Search for counterparties and checking their reliability. To help an accountant: where to quickly check counterparties for reliability? How to break through the organization by inn

  • 20.02.2022

Doing business is inextricably linked with the constant risk of cooperation with unreliable companies.

In the worst case, this can lead to large material losses.

The Federal Tax Service will help you avoid such consequences.

Each resident of our country, each individual or legal entity, has one common identification identifier - TIN.

An individual taxpayer number allows you to calculate taxes, and can also be used to search for the necessary data.

Because knowing how check the company by TIN, can be useful to every entrepreneur.

What is a TIN?

TIN - individual taxpayer number.

A unique combination of 12 digits that determines the registration number of all state taxpayers in the register of individuals (legal entities).

You can only at the age of 14 by writing a corresponding application to the regional tax office.

What should an entrepreneur know about TIN?

It is important that each organization registered in the register of the Federal Tax Service has its own TIN code.

Using the TIN, you can determine publicly available information about the company:

  • title;
  • place of physical and legal registration;
  • the presence of debts to the state;
  • the size of the company's assets;
  • business profitability;
  • debts to other counterparties;
  • the presence of legal proceedings in which the audited company is a participant.

The list is impressive, isn't it?

But, as in any other legal process, there are subtleties here, which you will learn by reading the article to the end.

Situations requiring verification of the organization by TIN

Inexperienced entrepreneurs often make a very gross mistake, considering checking a potential partner as an unnecessary operation.

Often, the majority of bankrupt enterprises have fallen to this level due to the illogical and inappropriate behavior of the manager.

The basis of entrepreneurial activity is interaction with partners on favorable terms.

But can you be completely sure of the status of your counterparty when making a deal?

The answer is obvious - no.

Situations requiring verification of the company:

  1. Carrying out financial transactions between enterprises.
  2. Drafting of cooperation agreements.
  3. Providing legal assistance to the organization.

There are several dozen more special cases that require verification. But all of them can be combined under the wording "financial transactions".

How to check a company by TIN using online services?

In the twenty-first century - the century of technological breakthrough - there is no need to even get up from your chair when you need to check.

You need to have only two things: a computer and access to the Internet.

The reader might be thinking, “How can I trust online services? What if there is inaccurate data there?

In order not to raise such questions, the Federal Tax Service has created its own state resource -

There is no point in doubting its authenticity, all the content of the site is carefully checked by the tax authorities themselves.

The purpose of creating such a service is to bring the entrepreneur closer to the Federal Tax Service.

You can check the structure you are interested in only after registering on the portal, after which you should follow the link -, where you will see the following picture:

The arrows indicate the search parameters definition zone, in plain language - menu items.

The user can select the data he needs from an extensive database of tax authorities.

We must not forget about one small but very important detail: data on financial transactions cannot be instantly updated in the FTS database.

If you re-check the counterparty you interact with, and the updates did not appear during the day, you should not immediately accuse him of cheating.

To get started, contact the portal support center and report the problem situation.

Other resources for checking a company by TIN

To determine information on the TIN, you can use other Internet resources, such as:

The reliability of the data when checking on these sites cannot be guaranteed 100%.

On the other hand, such resources do not have any benefit from deceiving ordinary users, since customers provide them with income.

A huge plus of checking a company by TIN using online services is the amount of information received.

Using paid systems, you can learn literally everything about the company.

Starting with outstanding debts, ending with the composition of the family and the smallest nuances of doing business.

For "old school" entrepreneurs, there are other ways to verify businesses using a TIN.

How to check a company by TIN at the representative office of the Federal Tax Service?

In order to find out information about the counterparty, you can simply visit the regional office of the Federal Tax Service, taking your passport with you as an identity card.

For greater convenience, it is necessary to pre-arrange the time of reception by discussing this issue by phone with representatives of the tax service.

First of all, an entrepreneur may be interested in the place of registration of a legal entity, the reliability of documentation, and the financial reliability of the company.

