National system of payment cards world. Card of the national payment system MIR: own, native, convenient

  • 28.06.2020

No. 1450 dated December 23, 2016. The document implied “compensation for losses in income” that arose from companies due to the release of microcircuits in 2016-2019. As Mikron told CNews, in 2017 the company produced and delivered more than 2 million chip modules for Mir cards. However, as can be seen from the documents, the first money came to her accounts only in 2018.

During that year, the company produced more than 3 million microcircuits. “In 2019, a further increase in the volume of deliveries is planned,” the interlocutors of CNews noted, but they did not predict the amount of compensation money.

Mir cards are now accepted at VTB cash desks and ATMs (Kazakhstan)

Assist: the share of online payments with Mir cards does not exceed 1% yet

In 2017, the number of payments made with the Mir card was actively growing, but their share in the total population does not yet exceed 1%. These are the findings from the Assist study. The Assist group of companies analyzed the statistics of online payments by bank cards for 2017. Data on more than 30 million online payments made by Russian buyers in various online stores and services - clients of Assist were used.

In 2017, the number of payments made with the Mir card was actively growing, however, their share in the total population does not yet exceed 1%. In monetary terms, the share of online payments with Mir cards last year amounted to 0.6%, and in quantitative terms - 0.5%. Compared to 2016, these figures increased by 60 and 125 times, respectively.

Also, less than one percent in total is occupied by payments on cards of payment systems American Express, Diners Club and JCB.

  • In 2017, the share of online payments using Visa payment system cards decreased by 1% (both in rubles and in terms of the number of transactions), amounting to 57% in monetary terms and 59% in quantitative terms of the total volume.
  • The share of MasterCard in rubles did not change over the year (it is 42%), and in terms of the number of transactions it increased by 1% (41% in 2017).

The Ministry of Finance will force not only online trading, but all companies in general to accept Mir cards

Therefore, the Ministry of Finance proposes "to fix the obligation to accept national payment instruments for all business entities that accept payment cards when selling goods (works, services)", citing the conclusion of the Interfax ministry, which was in possession of a copy of the document. The Ministry of Finance believes that this will contribute to the distribution of national payment cards without additional burden on regulatory authorities and costs from sellers.

In addition, the ministry proposes to increase the period for the entry into force of the new rules to 180 days from the date of signing the law and specify their territorial application. The conclusion of the Ministry of Finance on the bill has already been sent for approval to the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Justice, Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and the Central Bank.

Mir cards were issued to 86% of public sector employees

The transfer of public sector employees to the cards of the national payment system "Mir" is happening at an accelerated pace. Currently, 86% of state employees receive salaries on Mir cards. This was announced in February 2018 by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova during a meeting of bank leaders “Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the activities of commercial banks”, TASS reports.

Olga Skorobogatova noted that the transfer of state employees to Mir cards is happening at an accelerated pace, since five months before the end of the transition period, 86% of employees of budgetary organizations already have national payment system cards.

The transfer of state employees to Mir cards began in July 2017 and should be completed on July 1, 2018. For pensioners, the transition period will last until July 2020.


26 million cards

By November 2017, the banks participating in the Mir payment system issued more than 26 million cards, which is approximately 10 percent of Russian market. At the same time, public sector employees received 10 million Mir cards. From all state employees receiving today wages non-cash, this is about 45 percent.

In 2018, NSPK expects to increase the volume of issued Mir cards to 54 million, doubling today's figures. At the same time, Mr. Komlev specified that the number of active bank cards today is 19-20 percent.

In general, in terms of transaction turnover, NSPK occupies 6 percent of the Russian market, however, in terms of the number of transactions per active card NSPK overtakes Visa and Mastercard systems. At the same time, more than 80 percent of transactions are accounted for by non-cash transactions. settlement operations, and only about 20 percent of transactions are cash withdrawals from ATMs.

Turnovers on Mir cards are also very impressive. According to Mr. Komlev, over 80 million transactions were made in Mir payment system in October. Similar figures were given a month ago by the director of the National Payment System Department of the Bank of Russia, Alla Bakina. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the average number of transactions in October was 2.2 million transactions per day with an average volume of transactions per day of 2.9 billion rubles.

Thus, payment cards as such have long become a familiar payment instrument for most Russians. As for the Mir cards directly, Vladimir Komlev outlined the immediate plans of the institution he heads as follows: “Now our task is not to slow down the release rate, but on the other hand, work on the quality of the activation level of these cards and the activity of activated cards.”

One of the areas of work will be the large-scale production of Mir cards equipped with a secure microchip of domestic production. Moreover, not only a completely Russian microcircuit, but also software to it, which guarantees the user the absence of "hidden" (undeclared) functionality. The microcircuit for the Mir cards was developed by the Mikron company by order of the Bank of Russia.

Of the 26 million Mir cards issued, only 1 million cards are equipped with microchips. However, as early as 2018, 5 million such cards may be issued. Of these, 4 million cards will be issued by NSPK Post Bank, a partner. Moreover, the first batch of 400,000 pieces is already being distributed in the bank's offices. In total, the capacities of Mikron allow the production of 13-15 million microchips per year.

Users' interest in Mir cards is dictated not only by patriotism, but also by their additional features. One of them is a loyalty program, within which the cashback reaches 20 percent. Now the program is supported by over 50 banks, and discounts can be obtained at a large network of gas stations, fast food chains and a number of trade and service enterprises. About 100 more will join the program in the coming months. large companies from a wide variety of industries. So far, the program works only in the Moscow region, but in 2018 it will be rolled out to the whole country.

NSPK is interested in the fact that in the future discounts on Mir cards could also be received when paying for housing and communal services and tickets. This fits into the intentions of the NSPK to turn Mir into a universal transport card, which can be used to pay for all types of transport throughout Russia. In this capacity, Mir cards can already be used in Saint Petersburg, Samara and Novosibirsk. NSPK also plans to develop the issuance of student cards and social cards with different functionality.

Another important line of development is the issuance of Mir cards in a co-branded version. A number of banks have issued 600,000 such cards jointly with MasterCard, Japan's JCB and China's UnionPay. NSPK is also negotiating to expand the Mir card acceptance network in those countries where Russians traditionally come on vacation or where quite a lot of Russians live.

Whether the plans of the NSPK will come true is still difficult to say, since payment system Mir is still in its infancy. However, the company's management has chosen the right vector of development, aimed at making the Mir map as accessible, convenient and functional as possible. All payment systems basically work in the same way, so the competitiveness of Mir will depend on how successful the loyalty program will be and, most importantly, how much cheaper the Mir system will be compared to other payment systems.

