The whole truth about loan donors. Who is he and how to find a loan donor - services for obtaining a loan and the amount of remuneration Maybe you shouldn’t take a loan at all

  • 02.02.2024

How and where to borrow money when your credit history is completely damaged? Who should I contact for help in obtaining a loan? Will credit institutions give a loan with a bad CI? Who are loan donors? Should you trust them? How can they help the borrower?

Credit donors - who are they?

A credit donor is a person with a positive credit history and a good reputation in several large banks, who is ready to take out a loan for another person.

Credit donation appeared relatively recently in Russia, but has already become a fairly common service in the financial world.

Borrowers who, for one reason or another (bad CI, lack of citizenship, criminal record, etc.) cannot get a loan from a bank or other financial institution, are forced to turn to loan donors. Since in such a situation only donors can provide real help, brokers and other intermediaries will be powerless.

How does a loan donor work?

Loan donors work directly or through special organizations that provide donor services when applying for a loan.

It would be better for the borrower to contact an organization where they can select a loan donor with a good reputation in a particular bank. However, the cost of donor services in such an organization will significantly exceed direct cooperation without an intermediary. You can find a credit donor, for example in Moscow, on your own, you just have to submit an ad on the Moscow credit notice board.

Operation scheme

All loan donors work according to the same scenario: they take out a loan for themselves in the amount needed by the customer, and give the received loan funds to the client for a fee. At the same time, the customer himself guarantees loan payments according to the payment schedule, without delays or delays, so that the donor’s credit history remains positive.

If a potential client contacts an organization specializing in the selection of loan donors, he will first need to undergo a short interview, fill out a questionnaire, specify the required amount and term, and announce the maximum permissible monthly payment. You may need to name a specific bank, discuss fees for the service, etc.

After this, the organization selects a suitable donor, one or more. He fills out an application for a loan at the bank chosen by the client, collects the necessary package of documents, etc. If the decision is positive, the loan donor enters into a loan agreement with the bank and receives money.

Having received a loan, the donor takes an agreed percentage as a reward, and transfers the remaining amount to the organization, which also takes a commission from these funds for selecting a suitable loan donor. The remaining amount is given to the customer.

Having received the cash, the customer writes a receipt in which he guarantees to repay the donor’s loan in full or return the funds.

The receipt also indicates the method of return: cash to the organization, to the donor, or self-payment of the donor loan by making monthly payments to the specified account.

Should you trust a loan donor? How legal is this?

Credit donation is prohibited in Russia. Moreover, such an act is regarded as fraud and is prosecuted in accordance with Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, all parties to the transaction (customer, donor, selection organization, etc.) will suffer if disclosed.

It is not for nothing that the loan agreements of all banks contain a clause stating that the client acts exclusively in his own interests and applies for a loan for his own purposes and needs. As a rule, it is under this item that the borrower’s additional signature is placed.

As for trust in credit donors, the borrower in this case does not risk anything, except perhaps running into a scammer and paying money as an advance payment.

In fact, those at risk are credit donors who agree to take out a loan for another person. What if the customer then does not pay the loan? After all, collectors and the bank will demand money from the borrower - the loan donor. Not to mention ruined credit history for life.

The main trump card and protector of the credit donor remains only the customer’s receipt, in which he guarantees to return the money. To recover funds against a receipt, the donor will have to go to court, because a priori he cannot go to the police. Otherwise, he will have to admit to committing the crime and suffer the appropriate punishment.

Loan donor commission

The customer will have to fork out for the great risk that credit donors take on. In most cases, the donor takes 20-30% of the loan amount, but only after receiving the loan. When providing this type of service, no advance payment is required.

If the customer contacts the agency, he will have to pay about 5-10% of the loan amount for their services. As a result, the customer will receive only 60-70% of the total loan amount, but will have to pay for the whole 100%, and even with bank interest.

What happens if the customer does not pay the donor's loan?

It all depends on how the customer cooperates with the donor. If directly, without intermediaries and agencies, then the donor will have one chance to return his funds by going to court with a receipt and a claim to recover funds from it.

If the borrower contacted an agency or organization that provides credit donor services, then it is likely that the matter may not reach the point of judicial collection.

