Technology of formation and analysis of the quality of the bank's loan portfolio. Credit portfolio of a commercial bank What is MBK in a loan portfolio

  • 04.02.2021

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1.2. Credit portfolio content

2.2. The main financial and economic indicators of the Bank's activities

3.2. Management of the loan portfolio in OJSC UP-Bank


List of used literature



Credit activities are the main activity of the commercial bank. The level of the organization of the credit process is hardly the best indicator of all the work of the Bank and the quality of its management. It is credit operations that give the bank the opportunity to receive the largest amount of income subject to proper and rational credit policy. The quality of the credit activities of the Bank can be judged by a number of signs, among which the state of its loan portfolio is the most important.

The loan portfolio is the result of the Bank's activities, which includes a combination of all loans issued for a certain period of time. However, if this is not just a list of loans, and their combination, structured by certain criteria, essential for loans, the loan portfolio becomes the characteristic of the quality of loans issued and in general the entire credit activities of the Bank.

Banking activity is inextricably linked with various risks (credit, operational, market, etc.) arising in the process of interaction of the bank with an external environment. Credit risk, that is, the probability of no return issued by the Bank of loans, represents the greatest threat to the vital activity of credit institutions. Credit risk is primarily associated with the formation of a bank loan portfolio. That is why the loan portfolio management is basic in banking. The overwhelming number of bankruptcies of credit institutions (according to various estimates, about 80%) is due to the abnormal policy of the Bank in the formation and management of the loan portfolio.

The current state of credit portfolios of commercial banks of the Udmurt Republic should be considered as a result of the activity under the influence of a huge number of external and internal factors.

The issuance of loans for banks is not just a revenue operation, but one of the main sources of income generation, since at any level of economic development, even in the conditions of financial instability of enterprises, lending is not suspended. It all depends only on how one or another bank conducts its credit policy is effective if its loan portfolio is effective. The constant need to solve the risk-yield dilemma and the opportunity provided to solve this problem independently, led to the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis.

Object of study - OJSC Udmurt Pension Bank.

Research Subject is a bank loan portfolio.

The purpose of the study of the thesis is the development of the methodology for studying the Bank's loan portfolio and the development of recommendations for improving its management.

To realize the goal, the following range of tasks was determined:

- explore the theoretical foundations of the bank loan portfolio;

- determine the methods of analyzing and evaluating the bank loan portfolio;

- to analyze the loan portfolio of OJSC UP-Bank;

- determine the main directions for optimizing the bank's loan portfolio.

The theoretical and methodological problems of the loan portfolio management are discussed in the works of such authors as A.V. Borodina, E.V. Bouden, A.S. Coke, K.V. Kochmols, T. Koh, Mak Noton D., M.A. Pomorina, P. Rose, J. Skyli, M.N. Totsky, M. Higgins.

As a toolkit in the thesis, methods of analyzing the scientific and information base, the synthesis of the obtained data into theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations were applied.

The scientific and methodological basis of the thesis was legislative and regulatory acts regulating credit operations in a commercial bank, regulatory documents of the Commercial Bank under study.

Educational literature, articles of periodicals, Internet resources, as well as the financial statements of UP-Bank OJSC for 2008-2010 were used.

1. Theoretical foundations of the bank loan portfolio

1.1. The concept and value of the loan portfolio

Credit operations of commercial banks are one of the most important types of banking activities. This is the main operation that ensures the profitability and stability of the existence of banks. The active development of the lending market has a positive impact on the country's economy. Lending is at the same time the most profitable article of assets of credit institutions, and the most risky. In this regard, the issues of management of the loan portfolio are relevant.

The purpose of managing a loan portfolio is to achieve a certain optimal state (optimal loan portfolio). The loan portfolio is characterized by quality (risk) and profitability. The general pattern of their relationship is as follows: the higher the income, the higher the risk. A loan portfolio that implements the optimal combination of the ratio of risk levels and profitability is called the optimal loan portfolio. The optimal loan portfolio is the global goal of all the credit activities determining (subordinating himself) all other credit goals.

The formation of a loan portfolio is one of the fundamental points in the Bank's activities, allowing to more clearly develop tactics and a strategy for the development of a commercial bank, its possibility of lending to customers and the development of business activity in the market. The stability of the bank, its reputation, financial results depends on the structure and quality of the loan portfolio.