Issuance of 2 million cards with a Micron chip

On November 20, 2017, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between Post Bank and the National Payment Card System, which provides for the release of the largest batch of Mir cards on the market with the Russian microchip MIK51BC16D manufactured by Mikron.

The first batch of Mir cards with a Russian microchip in the amount of 400,000 pieces has already been sent to the regions where the bank operates. Cards are delivered by the shareholder of Post Bank - Russian Post. It is planned that by the end of the first half of 2018, the bank will issue 2 million Mir cards with a Russian chip, which will allow it to become a key issuer of such cards in the market. In total, in 2018, Post Bank plans to issue more than 4 million Mir cards and increase their issuance by more than three times compared to 2017. Read more.

Medvedev announced plans to integrate payment systems Mir and UnionPay

In October, the average number of transactions with Mir cards amounted to 2.2 million transactions per day, and their average volume was 2.9 billion rubles. in a day. She also said that about 10 million public sector employees switched to Mir cards.

“We have a really good enough pace Translating state employees, we interact with federal authorities executive branch and with regional representatives, as of early October, 9.9 million public sector clients have already been transferred, which is about 45% of public sector employees who currently receive non-cash payments,” she said.

NSPK has developed a loyalty program for Mir cardholders

From mid-October, Mir cardholders will be able to receive cashback and Aeroflot miles as part of new program loyalty of the National Payment Card System (NSPK). SMP Bank will become the first operator of the program. Other major financial institutions will follow.

SMP Bank clarified that national cards under the new loyalty program will be credited with cashback up to 15% of the transaction amount and up to 1.75 miles per transaction (plus 3,000 welcome miles when making premium plastic cards). By the end of the year, SMP-Bank plans to issue several thousand national maps with cashback and accumulation of miles.

The innovation is designed to increase the popularity of Mir cards and increase non-cash turnover in general.

Sberbank starts issuing Mir contactless cards

According to the bank's data as of September 2017, the number of Mir cards issued is 11 million. In the spring of 2017, Sberbank switched the issuance of all classic debit cards to contactless technology. By the end of 2017, all new Sberbank cards, except for instant issuance and electronic cards (Visa Electron, Maestro, Maestro Social), will become contactless.

Putin approved the transfer of state employees to Mir cards

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the gradual transfer of state employees to the Mir payment system, which the State Duma adopted on April 21 in the third final reading. Earlier, banks sent a letter to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in which they complained about the mandatory transfer of all payments from the budget and extra-budgetary public funds for servicing exclusively through cards of the Mir payment system. Naturally, the meaning of the letter was not to cancel this decision, but to get the most favorable conditions for yourself when joining the Mir card service. Let's see how they succeeded.

Initially, it was assumed that banks would have to ensure the acceptance of Mir cards in their network until April 1, 2017 and provide these cards to their state employees until January 1, 2018. Passed law obliges banks to ensure the acceptance of Mir cards in all branches and ATMs until July 1, 2017. From the same date, banks will issue Mir cards to public sector employees applying for opening a new account. Already served public sector clients will receive Mir cards by July 1, 2018, and pensioners by July 1, 2020 (gradually replacing those they use today). That is, compared with the original version of the law, the first term was shifted by three months, and the second by six months.

At the same time, the law retains the ability to receive budgetary payments in cash or to bank accounts that are not linked to cards. However, the government retains the right to establish a list of payments that, in without fail will be transferred to the Mir card.

Trade enterprises with an annual turnover of more than 40 million rubles should start accepting Mir cards from October 1, 2017. Thus, banks have six months to reconfigure payment terminals in outlets.

Among other things, the law signed by the president changed the composition of the participants in the national payment system - now they include foreign banks, including central as well as international financial organizations. In the future, Vnesheconombank is planned to be added to this list. These measures should contribute to the expansion of the service area for Mir cards, as well as to make it possible to issue them abroad.

Transfer of the data center to free software and domestic equipment

For implementation federal projects direct budgetary payments to the accounts of citizens in the Mir payment system has been developed technological platform, which will allow making payments from the treasury to the account of their recipient practically online. Also, non-financial services are being developed on the basis of the card, which will allow integrating transport, social, campus and other applications into plastic. In the autumn of 2017, an interbank loyalty program will be launched, based on the cash-back principle - the return of part Money spent on goods and services. The amount of cash-back will be 10-20% and will be available to all MIR cardholders.

The State Duma approved the transfer of state employees to Mir cards

"In order to ensure individual clients the possibility of receiving cash payments to bank accounts to which payment cards are not issued, it is proposed to provide that after January 1, 2018, all types of cash payments transferred to bank accounts of individual customers are credited by credit institutions to the bank accounts of these customers," the statement says. explanatory note to the bill.

The amendments also provide that the number of participants in the system will include foreign banks and international financial organizations.


Russian banks will issue about 40 million national Mir cards in 2017

Russian banks are planning to issue about 40 million Mir national cards in 2017. This indicator is a necessary minimum that banks must issue to customers, Alma Obayeva, chairman of the board of the National Payment Council, said in the Vedomosti newspaper.

In addition, Aliot, a manufacturer of plastic for national cards, intends to produce about 15 million cards. In turn, Novacard, which issued 2 million cards in 2016, expects a 10-fold increase in production.

The growth in demand for "Mir" is associated with the law, according to which funds from the budget should only come to the accounts to which the card is linked. At the same time, from 2018, transactions with other cards on such accounts will not be possible. In 2017, about 14 trillion rubles will go from the budget to the accounts of citizens.

A single payment area for the CIS countries will be formed on the basis of the Mir card

The resolution on the establishment of a common financial zone was signed in Yerevan in November 2016 by the Commonwealth countries. On the basis of the Mir map, a unified payment space for the CIS countries. This decision was signed in Yerevan in early November 2016. The Vedomosti publication became aware of the principles for organizing the payment space.

Citizens of the CIS countries use international payment cards when making payments, despite the fact that each country has its own national ones. Based on the current situation, the National Payment Card System of Russia (NSPK) aspired to "close" this circle to a lower level by creating a single payment space based on the intersystem integration of national payment cards. At the same time, national payment systems will remain independent: ArCa in Armenia, Belcart in Belarus, Elcart in Kyrgyzstan.

