Favorable rates on foreign currency deposits. Deposits in foreign currency - what banks offer

  • 05.04.2020

Deposits are an excellent tool for preserving capital, available to every citizen. The advantages of using it are obvious: the investor’s free funds are in a safe place and he does not have to worry about their safety. Thanks to the accrual of interest, funds held in the bank are less susceptible to depreciation, which can be caused by inflation and other negative factors.

In addition, deposits can be used to make a profit. On the one hand, it is not high. But the total amount of accruals for several large deposits is quite a significant amount.

Currency deposits

The depositor's money is converted (at the current rate) and placed on the account in the form monetary units another state. A reverse conversion will be made at the time of withdrawal. At the rate that will be official at the time of withdrawal. Thanks to this feature, foreign currency deposits have additional advantages.

But they should be used correctly in order to get maximum benefits and not lose part of your funds. To do this, you need to understand in detail not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages. In addition, study the available options for using foreign currency deposits.


The popularity that currency deposits continue to gain is due to the fact that, compared to ordinary ones, they have a number of very important advantages. These relate to both risk management and profit making. If we are talking about fairly serious amounts, you should pay special attention to these advantages, since their role can be significant.

This method of investment is especially relevant in times of instability or when the population becomes aware of the possibility of such in the near future.

Protection of funds from depreciation

Funds placed in foreign currency deposits can be most protected from depreciation caused by exchange rate instability national currency home state or the influence of other negative factors. The choice is made in favor of currencies whose exchange rates are most stable or prone to constant strengthening.

Such currencies are sometimes called reserve currencies. The most famous and popular of these is the US dollar. Most countries in the world evaluate the stability of their national currency exchange rates by comparison with the US dollar exchange rate. Russia is no exception. As a result, the rate depreciated Russian ruble does not in any way affect the capital status of owners of deposits opened in US dollars.

Opportunity to make a profit

If the depreciation of the ruble turns out to be too significant, owners of foreign currency deposits find themselves in a fairly advantageous position. For example, the amount of deposits in US dollars opened in 2010 doubled by the beginning of 2015 only due to the strengthening of the US currency. At the time of opening such deposits, their owners gave approximately 30 rubles for each dollar, and its value at the beginning of 2015 was already 60. In combination with accrued interest, the benefit received turned out to be very significant.

For owners of deposits whose currency was the euro, the situation turned out to be completely similar and turned out to be beneficial. This example perfectly demonstrates how foreign currency deposits individuals can be used by them to make a profit.


The advantages that foreign currency deposits have can, under certain circumstances, become disadvantages. Especially if used incorrectly this method capital management. Carefully studying these shortcomings means protecting your money from possible negative consequences.

In addition to circumstances-dependent features that can be both disadvantages and advantages, there are also those that can only be disadvantages. The most noticeable of these is low interest rate.

Possibility of incurring losses

Changes in exchange rates can be not only beneficial. If the deposit was opened shortly before a strong decline in the exchange rate of the selected currency, its owner will suffer losses. In the case of the US dollar, this is unlikely, since deposits are usually long-term, and its exchange rate is likely to strengthen in such a future.

However, not profitable option developments remain possible, since the economy of any state (and therefore the value of its currency) may be negatively affected by factors and events that it will not be able to resist. Therefore, in order for foreign currency deposits in banks to bring only benefits, certain financial solutions should be applied.

Lower rates

Rates by foreign currency deposits usually lower than in rubles. Sometimes significantly lower. The amount charged may be much less. The choice of the former will be justified in case of financial instability, and in the absence of such, the investor will simply miss the potential benefit in the form of higher interest rates.

For comparison: by opening foreign currency deposits in Moscow, investors can receive 4-8% per annum. Somewhat less often - 8-9% (the data is relevant for those who are interested in the US dollar). Rates on ruble deposits offered by Moscow banks range from 13-18% (information current as of early March 2015). Thus, to receive profit only in the form of accrued interest, deposits in foreign currency little suitable. But they are unrivaled as a tool for preserving finances during a crisis.

Alternative solutions

Such ambiguity in the disadvantages and advantages can confuse many investors. Or even cause them to make the wrong decision. Nevertheless best option still exists. Its essence is the opening of two or more deposits in different currencies. All personal savings should be divided into two halves. One of them must be invested in rubles, and the other in the currencies of other countries. The euro and US dollar are best suited for this. You can use both of these currencies in equal proportions. That is, keep 50% of the funds on a ruble deposit, and 25% each in US dollars and euros.

Thus, the total amount of accrued interest will be averaged to the optimal value, and the funds will not depreciate both in the event of an increase in the exchange rate of the Russian ruble, and in the event of its strong decline. The same applies to the euro/dollar exchange rate: the consequences of its changes will also be minimal.

From the very beginning current year we were warned: difficult times lay ahead. In particular, the head of Sberbank of Russia hinted that interest rates on foreign currency deposits would change a lot and often. The head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, urged investors not to panic and to trust exclusively the ruble. Like, for now, of course, external factors are putting pressure on him, but very soon he will get stronger and feel better.

