Basic 8 1. Basic enterprise accounting: pros and cons

  • 15.03.2021


Limitations of basic versions of 1C:Enterprise 8 programs

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All of the following is true for Basic versions of standard 1C:Enterprise software products and for most joint specialized industry solutions on the 1C platform, which include the basic version of the 1C:Enterprise platform in the delivery package, but Basic versions of specialized configurations may have additional restrictions imposed by the developer at the configuration level .

In the price list of software products of the 1C:Enterprise system you can find Basic versions, which are several times cheaper PROF versions of software products of the same name, for example:

  • 1C: Management of a small company 8. Basic version

Do you understand everything?

Unfortunately, many untrained users who are faced with choosing the appropriate version of the 1C program for the first time cannot always understand and correctly assess from this information which of the limitations are important for them and how critical they are when making a decision to purchase a software product.

Let's look at each of the points in more detail.
And let's start with the restrictions, in our opinion, the most important for the end user:

  1. Limited number of installations/activations of Basic versions of 1C:Enterprise programs
    (only three activations: 1 main + 2 backup).
    One of the most important differences between Basic versions of 1C is the limitation on the number of installations/reinstallations of the program. In basic versions of 1C programs, so-called electronic licensing of the product is used, with the program “linked” to a specific computer. Basic versions are supplied with a sealed envelope with a unique PIN code for obtaining an electronic license.
    When you launch the program for the first time, you must activate it. The easiest and fastest way is to activate via the Internet; for this you need to ensure that the computer is connected to the 1C licensing center.
    When activating the program, you must enter the PIN code from the envelope.
    After checking the PIN code, the licensing center server scans the configuration of your computer and generates an electronic key (license) to run the program on your computer, and is “linked” to the parameters of this system unit (the electronic key is “linked” to the serial number of the motherboard, HDD , network card, Windows, RAM size, BIOS version, etc.), if you change any component of the computer configuration, the program stops working and requires re-activation.

    Important! If the configuration is changed or the computer is replaced, re-activation for Basic versions is possible no more than two times!

    This condition is an integral part of the license agreement and the user automatically accepts it when purchasing the software product (see the full text of the license agreement below). If it doesn't suit you, then choose another version.

    More detailed instructions for installing and activating the basic version can be found.

    Thus, if the program is expected to be reinstalled in the foreseeable future, then you should be prepared for the fact that it will stop working.

    From the above, it also becomes clear that the Basic version is not suitable in cases where it is necessary to periodically transfer the program from computer to computer (for example, taking the program home from the office to work).

    We recommend installing Basic versions of 1C on a laptop, because... laptops, as a rule, come with licensed Windows, they are rarely “upgraded” unless particularly necessary, and if you need to work in another place, you can easily take the program with you along with the laptop.

  2. Basic versions do not support configuration changes.
    The PROF versions of 1C:Enterprise programs include development tools that allow you to expand existing ones if necessary. functionality embedded in the system, create your own subsystems, business processes and accounting circuits to solve unique specific problems not implemented in standard configurations.
    Those. PROF version allows the user to create new and edit the properties of existing metadata objects (for example, change the composition of details, the number of levels, etc. change the screen forms of documents, magazines and reference books); create additional documents, directories, journals, accounting registers in any necessary sections, change the business logic of the program, algorithms and behavior of system elements in the built-in language, and much more.
    The basic versions do not have all these capabilities to change the standard configuration.
  3. In Basic versions you can only use a standard configuration.
    This means that the Basic version does not work with archived copies of databases from the PROF version or other 1C programs, as well as with changed configurations.
    Those. The basic version is not suitable for licensing a pirated version, as well as in many other cases where the use of existing information databases is intended, for example:
    - several companies worked together in one office using the same 1C program PROF version, and then dispersed, taking an archived copy of the database with accumulated credentials,
    - an external (“coming”) accountant or outsourcing company that provides accounting services.

