Sp 21.04 single-family residential houses. Water supply and sanitation

  • 08.09.2020

Individual housing construction(Individual housing construction) involves the construction of private low-rise buildings intended for living, raising livestock, storing materials and products.

The building and the site on which it will be located must comply building regulations and the rules specified in the legislation.

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If you ignore these requirements, you may be left without a home and the money spent on its construction.

Existing rules

The plot for individual housing construction must meet several requirements:

  • convenient location near roads;
  • communications carried out;
  • developed infrastructure of the area.

The site must meet the requirements of the owners of future homes.

One of important conditions individual construction is - fertile soil, remoteness from industrial plants and well-developed area.

But construction is possible even if these requirements do not meet, which does not affect the strength of the foundation and the safety of living in the house.

Therefore, building codes and regulations come first.

Without compliance with them, it is impossible to construct a private or commercial building.

Individual housing construction must be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules.

Their neglect may lead to demands to demolish the building in judicial procedure, and the owner will be required to pay a fine.

If the building was built without obtaining the appropriate certificate, then the construction will have to be legitimized in court, proving that the house was built according to all building regulations and fire safety standards.

Reflection in the law

When designing and constructing residential buildings, you need to focus on the rules provided for by SNiP 02/31/2001.

They indicate technical requirements to buildings, land and their intended use.

Obtaining permission

To get a private house, you need to contact the BTI of the municipal district or the architectural department of the city.

Video: new order development of suburban real estate

You must have with you a document according to which a plot of land is issued in.

Owners land plot You will need to provide the following documents:

A statement is written to the BTI authorities, to which copies and originals must be attached:

  1. plot.
  2. on the assignment of land ownership rights.
  3. future structure, compiled by BTI employees.

On average, it takes about 14 days to review documents and issue a permit.

An applicant may be refused if an incomplete package of documents was provided.

The permit is issued in the form of a document valid for 10 years from the date of receipt.

During this time, the applicant can build a house according to the existing design.

SNiP for individual housing construction

If the site is called individual housing construction, then only residential buildings can be erected on it.

These include houses, as well as additional buildings necessary for comfortable stay(barn, bathhouse, etc.).

The construction of industrial organizations is prohibited.

When building a private house for living, you must follow the rules provided for.

It states that the materials used for construction are fireproof, resistant to mold and rot, and do not endanger the life and health of people.

SNiP implies the start of construction of a house subject to several rules:

The construction of other buildings on the territory is allowed:

  • compost sites;
  • biotoilets;
  • pit latrines;
  • sheds.

Placement of buildings

Buildings must be located at a distance of more than 5 meters from the highway and at least 3 meters from streets with little traffic.

Outbuildings are located in the depths of the site; the first, relative to the road, is always a residential building.

Particular attention is paid to the distance between buildings and the fence. For the most part, it is the hygiene side of the issue that matters, not fire safety.

The reason is the possible darkening of the neighboring plot if the houses are located too close to their territory.

SNiP specifies the following standards for the location of buildings near the fence:

Distance between two sections must be at least 3 meters (with the written consent of the parties, a reduction is possible this indicator)
Buildings for keeping livestock and birds should be located at a distance of more than 4 meters from the fence
Bathhouse, outbuildings, toilet and shower at a distance of at least 2.5 meters
Greenhouses on the site should be located at a distance of more than 4 meters to prevent shading of the neighboring area and the ingress of wastewater with fertilizers dissolved in it
Garage and buildings for storing materials (equipment) can be 1 meter from the fence

The best option is to locate buildings at a distance of 3 meters. This will prevent conflict with neighbors due to shading of their site.

Shrubs and trees deserve special attention. They must be located on the site so as not to obscure the neighboring site.

There are several rules for this:

You should not rely on the fact that green spaces or buildings will not cause harm if they are located in a chaotic manner.

A tall tree on the site can grow for a long time until a person moves into the neighboring house and does not like the shade from the tall plant.

And in this case, not only a conflict is possible, but also a trial, ending with a requirement to remove the interfering object and pay a fine for violations of SNiP rules.

Distance between buildings

The location of outbuildings is regulated by SNiP 30-02-97. It specifies the rules for locating houses for fire safety.

If a structure catches fire, the fire will quickly spread to the neighboring area, which will lead to the ignition of a residential building.

Therefore, during construction, it is important to follow the standards provided by law.

The distance between residential buildings is determined depending on the material of the building:

It is allowed to locate houses close together if the building has a “2 owners per 1 house” system.

The distance is measured in a straight line, starting from the house, not the neighbors' fence.

If there are no buildings in the adjacent territory, then primary construction is a priority. In the future, neighbors will have to measure the distance between houses.

The distance between buildings on the site is also indicated in SNiP.

However, failure to comply with the described standards can lead to difficulties with a residential plot, so it is recommended to follow the rules regarding the location of buildings:

SNiP contains information about the location of objects relative to each other.

For example, the well must be located more than 20 meters from compost pit, toilet and away from the fence.

This can be explained by the likelihood of toxic substances getting into water used for drinking purposes.