Vladimir Komlev, CEO, Chairman of the Board of the NSPK, spoke about the plans: “We decided to register national cards as our own: that is, for Russian banks, cards, for example, ArCa will be perceived as Mir cards, and in Armenia Mir cards will be perceived like ArCa. Cards of local systems are accepted everywhere within their country, and they all work on the same standards. It is important that when these cards are included in the acceptance network of a particular country, seven more logos are not pasted on the ATM in addition to the existing ones, and the client does not look for a long time whether his card is accepted. We decided that the word "Mir", written in Latin letters, can become a unifying logo and that it can be placed on devices in other countries, while in Russia it is very difficult to place stickers of national systems of other countries on 1.6 million terminals and 200,000 ATMs due to scale. With Armenia, the project should be implemented on all ATMs and some POS terminals by July 2017.”

Despite the fact that the level of protection of Mir payment cards corresponds to international standards, experts at the Central Bank are convinced that at first problems may arise due to systems complementing the card. Cyber ​​attacks are predicted specifically on remote banking systems, reading information about a payment card. But, as Artem Sychev, head of the Main Directorate for Security and Information Protection of the Bank of Russia, noted, “cyber threats when using a domestic card can be avoided if standard security rules are observed (do not write down the PIN code on the card, do not tell strangers confidential information, including CVV code)".

NSPK Russia has invested huge funds in the development of payment applications, the core for the project terminal. There is also interest in these technologies from the CIS countries. According to Komlev, NSPK is ready to provide access on reasonable terms so that, when switching to a chip, partners from the CIS countries do not become dependent on international payment systems or international vendors. And the future plans of the project include issuing cards based on NSPK technologies, but under local brands.

Mir started testing 3D-Secure 2.0

The national payment card system was the first in the world to start testing a “smart” transaction verification system in November. Its main difference from the first version is that the confirmation decision monetary transaction will be accepted based on complex information about the device from which the payment is made.

The operator of the Russian payment system Mir, NSPK, has begun testing 3D-Secure 2.0 technology, which displays new level use of Internet and mobile applications. NSPK also became the first payment system in the world to adapt its standards to 3D-Secure 2.0.

No more than ten Russian banks will take part in testing. According to experts, the use of 3D-Secure 2.0 on an industrial scale will not begin until 2018. See 3D-Secure for more details.

UCS has connected thousands of retail outlets to receive the Mir card

According to UCS, transactions with Mir cards are carried out both in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in large Russian cities - Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda, Orsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Smolensk, Chelyabinsk Vladivostok, Nizhnevartovsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Arkhangelsk and others.

One million Mir cards issued

Vladimir Komlev, CEO of NSPK JSC, spoke in October 2016 about the development status of the Mir national payment system, which has already been joined by 146 credit institutions. The number of Mir cards issued has already exceeded 1 million.

The ATM network of banks participating in the Mir payment system throughout the country is ready to accept national cards. The Russian payment card is rapidly gaining popularity among users - in September of this year, over a million transactions were carried out using Mir cards. The most popular operations with Mir cards are cash withdrawals from ATMs (42%), payments for purchases at grocery stores (42%), and payments at restaurants and cafes (3%).

Over 600,000 Mir cards issued

As of September 2016, more than 600,000 Mir cards have been issued (including in Crimea and Sevastopol). Approximately 54% of Mir card transactions account for payment for purchases, and 41% of all transactions for cash withdrawals. The acquiring networks of Russian banks are 50% ready to accept Mir cards. By the end of 2016, this figure will increase to approximately 85%, and it will be brought to 100% by the end of the first quarter of 2017.

Mir cards will become mandatory for use by state employees

Maps "World", (2015)

The company plans to launch a pilot project of the Mir payment system loyalty program with several banks (SMP-bank, Svyaz-Bank, SDM-bank) and trading enterprises. Within two months, employees of NSPK and organizations participating in the project will test the operability of the system support of the loyalty program. The program is based only on cash-back, the average size which in pilot actions is 10-15%.

Within the framework of the project, the main work is carried out by the NSPK. The system forms a partner network, negotiates discounts and determines the technical parameters of the calculations. NSPK acts as the initiator and organizer of the loyalty program, and participating banks will be able to use turnkey solution. Using cards of international payment systems, programs with discounts, cash-back and bonuses, each credit institution implemented independently, created its own partner network. Of course, the approach proposed by the NSPK will make it possible to “fill up” a payment card faster and make it more attractive to customers.

The task of the bank as a participant pilot project, in checking the correctness of the formation and processing of the transaction file clearing system, which allows you to calculate the discount at partner outlets and determine how it is reflected on the invoice.

2015: Mir cards will receive chips of the Russian and foreign production

On October 13, 2015 it became known that chips for cards of the national payment system "Mir" will be produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Visa and MasterCard competitor will exit at the end of the year.

2014: Creation of the National Payment Card System (NSPK)

The creation of the NSPK was a response to problems with the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard that arose with several Russian banks. In March 2014, immediately after the reunification of Russia and Crimea, the government imposed sanctions against a number of Russian politicians and businessmen. Among them was Yuri Kovalchuk, along with the Bank of Russia he created, as well as the brothers Boris and Arkady Rotenberg.

Immediately after that, Visa and Mastercard payment systems Visa and MasterCard, without warning, for several days stopped carrying out transactions on cards of several Russian banks, including Yury Kovalchuk's Rossiya bank and SMP bank of the Rotenberg brothers. It was possible to withdraw cash from the cards only at the offices and ATMs of the same banks.

2013: Amendments to the law on electronic payments

From January 2014, certain norms of Article 9 of Federal Law-161 1 “On the National Payment System” should come into force, which aim to increase the legal protection of consumers financial services. In particular, according to part 4 of this article, banks (money transfer operators) are now obliged to inform the client about the completion of each transaction using an electronic means of payment by sending him a corresponding notification in the manner prescribed by the agreement with the client.

According to part 5 of article 9 of Federal Law-161, the money transfer operator is also obliged to provide the client with the opportunity to send him a notification of the loss electronic means payment and / or its use without the consent of the client.

Part 6 of Article 9, in turn, obliges banks to record notifications sent to the client and received from the client, as well as store the relevant information for at least three years.

Part 7 of Article 9 obliges banks to provide the client with documents and information related to the use of his electronic means of payment, in the manner prescribed by the agreement.

The most important changes are introduced by parts 11-15 of article 9 of Federal Law-161: they oblige the money transfer operator to reimburse the client for the amount of the operation performed without his consent or in case of violation of the rules for informing the client about the disputed transaction. In accordance with the law, for this, the client must notify the bank of the use of an electronic means of payment without his consent no later than the day following the day of receipt from the bank of the notification of the transaction.

