modeling apparatus is somewhat broader, along with modeling functions and data, it includes engineering methods for analyzing and predicting IS performance, statistical tools, economic analysis, etc.

Improving IP management is solved by methods of management theory, including methods of operations research, organization theory, logistics, etc. Project management methods and models are of great importance.

Analysis and improvement of economic efficiency of IP A variety of economic analysis methods are used. Currently we are talking about neoclassical tools, new institutional economic theory and management theory.

15.Technology. Information Technology. Information processes.

Technology- a set of methods, processes and materials used in any branch of activity, as well as a scientific description of methods of technical production.

Information Technology (information technology, IT)– a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data using computer technology.

Information process - the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing, and using information.

Encoding (recording to a medium), transmitting a signal over a communication channel, decoding (converting to a receiving code), code processing.

The characteristic features of modern IT are:

Less processing labor, more quality;

the interactive nature of information processing, a wide range of users and the collective nature of working with information and computing resources;

ensuring a unified IT information space, collective work with information and computing resources based on computer networks and telecommunications systems;

support for multimedia (multimedia) IT, paperless technology.

Information technologies can be divided into classes:

1. General purpose IT (working with text documents, calculations in spreadsheets, maintaining databases, working with computer graphics, etc.).

2. Method-oriented IT, ensuring the use of special models and algorithms for solving problems (mathematical apparatus, statistics, project management, etc.).

3. Problem-oriented IT, taking into account the specifics of the subject area and information needs of users.

Information technologies are developing in the following directions: computer technology; means of communication and communications; software; methodology for organizing design work to create IP.

IT development is related to:

progress in the field of data processing hardware (computers, storage media, communications and communication tools, etc.), industrial technologies for the production of computer components;

development of methods and tools for software development, methods of storing and retrieving data on computer media;

16. Information society. Informatization of society at the present time. The concept of the information society emerged at the end of the 20th century; it is closely related to the concept of post-industrial society, a new phase in the development of our entire civilization. Distinctive features of the information society: Information/knowledge is the main product of production; increase in employment in the IT, communications and service sectors; complete informatization (Internet, TV), globalization of the information space; growing role of the individual in the management of social and environmental relations, development of digital markets, electronic democracy/state

Project "Information Society" of the Russian Federation: e-government, improving the quality of life of citizens, overcoming the digital divide, security, digital content for museums and archives, development of the ICT market

Informatization is a complex social process associated with significant changes in the lifestyle of the population. It requires serious efforts in many areas, including eliminating computer illiteracy, creating a culture of using new information technologies, etc.

The driving force behind the development of society should be the production of informational, rather than material, products. In the information society, not only production changes, but also the entire way of life, the value system, and the importance of cultural leisure in relation to material values ​​increases. In the information society, intelligence and knowledge are produced and consumed, which leads to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person will need the ability to be creative, and the demand for knowledge is increasing. The material and technological base of society's information will be various types of systems based on computer equipment and computer networks, information technology, and telecommunications.

Informatization of society- organized socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

The goal of informatization is to improve the quality of life of people by increasing productivity and facilitating their working conditions.

The main criteria for the development of the information society are the following:

Availability of computers; level of development of computer networks Possession of information culture, i.e. knowledge and skills in the field of information technology

Tutorial developed in accordance with the program of the discipline “Economic Informatics” and is intended for students studying in specialties in the field of training 036401 (customs), when preparing seminars, course projects, practice reports, theses.
The manual reveals current state information technologies in economics, the basic principles of using information systems in the professional activities of economic specialists are considered, as well as the main categories of computer software used in economic calculations.

1.1. Basic categories and concepts of computer science.
It is advisable to begin the study of such a discipline as “economic informatics” by formulating definitions of key concepts and categories of informatics as a basic science that studies the structure and general properties of information. Information is one of the basic concepts of science, which forms the basis of the modern scientific picture of the world.
The peculiarity of this concept is that it is intuitively clear to almost everyone, but there is no generally accepted interpretation of it in the scientific literature. It should be especially noted that, as a scientific category, “information” is the subject of study for a wide variety of fields of knowledge: philosophy, computer science, systems theory, cybernetics, etc.
It is well known that the term “information” comes from the Latin word “informatio”, originally meaning presentation or explanation. Due to its universality, volume, and vagueness, “information” is often understood inaccurately and incompletely not only by students. Information is interpreted in different ways, for example as:
- any entity that causes changes in some information-logical (infological - consisting of data, knowledge, abstractions, etc.) model of the system (mathematics, system analysis);
- messages received by the system from the outside world in the process of adaptive control, adaptation (control theory, cybernetics);
- negation of entropy, reflection of the measure of chaos in the system (thermodynamics);


1.1. Approaches to defining information.
1.2. Structure, form, measurement of information.
1.3. Computer science and information technology.
1.4. Basic information aspects of management.
2.1. Object, subject, tasks of economic informatics.
2.2. Basic concepts in economic informatics.
2.3. Information technologies in economics.
2.4. Computer science and information systems.
3.1. Price and value of information.
3.2. Features of information as a product.
3.3 Economic information as a product and security object.
4.1. The concept of a resource in economic informatics.
4.2. Information as an economic resource.
4.3. Information resources in the economic system.
4.4. Information as a management resource.
5.1. Information systems in economics.
5.2. Automated systems management.
5.3. Structure of information systems.
5.4. Functions of information economic systems.
6.1. Information technologies for working with documents.
6.2. Information technologies for information processing and management in real time.
6.3. Information Technology general purpose for working with documents.
6.4. General purpose information technologies for working with documents.
8.1. Basic terms and concepts.
8.2. Test work.

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