Countries with the lowest fertility rates. Which country has the lowest birth rate?

  • 25.04.2020

The European statistical agency Eurostat has released data from a demographic study. As it turned out, French women give birth the most in Europe, and Portuguese women give birth the least. In general, the fertility rate in the EU is insufficient to maintain the population size.

“In 2014, 5.132 million children were born in the European Union, compared to 5.063 million in 2001,” notes Eurostat. The largest number of babies were born in France (819,300), followed by the UK (775,900), followed by Germany (714,900), Italy (502,600), Spain (426,100) and Poland (375,200).

The average age of European women giving birth has increased: in 2014, women gave birth to their first child on average at 29 years old. Moreover, residents of Bulgaria became mothers at a very young age (on average 25.8 years), but Italians, Spanish women, ladies from Luxembourg, and Greece prefer to become mothers at the age of over 30.

“Overall, the EU fertility rate increased from 1.46 in 2001 to 1.58 in 2014. This figure varied depending on the member states - from 1.23 in Portugal to 2.01 in France,” it says in the study. The most significant increases since 2001 were recorded in Latvia (+0.43), Czech Republic (+0.38), Slovenia (+0.37), Lithuania (+0.34), Bulgaria (+0.32) and Sweden ( +0.31). But the most significant decline was noted in Cyprus (-0.26), Portugal (-0.22) and Luxembourg (-0.16).

At the same time, European researchers clarify that the given data on fertility rates in the European Union are insufficient to maintain the population (if we do not take into account the influx of migrants), since in developed countries A sufficient indicator is considered to be at least 2.1 successful births per woman.

So, the highest birth rate was in France. For every woman in this country there are just over two children. Demographers note that in developed countries ah, this is a sufficient indicator that allows you to maintain the required population size.


As of 2016, China's traditional "One Family, One Child" policy, which has been officially in place since the 1970s, is set to become a thing of the past. In terms of economic and social development of the PRC for the next five years, the government allows all families to have two children.

Meanwhile, the policy of restriction has led to gender imbalance. Chinese women prefer to terminate a pregnancy if they find out that the unborn child is a girl.

There are currently 33 million more men than women living in China. According to 2015 statistics, for every 100 girls there are 116 boys. At the end of 2014, China's population was 1.367 billion people. Of these, 51.2% are men, 48.8% are women. Moreover, 15.5% are over 60 years old.

Was based on projections and estimates by the United Nations Population Division. The birth rate was calculated as the number of births per 1000 inhabitants of the country. The UN list was compiled for the period 2005-2010. The second was created in 2009 based on data from the CIA World Fact Book.

According to the UN list, the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Macau, have the lowest birth rates. In both countries, there are 7.6 newborns per 1,000 inhabitants. According to the CIA list, the last places are occupied by Hong Kong with a coefficient of 7.42 and Japan - 7.64. European countries are not lagging behind Asian countries. Germany, Italy and Austria also have low birth rates.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842 to 1997. The PRC received sovereignty over the territory. However, Hong Kong has broad autonomy until 2047. He has his own monetary system, police, legislation, immigration policy. It also maintains its representation in international events and organizations. More than seven million people live in Hong Kong. Among them, 95% are Chinese. The autonomous country is one of the most densely populated states on the planet. However, here is the same low birth rate. Hong Kong is growing, thanks to the influx of immigrants from China, the Philippines and Indonesia.


Macau is a city in China, located on the coast of the South China Sea. From 1557 to 1999 it was a Portuguese colony. Like Hong Kong, it has broad autonomy. The population is 568 thousand inhabitants. In addition to low birth rates, it has the lowest level of fertility on the planet - 0.91 births per woman. At the same time, Macau ranks second in the world in terms of life expectancy, after Monaco.

European countries

According to German statistics, every fifth resident of the country has never had a child. A third of married couples do not want to have children. The reasons are being too busy and wanting to live for oneself. There are 8.1 births per 1000 inhabitants in the state. The same thing is observed in Italy and Austria, where recent years Birth rates have dropped significantly. Unofficially, the Vatican has the lowest birth rate in the world. There is no birth rate at all, since only priests who have taken a vow of celibacy live in a theocratic state.