The concept of the loan portfolio remains debating, and in the domestic economic literature it is paid little attention to its definition. There are a number of approaches to the question of determining the concept and essence of the credit portfolio of the commercial bank. We present the basic interpretations of the credit portfolio of the commercial bank in the scientific literature (Table 1)

Table 1

Discussion Questions Credit Portfolio

Dollaan E. J.

The loan portfolio is a set of banking assets and liabilities.

Cissar I.F.

Credit portfolio is lists of prisoners, existing contracts for attracting and placeing resources.

Skyn J. F.

The loan portfolio is a set of financial assets.

Panova GS

Credit portfolio - loans provided by the Bank to its customers.

Tavasiev A.M.

The loan portfolio is the entire set of loans issued by the Bank for every moment.

Lavrushushin O.I.

The loan portfolio is the balance of credit debt on the balance sheet of a commercial bank for a specific date.

Kolesnikov V.I.

The loan portfolio is a set of obligations of borrowers on credit products to the Bank, which arose as a result of credit funds for bankruptcy accounts of borrowers, also includes the following non-balance sheet liabilities - guarantees / counseurs and uncovered letters of credit.

Maslenchenkov Yu.S.

The loan portfolio is a set of claims on loans, which are classified by criteria related to various credit risk factors or ways to protect against it.

Ermakov S.L.

The loan portfolio is a combination of the requirements of the Bank on loans, which are classified on the basis of criteria related to various credit risk factors.

Comparing the definitions of the loan portfolio, it can be concluded that some authors are very widely interpreted the loan portfolio, referring to it all financial assets and even the liabilities of the bank, others - associate the concept under consideration only with loan operations of the Bank, the third - emphasize that the loan portfolio is simple The combination of elements, and the classified aggregate.

Common for the presented definitions is the interpretation of concepts as some aggregate.

A qualitative assessment of the risk of a loan portfolio becomes particularly relevant in connection with the diversification by banks of its operations. In the process of analyzing the loan portfolio, banks are ranking loans, i.e. Use the systematic and objective classification method of the loan portfolio in accordance with the characteristics of quality and risk.

In addition to analyzing the loan portfolio, a loan portfolio is studying in a dynamics, i.e. A linear analysis of the main indicators (gross, net loan portfolio, a loan portfolio, weighted, taking into account the risk, the degree of credit risk, the amount of the created reserve for coverage of possible losses, etc.) over a number of years. Also, to concretize and study the effect of seasonal fluctuations in the real sector, data is used for quarterly dates of the study period, etc..

This approach allows you to present an analysis of the loan portfolio as a system that includes the following items:

- assessment of the quality of loans that make up the loan portfolio; determination of the structure of the portfolio based on the quality of loans and the assessment of this structure based on the study of its dynamics;

- determination of sufficient values \u200b\u200bof reserves for covering losses on loans based on the structure of the loan portfolio.

Since the analysis and management of the loan portfolio complements each other, then it is necessary to consider them as two parts of one whole in their close relationship. The analysis serves as the rationale for the received management decisions, under the influence of which the Bank's loan portfolio is established.

It is important to note that analysis and management are continuous processes. Therefore, the result of their interaction - a loan portfolio formed to a certain date, in turn, becomes the subject of analysis of the following time period. The relationship of two processes of different periods of time is schematically represented in ricewash 1.

time periods

To achieve their goals, the process of forming a loan portfolio must be managed. The Office is an active part and impact on the process, which implies the need to implement all managerial functions: planning, organization and control.

Consider all these functions. At the planning stage, the long-term and short-term goals of the loan portfolio and the standards of its formation are determined.

At the same time, as a goal, you can choose certain values \u200b\u200bof the following indicators:

- weighted average risk of a loan portfolio;

- the structure of the loan portfolio in the context of risk groups;

- the degree of diversification of the loan portfolio;

- degree of protection against credit risk;

- the value of the reserve is sufficient to cover the possiblep ray; The magnitude of the profitability of the loan portfolio as a whole, etc.

The achievement of these goals is possible only when the optimal indicators of individual loans are reached, such as the risk of a separate loan, the profitability of a separate loan, etc. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the consistent achievement of the objectives of individual stages of lending: the fulfillment of rules and procedures in assessing the creditworthiness of a loan, compliance with the rules for issuing loan agreements, conducting timely control over the payment of interest and repayment of the principal debt to the loan to the entire stages of the loan process.

