How to identify Yandex wallet. How to identify Yandex money wallet

  • 11.12.2019

Modern technologies are constantly evolving, and today we are increasingly resorting to the services of virtual payment systems. One of these services is Yandex.Money. However, in order to fully use all the features of this wallet, the user needs to identify himself. In this article, we will look at how to authenticate in Yandex.Money.

What is it for

It will probably be logical to start with the question of why Yandex.Money verification is needed at all.

Identification is the identification of an object. In our case, this is the procedure for checking passport information in order to determine the owner of the wallet and enter its data into the security service database.

This is required to increase the security of users and the safety of their virtual tools. An identified wallet with a complex password is almost impossible to crack.

In addition, it is no secret to anyone that recently cases of fraud have become more frequent on the Internet - sophisticated ways to deceive ordinary users are being invented. Therefore, the system requires the addition of personal data to Yandex.Money in order to protect its customers.

So, the funds will be returned to the verified user if:

  • he is no later than 24 hours after the transfer;
  • verification will confirm the fact of hacking.

In addition, after the verification procedure, the following advantages appear:

  • The balance limit on the balance increases to 500,000 rubles.
  • The ability to make purchases in the amount of up to 250,000 rubles per payment and up to 3,000,000 in one month.
  • Can . The limit will be up to 400,000 rubles per one transfer.
  • The ability to accept transfers from other users or to collect charitable donations.
  • . allows you to commit.

Thus, we figured out why we need the series and passport number for Yandex.Money.

Wallet Identification Methods

It's time to move on to the question of how to identify the Yandex wallet. There are several ways to go through verification:

  1. Through Sberbank - this option is suitable for those who use the Mobile Bank.
  2. When visiting the poison department. Offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.
  3. In the Euroset or CONTACT communication salon - option only for citizens Russian Federation.
  4. With the help of poison agents. This method is for users in whose country agents work. There are agents in Belarus, Ukraine, Yerevan, Baku, Crimea, Chisinau.
  5. If all of the above options are not suitable, you can send an application for identification by mail.
  6. Copying information from another Yandex wallet, provided that one phone number is tied to both accounts.

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. Previously, there was another way - to get Yandex.Money identification through WebMoney. However, a few years ago, the rules for obtaining a certificate (for WebMoney) and verification (for a poison) were revised, and the copy function from WM to the poison was simply closed. Now, in order about the options available.

Via Sberbank

If you are a client of Sberbank and use the Mobile Bank, then Yandex.Money identification through Sberbank is for you. There are several steps to follow:

  1. Indicated here mobile phonewhich is tied to a wallet. The Mobile Bank service must be connected to the same number, and this application is installed on the phone itself.
  2. Below in the line “Date of birth” enter your date of birth.
  3. Click "Submit Request".
  4. A message will come to the phone that you need to familiarize yourself with.
  5. 10 rubles will be debited from the card. This is for verification.

For several days, the data will be processed by the security service and after that will appear in the poison wallet. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

Copy personal data

We smoothly approached the second option, how to copy the identification into Yandex.Money. As mentioned above, this function is only available if your phone is tied to several PoE accounts and you have already passed verification on one of them, and now you just need to transfer the information. This procedure will also not cause difficulties:

  1. Log in to your verified wallet (the one you previously identified).
  2. On the next page, specify the wallet (enter the account number or login) into which you want to copy the information, and enter your password.
  3. Log in to another Poison wallet (the one into which you want to copy personal data). Click on the balance in the upper right and follow the identification confirmation link.
  4. Carefully check the correctness of the data entry. If everything is correct, confirm the verification with a password.

You do not need to wait - immediately after confirmation, the wallet will be verified.