Special attention is paid to baths. They are, in most cases, made of wood, which increases the fire danger on the site.

For this reason, the bathhouse should be located at a distance of more than 8 meters from residential buildings (including neighbors).

Construction of a garage

Previously, there were no requirements for building a garage. In 2020, changes were introduced to SNiP.

The garage must be located more than 1 meter from the fence. If it is installed inside a residential building, then additional ventilation must be equipped.

Height of fences

The building regulations also contain some requirements for site fencing.

The fence between neighboring areas should not be higher than 1.5 meters in height.

It is allowed to create a continuous fence, but only half to prevent shading of the neighboring area.

As for the external fence, there are no special requirements for it.

But it should not be more than 2 meters high, otherwise the structure will need to be additionally approved by regulatory authorities.

Any material can be used to make a fence.

Standards for individual housing construction

Building regulations regulate not only the location of buildings on a site, but the nature of the buildings themselves.

After studying the regulatory documents, you can familiarize yourself with the existing standards:

The basement floor must be more than 2 meters high if it is planned to be used for storing things and equipment. It is prohibited to arrange living rooms in basements.

Engineering communications

For a comfortable stay in a private house, it is necessary to install utilities or think about the possibility of installing their analogues.


The owner of the house decides what type of heating to install. This could be a wood stove, fireplace, gas boiler.

Heating radiators are installed under the windows of the house to increase heat transfer.

If possible, house with permission service organization, connects to common system heating.

Gas supply

Gas supply can be used in a private home in two ways:

  1. By connecting to a common highway.
  2. From gas cylinders.

When connecting to the central gas main, it is necessary to correctly lay the pipes and make connections between the parts. It is prohibited to communicate through the living rooms of the house.

The pipes must be connected to the kitchen or heating stove. Exceptions include houses where a shut-off valve is installed near the entrance to the living space.

Communication is laid outside the building, and not through the foundation. The elements are connected by welding.

Shut-off valves can be installed using threaded parts.

If you plan to use gas cylinders for cooking or heating premises, then you need to buy containers with a volume of no more than 12 liters.

The operation of larger volume cylinders is permitted only if they are kept in a specially designated building located away from a residential building.

A prerequisite for installing a gas supply is the use of at least two devices powered by this fuel.

As a rule, these include a cooking stove and a heating boiler.

Electricity supply

Electricity is supplied to private homes through the installation of overhead power lines (power lines).

The main condition is that the wires should not be on highways and interfere with the traffic area.

On a less busy street, it is allowed to install wires at a height of 2.75 meters.

If the area is busy, people often walk near the house and cars pass by, then the distance from the ground should be at least 6 meters.

This prevents threats and does not interfere with the movement of people and vehicles.

The distance between supports should be no more than 25 meters. If the house is located at a greater distance, then it is necessary to install an additional, intermediate pole.

A distance of 20 cm is marked between the wires. When connecting the power line, metering devices are installed. They are mounted in a special box outside or inside the house.

The wiring in the building must be covered with insulating material and fixed in the corners of the rooms or on the ceiling.

Wiring work should only be carried out by professional electricians!

Water supply and sanitation

Water supply in a private house is carried out in several ways:

  • through the central system;
  • well drilling method;
  • delivery of water.

24/7 cold water without additional manipulations - this is a connection to central system water supply

If hot water is required, water heaters are installed.

Sewerage installation is carried out taking into account several requirements:

If a toilet is installed in the house, then the issue of arranging a cesspool is considered.

It can be separate from the sewer from the kitchen or combined.

In a private house, ventilation is not required. Windows and vents are opened for ventilation.

Ventilation is installed in the bathroom and toilet, provided that there is no flow of fresh air, that is, there are no windows in the room.

Fire safety standards

SNiP does not provide a separate chapter for fire safety standards.

But the basic rules can be distinguished from the basic requirements for building a house:

Distance between house and road must be at least 6 meters. There should be no obstacles for fire trucks to enter
Between neighboring houses the distance should be at least 6 meters. This is provided that the building is made of fire-resistant material, and there are no windows or doors on the adjacent side. In other cases, the distance increases to 8 meters or more
Electrical wiring is laid according to the rules of the PUE when installing power supply in wooden house A metal corrugated pipe must be used. It protects the house from fire in the event of a short smoke in the wiring or a spark. Before commissioning, the electrical wiring is checked by Oblenergo employees
Regularly checking electrical wiring the serviceability of heating appliances is a measure to prevent fire in a private home
Large gas cylinders should not be stored in the house. and flammable substances in unclosed containers. There must be a separate metal box for these materials

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Set of rules SP-54.13330.2011


Updated version of SNiP 01/31/2003

With changes:

Multicompartment residential buldings

1 Application area

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings with a height *(1) of up to 75 m (hereinafter adopted in accordance with SP 2.13130), including apartment-type dormitories, as well as residential premises, included in the premises of buildings for other functional purposes.