As a rule, such organizations have something like a security service, collectors and bouncers rolled into one. The brave guys will put pressure on the customer until he returns the money. Or the agency can, with the same receipt, turn to specialized collection agencies for help.

The last option is to file a lawsuit and enforce collection through bailiffs.

Bus stops and message boards on the Internet are full of headlines asking for help in obtaining a loan or a loan. As a rule, such requests are submitted by brokers/agents.

For most potential applicants, the essence of the services they offer is more or less clear, but the specifics of the activities of a credit donor are shrouded in secrecy. Who is a loan donor? How to get a donor loan? What do banks and law enforcement officials think about this? Let's figure it out.

Who is a credit donor (CD)?

For most citizens, obtaining a cash loan is a simple procedure. However, there is a category of borrowers for whom obtaining a loan from a bank is virtually impossible. Basically, these are borrowers with a damaged CI, people with a criminal record, those who are not officially employed or who do not have registration in the Russian Federation. In general, all those who do not meet the bank’s requirements. It is at this moment that numerous sharagas appear who, for a certain fee, offer to obtain a loan through an intermediary, that is, a donor.

Donor loan scheme

There can be several scenarios for the development of events:

  1. Contacting a special company that provides “donor” services
  2. Direct cooperation between the CD and the money seeker

First scheme: for example, you want to get a loan from a bank, but you cannot do this for one of the above reasons. Then you turn to company “X” for help, where they select a donor for you. The selected CD meets all the requirements of the selected bank, has a good CI, registration, work experience and even the necessary documents from work. The parties enter into an agreement under which the donor receives a loan and takes 10-30% of the loan amount as a reward, and gives the remaining money to company “X”. She, in turn, also takes 5-10% of the amount as payment for the services provided and gives the remaining money to the applicant, that is, you.

Thus, the applicant receives, at best, 50-60% of the amount originally issued for the loan, and in addition, monthly loan payments and interest from the bank.

After receiving the funds, you write a promissory note in the name of company “X”, where you undertake to repay the donor’s loan in full. To make the situation realistic, you do not pay the loan yourself, but transfer payments to company “X”, which gives them to the real borrower - the loan donor. It is he who makes monthly payments to the bank's cash desk. This is partly done for reinsurance. So that if something happens, “a mosquito won’t sharpen your nose.”

In fact, the scheme is thought out to the smallest detail and everyone wins: you, the applicant, get the money you need, albeit at crazy interest rates. Company "X" is in chocolate after receiving its reward. A looks like a reliable borrower to the bank, while having a reward for the loan issued to himself.

The second scheme for direct cooperation is almost the same. Except that the applicant will have to look for a real loan donor for quite a long time. Fraud in this area is off the charts, on both sides. You can also save on commissions for the company, and the promissory note will have to be written in the name of the borrower.
This option is more profitable for the applicant, but not for the design office. The intermediary company can guarantee the donor that the applicant will pay the loan of his own free will or “under pressure.”

In the case of direct cooperation, the donor will have to independently extract money from the applicant to pay for the loan if he refuses the debt. If you can’t get the money out, the CD will have one option left - go to court with a promissory note to collect the money through bailiffs.

Requirements for applicants

Surprisingly, not everyone can use the services of a donor. Companies put forward certain conditions and requirements for applicants. For example, they will not “work” with a client who meets all the bank’s requirements and can independently, that is, without unnecessary help, apply for a loan in his name. There are also unspoken minimum amounts for obtaining a loan through a donor. For example, it is unlikely that anyone will want to cooperate with an applicant for a loan amount of 50-70,000 rubles. As a rule, the lower threshold starts from 100 thousand.

Advantages and disadvantages for the borrower

As the main advantages, companies providing donor services put forward the following arguments:

  • Possibility of receiving money with a damaged credit history and open enforcement proceedings, persons without citizenship or registration, citizens with a criminal record, etc.
  • 100% receipt of money. Even if the donor is denied a loan from one of the banks, you can apply for a loan from another organization or replace the donor.
  • Anonymity in obtaining a loan in front of relatives, employers, there will be no marks in the BKI

When a person who finds himself in a difficult financial situation has no other option, then a CD can really be a way out of the current situation. However, every applicant should know that such transactions are illegal and threaten all parties with criminal liability under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Each borrower, when signing a loan agreement, indicates that he is acting in his own interests and is taking money exclusively for himself, for his own needs and purposes. In practice, he issues a loan for a stranger, thereby violating his obligations under the contract. Moreover, with all the costs (payment for intermediary services, donor remuneration, bank interest), the borrower overpays by about 100%. Is it worth it to make such an overpayment and risk your freedom for a loan at any cost?