Through the Salon of Communication "Euroset"

As you already know, Yandex.Money identification through Euroset is only suitable for Russian citizens. There is also a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Fill out the Yandex.Money identification application and print the form.
  2. Take with you a printed application, passport and go to the nearest Euroset branch.
  3. Tell the cashier that you want to pay for the identification of your poison account. The cost of the service is 50 rubles.
  4. Give the completed application and passport to the cashier who will enter your data and print you a preliminary receipt.
  5. Check the check carefully. If you notice a mistake, ask the cashier to fix it. If everything is correct, sign the receipt.
  6. Wait a few minutes until the information is passed to the poison security service. The cashier will inform you of the result.
  7. Log in to your wallet, click on the balance and follow the identification confirmation link. Once again, carefully check the data, and if everything is correct, enter your password to confirm.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. But in case of any difficulties, the cashier at Euroset will tell you what to do.

So, we examined the three most simple and common options for verifying a wallet. Of course, you can send the application by mail. Read about it on the official website. If none of the options fits, you can find the nearest agent via the link.

Is it possible to do without a passport

Often users ask how to authenticate with Yandex.Money without a passport. The answer is quite simple: two methods are described above that do not require a passport. But these options imply that you previously submitted the document to Sberbank or to another Poison wallet.

In other cases, an identity document is required. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to bypass identification in Yandex.Money is nothing. The fact is that the security service is engaged in the verification - the options for bypassing the system are simply excluded.

Also, many are afraid to enter personal information, citing the possibility of information leakage. Hence the question of whether passport data should be entered in Yandex.Money. The answer is necessary. As mentioned above, these issues are dealt with by the security service, which completely eliminates the theft of personal information.

In the event of a change in personal information

Of course, everyone understands that personal information can change. For example, the surname is for girls after the wedding. The phone number may also change. All this is provided in the system, and you can easily make adjustments.

So, how to change passport data in Yandex.Money? To do this is quite simple:

The second important question is how to attach the phone to Yandex.Money. This is done through the Poison Passport. We enter again personal Area, find the "Passport". This time we go to the tab "Telephone numbers".

On the page that opens, click "Add Number", enter your phone number, after which a message will be sent to it with a code for confirmation. We enter the code in the appropriate window and confirm the binding.

We hope we have helped you figure out how to get an identified account in the Yandex.Money system.

How to identify Yandex.Money: Video

7 min read

Hello! Not so long ago, I received an identified wallet status on Yandex money. But before that I could not do it. And so today we’ll talk about what identification is in Yandex Money, and more specifically about how to go through the identification and remove all restrictions on the account.

Although Yandex makes it possible to use a wallet without identification, even transfer money and make payments, many sites require the identification of a wallet in order to deal with multi-accounts.

In some cases, if you did not authenticate with Yandex.Money, then your money may get stuck on the way to you. Some sites in general may refuse to pay you or to receive a bonus if you have not passed the Yandex wallet identification.

How to identify Yandex wallet?

Anonymous status

Yandex wallet has several stages of identification. Immediately after registration you will receive an anonymous wallet status. It has restrictions that prevent you from using the wallet normally. In most cases, you will have problems with the withdrawal of funds to an anonymous wallet.

As long as you have an anonymous status, you cannot even withdraw money from your wallet normally and cash them out. You cannot transfer money to the account of another wallet; transfers to all cards except Yandex Money are also prohibited. And you can only pay for something by making payments in Russia. You will also face restrictions on the amounts that can be stored in your wallet for an anonymous wallet maximum amount storage will be 15,000 rubles, but there will be problems with the withdrawal of money and with transfers.

Therefore, you must immediately get at least a nominal status.

Personal status

To get a nominal status, you need to go through the simple stage of identifying Yandex wallet to confirm your identity. You will be required to fill out a short form and enter your passport data.

If you intend to obtain an identified status in the future, then immediately fill out the questionnaire correctly, and only according to your passport data.

In order to fill out a questionnaire and get a personalized status, click on the balance of your account and below you will see the word “anonymous”, click on it and you will be redirected to the page to change the status.

After loading the page, under the nominal status there will be a button “fill out an application online” click on this button.

