Registration of OSAGO before registration. Is it possible to register a car without insurance? Do you need Osago

  • 13.12.2019

When purchasing a car, the new owner will definitely get acquainted with the features of his statement on temporary or permanent registration. No matter how tedious this stage is, the obligation to register a car rests with every motorist.

It is advisable not to use the services of intermediary firms. If there is a desire to use legal services, it is better to contact a lawyer who is a professional in the field of automobile legislation.

The procedure is a series of actions provided by law for entering information into a special database on vehicles, its characteristics, features and owner. The end result is the receipt of a state standard document - STS.

It can be issued:

  1. traffic police departments;
  2. centers of municipal services "My documents";
  3. multifunctional centers (MFC).

Regulatory framework for registration

Legal relations, the occurrence of which is associated with actions on the design of vehicles, is contained in a specifically fixed list of legislative acts.

  • Federal Law "On Police".
  • Federal Law “On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services”.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.1994 No. 938 “On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment in the territory of the Russian Federation”.
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1001 dated November 24, 2008 "On the procedure for registration of vehicles".
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 605 of 08/07/2013 “On Approving the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them”

  1. contact the traffic police department in person;
  2. apply to the IFC or the My Documents Center;
  3. submit an application for receiving the service through the portal Electronic Government Services.

The list of documents will be the same everywhere:

  • a statement of the appropriate form;
  • Title or information about electronic title;
  • STS (when setting up a car that was bought in the secondary market);
  • cTP policy;
  • identity document of the applicant;
  • power of attorney (in case of filing through a representative).

Types of Insurance Contracts

There are two types of contracts related to motor vehicles.

MTPL is a type of contract that the law requires each driver to enter into. The liability of the person managing the vehicle is insured exclusively. An insured event refers to the negative consequences of an accident committed by a driver. According to the rules of the road of the Russian Federation, as well as the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001, the presence of a policy is a necessary condition for transport.

CASCO - a voluntary insurance contract where the owner of the vehicle insures the car against the occurrence of negative consequences, where damage will be caused to his car. The obligation to acquire such an agreement is not provided for by applicable law.

Accounting for vehicles without a policy

Based on the requirements of the law, it is impossible to register a car without OSAGO insurance. However, the law does not say anything about the need to obtain a CASCO policy for registration activities.

After reading this material, many were able to give an unambiguous answer to the question: is it possible to register a car without insurance and what regulatory acts are used to resolve these legal relations. Now each driver knows the necessary list of papers that will be useful to him in the implementation of this procedure.

When buying a car, a person is faced with the solution of a large number of organizational issues. One of the main and paramount is insurance and registration of the car.

Such a process should not be trusted by unauthorized persons, to draw up all documents exclusively in their own name, without the participation of intermediaries. This will provide an opportunity to protect yourself from all kinds of fraudulent schemes.

Vehicle insurance - a mandatory measure, established by law, which no one should violate.

Drivers quite often ask whether it is possible to re-register a car without insurance. Buying a car from another owner, they are not always ready to give a large amount for additional services.

To do everything right, it is important to understand all the nuances of the procedure.

You cannot register a car without prior insurance. This procedure requires the following documents:

  • application of a standard form for registration of a vehicle;
  • identity document;
  • power of attorney, if the documents are submitted by a trustee;
  • documents for the vehicle;
  • documents that confirm ownership;
  • cTP insurance policy.

In the application form there is a column in which it is necessary to enter the number of the insurance policy, the name of the company with which it is concluded and the date of execution of the contract.

If registration documents are submitted online through the e-government portal, you also cannot do without an insurance policy number.

Thus, the list of documents required for registering a car contains a paragraph on compulsory insurance.

Accounting is possible only when the whole list is maintained. Another option is not considered. You can take out insurance in a short time, so there will be no delay.

If someone is looking for another way and trying to get around insurance, then nothing will come of it, just wasted time. All documents are provided for by law, so it will be possible to register only after receiving a CTP policy.