Blatantly fraudulent schemes

Naturally, with credit donation there is a high risk of fraud, especially in the case of direct cooperation. It’s simple - you take out a loan, and the person who has to pay it doesn’t pay it and hides (gets lost). In this case, there are 2 options to protect yourself - either take the person’s property as collateral, or run it through different databases: different scammers, debtors, criminals. In any case, you borrow money at your own risk.

It is difficult to find a person who does not need borrowed funds at some point in his life. Indeed, bank lending is so popular today that you can take out a loan quite simply if two conditions are met: the borrower must have an official “white” salary and a positive credit history; the path to the bank will be closed to all other potential borrowers. But for those clients who are unable to take out a bank loan on their own, there is one reasonable way out of the situation - this is to search for a loan donor. It is for them that the question of how to find a loan donor will be relevant, we will try to answer it.

Who is a loan donor?

The concept of a credit donor appeared not so long ago, so many people do not know what it is. Quite often lately we have come across advertisements with similar text: “I’m looking for a loan donor” or “I’ll take out a loan in my name.” In fact, you should not confuse a credit donor with a broker; the entire broker is an intermediary who, according to your data, selects the most reasonable loan option for you, respectively, after the credit broker provides you with the result of his work. Next, you independently apply for a loan from a bank in your name, and pay the intermediary a certain fee, for example, 5% of the loan amount.

A credit donor is a person who takes out a bank loan in his name and transfers the funds to the recipient, that is, the customer. In this case, the debt obligations for repaying the loan fall under the agreement with the bank in the name of the borrower, and he, in turn, shifts his obligations onto the shoulders of the customer. That is, in essence, a credit donor is an intermediary between the bank and the borrower.

Important! The services of a loan donor are paid, that is, the customer will need to pay a certain amount to receive loan funds.

Transaction process

First of all, the potential recipient needs to find a person who is willing to take out a bank loan in his name in order to lend the borrowed funds to a third party in the future. Accordingly, the first priority is to find a donor. We’ll look at how to do this a little later; it’s worth noting right away that you need to be extremely careful here so as not to fall into the hands of scammers. Another important point is that if a loan donor does not agree to issue a loan without an advance payment, this may be evidence of fraud.

By the way, the recipient in this case is a person who, for a number of reasons, cannot obtain a loan from a bank and needs the help of a donor, that is, a person who has agreed to take out a loan in his name with the subsequent transfer of funds.

So, after a loan donor is found, he will need to contact the bank and apply for a certain amount of funds on loan in his name. If the decision is positive, the borrowed funds will be transferred to the recipient on the basis of a promissory note. As for payment for services, it is set individually, that is, the borrower sets a certain amount or percentage of the transaction, which can range from 10 to 50%.

For example, if the donor took out a loan of 1 million rubles for a period of 10 years at an interest rate of 17% per year, then he immediately receives a profit of 30% or 300,000 rubles, the recipient receives 700,000 rubles in cash plus a debt for 10 years with a monthly payment of more than 17,000 rubles, and in total he will pay more than 2 million rubles.

From this we can conclude that credit donation is a profitable business, albeit a high-risk one, because if a person cannot get a loan from a bank, or, more precisely, lenders refuse to issue borrowed funds, then there are a number of reasons for this: or he is an unscrupulous borrower or does not have a regular source of income. Accordingly, the donor cannot be absolutely sure that the recipient will fulfill its debt obligations.

By the way, you should not overlook the fact that it is important to correctly conclude an agreement between the customer and the contractor, that is, both parties must write a receipt indicating the amount of debt and remuneration, the payment procedure and the resolution of disputes. But in no case should the receipt indicate the fact that the lender is lending borrowed funds from the bank. It is also necessary to indicate that the money is issued at a certain percentage with a monthly payment and, accordingly, a payment schedule.

Why do you need a receipt? This will help the creditor in the future to return his own funds through the court, for example, if the recipient at some point finds himself paying on the loan.