The TIN itself does not provide information about the company. Employees of the Federal Tax Service use it as an identifier for the database.

That is, according to the numbers that make up the TIN, you will not be able to disclose all information about the company's debt to its counterparties and other details.

To determine the status of an organization, it is found in the registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the EGRIP, the necessary information is selected, and search queries are made in the databases of the State Pension Fund and banking structures.

The presence of cases in arbitration courts is another factor that may be of interest to counterparties. It can be easily determined by analyzing lawsuits by TIN (this procedure is also carried out using the methods described above).

With a personal appeal to the Federal Tax Service, the chances of an error in compiling a search query are clearly reduced.

If you are not completely confident in your abilities, you should contact the regional tax office.

This solution will eliminate the problems of counterparty identification.

Data protection for entrepreneurs

Every entrepreneur reading this article might have some concerns related to the excessive openness of data to others.

It is necessary to note a very important point: without the consent of the management structure of the counterparty enterprise, it is simply impossible to find out the entire list of data you are interested in.

Without the permission of the director of the audited organization, you will only be able to find out a few facts about his activities, namely the following:

  • Is the person running a business?
  • The name and location of the legal entity.
  • The presence of claims related to the enterprise or individual.

To access other information, you must notify the counterparty and request permission.

In the event of a refusal, it is worth considering: does it make sense to do business with such an entrepreneur?

The video shows how to find out the TIN of an enterprise through the website of the Federal Tax Service:

Search analysis by TIN

In the article, you learned two ways to search for information about a company using the company's TIN code.

By the way, the TIN itself can be found on all the same services presented above.

To do this, it is enough to enter the name, and in some cases additional information about the company.

Which of the described search methods is better? You can draw conclusions for yourself by studying the comparative table:

CriterionOnline ServicesVisit to the Department of the Federal Tax Service
ComfortVery comfortable, do not require a lot of time and effort.Loses to a competitor, since the method will require you to spend time and effort on a visit to the Federal Tax Service.
informativeWhen used correctly, online services can be a great source of information.Informativeness at the highest level, employees will provide a complete package of data.
ReliabilityOnly the official services of the Federal Tax Service have 100% reliability.Data reliability at the highest level.
PriceThere are paid online services, the cost can range from 500 to 3,000 - 4,000 rubles.Completely free service.

After reading the article, you should not have a question, how to check a company by TIN.

All available paths and services are considered.

The choice of the most suitable is up to you.

One general conclusion can be drawn: do not regret it and take an hour or two to thoroughly check your partner.

This step will never be superfluous + it can save you from unpleasant surprises and financial losses.

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Before concluding a contract, the company finds out what is known about a potential business partner. To check the counterparty, it is convenient to use the free service of the Federal Tax Service. Go to the tax website and get the necessary information.

When preparing materials, we use only information

For a quick check of the counterparty, the Federal Tax Service offers its own free service

One of the stages of preparing for a deal is obtaining information about a future counterparty. If the companies have not interacted before, you need to find out how the counterparty does business, how reliable it is, if there are any problems with the tax or other companies. This will allow you to predict the risks of the transaction and reduce them. In addition, the company is required to exercise caution: if it enters into an agreement with an unreliable counterparty or a shell company, the consequences of this fall on it. In particular, the Federal Tax Service may regard such a transaction as an attempt to evade the fulfillment of a tax obligation. The company will have to pay additional taxes or spend time challenging the accrual.

To avoid negative consequences, find out about the future business partner, who manages the company, whether it really exists at the specified address, etc. You can check the counterparty by TIN or other data on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (even if you enter “" in Russian, the search engine will automatically redirect to the tax website, and the verification service will be available). You can get information about the company:

  • by TIN,
  • according to OGRN,
  • by name.