Its absence is a ground for refusal of registration. And if the driver does not want to get it, then insurance should be issued before contacting the traffic police.

That’s what experienced vehicle owners do, it’s advisable and reasonable. In addition to the question of whether to re-register the car without insurance, drivers are interested in some more points.

Not everyone understands whether it is necessary to change insurance when a car is reissued for a new owner. In accordance with the law - this must be done.

With the emergence of the right to own a vehicle, the owner is obliged to insure his civil liability until the moment of registration of the car, but no later than 10 days after the occurrence of the right of ownership.

What to do when buying an insured car

There are times when the owner is forced to sell his car urgently. But at the same time, the insurance period remains valid for a long period.

After the conclusion of the contract of sale, the terms of the policy lose their force. In this case, the owner can try to withdraw the remaining amount of money.

In accordance with the law, the insurance company is obliged to satisfy the client’s request within two weeks. But at the same time, the insurer is trying to keep about 20% of these funds.

Therefore, it is natural that sellers are interested in how to re-register a car without an insurance policy.. The buyer can also insist on this, as it becomes possible to save several hundred rubles.

When both parties to the contract of sale agree to re-arrange insurance for the buyer, the buyer must notify the insurance company that the new owner of the car will assume obligations under the current policy.

You can apply if you submit the following documents:

  • insurance contract;
  • policy;
  • check for payment of services;
  • statement of the buyer to reissue insurance on themselves.

Often, new owners worry that it takes a long time to get insurance. But according to the requirements that apply in 2019, put forward to insurers, car owners can register civil liability even through the Internet.

This greatly facilitates the situation for those who live in areas where there is no office for a suitable insurance company. The client can submit an insurance policy when he will register the car by printing it from his personal account.

By law, it will have the same legal force as the policy drawn up on a strict reporting form. Unfortunately, not all Russian insurance companies provide services for registration of CTP via the Internet.

There are cases when the submission of applications on the insurers website is temporarily suspended.

Often, buyers are interested in how to re-register a car without a compulsory motor third-party liability insurance policy, in the event that the transaction is not concluded under a sales contract, but on the basis of a general power of attorney.

Then you can reissue the policy to the new owner, indicate his data in the insurance.

It is important to know and consider that only an employee of the insurance company is entitled to enter any information into the insurance.

If the owner of the policy decides to do this on his own, he will not only immediately encounter difficulties in paying, but may also be brought before a court for forging documents.

To enter data on a new driver into the current OSAGO policy, the insurer needs to submit the following documents:

  • the policy itself;
  • the passport;
  • the rights of the driver who fits into the insurance.

There are many options to get insurance, everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves.

As described above, registering a car without insurance is not possible. If you do not take care of this in advance, you may encounter additional difficulties:

  1. Inability to register a machine.
  2. Administrative penalty.

It is important for the driver to understand the results of the violation. When a car fails a rigorous test, its reliability cannot be claimed.

Such a requirement is justified and not accidental, therefore, it should not be circumvented. Without insurance, the car will not drive through the streets. Its absence will entail responsibility.

If you need to register a personal car, you need to remember about the legislation. It will not be difficult to prepare the necessary documents in advance, and then the car will meet all the requirements.

Otherwise, a fine of 800 rubles is issued.. After paying it, registering the car will still fail. It is better to do everything in order and on time, so that then you do not encounter possible troubles.

If there is a need to sell a car, and the inspection period ends, the buyer may have problems. The question immediately arises, how to re-register a car without insurance and inspection.

Without a valid MOT, it is impossible to issue a CTP policy; accordingly, it is prohibited to operate a vehicle. In this case, inspection can be done ahead of schedule.

When selling a car, the TO ticket is transmitted along with it. If its validity period is more than six months, the new owner will be able to arrange insurance and re-register the vehicle with the traffic police without any problems.

In accordance with the law, re-registering a car without an insurance policy and technical inspection does not work out. Even if it is not always convenient for the new owners to go through several instances, immediately after the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction, it will still have to be done.