Where to find a loan donor

In fact, the question is quite complicated, because it is assumed that this is not a completely legal scheme for obtaining funds, so the issue should be taken quite seriously. Credit donor services are offered by both respectable people who want to receive a portion of their profits and scammers who want to receive an advance payment.

In fact, you should start looking for a person who is ready to take out a loan among your friends. Perhaps among your friends or relatives there is a financially wealthy and solvent person who can get a loan with a minimum kickback. In this case, both parties to the transaction receive certain guarantees. If you don’t have a loan donor among your friends, then you will have to turn to the help of the World Wide Web.

In fact, there are several services online for finding donors and recipients. You can find such a service using the Yandex or Google search engine, enter a query in the search bar, for example, “need a loan donor urgently without prepayment.” Next, the system will give you several results, carefully study all the offers and select a real donor.

Please note that you should look for a loan donor in your city or region so that it is convenient to issue a receipt and receive borrowed funds.

Be sure to carefully study all offers; for sure, a high-quality service provides some information about its registered users, including its contacts, for example, email address and other information, so that the user can verify the purity of this transaction.

Do not forget that such advertisements can be found in groups on social networks, for example, VKontakte. Try searching for a donor through social networks. Moreover, here it is possible to obtain information about registered users; simply view the account of a potential recipient or donor in order to draw certain conclusions.

How to become a loan donor

If we consider the situation from the perspective of a donor, then this is a rather profitable business, as mentioned earlier, because you can receive funds in a short time, and a large amount free of charge. You just need to apply for a bank loan in your name, then transfer your debt obligations to the potential recipient. Here, too, the main task of a potential donor is to find the recipient correctly.

Where to find a donor is also a rather difficult question. You can place an ad on specialized platforms or social networks or in other sources where your ad can be found by a potential recipient. But this is not the main task, because it is important to choose the right responsible and respectable person.

First of all, you need to understand that you are always at risk of non-repayment of borrowed funds. That is, you do not have a 100% guarantee that the borrower will conscientiously fulfill his debt obligations and repay the loan on time. And in the event of an overdue debt, the bank will demand payment from you, and in order not to spoil your credit history, you will have to repay the loan and then, through the court, collect the amount of debt from the recipient. But this will be difficult to do, and the process may drag on for several years.

  • with persons without permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • with citizens without a stable source of income and above average education;
  • without property that can act as security;
  • with beginning businessmen who do not have start-up capital.

By the way, the donor should pay attention to the fact that the recipient’s real estate can act as collateral for the loan, that is, according to a promissory note certified by a notary, a mortgage document can be drawn up; accordingly, in the event of non-payment of the loan, the donor acquires rights to the collateral.

Another point is that registering a transaction with a notary requires certain costs; who exactly will bear these costs is discussed individually. In fact, such a transaction as obtaining a loan through a third party is not regulated by law; accordingly, all the nuances of the agreement are determined by mutual agreement. In simple words, the donor and recipient individually negotiate the terms of mutual cooperation, because, in fact, their relationship can only be based on a promissory note; accordingly, it will contain all the essential conditions, rights and obligations of the parties.

Legal or not

In fact, according to the terms of bank lending, borrowed funds must be used for the specific needs of the borrower, that is, the bank does not directly issue a loan to a person for the purpose of transferring funds to a third party. That is, this is prohibited by the bank lending agreement. But on the other hand, a non-targeted consumer loan involves the use of funds to fulfill one’s consumer needs; accordingly, in this case, the borrower has the right to transfer money to a third party, but does not have the opportunity or right to transfer debt obligations.

In simple words, of course, you can use borrowed funds from the bank at your own discretion, but the loan will still have to be repaid directly to the borrower who signed the loan agreement with the bank. The recipient does not participate in the transaction between the bank and the borrower, he is not obliged to repay the loan, and the bank, in turn, cannot make any demands on him.

A private loan agreement is a completely legal transaction, that is, one individual transfers funds to another on the basis of payment, urgency and repayment. One party receives funds at interest with the condition of their return within a period specified in the agreement with the payment of a fee. That is, if you add up all the factors, then credit donation is not directly prohibited by law.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Undoubtedly, the transaction between the recipient and the donor will be extremely beneficial for both parties. The donor receives a profit in the form of a “kickback” for taking out a loan from the bank; this procedure will not take much time, and the profit from this will be significant, depending on the loan amount and interest, which, by the way, he himself determines. The recipient, in turn, receives the amount of funds he needs, which he, for a certain number of reasons, cannot arrange himself at the bank.