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 General provisions

4.3 When designing and constructing a residential building, conditions must be provided for the living activities of people with limited mobility, accessibility of the site, building and apartments for disabled people and elderly people using wheelchairs, if the placement of apartments for families with disabled people in a given residential building is established in the design assignment .

Specialized apartment buildings for the elderly should be designed no higher than nine floors, for families with disabled people - no higher than five. In other types of residential buildings, apartments for families with disabled people should be located, as a rule, on the first floors.

In residential buildings of state and municipal housing funds The share of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs is established in the design assignment by local authorities. Specific requirements for ensuring the livelihoods of people with disabilities and other groups of people with limited mobility should be provided taking into account local conditions and the requirements of SP 59.13330. Two-way traffic for disabled people in wheelchairs should be provided only in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabled people. In this case, the width of the corridors must be at least 1.8 m.

4.4 The project must include instructions for the operation of apartments and public premises of the house, which must contain the data necessary for tenants (owners) of apartments and built-in public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation, including: hidden electrical wiring diagrams, location ventilation ducts, other elements of the building and its equipment, in relation to which construction activities should not be carried out by residents and tenants during operation. In addition, the instructions must include content rules and maintenance fire protection systems and fire evacuation plan.

4.4a Redevelopment and reconstruction of apartments must be carried out in accordance with the rules of Article 26 Housing Code Russian Federation.

4.5 In residential buildings the following should be provided: drinking and hot water supply, sewerage and drains in accordance with SP 30.13330 and SP 31.13330; heating, ventilation, smoke protection - in accordance with SP 60.13330. Fire water supply and smoke protection should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 10.13130 ​​and SP 7.13130.

4.6 In residential buildings, electric lighting, power electrical equipment, telephone installations, radio installations, television antennas and bell alarms, as well as automatic fire alarms, warning systems and fire evacuation control systems, elevators for transporting fire departments, means of rescuing people, fire protection systems in accordance with with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as others engineering systems provided for in the design assignment.

4.7 On the roofs of residential buildings, provision should be made for the installation of antennas for collective reception of broadcasts and racks of wired radio broadcasting networks. The installation of radio relay masts and towers is prohibited.

4.8 Paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883/pr

The cabin of one of the elevators must be 2100 mm deep or wide (depending on the layout) to accommodate a person on a sanitary stretcher.

The width of the cabin doors of one of the elevators must allow passage of a wheelchair.

When adding to existing 5-story residential buildings, it is recommended to provide elevators. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to provide for an elevator stop on the floor being built.

In residential buildings in which apartments are intended to be located on floors above the first floor for families with disabled people who use wheelchairs for movement, as well as in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabled people, passenger elevators or lifting platforms must be provided in accordance with the requirements SP 59.13330, GOST R 51630, GOST R 51631 and GOST R 53296.

4.9 The width of the platforms in front of the elevators should allow the use of the elevator to transport a patient on an ambulance stretcher and be at least m:

1, 5 - in front of elevators with a load capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm;

2, 1 - in front of elevators with a load capacity of 630 kg with a cabin depth of 2100 mm.

When elevators are arranged in two rows, the width of the elevator hall must be at least m:

1, 8 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of less than 2100 mm;

2, 5 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more.

4.10 In the basement, ground, first and second floors of a residential building (in large and largest cities * (2) on the third floor), the placement of built-in and built-in-attached premises for public purposes is allowed, with the exception of objects that have a harmful effect on humans.

It is not allowed to post:

specialized stores of mosquito chemicals and other goods, the operation of which can lead to pollution of the territory and air of residential buildings; premises, including stores with storage of liquefied gases, flammable and combustible liquids, explosives capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, atmospheric oxygen or with each other, goods in aerosol packaging, pyrotechnic products;

stores selling synthetic carpets, auto parts, tires and automobile oils;

specialized fish stores; warehouses for any purpose, including wholesale (or small wholesale) trade, except storage facilities, which are part of public institutions that have emergency exits isolated from escape routes residential part of the building (the rule does not apply to built-in parking lots);

consumer service establishments that use flammable substances (except hairdressing salons and watch repair shops total area up to 300 m2); baths;

catering and leisure establishments with more than 50 seats, a total area of ​​more than 250 m2, all enterprises operating with musical accompaniment, including discos, dance studios, theaters, and casinos;

laundries and dry cleaners (except for collection points and self-service laundries with a capacity of up to 75 kg per shift); automatic telephone exchanges with a total area of ​​more than 100 m2; public toilets, institutions and shops of funeral services; built-in and attached transformer substations;

production premises (except for premises of categories B and D for the work of disabled people and older people, including: points for delivering work to home, workshops for assembly and decorative work); dental laboratories, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories; dispensaries of all types; day hospitals of dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: trauma centers, ambulance and emergency substations medical care; dermatovenerological, psychiatric, infectious diseases and phthisiatric medical offices; departments (rooms) of magnetic resonance imaging;

X-ray rooms, as well as premises with medical or diagnostic equipment and installations that are sources of ionizing radiation exceeding the permissible level established by sanitary and epidemiological rules, veterinary clinics and offices.

