The best deposits with partial withdrawal. Deposits with partial withdrawal

  • 10.04.2020

Investing in times of crisis occupies the bulk of the population's income. Constant inflation prevents people from saving up for their dreams.

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That is why many individuals invest in various financial instruments in order to generate additional income. Deposits without loss of interest help to do this. After all, almost all experts say that money should work.


Correct use and opening of a deposit allows all citizens to increase their money. If they are under the mattress, everyone is tempted to spend them on ordinary expenses. Therefore, such banking instrument mutually beneficial service for a credit institution and a depositor.

Initially, cooperation between the two parties is defined on a long-term basis. By investing money, the depositor helps the banking organization to increase profits by investing in the assets of others investment funds... But if the depositor decides to withdraw money, then he lets the bank down and he has to urgently look for new ways of investing.

If it is not possible to open a deposit with a partial withdrawal, or one is already open, then you can terminate the agreement ahead of schedule without loss. Penalties for such an action have decreased slightly compared to the previous year.

Many financial institutions are sympathetic to depositors. Some, on the contrary, tightened the requirements, which made it unprofitable to invest in a banking structure.

After the depositor has decided to invest a certain amount, a bilateral agreement is concluded between the two parties, where the term of the deposit is stipulated. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation says that a person has the right to demand the amount at any time and the bank has no right to refuse. At the same time, he has no right to impose a fine for an action.

However, there is an exception to this point. The organization can reduce the interest rate to the minimum. This is called in banking loss of interest.

Refunds without penalties occur only in judicial procedure... The plaintiff will incur the costs. So if the depositor is not sure about the future, then it is better to open a demand deposit.

What are the deposits

It is better for a person who is unsure of their future costs to make a deposit with early withdrawal. This type involves the execution of a contract based on this factor. At any time, the depositor has the right to claim the amount and receive it without loss and imposition of penalties.

In addition, this view is often accompanied with such an additional condition as replenishment. This helps to get the maximum return on the deposit from the initial investment.

V banking sector there are several types:

  1. accumulative;
  2. savings;
  3. universal;
  4. metal.
  • Accumulative allows the depositor to make additional attachments, but you won't be able to withdraw funds.
  • Savings lets you withdraw cash, but it is impossible to replenish it.
  • Universal deposit includes two functions - replenishment and partial withdrawal.
  • Metallic - an investment in precious metals.

All banking instruments are divided into revocable and irrevocable. The withdrawals are returned at the same moment as the depositor applied for the money. Otherwise, you will have to incur losses in the form of accrued interest. The settlement is usually made at the demand rate.

In addition, all tools are divided into:

  1. urgent;
  2. conditional;
  3. poste restante.

Urgent ones have an agreed term of the contract. Conditional are issued only under certain conditions specified in legal document... On demand means a refund at any time at the request of the client.

Video: What to look for

Deposits without loss of interest from Russian banks

This is a special type of deposit in which you can withdraw money early without losing interest. Such an offer is in demand, but not all financial institutions can offer such a contribution.

For the bank itself, this is not a profitable product, since, having invested in other funds, it risks losing funds in case of an early demand.

The bank does not have the right to refuse the depositor to issue money.

And the funds have already been invested in a working mechanism.

The best offers from financial institutions

For the right choice offers you need to go to the official sites financial institutions and analyze them.

Don't rely on high cost and return on investment. The higher the rate, the tougher the conditions. If a person does not have a large amount of time, but is sure that he will not need the money, then he has the right to invest it in a time deposit.

But if he is not sure, then it is better to invest exclusively in a deposit with such an additional condition as the possibility of early withdrawal of funds.

Bank Soyuz

This financial institution belongs to the universal commercial banks... It is he who offers the most favorable terms of cooperation for individuals.

The organization provides convenient conditions due to a fairly large number of offers with partial withdrawal.


Financial institution represented in St. Petersburg... The bank offers its clients various options for deposits in different currencies.

