Pile foundation insulation. How to insulate the foundation on screw piles correctly

  • 11.03.2020

The disadvantage of such a foundation- cold floor due to the large open space under the house and soil. The only solution to this problem is insulation. pile foundation, which will allow not only to get a warmer house, but also an additional room under the house for household needs.

How to insulate a pile-screw foundation?

Before insulating the foundation screw piles it is worth considering a number of features of the building, its location, the height of the pile pillars above the ground and the material from which they are made. Based on these conditions, insulation can be done in several ways:

  1. External around the perimeter of the house.
  2. It consists in erecting a basement frame from the ground to the beginning of the walls of the house along the entire perimeter. Then, depending on the climate and the financial capabilities of the owners, it is insulated and lined from the outside. This method is the only true one with a low location of the floor from the ground.

  3. Outdoor from the floor.
  4. In some cases, when it is not possible to insulate the foundation in the first way (very high location of the floor from ground level due to location features), only the outer side of the floor is insulated.

  5. Complete.
  6. It is an ideal way and consists in warming the foundation frame both from the outside and from the inside. This method of insulation can be divided into several stages:

  • work on waterproofing the grillage and the metal piles themselves;
  • construction of the basement frame;
  • installation of insulation inside the basement;
  • fixing decorative panels on the plinth;
  • insulation of the inside of the basement with expanded clay or soil;
  • floor insulation from the side of the basement.

Waterproofing works

Waterproofing works are carried out in order to prevent moisture from entering the joints of the grillage and piles. If this is not done, then the metal structural elements will corrode over time, and the wooden ones will rot, which will lead to the destruction of the entire house. To do this, a waterproofing material, such as roofing material, is placed at the junction of the ends of the piles with the grillage and on the upper faces of the grillage itself at the point of contact with the wall.

Then a special mastic is applied to the entire metal structure of the foundation, and the wood is treated with impregnation with antiseptics. After the mastic and impregnation are completely dry (about 6-7 days), you can proceed directly to the insulation of the pile foundation.


Socle pile-screw foundation

The basement frame can be erected and insulated at the same time two ways:

  1. Building a brick wall.
  2. For such a basement, a small shallow-depth reinforced foundation from cement mortar, which in itself will be an additional insulation of the basement. After the foundation has completely dried, a light wall is laid out in half a brick.

  3. Installing metal guides for fixing decorative panels.
  4. On the foundation piles, metal guides are fixed with bolts or by welding, on which they are then hung decorative panels, siding or corrugated board. The panels are also fixed with special fasteners or tile adhesive, depending on the design and material of the panels. At the corners, elements and droppers covering the joints of the panels are installed.

    With any type of insulation don't forget the ventilation holes, which will prevent the accumulation of moisture inside the foundation space. Holes are recommended to be located on opposite sides of the base.


Extruded polystyrene foam, due to its heat-insulating and noise-absorbing characteristics, is most preferable for insulating various foundations, especially pile foundations. And the small thickness of the sheet (3 cm) allows you to save the internal space of the basement.

Insulation of the pile foundation with polystyrene foam is carried out as follows:

  • On the surface of the basement wall, if it is a brick wall or concrete, all cracks are eliminated. After that, the wall is treated with a primer to better fix the insulation sheets.
  • Styrofoam sheets are glued from the inside of the basement wall using adhesive foam or adhesive composition. When using glue-foam, expanded polystyrene is fixed for a while with special umbrellas to prevent deformation of the sheet when the foam swells.
  • The joints of the sheets are carefully foamed to eliminate the "bridges" of cold.
  • For better insulation foundation sheets are glued in two layers.
  • To protect the polystyrene foam sheets from mice and rats, a special metal mesh is installed on them.
  • In order to finally eliminate the possibility of blowing through the space under the house, it is advisable to add a little expanded clay or soil to the inside of the insulated basement.


Floor insulation on a pile foundation directly under the house inside the basement space produced in several stages:

  • vapor barrier material is fixed on the floor from the outside of the house over the entire area;
  • a heater is installed on the vapor barrier, for example, polystyrene foam;
  • the insulation is covered with sheathing from the boards.