After entering the password, you can start filling out the questionnaire. Be sure to fill out all the points as you have in your passport. If you don’t have snls or one more additional document, then this item can be removed. This is not a prerequisite. Keep in mind that if you fill out incorrectly, then you may not be approved for the nominal status.

After filling, save the data. And expect the questionnaire to be verified.

If you entered all the data correctly, then after a while you will have a nominal status. After that, most of the restrictions will be removed, and you can already store up to 60,000 rubles in your wallet. Transfers to cards and other wallets will become available to you, and payment can take place in any stores in the world.

But still, some sites will require an identified wallet. And he is much more informative and productive. Allows you to fully use all the features of Yandex money.

Obtaining an identified status.

The hardest part is getting an identified status. To identify the wallet, Yandex introduced only 4 full-fledged options.

Many physically cannot fulfill the conditions that Yandex put forward to its users to identify a wallet. Of the options presented by Yandex, I was most approached with identification through the Sberbank, which they introduced recently.

Let’s further analyze all the methods for identifying Yandex wallet so that you can choose the one you need for yourself. First of all, I will describe the identification using Sberbank, and then I will go through other methods. But for me personally, it turned out to be the simplest and fastest.

How to get Yandex money identification without a passport? (We bypass the input of passport data).

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to authenticate, which allows you to get an identified status for your account without leaving your home. It is suitable for both residents of Russia and residents of other countries who do not have a Russian passport. This method will allow you to bypass the passport data verification, and identify the wallet to citizens of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.

It is enough to order identification from Yandex money identification service specialists. Recently, several of my friends from Ukraine and Belarus ordered an identification there, and were delighted with the speed of work. They work quickly, efficiently and efficiently. The service also provides identification services to citizens of the Russian Federation, they will help you pass identification in about 15 minutes without leaving your home.

On average, experts carry out identification in 15 minutes, after which you can safely withdraw your money or begin full use of an account with an identified status. And the main difference between this service is that they work without an advance payment, which means that you are guaranteed to receive the service.

Pass authentication to Yandex through Sberbank.

Nothing complicated here. On the identification method page, select Sberbank.

This method is suitable for those who are 18 years old, who have a Sberbank card and have a mobile bank connected to your phone number.

After this operation, the identification phase will begin. Your data specified upon receipt of the nominal status will be verified with the data of Sberbank, and if everything goes well, the application will be processed in the near future and you will receive an identified status.

All this notice no more than 5 minutes. But the identification itself will last up to 7 days. It took me 3 days.

Identification in Yandex through Euroset

There is also nothing complicated, but you need to go to the Euroset to make a payment and replenish your wallet for identification.

Fill out the application form and print it. Again, all data should be identical. You must enter your real data in the application, and then the same data when making the payment. This must be taken into account. After replenishing your wallet with 50 rubles, you will receive an identified status.

It was 2 simple ways. And now the methods will be more complicated.

Identification in the YandexMoney office.

Applications for identification are accepted at the offices of Moscow, St. Petersburg and in Nizhny Novgorod.

You need to fill out an application for identification (an example of an application), and come to the office, there you should already give an application with a passport to the secretary who will scan your passport and application.

After the secretary sends identification documents, you can go about your business, and during the week the office staff will check your data and carry out identification. But after they agree it to you, you still need to check your data yourself, so as not to lose contact with your account in the future.

Identification in Yandex by mail.

Perhaps for some reason you cannot authenticate with the above methods. But there are still options. It is possible for you to identify a wallet by mail. My friend and colleague Ivan Skrechko recently encountered this method of identification, and he was not satisfied. But for him there is no other option. He lives in Belarus.

To pass the identification you need to scan your passport and print a copy of it. Fill out the application for identification again.

First you need to certify your scan of the passport with a notary. And then it is only possible to send a registered letter to the address 119021, Moscow, PO Box 57, LLC NPO Yandex.Money, you can also send it by courier to the Moscow office at ul. Leo Tolstoy, d.18B.