No matter how much officials and bankers reassure citizens, people are still interested in the most profitable foreign currency deposits in 2017. It is in them that they see salvation for their savings. Traditionally, investors have become accustomed to trusting foreign currencies. Moreover, more to the dollar than to the euro.

Bank, productBidMinimum contributionTermOpportunities for the investor
Rostovsky Universal Bank, "Savings" 6,1% 1 000 1 year the maximum deposit period is not limited
Euromet, "Maximum Income" 6,05% 1 000 1 year capitalization
account replenishment
OPM-Bank, "12 months" 6% 1 000 1 year account replenishment
rate increase
Kapitalbank, "Leader" 5,9% 300 1 year account replenishment
Ugra, "Lucky Season" 5,8% 300 from 1 year deposits and withdrawals

Conditions for attracting deposits in US dollars:

As we see, some credit financial organizations included in both ratings. It turns out that their products can be considered the best for those who are interested in dollar deposits and for those who save in euros.

The conditions under which the largest Russian banks attract foreign currency (dollar/euro) deposits:

BankBidMinimum contributionTermProduct name
Sberbank of Russia 2,11%/2,11% 100/100 from 3 months "Replenish"
VTB24 1,9%/1,27% 3 000/3 000 from 1 month/from 31 days "Freedom of choice"
Gazprombank 2,2%/1,9% 500/500 from 181 days/3 years and 1 day "Perspective"
Bank of Moscow 1,9%/1,17% 100/100 1,095/1,095 days "Maximum growth"
Rosselkhozbank 3%/3% 100/100 1,460/1,460 days "Classical"

Here we see much lower interest rates. At the same time, the stability offered by the largest financial institutions of the Russian banking sector, worth the money. Although, with a deposit amount of up to 700 thousand rubles, you can, without fear, invest them in almost any bank in the country.

It's no secret that everyone has at least one issued loan: many of us are accustomed to living “on credit”. However, recently financial literacy population is growing: we are starting to look for other options for optimizing and replenishing our budget. Foreign currency deposits in Moscow are becoming increasingly popular. By converting savings into foreign currency, they protect against capital depreciation, and through the interest paid, they allow you to generate income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits in Moscow

If you decide to open a foreign currency deposit in Moscow, then do not rush to take your money to the first bank that promises big income at the expense of the most high stakes on deposits in foreign currency. In fact, in order to assess the level of profitability of a deposit, you need to study all the nuances of its functioning:

  1. You give the bank your savings (a minimum limit for the amount is set for each deposit) for a certain period (there are options for permanent deposits, which can be closed at any time).
  2. During this period, the bank is not only guaranteed to keep your savings in a specified currency, but also actively uses them as part of its capital.
  3. As soon as you want to withdraw money, the bank takes it out of its circulation and gives it to you with interest in the deposit currency.

As a result, foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks should be considered as a set of conditions such as amount, term and interest, which can be obtained precisely because the bank has the opportunity to use the amount on deposit within a certain period. Consequently, the more comfortable the conditions of your multi-currency deposit in Moscow or a deposit in one foreign currency for the bank, the higher the interest on deposits in foreign currency you can receive.

Accordingly, high interest rates on foreign currency deposits in Moscow imply some restrictions for the client:

  • since the bank has already planned that it will use your money for a certain period, it imposes a ban on closing the deposit before this period;
  • if suddenly the deposit is open-ended, then the bank still sets a period during which it must be notified about the closure so that it can get it painlessly the required amount out of circulation;
  • During the term of the agreement, you cannot withdraw part of the money placed on the deposit.

For compliance with these conditions, the bank pays the highest interest rates, but for violation it can reduce the initial rate to the minimum possible. Therefore, carefully evaluate your financial capabilities before opening a deposit.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

To open multicurrency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you will have to spend some time searching and collecting all necessary information according to the options presented on the market (Sberbank, VTB, and almost all Moscow banks work with deposits in foreign currency).

To find and choose your most profitable option for individuals' deposits in foreign currency in Moscow as quickly as possible and without extra effort, use special online deposit calculators for foreign currency deposits in Moscow. Based on your individual requirements, which you enter into the appropriate form, the system will select and display full list suitable deposit options 2019.

As a result, in one place for each current deposit option you will receive the following information:

  • validity period of the deposit;
  • interest rate (per year);
  • final income (for a specified period: usually a year).

You can quickly make the right one and informed choice, and then immediately submit an online application for a deposit in foreign currency, and proceed to registration.

Due to the unstable economic situation, many are afraid of losing their savings due to the collapse of the ruble exchange rate, so they store them in dollars, euros or other foreign currencies, as well as in several at once. You can add to this strategy the opening of a foreign currency deposit, and you can not only protect your money from depreciation, but also get additional source income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits

Deposits in foreign currency solve two problems that you may encounter:

  • if the ruble exchange rate collapses, then all your savings, no matter how large they are, will immediately depreciate: the amount that was enough to buy an apartment may not be enough for the cheapest things;
  • if you keep your savings at home, then everything can be stolen from you, you can lose them, etc.: foreign currency deposits in banks are insured, so even in the event of unforeseen situations (bank robbery, bank closure), you are guaranteed to receive a significant part of your deposit back .

