Test on the topic of family economics. Test "Family budget: do you dispose of it correctly

  • 01.12.2019

Option number 1

1. The home economy is ...

A) the science of everyday economic life of the family, aimed at

meeting the needs of its members, reproduction of its resources, production of goods and services;

B) the ability to deal with your needs, choose the best, effective remedies their satisfaction, it is reasonable to organize family work, calculate the expenditure of money and time;

IN) financial relations inside a family with external cost-accounting links.

Business is ...

3. For the purpose of purchase, things can be divided into:

A) urgent; D) necessary;

B) quality; E) obligatory;

C) prestigious; E) desirable.

4. The difference between the amount of money from the sale of goods and services and the cost of their production is ...

5. Define the hierarchy of human needs in ascending order.

A) the need for security;

B) the need for respect;

C) the need for self-realization;

D) physiological need

D) social need.

Family budget is ...

A) money or material valuesreceived from the enterprise individual

or any kind of activity;

B) a magazine that takes into account family income, property, values \u200b\u200band expenses for

satisfaction of needs;

If the income exceeds the expense, the budget is called _____________________.

8. Mandatory payments include:

A) payment of housing services;

B) income tax;

C) payment of tourist trips;

D) payment for kindergarten;

D) payment of cultural events.

9. Inflation is ...

10. Solve the problem:

During employment, the bus driver was promised to pay a salary of 12,800 rubles. How much money will he get on hand?

B) 11264 - 00;

B) 11136 - 00.

11. Determine the sequence of the purchase:

A) collection of product information;

B) compiling a list necessary goods;

C) the time of purchase;

D) choosing a store in accordance with the list of goods;

D) evaluation of goods and services.

12. Determine the authenticity of the goods by barcode 9 785 805302023

A) the goods were produced legally;

The final test on the topic "Family Economics"

Option number 2

1. the main objective home economics:

A) the accumulation of knowledge about the household;

B) meeting the needs of the family;

C) making a profit.

2. The family performs the following functions:

A) reproductive; D) sports;

B) economic; D) recreational;

B) educational; E) communicative.

3. Business activities - this is…

4. The conscious need to have something material or spiritual is _____

5. Align



1. Physiological

A) clothes

2. need for security

B) friendship

3. Social needs

C) sports achievements

4. The need for respect

D) respect of people

5. need for self-realization

D) protection from criminals

Income is ...

A) costs, the consumption of something for certain purposes;

B) money, material assets received from the enterprise, individual or

any activity;

C) the structure of all income and expenses for a certain period of time;

If expenses exceed revenues, then the budget is called _____________

A balanced budget is

A) income is more than expenses;

B) expenses are more than income;

C) income equal to expenses.

9. Credit is .......

10. A university student was promised to pay a scholarship of 1400-00 rubles.

How much will he get on hand?

11. Align:

Daily regime

% food intake


3. Snack

12. Determine the authenticity of the goods by barcode 9 7700 37 40 2009

A) the goods were produced legally;

B) the goods were produced illegally.

The final test on the topic "Family Economics"

Option 1

2. Business is a system of business relations with the goal of making a profit and meeting the needs of participants in transactions.

3. A, B, D, E

4. Profit.

5. G-A-D-B-V

Surplus (surplus)

9. Depreciation of money, expressed in rising prices for goods and services.

11. B-H-A-V-D;

Option 2

2. A, B, C, D, E

3. - initiative activities of a person who, owning wholly or partially any material or cultural values, uses them to produce goods and services under his property responsibility.

4. need;

5.1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C.

7. scarce;

9. - lending goods or services;

The material contains test items on the topic "Man and Economics"

Test 14. Economics and its main participants

Test 15. Golden hands of a worker

Test 16. Production: costs, revenue, profit

Test 17. Types and forms of business.

Test 19. Money and their functions.

Test 20. Family Economics.

Test 21. Generalization of the theme "Economics".

The presented control and measuring materials for the 7th grade are written for the textbook “Social Studies. Grade 7: a textbook for educational institutions ”/ L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova and others; under the editorship of L.N. Bogolyubova, L.F. Ivanova (M .: Education).

Thematic KIMs are compiled for each paragraph of the topic and contain tasks of the basic and high level difficulties. They are located on the principle of increasing from basic in part A to complicated in part B and complex, requiring a detailed answer in part C.