The law obliges the bank to reimburse the client for the amount of the disputed transaction if the bank fails to fulfill the obligation to inform the client about the transaction upon receipt. If financial institution performs this obligation, then it is obliged to reimburse the amount of the transaction performed without the consent of the client, unless it proves that the latter violated the procedure for using the electronic means of payment, which led to the transaction without his consent, states the parts of FZ-161 that have entered into force.

The bill describes the procedure and rules for the transfer of funds by the operator. Before transferring money, the operator is obliged to provide customers with the opportunity to find out the amount of the commission and the method for determining the exchange rate.

It is established that the infrastructure of the payment system includes a settlement center, a payment and clearing and an operational (processing) center. In particular, a payment clearing center is an organization that, within the framework of the payment system, ensures the acceptance for execution of instructions from participants in the payment system to make a transfer. Settlement center- an organization that writes off and credits funds to the bank accounts of payment system participants, and also sends confirmations of the execution of their orders. According to the amendments, in any case, the settlement and payment clearing centers should be localized in Russia, and processing, as reported, can be organized both in Russia and abroad. Initially, it was supposed to prohibit the transfer of information by international payment systems abroad about payments made in Russia.

As explained by Vladislav Reznik, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on financial market, the bill determines the translation electronic money How new form non-cash payments, which will be carried out exclusively by credit institutions on behalf of customers. The Bank of Russia will issue a special type of lightweight licenses to these credit institutions, giving them the right to work with electronic money. Electronic money is defined as funds deposited by customers in credit institutions, which are accounted for without opening bank accounts.

The bill also regulates issues related to "electronic means of payment" (ESP), which means different ways remote management of funds held in credit institutions. “The issue of liability for the use of an electronic means of payment has been settled: we have indicated that the burden of proof in incidents lies with banks. Of course, the banks are not very happy,” V. Reznik noted.

Three types of ESP are introduced for electronic payments:

  • non-personalized ESP with a maximum balance at any time of 15 thousand rubles and a monthly turnover limit of 40 thousand;
  • personalized ESP with customer identification ( maximum amount electronic money on the account - 100 thousand rubles);
  • corporate ESP (maximum balance at the end of the working day - 100 thousand rubles) for electronic payments for services and goods.

In addition, the bill lays the foundations for the regulation of "mobile payments". “An electronic money operator may enter into an agreement with a telecom operator entitled to provide radiotelephone mobile communication services. Under the terms of the agreement, the operator will have the right to increase the balance of electronic money individual(subscriber of the telecom operator) at the expense of his funds, which are paid in advance to the telecom operator. This created the conditions for the use mobile phone to make various payments,” V. Reznik explained.

Deputies reassure the public: there will be no restrictions on foreign cards

On April 5, 2011, it was reported that the creation of a national payment system after the entry into force of the relevant law would not lead to difficulties for using Visa and MasterCard plastic cards in Russia. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Chairman of the relevant State Duma Committee on the financial market, Yuri Isaev, commenting at the request of ITAR-TASS latest publications in the press on the subject. The parliamentarian, in particular, explained the meaning of the amendment, which was submitted for the second reading of the draft law and which proposes the mandatory use of payment infrastructure in Russia for payments made within the country. "No one restricts any cross-border transactions and the transfer of information about cross-border transfers," he stressed, while confirming that the amendments introduce a ban on the transfer of information about domestic payments outside the country. However, the deputy head of the committee is convinced that there will be no difficulties with the use of international plastic cards after the adoption of the law in the current version. He clarified that, according to the proposed rules, foreign operators will either have to open their processing centers in Russia, or use the processing of the largest Russian banks. "The bill provides for a rather long period, up to three years, for the technical implementation of the requirements of the law," the deputy recalled.

Isaev stated that these changes caused "a lot of negative comments from representatives of payment systems", "people began to be frightened by the fact that Visa cards and MasterCard will not be able to be accepted and serviced in the country and abroad.” “This is not true,” he stressed.

Speaking about the prospects for increasing the commission for transactions using cards, Isaev drew attention to the fact that "the cost of creating processing centers is not an exorbitant figure, and the competitive environment will not contribute to the growth of the commission."


The State Duma adopted the bill on NPS in the first reading

“If you do not clarify the text of the bill for the second reading in terms of key concepts and approaches to regulating this type of activity, then the implementation of the proposed requirements of the bill will actually kill the domestic sphere of instant payments and “electronic money”. Many services will be moved outside the Russian Federation, to more comfortable jurisdictions,” the committee concluded.

According to the deputies of the committee, the very concept of "national payment system" and other key concepts are not fully spelled out in the text of the bill. In addition, ordinary payers and various consumers of payment services are not even considered as subjects of the national payment system, although it is their rights and freedoms that should determine the meaning, content and application of the law on the national payment system, the conclusion says.

In addition, the draft law significantly narrows the rights of payers and consumers of payment services, in particular, any payments in this document are considered as Bank operation on the transfer of money, and in all areas related to payments, a “banking monopoly” is being established, which is likely to lead to an increase in the cost of payment services, the deputies of the committee believe.

Also significant, in their opinion, is the fact that the norms of the bill are actually replaced by references to yet non-existent acts of the Central Bank. “All regulation is based on the principle – “I establish it myself, I control it myself, I punish it myself, in strict accordance with my own order,” members of the committee believe. There is such a situation when the chamber is invited to adopt a law, the effect of which has not yet been determined and will be determined later by the Central Bank, the deputies believe.

Yuri Isaev, deputy chairman of the committee, noted that the bill considers two concepts - "national payment system" and "payment system", which create its legal structure. “These concepts do not define payment systems as an object of law, do not specify their property status, do not clarify legal status categories of persons that make up the subjects of payment systems obscure legal relations both within payment systems and, in some cases, relations with customers,” the deputy believes.

According to Yu. Isaev, when considering the provisions of the draft law regarding the legalization of the institution of electronic money in the legislation, there is also a situation of its insufficiency legal regulation. “Based on the text of the bill, it is impossible to accurately understand the legal nature of this phenomenon, the technology of their issue and circulation, as well as the type of obligation of the issuer of electronic money to their owner,” the deputy said.

In addition, the problem of so-called mobile payments, that is, the activities carried out by telecom operators for the transfer of funds, remained outside the scope of the legal regulation of this project. Also, according to him, issues related to out-of-court settlement of disputes between the user and the payment system itself have not been resolved.