1.3. Credit Portfolio Management Methods

The credit portfolio management is the organization of the Bank's activities in the implementation of the lending process, which is aimed at preventing or minimizing credit risk. The end targets of the credit institution in the management of the loan portfolio are, firstly, receiving profits from active operations, and secondly, maintaining reliable and secure activities of the Bank.

The organizational structure of the loan portfolio management is based on the principle of delimitation of competence, that is, a clear distribution of powers of managers of various granting of credit, changes in the terms of the credit transaction, depending on the size of the loan, the degree of risk and other characteristics.

The system of credit portfolio management measures, the development and conduct of a commercial bank's credit policy plays an important role.

Consider the main directions of the management of the profitability of credit operations of commercial banks, experts identify the following yield management methods (Figure 3).

Briefly describe the methods of the commercial bank yield control presented in the figure.

The "cost plus" method.The method takes into account the cost of funds raised and all bank costs associated with the issuance of a loan. A prerequisite for the application of such an approach to pricing on credit operations is the availability of an effective cost accounting system for each loan, as well as management information. The main disadvantage of this method allocate ignoring market factors, such as demand and supply, the state of the credit market, competition, etc.

The "Basic Station Plus" method.The essence of the method consists in determining the credit rate as the amount of the base rate and the credit spread. For the basic, you can take a bet of the offer of the interbank regional market; rate of the first-class borrower; rates of international markets (LIBOR, FIBOR. etc.), other bets that are generally accepted in specific markets.

Credit risk management methods are divided into two groups (Figure 4). A feature of these methods is the need for their consistent application, because They are the stages of the lending process. Consider the contents presented in Fig. Risk management methods in a commercial bank More.

Method of diversification . This methodit consists in the distribution of the loan portfolio among the wide range of borrowers, which differ from each other, both according to the characteristics (capital size, form of ownership) and under the conditions of activity (economic sector, geographical region).

It is sectoral, geographical and portfolio diversification. [8, c. 45]

2. Characteristics of OJSC "Udmurt Pension Bank"

2.1. The history of the creation and direction of the Bank's activities

The Udmurt Pension Bank was formed in April 1992 as an innovative commercial bank "Science". The Bank was created to finance the costs of research and development work, the preparation and development of new progressive technologies, types of products and other costs of introducing advanced scientific achievements, as well as operations related to the foreign economic and commercial activities of its clients.

On June 3, 1992, the Central Bank of the RSFSR was issued a permanent license, which gives the right to carry out operations provided for by the Bank's Charter.

On the basis of a license to make banking operations in foreign currency, an order of foreign currency was opened by the Order of the Bank's Chairman in the Bank.

February 15, 1994, at the General Meeting of the founders, it was decided to change the name of the bank. On May 24, 1994, the National Bank of the UR registered a change in the name of the bank. Now the bank was called the innovative social and commercial bank "Science" (limited liability partnership).

On August 25, 1994, a new license was issued to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to the banking operations, legally secured the new name of the bank. In addition to her, the Bank received a license to make banking operations in foreign currency, which gave the right to carry out credit and other operations in foreign currency in Russia.

On August 21, 1995, the innovative commercial bank "Science" was re-registered as a limited liability company Udmurt Pension Bank.

On August 19, 1997, the Udmurt Pension Bank (Open Joint-Stock Company) was registered in the decision of the General Assembly on reorganization by transformation to the Open Joint-Stock Company (Open Joint-Stock Company).

On December 30, 1997, a license was obtained a professional participant in the securities market for the implementation of brokerage and dealer activities for a term until December 31, 2000.

On March 15, 2000, the Bank received an expanded license to carry out banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency of legal entities.

On November 27, 2000, the Bank received licenses of a professional participant in the securities market for dealer and brokerage activities.

On December 19, 2002, a license for banking operations was replaced in connection with the change in the abbreviated name of the bank.

In 2002, the UP-Bank (OJSC) acquired new buildings on the street M

On December 9, 2004, the Udmurt Pension Bank (Open Joint Stock Company) is included in the register of banks - participants in the system of compulsory deposit insurance under number 291.