Otherwise, the vehicle cannot be re-registered. For offenses fines are issued, if their number grows - the punishment will take on a much more serious character.

Therefore, it will be cheaper and safer if you act without violating the rules. As for the inspection, if necessary, it can be done in advance.

But the absence of such a document or the delay does not make it possible to get insurance. The maintenance ticket is included in the list of documents that the vehicle owner must provide to the insurance company.

For the completeness and accuracy of the data, the driver is responsible.

Video: What documents are needed to register a car in the traffic police?

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One comment

    People are initially put in a stalemate with the risk of losing all their money, thanks to the state.

    It is impossible to conclude a contract, since you need to be sure that there are no restrictions, etc.

    To do this, you go to the traffic police with the owner, BUT you cannot re-register, because there is no insurance, you cannot re-register your old insurance (if you had one), and you lose very much when terminated, especially when you are a newbie and insurance cost 15t.r. You will not give your new car owner, but you can’t re-register with the one you want to buy.

    Also, if you decide to take new insurance again for 15t.r. and wait for almost a month for the return of the old and then, having lost much. Then you can not get new insurance without a contract of sale of a new car, but to get it you need to give money to the owner of the car, and for this you need to check for liens - total circle is closed.

    The options with the left sites and still give them money for an incomprehensible check of a car that does not have wine numbers, since the Japanese car is not considered at all.

The MTPL policy is excluded from the list of documents required for registration, cars with a rusty VIN will be registered in a simplified manner, and those who make an appointment with the traffic police through the public services website will be able to complete the procedure faster.

That is, in other words, to register a car in the REO traffic police, you no longer need to present a valid OSAGO policy! The traffic police inspector will receive information about him from the electronic database.

The document makes important adjustments to the car registration rules and regulations for the provision of this service. So, now it is not necessary to come to register a car, taking with you an insurance policy - it is excluded from the list of documents that must be presented.

At the same time, this does not exempt car owners from the need to insure cars; just from today, traffic police officers will be able to obtain information about insurance from an electronic database, "as part of an interdepartmental electronic interaction system."

When applying for registration through the portal of public services, car owners will get rid of the need to go through the verification procedure and complete the documents, and will be able to immediately arrive at the place of inspection of the car.

It solves a new document and the problem of car owners whose cars were deregistered, for example, after serious repairs or theft, when the new unit numbers did not coincide with the "old" ones. It will be possible to enter information into the registration data of a car, the marking or numbering units of which have changed due to repair, corrosion or were “killed” after the theft, and then returned to the owner on the basis of a statement from the owner and a copy of the resolution of the preliminary investigation bodies, with a certified copy expert opinion confirming that this is the same machine.

If the vehicle registration was terminated or canceled for one reason or another, it will now be possible to restore it after removing such obstacles in any registration unit (on an extraterritorial basis).

The conditions for visitors to such units will also improve. The rules clearly state that these should be premises with a separate entrance, if possible on the ground floor, with accessible public places (latrines), air conditioning systems and other amenities that "ensure the safety and comfortable stay of applicants and officials." Parking for applicants' cars should be located within walking distance.

It is mandatory to provide unhindered access for disabled people to receive services: the ability to park a special vehicle nearby and get into the room in a wheelchair (as well as move around it), access for sign language interpreters and guide dogs.

Registration of a car is a very important operation that each owner of a vehicle must carry out in order to legally dispose of it. And this rather simple operation can create some difficulties, as well as lead to certain financial costs.

In order to register, a very large package of papers is required, some of which may not be affordable for the owner of the car. And one of the most expensive documents is the insurance policy. In this regard, you can often hear the question "How to register a car without insurance?", Which we will answer in our article.

Do I need insurance

MTPL insurance is one of the most important documents for driving a vehicle. Without it, the driver is expected to face very large fines (from 800 rubles), and he himself will not be protected from an accident.