Fertility is of great importance for every country. If this indicator is low in a state, then a threat is created to the territorial integrity of the country. High birth rate and low improve, guarantee the preservation of the nation. Fertility statistics allow you to track the necessary indicators.

Fertility is also an indicator of a country's level. In poor countries, where people earn a low income, usually a high level, few children are born. In developed countries where good conditions for living, the population is not afraid to give birth to several babies.

Population dynamics in the Russian Federation

The table shows birth rate statistics in Russia by year. It can be used to judge how natural population growth has changed:

Year Number of children born Total population
1927 4 688 000 94 596 000
1939 4 329 000 108 785 000
1950 2 859 000 102 833 000
1960 2 782 353 119 906 000
1970 1 903 713 130 252 000
1980 2 202 779 138 483 00
1990 1 988 858 148 273 746
2000 1 266 800 146 303 611
2010 1 788 948 142 865 433
2015 1 940 579 146 544 710
2016 1 888 729 146 804 372

To find out which gender of children are born more, there are statistics on the birth rate of boys and girls. Let's look at the indicators for the city of Novopolotsk. In 2014, about five hundred female children and almost six hundred male children were born. 2015 was marked by the birth of 595 boys and 537 girls. In other settlements the situation is approximately the same.

Girls Fertility Statistics and boys means that more male babies are being born.

  1. Chechen Republic.
  2. Ingushetia.
  3. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The worst indicators are:

  1. Tyumen region
  2. Pskov region
  3. Tula region

The total number continues to decrease, despite the fact that mortality did not exceed the birth statistics in Russia in 2016. At the same time, the state has reached a higher level. Fertility statistics for 10 years show that Russia ranked 63rd in the world (data for 2016) natural increase population. The table shows the main reasons why Russians died (from January to August 2016):

Number of people (in thousands)

Fertility statistics for 2016 show that the population density in the Russian Federation is 8.6 people per 1 km². This is one of the lowest rates in the world. Huge areas are simply empty. Villages and small towns have died out over the past 20 years, and some areas have never been inhabited.

The situation in the world at the beginning of 2017

According to statistics for the first quarter of 2017, the world birth rate increased by almost 50 million people. Every day several hundred thousand babies are born in the world. E this fact can be checked using the earth's population counter in mode.

Fertility and mortality rates for 2017 in Russia

Russia has always been the largest territorial state in the world. However, the population here is inexorably declining. The country is experiencing demographic crisis. According to fertility statistics in Russia, at the beginning of 2017, fewer children were born compared to the previous year.

Population growth in Belarus and Ukraine

Fertility statistics by year in Ukraine:

Year Number of children born Total population
2000 no data48 663 600
2005 426 100 47 100 462
2010 497 700 45 782 592
2015 411 800 42 759 300

Below is a diagram with fertility statistics in Ukraine, as well as mortality by year (over the last 25 years). It clearly shows in which years the country's population grew and in which it decreased.

Fertility statistics in Belarus by year:

Year Number of children born Total population
2000 93 691 9 988 000
2005 90 508 9 664 000
2010 108 050 9 491 000
2015 119 509 9 481 000

Boy Birth Statistics in the Republic of Belarus is given in numbers in the graph below. Slightly more male babies are born than female babies. But recently the number of boys born has decreased slightly. As for the size of the male and female population, judging by the table, there are more men than women in Belarus.

In recent years, the population in the Russian Federation and Ukraine has decreased, while in Belarus it has increased; birth and death statistics in Russia confirm this fact.

Every year the human population continues to grow. But even so, in some countries the population is declining. The reasons for such depopulation lie in the excess of mortality over the birth rate or in significant emigration of residents. The list of the most endangered countries is given by mortality rate per 1000 inhabitants, according to the CIA.