The terms of cooperation have been developed in accordance with clients' requests. Favorable term allows you to get maximum profit in a short period of time.

Interest is paid to another account of the depositor or to bank card.

The financial institution offers a Spring Interest program.

Interest is paid monthly to the deposit account before investing or to the current account. There is no automatic renewal.

In case of early termination of the contract, the interest is retained.


The credit institution is included in the TOP-100 banks represented in the Russian Federation. The institution is constantly thinking over and improving the product line, offering clients the best conditions. Renaissance deposits are distinguished by their simplicity and clear terms.

The Bank presents to all citizens the investment product "Accumulative".

The deposit can be replenished in the minimum amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Monthly capitalization allows each depositor to receive maximum income. There is an automatic prolongation of the contract.


Large banking organization, with a lot of assets. It was she who, in the time of crisis, introduced deposits with the possibility of early withdrawal without loss of interest.

Unlike other institutions, Uniastrum had a high interest rate even for this type of deposit.

The credit institution represents the "Large interest" deposit.

The deposit is replenished in the amount of at least 5 thousand rubles, while the withdrawal is carried out only up to the minimum balance, which is equal to the initial amount of investments.


The bank works for Russian market for over 20 years, which makes it possible to evaluate its stable performance. Successful politics allows him to gain a foothold in financial sector and in the TOP-50. Probusiness pays special attention to deposits of individuals.

The bank presents the "Trust" deposit

Early termination of the agreement is provided on the basis of recalculation of the interest rate on the demand deposit.

What is the best way to close a deposit without losses

Withdrawing interest or principal for many banks is equivalent to closing an account. All procedures are the same in their actions and do not require special expenses.

Young people have mastered mobile bank and Internet bank, which allows the offices to be freed from more clients. It is the users of online resources who use their capabilities in in full... After all, here you can open a deposit, transfer funds and close it without leaving your home.

You can check your account status on the Internet. Closing an account through Personal Area, users do not lose interest. This is due to the fact that banks are trying to get rid of office services and instill in clients the ability to perform all operations on their own.

Not all financial institutions can immediately issue funds to the extent required by the client. There are some restrictions on the time of the claim and the amount of spending. If a person does not claim the amount after the end of the contract, then it will be prolonged on the same terms.

You do not need to present any special documents to close an account. All you need is an identity card and an account opening agreement, if necessary. When opening electronically, it is necessary to present an electronic version of the contract.

When closing an account, the depositor is obliged to receive the entire amount of the investment in his hands. Penalties apply only to the interest rate. The fine cannot be withheld from the principal amount. If the bank delays the issue, the depositor has the right to go to court.

The deposit is the most popular of the banking products, since it is safe and profitable to keep money on the deposit. But it is not always convenient. So, if money is urgently needed and the contract has to be closed ahead of schedule, the depositor will lose the accrued%.

For such cases, banks have come up with deposits with the ability to withdraw funds without losing interest. There are deposits that allow partial or full withdrawals. For financial institutions, such products are a way to attract more customers and capital. For depositors, it is a reliable way of investing funds, in which at any time you can return the money back while maintaining the accrued income.

  • Is it possible to withdraw a deposit without losing interest

    The bank has no right to interfere with the client's desire to withdraw money from the account. However, it is quite possible to refuse to pay the accrued interest if the agreement provides for similar sanctions for early withdrawal of the deposit.

    Summarizing the above, we highlight the key aspects:

    1. It is possible to withdraw the deposit without losing% if it is provided for in the contract.
    2. Such a development of events does not suit the bank, as it threatens with lost profits. This means that the financial institution will compensate for such risks.
  • Features of deposits with early withdrawal

    The parameters of such deposit products differ from standard deposits in several ways:

    • Lower interest rate. Compared to ordinary deposits, the difference reaches 1-2%. This is how banks encourage customers to make a choice in favor of products without early receipt of funds.
    • Conclusion of a contract for a short period. Standard banking practice - depending on the term of the deposit, conditions change. The longer the client is ready to keep funds in the bank, the better conditions he gets.
    • Other restrictions. A common phenomenon is the mandatory preservation of a minimum balance on the account. Often this amount coincides with the minimum possible for opening a deposit and fluctuates in the range of 20-50 thousand rubles. It is also common practice to set a period during which it will not be possible to withdraw funds from the account. For example, 3 months from the date of the deposit.