If you are under 18, then the participation of parents or guardians will be required. Be sure to notarize at the notary the scans of your passport and the passport of the guardian. It is also imperative that the notary is certified by a statement and signature.

There will also be difficulties with identification in Yandex if you are a citizen of another country. You will need the passport translation scans and again you need to notarize all the data. Detailed instructions You will find after choosing an identification method.


Well, after you go to the oder of these personality identification procedures, you can safely use the new wallet status and easily withdraw money and receive bonuses, also use a card and cash out funds. On some sites I could not register using an unidentified wallet, and now I have access to them in full.

Thanks for your attention! AMFUs were in touch.

An easy way to pay for goods in an online store, or other services via the Internet, is to use an electronic wallet.

What is identification for?

Go through the identification process with the provision of full name and passport data, then confirm and establish the real owner of the personal account. It is better to go through it immediately after registration.

If the authentication fails, the anonymous user has a low level of trust and is inherent to the limited capabilities of this wallet.

Having gone through the identification process, a person gains access and privileges in the system and can freely perform various actions. For example:

  • Make purchases of up to 500 thousand rubles
  • Make deposit and withdrawal of funds without restrictions
  • Make transfers up to 500 thousand rubles
  • Exchange cash savings with a limit of 300 thousand rubles.

It will be possible to withdraw funds to the card without special difficulties and enjoy other benefits of the identified account.

All methods of identifying Yandex.Money

There are six ways to verify this service. Let's start with the simplest.

Method 1: We file an application in person.

This procedure is available to people living in Moscow and St. Petersburg. To do this, you need to come to the main office and fill out the form where you need to indicate your passport data and name.

Specialists will process your application and the identification will be successfully completed. The whole procedure takes about a week.

If the account holder is under 18 years old, the presence of parents or guardians is required. Or you need to certify the application with a notary and provide the written consent of the legal representative for approval using the account in the Yandex.Money system.

Method 2: Take advantage of the help of Equifact bureau and get tested online.

To do this, you must fulfill two conditions: you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation or Ukraine or Belarus.

In addition, you should at least once deal with the Bank of Russia, namely, apply for a loan (it does not matter whether it was approved or not).

If the conditions are met you need to:

  • Fill out the form, indicating true and accurate personal data;
  • The system will forward them to the bureau. credit histories Equifax;
  • The service is paid and the system will deduct 90 rubles from the owner of Yandex wallet. (or the money will be withdrawn from the linked Sberbank card);
  • Pass the check on the Equifax Bureau website, for which you need to prepare a passport, Inn, loan agreementSNILS;
  • After entering the data, it is necessary to carefully check everything and confirm the result;
  • If everything is done correctly and check will pass successfully, all that remains is to go to the Yandex.Money website and confirm your data;
  • Your status will be instantly identified;

Method 3: You can verify the identity on the wallet using the payment in CONTACT.

All citizens of Russia in any CONTACT branch are able to perform the procedure. To do this, you must:

  • Go to the site and fill out an application. Then print the form;
  • Prepare a passport and find the nearest CONTACT point;
  • Contact the operator and pay for identification in Yandex (it costs 250 rubles);
  • The operator will accept the application and verify personal data;
  • Having paid, you can go about business, and in a day you need to go to your wallet. Near the Balance mark, a signal will light. By clicking on it, you will see a link;
  • Follow the link, check all the data, enter the password;
  • Verification was successful (if for some reason problems arise, contact the support service on the site);

Method 4: Link an Otkrytie or RosEvroBank card to the account (only linking at the indicated banks allows verification of identity)


This method is free and allows you to instantly translate cash from card to account. To complete the procedure, a Visa or MasterCard card is suitable. If you replenish the wallet number from the card account, the commission will be 0%, otherwise the commission will be 3%.

If the bank card was received by you in Moscow or the region, then for linking you need to have a passport, card and your personal account number. If the card is received at bank branches (regional), you should consult with employees of the bank itself.