Such a floor can be used both as a finished basement ceiling, and the only option for insulating pile- screw foundation if other methods cannot be used.

Thus, by carefully insulating the pile-grillage foundation, you will finally eliminate the problem of cold floors and significantly save on heating. And the correct observance of the stages of work and careful installation of insulation will help significantly increase the reliability and durability of your home.

It is the ability to provide a reliable and durable support for construction in the most problematic and difficult conditions.

Thanks to the pile system, the foundation is not based on unstable surface layers, often waterlogged or subject to periodic inflows of soil water, but on dense layers of deep occurrence.

Achieved high mechanical strength of the support, independence from the level of groundwater.

The disadvantage of structures of this type is the impossibility of insulating the underground part of the base, in particular, piles.

This creates favorable conditions for the formation of condensate in external areas, which contributes to the destruction and corrosion of materials.

Consider the available solutions to this problem.

Warming building structures produced for the sole purpose of stopping the formation of condensate. The opinion that exists among most people that houses are insulated in order to reduce heat loss is erroneous.

The main problem is the wetting of walls, ceilings, rotting of wooden parts, corrosion of metal elements. The process does not bypass concrete either - it is saturated with water, resulting in the formation of fungus or mold.

Sooner or later, moisture freezes and, expanding, "explodes" concrete structures from the inside, which is dangerous for the condition of the entire building.

Therefore, it is pointless to talk about the benefits or expediency of insulation - this is an absolutely necessary procedure that allows you to normalize the microclimate inside the premises, exclude the destruction of materials, and extend the life of the building.

However, there are often situations when, instead of insulation, it is necessary to install a cut-off that stops the contact of the foundation with warm internal air.

Therefore, before making a decision on the installation of a heat insulator, one should carefully analyze the physical essence of the current processes and determine how effective it is in this case insulation, or other actions are required.

Warming methods

In total, there are two methods of insulation:


The essence of the method lies in the installation of a false base, which blocks the possibility of penetration of outside air into the gap between the soil and the grillage.

There are two options:

  • The basement itself is qualitatively insulated, the internal atmosphere and the underground space of the house communicate, as a result of which a sufficiently high temperature is kept in the latter. This method is suitable for owners of houses on metal (screw) piles and in the presence of a technical underground with the introduction of communications. There is a possibility of periodic maintenance of the metal parts of the foundation, fittings for the input of communications, the danger of freezing of pipelines disappears.
  • Continuous backfilling of the subfloor space with a heat insulator is carried out. Expanded clay is usually used, which does not rot and is not amenable to external influences. The only problem with the material is that when wet, it dries for a very long time, so it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing of the basement. This option is good for reinforced concrete (driven or bored) bases that do not need regular maintenance. Solid backfill allows you to get big savings on heating and eliminates the wetting of the floor of the first floor.

Floors (floors)

Floor insulation is performed in cases where there is no need to increase the temperature of the subfloor. There are no open pipelines with water, heating lines and other components that are demanding on the operating temperature.

In such cases, the installation of a false plinth is carried out only for decorative purposes and as a barrier to precipitation and snow. A sealed cut-off from the internal air is created, between it and the subfloor they form a gap filled with a heat insulator.

As an option, a layer of insulation is laid, after which a screed with a warm floor system is poured. As a result, effective heat saving of the ceiling and the complete absence of condensate in the subfield are ensured.

If necessary, it remains possible to periodically penetrate into it and maintain metal parts (apply an anti-corrosion coating).

All common materials can be used as heat insulators, but, given the specifics, the use of moisture-permeable types (mineral wool, ecowool, etc.) should be abandoned.