    These moments directly affect the profitability of the deposit. Therefore, carefully study the terms of the agreement with the bank in order to understand how beneficial a particular product is. Pay attention to other parameters of the deposit: the frequency of interest payments, the presence of capitalization and prolongation. Understanding these nuances will help you get the most profit.

  • How to choose the most profitable early withdrawal deposit in Moscow

    To choose the best offer for bank deposit, it is important to consider many parameters. To do this, just select the "Deposit selection" tab and assign parameters for sorting options. Among them:

    • your location;
    • interest payment schedule;
    • term and amount of the deposit;
    • additional options (capitalization%, account replenishment, early withdrawal).

    A separate card has been created for each product containing detailed description characteristics and conditions.

  • Are deposits with the possibility of early withdrawal profitable in 2020?

    Alas, you have to pay for the advantage at any time to get money from the account - such deposits have a lower yield. But they are suitable for accumulating funds for current tasks. For example, to raise money for an initial fee on a mortgage.

  • Deposits with withdrawals in other regions

    All banks and offers in regions and cities of Russia

    See 8 more

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    Everyone has savings. However, not everyone knows that keeping savings at home is wrong. This approach to financial management is unacceptable because the money you earn is negatively affected by inflation. In addition, free funds should bring profit to the owner. To this end, you should pay attention to deposits with partial withdrawal.

    The main difference between such a product and ordinary deposits is that the client has access to a certain part of the funds, which he can withdraw at the right time. At the same time, you do not lose your income, which is very beneficial. However, in addition to this advantage, this tool has other positive sides which we will look at below.

    • Minimum risk. At the legislative level, the state obliges all banks operating in the territory of the Russian Federation to participate in the personal deposit insurance program. In case of liquidation or revocation of the license, the consumer will be paid compensation in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles per account.
    • The choice of the method of calculating profit. In addition to the size of the bet, you must decide on the method of its payment - regular payments, one-time at the end of the contract or by capitalization. The latter option implies adding interest to the initial investment, after which each calculation takes place for the actual amount.
    • Simple design. To open an account, you need to come to the office with a passport, sign an agreement and make a contribution. Also, many organizations offer to fill out a questionnaire on the official website by transferring money from their card.

    Another important plus is accessibility to a wide audience. You do not need to have special knowledge or skills - you just need to choose the right product and carefully read the contract before putting your signature.

    How to make the right decision

    Before opening an account, you will have to consider the offers available on the market. Study them by basic parameters and select several options. Then you should visit the office and consult a manager who will provide you with all the services, including special lines - family, targeted, for children, etc. As a rule, they have more favorable conditions, so pay attention to each direction.

    Analytical resource

    On the site you will find reliable information about the available banking products. Here are the current offers from detailed description their parameters and conditions of provision - interest rate, cost of service and required documents. Having compared all the services, as well as having studied the section of promotions and special offers, you can make the right decision. The next step is filling out an online application on the website. You just need to enter your personal information in the corresponding questionnaire, after which the request will be processed by our specialists and sent to the specified organization. site is the largest financial supermarket Runet with a multi-million audience of users throughout the country.

    Bank deposits with partial withdrawal are a very convenient program for saving money within the framework of a deposit with a favorable interest rate.

    The depositor can withdraw his funds without losing the accrued interest income... To obtain this option, you must thoroughly familiarize yourself with the deposit agreement and the main lines of banking products.

    Available operations

    Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve your problem- contact a consultant:


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    Among the main types of expense transactions, the following are worth highlighting:

    Withdrawal of accrued interest income Such an operation can be carried out once a month or quarterly, depending on the terms of the agreement.