  4. Basic versions do not support accounting for several companies in one information base.
    In the PROF version, you can manage several businesses in one database. This makes it possible to use general reference books nomenclature, counterparties, storage locations, MOL, etc. which allows you to receive reports both separately for each legal entity of the group of companies, and consolidated reports for all legal entities.
    In the basic version, you can also keep records of several organizations, but for this you will need to create a separate database for each organization, and the information in different databases will not be connected in any way.
  5. In Basic versions, only one user can work with one infobase at a time.
    The basic version does not work in network/multi-user mode. To be fair, it must be said that most PROF versions come with a license for only one computer, but for the PROF version it is possible to purchase additional client licenses for the required number of workstations and work over the network.
    You cannot purchase additional client seats for the Basic version.
    Even if you buy several Basic versions and install them on several computers, network work will not work, because Only one user can work with one database at a time.
  6. Basic versions do not support distributed infobases(RIB).
    PROF versions have a module for managing distributed RIB information databases, which allows you to set up parallel operation and exchange of information (automatically or manually) between databases of identical 1C configurations installed in geographically remote departments ( central office, remote accounting, branch, store, trading base, warehouse, sales representative and so on). When setting up an exchange, you can select documents according to various criteria: by legal entity, warehouse, etc.
    There is no RIB in Basic versions.
  7. Basic versions do not support 1C:Link service
    The 1C:Link service allows you to organize secure remote access to the information bases of your 1C program via the Internet via encrypted communication channels. .
  8. Basic versions do not support client-server operation.
    For most users, the limitation is not critical. PROF versions of 1C programs can work in client-server mode under the most common DBMS (Microsoft SQL Server, Linux PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database), but this is required when working with a large number of users and/or with large volumes of information and is very unlikely. that it will be required by the Basic version user.
  9. Basic versions do not support COM connection and Automation server.
    If you don't know what it is and what it's for, then most likely you won't need it.
    In a nutshell for general education - the OLE Automation mechanism is one of the tools for integrating 1C software products with other software systems (for example, uploading/downloading data from MS Outlook, Excel, etc.).
  10. Basic versions do not support working with extensions.
    The configuration extension mechanism is new mechanism customization of standard 1C configurations, designed to refine an expandable configuration without changing this configuration (including without removing support). As a result, it remains easy to update a standard supported configuration.
  11. Basic versions do not support the provision of Internet services.
    The web services mechanism is a means of supporting service-oriented architecture, which allows you to use the 1C:Enterprise system as a set of services in distributed systems and integrate it with other systems.
  12. The basic version does not require mandatory paid subscription to ITS to receive updates.
    Registered users of Basic versions of 1C programs can get free access to the site technical support 1C for independent downloading of configuration and platform updates.
    The Basic version package includes an envelope with a PIN code for registration on the 1C website.


For registered users of basic versions, there is the possibility of a preferential transition from Basic to PROF version of 1C:Enterprise, including the cost of the basic version (upgrade).

Thus, if necessary, the Basic version can be “upgraded” to the PRO version by paying only the difference in price +150 rubles.

For example, you purchased 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version. Its price list price is 4800 rubles.
After some time, the Basic version no longer suited you and you needed to exchange it for the PRO version.
Full price 1C: Accounting 8 PROF with a software license according to the price list is 13,000 rubles.
The cost of the additional payment will be 13,000 rubles. - 4800 rub. + 150 rub. = 8350 rub.

You can upgrade from the Basic version to PROF in our company, even if you purchased the Basic version from another organization. We can offer both electronic “boxless” deliveries and traditional boxes with books. The cost of electronic supplies corresponds to the boxed counterparts, but allows you to switch from the Basic version to the PROF almost instantly by downloading distribution kits and PIN codes for activation from the official 1C website. To expand the number of users, additional client licenses will be required, which are also available in both boxed and electronic versions.

1C: Accounting 8 PROF. Electronic delivery *
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workstation. Electronic delivery *
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workstations. Electronic delivery *
1C:Accounting 8 PROF
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workstation
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workstations

* Electronic options deliveries of software products and 1C client licenses are 100% licensed versions. After payment for electronic delivery, a personalized license agreement for on paper, confirming the right to use the purchased software product.

Within a few hours after payment, links to download the distribution and documentation will be sent to the user's e-mail. electronic form from the official 1C portal, registration number of the software product, PIN codes for activation, PIN code for registering the program on the technical support website for downloading program updates, instructions for activating licenses.

You can apply for an upgrade by writing a letter to the e-mail of the sales department of our company soft@site or placing an order in our online store. Sales managers will contact you to clarify details.