In this case, the CTP policy is involved in many legal operations with the vehicle. So the answer to the question “Can I register a car without insurance?” Is obvious - no it's impossible to do.

At the same time, a fairly large number of motorists continue to ask, “How to register a car without insurance, bypassing traffic police. This is also impossible - even if you receive documents fixing the registration through legal sources that all that awaits you is criminal liability for forging documents, since your car will not appear in the traffic police database anyway. That is why it is very important to have an insurance policy when registering a car.

What other documents will be needed

In addition to the insurance policy, you will need a very large package of papers. In order to register a car, you will also need:

  • Your passport with a residence permit;
  • Application to the traffic police for registration of a vehicle;
  • Vehicle passport;
  • Certificate of car registration;
  • A document confirming the right to own a car (sales contract, inheritance certificate, deed of gift);
  • License plate of the car.

If you do not have at least one of these documents, then you will not be able to conduct inspection, which is mandatory for registration. So the registration of the MTPL policy is only one of the steps.


How is the registration procedure itself? For those who make out their first car, it can cause a lot of questions. In fact, it is very simple, it has only a few steps:

  • Vehicle owner collects a package of necessary papersindicated above;
  • Owner feeds paper   and directly in the office on the form of the traffic police fills out an application for registration. You should make an appointment in advance so as not to stand in line;
  • Owner pays state fees. This can be done directly at the MREO traffic police or the nearest bank;
  • Documents, receipts, statements are handed over to the traffic police inspector, after which the inspector checks the car for compliance with the papers;
  • After the inspection, the car is drawn up in accordance with traffic police standards, the owner receives the relevant documents in his hands.

After that, the car will be fully legalized, and you can dispose of it at your discretion without fear of fines. Please note that your representative can also carry out registration - for this he will need a power of attorney and his own package of papers.

In addition to the already mentioned OSAGO policy, when registering a car in the traffic police, you should bring paid receipts (the state duty is 1800 rubles: issuing numbers - 1500, registration certificates - 300 rubles).

However, the police claim that they do not use it and, even worse, they take their word for it. If the police had applied the law and collected their license plates, perhaps the criminal lawyer would not have gone outside with a car without license plates.

The police crew pulled him to the right, asked for his documents and asked him to blow up the etiot. Gafon replied that he did not have documents for him, but gave his name and breathed etiot.

The police also checked him in the database, where they noticed that the man had a driver’s license, but also that his technical inspection had expired.

After making sure that you have a complete package of documents, you can queue for an appointment by taking a ticket or by agreeing in advance by phone. It’s even easier to sign up for a visit through the website of your local registration office.

To begin, consider what is necessary to register a car:

  1. Sign up for registration in MREO traffic police.
    This can be done with a phone call or online, there is no need to start from the place of registration.
  2. It is imperative that you have a CTP policy, because you cannot get a car without insurance.
    Now you can issue CTP online, which greatly simplifies the procedure.
  3. Pay a fee, the amount of which is specified directly in the MREO or on their website.
  4. Pass inspection, which must be prepared, having with you all the necessary documents.

Register a car without insurance also fails. Nothing has changed here. The procedure itself is faster - do not expect in a live queue.

Previously, you had to go to a special window in order to apply for registration, then go to the site to inspect the car and return to the window to complete the registration of the vehicle.

Now it is possible to print the application yourself and immediately go to the site, which significantly saves time during registration.

It should be remembered that in this case the application must be filled out and also not to forget about paying the state fee.

Having completed the inspection, the paperwork process will begin, and later you will receive all documents and new numbers, if necessary. According to the information, the entire process should take no more than an hour, especially if you used online registration when registering.

To put the car on record there is no one price for everyone, because the payment depends on various factors.

  • registration of a car without a run with new signs - 2000 rubles;
  • registration of a supported car with old signs will cost 850 rubles;
  • transit numbers - 1600 rubles;
  • for the preparation of the certificate you must pay 500 rubles;
  • execution of any certificate will cost 350 rubles.