You may need to reissue the card to bind to the wallet. You should contact a consultant at Otkritie Bank.


Snap visa cards (Electron, Classic, Gold, Platinum) or MasterCard (Standard, Gold, CirrusMaestro) in RosEuroBank is identical to the Otkritie service.

But again, the binding is completely free, the commission for depositing money from the card is not taken. At the same time, a 3% commission will be taken from you to withdraw funds.

You can bind a card at any nearest RosEvroBank branch. Write down the account number in the wallet, you need to have a passport and the card of this bank with you. If you have cards of these banks, you are unlimitedly lucky!

Method 5: Identification by mail. If you were unable to use the above options, you need to:

  • Print the application form and fill it out carefully
  • It is necessary to make a copy of the passport (photo page, registration)
  • To certify documents with a notary
  • Buy an envelope and send a letter to the address: 119021, Moscow, PO Box 57, LLC Yandex.Money NPO. Or by courier to the Moscow office: st. Leo Tolstoy, d.18B.
  • Shipment takes about 25 days. By going to the Russian Post website and seeing the status “Addressee handed”, you can be sure that your data is already being verified. This procedure will last approximately 25 days, after which a signal will light up near the “Balance” option.
  • Click on it and follow the link
  • You have passed the test, congratulations!

Method 6: Euroset will save you.

To verify this method, you need to print out the completed identification statement. Take the documents and go to the nearest salon. Make a payment (50 rubles) for identification with the cashier Euroset. Open a wallet and confirm data verification by clicking on the link.

This is, perhaps, complete information that can help Yandex.Money users pass identity verification.

After passing the identification, you will become a full-fledged user of the system and will be able to order a Yandex Money card or even make money on the Internet. In some cases, an identification procedure is required.

Friends, hello everyone! Today I’ll tell you about how not to get on a scam when identifying Yandex. Money. It would seem that there could be a scam from Yandex? Of course not, but there are fake phishing emails that can do you significant harm. I’ll tell you about this today.

At the very beginning I want to congratulate you on the holiday! Today is June 14th International Blogger Daywith which I congratulate you. I wish you great blogging, good luck, excellent articles and a solid income!

Well, now, we turn to our topic. Just yesterday, June 13, I received a letter allegedly from the Yandex system. Money with the heading "Identification", below I will give you the entire letter for review. But its essence is as follows.

According to the agreement on the use of the payment serviceYandex money paragraph Carrying out operations in the system for you temporarily unavailable . You are strongly advised to be identified in the system.Service account will be restored after the procedure. To start the process of filling out the form, follow this section. ...

And note, I brought the original text and this piece contains 3 errors in words « recommended »“ Identify ”and "Process" these are literate.

For more information, I inform you that the letter was sent from the mailbox , but I think that this box is already blocked, since I immediately sent a request to Yandex. Money and received an answer, which I will also give below.

Of course, I passed the identification and I know this, so I immediately realized what was happening. But if you are a beginner or not quite a beginner, then you can easily fall into the clutches of scammers. You can not only catch the virus, but also give your passwords and access to scammers. Everything is very serious and can lead to disastrous results.

Here is the full letter that I received as a fake, allegedly from Yandex. Money.

And here is the answer I received today from Yandex support. Money, I quote the full text of this letter with all active links.


The message you received was sent by scammers, and the page you indicated is
phishing *, that is, it has nothing to do with the Yandex.Money service.

If you have already opened the link from a phishing email, then you need as soon as possible
change all your passwords account (even if you did not enter them on the phishing site).
To do this, type in the address (we do not give an active link here
for security reasons). Change the password in the "Personal data" and payment
password in the section "Payment data".
Write down new passwords on paper so as not to forget them (storing passwords directly on the computer does not

In the future, you can refuse to use a payment password and go to
an alternative way to confirm payments is enhanced authorization. strongsec /

This method is more complicated, but after switching to enhanced authorization, you no longer need
will fear that fraudsters might steal a payment password.