1C Services

The cost of basic versions of 1C programs does not include services: 1C-Reporting, 1C-Counteragent, 1SPARK Risks, 1C-Cloud Archive, 1C:Link, 1C-Lecture Hall, 1C-EDO, Information system ITS, Legal framework GARANT, etc.
Most of these services (with the exception of the 1C:Link service) can be connected to users of basic versions of 1C programs for an additional cost in accordance with current prices.

Connect "1C:Counterparty" to automatically fill in TIN details


Text of the license agreement 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version

File with PIN codes for obtaining a software license 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version. Electronic delivery.

So, you have decided to buy 1C:Accounting 8 in Moscow, it is installed and a new infobase has already been created, which means you can get to work right away. Thanks to the very convenient tips built into the program, you can easily: Familiarize yourself with its interface. Configure parameters for all types of accounting for greater convenience. Enter information about your company. Using a special option, move the necessary data (balances) from the 1C: Accounting program version 7.7 (if you have worked with it before), however, if you kept accounting manually or using third-party programs, then you will also have to enter balances manually, using a special document .

It is worth buying the 1C:Accounting 8 program, since the program allows you to quickly carry out mutual settlements with partners in any currency, including Russian rubles and even in conventional units. In addition, if there is mutual debt between you and your partner, you can set up an automatic mode in which mutual settlements will be carried out without your participation. For your convenience, the 1C:Accounting 8 program provides the ability to write off completely bad debt. If necessary, you can create a reconciliation of mutual settlements with a partner under any agreement or settlement account, regardless of the currency used. In this case, the document created in the process will also be saved in the program.

Any trading organization will appreciate the benefits that the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program gives it, in particular, the automated accounting conveniently implemented in it. You can easily organize accounting of supplies, storage, and sales of any of your goods or services. Do you have constant problems with necessary documentation? No problem! You can easily create an additional subroutine that will prepare all the documents you need for each implementation. There is also a record of goods identified during inventory, and it is possible to keep records of goods at sales or receipt prices. Additionally, in the 1C: Accounting program, it is possible to create a price list with automatic pricing for a specific buyer (depending on his status).

Buying 1C:Accounting 8 in Moscow for use in production is a more than justified step, since this product has a relatively low cost and allows you to display any business operations in production. It also provides for automated accounting of products throughout the entire production cycle - from the receipt of materials and components, right up to the sale finished products. At the same time, you can keep records down to each individual unit of goods produced. Additionally, the possibility of organizing the production of both single copies of products and their serial production has been implemented.

It is necessary to keep records intangible assets(NA)? This software will help you with this. Any operations related to any change in the status of the assets are standardized in accordance with the accounting rules dated 14/2007. Moreover, if the NA appeared, for example, in the process of carrying out certain scientific and technical developments, then its cost will necessarily take into account the costs of it. The information necessary to automate the process of monthly depreciation charges in accounting and tax accounting is entered into the database manually after the assets have been entered into accounting.

A block related to the payment of taxes and fees to various off-budget funds is one of the main blocks of the 1C: Accounting program. It is noteworthy that the developer constantly updates this section so that the user works only with the most current data. Even at the stage of forming the base, you can choose the tax regime in which your company operates. In the block responsible for calculation wages, the possibility of not only automatically calculating UST and personal income tax, but also generating reports to the relevant regulatory authorities has been implemented. In addition, by purchasing 1C Accounting in Moscow at an attractive price, you can keep personalized tax records of deductions in Pension fund.

Thanks to this section, you can buy 1C: Accounting 8 and generate any reports necessary for submission to regulatory authorities. The developer also monitors the constant updating of this section, adding current forms to it, which in turn allows users to send reports to the relevant authorities and extra-budgetary forms with minimal time and effort. You can configure the 1C program to send reports electronically using the Kontur or Taxcom operators.

Buy 1C:Accounting 8 is necessary so that by automating standard operations, the productivity of accountants will increase significantly. The use of this program also allows you to completely eliminate the likelihood of any arithmetic errors in the process of calculations carried out by accountants. In addition, with the help of the program you can quickly and effortlessly prepare the documents necessary for submission to such regulatory authorities as: Tax office. Statistics Department. Pension fund. FSS. The eighth version of the program (as well as the earlier version 7.7) has excellent functionality, excellent efficiency and high reliability.

