Qualification courses for accountants. Advanced training for accountants

  • 22.12.2023

"Institute international standards accounting and management" is an accredited Educational and Methodological Center No. 693

At our institute you can undergo advanced training professional accountants, as well as other specialists in the field accounting, in the amount of 40 hours.

In professional accountant courses, special attention is paid to the most current changes in tax and accounting, as well as innovations in Russian budget and financial legislation.

Classes are taught by doctors and candidates economic sciences, practicing auditors and consultants of large audit companies, financial directors and analysts with many years of teaching experience.

Professional accountant courses are conducted in a convenient full-time , with the possibility of training in the mode online(live broadcast), thus, listeners have the opportunity to undergo training without interrupting their work. Our listeners in in full provided by all necessary materials practical and theoretical orientation.

To evaluate the quality of our training, we invite our new students to listen to the first lecture of any seminar for free. Just send your application to our email.

Upon completion of training, you will be issued certificate IPB Russia (40 hours)

All our students receive a CD with video recordings of lectures as a gift.

Benefits of training online:

  • Excellent broadcast quality.
  • Our listeners have a unique opportunity no extra charge and no restrictions attend classes in other areas of study within 6 months after completing the training.
  • You don't have to travel anywhere to get to classes. At the same time, you save your time.
  • The ability to study at a time convenient for you, in a convenient place.
  • Participation in online learning does not require any special equipment. All you need is a computer with Internet access and sound.
  • Via chat you can ask any question you are interested in. If desired, you can use a webcam.
  • Possibility to watch lectures in video recordings.

Required documents for admission:


To register you must send email [email protected] completed registration form.

Number of hours:

Registration of learning results:

Certificate of IPB of Russia for 40 hours

Certificate renewal

Full members of the IPB of Russia have the right to renew their certificate, subject to compliance with the duties of members of the IPB of Russia and TIPB in accordance with the Regulations on membership in the IPB of Russia.

To obtain a certificate for new term the specialist must provide to the TIPB, and in the absence of TIPB - to the IPB of Russia, the following documents within three months before and three months after the expiration of the Russian IPB certificate:

  • application for the issuance of a certificate of IPB of Russia for a new term;
  • a copy of the Russian IPB certificate;
  • copies of certificates or other documents confirming advanced training in accordance with the Regulations on continuous professional development of professional accountants, including the current year;
  • copies of documents confirming payment of annual membership fees, including the current year.

Chief accountant courses are training that allows you to gain the most in-depth theoretical and practical professional knowledge. Unlike traditional advanced training programs in accounting, students additionally become familiar with the specifics of management and delegation within the framework of work at medium and large businesses.

  • assistant accountants planning to improve their qualifications;
  • accounting and tax professionals applying for a promotion or planning to move to a larger company.

Training to become a chief accountant as part of this advanced training course includes

  • study of current regulatory documents;
  • familiarization with the latest innovations in the field of accounting and taxation;
  • solving practical problems with detailed analysis under the guidance of qualified, experienced teachers.

You will learn

  • accept and transfer cases upon taking office;
  • develop accounting policies within the framework of accounting and tax accounting;
  • work competently with all types of reporting;
  • solve a wide range of problems within the framework of taxation.

There are no training courses for the position of chief accountant “from scratch” - this is a responsible qualification that requires an extensive amount of theoretical and practical knowledge.

If you are determined to build a career in this field, without having a specialized education, first you will need to take accounting courses for beginners and the 1C: Accounting 8.2 course or master comprehensive program accounting courses with 1C: Accounting 8.2.

1. Professional ethics chief accountant

1.1. Principles of professional ethics
1.2. Rights of the chief accountant
1.3. Responsibilities of the chief accountant
1.4. Responsibility of the chief accountant
1.5. Organization of accounting in an organization
1.6. Job Description
1.7. Chief accountant in a new place: features of transfer of cases

2. Organizational accounting

2.1. Regulatory framework accounting
2.2. Accounting Regulations (Standards)
2.3. Formation of an organization's accounting policy for accounting purposes
2.4. Document flow
2.5. Financial result organizations.
2.6. A practical example for determining the procedure for generating a financial result
2.7. Composition of financial (accounting) statements, deadlines for submission
2.8. The procedure for generating financial (accounting) statements
2.9. Explanatory note
2.10. A practical example for filling out financial (accounting) statements
2.11. Formation order financial statements in the 1C program