How to check a counterparty on the tax website

Checking the counterparty and obtaining information about it using the IFTS website will not take much time: it is enough to know the TIN or name. The step by step algorithm is:

  1. Open the home page of the site.
  2. Find the "Electronic Services" section on it.
  3. In the section, select the link "Business risks: check yourself and the counterparty".

On the verification page:

  1. Select the "Legal entity" option if the counterparty is an organization, or "Individual entrepreneur / peasant farm" if you are going to conclude a deal with an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Enter the TIN, OGRN or company name in the search form. When entering the name, you can also specify the region in which its main office is located, but this is not required. To search for information about an individual entrepreneur, instead of the OGRN, they enter the OGRNIP, and instead of the name, the full name and region of residence.
  3. Enter a test combination of letters and numbers.
  4. Click Find.

If the system has information about the person you are interested in, it will provide them.

When checking, the tax website provides information about the counterparty from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

The information that you receive during the verification is data from the register of legal entities (or USRIP, if you are checking an individual entrepreneur). The system generates a PDF file for download. In particular, the file contains information:

  • on company registration;
  • about the registration authority;
  • on tax accounting;
  • on the registration of the insured with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund;
  • on the authorized capital (share capital, authorized fund, share contributions);
  • about the head of the company, who has the right to act on its behalf without a power of attorney;
  • about the field of activity of the company according to OKVED;
  • about company licenses;
  • about representations and branches;
  • about changes in information in the register.

In case you need to confirm that you checked the counterparty, ask the Federal Tax Service for an extract. It can be obtained in electronic format, the document is certified with an enhanced signature. To obtain such an extract, apply using a special form.

The tax authority carefully analyzes the information that is provided to it when registering a new company or when a reorganization takes place, a change in the director of an LLC, etc. As a rule, the data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is reliable. However, there is a risk that the counterparty provided incorrect or incorrect information, and this escaped the attention of the tax authorities. It also happens that the company did not report the changes, although it is obliged. And the registry is outdated. This should be taken into account when you are checking a future business partner. The more complete the analysis you conduct, the lower the risks. On the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can independently check whether the address of the company is among the mass ones, and also whether its director is on the list of disqualified persons or among directors who have several firms at once. The site will also allow you to find out if the counterparty has a significant tax debt. A positive answer to each of these questions may indicate that the counterparty is not safe.

The process of checking a counterparty can take a lot of time: you will need to use not only the website of the Federal Tax Service, but also other free resources: a file of arbitration cases, Federal Resource, etc. The Counterparty Check service will save time and effort. The service is paid, but you don’t have to collect information from different resources yourself: the system will do it for you. The depth and variety of verification depends on which tariff you use. But even at the simplest rate, you will receive information that will allow you to assess the risks of the transaction.

One-day counterparties are capable of causing damage both to the state in case of tax evasion, and to the taxpayer, who will have to prove the validity of the tax benefit received when refunding VAT or when accounting for expenses for profit tax purposes as a result of interaction with such unscrupulous counterparties.

Inspections are guided by the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2006 No. 53 "", which fixed the main signs of dishonesty taxpayer and rules for their determination.

Taxpayers, in order to prove the exercise of due diligence and caution when choosing a counterparty, can turn to public criteria
self risk assessment for taxpayers used by the tax authorities in the process of selecting objects for on-site tax audits (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007 No. MM-3-06 / [email protected]""), as well as clarifications from the financial authorities regarding the case in which the taxpayer is considered to have fulfilled the obligation to verify the counterparty.

In order to protect yourself from the risks of doing business and possible claims from the tax authorities, there are many opportunities to verify the integrity of a potential business partner.

We have identified a number of actions that, in the opinion of the tax inspectorates and the courts, must be taken in order to confirm the exercise of due diligence and caution when choosing a counterparty.

You can find out if a license was issued to a potential counterparty at websites of licensing authorities- for each type of activity, the licensing authority will be different. For example, the website of Rospotrebnadzor allows you to search through registers of licenses issued for activities related to the use of pathogens of infectious diseases, and for activities in the field of the use of ionizing radiation sources.