The best choice would be:

  • Styrofoam. The correct name of the material is granulated polystyrene foam. He is the leader among heat insulators because of the lowest price. It is a lightweight material produced in the form of slabs of various thicknesses. Practically does not interact with water, does not rot, perfectly retains heat, is easily cut and processed. Styrofoam pellets contain carbon dioxide, so it does not support combustion.
  • Penoplex. This material is called extruded polystyrene foam. It is the closest relative of polystyrene, but is made using a different technology and is a solid array of hardened foam, rather than glued individual granules. In all respects, it is somewhat superior to polystyrene, but has a higher price, so the demand for it is slightly lower.
  • Liquid polyurethane foam. A material that allows you to insulate complex, curved and highly fragmented surfaces. It is applied by spraying, which requires special equipment. The result is a sealed layer of insulation, absolutely resistant to water or biological manifestations, little responsive to temperature changes. The only limiting factor is the relatively high price and the need to use special equipment.


There are many more materials that can be used for thermal insulation, but only the samples considered have received the greatest popularity. Mineral wool, as a hygroscopic heat insulator, is not taken into account.

DIY insulation technology

To insulate a pile foundation, it is necessary to perform a number of procedures that should be considered separately:

Basement construction

Usually a fake base (or, as it is commonly called, a pickup) is a strip of sheet materials installed on a crate of bars.

This option is not suitable for high-quality insulation, since it is necessary to provide not only a supporting structure for the heat insulator, but also to form a strong and reliable cut-off for water.

Therefore, it is necessary first of all to build a brick base and a high-quality blind area, equipped with a thermal break strip.

This approach will completely eliminate the wetting of the soil in the area of ​​the pile field and will create conditions for the full functioning of the heat insulator.

Insulation with decorative panels

Decorative panels are sheets of basement siding glued to sheets of heat insulator (most often, foam plastic). The installation of such panels allows you to combine decorative trim and insulation in one procedure, which significantly saves time.

At the same time, the cost of purchasing panels significantly exceeds the cost of purchasing conventional heat insulators, and the quality of insulation is not the best. The option can be used in regions with relatively mild winters.


The foam is installed from the inside of the base. Sheets are fastened to an adhesive solution for tiles; additionally, dowels with wide plastic washers are used.

Installation is carried out as tightly as possible, without cracks or gaps. All found gaps are immediately filled with mounting foam. The effectiveness of insulation depends on the thickness of the foam.

In practice, 50 mm is considered the most successful plate size, but thicker sheets can be used in regions with frosty winters.


Installing foam plastic is practically no different from the foam installation technique. The same materials and methods are used, the thickness of the foam is chosen, guided by the same considerations..

The efficiency of the material is somewhat higher, but the main advantage is strength.

Penoplex does not crumble, as is typical of polystyrene. Installation of a heat insulator in difficult conditions is faster and with less loss.

Liquid polyurethane foam

The application of this material from the outside is carried out using special equipment. At the same time, it is possible to create a completely sealed layer of any thickness.

There are no gaps or gaps in this case, the formed layer is absolutely tight.

The material is convenient for warming uneven surfaces with a lot of protruding elements. Due to the high price, it has not yet become widespread, but users who have used this type of insulator highly appreciate its working qualities.

How to insulate the floor

Floor insulation is done in several ways:

  • Creation of a filling layer of insulation between the lower flooring and the subfloor.
  • Continuous backfilling of the underground with the arrangement of the floor on the ground.
  • Construction of flooring with insulation and pouring the underfloor heating system.

The choice of the optimal option is made based on the existing conditions, configuration and availability of communications in the subfield. The most common options include creating a layer of insulation between the lower and rough flooring and pouring the underfloor heating system.

The procedure for both options starts the same way.:

  • Lags are installed. They must ensure the immobility and strength of the floor, ideally they rest on the surface of the piles.
  • Planks are attached to the lower edges of the lag, which will serve as the sides for laying the floorboards.
  • Boardwalk in progress. Edged boards are used, laid in the transverse direction between the lags.
  • A heat insulator is laid on top of the boards. You can use foam, foam. With sufficient thickness, expanded clay is used, but for effective service, a layer of at least 30 cm is required, which is not always possible.
  • Laying down a layer of waterproofing.