The software of the purchased 1C Accounting 8 will allow you to fully use all the advantages of automated operations associated with the cash desk and bank of the enterprise. With just a few clicks, you can print ready-made receipts and expense orders. The cash book will be generated independently. Using a special report, the movement of all financial documents is monitored.

Accounting for inventory items in 1C: Accounting 8 fully complies with accounting for PBU 5/01. If necessary, you can create a certain number of warehouses. There is a separate option to create a list of importing and exporting countries, as well as a list of customs declaration numbers for the convenience of generating invoices. You can also arrange shipment from a warehouse and not have the goods at your disposal.

Fully automated and standardized operations for asset accounting, in particular: Arrival and registration. Relocation and modernization. Implementation. Write-off according to the act. You can also keep records of all kinds of additional costs that arise during the acquisition, as well as the subsequent installation of OS, which will be automatically added to the generated cost of fixed assets. In addition, by entering data about the received fixed assets into the Accounting database, you can automate depreciation calculations in accounting and tax accounting.

In the 1C:Accounting program, accounting for all employees, regardless of organization, is fully automated. You can easily prepare any documents for hiring, transfer to another position or dismissal of one of the employees. It is also possible to receive all reporting documents, including personal cards of employees in the T-2 form. Additionally, there is a help subprogram, thanks to which you can quickly enter information about a new employee into the database, and immediately prepare and print an order for hiring him. If an employee will work for you as a part-time employee, you can also note this in the program.

Sometimes there is a need to separate individual divisions into separate ones, and such a decision can only be made by the company’s management, based on tax code, as well as registration with the control authorities of each of the created divisions. The “corporate” version of the 1C: Accounting 8 program will give you the opportunity to maintain individual accounting, both in the main and in a separate division, while the balance can be either general or separate.

Using the Accounting 8 program in Moscow or any other city in Russia, you can easily automate one of the most labor-intensive processes - closing the working and reporting periods. All actions necessary for this are carried out using regulatory operations, and then the financial result is determined, after which accounts 90 and 91 are closed, which allows the accountant to calculate profit or loss. Any calculation made can be checked by creating the necessary document or using standard reports.

The software product is a single-user version of “1C: Accounting 8” and is intended for automation of accounting and tax accounting commercial enterprises.

  • Developed on the new generation technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8"
  • For self-supporting organizations where one accountant works with the program
  • For individual entrepreneurs applying a general or simplified taxation system

Order 1C:Accounting 8. Basic version

The Brigita company works only with legal entities. Payment is accepted by non-cash payments in rubles, not subject to VAT.

Description of 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version


  • Ready-made solution for automating accounting and tax accounting on one computer
  • Accounting and tax accounting for organizations and individual entrepreneurs in various information databases
  • General taxation system, simplified tax system, UTII
  • Strict compliance with legislation, prompt reflection of changes in laws and reporting
  • Extensive customization options that allow you to independently configure accounting methods without programming

Restrictions "1C: Accounting 8. Basic version»:

  • accounting for several companies in one information base is not supported; at the same time, it is possible to maintain records of several organizations in separate information databases on one computer;
  • Only one user can work with one infobase at a time;
  • Changing the configuration is not supported, you can only apply the standard configuration and install its updates;
  • Client-server mode is not supported;
  • operation of distributed information bases is not supported;
  • COM connection and Automation server are not supported.

Comparison of versions of the 1C: Accounting program

1C: Accounting, versions 7.7 Basic 8 Basic PROF CORP
Ready-made solution for accounting and tax accounting + + + +
Preparation of accounting and tax reporting + + + +
Maintaining tax records for income tax + + + +
Tax accounting: simplified tax system and UTII - + + +
Maintaining batch records - + + +
Possibility of setting up accounts for accounting of inventories and settlements with counterparties - + + +
Accounting for several organizations in separate information databases + + + +
Accounting for several organizations in a single information base - - + +
Accounting in separate divisions - - - +
Possibility of changing (configuring) the application solution - - + +
Multi-user mode of operation, including support for client-server operation - - + +
Operation of geographically distributed information bases - - + +
Support for COM connection and Automation server - - + +

The programs “1C: Simplified 8” and “1C: Entrepreneur 8” are specialized supplies program "1C: Accounting 8. Basic version". Specialized deliveries are pre-configured for special tax regimes, but retain all the features of the basic version. In case of change tax regime It is enough to change a special setting - and it will be possible to maintain full-fledged accounting for organizations that apply the general taxation regime.