    The client, after opening a deposit, gets the following options:

    • withdrawal of interest through the cashier of a financial institution;
    • transfer of funds to the current account;
    • transfer of part of the amount to a bank card in automatic mode.

    It should be noted that withdrawal of interest is not a mandatory procedure. In any case, all the accumulated funds will be on the account of the deposit.

    Withdrawing funds to the level of the minimum balance Contributor to individually can choose the amount that will remain in the account in order to avoid losing interest.
    Termination of the deposit agreement without loss of interest income As part of this option, the client can withdraw his funds much earlier than the deadline established by the contract. It is important to take into account that, depending on the program, the conditions for such withdrawal may be different. For example, if the funds are withdrawn before or after the due date for the possible disbursement of funds specified in the agreement, then no interest will be paid.

    Open line of deposits with partial withdrawal

    Multicurrency premium + from BKF

    This deposit is an up-to-date banking instrument that gives the depositor the opportunity to receive interest on the deposit while minimizing risks in the context of instability of global economic processes.

    Throughout the entire term of the agreement, the client can convert from one currency to another without losing interest.

    Accommodation conditions:

    The maximum term of the deposit is 1 year... Payment of interest income is made every month to a bank card or in the amount of the deposit.

    The client can top up the account at last month validity of the contract for the amount, not less 10,000 rubles... As for the partial withdrawal. Then it is possible only in case. If the client withdraws from the account no more than 30% of the initially invested funds.

    The deposit can be automatically renewed if it is not requested by the client at the end of the contract. The extension is carried out at the rate that is current at the time of the transaction.

    The depositor can also terminate the contract ahead of schedule and receive income at the rate 0,01%

    Optimum VII from MBA-Moscow

    The partial withdrawal amount directly depends on the duration of the deposit program:

    • for a period of 1 year it is possible to withdraw no more than half of the original amount;
    • with the term of the deposit in 731 days withdrawal is possible no more 60% ;
    • with the term of the deposit in 1095 day- no more 70% of the total.

    Interest rate at early termination contract is set in the amount 0,1% in any currency.

    Capital management from Tatfondbank

    has the following key features:

    • capitalization of interest is not provided;
    • the possibility of replenishment;
    • interest payment at the end of the deposit period;
    • when replenishing the account, the interest rate may be increased depending on the new range of funds;
    • the contract can be renewed automatically.

    VIP from Tavrichesky Bank

    This program provides for the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds up to the minimum balance.

    Interest income is paid at the end of the term of the deposit agreement. There is no interest capitalization option. Also, the contract cannot be automatically renewed.

    Honey from Novopokrovsky Bank

    The terms of this deposit program are as follows:

    • funds can be deposited only in rubles;
    • the minimum amount is 30 000 rubles;
    • within the framework of the program, a one-time replenishment of the amount is possible, but it is not provided for the extension of the contract in an automatic manner (the minimum amount of replenishment is 5,000 rubles);
    • validity period of the contract - no more 1 year;
    • the interest rate on the deposit is fixed.

    Deposits with replenishment and partial withdrawal should be selected on the basis of a rational analysis of each of the programs. For example, you can study the basic banking products and deposit lines, which are provided to customers online. It is likely that such programs will have an increased interest rate.

    It is worth noting that in case of partial withdrawal, the depositor will need to provide any identity document and a document confirming the conclusion of a deposit agreement by him or a third party by his power of attorney.

    Refillable deposits for individuals: when are they profitable?

    Many people today are trying to save money. Some put it off for a “rainy day”, others - for large purchases (repairs, a car, a summer residence, etc.), and still others - in order to feel rich.

    In any case, savings will protect you from emergencies. Plus, if you're saving money, you won't have to give up unexpected exciting opportunities in life.

    Of course, you can save money under a mattress, but it is safer to open a deposit with high interest rates. Moreover, experts advise making several deposits at once. If you already have any large sum, then you can put it in a reliable bank at maximum interest.