The document, according to him, also does not contain rules that establish requirements for the safety of funds received by payment institutions from users of payment services or from another operator of the payment system.

At the end of 2015, the Central Bank of Russia, as well as the issuer represented by the National Payment Card System (NSPK), announced that soon, at the beginning of 2016, new cards of domestic design would be put into circulation. The card received a completely "peaceful" name, which is easy to remember in all languages ​​of the world - the MIR plastic card.

Approximately in the first half of the year, employees will become holders of the card public institutions, public sector, students, pensioners, and starting from the second half of 2016, the card will come to all Russians without exception.

What is the MIR payment system

It will be possible to transfer scholarships, pensions, wages to the card. The card system will be adapted to work on the Internet. It will be possible to translate various financial operations from one MIR card to a similar card (so far within the same system). It will be possible to withdraw or deposit cash from the MIR plastic card. In fact, the card resembles the same functions as we are used to seeing in VISA or MasterCard, Maestro, with the only "registration" - from Russia.

Where, when and how will the MIR card be used?

AT Central Bank Russia was assured that it is planned to launch two programs in parallel, one of them will be aimed at adapting the card system at home (in Russia), and the second program is intended for adaptation abroad. Thus, the card will be accepted, according to the plan of the Central Bank, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Representatives of the Central Bank assure that the co-badging (the so-called universal partner system) program will be launched closer to the second half of 2016 (the programs are being developed intensively).

It is planned that the MIR payment system should be easily adapted in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community - in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, after the emission takes place throughout Russia. Interest in the new payment system was expressed by Armenia, which is ready to recognize the WORLD on its territory.

The map will also be used on the territory of Vietnam, with a country that Russia has signed an economic zone free trade. Negotiations are underway to recognize the payment system in the BRICS countries (South Africa, India, Brazil and the People's Republic of China).

MIR and Crimea - the problem will be solved

The national Russian payment system will also be introduced on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, where there are problems with the use of international cards. Crimeans should breathe easy after the introduction of a new payment system in the region, and both guests of the peninsula and indigenous people can pay by card. A novelty of the payment system will be the ability to pay for travel not only on railway but also in public transport.

Who will be the issuers of new cards in Russia

The first representatives and issuers of the new payment system appeared, these are the Rossiya banks, SMP-bank, Gazprombank, which are included in the first group of banks, as well as the Moscow Industrial Bank, MDM Bank, banks close the group - RNKB (Russian National commercial Bank), Communication - bank. Now banks are testing the new payment system and in the near future all bank terminals will be ready to adopt the new "plastic".

There is an additional, second group of banks, which consists of 21 credit institution who are also testing the new payment system. According to the plan of the Central Bank, by the end of 2016, 36 Russian banks should be connected to the system. The new beginning of the issuing process for national payment cards is a sure step towards sovereignty in payment systems. The development of a new payment system was carried out practically from scratch, and it must be said that progress is obvious in this direction.

For every Russian in the world

As recently as 2010, there were just over 137 million plastic cards in Russia. In 2014, the number of cards increased to 227 million, and already the first half of 2015 showed that there are about 234 million plastic cards in Russia. Thus, in Russia in 2015 the number of cardholders covered 64% of the population.

Almost 36% of the whole number of cardholders have two or more plastic cards. Every fifth - fourth inhabitant of Russia has a social plastic card (salary, pension, scholarship) in his hands. Approximately the same number of credit cards are in the hands of the population and organizations.

WORLD and UEC - brothers or enemies?

Interestingly, the MIR will not be able to replace the second Russian payment system UEC, it is planned that these two systems will work in parallel with each other. The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank assured that the cost of plastic cards will take into account the mood and financial capabilities of ordinary citizens.

It is planned to issue prepaid, debit cards, plastic cards with credit limit, overdraft. A pleasant bonus was made by the Central Bank for cardholders - at the end of 2015 it was issued commemorative coin in denomination of three rubles from silver, while the coin has rectangular shape, images accurately mimic the new kind payment card MIR. Unfortunately, the circulation of the coin will be only five thousand pieces.

Possibilities of the national plastic card MIR

It is planned to use basic and universal types of services for cardholders.

Basic services:

Receiving and issuing cash in special self-service terminals.

Payment for goods and services in the store, at the post office, on the Internet.

Transfers from one card to another.

Utility and other payments.

Booking hotel rooms, paying for tickets

Car rental, payment in public transport.

Universal services (depending on card type)

Receiving social benefits - pensions, scholarships, wages.

Making a traditional loan.

The possibility of obtaining a loan with a negative credit balance on the map.

Reference Information.

The national payment system was created in response to the emergence of Western sanctions against Russia, although the initial talks about creating its own payment system were conducted long before the imposition of sanctions against Russia. This issue became acute after the imposition of sanctions against a number of banks in 2014, Visa and MasterCard refused to serve a number of Russian banks.

At the end of May 2015, all holders of international cards in Russia were transferred to NSPK processing services, which made it possible to apply all types of card payment systems without any problems. It is planned that by 2020 the share of MIR card holders in Russia will take up to 40% of the total number of all registered cards in Russia.

Hello dear readers. The topic of today's article is the Mir bank card.
You all remember that some time ago, sectoral sanctions were imposed on many Russian banks by Western countries. That is why the government of the Russian Federation made a timely decision to form the National Card Payment System and issue bank plastic cards under the NSPK.

National System Plastic Cards(NSPK)

Banks with the best credit cards in 2017

NSPK system

The NSPK system has been implemented since the beginning of 2014, and to date, the operational and payment clearing center for processing bank card transactions has concluded agreements with payment systems of other countries for the transfer of domestic Russian transactions to the national processing center.

Transferred to NSPK:

  • June 19, 2015 with MasterCard using Maestro system cards;
  • July 7, 2015 with Japanese JCB system.
  • In July 2015 with the American system American Express.

World map release

Since December 2015, the majority of Russian banks have been involved in issuing the Mir card. Among them are such as:

  • Gazprombank;
  • SMP Bank;
  • MDM Bank;
  • Communication bank;
  • Sberbank;
  • Bank Russia.

What does the world map from Sberbank look like

As of May 2017, there are more than 300 issuing banks.
Sberbank of Russia joined the issuance of Mir payment cards in the second half of 2016.
At present, the range of available services on the Mir card issued by Sberbank of Russia is presented quite widely. We will go through this list in more detail below.
The world map is presented in Russian banking market in several variants.