After that, either the subfloor materials are laid and the finish coat is laid, or the underfloor heating pipes are laid, all connections are made, the performance is checked, and then the screed layer is poured (about 10 cm).

This option is gaining more and more supporters, as it allows you to economically and efficiently heat the room.

Thermal insulation near a wooden house

Depending on the height of the piles (and the base), three options for insulation are used:

  • External insulation of the basement, made around the entire perimeter.
  • Internal floor insulation.
  • Full insulation, made both on the base and on the ceiling.

Wooden houses have higher heat-saving properties, therefore, to name unambiguously the most effective option impossible. It is necessary to proceed from the climate conditions, the amount of snow cover, structural features and other factors.

However, judging by user reviews, the majority prefer to insulate the ceiling, and the basement is only decorated in a decorative way and provides a cut-off from water.

Technology of thermal insulation of pile-screw foundation

To insulate a pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to proceed from the following requirements:

  • It is necessary to ensure a high-quality cut-off from moisture ingress under the house.
  • For periodic maintenance of piles and grillage, it is necessary to create the possibility of access to the underground.
  • High-quality thermal insulation should be provided.

Pile-screw foundations usually have a wooden grillage, less often a metal grillage. Most in a simple way insulation is the installation of the crate along the pick-up line (false base), the installation of foam boards attached directly to it and the installation of the outer layer of flat asbestos-cement slabs.


Alternatively, moisture-resistant drywall can be used. This technology allows you to get a warm false base without unnecessary costs and expenses, provide a relatively warm and dry space under the house, which will allow you to check the condition of the foundation and, if necessary, tint metal elements.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to properly insulate the pile foundation:


Warming of the elements of the pile foundation is carried out based on the design features, material and other properties of the base. In each specific case, it is necessary to consider the situation from the point of view of physical processes occurring in the nodes of the foundation and on its external elements.

Often, it is more correct to limit the insulation to a cut-off of the ground floor (zero level) in order to reduce heat loss inside the house and at the same time provide ventilation and free access to the supporting structure.

In other cases, other measures are needed to get the maximum effect. But in any situation, first of all, you should find out whether there is an urgent need to install a heat insulator, whether this action will have positive results.

Otherwise, instead of a favorable effect, only a waste of time and materials will be produced.

In contact with

In modern construction, there are many types of foundations. Each of them has its own characteristics and main functions. But the most versatile foundation, suitable for almost any climatic conditions is considered a pile-screw type. This foundation is a metal, pile-beam structure. It protects the structure from groundwater, soil deformation and transfers the load to dense layers of soil.

Why insulate a pile foundation

In areas with problematic soil, where there are areas with floating layers of soil, the best solution for building a house would be a pile-screw foundation. It will provide reliability in places with high level groundwater, in contrast to tape monolithic or prefabricated foundations.

The pile-beam structure and dynamic loads are not terrible. It is very durable and resistant to the process of heaving of the soil. Also, he is not afraid of the destructive impact of groundwater, since the screw piles are made of anti-corrosion steel.

Another advantage of this type of foundation is the relatively low cost, as well as the speed and ease of construction. The installation of one pile foundation by a team of experienced specialists will take only one working day.

But, despite a number of positive qualities, the pile-screw foundation has a number of negative features. A house built on piles does not have a basement, and also has poor thermal insulation parameters.

Between the floor and the ground there is a space that is easily blown. It is because of what the precious heat leaves the house very quickly. This is especially noticeable with the onset of cold weather. Radiators don't do their job because the warm air always goes up and the floors stay cold.

To solve this problem, you need to think about it at the stage of designing a house - thermal insulation. The pile-screw foundation is insulated at the stage of working with the grillage in order to completely isolate it from external air flows. Finished houses you can also insulate, but it will not be as effective as thermal insulation at the construction stage.

Also, for high-quality and effective insulation of the pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to install a false base. It must prevent wind and precipitation from entering the free space between the soil and the house.

Foundation insulation materials

When insulating a pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to pay attention to the false base and grillage. These elements are in contact with the surface of the house and, when frozen, can transfer low temperatures to it. The screw piles themselves, immersed in the ground, do not need to be insulated.