Stores selling synthetic carpet products can be attached to blind areas of the walls of residential buildings with a fire resistance rating of REI 150.

4.11 In the ground and basement floors of residential buildings, it is not allowed to place premises for storage, processing and use in various installations and devices of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied gases, explosives; premises for children; cinemas, conference halls and other halls with more than 50 seats, saunas, as well as medical institutions. When placing other premises on these floors, one should also take into account the restrictions established in 4.10 of this document and in Appendix D of SNiP 31-06.

4.12 Loading of public premises from the courtyard of a residential building, where the windows of the living rooms of the apartments and the entrances to the residential part of the house are located, in order to protect residents from noise and exhaust gases is not allowed.

Loading of public premises built into residential buildings should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from the side of highways (streets) in the presence of special loading premises.

It is allowed not to provide the specified loading premises when the area of ​​​​built-in public premises is up to 150 m 2.

5 Requirements for apartments and their elements

5.5 Placing apartments and living rooms in the basements and ground floors of residential buildings is not permitted.

5.8 The height (from floor to ceiling) of living rooms and kitchens (kitchen-dining room) in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA must be at least 2.7 m, and in other climatic regions - at least 2.5 m .

The height of intra-apartment corridors, halls, hallways, mezzanines (and under them) is determined by the conditions for the safety of people’s movement and must be at least 2.1 m.

In the living rooms and kitchens of apartments located in the attic floor (or upper floors with inclined enclosing structures), a lower ceiling height is allowed relative to the normalized one for an area not exceeding 50%.

6 Load-bearing capacity and permissible deformability of structures

6.2 The structures and foundations of the building must be designed to withstand constant loads from the own weight of load-bearing and enclosing structures; temporary uniformly distributed and concentrated loads on floors; snow and wind loads for a given construction area. Standard values ​​of the listed loads, taking into account unfavorable combinations of loads or corresponding forces, limit values deflections and movements of structures, as well as the values ​​of safety factors for loads must be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 20.13330.

When calculating structures and foundations of buildings, those specified in the design assignment must also be taken into account additional requirements the customer-developer, for example, to the placement of fireplaces, heavy equipment for public premises built into a residential building; for fastening heavy elements of interior equipment to walls and ceilings.

6.5 When calculating a building with a height of more than 40 m for wind load, in addition to the conditions of strength and stability of the building and its individual structural elements, restrictions must be provided on the parameters of vibrations of the floors of the upper floors, determined by the requirements of living comfort.

6.6 If, during reconstruction, additional loads and impacts arise on the remaining part of the residential building, its load-bearing and enclosing structures, as well as the foundation soils, must be checked for these loads and impacts in accordance with valid documents regardless of physical wear and tear designs.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the actual bearing capacity of the foundation soils as a result of their changes during operation, as well as the increase over time in the strength of concrete in concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

6.7 When reconstructing a residential building, changes in its structural design that arise during the operation of this building should be taken into account (including the appearance of new openings additional to the original design solution, as well as the impact of repairs to structures or their strengthening).

6.8 When reconstructing residential buildings with a change in the location of sanitary facilities, appropriate additional measures should be taken for hydro, noise and vibration insulation, as well as, if necessary, strengthening the floors on which the equipment of these sanitary facilities will be installed.

7 Fire safety

7.1 Preventing the spread of fire

7.1.2 The permissible building height and floor area within the fire compartment are determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the structural fire hazard class according to Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Fire resistance level of the building

Structural fire hazard class of the building

Maximum permissible building height, m

Maximum permissible floor area of ​​the fire compartment, m2

Not standardized

Note - The degree of fire resistance of a building with unheated extensions should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of the building.

7.1.4 The structures of galleries in gallery buildings must comply with the requirements adopted for the floors of these buildings.

7.1.5 In buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, to ensure the required fire resistance limit of the load-bearing elements of the building, only structural fire protection should be used.

7.1.6 Load-bearing elements of two-story buildings of fire resistance class IV must have a fire resistance limit of at least R 30.

7.1.7 Intersectional, inter-apartment walls and partitions, as well as walls and partitions separating non-apartment corridors, halls and lobbies from other premises, must meet the requirements set out in Table 7.1a.

Intersectional and inter-apartment walls and partitions must be solid and comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

7.1.8 The fire resistance limit of interior partitions is not standardized. The fire hazard class of interior closet, prefabricated and sliding partitions is not standardized. The fire hazard class of other interior partitions, including those with doors, must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

Table 7.1a

Enclosing structure

Minimum fire resistance limit and permissible fire hazard class of a structure for a building fire resistance degree and structural fire hazard class

I-III, C0 and C1

Intersectional wall

Intersectional partition

Inter-apartment wall

Inter-apartment partition

A wall separating non-apartment corridors from other rooms

Partition separating non-apartment corridors from other premises


* For buildings of class C1, K1 is allowed.