7. Familiarize yourself with the annual financial statements of the counterparty. In accordance with paragraph 89 of the Regulation on accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation (approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n), the organization's annual financial statements are open to interested users(banks, investors, creditors, buyers, suppliers, etc.) who can familiarize themselves with it and receive copies of it with reimbursement for copying costs, and the organization should provide an opportunity for interested users to familiarize themselves with the financial statements.

In addition, Rosstat is obliged to provide information on the annual financial statements of organizations free of charge (Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 No. 42, Rosstat of May 20, 2013 No. 183 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of Federal by the state statistics service of the state service "Providing interested users with data from the accounting (financial) statements of legal entities operating in the territory of the Russian Federation").

8. Examine the register of unscrupulous suppliers. Of course, a potential counterparty is not necessarily a participant in the procurement system for state and municipal needs, but there is such a possibility. Therefore, we still recommend that you go through this optional verification stage and search for the appropriate registry, updated by the FAS Russia.


We recommend developing local regulation on the organization and improvement of pre-contractual work with potential counterparties, which would indicate its goals, principles of activity and interaction of managers, supply and security services, lawyers and other officials of the taxpayer in contact with potential counterparties, and also list the documents that must be requested from counterparties and other persons. The courts also pay attention to the existence of such a local act (decree of the FAS MO dated May 23, 2013 in case No. A40-98947 / 12-140-714). In addition, it makes sense to publish individual orders on checking a specific counterparty for subsequent confirmation of their correctness in the event of a conflict.

9. Check the authority of the person signing the contract. Courts often point to the need to verify credentials as a condition for recognizing a taxpayer in good faith (FAS ZSO of May 25, 2012 in case No. A75-788 / 2011, of the Eighth Arbitration Court of Appeal of September 20, 2013 in case No. A46-5720 / 2013) . Moreover, if the taxpayer received all the necessary documents and information, but did not verify the authority of the representative of the counterparty to sign the documents, this will be the basis for recognizing this taxpayer as bad faith (decree of the FAS MO dated July 11, 2012 in case No. A40-103278 / 11 -140-436).

When considering a case, in the event that the signatory refuses to sign on the documents, it is usually appointed handwriting expertise- but sometimes it does without it (FAS UO dated June 30, 2010 No. F09-4904 / 10-C2 in case No. A76-39186 / 2009-41-833). However, more often the courts emphasize that a simple visual comparison of signatures and testimony of a taxpayer's representative cannot be considered sufficient grounds for recognizing that documents were signed by unidentified persons (decision of the Third Arbitration Court of Appeal dated October 13, 2010 in case No. A33-4148 / 2010).

And of course, the courts ascertain the fact of bad faith of the taxpayer in the event that the authorized representative of the counterparty by the time of signing the documents died(VAS RF dated December 6, 2010 No. VAS-16471/10) or his powers were terminated(FAS PO dated February 28, 2012 No. F06-998/12 in case No. A65-14837/2011). On the other hand, the latter case cannot, in the opinion of the courts, testify to the receipt of an unreasonable tax benefit if, before the conclusion of the disputed transaction, the taxpayer had long-term economic relations with the counterparty (FAS SKO dated April 25, 2013 No. Ф08-1895 / 13 in the case No. A53-12917 / 2012, decision of the FAS ZSO dated October 27, 2011 No. F07-8946 / 11 in case No. A52-4227 / 2010).

Before signing the documents, you should pay attention to the following:

  • is the transaction being concluded for your counterparty major;
  • hasn't expired term of office representative of the counterparty (it is determined by the charter of the organization or a power of attorney);
  • not limited whether charter powers of the director to conclude transactions, the amount of which exceeds a certain value.