When insulating a false base, it is necessary to choose a material that is not afraid of water and retains its thermal insulation properties even when wet. After all, a large amount of moisture comes from the ground, which means that the insulation will be in a very humid environment. Also, it must be resistant to various salts and minerals that are found in the soil. It is better to use high-density sheet materials or a liquid heat-insulating mixture when insulating a pile-screw foundation.

The most popular materials for insulating a pile-screw foundation are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • liquid penoizol;
  • foam glass blocks;
  • extruded polystyrene foam or foam.

Penoplex and polystyrene have the same thermal conductivity, and also do not let vapor through. Penoizol also has a similar thermal conductivity, but allows moisture to pass through. mineral wool and basalt insulation is better not to use, as they are not very convenient during installation.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a pile-screw foundation

The insulation of the foundation should be started only after the waterproofing of the grillage of the house has been carried out. Waterproofing membranes are perfect for this. The most budget option may be roofing material or similar bitumen-based materials.

Attention! It is necessary to cover with waterproofing not only the upper surface of the grillage, on which the walls of the house will be erected, but also all its other parts, together with the pile heads.

For hand-made erection and insulation of a false base, the following tools are needed:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • trowel, spatula, hammer, tape measure, knife;
  • low speed drill or screwdriver;
  • concrete mixer.

The false base of the pile-screw foundation does not bear any load, since its main task is to isolate the free space under the house from external factors.
The first option is to build brick wall under the grillage. Its thickness should be half a brick. The second option is to close the free space with decorative panels that are mounted on the grillage.

Creating a brick base

This option is more labor-intensive, but the efforts made will not be in vain. Since the brick plinth is as reliable as possible and has greater durability, while the decorative alternative is easily damaged.

Before erecting and insulating the basement, it is necessary to dig a trench around the house under the grillage. The depth of the trench should be 20-30 centimeters, and the width should be slightly larger than the brick.

The trench should be filled with concrete mix and allowed to harden. This will be a kind of foundation on which the brick base will be laid. Due to the shallow depth of concrete, reinforcement with a reinforcement diameter of 10-12 mm should be used.

After the concrete has completely set and hardened, you can begin to build the walls of the brick basement. It should be laid in small sections 1-2 meters long. This is necessary in order to simplify the insulation on the surface of the basement.

To fix the material chosen for insulation, you will need specialized adhesive compositions that should not contain organic solvents.

Advice! A good option for fixing the material on the surface of the base is Ceresit CT83 glue.

After insulating the basement, you need to close the brick wall with a decorative plug. The choice of materials is huge, suitable for the preferences of everyone. You can also use plaster.

Creating a plinth with decorative panels

A much simpler way to erect and insulate a false basement, in contrast to the construction of a brick partition, is the installation of decorative panels. If you approach this issue seriously and competently, then this method will provide durable and reliable insulation of the pile-screw foundation.

To begin with, you need to make a choice load-bearing structure, on which the decorative panel of the false base and the material chosen for insulation will be installed.

Advice! A good option when building a false base would be a frame made of a metal profile welded to the screw piles of the foundation.

The distance between the guide profiles depends on the height of the free space between the floor of the house and the ground. Usually two or three longitudinal profile frames are enough.

A wooden beam will also cope well with the task of the frame, only it must be treated with an antiseptic or mastic in advance. The main thing is to protect the tree from decay and insects.

Next, the cavities of the frame are filled with insulation. Styrofoam, foam plastic or any other insulation. Do not forget about the thickness of the plates, if foam is used for insulation. If it goes beyond the grillage, then this will greatly complicate the installation of decorative panels.

After installing the heat-insulating material, a decorative pick-up should be installed on the grillage of the building using an adhesive mixture. The size of the decorative panels is also an important aspect. To ensure reliable fixation, it is necessary that the lower part goes into the ground to a depth of about 5 centimeters, and the upper part fits snugly against the grillage. In the place where the lower part of the panel is in contact with the ground, you need to dig a small ditch 10-15 centimeters deep and fill it with expanded clay.