** For buildings of class C2, K2 is allowed.

7.1.9 Partitions between storage rooms in the basement and ground floors of buildings of fire resistance class II with a height of up to 5 floors inclusive, as well as in buildings of fire resistance classes III and IV, may be designed with a non-standardized fire resistance limit and fire hazard class. Partitions separating the technical corridor (including the technical corridor for laying communications) of the basement and ground floors from other premises must be fire-resistant type 1.

7.1.10 Technical, basement, ground floors and attics should be divided by type 1 fire partitions into compartments with an area of ​​no more than 500 m2 in non-sectional residential buildings, and in sectional ones - by sections.

7.1.11 Fencing of loggias and balconies in buildings with a height of three floors or more, as well as external sun protection in buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance with a height of 5 floors or more must be made of non-combustible materials NG.

7.1.12 Public premises built into residential buildings should be separated from the premises of the residential part by blind fire walls, partitions and ceilings with a fire resistance limit of at least REI 45, or EI 45, respectively, and in buildings of the 1st degree of fire resistance - by type 2 floors.

7.1.13 The waste collection chamber must have a separate entrance, isolated from the entrance to the building by a blank wall, and be separated by fire partitions and ceilings with fire resistance limits of at least REI 60 and fire hazard class K0.

7.1.14 The roof, rafters and sheathing of attic coverings may be made of flammable materials. In buildings with attics (except for buildings of the V degree of fire resistance), when constructing rafters and sheathing from combustible materials, it is not allowed to use roofs made of combustible materials, and the rafters and sheathing should be subjected to fire-retardant treatment. When constructively protecting these structures, they should not contribute to the latent spread of fire.

7.1.15 The paragraph does not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883/pr

If there are windows in a residential building oriented towards the built-in and attached part of the building, the level of the roof at the junction points should not exceed the floor level of the residential premises located above the main part of the building.

7.1.16 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883/pr

7.2 Ensuring evacuation

7.2.1 The greatest distances from apartment doors to the staircase or exit to the outside should be taken according to Table 7.2.

Table 7.2

In a section of a residential building, when exiting from apartments into a corridor (hall) that does not have a window opening at the end, the distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly into the staircase or exit to the vestibule or elevator passage hall leading to the air zone of the smoke-free staircase, should not exceed 12 m; if there is a window opening or smoke exhaust in the corridor (hall), this distance can be taken according to Table 7.2 as for a dead-end corridor.

7.2.2 The width of the corridor must be at least, m: if its length between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the stairs is up to 40 m - 1.4, over 40 m - 1.6, the width of the gallery is at least 1.2 m. Corridors should separated by partitions with doors with fire resistance El 30, equipped with closures and located at a distance of no more than 30 m from one another and from the ends of the corridor.

7.2.3 In staircases and elevator halls, it is allowed to provide glazed doors, in this case - with reinforced glass. Other types of impact resistant glazing may be used.

7.2.4 The number of emergency exits from the floor and the type of staircases should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements and SP 1.13130.

7.2.5 In residential buildings with a height of less than 28 m, designed for placement in climatic region IV and climatic subdistrict IIIB, it is allowed to install external open staircases made of non-combustible materials instead of staircases.

7.2.6 In residential buildings of the corridor (gallery) type with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor up to 500 m2, it is allowed to provide access to one staircase of type H1 with a building height of more than 28 m or type L1 with a building height of less than 28 m, provided that in At the ends of the corridors (galleries) there are exits to external staircases of the 3rd type, leading to the floor level of the second floor. When placing the specified stairwells at the end of the building, it is allowed to install one staircase of the 3rd type at the opposite end of the corridor (gallery).

7.2.7 When adding one floor to existing buildings with a height of up to 28 m, it is allowed to preserve the existing stairwell of type L1, provided that the added floor is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements and SP 1.13130.

7.2.8 If the total area of ​​apartments on a floor is more than 500 m2, evacuation must be carried out in at least two staircases (regular or smoke-free).

In residential buildings with a total area of ​​apartments per floor from 500 to 550 m2, it is allowed to install one emergency exit from the apartments:

if the height of the upper floor is no more than 28 m - into a regular staircase, provided that the front apartments are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors;

if the height of the upper floor is more than 28 m - in one smoke-free stairwell, provided that all rooms of the apartments (except bathrooms, bathrooms, showers and laundry rooms) are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors or automatic fire extinguishing.

7.2.9 For a multi-level apartment, it is allowed not to provide access to the staircase from each floor, provided that the premises of the apartment are located no higher than 18 m and the floor of the apartment that does not have direct access to the staircase is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Requirements fire safety. Indoor staircases may be made of wood.

7.2.10 Access to the external air zone of a type H1 staircase is allowed through the elevator hall, while the installation of elevator shafts and doors in them must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements and SP 4.13130.

7.2.11 In buildings up to 50 m high with a total area of ​​apartments on the section floor up to 500 m2, an emergency exit may be provided on a staircase of type H2 or H3 when one of the elevators is installed in the building, providing transportation for fire departments and meeting the requirements of GOST R 53296. In this case, access to the staircase H2 must be provided through a vestibule (or elevator hall), and the doors of the staircase, elevator shafts, vestibules and vestibules must be type 2 fireproof.