3. Taxation

3.1. Review of Part 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
3.2. System of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation
3.3. Classification of taxes and fees
3.4. Rights and obligations of taxpayers
3.5. Taxpayer responsibility. Sanctions.
3.6. Tax optimization
3.7. Review of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
3.8. VAT
3.9. A practical example of filling out a VAT return
3.10. Formation and filling out a VAT return in the 1C program
3.11. Corporate income tax
3.12. Accounting policy organizations for tax purposes
3.13. Tax registers
3.14. A practical example of filling out an income tax return.
3.15. Formation tax registers in the 1C program
3.16. Formation and completion of income tax returns in the 1C program
3.17. Organizational property tax
3.18. A practical example of filling out a property tax return
3.19. Formation and filling out a property tax return in the 1C program
3.20. Transport tax
3.21. A practical example of filling out a declaration for transport tax
3.22. The procedure for generating and filling out a transport tax return in the 1C program
3.23. Personal income tax
3.24. The procedure for generating and filling out personal income tax reporting in the 1C program.
3.25. Land tax
3.26. Excise taxes
3.27. Trade fee
3.28. Special tax regimes.
3.29. simplified tax system
3.30. A practical example of filling out a declaration under the simplified tax system
3.31. The procedure for generating and filling out a declaration according to the simplified tax system in the 1C program. Formation of a ledger for accounting income and expenses.
3.32. UTII

In the previous one, I talked about the features of accounting in the budget sector, in particular, the general distinctive features were described budget accounting from accounting commercial organizations. The topic of this article implies an in-depth introduction to the main specifics of budget accounting - the Chart of Accounts.


Budget accounting. Features and general principles

With our publication today, we are starting a course of articles that reveal the features of accounting in budgetary organizations. There are a lot of nuances in budget accounting that cause difficulties and questions for accountants. Therefore, I think these articles will be relevant and in demand among my colleagues.

Advanced training courses for professional accountants, chief accountants in Moscow, training for professional accountants

Simply necessary for every accountant working in his specialty. After all, tax legislation and accounting systems are constantly changing. A professional accountant deals with finances every day. The slightest mistake can cost the company big money. The accountant is responsible for settlements with suppliers, customers, employees and tax services etc. Moreover, an error in tax accounting can lead to serious sanctions and fines. Every accountant and auditor is required to study not only in theory, but also to be able to apply these innovations in practice. A professional accountant, of course, will prefer a certified training center in Moscow. We offer training, retraining and advanced training at UMC-830, accredited by the Institute of Professional Accountants.

Advanced training for accountants

Advanced training of professional accountants is aimed at studying the latest innovations in legislation. The course program includes the study of changes in Tax Code, audit, financial analysis, management and accounting. The practical application of all innovations in various areas of enterprise activity is analyzed. Attention is also paid judicial practice resolving conflict situations and the most frequently encountered problems.

We also offer training and retraining courses for accountants in Moscow at our center, which give you not only a professional accountant certificate, but also a real opportunity to establish accounting in your organization. Improving the qualifications of accountants will help update knowledge in all areas or only in one specific one. The courses are intended for assistant accountants, bookkeepers, chief accountants and auditors. Standard advanced training courses for accountants - 40 hours. There are 3 different programs:

Our courses teach theory and practice, working with documents, computer programs, introduce changes in legislation, and consider the consequences of such initiatives. You can take advanced training courses for chief accountants. You can find out how you influenced latest changes in the legislation specifically for your enterprise. Considers typical situations, accounting legal entities and entrepreneurs.

What are the advantages of our courses

Advanced training courses will increase your value in the labor market. You will be able to renew your professional accountant certificate. Our teachers are professional practicing accountants. Training can be conducted in person and completely remotely from anywhere in the Russian Federation.

Advanced training for accountants at the RUNO center has its own characteristics:

  • We conduct practical exercises immediately in the process of studying the theory. Each small block of information is immediately entered into 1C.
  • We work using the example of reporting from real companies.
  • With us you don’t have to waste time recording lectures; all notes are prepared by teachers in electronic form. From our experience, we have seen that this method of studying the material is more effective, and the time saved allows you to practice more.

Advancement courses for accountants provide a new profession to everyone on the basis of secondary vocational and higher education. Here you will study not only the basics of accounting or changes in accounting, but also the legal framework, strategies for making management decisions in the field of enterprise finance. We pay great attention to studying computer accounting, practical application of modern accounting programs. Improving the qualifications of accountants will give you new knowledge and open up prospects for mastering another area professional activities, will give you a new interesting and highly paid profession.

During the course, you will be able to ask your questions that are most relevant to work in your field. Upon completion, you will receive a state-issued Certificate of Completion.