The disadvantages of the deal are the high risk. The donor's risk is quite high; he may at any time become a debtor to the bank on a loan if the customer does not pay the bank the monthly payment amount on time. In this case, he, of course, can go to court and collect the amount of the debt, but while the proceedings last, he will conscientiously fulfill his obligations to the bank and pay off, in fact, someone else’s loan. In addition, if the borrower is declared insolvent and has no property, his debt may extend over a long period of time; accordingly, the donor will repay the loan independently from his own funds. That is why it is recommended to take collateral for a large loan.

The recipient's risk is small and it only lies in finding a respectable donor, that is, who will not require advance payment at the initial stage of cooperation. If you approach the issue wisely, then prepayment when applying for a bank loan is not necessary at all; the only expense that the recipient may incur is drawing up the agreement with a notary, but at the same time, the donor, at a minimum, must provide evidence that he was approved for the loan and received cash.

Also, do not forget that the credit donation service is an ideal fraud scheme, which means that it will be extremely difficult for a person really interested in cooperation. If you really want to act as a loan donor, then leave your suggestions in the comments to the article.

Who is a loan donor? A credit donor is a person who has a complete list of documents necessary for processing a loan, with all the necessary confirmation from the employer, as well as, if necessary, the fact of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other tax deductions, who has a positive credit history and a high credit rating.

A credit donor is a citizen who issues a loan in his own name and subsequently transfers the received loan funds under certain conditions to the final recipient for whom the loan was issued.

The procedure for obtaining a loan through a loan donor

Attention! If you want to receive the services of a loan donor through the RusCredit Credit Center, you need to fill out an online application or an application. Among our partners, we have citizens who can act as a loan donor for you, but!:

  • Perhaps you do not need a loan donor, give the opportunity to realistically assess your situation to professionals in their field - credit brokers (even citizens with existing arrears can get a loan!);
  • Credit donors do not agree to cooperate with every citizen; to increase the likelihood of finding a credit donor, it is advisable to have property (cars, real estate) and leave it (the lack of property is not a reason to be upset, leave it, we will try to find an acceptable solution in your situation).

How does the process of obtaining a loan using the services of a loan donor take place? Initially, you find a loan donor in one way or another. Next, negotiate with this person the conditions under which you are willing to cooperate with him. Subsequently, the loan donor issues a loan in his name and transfers the received loan funds to you for a previously agreed upon remuneration. Simultaneously with the transfer of borrowed funds, which the loan donor issued in his name. An agreement is concluded between you and the credit donor on the assignment of obligations to repay the loan received in the name of the credit donor. This is all formalized by means of a receipt and in the proper manner.

Legality of obtaining a loan through a loan donor

Is it legal to apply for a loan through a loan donor? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. First of all, almost all credit institutions, if they find out that a citizen is trying to apply for a loan in favor of third parties, even relatives, this will serve this citizen. But from the point of view of receiving funds against a receipt from a private person, on the conditions specified in the receipt, there is nothing illegal.

But as for the assignment of obligations to pay loan funds to the credit donor, this point raises many questions. The fact is that almost every credit institution, first of all, banks provide in a separate clause in the loan agreement that it is not possible for the borrower to unilaterally assign its obligations under the loan agreement to a third party. In turn, the credit institution, of course, has this opportunity. Therefore, from a legal point of view, the loan donor cannot unilaterally transfer its obligations to another person.

Risks when obtaining a loan through a loan donor

Possible risks associated with the procedure for obtaining a loan through a credit donor for citizens primarily lie in the fact that in this field there are a large number of different kinds of scammers who offer themselves as a credit donor, but work on an advance payment basis. That is, the main risk for the borrower is that having made an advance payment to the loan donor, this citizen may simply disappear with your advance payment.