7.2.12 In sectional houses with a height of more than 28 m, the exit to the outside from smoke-free staircases (type H1) may be arranged through the vestibule (if there are no exits to it from the parking lot and public premises), separated from adjacent corridors by fire partitions of the 1st type with fire protection doors of the 2nd type. In this case, the connection between the H1 type staircase and the lobby must be arranged through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the ground floor with a metal grill. On the way from the apartment to the staircase H1 there must be at least two (not counting the doors from the apartment) sequentially located self-closing doors.

7.2.13 In a building with a height of three floors or more, exits to the outside from the basement, ground floors and technical underground must be located at least 100 m apart and must not communicate with the staircases of the residential part of the building.

Exits from basements and ground floors may be arranged through the staircase of the residential part, taking into account the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements and SP 1.13130. Exits from technical floors should be provided in accordance with SP 1.13130.

Exits from technical floors located in the middle or upper part of the building are allowed through common staircases, and in buildings with H1 staircases - through the air zone.

7.2.14 When constructing emergency exits from the attic floors to the roof, it is necessary to provide platforms and transition bridges with fencing in accordance with GOST 25772, leading to type 3 stairs and P2 stairs.

7.2.15 Public premises must have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the building.

When studios of artists and architects, as well as office premises are located on the top floor, it is allowed to take the staircases of the residential part of the building as emergency exits, while the connection between the floor and the staircase should be provided through a vestibule with fire doors. The door in the vestibule opening onto the staircase should be designed to be opened only from inside the room.

It is allowed to install one emergency exit from the premises of public institutions located on the first and ground floors with a total area of ​​no more than 300 m2 and the number of employees no more than 15 people.

7.3 Fire safety requirements for engineering systems and equipment of the building

7.3.6 Gas supply systems for residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 62.13330.

7.3.7 Heat supply systems for residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330.

7.3.8 Heat generators, cooking and heating furnaces operating on solid fuels may be installed in residential buildings up to two floors high inclusive (excluding ground floor).

7.3.9 Heat generators, including solid fuel stoves and fireplaces, cookers and chimneys must be constructed with constructive measures in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330. Factory-made heat generators and cookers must also be installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the manufacturers' instructions.

7.3.10 The waste collection chamber must be protected over the entire area with sprinklers. The section of the sprinkler distribution pipeline must be ring-shaped, connected to the building's drinking water supply network and have thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials. The cell door must be insulated.

7.3.11 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883/pr

7.3.12 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883/pr

7.3.13 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883/pr

7.4 Ensuring fire fighting and rescue operations

7.4.2 In each compartment (section) of the basement or ground floor, separated by fire barriers, at least two windows should be provided with dimensions of at least 0.9 x 1.2 m with pits. The area of ​​the light opening of the indicated windows must be taken by calculation, but not less than 0.2% of the floor area of ​​these premises. The dimensions of the pit must allow the supply of fire extinguishing agent from a foam generator and the removal of smoke using a smoke exhauster (the distance from the building wall to the boundary of the pit must be at least 0.7 m).

7.4.3 In the transverse walls of basements and technical subfloors of large-panel buildings, openings with a clear height of 1.6 m are allowed. In this case, the height of the threshold should not exceed 0.3 m.

7.4.5 On the drinking water supply network in each apartment, a separate tap with a diameter of at least 15 mm should be provided for connecting a hose equipped with a sprayer for use as the primary in-house fire extinguishing device to eliminate the source of fire. The length of the hose should ensure that water can be supplied to any point in the apartment.

7.4.6 In residential buildings (in sectional buildings - in each section) with a height of more than 50 m, one of the elevators must provide transportation for fire departments and comply with the requirements of GOST R 53296.

8 Safety during use

8.2 The slope and width of flights of stairs and ramps, the height of steps, the width of treads, the width of landings, the height of passages along the stairs, the basement, the attic in use, as well as the dimensions of the doorways should ensure the convenience and safety of movement and the ability to move items of equipment in the corresponding premises of apartments and built-in into a public premises building. The minimum width and maximum slope of flights of stairs should be taken according to Table 8.1.

Table 8.1

Height differences in floor level different rooms and spaces in the building must be safe. Where necessary, handrails and ramps should be provided. The number of rises in one flight of stairs or at a difference in levels must be no less than 3 and no more than 18. The use of stairs with different heights and depths of steps is not allowed. In multi-level apartments, internal staircases are allowed to have spiral or winder steps, and the width of the tread in the middle must be at least 18 cm.

8.3 The height of fences on external flights of stairs and landings, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences must be at least 1.2 m. Flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs must have fences with handrails no less than 0.9 m high.

Fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to withstand horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN/m.

8.4 Design solutions elements of the house (including the location of voids, methods of sealing places where pipelines pass through structures, arrangement of ventilation openings, placement of thermal insulation, etc.) must provide protection against the penetration of rodents.