1. Lesotho (14.9)

2. Bulgaria (14.5)

This country has long been a member of the “most endangered countries” club. This is because the mortality rate here is 1.5 times higher than the birth rate. Every year the population of Bulgaria decreases by 60 thousand people - practically a small city. Every hour, five Bulgarians die, and a couple more leave the country. At this rate, by 2050 the number of Bulgarians will fall to 4.5 million, and they will no longer be the majority in Bulgaria. But back in 1989 there were 9.1 million. Experts believe that one of the reasons for the extinction of Bulgarians is the uneven development of the country's regions, high mortality and low birth rates.

3. Lithuania (14.5)

According to experts, the population of Lithuania will decrease to less than 2 million people by 2040. Low life expectancy leads to the degeneration of the country. The number of working-age residents of the country is decreasing by 2% annually; soon there will be no one to take care of the country’s economy. Against the backdrop of low birth rates, the population is rapidly aging and there is active emigration.

4. Ukraine (14.4)

In 1993, it had the largest population - 52.24 million inhabitants. At the beginning of 2016, the population of the territories controlled by the Ukrainian government was only 42.76 million people. Demographic Projections The UN leaves Ukraine with only 30-32 million by 2050 if the rate of depopulation continues. Another important demographic factor modern Ukraine is a significant emigration, reaching up to 5 million Ukrainians, that is, every eighth.

5. Latvia (14.4)

In 2015, Latvia set a sad anti-record - for the first time since 1954, its population decreased to 2 million inhabitants. That is, the country, which was so zealously eager to join the EU, and finally achieved what it wanted, was left with the same number of inhabitants as it had just a few years after the devastating war and mass repression. During the period 2000-2014, Latvia, which did not participate in any war, lost 380 thousand citizens - 16% of the population. If you consider that approximately 640 thousand people live in Riga and its suburbs, you can imagine that over the years half of these residents have disappeared. Latvia is being killed by mass emigration and the presence of only 63% of able-bodied people among the entire population. This leads to a reduction in tax collection and withering of pensions and health care costs.

6. Guinea-Bissau (14.1)

This poor African country only relatively recently intended to follow the path of socialism, but now it makes money by selling drugs, half of which are sent to Europe. Even in the capital of the country there is no stable electricity supply. Only recently did the bloody Civil War end here, and over the past 10 years there have been 4 military coups in Guinea. There is terrible unsanitary conditions in the country, and Ebola fever periodically rages.

7. Chad (14.0)

This is one of poorest countries Africa and the whole world. For many years, Chad's economy followed the interests of France, which shamelessly extracted from the country natural resources, not allowing any other industries to develop. Until now, after gaining independence, Chad cannot cope with hunger and poverty.

8. Afghanistan (13.7)

A person in Afghanistan is less likely to die of old age or even of hunger than to be killed, because the war here has not stopped for many decades. In this country, mortality during childbirth is very high, and 20% of children do not live to be 5 years old. 70,000 Afghans contract tuberculosis every year, which already affects a third of Afghanistan's population. Almost half of Afghans exhibit varying degrees of mental disorders - this is a consequence of constant life on a “powder keg”. For 6 million people there is no way to receive medical care, because the entire infrastructure in the country has been destroyed - to many settlements there aren't even roads.

9. Serbia (13.6)

Over the past half century, Serbia has seen a birth rate that is insufficient to replenish the population. Each new generation is smaller than the previous one. Therefore, the country's population is steadily aging, causing mortality to rise. The number of women of childbearing age is decreasing, and fewer and fewer children are being born. Thus, there are now 12% more old people over 65 years of age in Serbia than children under 15 years of age. If in the middle of the last century 150 thousand children were born here per year, now this figure has dropped to 68.3 thousand. Added to this is increased emigration.

10. Russia (13.6)

The most big country in the world, the last 15 years have been one of those where the birth rate is lower than the death rate, which is largely due to the increase in morbidity. Russians do not treat most diseases on time, so they regularly become chronic, which does not happen in prosperous countries. That is why there are so many disabled people and high mortality rates in Russia. The majority of the country's population is characterized by an unhealthy lifestyle: consumption of poor-quality water, poor diet, neglect of exercise, smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. Most Russians are now unable to access quality medical care. IN regional budgets Much less public funds are involved than in developed countries: 3-4% of GDP instead of 7%.

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