Expanded clay filler has low thermal conductivity, which will exclude the possibility of freezing of the structure at low temperatures. Therefore, it will also help to reduce the heat loss of the floor of the building.

The choice of this false base option for a pile-screw foundation with vapor barrier materials (foam foam) implies the presence of natural ventilation. It is needed so that moisture does not accumulate in the internal space. Because of it, condensate will settle on the inside of the floor of the house, which can adversely affect the wooden structure. In order to allow air to circulate freely, special ventilation holes must be made. With the onset of cold weather, the openings should be closed with a plug or any heat-insulating material.

The foundation and basement of the house play an important role in the thermal insulation and waterproofing of housing. In order for your house to be cozy, there was no cold floor and drafts in it, it is necessary to perform a whole range of works on warming the foundation on screw piles and.

This article will present the technology of thermal insulation of a pile foundation - the arrangement of a basement fence - an element that closes the free space between the house and the soil.

1 Why insulate a pile-screw foundation?

The pile foundation is the optimal type of foundation for building houses in areas with problematic soil. In places where soils are prone to seasonal movements, and the groundwater level is quite high, neither ribbon nor slab foundation cannot guarantee the reliability required from the foundation.

The pile foundation, unlike other types of foundation, is not afraid of dynamic loads even without, which it experiences during the heaving of the soil, and since the screw piles are made of corrosion-resistant steel, ground water also do not have a destructive effect on the piles.

Moreover, a pile foundation is a relatively inexpensive and prefabricated structure, which can be installed by specialists within one working day.

However, in addition to many obvious advantages, the foundation on screw piles has a design feature that negatively affects the thermal insulation characteristics of the house being built.

We are talking about the free space between the soil and the floor of the house, which is formed as a result of raising the grillage above the ground. In the cold season, cold air constantly circulates in the empty space, which cools the floor very much, which contributes to significant heat loss at home.

We solve this issue, however, to achieve the maximum effect, the insulation of the screw foundation must be carried out even at the stage of building a house, since an important part of the thermal insulation of the foundation is work with a grillage, which, upon completion of the construction of the house, cannot be fully insulated.

An obligatory stage of complex insulation is the arrangement of a false basement in - a fence that protects the free space under the house from the penetration of wind and precipitation.

The do-it-yourself thermal insulation technology described in this article allows you to get a warm, comfortable house for living even at extremely low temperatures with an optimal microclimate, in which thermal energy for heating is used as rationally as possible.

1.1 What thermal insulation materials are best to use?

The screw piles themselves, which are immersed in the ground metal structures, no need to insulate. Thermal insulation is required only for the false base and grillage - elements that come into contact with the inner surface of the floor of the house, which can freeze through and transfer low temperatures to it.

For warming the above elements with your own hands the best option are board materials made of polystyrene:

  • extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex);
  • ordinary foam.

Such materials are quite effective, and, not least, it is convenient to work with them.

It is recommended to make foam insulation - this material does not have low thermal conductivity (0.029 W / mk, for comparison, for foam plastic 0.038 W / mk), it is durable, has good strength characteristics and is not afraid of precipitation.

2 Technology of insulation of pile-screw foundation

All work on the insulation of the foundation begins after the grillage of the house is covered with waterproofing material. As a protection against moisture, special membrane films are used, or, if the budget is limited, an ordinary roofing material.

Waterproofing covers both the upper part of the grillage, on which the walls of the building will be placed, as well as the lower and side parts, and the pile heads adjacent to the grillage.

To create an insulated false base with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Welding machine;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Screwdriver as on ;
  • Hammer, trowel, spatula, tape measure, clerical knife.

There are two options for arranging an insulated false basement: the first is the creation of a thin brick wall under the grillage of the house, the thickness of which is half a brick, the second is the use of already decorative panels that are installed on the grillage.

2.1 Creating an insulated brick base

The first option is more time-consuming, however, the result will be as reliable and durable as possible, while decorative panels are quite easy to damage.

