Virtual cards visa and mastercard in Belarus. Belarusbank – VISA bank cards

  • 26.01.2023

Belarusbank proposes to introduce virtual payment cards, but first after consulting with clients

Electronic cash flow is increasingly gaining strength, so Belarusbank decided to offer to participate in a survey on whether it would be advisable to introduce new service called virtual payment cards.

The main advantage of these “cards” is increased security when making payments on the Internet. When conducting such operations with ordinary plastic cards on the World Wide Web, many users are afraid of falling under the influence of scammers. Therefore, when analyzing the shortcomings and weaknesses in calculations on the Internet, it was decided to create highly specialized virtual analogues.

Having submitted an application for such a card, the user is given the usual important attributes for it: personal information (to whom it is registered), a unique number, expiration date, CVC2 recognition code.

The advantages are:

  • You cannot withdraw money from it in the usual way (that is, third parties will not be able to easily transfer or cash out funds)
  • Payment can be made exclusively in the virtual environment of the Internet (not in stores anywhere else)
  • These cards do not have any usual information (PIN code, magnetic stripe, nothing that can be faked and used physically)

That is, in fact, the user is simply given details for making payments on the global network, which, however, can also be given on a regular plastic card, but only for clarity.

According to representatives of Belarusbank, this survey was presented in order to find out the opinion of the clients themselves on how much demand virtual payment cards and other offers based on the NFC standard. Data from this survey will directly influence future consideration of the new service.

Interested users are asked to answer 17 questions, completely anonymously. You can take part on the official website of Belarusbank.

If we turn to the essence of the proposal itself, it will be used, as noted above, only on the Internet. In fact, the client who receives such a “card” will be given digital details with which it will be possible to make payments on the global network with increased security from fraudsters.

Most people pay for many services and purchases online. In order not to carry around more “plastic” with you, you can limit yourself to issuing a virtual card for these needs. the site found out the features of virtual cards, their cost and validity period.

A virtual card can most often be ordered online (via Internet banking or through an application on the bank’s website), less often - only at a bank branch. Such a card does not imply the release of plastic. You will only be given a card number and a CVV2 code. The details provided (number, expiration date, first and last name of the holder and CVV2) are sufficient to carry out transactions without the presence of a card.

Virtual card makes life much easier. You don't have to carry an extra card in your wallet if you just need to pay for something online. It can be used to store a small amount of money needed for certain purposes, which increases the safety and security of funds. Also, high security is ensured by the absence of physical media and the use of only a card account.

Name of bank and card

Product Description

Cost and validity period


Virtual eCard

Issued in the INSYNC.BY application and the Alfa-Click Internet bank if you have any other “physical” Alfa-Bank card. You can open no more than 9 virtual eCards (3 cards for each type of currency RUB, USD, EUR). Free SMS alerts are automatically activated.

Bank BelVEB



ICS card



Visa Virtue

The account is opened in Belarusian rubles or USD.

To receive a card, you need to fill out an application form and draw up an agreement to open an account.


Visa Virtue


3 rubles for a period of 1 year.

BTA Bank

Visa Virtue


If you are already a bank client, you can order a card from Sberbank Online. Made no later than the next day.

Can be manufactured with a validity period from 1 to 5 years. The cost of registration and maintenance for each year is free.

Name of bank and card

Product Description

Cost and validity period


Virtual eCard

Issued in the INSYNC.BY application and the Alfa-Click Internet bank if you have any other “physical” card of Alfa-Bank (Belarus). You can open no more than 9 virtual eCards (3 cards for each type of currency RUB, USD, EUR). Free SMS alerts are automatically activated.

Registration and service are completely free. Validity period is one year.

Bank BelVEB

Virtual international MasterCard card Standard

It can be completed without visiting a bank office, via Internet banking. It can be issued together with the opening of a new current account or to an existing one for which bank cards on physical media are not open. Can be issued for accounts in white. rubles, USD/EUR.

Issued free of charge for a period of 2 years.


“Unreal card” based on Visa Classic

Issued for 1 year for 3 rubles.


ICS card


It is issued through the “X-card” application, which is downloaded when applying for the X-card itself. The X-card combines all the bank cards you have. If there are no cards, then virtual ones can be issued in the application (if necessary, you can then order “plastic” for them).