You definitely need to check your computer for viruses and trojans. You can download the free version of DrWeb antivirus: download + cureit + free /? lng \u003d en

Or choose one of the options on our website: antivirus /? from \u003d isuglink

We will take all necessary measures to keep the phishing page closed.

* Phishing sites are web pages very similar to real sites of banks, payment
systems or other real existing reputable companies. Such sites are created
scammers in order to get other people's passwords and other confidential information.
Attackers send out fake emails on behalf of these companies to lure
users to fake sites and provoke enter into phishing forms posted
on such sites, personal or billing information. Entered data becomes available
scammers, and users risk losing access to their accounts and losing money.

How to protect yourself from phishing?

1) Observe precautions:

- Never open links from emails. Remember: links in letters may be
falsified. By clicking on such a link, you will be redirected to the wrong site,
Whose URL is visible in the text of the letter or in the address bar of the browser). To avoid this,
enter the URL manually in the address bar.

- If you suspect that the letter you received may be part of a phishing attack,
urgently contact the service technical support or a security company, from
whose name this letter was sent.

- In no case do not enter any personal and payment data, if you have
even the slightest doubt about what is happening.

2) Use modern methods antiphishing protection:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer: Settings -\u003e Security -\u003e Enable SmartScreen Filter
- Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome: Settings -\u003e Show advanced settings -\u003e Enable protection against phishing and malware
- Mozilla Firefox: Settings -\u003e Protection -\u003e Block sites suspected of fraud

Thanks for the inquiry.

Denis Petrov
Customer support
Yandex money
8 800 555 80 99
[email protected]

By the way, read the answer from Yandex very carefully, there are many tips on security and protection against phishing. Yes, and described in detail what is phishing at all.

Not everyone is aware that Yandex is not only a search engine. This is a whole company that offers its customers many interesting services. And one of these services is the Yandex Money payment system.

It has its own characteristics and advantages over competitors. And one of these features is the mandatory verification procedure. It is about this and will be discussed. You will learn how to pass identification in Yandex Money, what it is and why it is needed at all.

Wallet statuses

We will start, perhaps, with why user verification is needed at all. This is a fairly common question. And this is not strange, because before providing personal passport data, each person thinks about why this is necessary and whether it can be done. Fear in this case is justified, because fraud in our time is a very common occurrence. So, Yandex Money identification is necessary for several reasons:

  • Fight against fraud.
  • Limit increase.
  • Removing transaction restrictions.
  • Access to additional features.

In general, all these reasons serve one purpose - the fight against fraud.

But, in passing, having passed the test, you will receive additional features. How can this fight fraud? Everything is simple. If a person has provided his passport data, he can easily be found by law enforcement agencies. Therefore, verified users will think several times before trying to trick anyone. Of course, this is not a panacea, but the number of fraudulent schemes is significantly reduced.

Regarding limits and restrictions - everything is simple here. The identified account in the Yandex.Money system expands the capabilities of the user. There are three statuses in the poison system:

    Anonymous - assigned immediately after registration. In this case, you can only replenish your wallet. Moreover, in the amount of not more than 15,000 rubles. If this amount is exceeded, then the wallet may be blocked, and the funds frozen.

    Identified is the highest status in this payment system. This suggests that the owners of such an account will have the greatest credit of trust, the limits will be as high as possible, and you can store 500,000 rubles in your account. In addition, additional functions will become available to you.

As you can see, a lot depends on what status you got. And, following the logic, we can conclude that the higher the status, the more difficult it is to get it. And now we come to the main question, how to identify the Yandex wallet.


So, further we will talk about how to identify Yandex Money and get the highest status. There are several ways to do this. Moreover, the method depends on your immediate place of residence, citizenship and other factors. We will describe all available options, and you can already choose the most affordable. So, verification methods:

  1. Over the Internet (remotely).
  2. At the office of Yandex.
  3. In the offices of partners.
  4. Via Mail.

As you can see, there are quite a few options. Now, let's take a closer look at all of these methods.