Debit card

Debit card world: overview

Since the national payment system started working not so long ago, the list of banks issuing the Mir card is constantly expanding. An ordinary client, before ordering it, needs to familiarize himself with the list of banks that are represented in his region. It's not very convenient. It is much easier and more reliable to use the service of issuing a plastic bank card from a time-tested bank. AT this case we are talking about Sberbank.

Please note: the Sberbank world card is most actively distributed in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Well, a list of Sberbank branches in your region or city can be found at this link.


Credit Card World: Overview

With development banking sector, it will be possible to get a Mir bank card in the performance of a credit card.
As you already understood, in terms of its functionality, the Mir bank card practically does not differ from a regular credit card. And therefore, all the documentation that the bank presents to the borrower will be similar:

  • The client needs to confirm his official income.
  • Provide proof of identity.
  • Help 2-NDFL.

Note, if you receive a world credit payment card at Sberbank, but are not participants in the salary program, that is, you do not receive wages to an account with this bank, then you will need to submit additional documentation.

How to get a map of the world

To obtain a world card, Sberbank offers several available ways.

Getting a map of the world online

The easiest way is to get debit card world online on the Sberbank website. By clicking on this link, you can fill out an application.
You will need to provide your full name, contact and passport details. After filling out the application, a manager will contact you shortly and explain the next steps. Usually, a world card is received at the nearest bank branch at the client's place of residence.

Please note: when applying online, you do not need to visit the Sberbank branch again. You will only come to receive a card. It is possible to deliver a bank card by courier service to the client at home.

At the bank office

In order to order the issuance of a Mir bank card directly when visiting the office, you need to meet the standard requirements for bank card users, which Sberbank presents for its customers:

  • You must be 14 years of age at the time of receipt.
  • You must have a permanent or temporary residence / registration in the territory Russian Federation.
  • When visiting the bank office, you will need to present a document confirming your identity, fill out a questionnaire,

With additional requirements and rates can be found at the link.

How to replenish or withdraw cash from the world card

The world bank card issued by Sberbank is serviced in all self-service devices and ATMs of this bank. A list of ATMs and payment terminals can be obtained at this link.

Card replenishment is carried out in various ways that are also available for cards of other payment systems:

  • You can deposit cash at any payment terminal or an ATM, if it has a functionality with cash acceptance.
  • You can transfer money by bank transfer from any third-party bank account.

Usually, in order to make a payment, it is necessary to enter in the purpose of payment such data as the client's full name, card number and account number for crediting funds.

  • Replenishment is also available from any debit card of Sberbank, namely using the service "", "", as well as any payment terminal or ATM.

Deadlines for crediting funds to the world card

Usually, funds on your card when replenishing by any of the above methods are received no later than the next business day from the moment they are credited to the bank account.

  • Another way to top up a Mir debit card- visit the office of Sberbank and contact the manager.

To do this, you tell the bank employee your card number and show your passport. You can also provide the card account number and details of the bank that issued this card.

Opportunities and conditions for a bank card world

You can get all the information you are interested in about the transactions carried out on the card:

  • By calling the contact center of Sberbank
  • Get a cash flow statement to your e-mail.
  • Connect sms informing in the service Mobile bank from Sberbank.
  • In the Sberbank Online service, generate a statement for any period of interest to you.

You all know that servicing debit and credit bank cards is quite expensive. As for the Mir bank card, Sberbank offers following conditions service:

  • The payment function is available in various online stores throughout the Russian Federation. The service is provided without 3D secure technologies/
  • Connection possible mobile banking, Sberbank Online.
  • Full functionality when servicing the world card at any ATM or payment terminal of Sberbank.
  • Possibility to connect the Piggy Bank service.

  • You can find out about other features and capabilities of the world map, which state employees and when they transfer to use this map.

    from this video:

    Advantages and disadvantages of a bank card world

    Like most other services and banking products in the case of the Mir card and the national payment system, there are advantages and disadvantages.


    • Enough low price for service. For example, the cost of servicing VISA or MASTERCard is higher. And sometimes it reaches up to 500 rubles a year, depending on the bank.
    • Wide ubiquitous use: Internet payments are available to you.
    • Card reliability: Since this bank card was issued in Russia, the possibility of its blocking by foreign payment systems is minimized.
    • Interest-free transactions in terminals and ATMs of the issuer's bank.


    At present, the World map is not widely distributed. Although more and more banks are connecting to the national payment system, only 3.5 million bank card data has been issued. But, the situation may change significantly in the near future, because only Sberbank plans to produce about 20 million units by 2020.

    This concludes our review of the Mir bank card issued by Sberbank and others. financial institutions. If you have any questions or want to write a review, leave it in the comments. We will supplement this article with the most detailed of them.

    Banks issue Visa, MasterCard cards, replace them in a timely manner, provide cash receipts, customer access to the card account. The main role in mutual settlements with the help of plastic is played by payment systems.

    The management of Visa, MasterCard companies is located in the USA. Complex international relationships made it unreliable to use their products in the Russian Federation. There was a need to organize the work of cards on their own.

    The Russian system was developed and launched at the initiative of the government. She has serious tasks ahead of her:

    • provide cashless payments;
    • become attractive to customers;
    • create an alternative to Visa, MasterCard.

    Let's get acquainted with payment card WORLD of Sberbank, we will find out how the tasks are solved.

    Russian payment system

    One of the first foreign sanctions in 2014 concerned bank cards. They stopped working on the territory of Crimea. In the same year, work began on its own payment system. All comers made suggestions and expressed their opinion regarding the name and logo. In December 2015, the first russian maps WORLD.

    Plastic national system valid throughout the Russian Federation, including Crimea. It is problematic to use MIR outside the state, most countries do not accept it.

    Despite more modest functionality compared to international maps, MIR:

    • is a means of payment that will continue to work even in the event of a refusal to Visa service, MasterCard;
    • make sanctions against international plastic irrational, indirectly ensure its stable operation.

    What is this card and why is it needed?

    The main flow of MIR's clients are pensioners, military personnel and state employees. Since 2017, the replacement of international cards with Russian ones has started. By federal law money from the budget can no longer be received with the participation of foreign instruments. An exception is made for pensioners: they can switch from Maestro with a planned reissue, until mid-2020.

    The measure provides:

    • independence of pensions and salaries from the decisions of other states;
    • a decent customer base for a young system that would not stand up to market competition.