Loan donor without prepayment

It is, of course, possible to find a credit donor working without prepayment, but only in this case the risks will be borne by the credit donor himself. You may ask, what could be the risks for the loan donor? The easiest way to answer this question is with a clear example. Let's say you have agreed to receive borrowed funds through a loan donor for a certain fee, without prepayment. The loan donor begins to perform certain work related to collecting a certain set of documents, submitting these documents to certain credit institutions, waiting for a response, receiving results from several credit institutions and ultimately applying for a loan under certain conditions, possibly with or without life insurance and loss of performance. By the time the loan donor receives the required amount of loan funds from the lender, your plans, preferences, etc. may change. and you do not want to receive funds issued by the loan donor on previously agreed terms. In this case, the loan donor will be forced to repay the loan early, and if the loan was issued with insurance, he will have to possibly seek the return of the insurance in court, but at least pay interest for the use of loan funds during the first month. And of course, this does not take into account his labor costs associated with collecting the necessary set of documents, traveling to credit institutions, writing loan application forms, etc. Thus, obtaining a loan using the services of a loan donor without prepayment primarily carries certain risks for the loan donor itself.

How to insure yourself against the risks of obtaining a loan through a loan donor with prepayment

Is it possible to insure against various types of risks for both the loan donor and the potential borrower using the services of a loan donor? Of course, the easiest way is to find a credit donor who is ready to act as a “lifesaver” for you on more attractive terms, this is for prepayment, but in order to insure against the risks of possible non-fulfillment of obligations on the part of the credit donor and loss of the prepayment made, it is more advisable to resort to the services of intermediary organizations that deserve Your trust.

In particular, the RusCredit credit center can act as an intermediary who will receive an advance payment from you. Thereby guaranteeing honesty and, if necessary, certain compensation for the loan donor, if you change your mind about fulfilling the loan on the terms agreed with him, and thus you are insured against possible dishonest actions on the part of the loan donor himself, who refuses to work without an advance payment. Since the loan donor will not receive the funds until the end of the transaction.

Where to find a loan donor

Where can I find a loan donor? A question the answer to which is quite difficult to find; a lot depends on your capabilities and wishes. Certainly, the best option finding a loan donor would be if someone among your acquaintances, friends, or relatives agreed to act as a loan donor for you, through whom you could obtain a loan. In this case, obtaining borrowed funds using the services of a credit donor could be absolutely free for you.

Second option, which should be considered if it is not possible to find a loan donor among your circle of friends and relatives, is an application to the RusCredit credit center with a request to receive borrowed funds, including using the services of a loan donor. The RusCredit credit center cooperates with various partners, including private investors and citizens who are ready to act as a credit donor on certain conditions. Thus, at a minimum, you will definitely insure yourself against various types of fraudulent actions on the part of the loan donor.

AND third option finding a credit donor, which should be approached very carefully and carefully. This is a search for a credit donor independently on the side on the so-called bulletin boards, and even more so the process of independently applying for a loan using the services of a credit donor without the intermediary of organizations or a private person whom you trust and who could act for you as a guarantor of an honest transaction.

With all questions related to credit issues, including the process of applying for a loan using the services of a credit donor, you can contact the RusCredit credit center by leaving .

Credit donors provide an opportunity to get a loan to clients with a bad credit history, a criminal record, low official income, etc. They do this, of course, not for free.

For such convenience, the client overpays a large amount, 2-3 times the loan received. Even despite this, the services of credit donors are in demand on the market, although they are illegal.

If you are looking for a loan donor, then you have a bad situation with loans - you are refused everywhere and have debts. You want to take out a loan with the help of a donor and pay off all your debts at once.

This is the right message. But the problem is the idea of ​​the donor. On the Internet you are looking for a complete stranger who will delve into your problem and take on the loan on the condition that you pay. But this idea is wrong. You will simply run into prepayment scammers.
Read also:
Even if there is such a person, there are no guarantees that you will pay. And no one will agree, because you are in arrears and the bank won’t let you. There is simply no trust in you, especially from a person on the street. If there is such a person, then with the first wrong client and delay, the donor career will be over.

Who is a loan donor?

This is an ordinary person with a positive credit history, a permanent job, a high income - exactly the type of client that banks like. He takes out a loan for himself and transfers the loan funds to a client who cannot take out a loan himself.

The terms of such a transaction are regulated by an agreement, the terms of which must be observed by all parties. Most often, donors work through intermediaries, which are organizations. Organizations are recruiting donors and looking for clients.