All these prices are approximate, the total amount will depend specifically on your case. If you tighten the clearance, most likely you will receive a penalty for late registration, in which case the price will become even higher.

It should also be remembered that if you ignore this point, you can lose your rights or pay an even larger fine.

Immediately after buying a car and concluding a contract of sale, you can put the car on the account.

The procedure is a series of actions provided by law for entering information into a special database on vehicles, its characteristics, features and owner. The end result is the receipt of a state standard document - STS.

It can be issued:

  1. traffic police departments;
  2. centers of municipal services "My documents";
  3. multifunctional centers (MFC).

At the end of 2013, a new Administrative Regulation came into force, which regulates the procedure for registering vehicles. This document introduced a number of significant changes to the registration procedure for road transport. So, you can register a car in any traffic police department.

Anti-insurance - building block

The procedure for registration of the car begins with a preliminary collection of documents. The application form can be filled out electronically or by hand by printing out the form from the website of the State traffic inspectorate.

In addition to the already mentioned OSAGO policy, when registering a car in the traffic police, you should bring paid receipts (the state duty is 1800 rubles: issuing numbers - 1500, registration certificates - 300 rubles).

READ ALSO: CTP in Tinkoff Insurance 2018

OSAGO calculator

Until July 10, 2017, the driver had to provide a paper for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance when applying to the traffic police, but now the insurance policy has been excluded from the list of required documents.

When a new car is registered, the process usually takes longer and the costs are more tangible. This is because the new car needs to be equipped with license plates and register the vehicle.

The answer to the question “is it possible to register a car without insurance and inspection?” Will be definitely negative.

Since clause 2 of the special order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On the approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision of state services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them” establishes mandatory OSAGO.

In the absence of such a policy, the traffic police inspector simply does not have the right to proceed with the inspection of the vehicle.

At the same time, the absence of state registration marks does not imply a refusal to issue an insurance policy.

With respect to CASCO, slightly different rules apply.

Before registering a car for state registration, it is necessary to consider the following questions:

  • the necessary conditions;
  • action algorithm;
  • specific dates;
  • possible difficulties;
  • design nuances;
  • the legislative framework.

The necessary conditions

To implement the vehicle registration process, a certain number of conditions must be met.

It is worth noting an important feature - since recently it has become possible to register a vehicle not only at the place of permanent residence.

But generally from any region, at the location of the defendant. This question is best studied in advance. In such a simple way, many problems can be avoided. As well as delays.

As can be seen from the above reasoning, it is impossible to bypass auto insurance measures so far. Probably, this requirement will not be revised at all.

Nevertheless, drivers do not despair, but carefully search the network for a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to register a car without insurance and vehicle inspection. You can do without CASCO insurance, this policy is issued at the request of the owner or at the insistence of the UK when buying a new car.

Most drivers believe that when parting with a car, they are in any case required to remove it from the register. But by law, you need to contact the traffic police to remove the vehicle from registration for the following reasons:

  1. In order not to pay tax for vehicles when disposing of cars according to the state program.
  2. In case of illegal actions (car theft, etc.).
  3. When selling a car, if the new owner does not renew the purchase for himself within the prescribed period (10 days).
  4. When traveling outside the Russian Federation for a long period.

To stop registering a car, it is not necessary to visit the traffic police unit in person. This is easy to do with the help of the State Services portal.

Is it possible to remove the vehicle from the register without insurance

Having examined the many aspects of the issue, one cannot help but mention whether insurance is required when removing a car from the register. A list of documents has been published on the website of the State Service, without which the procedure would not have been possible.

Beginning July 10 of the current year, an order came into force at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which some changes were made to the regulations for registering personal vehicles of citizens. They are designed to simplify the re-registration procedure, to make it more convenient.