    What does it look like

    Plastic card MIR of Sberbank of standard sizes. The number, surname, name of the holder, expiration date are applied to it, an electronic chip is embedded. On the reverse side there is a magnetic tape, a strip of high-strength paper for the holder's signature, a CVC code.

    The design is carried out at the discretion of the bank, periodically updated. A prerequisite is the presence of a logo in white-green-blue. At a cursory glance, the differences between plastic and international are hardly noticeable.

    Card number

    The 16 digits on the front are the card number. Do not confuse it with the account number. It is in the details that you can get at the bank or find out at personal account internet banking.

    For how long is it issued

    The product is valid for 5 years. The developers claim its increased strength and protection against fakes.

    How is it different from other payment systems?

    The differences are significant:

    Area of ​​effectAll Russia, Armenia. Other countries only on co-badged cards.All countries, including Russia. The exception is the territory of Crimea due to sanctions.
    CurrencyRubleRuble / Euro / US dollar
    Validity5 years3 years
    Ability to use in payroll projectsFor allOnly for employees of commercial organizations
    For pensionsFitsDoes not comply with the law
    Technical failuresFrequentRare
    Dependence on foreign policyLowhigh

    Where can I pay

    MIR accept:

    • all retail stores in Russia (obliged from October 2017);
    • utility providers;
    • state and municipal institutions that accept payment by card.


    • not all online stores allow you to pay, especially with the participation of foreign companies;
    • not possible to use abroad.

    Can I pay abroad?

    Plastic works on the territory of Armenia. In other countries MIR is not accepted. Negotiations are underway for admission to the EurAsEC countries, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and other popular resorts. So far no agreements have been reached.

    • cashless payment;
    • receiving cash from ATMs and cash desks;
    • sending and receiving transfers, including payments from the budget.


    Having figured out what kind of MIR card from Sberbank is and why it is needed, it is useful to learn about its additional features:

    • access to remote services;
    • account replenishment by cash and non-cash transfers;
    • connection of auto payments for payment of cellular communications, utilities and other services;
    • transfer of money to a separate client account in comfortable amounts in automatic mode (Piggy bank service).

    Co-badged card MIR Sberbank

    Two or more payment systems may agree to work together. The same plastic will be serviced in different territories in different systems. Such a service is practiced in the absence of technical support for individual companies in some states, called co-badging.

    MIR has entered into agreements with MasterCard (Maestro), UnionPay, JCB. Some banks have started issuing co-badged cards. Due to low demand, the inability to use them as salary and pension funds, Sberbank does not issue them.

    What categories are MIR cards divided into

    The official website of Sberbank offers three types of media: classic, gold, social / pension cards. In the premium segment, individual offers are received by participants salary projects.


    The product implies providing the client with the opportunity to use a certain amount that is available through card payment or cash withdrawal. The bank charges a fee for using the funds. With non-cash payment, there is a grace period from 20 to 50 days, when the client can replenish the card balance without paying interest.

    The Russian system is young, and for 2018 Sberbank does not offer credit cards WORLD.


    The basic set of functions, the task of which is to replace the cash in the client's purse. The card allows:

    • deposit cash on it;
    • receive, send transfers;
    • pay at the checkout, presenting plastic instead of money;
    • if necessary, withdraw funds from an ATM;
    • use remote banking services.

    Sberbank issues the most common type of plastic - debit without overdraft. They look like international ones.


    It is used mainly as a salary for civil servants and other state employees. In this case, the card holders are free of charge.

    Plastic provides the full functionality of a debit card. Limits for cash withdrawal, cashback are the same as for international Standard.


    The daily cash withdrawal limit is set to 2 times more than the standard product.

    Increased bonuses are accrued Thank you for non-cash payments in the previous month in the amount of more than 15,000 rubles.

    Receive payments from the budget. However, due to the high cost, organizations refuse to support it. You can pay if you wish. annual maintenance independently, providing details for transfers.


    Affordable product. It is provided to those who have confirmed their right to receive payments from the PFR and other pension authorities, as well as to those who transfer from the Maestro Social.

    You can opt out by choosing another method of receiving payments: to a deposit account in a bank or in cash via mail.

    Other varieties

    Announcements about the upcoming launch regularly appear in the press. But until the end of the first half of 2018, MIR premium and credit cards in Sberbank did not appear in the public domain.

    By personal offer some members are offered a debit Premium or Premium+. The bank's website does not contain accurate information about tariffs and terms of service. There is a message that the products are similar to Platinum and Infinite.

    Premium international plastic provides increased cashout limits, increased bonuses Thank you, VIP service, Infinite - additional free extended travel insurance.

    Maintenance cost

    Maintenance cost750 rub. in the 1st year, 450 - each subsequentIs free3000 rub. for each code
    Reissuance fee for reasons dependent on the holder150 rub.30 rub.Is free
    Daily limit for receiving cash without commission, thousand rubles150 50 300
    Monthly maximum withdrawal without commission1.5 million500 thousand3 million
    Interest on the balance3,5%
    Mobile bank60 rubles/month30 rubles/monthIs free
    BonusesAccording to the general rulesOpportunity to receive promotions

    How to get?

    1. Submit an application, provide passport data.
    2. Wait for an SMS about the readiness of the card for issuance. This stage lasts from 2 to 14 days in different regions. Production often takes place in another city, it takes time for delivery.
    3. Present your passport, get a card.

    Ways to get a card

    The issuance takes place always at the bank office. You can order there or online.

    Terms and Conditions

    To get classic and gold WORLD:

    • age from 14 years;
    • permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

    In confirmation, present a passport if the registration is temporary, as well as a certificate.

    Compliance with the requirements for issuing a pension card:

    • a citizen of any state and a stateless person;
    • at least 18 years of age;
    • with permanent or temporary registration in Russia;
    • confirmed right to receive a pension from departments in the Russian Federation.

    Relevant Documents:

    • the passport;
    • certificate of receipt of a pension with a blue seal;
    • if available, a certificate of temporary registration.

    In the department

    Contact a bank employee using the electronic queue. Present your passport and inform about your desire to receive plastic.

    The worker will tell you about the product, you can ask for written rules, tariffs, read them. Ask questions of interest, it is the responsibility of the manager to clarify all the ambiguities to the client.

    Fill in standard statement. The employee will inform the estimated time of delivery of the card.

    Through the Internet

    An online application is available on the bank's website. Go to the page with information about the card you are interested in, click on the design button. The algorithm will differ depending on whether you are an existing client or a new one. In any case, fill in the appropriate sections in the menu that opens. The bank will consider the application and notify you of the result within 2-3 days.