The execution of test thematic tasks is given 7-15 minutes.

40-45 minutes are allotted for completing tasks to a generalizing lesson.

The feasibility of carrying out such test works is caused by the need to prepare students for the passing of the State Examination and the Unified State Examination.

Depending on the form of the assignment, a different rating system is used. All correctly completed tasks of Part A are rated at 1 point.

Tasks of level B with the choice of several answer options are estimated at 1-2 points: 2 for the correct answer, 1 point in the presence of one error.

For answers to tasks of level C, a separate mark can be set on a five-point system.

80% of maximum amount points - rating "5"

60-80% - rating "4"

40-60% "3" rating

0-40% - rating "2"

To prepare the material used the work:

Control and measuring materials. Social Studies: Grade 7 / comp. A.V. Pozdeev.-M .: VAKO, 2011./

Test 20. Family Economics

Option 1

A1. What family resources does it belong to? wage parents?

1) to material 2) to labor 3) to financial 4) to information

A2. Grandma's pension is for the family:

1) energy resource 2) property 3) fixed income

4) variable income

A3. Are the judgments about the family budget true:

A) the family budget does not include pocket money;

B) is the family budget always calculated for one year?

A4. Are income judgments correct:

A) family incomes are divided into fixed and variable;

B) are family incomes divided into mandatory and variable?

1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both are true 4) both are wrong

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the given concepts and their definitions.

For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column

1) budget A) the remuneration that the bank pays to persons temporarily

Providing at his disposal cash

2) percent B) estimates of expenses and income
3) optimization C) the selection process best option of possible

Answer: 1____ 2_____ 3_______

C 1. What are the resources of the family. Briefly describe three of them.

Option 2

A1. What family resources include the time and energy of household members needed

To do the homework?

1) to material 2) to labor 3) to energy 4) to information

A2. A person living on a percentage of capital:

1) rentier 2) entrepreneur 3) consumer 4) farmer

A3. Are the judgments about family resources true:

A) family resources are limited;

B) only adult members contribute to family resources?

1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both are true 4) both are wrong

A4. Are the budget judgments correct:

A) development state budget engaged the entire population of the country;

B) budgeting allows you to plan family expenses?

1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both are true 4) both are wrong

IN 1. Which of the following applies to information resources families?

1) room cleaning

2) the ability to cook breakfast

3) knowledge of the signature salad recipe

4) advice on the repair of household appliances

5) the cost of repairing an apartment

6) keeping a cookbook


C 1. C 1. What are the resources of the family. Briefly describe three of them.

The keys

Option 1 Option 2

A 1. 3 a 1. 2

A 2. 3 a 2. 1

A 3.4 a 3. 1

A 4. 1 a 4. 2

V 1. 1B 2A 3V V 1. 2 3 4 6

T. D. Shipilova, MBOU "Povalikhinskaya Secondary School", Pervomaisky district, Altai Territory

Are you planning your family budget efficiently? Do you have any disputes about this? This test will help you find answers to many questions.

Both spouses must pass the test.

Just select the answer that is most suitable for you.

1. Who in your family used to make financial decisions?

c) both father and mother;

d) others.

2. Did your parents have:

a) total money for all expenses;

b) both individual and total money;

c) another section of money.

3. In your childhood, did your mother work outside the home?

c) sometimes yes.

4. How would you rate your ability to cope with financial problems?

a) excellent;

b) good;

c) medium;

5. If you suddenly received 50 thousand rubles, then:

a) would spend everything on running expenses;

b) would postpone everything;

c) pay all debts and bills;

d) part would be spent, and part - postponed.

6. How would you describe your attitude to money?

a) they are always in short supply;

b) usually they are enough, but I barely make ends meet;

c) I spend very economically, thinking about what else I can buy.

7. How do you think should be addressed financial questions married?

a) the spouses should have a common budget, but one of them should regulate these issues;

b) the spouses must have a common budget, and they must jointly decide on expenses;

c) the spouses must keep the money separately, but for general expenses There should be a general cashier.

8. You feel good spending money on:

a) oneself (clothing, entertainment, travel);

b) friends (gifts);

c) other family members;

d) other matters.