Transition from the basic version to the PRO version

Users of the basic version, for whom the program’s capabilities will no longer be enough as their business develops, will be able to purchase “1C: Accounting 8” PROF version and other “1C: Enterprise” products on preferential terms, which saves the initial investment in the product. When switching from the basic version of 1C: Accounting 8 to the PROF version, the credentials accumulated in the basic version are completely transferred to the new program.

Licensing 1C:Accounting 8. Basic version

“1C: Accounting 8. Basic version” is a single-user version that can be used on one computer at a time.

Software product "1C: Accounting 8. Basic version" is not intended for use with 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses that increase the number of jobs, as well as with a license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

Working in multi-user mode is only possible if you purchase the main package 1C:Accounting 8 PROF or 1C:Accounting 8 CORP And required quantity 1C:Enterprise 8 licenses.

Composition of the product 1C:Accounting 8. Basic version

The software product "1C:Accounting 8. Basic version" is a platform "1C:Enterprise 8" and configuration "Accounting" with limitations in functionality and with a software licensing system.

The delivery package includes a distribution kit on a CD, a set of documentation necessary to work with the basic version, a License Agreement and a registration form, an envelope with a PIN code for obtaining an electronic license to use the program.

The basic version uses so-called electronic product licensing with the program “linked” to a specific computer. A hardware protection key is not supplied.

Each product kit comes with a unique PIN code that is hidden from view. The product is supplied with a sealed envelope containing a PIN code. The PIN code can only be read after opening the envelope.

Additional services for 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version

  • Installation of 1C programs
  • 1C support (ITS)
  • 1C-Reporting
  • 1C service
  • Projects and consulting
  • Individual settings 1C
  • Questions and answers


How to install the basic version of the 1C:Enterprise program

You have become (or have long been) the happy owner of a basic version of one of the standard programs of the 1C:Enterprise system and now you want to install (or reinstall) the program on your computer yourself.

Please note that all of the following applies to the installation of Basic versions of standard 1C software products on the technology platform 1C: Enterprise 8.2 and 8.3: 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version, 1C: Simplified 8, 1C: Entrepreneur 8, 1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version, 1C: Retail 8. Basic version, 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8. Basic version, 1C: Managing our company 8. Basic version.
Installation of PROF versions, basic versions of industry software products and the basic version of 1C: Accounting on the 8.1 platform may differ. For more details, see the User's Guide and the package included with your software product.

You can purchase basic versions of 1C programs directly from our company:
- 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version - 3300 rub. , 1C: Simplified 8 , 1C: Entrepreneur 8 ;
- 1C: Trade Management 8. Basic version - 6700 rub. ;
- 1C: Retail 8. Basic version - 3300 rub. ;
- 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8. Basic version - 7400 rub. ;
- 1C: Managing our company 8. Basic version - 4600 rub.
The indicated price includes remote initial installation on the customer’s computer using remote administration tools (TeamViewer, Ammyy Admin, AnyDesk, etc.).

Insert the disk with the program installation distribution into the CD drive of your computer. If autorun is configured, the start window of the program installation wizard will open.

If autorun is not configured, then start the program installation manually by going to the root directory of the installation disk and clicking “autorun.exe”. If the program installation still does not start, then run it as an administrator.

In the window that opens, select " Quick installation and launch (recommended)". The program itself will install all the necessary components of the 1C:Enterprise platform and configuration, while the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform files will be installed by default in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe, working information configuration files the databases will be installed in the C:\Users\[User name]\Documents\1C\DemoAccountingBase directory, and the demo database files in the C:\Users\[User name]\Documents\1C\DemoAccountingBase directory (for different versions of operating systems, the location of the directories is "default" may differ).

After installation, the infobase selection window will open:
  • Basic enterprise accounting
  • Basic enterprise accounting (demo)

If the installation was not carried out from the disk included with the program, then most likely the list of infobases will be empty and infobases will need to be added manually.

To do this, click the "Add" > "Create a new infobase" button.

In the next window, select "Create an infobase from a template". In the list of templates, select the version of the template from which you want to create information base and click "Next >".

From a template marked (demo), a demo information base will be created with already entered approximate data of a fictitious organization; a working database is created from a template without this mark.