10. Make a request to the tax office at the place of registration of the counterparty. The courts emphasize that this is also regarded as a manifestation of the taxpayer's prudence (FAS ZSO dated October 14, 2010 in case No. A27-26264 / 2009, FAS ZSO dated March 5, 2008 No. F04-1408 / 2008 (1506-A45-34) in case No. A45-5924 / 07-31 / 153, of the Third Arbitration Court of Appeal of October 11, 2013 in case No. A74-5445 / 2012, of the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal of September 5, 2012 in case No. A55-1742 / 2012 ).

Moreover, the district arbitration courts confirm duty of the tax authorities provide the requested information within the range of information not recognized in accordance with tax secrecy. Thus, the FAS ZSO emphasized that the inspectorate’s refusal to provide information about the taxpayer’s counterparty affects the rights of the latter related to obtaining tax benefits, taking into account the taxpayer’s obligation to confirm due diligence and caution when choosing a counterparty (Resolution of the FAS ZSO dated December 14, 2007 No. F04- 67/2007(77-A67-32) in case No. A67-1687/2007).

Sometimes the courts even emphasize that the taxpayer had the opportunity to contact the relevant services to check the counterparty, but he did not do this (FAS MO dated September 14, 2010 No. KA-A40 / 10728-10 in case No. A40-4632 / 10- 115-57).

True, occasionally the courts still come to the conclusion that the taxpayer could not apply to the inspectorate at the place of registration of the counterparty, since only tax authorities have such authority (FAS SZO dated July 31, 2013 in case No. A13-8751 / 2012).

But even if the tax office refuses to respond to the request, he the fact of his direction will indicate that the taxpayer wanted to protect himself when choosing a counterparty and can serve as evidence of due diligence in the future. At the same time, it is important that the request be submitted personally to the office of the tax inspectorate (a copy of the request with a mark of acceptance must remain on hand) or by mail with a return receipt and an inventory of the attachment (in this case, one copy of the inventory and the returned notification remain).

As we can see, the positions of the courts regarding the scope of actions that must be performed to verify the counterparty's good faith differ. True, sometimes the courts are a little cunning.

So, they point out that the tax inspectorate did not prove the lack of due diligence of the taxpayer - on the contrary, when making controversial transactions, they were requested notarized copies of the necessary documents. At the same time, the courts emphasize that in the field of tax relations there is presumption of good faith, and law enforcement authorities cannot interpret the concept of "conscientious taxpayers" as imposing additional obligations on taxpayers that are not provided for by law (Decree of the FAS MO dated January 31, 2011 No. KA-A40 / 17302-10 in case No. A40-30846 / 10-35 -187, decision of the FAS MO of December 16, 2010 No. KA-A40 / 15535-10-P in case No. A40-960 / 09-126-4, decision of the FAS MO of July 22, 2009 No. KA-A40 / 6386 -09 in case No. A40-67706/08-127-308).

Such an understanding of good faith was developed by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in No. 329-O of October 16, 2003, which is often referred to by taxpayers when substantiating their position. In particular, the Court emphasized that the taxpayer cannot be held responsible for the actions of all organizations participating in the multi-stage process of paying and transferring taxes to the budget.

At the same time, courts often point to the need to request relevant documents from the counterparty, emphasizing that these actions have for the taxpayer nature of duty(FAS PO dated July 14, 2010 in case No. A57-7689 / 2009, FAS ZSO dated July 20, 2010 in case No. A81-4676 / 2009).

Sometimes the attention of the courts may be drawn to other details - for example, the conclusion of a contract for a "trial" delivery of goods. small party to verify the counterparty (decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated December 16, 2010 No. KA-A40 / 15535-10-P in case No. A40-960 / 09-126-4), the fact of registration of the counterparty in several days before the transaction (FAS UO dated November 28, 2012 No. F09-11410 / 12 in case No. A60-7356 / 2012), etc. The tax authorities may also refer to the fact that the counterparty organization has "mass leaders and founders", and this fact should have alerted the taxpayer (FAS MO dated November 3, 2011 No. F05-11505 / 11 in case No. A41-23181 / 2010).