Often, car owners are interested in whether it is possible to register a car without compulsory motor liability insurance, that is, compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

Insurance is a mandatory item that must be completed in order to register a car. To re-register a car without insurance also fails. IN

In order to be able to draw up a new policy, the car owner has the right to contact any insurance company. You should remember about the period for registration, which is 10 days.

The procedure for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance policy is simple: after collecting the documents it is necessary to pay the amount, which will depend on how much the insurance company will indemnify in the event of an accident.

After registration, the car owner will receive a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and an accident notification form, which is necessary to fill out in the event of an accident, as well as a list of representative offices, which includes addresses and phone numbers.

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As for a used car, there is another option - re-issuance of the policy for yourself, that is, to enter into existing insurance. After selling the vehicle to the new owner, the old contract passes. In order to make changes, both owners with documents are needed.

Registration of the machine in the inspection without prior insurance is not possible. When registering a car, the new owner submits to the traffic police a certain package of documentation, which includes an insurance policy.

Let's say you have a policy on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance and maintenance. It is necessary to register the car. You can arrange a car for yourself, even without a license, a driver’s license is not needed. To do this, the following documents are needed: - passport, sales contract, vehicle title deed, paid receipts for registering the car, transit numbers, compulsory motor liability insurance, as well as the car itself for inspection.

Now for the money

Registration - we have 2000 rubles (duties), numbers and certificate of registration of the vehicle are included. If you do not bet through the official traffic police point, but there are also such ones, I personally put my car like that, then another plus 500 rubles for their services.

The penalty for overdue transit - now they have risen in price (from September 1, 2013) from 500 to 800 rubles, if they fell for the first time, if they fell for the second time, then 5000 rubles.

In your case, we go by car to the traffic police point, they will still write you a fine there, pay the fine and register the car. If you were stopped and a fine was issued to you, and then stopped after 2 kilometers, we tell the inspector that we are going to the traffic police and that you just got a fine, here we show that, as a rule, the inspector will not write you a fine for the second time in a few minutes.

Upon arrival, be sure to pay the fine, keep a sheet of the fee next to us, and present it to the inspector when registering the car.

This issue causes a lot of controversy, both among experts and drivers. Consider the position taken by judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. So, when considering the case on contesting the SDA clauses, including clause 2.1.1 of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on April 17, 2012, the decision of NAKPI12-205 was adopted.

The judge ruled that until the ten-day period allotted to the vehicle owner for the conclusion of an OSAGO contract, the driver of the car has the right to drive it without an appropriate insurance policy, which follows from paragraph 2.1.1, which stipulates that the motorist must carry insurance only in cases provided by law About CTP.

The judge stated a similar position in the Decree of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2014 No. 41-AD14-15. He decided that the car owner under the law on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance had ten days from the moment of acquiring a vehicle to purchase a compulsory motor third-party liability insurance policy, and therefore, prosecute him under Art. 12.37 is illegal.

He does not violate the current Rules of the road and therefore, it is illegal to punish him with a fine.

As a rule, a lot of people come to register a car, especially in big cities. Therefore, it is not worth postponing the procedure for the last day from the stipulated time. Preliminary entry into the queue is carried out by phone of the MREO STSI or on the website of public services.

When registering a car, the car owner must present the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • cTP insurance;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • contract of sale;
  • previous certificate of registration if used car.

To stop registering a car, it is not necessary to visit the traffic police unit in person. This is easy to do with the help of the State Services portal. Tips for those who want to remove the car from the register.

Is it possible to remove the vehicle from the register without insurance

When acquiring a used car for which the MTPL policy was previously issued, the new owner has the right:

  • acquire a new insurance policy;
  • make changes to existing insurance.

Registration of a new policy

Do I need insurance to register a car with the traffic police? Yes. This document is required for registration of a vehicle (vehicle registration rules). Moreover, the validity of the insurance policy should be at least 1 year.

Actions when purchasing an insured vehicle

The new list of required documents includes:

  • documents on the temporary import of a car;
  • documents confirming disposal;
  • documents of experts on the basis of which the vehicle is identified.