Cash out google check. The long-awaited cashing of a check from Google Adsense

  • 01.12.2019

Read to the end and you can cash out any checks with a minimum commission, within just 5 days!

This is my first check from Google. Prior to this, I did not receive, and even more so, did not cash out any personal checks at all, and I did not know how to do this, much less profitably today. But over time, everyone becomes wiser. Not for nothing in the old days sages were called elderly people. The longer you live, the wiser you become!)) Well, okay, something was distracted. Let's get back to the issue of cashing a check.

On my site there is an advertisement from Google. Amount in $101 , I earned in about 10 months, but not fast. But I have not been developing that site for a long time, I am not writing articles there, attendance at the level of 500-600 unique visitors per day is kept and the subject is very narrow. Therefore, I believe that the result is more than worthy!

When is my balance Google adsense replenished by a little more than $ 100, the company automatically sent to my mailing address, which I registered with Adsense, a personal check. And she notified me of this by e-mail, saying that a letter with a check was sent to your address. Here is the check itself:

I was not experienced and did not know that now there is a completely different way to withdraw money from Adsense through online service on your online wallet. This takes much less time and the percentage of cash-out of earned money is much more profitable. By the way, I wrote about this in my article "".

But there is nothing to do. The check has arrived, it’s time to start the process of getting “living” or electronic money.) I assumed that checks of this kind could be cashed by a bank. I went to my favorite Sberbank and asked the girl operator:

- Hello! Please tell me, and you cash registered checks for collection written out a foreign bank? ... 10 second pause ... (U...)

- What, what, excuse me: she could only squeeze out.

I repeated my question, after 10 minutes, after long calls and conversations with the boss, I received the answer “NO” !!! In truth, I didn’t expect another either, so I was not very upset.

Arriving home he began to ring everything large banks the city of Ryazan and ask if they can cash out the personal check issued by a foreign bank for collection.

In our city, only VTB 24 turned out to be such a bank. Perhaps PrioBank, but there I could not find out the full information. VTB 24 Bank for cashing a check takes $ 30 + another 1% for directly receiving money from the amount you receive. Yes, the merciless price!

In addition, they send all the data to Moscow, and when it will be once again the blower did not tell me by phone. Cash out 101 dollars to get 70 is not at all profitable. In addition, it takes up to 1 month to check a check and about 2-3 months for crediting funds to a bank account. It's just a trash !!! And I began to look for other ways.

After searching the Internet, I found a wonderful service, which is called ePayService. This is a serious office you can trust. Which head office is located in America. In Russia, the representative office is located in St. Petersburg. IN overall reviews about the service you will find on the Internet. The company provides a fairly wide range of services, both physical and legal entities, read all the details on the official website of

The service cash out not only Google AdSense checks, but also Amazon, Commission Junction and many others. In addition, the tariffs are the most symbolic, in my opinion. Using the services of this company, I cashed out my statutory money in 5 days.)) But first things first.

Register on the ePayServices website

Go to the website Choose a language - Russian (RU). Now we need to register on the site. Click on the button "Check in"(top left). Further « Newuserregistration ». We fill in all the fields with our real data, always in English letters.

  1. Choose "Personal Account".
  2. Mobile phone - input field for your phone number. We must enter the cell number (without the “+” sign, for example, 79801001100), because in the future, a code will be sent to him to access his account on the service website.
  3. Login - come up with a login for your account. (Chueshov-Roman)
  4. Email - your address email. I entered the mail registered on Google. ( [email protected])
  5. First name - input field for your name. (Roman)
  6. Last name - input field for your last name. (Chueshov)
  7. Date of birth - date of your birth. (1981-10-11)
  8. Skype / ICQ / Jabber - your internet contacts. I wrote skype.
  9. Country - from the drop-down list, select the country (Russian Federation)
  10. Country of residence - Country of Residence. Substituted automatically, after selecting a country. (Russian Federation).
  11. Street - street and house by registration, (29 Uritsky).
  12. Apt - apartment number.
  13. City - city of registration. (Ryazan).
  14. Zip code - post office index (390000).

After filling in all the fields, do not forget to tick "I agree" and press the big button « Register ».

Within 1 minute, you will receive an email with the data to enter your personal Area. We follow the link in the letter.
In the browser window that opens, enter your username and password, click the button "Sign In". Within a few seconds, a code will come to your phone, which you must enter in the appropriate field and click on the button "Verify". You are in your account. Congratulations!