If the list of templates is empty or the required template is not there, this means that only technology platform 1C:Enterprise, but the installation of configuration templates was not completed. To be able to select a template, you must start installing the configuration distribution using the setup.exe file.

The configuration installation distribution is located in the directory configs83.

After this, specify the name of the infobase.

Specify the path to the directory in which you will need to create the infobase.

In the next window, you can specify additional launch parameters, authentication option, launch mode and bitness of the 1C:Enterprise platform version that needs to be used for this infobase (x32 or x64).

If you do not know what parameters need to be specified, then leave all fields as default and click “Finish”.

If everything was done correctly, a new infobase will be added to the list of infobases.

Similarly, you can add a demo infobase by selecting the configuration marked (demo) from the list of templates.

Obtaining a license

Next, you need to activate the software license of the 1C protection system.

Select any of the installed databases and run the program in 1C:Enterprise mode.

When you launch the program for the first time, the message “No license to use the program was found!” should appear.

Click "Yes". You will be offered three options for obtaining a license: “Automatically”, “Manually” or “Entering the data of a previously requested license”. Select "Automatic".

If everything was done correctly, the program will offer to activate the basic version "Enter your PIN code (16 digits) to obtain a license:"

Enter the PIN code supplied with the program. The program checks the entered PIN code at the licensing center for validity and the number of remaining activations; if the PIN code is correct and the number of activations has not been exhausted, then a license is obtained for a new computer.
The received license is written to your computer as a file with the extension lic, about which the message “The license was successfully obtained and saved on your computer” should appear.

When you are finished obtaining a license, click the "Finish" button.

Congratulations, you have installed and activated the license for the basic version of the 1C program on your computer and can start working in the program!

Special cases

This article describes the simplest and quick way installation of the program with automatic activation via the Internet.

If you plan to install the program selectively and/or manually activate the electronic license, then see more detailed instructions for installing the program "Chapter 2" in the book "User's Guide", which is included with the software product.

If, when activating the basic version of the 1C program, a window appears with the message “License not found” like in the figure below.

In this case, when you click “Get a license” in the activation field, you can enter only 15 characters (5 groups of characters of three characters in a group, as in the figure below), and the PIN code for activating Basic versions consists of 16 digits.

This means that the program cannot identify the configuration in the directory with the infobase as a basic version and in this case it requests a 15-character PIN code, as for the PRO version.
In most cases, this problem occurs if, when creating an infobase, you selected the option “Creating an infobase without configuration...” rather than “Creating an infobase from a template.” In basic versions of 1C programs, a new information base can be added ONLY FROM TEMPLATE configuration of the corresponding basic version! In in all other cases The procedure for obtaining a PROF version license will be launched with a request for a 15-character PIN code.

Also note that the PIN code must match the configuration, i.e. for example, the PIN code from the software package "1C: Accounting 8 Basic Version" is only suitable when obtaining a license for the basic version of the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration and is not suitable for the basic configurations "Salaries and HR Management" or "Trade Management".

Features of the installation "1C: Accounting 8 Basic for 1" and "1C: BusinessStart"

IN software products"1C:Accounting for 1" and "1C:BusinessStart" support accounting for only one organization - exactly the one that was specified in the application when purchasing the program. In this case, the organization’s data is not entered into the program, but is loaded from personal account portal 1C.

When you first start the program, you are asked to enter your login and password. account on the 1C portal and for these configurations, connection to the portal is mandatory.

If several deliveries are registered for this account, a dialog will be displayed to select one of them for activation.

If only one delivery is registered, an activation window will immediately be shown for it and the organization’s data will be loaded into the program automatically.

How to install basic 1C, Installing basic 1C, How to install 1C Accounting basic, How to install basic version 1C 8.3, Installing 1C Payroll and HR basic, Installing 1C basic version, 1C 8.3 basic license, 1C Basic license not detected, 1C accounting basic installation , installation 1c basic 8.3, 1c basic version license, 1c basic version platform get a license, installation 1c accounting basic version, 1c basic activation, 1c basic version error, installing basic version 1c 8, installing basic version 1c 8.3, installing 1c accounting 8 basic version, obtaining a 1C basic license, how to install 1C 8 basic version, How to install 1C Entrepreneur basic, How to install 1C: Simplified, reinstalling 1C basic

Tags: How to install basic 1C, Installing basic 1C, How to install 1C Accounting basic, How to install basic version 1C 8.3, Installing 1C Salary and HR basic, Installing 1C basic version, 1C 8.3 basic license, 1C Basic license

The profit growth of any organization directly depends on the success of planning economic activity and the efficient work of its employees. At the same time, good financial result depends not only on reducing time and effort to produce a quality product, but also on proper documentation. Thus, if an enterprise expects efficient and well-organized activities, then its management should think about using software that will structure and minimize routine paperwork.