To equip a brick basement under the grillage of the house around the entire perimeter of the building, it is necessary to dig a trench 20-25 centimeters deep, and a few centimeters wider than the size of the brick used.

The trench is poured with concrete, which, after hardening, will serve as the foundation for the brick plinth being created. Given that the depth of concrete is minimal, it is necessary to reinforce the base with reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm.

After the time required for the concrete to completely harden, we begin to build a brick base. The wall must be laid in sections of 1-2 meters, so that foam panels can be conveniently installed on the inner surface of the basement.

2.2 Creating a plinth from decorative panels

Installing a false-panel base is much easier than building a brick wall. At right approach to its arrangement, such a technology for warming a pile-screw foundation will be durable and reliable.

First of all, you need to take care of the supporting structure to which the plinth panels will be attached. To do this, along the perimeter of the house, it is necessary to weld a guide frame made of a metal profile to the piles.

The step of the guides is determined based on the height to which the house is raised above the ground, as a rule, 2-3 longitudinal profiles are enough. You can also use it as a frame wooden beam, however, it must first be impregnated with an antiseptic, which prevents the wood from rotting.

Insulation plates (extruded polystyrene foam or foam plastic) are attached to the supporting frame. It is necessary to choose the thickness of the plates so that they do not protrude beyond the grillage, since a decorative panel will be attached to it.

Further, a decorative pick-up is installed on the grillage of the house with the help of an adhesive composition. It is important to choose the size of the panel so that its upper part, with which the panel is glued to the grillage, ensures reliable fixation of the structure, and the lower part enters the soil by 4-5 centimeters (you must first dig a small groove).

From the place where the pick-up and insulation are in contact with the soil, it is necessary to remove the soil to a depth of 10 centimeters, and add expanded clay sand.

Expanded clay has low thermal conductivity, and will not allow the structure to freeze in the cold season, as a result of which the heat exchange of the floor and the pile-screw foundation will be minimal.

The technology for arranging an insulated false base of a pile-screw foundation requires natural ventilation, which is necessary to prevent excessive dampness of the air under the house, moisture from which will condense on the inner surface of the floor, which can lead to decay of the wooden structure.

To ensure air circulation, it is necessary to create ventilation holes. On each side of the house, one outlet is enough. In the cold season, the vents are closed with heat-insulating material, or they are shut up with an ordinary rag.

2.3 Technology for arranging an insulated basement on screw piles (video)

Any owner of the site, when starting to build his own house, tries to minimize general estimate expenses. Fortunately, the abundance of modern technological developments allows you to choose the least expensive approaches to construction, of course, without losing the performance of the future building.

One of the most material-intensive, expensive, time-consuming stages of construction was usually considered the construction of the foundation of a house. However, for many types of residential and utility buildings, pouring a tape or monolithic slab base is not required at all. It is enough to confine ourselves to installing piles, which are tied on top with a grillage - it will become a reliable basis for raising the walls. This approach is good for everyone, but only the house very often, especially with strong uneven terrain, turns out to be “floating in the air”, that is, the space blown by all the winds remains below the floors of the first floor. It's okay - you need to competently carry out, and the building, even outwardly, will not differ in any way from those buildings that are installed on a "classic" concrete base.

A few words about the pile-screw foundation

The pile-screw foundation has a number of significant advantages.

  • First of all, it becomes the most profitable solution if the house is being built on unstable, swampy soils that are prone to heaving in winter. The lower helical part of the pile reaches depths below the freezing level, stable soil layers, and seasonal surface fluctuations do not have any negative impact on the erected house.
  • Such a foundation is the most economical and easy to build when building houses on sites with rugged terrain - to achieve horizontality bottom strapping with this approach - the easiest way.
  • The construction of a pile-screw foundation less than others depends on the season and weather - construction can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • In terms of construction time, such a foundation is also unparalleled.
  • The technology of its arrangement is quite simple, and under certain conditions it can be implemented on its own.
  • In terms of costs, the construction of a pile foundation is the most economical.