P.S. If suddenly the verification code does not come to the phone, this often happens, do not despair. I just close the service tab and open it again after 2-3 minutes. I make a code request and it usually comes.

Now you need to verify in the system, for this you need to download and send your passport data and other necessary documents to the ePayServices administration.

Verification process

Go to the main menu item "Documents". Here we upload the following documents:

  • A civil passport, all pages even empty.
  • International passport, if any. I had expired. Just in case, I sent 1 page with a photo.
  • Confirm Address Here I photographed a gas payment receipt for January 2016. In principle, you can send any payment. The main thing is that your name and registration address are not indicated by her.
  • Driving license on both sides.

I took photographs, with a digital camera, of all the required documents in 16 Mpx resolution, cut the palatine and edited it in Photoshop so that it would be smaller and sent the service administration for review by clicking on "Download".

Within an hour and a half, I received an e-mail about the successful verification procedure and the assignment of a personal account to me in the system. Hooray!!!

Once again, follow the link in the letter, and entering the username and password we get into your personal account. In field "Refill" go to the tab ICheck.
A window will open in front of us, “Accelerated Cashing of Checks”. Here we carefully read all the information, go down and see two buttons where you need to add scans of the Google AdSense check.

When scanning receipts, make sure that you do this as required by the service. Just take a picture and send - not a ride !!! I’ll tell you how I did it.

Before scanning a check, you must write on the back For the credit to MTACC Inc. ROMAN CHUYESHOV and put your list, as in a passport.

Taking pictures of both sides, I opened them in Photoshop, edited them in accordance with the requirements specified here ( Then uploaded to the server separately Front side and Werewolfby clicking on the appropriate buttons "Select a file". Upon completion, click Add. The status of adding documents will immediately appear at the bottom.

Within 1 hour, check scans are checked and the status changes to "Received"if everyone did the right thing. In the field "Date of crediting" appears the date when you will be credited to the balance of the system cash taking into account the commission of epayservice equal. My commission amounted to 3.5% of the amount indicated on the check. My money appeared in the account after 5 days.

It remains the case for small. Transfer funds from the system balance to Webmoney wallet.

Withdraw money from ePayService to your Webmoney wallet

On the home page go to the section "Withdraw funds"« WebmoneyZ ".Of course, you must first have a WM dollar wallet registered.

I want to note that the commission for the transfer, according to the system, is only 1%.

Fill in all the fields: wallet number Z, amounts - which you want to withdraw. In the payment details field, I wrote: “Cashing out a Google Adsense check.”, And click the button "Submit". We enter the verification code that came to the phone and a window opens in front of us - “Application created!”.

Key questions Google Adsense check holders have: where to cash google check Adsense, which bank to go to, what commission to pay to the bank, and how long it takes to wait to receive the money. There are several ways to cash Adsense checks: through a bank, through an online bank, or using special services on the Internet. Let's consider each of the ways.

How to cash a Google Adsense check

The first way to cash out a Google Adsense check is through a bank. Let's immediately determine the concepts that you need to know when cashing a Google Adsense check through a bank. The Google Adsense check is a personalized, and intermediary bank operation according to the calculations of the payer and the recipient, with subsequent crediting of funds to the beneficiary's account, it is called collection. You need to know this in order to avoid long explanations with bank employees when you look for banks that work with personal checks. When calling banks, ask if they accept personal checks issued foreign bank, for collection. If accepted, under what conditions. The fact is that for cashing the check you will have to pay a commission to the bank for collection, to make a deposit, some banks also require you to pay the commission of the correspondent bank. You need to find the most profitable option cashing out, take your passport, check and recover in the bank. The cashing operation lasts up to two months.

The second way to cash out a Google Adsense check is through an online bank. You must have an account with a bank. Scan the check from two sides, download, indicate the account number, send the check by registered mail and wait. The cost of such an operation will be more expensive.

The third way to cash a Google Adsense check is via the Internet using a service such as ePayService. Today it is the most popular and quick way cashing of Adsense checks. First, send a scan of the check for verification, after a few days, if everything is fine, send the check. Withdraw money on webmoney.

How to opt out of a Google Adsense check

It may happen that you specified the wrong payment method in the settings of your Google Adsense account or did not suspend payments on time and sent you a check. Perhaps you have nowhere to cash the check or you do not want to cash the Google Adsense check because of the predatory interest of banks. In any case, you have every right to refuse the check. How to do it?