Just For such tasks the 1C: Enterprise program was developed, the capabilities of which allow you to fully keep records of the economic activities of any full-fledged enterprise.

Note: You can download 1C: Enterprise for free from our resource or the official website of the developer. To do this, use the direct links at the bottom of this material. This is a free educational version of the program that can be used, however, with some restrictions.

Thus, having a complete set accounting programs, you can easily automate many processes occurring within the company, and do it most efficiently and in the shortest possible time. The 1C:Enterprise program platform is as universal as possible, which allows you to use products created on its basis in a wide variety of areas.

Description and capabilities of the software

The latest version of 1C:Enterprise software 8.3 was created taking into account all the previously accumulated experience, which the developers managed to systematize and analyze after the release of version 7.7 (more than six years ago). This confirms the fact that 1C’s products have not ceased to be recognizable, understandable and user-friendly for any level of computer literacy - it just now contains an updated set of functions for various tasks, based on recent innovations in legislation and the changing needs of the business sphere. After all, it has long been no secret that some methods of accounting and generation of reporting documents have undergone a qualitative and semantic transformation, which were necessarily taken into account in latest version 8.3.

Making up your new product, the authors of the project relied on numerous wishes of interested users in order to make the functions of all programs as efficient and optimal in operation as possible. And to evaluate its capabilities in practice, it is proposed to download 1c Enterprise 8.3 for free in Russian from the official website of the developer.

Scope of application

Apply this program can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks in most commercial enterprises and almost any budgetary organizations. In any case, the software will be equally productive and useful for automating routine accounting processes.
Configuration "Trade Management", which is part of 1C: Enterprise, will help to easily automate many financial processes occurring within an organization, for example, greatly facilitate the planning and analysis of trading operations, and simplify the maintenance of management and operational accounting.

In such a case, you may also find the extensive capabilities of “1C: Enterprise Management” useful, which facilitates the process of implementing end-to-end management accounting either for all firms that are part of a large company, or for each of them separately.

With it, your employees will be able to easily organize the process of filling out primary template forms related to business documentation: warehouse, trade and purchasing, productive, financial and other types necessary documents. And also speed up registration business transactions.

Especially among domestic commercial structures, an updated version of the software is in demand, which is distinguished by a well-thought-out mechanism of operation and the versatility of its use within a wide variety of organizational forms. With its help, you can almost completely automate not only tax accounting, but also accounting, as well as the natural generation of regulated reporting.

It doesn’t matter what exactly your organization specializes in: building its own production, trading at the wholesale level or engaged in retail sales, providing any services, conducting commission or sub-commission trading - in any case, there is already a competent solution for you to automate reporting , which is called 1C: Enterprise, which can be downloaded for free in Russian.

Additional program features

You can independently regulate the accounting methodology, based on the existing framework accounting policy, generate the necessary reports in the required sections. IN new version program, the process of registering business transactions occurs simultaneously in the required quantitative, analytical and currency types accounting, as well as in the field of accounts accounting. Tax and accounting, even in the free educational version of 1C:Enterprise, fully comply with all current at the moment laws

Conclusions: Thanks to its versatility and flexibility, the proposed software will be most effective in a wide variety of applications. It will help you: easily automate the process of carrying out economic and organizational activities, correctly fill out regulated reporting forms, quickly calculate salaries, control the progress of accounting with the presence of several charts of accounts at once, conduct arbitrary accounting measurements, simplify the efficiency of managing an organization, make processes financial analysis, general planning and company budgeting more effective.

The last one The Russian version of 1C:Enterprise 8.3 can be downloaded for free with support for all current reporting documents, and its educational version will clearly demonstrate the entire range of capabilities of the basic version of the software, and will also allow you to learn programming for 1C platforms.