    From the employer

    Participants of salary projects can get plastic at work. However, this is an opportunity, not an obligation. If you wish, you can pick up the card at the passport office without waiting for delivery to the enterprise. You can also refuse by notifying the accounting department of any other convenient way receiving money:

    • through the cashier;
    • to a deposit account;
    • to another card.

    Is it possible to issue an additional card to the main one?

    Opportunity provides only Gold. The cost of additional plastic is 2500 rubles per year. classical and Pension MIR do not provide for the issuance of a second card to the account.

    Map Management

    Get information of interest, perform operations cashless payment and translations in several ways:

    • bank office;
    • ATM;
    • Personal Computer;
    • mobile app.

    Personal card account

    The money is kept in a bank account. If you provided your account details for the transfer of funds, when you replace the card, the money will continue to flow freely. If you gave someone a card number for transfers, the data must be updated after the reissue.

    Sberbank Online

    The remote service allows you to use and manage your accounts with Sberbank from any computer or phone with Internet access. With it, you can:

    • receive information about the movement of money on accounts;
    • pay utility bills, taxes, cellular communication, fines and other accounts for details;
    • transfer money to individuals and legal entities.

    What to do if it is not displayed in the office?

    Contact the bank branch, or call technical support at 900.

    The reasons are different, the most common are related to the design:

    • a typo when entering customer data into the database;
    • unsuccessful data exchange when opening cards in different branches.

    Mobile bank

    The full package of remote service allows you to receive on your phone:

    • notifications of debiting and crediting funds;
    • passwords to confirm non-cash transactions;
    • information about debt on loans;
    • bank offers and other useful information.

    Depending on the tariff, the service costs from 0 to 60 rubles per month. All customers have access to a free economical package that allows you to receive all information except for the receipt and expenditure of funds.

    What should I do if I can't pay?

    Terminals regularly refuse to accept plastic for payment. This happens in retail, online stores. Possible reasons:

    • wrong PIN;
    • expired;
    • the card is inserted on the wrong side;
    • error when entering card data (Internet);
    • the plastic is damaged;
    • insufficient funds;
    • the terminal is faulty;
    • the seller incorrectly draws up the operation (for example, an intern);
    • failure of the payment system.

    What to do:

    • make sure your actions are correct, try to pay again;
    • try to perform any operation in another terminal;
    • in case of unsuccessful attempts in different terminals, contact the bank for help.

    Discounts and bonuses

    MIR cards allow you to connect bonus program Thank you. Points in the amount of at least 0.5% of all purchases will be accumulated in a separate account. Sberbank partners charge increased cashback, which sometimes reaches 30% or more.

    Many of them also accept bonus payments. The list of participants and their conditions are constantly updated and displayed on the bank's website in the Thank you section. Check out the latest information.

    MIR offers to register a card on its website and participate in the cashback program. The peculiarity of the service is that you can get bonuses not in all regions of Russia.

    Practical jokes

    MIR encourages paying for purchases with a card. There is a promotion on a regular basis, according to which customers:

    • register plastic on the website of the payment system;
    • pay in MIR stores;
    • All purchases from 500 rubles participate in the drawing valuable prizes- amounts up to 1 million rubles, cars.

    Pros and cons of the card

    Advantages of the MIR card from Sberbank:

    • the ability to receive payments from the budget for plastic is the main advantage;
    • availability of free offers;
    • a wide network of ATMs;
    • attractive loyalty programs from both the bank and the payment system;
    • possibility of use in the Crimea.

    There are serious disadvantages:

    • the system is new, its work sometimes fails;
    • serious restrictions when paying abroad;
    • lack of credit products;
    • the only account currency is the ruble;
    • not all online stores accept MIR;
    • imposing a contactless payment function;
    • the service price is the same as international products, the quality is inferior.

    Video: about the creation of a national payment system


    Evaluating the pros and cons of the MIR card product from Sberbank for themselves, many make a choice in favor of international competitors. We can still use Visa and MasterCard at our own expense. There are no obstacles to withdraw, transfer salary or pension from social, salary plastic to another.

    However, PEACE is an important stage in economic development Russia. The state has created a national payment system, and maintains it: cards are free for recipients of payments, but the budget pays for their maintenance. The same money that went into foreign companies Visa, MasterCard.

    The system has great potential. How competently it will be implemented, we will find out in a few years.

    Card production time

    In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities, the card will be ready in 2-3 business days, in the regions, production and delivery will take from 3 to 10 business days. Delivery to remote locations may take up to 15 business days. Exact dates are available.

    When issuing a card, only working days are taken into account. If you order it on Friday evening, then the production time will be considered from Monday.

    You can see if the card is ready and when it will be delivered to the office in Sberbank Online in the "Cards" section.

    What documents are required to obtain a card?

    To pick up the card, please bring your passport or other document that was used to apply for the card. To get a card for another person, you need a notarized power of attorney.

    How to start receiving THANK YOU bonuses?

    After receiving the card, you must register in the Thank You from Sberbank program. The easiest way to register is to send an SMS to number 900 with the text THANK YOU 1234, where 1234 is the last four digits of the card number.
    You can also register in the program in your Sberbank Online personal account and at a Sberbank ATM - find the "Thank you from Sberbank" section and follow the prompts.

    Bonuses are credited automatically when paying by card - their number depends on the privilege level.

    It should be remembered that bonuses are accrued only when paying for goods and services. This does not happen when withdrawing cash from ATMs. But when paying for purchases remotely in online stores, bonus points are credited to the account Thank you.

    How can I use THANKS bonuses?

    THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for discounts when purchasing goods and services from Partners, a full list of partners is available. In addition, SPASIBO bonuses can be exchanged for a discount when buying air tickets and hotel accommodation (on the Thank you from Sberbank. Travel website). Also, bonuses can be exchanged for discounts when buying tickets for events - the service is available on the site "Thank you from Sberbank, Impressions".

    How can I find out my card details?

    For details, in mobile application Sberbank Online search desired card and click "Show Details".

    Another way: in your Sberbank Online personal account, go to the "Cards" section and find the card you need, then "Card information" → "Details of transfer to the card account."

    Is it safe to use a contactless card?

    Yes, the card is safe. It is always in the hands of the owner, so its data remains inaccessible to scammers. Making purchases without presenting a card and entering a PIN code is much safer, since no one sees the card details. Besides, contactless technology protects against double charges - after paying for the purchase, the terminal beeps and turns off automatically.