    It's profitable. But, most likely, such an account cannot be replenished or partially spent money from it! And in order to save money, for example, from a salary, it is better to arrange also a replenished deposit with capitalization and high interest rates.

    In a word, when planning to issue a classic replenishment deposit, you need to be clearly aware of several things:

    √ Interest rates for deposits with the possibility of replenishment are likely to be lower than for deposits without such. But they help to save money.
    √ If you withdraw funds before the end of the term, the bank will most likely return them without accrued interest. For expense transactions, you can open savings accounts or deposits with partial withdrawal of money without losing profitability.

    Output... Opening deposits of individuals with the possibility of replenishment today is beneficial for those who have a constant income and intend to save money, putting them in a bank for a certain period.

    What are the most profitable deposits with replenishment in 2020

    In this comparison table, we have collected the current conditions and interest rates replenished deposits with high interest in largest banks countries that have many branches in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

    Top-up deposits with high interestin large banks

    For the purity of the experiment, we compared the rates on deposits with an amount of 500,000 rubles and a period of 12 months, since this is the most popular investment period. As a result, we got the following list (check with banks for exact conditions and interest rates on deposits).


    "Takeoff" contribution


    Deposit "Savings account"

    With replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest monthly


    Deposit "Savings account"

    With replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / Without capitalization / Interest at the end of the term.

    Bank FC Otkritie

    Deposit "Accumulative"

    With replenishment / With partial withdrawal / With capitalization / Interest monthly.

    Post Bank

    Deposit "Accumulative"


    Deposit "Replenish"

    Interest rate

    With replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / With capitalization / Interest monthly.

    Refillable deposits of individuals: calculator

    Features of replenished deposits with capitalization

    Capitalization is the addition of interest to the amount of the deposit. Interest for the next period is accrued for the increased amount of the deposit, which allows the depositor to receive additional income... As a result, deposits with capitalization will have more than high interest rates than deposits without it.

    For the sake of objectivity, our comparative table shows the deposit rates without taking into account the capitalization of interest. If the conditions of the deposit provide for capitalization, then check with the bank the real interest for a particular term of the deposit.

    Which is more profitable: savings accounts or term deposits?

    Many banks offer such replenishment deposits today. Their peculiarity is that the investment period is not limited. If savings deposits are issued for a certain period: 3, 6 months, 1 or, for example, 3 years, then savings accounts are opened “on demand”. And interest is calculated based on minimum amount that is on the account for a whole month. It should be noted that savings accounts in some banks today have higher interest rates than time deposits... However, they have a serious disadvantage.

    The bank can change the interest rate of the savings account at any time, while the profitability regular contribution fixed and recorded in the contract.

    Replenishing deposits with or without partial withdrawal: which is more profitable?

    Certain top-up deposits may also have the option of partial withdrawals without losing interest. Of course, this is convenient, but the profitability of such deposits, as a rule, is lower than that of replenished deposits without the possibility of partial withdrawal of money.

    Are replenishment deposits for individuals insured?

    Yes. The insurance covers the monetary funds of individuals in the bank in deposits and on accounts, including foreign currency. Maximum amount reimbursement of deposits for today is 1,400,000 rubles.

    If the deposit is placed in US dollars or Euros, the refund amount is calculated and paid to the DIA in rubles at the exchange rate, established by the Bank Russia on the day of the insured event.

    You can check whether the institution is included in the deposit insurance system on the websites of the Bank of Russia ( and DIA (, as well as for free hotline ASV 8-800-200-08-05.

    Note that the above conditions and interest rates of replenished deposits for individuals are not a public offer, and cannot serve as an indication for choosing a specific deposit. This list is not a basis for unambiguous conclusions about reliability and (or) financial sustainability specified banks. The editors of the site do not bear any responsibility for the consequences of any interpretations of this review and decisions taken on its basis.