Through the Internet

In the question of how to identify Yandex wallet via the Internet, there are also two options:

  • Via Sberbank.
  • By copying identification.

Both of these options have their own subtleties, which we will now consider in more detail. But to begin with, it is worth noting that these options are available only to residents of Russia and only subject to certain conditions.

Sberbank of Russia

Yandex.Money identification through Sberbank is available only if the following conditions are met:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • If you are a client of Sberbank and you have a card of this bank, which has at least 10 rubles in its account.
  • The Mobile Bank service is activated, which allows you to manage your account through a mobile phone.
  • If the same mobile number, which is tied to your Sberbank account, is tied to your Yandex wallet.

If you comply with all the conditions, then everything becomes extremely simple:

This method is relatively new. He has been working since 2016. Therefore, few people know about him. However, it is very convenient, since in our time most people are clients of Sberbank and have plastic card. Thanks to this, Yandex Money verification is greatly simplified. To complete, you will need to enter your personal account, where a link will appear to confirm identification. You just need to click on it and check your personal data. If everything is correct, then confirm by entering the password from the wallet.

Identity Transfer

Copying identification to Yandex.Money is suitable only for those users who already have an identified wallet. That is, in fact, it's just copying personal data from one account to another. At the same time, wallets communicate with each other. If you have a verified poison account, then you can easily copy and transfer data. To do this, do the following:

As in the previous case, to complete, you will need to enter your personal account, where a link will appear to confirm the identification. You just need to click on it and check your personal data. If everything is correct, then confirm by entering the password from the wallet. This is a rather dubious option, in the sense that few people open two wallets. Rather, it is suitable for private entrepreneurs who create a second account for corporate needs.

In the office of poison

You need to visit the company’s office and leave an application for identification of the Yandex.Money wallet. In total, several Yandex Money offices operate in Russia:

    Moscow - Leo Tolstoy Street 18B. Business center "Stroganov", 3rd floor. Opening hours on weekdays from 9.00 to 20.00, on Saturday from 9.00 to 18.00.

    St. Petersburg - Piskarevsky Prospekt 2, wing 2 Щ, Benois Business Center, 6th floor. Opening hours - on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00.

    Nizhny Novgorod - Freedom Square 6, Business Center "Freedom", 1st floor. Opening hours on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00.

In addition, Yandex also has offices in Russia:

    Novosibirsk - Krasnoyarskaya street 35, Greenwich Business Center, 18th floor.

    Yekaterinburg - 10 Khokhryakova Street, Palladium Business Center 15th floor. Opening hours from 9.00 to 19.00.

Unfortunately, in addition to the above addresses, there are no more offices in any country. Therefore, identification of the Yandex.Money wallet through the office is available only in Russia. And if you are not a resident of this country, then you will have to visit it with a set of required documents:

    For citizens of the Russian Federation - a passport of a citizen of Russia.

    For residents of other countries - Passport (if the passport is not in Russian, then a notarized translation), Visa (or another document that you are in in the country), Migration card (for everyone, except citizens of Belarus).

To complete, you will need to enter your personal account, where a link will appear to confirm identification. Click on it, check your personal data, and if everything is correct, then confirm by entering the password from the wallet.

In the office of partners

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit the office of Yandex. Even not all residents of Russia can come to the capital or another city in which there is a poison office. Therefore, there is an alternative - partner offices.

Through the Euroset

Identification of Yandex Money through the Euroset requires a fee. Of course, the insignificant amount is 50 rubles, but you should know this. At the same time, 1 ruble is credited to your account. So, the whole procedure does not take much time:

  1. Write down the number of your Yandex wallet (or install it on your smartphone).
  2. Take along your passport and the indicated amount of money to pay the commission.
  3. Go to the nearest Euroset liaison office.
  4. Tell the cashier that you need to go through the wallet identification procedure.
  5. Show your passport and the wallet number.
  6. Pay a commission of 50 rubles.
  7. The cashier will print a preliminary check. Your task is to carefully check it. The check will indicate the number of your Wallet POIN and your personal data. If everything is correct, then sign the check.