Upon completion of training, certified professional accountants of the IPB of Russia are issued certificate of advanced training of the IPB of Russia.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of such a profession as an accountant is the contradictions and frequent changes in legislation. A specialist needs to be able to understand the twists and turns of legislation and communicate with government agencies. IN in this case It is important to be professionally savvy and be able to defend your position.

At the Moscow Higher School of Economics you can take advanced training courses for professional accountants, as well as other accounting specialists.

The procedure for taking advanced training courses for professional accountants and auditors is established by the “REGULATIONS on improving the professional level” of professional accountants and auditors. We pay special attention to the most current changes in tax and accounting, as well as innovations in Russian budget and financial legislation. Classes at the Moscow Higher School of Economics are held in accordance with the programs of special courses of the Institute of Economic Development.

Advanced training

All large organizations have long understood how effective and necessary advanced training is. This is a type of additional vocational education and employee training with the ultimate goal of increasing general level knowledge of theoretical issues, improvement of skills (practical skills). If you devote enough time to your development, your value as an employee increases. Having proof of your training will give you more opportunities for advancement in your career.

Why do we need advanced training courses for accountants?

A true professional must meet modern, constantly changing realities and master large volumes new information. Advanced training is an opportunity to gain additional knowledge and skills in finding solutions to the most complex and intractable problems. Advanced training courses can help you achieve realistic goals and results in your professional career.

Advanced training program at the Moscow Higher School of Economics: benefits

  1. Professional lecturers.
  2. Flexible schedule.
  3. Integration of theory into practice through well-chosen training exercises.
  4. Upon completion, students receive a Certificate confirming completion of the mandatory advanced training of a professional accountant.

The Moscow Higher School of Economics offers more than 15 different programs of advanced training courses for professional accountants. To sign up for courses with us, you just need to call or fill out online application on the website.


We are recruiting for a professional retraining group in the field of “Accounting and Auditing” (760 hours).

Start of training: March 20, 2019 Classes are held 2-3 times a week on weekdays in the evening. (from 18:30 to 21:00)


Recruitment has begun for the professional retraining group in the field of “Accounting and Auditing” (760 hours).

Start of training: March 20, 2019 Classes are held 2-3 times a week on weekdays in the evening. (starts at 18:30)


The Corporate Training Center IDPO GASIS NRU HSE has moved to another building of the HSE National Research University.

The Corporate Training Center moved to the HSE building at the address: Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 33, bldg. 4, off. 205, 206 (metro Novye Cheryomushki, last car from the center, then 3 minutes walk to the building of the National Research University Higher School of Economics).

Advanced training courses for accountants

In conditions modern economy, employers are increasingly faced with a shortage of qualified personnel. Advanced training that provides employees with new, up-to-date theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform official duties is the key to the success of any organization.

The need for regular professional development financial specialists , including in the field of accounting, taxation, audit and financial reporting, is due to:

  • the ongoing reform of the accounting and tax system in the Russian Federation;
  • introduction of new standards, rules and norms of activity;
  • change and development of new professional technologies and methods;
  • implementation of international standards financial statements(IFRS);
  • development of automation and integration of accounting and reporting.

All detailed information about advanced training courses for accountants is presented below.

Cost of advanced training courses for accountants

28,000 rubles for the entire course of study. It is possible to pay in installments during the training period;

8,500 rubles - membership fee of the Associate Member of the IPB of Russia (paid according to the details of the IPB of Russia).

Advanced training from the Institute of Further Professional Education GASIS NRU HSE in Moscow

Advanced training courses for accountants- This prerequisite maintaining professional fitness. The courses provide an opportunity for practicing specialists to reach a fundamentally new professional level and confirm their high qualifications.

Since 1999, the Institute of Further Professional Education GASIS of the National Research University Higher School of Economics has been an accredited Educational and Methodological Center No. 131 (UMC No. 131) of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia. Over the years, the Institute has established itself as a center for training highly qualified specialists. Classes are taught only by highly qualified specialists - practitioners: auditors, lawyers, specialists in the field of accounting and taxation with extensive experience.

At the corporate training center you can receive training in the following specializations:

Forms of training: evening or weekend group.

During your training, you can receive individual advice on practical issues of accounting, taxation (tax optimization), business planning and financial law.

Advanced training for certified professional accountants:

At the GASIS corporate training center of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, certified professional accountants can receive additional Supplements to the IPA Certificate of Russia:

  • Professional accountant - Financial director;
  • Professional accountant - Internal auditor;
  • Professional accountant - Tax consultant;
  • Professional accountant - Expert in international financial reporting.