For the donor, such an organization will be protection against non-payment of debt by the borrower. If the client does not pay the loan, the intermediary will pay off the debt in order to maintain a positive credit history for the donor, and then the debt will be “extorted,” sometimes in the literal sense of the word, from the negligent client. The methods of collecting debt are no different from collection agencies and can be more stringent.

Where can I find a loan donor?

Anyone you know or close relative can become a loan donor. Thinking that there will be a stranger who will take on a loan for you is stupid. If you have been in arrears and have unclosed loans, there is no trust in you. No one in their right mind will give you money, even at a high interest rate. The only time this is possible is when you have collateral (your home, car, land). But the risk of losing the deposit in this case is very high.

A friend or colleague as a donor is the best solution for you in terms of price. However, if you don’t pay the loan later, your relationships with family and friends can be ruined. You can find a donor in your city by posting an ad on a special credit notice board.

Another option is to search for a special organization that provides such a donor.

How to get a loan through a donor and organization?

There are currently two schemes. The first is that the client and donor are connected through an intermediary - an organization. The scheme consists of the following stages:

  • The client finds an offer to take out a loan through a donor. Typically, such advertisements can be found in advertising newspapers, websites, forums, etc.
  • After calling the organization, the client needs to go to the specified address and undergo an interview and verification. The intermediary must check the future borrower and assess the risks of working with him. If the client does not meet the requirements, then they will not work with him, for example, the client is homeless, an alcoholic, insane, convicted, etc. If everything is in order, then the discussion of the terms of the deal begins. Here we discuss the amount that the client wants to take, how he intends to repay it, why the banks refuse him, the terms of remuneration for the intermediary and the donor, the debt repayment scheme and the interaction of the parties. The client can even choose the banks where he would like to take out a loan.
  • If all the conditions are satisfactory to the parties, an agreement for the provision of services is concluded. It specifies the amount that intermediaries will retain for their services, the obligations and rights of the parties.
  • The donor goes to the bank and takes out the required amount. If suddenly for some reason the bank refuses, then the donor can go to another bank.
  • The donor carries the received amount to the organization and takes his own reward. It is approximately 10-30% of the loan
  • The organization retains part of the amount as a reward (approximately 5-15% of the amount).
  • A promissory note is drawn up indicating the amount the client must pay to the donor. The receipt also indicates the method of payment: either the client pays the bank himself or takes the money to the organization, and then it is transferred to the donor. The scheme is complex, but it reinsures the donor’s risks: if the client does not deposit the amount, the organization will pay the donor for him to repay the loan.
  • The remaining amount is issued to the client. After all the manipulations, it is 50-70% of the amount. The final overpayment will be huge.

Thus, obtaining a loan under this scheme is expensive. To agree to such an overpayment, the client must need the money very urgently. But if all banks refuse a loan, then this option will be optimal.

Perhaps there are such companies, but they most likely operate illegally. Personally, I have not seen such companies in 10 years of working in a bank. In general, the risks of contacting such companies are very high; I do not recommend it to anyone.

The second option for obtaining a loan through a loan donor is that there is no intermediary in the scheme. The borrower and donor are in direct contact. This allows you to save on intermediary services, but carries with it great risks of fraud, on both sides.

In pursuit of savings, you can get the opposite effect. The percentage of fraudulent actions of the borrower and the donor is almost the same here. A distinctive feature of this scheme is that if the client refuses to pay the loan, the donor will have to repay the debt himself, and he also risks his credit history.

Credit donor and law.

From the point of view of the law, donor schemes are fraudulent and directly fall under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If such schemes are discovered, the participants will receive heavy fines, including imprisonment.

Benefits of a donor loan.

  • A client even with the worst CI can take out a loan.
  • The client remains anonymous to the bank.
  • The client does not need to collect documents for the loan.
  • Guaranteed result of receiving money in 95% of cases - the loan donor is rarely refused.

Disadvantages and risks

  • This is an illegal way to get a loan.
  • High risk of fraud.
  • Large overpayment for such a loan
  • The risk for the client is that even if he pays off the debt, the donor may sue and demand repayment again. In this case, the client needs to take a receipt from the donor for each payment made.
  • The minimum loan amount starts from