9. Do you think that a wife (husband) should work in a specialty?

a) of course, yes;

c) yes, provided that the children no longer require full care and guardianship, or in connection with the financial situation in the family.

For each answer that matches the answer of the spouse, you get 10 points. For each answer that does not match, but is very similar - 5 points. For completely different answers - 0 points.


80-100 points. You can perfectly decide financial difficulties by yourself. Each of you does an excellent job with these questions.

60-80 points. Your small abilities in solving financial problems can become a source of certain difficulties, but everything is fixable. 40-60 points. Big financial problems are gradually building up between you. This has become a huge barrier that may prove insurmountable.

Less than 40 points. You are strictly forbidden to make any even the slightest expenses without consulting a person competent in this field. Financial position your family is on the verge of collapse.

Option number 1

    Home Economy - this is…

A) the science of everyday economic life of the family, aimed at

meeting the needs of its members, reproduction of its resources, production of goods and services;

B) the ability to deal with their needs, choose the optimal, effective means of satisfying them, organize family work wisely, calculate the expenditure of money and time;

C) financial relations within the family with external cost-accounting links.

    Business - this is…

    For the purpose of purchase, things can be divided into:

A) urgent; D) necessary;

B) quality; E) obligatory;

C) prestigious; E) desirable.

    Difference between the amount of money from the sale of goods and services and the cost of their production is ...

    Define the hierarchy of human needs in ascending order.

A) the need for security;

B) the need for respect;

C) the need for self-realization;

D) physiological need

D) social need.

    Family Budget - this is…

A) money or material assets received from the enterprise, individual

or any kind of activity;

B) a magazine that takes into account family income, property, values \u200b\u200band expenses for

satisfaction of needs;

    If the income exceeds the expense, the budget is called _____________________.

8. Mandatory payments include:

A) payment of housing services;

B) income tax;

C) payment of tourist trips;

D) payment for kindergarten;

D) payment of cultural events.

nine . Inflation - this is…

10. Solve the problem:

During employment, the bus driver was promised to pay a salary of 12,800 rubles. How much money will he get on hand?

B) 11264 - 00;

B) 11136 - 00.

11. Determine the sequence of the purchase:

A) collection of product information;

B) compiling a list of necessary goods;

C) the time of purchase;

D) choosing a store in accordance with the list of goods;

D) evaluation of goods and services.

12. Determine the authenticity of the goods by barcode 9 785 805302023

A) the goods were produced legally;

The final test on the topic "Family Economics"

Option number 2

    The main goal of the home economy:

A) the accumulation of knowledge about the household;

B) meeting the needs of the family;

C) making a profit.

    The family performs the following functions:

A) reproductive; D) sports;

B) economic; D) recreational;

B) educational; E) communicative.

3. Entrepreneurial activity - uhthen ...

4. The conscious need to have something material or spiritual - this is_____

5. Align



1. Physiological

A) clothes

2. need for security

B) friendship

3. Social needs

C) sports achievements

4. The need for respect

D) respect of people

5. need for self-realization

D) protection from criminals

    Income is ...

A) costs, the consumption of something for certain purposes;

B) money, material assets received from the enterprise, individual or

any activity;

C) the structure of all income and expenses for a certain period of time;

    If expenses exceed revenues, then the budget is called _____________

    A balanced budget is

A) income is more than expenses;

B) expenses are more than income;

C) income equal to expenses.

9. Credit is ...

10. A university student was promised to pay a scholarship of 1400-00 rubles.

How much will he get on hand?

11. Align:

Daily regime

% food intake


3. Snack

12. Determine the authenticity of the goods by barcode 9 7700 37 40 2009

A) the goods were produced legally;

B) the goods were produced illegally.

The final test on the topic "Family Economics"


Option 1

2. Business - This is a system of business relations with the aim of making a profit and meeting the needs of participants in transactions.

3. A, B, D, E

4. Profit.

5. G-A-D-B-V

    Surplus (surplus)

    Depreciation of money, expressed in rising prices for goods and services.

Option 2

    A, B, C, D, E

    The initiative activity of a person who, owning wholly or partially any material or cultural values, uses them to produce goods and services under his property responsibility.


    1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C.

    in short supply;

    - lending goods or services;