Adsense provides the following clarifications on this subject:

  • If you have not received the check within 2 months after its issuance, you can request a re-sending of the payment.
  • If you don’t cash the check within 12 months, the earned funds will be returned to your Adsense account. In this case, payments will be suspended. To resume payments, you will need to contact the support service from the "Payments" page and indicate the reason why you did not receive the money.
  • If the check is received but not redeemed, you can request a resend payment.
  • If the check is received and 60 days have passed since the check was issued, you can request a re-sending directly from your Adsense account. To find out the date of receipt of the check, open the "Payments" page and find the payment made.
  • If less than 60 days have passed since the receipt of the check, please contact here:

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion is as follows. If you do not want to bother with the check, request a resend payment. A couple of weeks after sending the request, your money will be returned to your account. Just do not forget to correctly configure the payment method in the payment settings (payment method: Rapida) so that the returned funds do not turn into a check again. How in .

I went to the nearest banks. Many did not hear not about Google, not about WebMoney. To cash out a Google Adsense check, you need a bank that provides a collection service.

Cash out a Google Adsense check in Minsk

I apologize in advance to the readers of the blog for the extremely rare writing of articles. Soon the end of the semester. Teachers give out a lot of tasks, coursework, etc., so I can’t write regularly.

By the way, last night there was another update of Yandex TIC. I want to note that my blog did not stand aside. As you can now notice TIC \u003d 20. Not much, but still nice. This is his first increase in 6 months (!). Prior to this, the TIC did not exceed the value of 10. PageRank is still equal to two.

In general, the article is not about that.

Recently, I needed to cash a check. I myself live and study in the hero city of Minsk. The capital of the Republic of Belarus (for those who do not know) :).

In the photo, the check is not mine 🙂

I went to the nearest banks and could not find the right one. Many did not hear at all about Google, not about WebMoney.

I decided to search the World Wide Web. And what do you think? Same problem! Everyone knows how to cash Adsense in Russia and other CIS countries, but no one even suggests how to do this in Belarus. They say that your country is inhibited and all that ...

I did not become upset, although I did not want to lose the money accumulated at Adsense.

In general, the situation is this.
To cash a check, you need a bank that provides collection services. They charge a percentage for the service.

For Minskers may be suitable:

2%, minimum 15 $
, 1%, minimum $ 15
, 2%, minimum $ 20
, 5%, minimum $ 7.

In my opinion Belinvestbank will be the most profitable.
Now, as soon as we receive the Google Adsense check by regular mail (safe mail is not profitable, because it will cost $ 25), we take our passport and go to the bank at ul. Masherova 29. We rise to the tritium floor and find out in which window you can cash a check for collection. Fill out the form and pay the percentage (see above). Within 1-1.5 months we get our money.

What's important, you have to fill out tax return and pay 9% tax.
Nothing wrong with that.
We go to the tax. We fill out all the necessary papers as an individual and pay (from January to March 1). You have to pay only once a year.

I read on one blog that under article 24 of the decree of the president, you also need to pay to the Department of Humanitarian Aid. I don’t know, I didn’t need anything.

Ways to cash a Google check in Belarus from our readers

Method 1 from the user:

Banks are not eager to process checks and pay cash, so collection operations are extended for a long time (about two months in almost any bank). If you choose the lesser of evils, then you should pay attention to. Among the well-known banks that are most popular in Belarus, it is this bank that provides the most attractive conditions: its commission is 2% of the amount, while minimum commission will be $ 15 (it will be unprofitable to work with amounts not exceeding the size of $ 750). It follows from this that if your monthly income does not exceed the indicated amount, it would be better to increase your well-being, and to delay the order and cashing of the check.

To submit a Google AdSense check to the bank, an application is first filled out. You can fill it out both at home, by printing from the bank's website, and directly upon delivery of the check, by printing at the bank. The signature in the application should not be put at home, but categorically with the participation of a bank employee. Also worth a look necessary list documents that will need to be seized in order to conduct a collection operation. It will be possible to get money only with a valid identity card - a passport, and the check must be issued for you, and not for a relative or friend - banks will not consider any other options. He will ask you to pay a commission for collection immediately upon receipt of the check (2% or $ 15), so you also need to take the indicated amount from the house. In addition, the commission from receiving cash will be 1%. In total, you will need to pay 3%, which for a sufficiently large amount, the condition is acceptable.

You will be issued two forms, on one of which you will need to indicate passport data and some information about the check. The second form describes the operation system, conditions and rules, which will need to be carefully read and signed (also in the presence of a bank employee).