In conclusion, we note that the presence only one sign of dishonesty counterparty, as a rule, is not an obstacle to the recognition of the tax benefit received by the taxpayer as unjustified. However, their combination often makes tax inspectorates wary, and the courts make a decision not in favor of the taxpayer.

In practice, most entrepreneurs, especially beginners, have many questions regarding the process of searching and checking counterparties: what tools should be used, whether there are free opportunities for this, what information needs to be analyzed, etc. Moreover, there are no standard rules and criteria for such verification . All actions that need to be taken are usually developed by companies in the process of analysis themselves, based on risk assessment.

According to Andrey Khrykin, project manager at Focus.Forum, the process of checking counterparties rests on three pillars:

  • reliability - the intentions of the company and its relationship with the state and other business partners;
  • evaluation - identification of the main evaluation criteria and objective information;
  • knowledge - understanding what information is worth considering and what is not.

Why look for and check contractors?

Checking a counterparty is a complex and not one-time, as it may seem to many, work. But it is necessary, because at stake is the money and reputation of the company. No wonder the tax authorities warn that the responsibility for choosing a counterparty lies entirely with the company. Therefore, it should be interested in assessing the risks and tax consequences that may arise as a result of cooperation with dubious counterparties. If the tax authorities have claims against one of your counterparties, it is likely that you will unwittingly find yourself in trouble.

Verification of new counterparties is also necessary, taking into account such a thing as “unjustified tax benefit”, which is supposed to be received by those entrepreneurs who minimize taxation by evading taxes.

How convenient is the service:

  • The search for a company or individual entrepreneur is carried out by name, address, full name, TIN and other parameters. The relevance and reliability of information is guaranteed through access to official state open sources.
  • In addition to fresh extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, the user receives data from the Card Index of the Supreme Arbitration Court, the Federal Bailiff Service, the Federal Treasury State Contract Database, the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information, and the Rosstat Accounting Database of Organizations.
  • The company card, in addition to all other necessary information, includes a selection of links with references to the company on the Internet, which allows you to speed up the process of collecting facts by aggregating information from the media, from forums with reviews, from the company's website and the websites of its partners, suppliers and customers, from the issuer's information disclosure page, from news resources.
  • The user of the service can put 1000 companies under observation. Having learned about changes in the data, Contour.Focus will notify the user about them by e-mail.
  • The service is able to analyze organizations according to criteria pre-set by the user.

Offline verification of the counterparty, identification of suspicious signs

Armed with all sorts of free online verification tools, don't forget about offline investigation as well.

What needs to be done?

  • Verify the actual location of the company at the address indicated in the documents.

This is especially necessary in cases where you are negotiating, for example, with a manufacturing company whose activities involve the presence of warehouses and premises for production. Unscrupulous counterparties may indicate non-existent addresses.

  • To get acquainted personally with the management of the company when discussing the terms of cooperation and concluding deals.
  • Make sure that the company intends to fulfill the terms of the deal.

This can only be understood in the course of negotiations, by observing the behavior of the leadership. You should be wary if the counterparty is in a hurry to conclude a deal and wants to quickly agree on payment, while luring you with low prices and unrealistic conditions.

  • Make sure that the conditions specified in the contract are feasible for the counterparty.

Does the counterparty have real opportunities to fulfill the terms of the contract? Will he be able to meet the deadlines for the production or delivery of the product? Will they violate deadlines when performing work?

When deciding on cooperation with a company or individual entrepreneur, the question of the reliability and honesty of the Counterparty constantly arises. This applies to the situation when an Individual orders a product or service, and the situation when a Legal Entity begins cooperation with a new Supplier / Partner / Client.

When making a payment (prepayment) for goods or services, it must be clearly understood that the Supplier will fulfill all its obligations, deliver the goods or provide the service clearly and on time.