8.5 Building engineering systems must be designed and installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in regulatory documents state supervisory authorities and instructions from equipment manufacturers.

8.6 Engineering equipment and instruments must be securely fastened under possible seismic impacts.

8.7 In apartments on the top floor or at any level of a multi-level apartment located last in height in residential buildings of I - III degrees of fire resistance class CO, C1, it is allowed to install solid fuel fireplaces with autonomous chimneys in accordance with the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements, SP 60.13330, SP 7.13130.

8.11 On the roofs of residential buildings in use, it is necessary to ensure the safety of their use by installing appropriate fences, protection of ventilation outlets and other engineering devices located on the roof, as well as, if necessary, noise protection of the rooms below.

On the operated roofs of built-in and attached public premises, as well as at the entrance area, on summer non-residential premises, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (ground and intermediate) used for installation sports grounds for recreation of adult residents of the house, areas for drying clothes and cleaning clothes or a solarium, the necessary safety measures should be provided (installation of fences and measures to protect ventilation outlets).

8.12 The electrical switchboard, rooms for headend stations (HS), technical centers (TC) of cable television, audio transformer substations (ZTS), as well as places for telephone distribution cabinets (SRC) should not be located under rooms with wet processes (bathrooms, toilets, etc. .).

8.13 Premises of public transport centers, shopping centers, and third-party stations must have entrances directly from the street; the electrical switchboard room (including for communication equipment, automated control systems, dispatching and television) must have an entrance directly from the street or from a floor-by-floor non-apartment corridor (hall); The approach to the SRT installation site must also be from the specified corridor.

9 Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements

9.2 Design air parameters in the premises of a residential building should be taken in accordance with SP 60.13330 and taking into account the optimal standards of GOST 30494. The air exchange rate in the premises in maintenance mode should be taken in accordance with Table 9.1.

Table 9.1


Air exchange rate

Bedroom, common room, children's room with the total area of ​​the apartment per person less than 20 m2

3 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 of living space

The same, if the total area of ​​the apartment per person is more than 20 m2

30 m 3 / h per person, but not less than 0.35 h 1

Pantry, linen, dressing room

Kitchen with electric stove

Room with gas-using equipment

A room with heat generators with a total heating capacity of up to 50 kW:

with open combustion chamber

with closed combustion chamber

1.0 m3/h**

Bathroom, shower, toilet, combined toilet

Elevator machine room

By calculation

Garbage collection chamber


* Air exchange rate should be determined based on the total volume of the apartment.

** Upon installation gas stove air exchange should be increased by 100 m 3 / h

Note - The air exchange rate in rooms for other purposes should be assigned according to SNiP 31-06 and SP 60.13330.

9.3 When performing thermal engineering calculations of the enclosing structures of residential buildings, the temperature of the internal air of heated premises should be taken at least 20°C, relative humidity - 50%.

9.4 The heating and ventilation system of the building must be designed to ensure that the internal air temperature in the premises during the heating period is within the optimal parameters established by GOST 30494, with the calculated parameters of the external air for the corresponding construction areas.

When installing an air conditioning system, optimal parameters must be ensured during the warm season.

In buildings erected in areas with a design outside air temperature of minus 40°C and below, heating of the floor surfaces of living rooms and kitchens, as well as public premises with constant occupancy of people located above cold undergrounds, should be provided, or thermal protection should be provided in accordance with requirements of SP 50.13330.

9.6 In living rooms and kitchens, air flow is provided through adjustable window sashes, transoms, vents, valves or other devices, including self-contained wall air valves with adjustable opening. Apartments designed for climatic regions III and IV must be provided with horizontal through or corner ventilation within the apartment area, as well as vertical ventilation through shafts in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330.

9.7 Air removal should be provided from kitchens, restrooms, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other rooms of apartments, and provision should be made for the installation of adjustable ventilation grilles and valves on exhaust ducts and air ducts.

Air from rooms in which harmful substances or unpleasant odors may be released must be removed directly to the outside and not enter other rooms of the building, including through ventilation ducts.

Combining ventilation ducts from kitchens, restrooms, bathrooms (showers), combined toilets, food pantries with ventilation ducts from rooms with gas-using equipment and parking lots is not allowed.

9.10 In the external walls of basements, technical undergrounds and cold attics that do not have exhaust ventilation, vents with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the floor area of ​​the technical underground or basement should be provided, evenly located along the perimeter of the external walls. The area of ​​one vent must be at least 0.05 m2.

9.11 The duration of insolation of apartments (premises) of a residential building should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ and SanPiN

The normalized duration of insolation must be provided: in one-, two- and three-room apartments- in at least one living room; in four-room apartments and more - in at least two living rooms.

9.12 Living rooms and kitchens (except for kitchen niches), public premises built into residential buildings, except for premises allowed in basements in accordance with SNiP 31-06, should have natural lighting.

9.16 When lighting through light openings in the external walls of common corridors, their length should not exceed: if there is a light opening at one end - 24 m, at two ends - 48 m. For longer corridors, it is necessary to provide additional natural light through light pockets. The distance between two light pockets should be no more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and the light opening at the end of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket, which can serve as a staircase, should be at least 1.5 m. Through one light the pocket is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides of it.