The fee for issuing the first card and servicing is RUB 19.90. For the second card there is a 50% discount for the 1st year, then the payment is standard. The third card is an 80% discount for the 1st year of service, the fourth and subsequent ones in the 1st year will be free. Validity period: 3 years.


Visa Virtue

The account is opened in Belarusian rubles or USD. To receive a card, you need to fill out an application form and draw up an agreement to open an account.

Issued for 3 rubles for a period of 1 year.


Visa Virtue

The account is maintained only in USD, but payments can be made in any currency. You can apply for a card on the website, in online banking or at a bank branch.

Issued for 5 rubles for a period of 1 year. If you apply online or already have debit card bank in the “Standard” or “Classic” service package - 2.50 rubles.


Visa Virtuon based on Visa Classic

You can only apply through Internet banking. Account in EUR. Produced in 5 to 10 working days.

3 rubles for a period of 1 year.

BTA Bank

Visa Virtue

Issued to separate account. It is possible to apply to an existing current (current) account as an additional one. You can top up by transferring money from another card or at a bank branch. You can only order at a bank branch.

1 rub./0.5 USD/EUR. Validity period: 3 years.


Visa Virtuon/MasterCard Virtual

To open an account using payment card You need to contact any branch of the bank with your passport or leave an online application for a card on the bank’s website.
If you are already a bank client, you can order a card from Sberbank Online. Made no later than the next day.

Can be manufactured with a validity period from 1 to 5 years. The cost of registration and maintenance is free for each year.

The Belarusbank virtual card is an international Visa Classic card, which is issued instantly without visiting a bank branch with subsequent access to all banking transactions in systems remote maintenance bank (registration of Internet deposits, Internet loans, money transfers, etc.), and is also used as a means of making payments on the Internet.

The card can be issued for a new current (current) account or for an existing account. A virtual card can be issued to an account in Belarusian rubles, US dollars, euros and Russian rubles.

Advantages of a virtual card

  • The card is issued and serviced without charging a fee;
  • a bank account is opened in a matter of seconds;
  • performing transactions on any Internet platforms (using a 3D-Secure password);
  • SMS notification about consumables and incoming transactions no remuneration for the first 3 months;
  • simple card replenishment:

    in cash at bank branches and at bank information kiosks with the cash-in function;

    by non-cash transfer of funds to an account using a virtual card in the bank’s remote service system (, corporate website of the bank, using the services, Autopayment).

Detailed information about the virtual card

  • international card with an account in one of four currencies (BYN/USD/EUR/RUB)
  • the card can be issued for a new or existing account;
  • account currency - BYN/USD/EUR/RUB;
  • validity period – 2 years;

Information on the list and amounts of rewards and fees for transactions with virtual cards



Operation name

Reward amount

Crediting non-cash funds to the accounts of individuals:

received from developer organizations, as well as developers - legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who have entered into contracts for the creation of facilities shared construction with shareholders in Belarusian rubles

0.2% of the amount

transferred from abroad using a card or its details, including through money transfers Visa Direct, Mastercard MoneySend in foreign currency

1% of the amount

in other cases:

in Belarusian rubles

3% of the amount

in foreign currency 2

1.5% of the amount

1 Remuneration according to paragraphs. 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 of this list are charged if an agreement between the bank and the payer is not concluded.

This subclause does not apply when crediting funds:

for transfers made in accordance with paragraphs. 4.4-4.5, 7.1 of this list;

when returning funds for transactions using virtual card details, as a result of which funds were transferred to the wrong recipient or in the wrong amount;

for unsuccessfully completed transactions using virtual card details;

received from charitable accounts;

on bank obligations;

within the framework of the commission agreement for brokerage service on the market securities, concluded with the bank;

to an account in Belarusian rubles, the source of which is loans from OJSC “ASB Belarusbank”;

non-state pensions and other non-state social payments;

amounts of alimony in case of payment of remuneration legal entity(individual entrepreneur).

2 Remuneration is charged in Belarusian rubles by purchasing by the bank 1.5% of the amount foreign currency, received for crediting to the accounts of individuals, at the rate established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the day of the transaction.