After that, the cashier will inform you whether the verification of the Yandex wallet has been completed. And the final stage, as in all previous cases, you will need to enter your personal account and perform the already known actions.

In the "Connected"

This option is similar to the previous one. That is, you need all the same document, write down the wallet number (or install the application on your smartphone) and go to the Svyaznoy branch. As a result, you will have to pay 300 rubles already and be sure to pick up the payment receipt. The cashier (or salon employee) will answer any question that interests you and help you pass verification. The procedure is completed, like all previous ones by confirmation in your account.

Via Contact

Adding Yandex Money personal data through Contact salons is slightly different from previous options:

  1. First you need to fill out an application on the site of the poison (confirmation of entry via SMS or will be required).
  2. After that, print out the completed application.
  3. Next, bring a printed application, your passport, 250 rubles and go to the nearest Contact department.
  4. Tell the operator that you have payment for Yandex wallet identification.
  5. Submit your application, show your passport and give the required amount (250 rubles).

After the visit you will have to wait 1 business day. Further on already famous pattern - Enter your personal account and confirm the verification, after which you will receive an identified Yandex wallet.

By mail

In the event that other options are not available for one reason or another, you can send the application by registered mail or courier (if there is an office in your city). To do this, first of all, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • A photocopy of your passport (the main page with your photo and the registration page).
  • Application for identification - you can download it on the official website.

If you are public an official or his relative, if you have a beneficiary or beneficiary, you will need to fill out additional profiles, which can also be downloaded on the official website. After filling out all the necessary forms, you will need to go to a notary public and certify the following documents:

  1. If the passport is in Russian, then you will need to certify photocopies of all pages.
  2. If the passport is in another language, then you will need:
    • Assure a passport with a notary. If this is not possible in your country, then verify the signature on the application.
    • Find a translator who will translate your passport and notarization into Russian.
    • Be sure to notarize the signature of the translator.
    • Check if your country is listed on the official website. If not, then all documents will need an apostille.

After fulfilling all the conditions, the collected and certified documents you need to send to the following address:

  • By registered letter at the address - 119021, Moscow, subscriber box 57, LLC NPO Yandex.Money.
  • In Moscow, the courier is 18B Lev Tolstoy Street.

You must understand that mail or courier services will need to be paid. The very consideration of the application is free. In addition, delivery times depend on the mail. After delivery of the letter for consideration of the application, it may take up to 20 business days. You can track the delivery of the letter on the website of the Russian Post by track number.

So, this was another way to get the identified status in Yandex wallet.

Via WebMoney

This option was previously popular, but for some time stopped working. Moreover, you can’t even bind webMoney wallets and Yandex Money. Once upon a time, these two payment systems worked together, and additional features were available. However, those days are over and today you can’t get Yandex.Money identification through WebMoney. But, do not be upset. There is another way to obtain a higher status in Poison if you are not a citizen of Russia, and all of the above methods are not suitable for you.

Using agent

IN different countries special people work - proxies of Yandex Money. There is a whole list of countries where poison proxies work. Everything is pretty simple here. You will have to download and fill out the application and transfer it to the agent. Detailed instructions on how to use the services of an agent, where to find confidant in your country and so on, you can find on the official website in the section "Application in other countries."

Possible problems

Here you can reason pretty much. All the nuances of this or that method have already been described, and if you read carefully, you know them. Difficulties can be very different, from losing a letter when sending an application by mail, to the legislative restrictions of a country. If you are a citizen of Russia, then there are much fewer problems, and you can go through the simplified procedure remotely. But, if you are a resident of another country, then there are much more problems - searching for a notary and a translator (if necessary), sending all certified documents, searching for an agent, and so on. In general, there should be no problems, the main thing is to do everything carefully according to the instructions.