Collection is not the most convenient banking operation, so people resort to it infrequently. Do not be surprised that the process may be delayed: your documents will be repeatedly checked by inexperienced bank employees, consulted with your superiors on any matter, and again and again consult the instructions. In the end, when the registration is completed, you will receive a receipt confirming the bank.

Pay attention to another important detail. The collection process takes a long time due to the fact that two banks will confirm the authenticity of the check and specify all the details in the verification process. The operation will not be carried out, the check ceased to be valid due to the expired period (which managed to expire before the check ended). Therefore, be extremely careful: the validity period of a check when applying to the bank should be more than two months. If the check does not have time to pass the check before the expiration of its term, the commission that you paid to the bank will not be returned. However, even in this case, there is no need to worry about losing your money - using Google AdSense you can order the check again. To do this, contact support and follow the instructions.

The validity period of Google AdSense checks, just like all well-known companies, is at least 6 months, but you shouldn’t delay the trip to the bank - contact there as soon as you receive the check.

The procedure for transferring money via Webmoney is much faster and more comfortable: money is transferred to the bank account within 2-3 days, the commission of this system, as you can see for yourself, is much lower than when contacting the bank, but in order to have cash on hand , it will be enough to contact the point of issue Contact.

Despite some difficulties associated with cashing out Google AdSense checks, their significant advantage cannot be disputed: in this system the opportunity is incomparably higher than with Yandex, Direct or Begun systems, so this profit exceeds many of the inconveniences mentioned.

Method 2: How to cash out a Google AdSense check in Belarus

You should find the nearest cash collection point for collection checks, bring along your passport, check and the amount of money that will be needed to pay the commission. It is better to come in the morning, before lunch break. In order to receive an application for filling out, one should stand in line to the window “reception by order, bonds, issue”. A bank employee will issue an application for acceptance of collection values \u200b\u200band will answer all questions on the correct completion.

The application is accepted without corrections, therefore, in order not to redo it several times, it is better to immediately clarify how to fill in obscure points correctly. You will need to indicate the full name and the information that is usually required for such operations - the number and series of the passport, by whom and when it was issued, and some information about the bank and check - what exactly needs to be filled out, the staff will tell you. It will also be necessary to indicate the address to the address of which the bank will be able to send a notification of cashing. You will be given a certificate that you will need to keep, filled out by the hand of a bank employee. You will have to present it when receiving the money. The application completed by you goes to the bank.

After paying the commission to the bank ($ 15, if the amount is $ 750 or less, or 2% of the amount, if it exceeds $ 750), you will receive a receipt and a wish to return to the bank two months after the test call. After you have been called back, you can go to the bank for money, taking with you a passport, a check and a completed one bank employee help.

After that, you can ask a question in any window where to go to get money by cashing a check. You will be given a receipt with which you are supposed to go to the cashier, after which you can take a queue that goes to the "receive by order, bonds, issue" window. Now you finally get your money.

To summarize, we note the main points of using and cashing checks, which should be remembered in the first place:

The check must be issued in your name. At the time of delivery of the check to the bank and upon receipt of cash, you will need to present a passport, but not any other identification card. Handing over and taking the check will not work either from any of your acquaintances, relatives and friends - and even more so, receive cash. The bank will also not accept signed and even notarized powers of attorney, certificates and other documents.

Do not delay with going to the bank so that the validity of the check does not expire during or before the check (which takes two months).

When submitting a check for collection, you need to bring your passport and money to pay a commission to the bank. The application can be printed and filled out at home, but the signature will need to be put only in the presence of the employee. To receive cash, save the receipt and papers that the bank will leave you at the time of application.

Re-sending the check may be necessary in the following cases:

  • You have not received a check.
  • The check has expired or is not eligible for collection.

I didn’t receive the check. What can be done?

This usually happens for the following reasons:

  • The check was sent to the wrong address. In this case, you’ll need to change the payee information in your AdSense account, and then request a resend.
  • The check did not reach due to a local postal service error.

To request a resubmission of a check, follow these steps:

A check has been received, but my bank does not accept it. What should I do?

This usually happens for one of two reasons:

  • The check has expired. AdSense checks are valid from six months to 12 months (the exact time varies by country). If you do not manage to cash the check, the funds will be returned back to your account, and payments will be suspended. In case of suspension of payments, follow the instructions below.
  • The check was written out with an error. In this case, you need to amend the information about the payee in your AdSense account.

To request a resend of the check, do the following:

Other difficulties

I still have old cashless checks.

In connection with the update of the payment system, all obsolete non-cash checks were canceled, and the funds were returned to your account balance. You will receive them at the next payment. For this, it is necessary that the balance exceeds the payment threshold, and that your account does not have a suspension of payments.