Operation name

Reward amount

Account in Belarusian rubles

Account in US dollars, euros

Account in Russian rubles

Monthly fee for using the SMS notification service for one virtual card (for each phone number)

SMS notification about outgoing or incoming transactions (at the client’s choice)

1.50 bel. rub.

SMS notification about outgoing and incoming transactions

2.00 bel. rub.

Providing a mini-statement through the Internet banking system about transactions made using virtual card details (contains the last 10 transactions for the last 7 days)

0.35 bel. rub.

0.2 currency units

12 ros. rub.

Non-cash payment using the details specified by the virtual card holder in the Internet banking system using the M-banking service

0.75 bel. rub. for each payment

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles:

using virtual card details from the account of one individual to an account to which a bank card (virtual card) of another individual has been issued, in the Internet banking system, on the bank’s corporate website, using the services of M-banking, Autopayment

1.5% of the amount

without using a virtual card to an account for which a personal debit card (virtual card) of the bank has been issued, at bank information kiosks with a cash-in function

2.0% of the amount

using the bank’s virtual card details to an account for which a card from another bank is issued, in the Internet banking system, on the bank’s corporate website, using the M-banking service

2.5% of the amount

1 If during the reporting month no SMS messages were sent regarding transactions made on the account to which the debit card was issued, no remuneration will be charged for the specified period.

2 The reward is not applied to virtual cards during the month in which the application for connecting the SMS-notification service is processed in the corresponding software module of the bank, and 3 subsequent months.

3 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).


1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).


Operation name

Account in Belarusian rubles

Account in US dollars, euros

Account in Russian rubles

Submission to a bank institution of an account statement (except for statements for the current and (or) previous month) on paper

4.50 bel. rub.

Finding out in the payment system the correctness of debiting funds from the account, except in cases of fraudulent transactions

68.00 BYN rub. in one operation

Registration and issuance of a certificate at the request of an individual:

about accounts, the amount of funds in the accounts, in English

21.00 bel. rub. for 1 certificate

in other cases

15.00 bel. rub. for 1 certificate

Preparation of copies of documents certified by the bank at the request of clients (except for light copies required by the bank in accordance with the requirements of local regulatory legal acts of the bank) for transactions with individual accounts

8.00 bel. rub.
for 1 document (including VAT)

1 No fee is charged when drawing up a statement to obtain a bank loan (including an overdraft loan).

2 A fee is charged in the event of an unfounded appeal of the transaction by the client after consideration of his application.

3 Does not apply when issuing certificates for payment transactions for services made through SMS banking.


The Bank has the right to change the list and amounts of rewards and fees for transactions with virtual cards. The bank informs about these changes on the corporate website.


Operation name

Account in Belarusian rubles

Account in US dollars, euros

Account in Russian rubles

Calculation of interest on the amount of funds stored on the client’s account, % per annum

Fine for violating the rules for using the card (in addition to compensation for damage caused), basic amount

Procedure for issuing a virtual card

The card is issued through the Internet banking system without visiting a bank branch at a time convenient for you

For existing Internet banking users, the card is issued as follows:

“Login to the system” - “Accounts” - “Accounts with a card” - “Applications for cards/Additional services” - “Virtual card”

In case of absence account In Internet banking you must perform the following steps:

“Login via MSI” - “MSI Authentication”

Minsk - full list banks and offers in one place: MasterCard cards, Belcard, VISA, international, with a cash loan on the card, profitable, with cashback, which can be picked up without going to the bank with delivery

Payment system

VISA- an international payment system consisting of two companies: Visa Inc. (USA), which owns all rights to the trademark and applied technologies, and Visa Europe Services Inc. (UK), which is managed European banks and is valid when using Visa Inc. licenses.

Visa cards are accepted for payment at retail outlets in more than 200 countries, from MasterCard VISA differs in that it is mainly focused on transactions (keeps records) in dollars, while MasterCard is focused on transactions in dollars and euros.