Interest on deposits in foreign currency will allow you to gradually increase the amount placed on deposit. If the contract also stipulates periodic capitalization of your deposit in foreign currency, you will receive even greater profits.

This attractive banking services there is only one minus: low rates on deposits in foreign currency. This is all connected with the same possible exchange rate fluctuations: if the ruble suddenly depreciates, then in equivalent with foreign currency the bank will be obliged to pay huge interest on foreign currency deposits. Therefore, absolutely all banks (Sberbank, VTB, etc.) play it safe and initially offer the lowest interest rate.

The way out of this situation is to open a multi-currency deposit. When registering it, you will divide your capital into different currencies(for example, rubles, euros and dollars) and place it on a deposit account for foreign currency deposits. Under such programs, banks are ready to offer higher rates.

Which bank is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

Despite the abundance of offers for opening deposits in foreign currency, finding a suitable option is quite difficult: you need to carefully study each program, calculate all the conditions, etc.

Individual deposits in foreign currency, which you will find on this page, will help you cope with this task:

  1. Enter your wishes for the deposit (amount, term, additional conditions).
  2. Click on the search button.
  3. The system will show you the complete list current offers on deposits 2019, and you can quickly study everything and make the right choice.

To open a multi-currency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you can immediately submit an online application and proceed to registration.

Time deposits remain the simplest and most reliable way to save savings, however, in the context of the devaluation of the national currency, ruble deposits do not cope with their role, and the interest rate on them does not cover the level of inflation. During economic instability are particularly relevant foreign currency deposits, which are not subject to sharp depreciation. In the article we will look at the advantages of deposits in foreign currency and analyze the offers of the largest Russian banks for deposits in US dollars and euros.

What to choose from?

Many banks offer to open an account not only in Japanese yen and English pound sterling. Against the backdrop of the current economic situation in the country, the dollar and euro are more protected from exchange rate fluctuations than the ruble, therefore they are especially loved by Russians. In October, the ruble strengthened slightly, and experts believe that the time has come to buy evergreens and place them on deposit. No one can predict how long the period of ruble strengthening will last, but most economists agree that one should not count on a long-term weakening of the American currency.

During 2015, after the relative stabilization of the economic situation and the reduction of the Central Bank's key rate, banks in Moscow also lowered interest rates on deposits. The decline affected not only “our” deposits, but also “foreign” ones, because banks have enough foreign exchange liquidity and they do not need an influx of dollars and euros, especially now that the number of foreign loans has been reduced to a minimum. However, despite the fact that the rates on them are much lower than in rubles, they allow you, if not to increase, then at least to preserve your savings from inflation, which cannot be said about ruble programs.

Where is it profitable to open?

Below we will tell you where to look for the best rates on deposits in foreign currency in Moscow banks and analyze the conditions of the largest credit organizations, enjoying the trust of Russians.

In addition to basic deposits, you can open “Multi-currency” and “International” accounts. In the first case, within the framework of one product, accounts are opened in US dollars, euros and rubles, and in the second - in pounds sterling, Swiss francs And Japanese yen. It is interesting that for the Multicurrency deposit the minimum amount is only 5 rubles, dollars and euros, but for the International deposit the amount must be at least 10,000 pounds, francs and yen.

If we compare standard programs, then the most high percentage can be obtained with a “Save” deposit. Withdrawing money or replenishing the account is not allowed, but interest is calculated monthly and added to the principal amount or paid to the client's account. The deposit is low minimum amount— 100 US dollars and euros.

If you want to save and increase your savings, then the “Replenish” product is suitable for you. The rate for it is slightly lower than for the “Save” program, but additional contributions are allowed.

For investors who want to freely manage their savings, the “Manage” program is suitable. The investment amount for this product is much higher (1000 US dollars and euros).

In rubles and foreign currency. In addition to standard programs, you can arrange a deposit for wealthy clients with preferential terms early termination and a multi-currency account in rubles, US dollars and euros.

The most high profitability provided for the Pobeda deposit. Withdrawals and replenishments of the account before the expiration of the contract are not allowed, and interest is capitalized monthly. The rate is an order of magnitude higher than for the “Save” product from Sber.

Interest on the Premium deposit is paid monthly.

Premier program with the possibility of replenishment.

The “Potential” program is intended for clients who want to withdraw money from their account and replenish their deposit, but the rate is lower than under a similar program of Sberbank.

IN Rosselkhozbank There is a whole line of deposits for different depositors. The “Classic” deposit has the highest yield.

For those who want to top up their account, the “Accumulative” product is available (this is the highest percentage).

And if you want to top up your account or withdraw money, then the Managed product is suitable for you.