9.18 The external enclosing structures of the building must have thermal insulation, insulation from the penetration of external cold air and vapor barrier from the diffusion of water vapor from the premises, ensuring:

the required temperature and the absence of moisture condensation on the internal surfaces of indoor structures;

preventing the accumulation of excess moisture in structures.

The temperature difference between the internal air and the surface of the external wall structures at the design temperature of the internal air must comply with the requirements of SP 50.13330.

9.19 In climatic regions I - III, at all external entrances to residential buildings (except for entrances from the external air zone to a smoke-free staircase), vestibules with a depth of at least 1.5 m should be provided.

Double vestibules at entrances to residential buildings (except for entrances from the external air zone to a smoke-free staircase) should be designed depending on the number of floors of buildings and the area of ​​their construction according to Table 9.2.

Table 9.2

9.20 The premises of the building must be protected from penetration of rain, melt and groundwater and possible domestic water leaks from engineering systems by structural means and technical devices.

9.22 It is not permitted to place a latrine and bath (or shower) directly above living rooms and kitchens. Placing a toilet and bath (or shower) on the upper level above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located on two levels.

9.23 When constructing buildings in areas where, according to engineering and environmental surveys, there are emissions of soil gases (radon, methane, etc.), measures must be taken to isolate floors and basement walls in contact with the ground in order to prevent the penetration of soil gas from the ground into the building , and other measures to help reduce its concentration in accordance with the requirements of relevant sanitary standards.

9.24a When placing residential buildings on an area with increased level transport noise noise reduction in residential buildings should be carried out by using: special noise-proof planning and (or) structural and technical means of noise protection, including: external enclosing structures and filling window openings with increased sound-proofing properties.

9.25 Noise levels from engineering equipment and other indoor noise sources should not exceed the established permissible levels and no more than 2 dBA exceed the background values ​​determined when the indoor noise source is not working, both during the day and at night.

9.26 To ensure an acceptable noise level, it is not allowed to attach sanitary fixtures and pipelines directly to the inter-apartment walls and partitions enclosing living rooms; it is not allowed to place a machine room and elevator shafts, a garbage collection chamber, a garbage chute and a device for cleaning and washing it above living rooms, under them, as well as adjacent to them.

9.26a When installing bathrooms in bedrooms, it is recommended, according to the design instructions, to protect them from noise, to separate them from each other with walk-in closets built between them.

9.27 The supply of drinking water to the house must be provided from a centralized water supply network settlement. In areas without centralized utility networks for one- and two-story buildings, it is allowed to provide individual and collective sources of water supply from underground aquifers or from reservoirs based on the daily consumption of household and drinking water of at least 60 liters per person. In areas with limited water resources, the calculated daily water flow may be reduced in agreement with territorial authorities Rospotrebnadzor.

9.28 For wastewater disposal, a sewerage system must be provided - centralized or local in accordance with the rules established in SP 30.13330.

Wastewater must be disposed of without contaminating the area or aquifers.

9.31 Residential floors (except for blocked buildings) and floors with premises for preschool and medical institutions must be separated from the parking lot by a technical floor or a floor with non-residential premises for protection against the penetration of exhaust gases and excessive noise levels.

9.32 In multi-apartment residential buildings, a storage room for cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink, should be provided on the first, ground or basement floors.

10 Durability and maintainability

10.6 It must be possible to access the equipment, fittings and devices of the building's engineering systems and their connections for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

Equipment and pipelines must be secured to the building structures in such a way that their functionality is not affected by possible movements of the structures.

11 Energy saving

11.3 When assessing the energy efficiency of a building based on its thermal characteristics building structures and engineering systems, the requirements of this set of rules are considered fulfilled under the following conditions:

1) the reduced resistance to heat transfer and air permeability of enclosing structures is not lower than those required by SP 50.13330;

2) heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems have automatic or manual control;

3) the building’s engineering systems are equipped with heat, cold and hot water, electricity and gas with centralized supply.

11.4 When assessing the energy efficiency of a building based on a comprehensive indicator of specific energy consumption for its heating and ventilation, the requirements of this set of rules are considered fulfilled if the calculated value of specific energy consumption to maintain standardized microclimate and air quality parameters in the building does not exceed the maximum permissible standard value. In this case, the third condition 11.3 must be met.


*(1) The height of the building is determined by the difference between the elevations of the passage surface for fire trucks and the lower boundary of the opening opening (window) in the outer wall of the upper floor, including the attic. At the same time, the upper technical floor not taken into account.

*(2) Classification of cities - according to SP 42.13330.

*(3) The time limit for operation may be specified by local authorities.

*(4) According to Article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Appendix A

Regulatory documents

Appendix B

Terms and definitions

Appendix B

Rules for determining the area of ​​a building and its premises, building area, number of storeys and construction volume

Appendix D

Minimum number of passenger elevators