Payment systems competitors
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • China UnionPay
Cards payment system
  • VISA Virtuon is an entry-level virtual debit card (without additional service features).
  • VISA Electron - regular non-embossed plastic card entry level.
  • VISA Classic is a mid-level card (without obvious service capabilities).
  • VISA Gold is an entry-level premium card that offers its holder a discount program
  • VISA Platinum - premium bank card (offering extensive additional features)
  • VISA Infinite is the highest premium level card in the VISA line
Basic card features

For cards of any level

  • Cash withdrawal from an ATM
  • Help Desk

For premium cards

  • Emergency blocking
  • Discount program
  • Concierge service
  • Access to VIP areas of airports
  • Emergency card issue
  • Emergency cash withdrawal

MasterCard is an international payment system represented in more than 200 countries around the world. The core business is the processing of payments between acquiring banks servicing retail outlets, issuing banks using debit and credit cards brand "MasterCard".

MasterCard, originally known as Interbank/Master Charge, was created by several California banks.

Payment systems competitors
  • American Express
  • China UnionPay
Payment system cards
  • MasterCard Virtual is an entry-level virtual debit card (without additional service features).
  • Maestro is a regular entry-level non-embossed plastic card.
  • MasterCard Standard- a mid-level card offering a discount program.
  • MasterCard Gold is an entry-level premium card.
  • MasterCard Platinum is a premium bank card.
  • MasterCard World is another premium card, without obvious additional service features.
  • MasterCard World Black Edition - one of the cards with maximum additional features, including concierge service and access to VIP areas of airports.
  • MasterCard World Elite is the highest premium level card in the MasterCard line
Basic Features

For cards of any level

  • Cash withdrawal from an ATM
  • Payments for goods through payment terminals, incl. abroad
  • Payments on the Internet, incl. in foreign online stores
  • Help Desk
  • Emergency blocking
  • Emergency card issue
  • Emergency cash withdrawal
  • Discount program

For high premium cards

  • Concierge service
  • Access to VIP areas of airports

Card format

  • Virtual card is a debit bank card that exists without any carrier (plastic blank, telephone, etc.). This form of the card makes it suitable only for payments on the Internet. Also, this card is used to increase the security of payments by transferring funds to it that they plan to use for purchases in the very near future. This way, attackers will not be able to get to the entire amount of funds that are on the main card, and those funds that are credited to the virtual card are not stored on it for a long time.

Nowadays, more and more users are striving to make the maximum available number of payments via the Internet. For this purpose, a mobile phone account, payment cards (Internet banking service) and electronic wallets are used. In order to make payments within the World Wide Web as convenient and safe as possible, Belarusbank has issued a virtual Visa Classic card. You can learn about what it is and how to use it from the material in this article.

What is a virtual card from Belarusbank

First, let's figure out what a virtual card is. This is special electronic card, intended only for payments on the World Wide Web. Belorusbank issues payment system cards for its clients.

How to order

To register a payment analogue for the Internet, there is no need to visit a banking institution. It is important to have access to the service.

For those who have access to the service, the registration procedure is as follows:

  1. Log in to banking by entering your username and password.
  2. In the window that opens, select the “Accounts” tab, then “Accounts with card”.
  3. Next, find the “Applications for Cards” tab. In the menu that opens, click on “Virtual Card”.

“Virtual” will be issued in a matter of seconds. At the same time, access to its registration is open around the clock. Bank clients who do not have Internet banking can apply for a means of payment for payment on the Internet through the MSI tab.

In what currency can I open?

A Belorussbank client can open an account in any of four currencies - Belarusian rubles, Russian rubles, US dollars and euros.

Why is a virtual card better than a regular one?

The main advantage of this means of payment is increased security when making payments on the World Wide Web. A highly specialized Internet analogue does not provide access to the main account, which remains closed to fraudulent activities under any circumstances. Among others, the following advantages can be highlighted:

  1. Cash withdrawals are not normally provided.
  2. Used only within the Internet payment network. It is not possible to pay with it in a regular store.
  3. The production of “plastic” and its maintenance are free.
  4. Registration and opening takes a few seconds.
  5. The ability to receive SMS messages about all payment and receipt transactions.
  6. Easy to use and replenish.


The owner of the online analogue for payments does not receive the plastic itself. That is, the card does not have a physical embodiment, but is provided in the form open account. The owner receives information about his bank details. Cash deposited by bank transfer from the main account or through ATMs or self-service terminals.

Validity period of the virtual payment electronic means 2 years from the date of issue. Reissue is carried out in the same way as the original registration. Transactions using a virtual card are charged commission according to bank tariffs.