It is important to check the Counterparty and choose reliable companies to eliminate the possible risks of supplying low-quality goods, lack of warranty service.

For Legal entities, verification of the Counterparty is the main action to prevent financial and tax risks. The Federal Tax Service strongly recommends checking Counterparties and exercising Due Diligence using all available open and legitimate sources of information. The easiest way to Check the Counterparty is to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP on the tax website. For more complete information, it is recommended to use the service for checking counterparties ZACHESTNYYBUSINESS.

On the ZACHESTNYYBUSINESS portal, you can check the Counterparty of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur for free according to information from official open sources (FTS, ROSSTAT, etc.)

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation*.

For a free check of the Counterparty by TIN / OGRN / full name / Name, use the search box:

To do this, enter the TIN or OGRN of the company in the search box.

If you do not have the exact details, it will be enough to enter the name of the company. If the name is common and a list appears at your request, it is advisable to clarify the request:
. enter the name of the company + the surname of the director (for example: TECHPROM IVANOV)
. or: company name + location (for example: TEHPROM MOSCOW)
. or all parameters at once (for example: TEHPROM IVANOV MOSCOW)

A brief algorithm for Checking the Counterparty (how to determine a reliable Counterparty using HONEST BUSINESS.RF):

  1. The organization must exist, its status must be Active.
  2. The company should not be in special registers of the tax service (FTS), otherwise a red inscription will appear on the card under the name of the company. For example:
    There is no connection with the legal entity by legal entity. address (according to the Federal Tax Service).
  3. Companies with a period of activity of less than a year have increased risks (determined by the date of registration). According to statistics, every 3rd company ceases operations during the first year.
  4. The company must be located at the address of registration. The company must not have a mass registration address. How many companies are still registered at this address is indicated in the card under the address. Bulk addresses are often used by unscrupulous companies or fly-by-night companies.
  5. The types of activities of the company must coincide in meaning with the actual activities of the company.
  6. Head (director) of the company. If you know who the head of the company is, check this information. There are cases when companies are registered with nominee managers, i.e. persons not participating in the activity. This is one of the main signs of unscrupulous companies.
  7. Check the number of employees. A company that does not have its own employees and material and technical base may not fulfill its obligations.
  8. Check the availability of registration in off-budget funds. Without registration, for example, in the FIU, the company cannot transfer funds to the Pension Fund.
  9. The authorized capital of the company. The minimum in the Russian Federation is 10,000 rubles. The larger the authorized capital, the less risks when working with the Counterparty.
  10. It is also worth paying attention to Financial indicators (does not apply to companies that have existed for less than a year). We pay attention to the articles: “Net profit (loss)” - a loss-making company may have financial problems. The article “Fixed assets” shows the presence of Property in the ownership of the company.
  11. Particular attention should be paid to the data of the Arbitration Court (a separate tab in the card of a Legal Entity or an Individual Entrepreneur on the HONEST BUSINESS portal). The presence of court cases on non-fulfillment of obligations and claims for the recovery of funds against the audited Organization indicates the unreliability of the Counterparty.
  12. Check the FSSP data. The presence of enforcement proceedings indicates the forced collection of funds from the audited company.

We wish you to work with trustworthy, honest Contractors!
Convenient, comfortable work when checking Counterparties on the portal!

* The data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1, article 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is restricted, namely information about documents proving the identity of an individual. On the website ZACHESTNYYBUSINESS.RF you can check the Counterparty for free and exercise Due Diligence. All instructions and requirements presented on the website ZACHESTNYYBUSINESS.RF are not binding and are advisory in nature. Recommendations are given for the possible reduction of economic risks. When concluding transactions, taxpayers, first of all, must take into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. By virtue of the principle of freedom of economic activity, the taxpayer carries out entrepreneurial activity independently at his own risk. The administration of the site ZACHESTNYYBUSINESS.RF is not responsible for possible economic losses / cases of lost income and does not give any guarantees or assurances to third parties.