Updating will not affect your income. You will receive all earned funds using the selected payment method. Please do not cash out old checks. Your bank may charge additional commission for collection in case payments are suspended on checks or their validity has expired.

We no longer send checks to countries where AdSense payments can be received using bank transfers, as transfers are more efficient and effective, and also do not harm the environment.

Bank refuses to accept AdSense checks.

Since each bank may have its own rules and requirements, we cannot say for sure which banks accept AdSense checks. Citibank handles all checks. If you receive payments in US dollars, contact your bank and find out if it has a correspondent relationship with Citibank. This is necessary for processing checks in US dollars. Please note that the face value adsense check can only be credited to the account, but cannot be received directly in cash.

Please note that the term for transferring funds to the account depends on the bank. Detailed terms AdSense check processing should be checked with your bank.

When you start working with contextual advertising Google Adsense - the question arises how to get money.
If the owner of the Google Account is individual, then the affiliate fee is paid by registered check. Anyway. We leave it for later and work.

Hurrah Hurrah! We successfully worked, waited, and now we have on our hands a check from Google ...

Firstly (it is desirable that before the expiration date was more than 2 months).
If you do not have time or did not receive the check on time - do not despair, you can request a re-sending.
The check did not reach me the first time. I wrote it through support - they returned the money from that check and sent it again.
Of course, this takes all the time ... But I don’t count on AdSense as instant money and getting money.

How to cash out a Google AdSense check?

There are two ways:

  1. Through the bank.
  2. Through check cashing offices / Internet banking.

Cash out a Google AdSense check through a bank

Such a service is called "collection" of a registered check by a foreign bank.
I called large banks in Chelyabinsk and did not find acceptable conditions (most simply do not accept).
I don’t know what the situation will be at the time of reading this post, but I decided not to mess with the banks, but ...

Cash a check through a third-party office

Rummaging a bit on the Internet chose ePayService, I did not find real alternatives :)

Commission for cashing checks from Google - 2.5%
The amount of the check will be transferred to the account of the online banking EPS Online, then you can request a transfer to another payment system (or bank transferif you still want to hold green pieces of paper in your hands :)).
For example, withdrawal commission in WMZ - 0.8%
And you can try to use this very Internet account to pay for services.

Total costs: transferring a check to an Internet account + transfer to WMZ \u003d 3.3% + postage, it turns out pretty profitably.

So, on the site you can register
Fill out the form (prepare your passport)
With step 5 in registration, quite a lot of marketing information is collected. A bit annoying.
After sending the questionnaire must confirm the creation of the account within a couple of days.
I was pleased with the activation message right the next night :)

On the page Details for receipt of checks read:
Checks written in your name.

The checks that you write in your name, you should receive at your home address, sign (endorsement) as follows: on the back of the check where ENDORSE HERE is written, you should write in clear and legible handwriting Inc and put your signature in your passport. Next, you should forward these checks to cash out to our head office at:

or, if you prefer, redirect them to our representative office in St. Petersburg at:

EPayService payment system
197374, St. Petersburg, ul. Savushkina d. 83, building 3, letter A, office 204.
Business Center "Antares"

If you send checks to a representative office in St. Petersburg by regular mail, we highly recommend sending registered letters with delivery confirmation. Such letters will be delivered to us at least 2 times faster than ordinary ones.

Also, at the representative office in St. Petersburg, you can personally transfer checks for cash. Reception of clients is carried out at any time from Monday to Friday from 12 to 20 hours.

The standard cashing period is UP TO 20 days.
But you can optionally send a scan of the check, then the funds will be transferred immediately upon receipt of the original! This service is called iCheck (see in your account).
IN this moment iCheck only accepts US dollar checks from US banks. Those. Google checks fit :)

I also pre-sent the signed scan and after 15 minutes there was already a message:
Scan receipt accepted. Original Check Pending

After this message calmly went to the post office.

12 days have passed from the moment of sending by mail to the moment of receiving SMS about the receipt of funds to the account (maybe the mail is to blame, but still faster than the standard deadlines). The commission for cashing a check was 2.5%. The usual withdrawal in Webmoney is at 12 o’clock on business days, the commission is 0.8%.

Since May 17, they also launched a new cashing rate - 2%, min $ 8. Consider it more profitable for you.

P.S. There are actually quite a lot of different exchangers / payment systems.
But before you use any - be sure to read the reviews, because scammers are not asleep.