On July 28, 2005, the Bank has extended a license of a professional participant in the securities market for carrying out securities management activities until July 28, 2011

Udmurt Pension Bank (Open Joint Stock Company) is a regional independent bank. The activities of the Bank focuses mainly in the Republic of Udmurtia. The Bank does not conduct large-scale financial operations outside the region, therefore, it is practically not affected by fluctuations and shocks on currency and stock exchanges.

3. Features of the loan portfolio management and its improvement

3.1. Bank credit portfolio analysis

The loan portfolio is a combination of debt balances on the principal debt on active credit operations for a specific date.

The bank may issue loans, carry out other active operations that bring revenues only within its free resources. Consequently, the operations, as a result of which such resources of the bank are formed (passive operations), play a primary and defining role in relation to operations active, logically and in fact precede them and determine the volume and scope of rectic operations.

Consider loans and funds provided by banks for 2008-2010. Table 10.

Table 10.

Loans and funds provided to banks for 2008-2010.


Abs. Change 2010 OT

Change + / -,% 2010 from

Loans provided to banks

Warranty deposits to ensure settlements on payment card operations

Accounts in banks of the Russian Federation

Accounts in non-resident banks

Introduction 3
1. The subject of the loan portfolio 4
2. Managing a loan portfolio 8
3. Credit portfolio management meters. 12
4. Promotions of the credit portfolio in world banking practice 15
5. Analysis of the loan portfolio of Russian banks 19
Conclusion 21
Literature 22


All existing types of business make money with a certain risk share. In this regard, banks do not differ from them, however, success is achieved only when the risks that banks take on themselves are thoughtful and are within certain framework. Under the transition to a market economy in the banking sector, the importance of the correct risk assessment increases, which assumes the Bank in the implementation of various operations.
The bank's credit activity is one of the fundamental criteria that distinguishes it from non-bank institutions. Lending operations are the most profitable article of banking business. Due to this source, the main part of the net profit is formed, deducted in reserve funds and coming to the payment of dividends to shareholders of the bank. At the same time, non-repayment of loans, especially large, can lead the bank to bankruptcy, and by virtue of its provision in the economy, to a variety of bankruptcies related to enterprises, banks and individuals. Therefore, credit risks are the main problem of the bank, and the management of them is the necessary part of the strategy and the tactics of survival and the development of any commercial bank.
In connection with the development of market relations, entrepreneurial activities in our country have to implement in the conditions of increasing uncertainty of the situation and the variability of the economic environment. It means that there is ambiguity and uncertainty in obtaining the expected end result, and therefore risk increases, that is, the danger of failure, unforeseen losses. That is why the topic of thesis "Credit risks and methods of their decline" are currently extremely actual.
    The concept of a loan portfolio
The concept of the loan portfolio of the bank is ambiguously interpreted in the economic literature. Some authors are very widely interpreted by a loan portfolio, referring to it all financial assets and even bank liabilities, others associate the concept under consideration only with bank loan operations, the third emphasizes that the loan portfolio is not a simple set of elements, but a classified combination.
In regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, regulating individuals from the loan portfolio management, its structure has been determined from which it follows that it includes not only a loan segment, but also various other requirements of a loan bank:
Placed deposits, interbank loans, requirements for receiving (refund) of debt securities, shares and bills, taken into account bills, factoring, requirements for the rights acquired on the transaction, on acquired in the secondary market to mortgages, on sales transactions (purchases) of assets with a delay of payment ( Deliveries), according to paid letters of credit, on the operations of the financial lease (leasing), on the return of funds, if the acquired securities and other financial assets are necotable or not appeal to the organized market.
Such an extended content of the set of elements forming a loan portfolio is explained by the fact that such categories as a deposit, interbank loan, factoring, guarantees, leasing, securities have similar essential characteristics associated with the return movement and the absence of the change of the owner. Differences consist in the content of the object of the relationship and the form of the cost of value.
The essence of the bank's loan portfolio can be considered in categorical and applied levels. In the first aspect, the loan portfolio is a relationship between the bank and its counterparties about the return value of the cost, which have the form of credit requirements. In the second aspect, the loan portfolio is a set of bank assets in the form of loans, taken into account bills, interbank loans, deposits and other credit requirements classified by quality groups based on certain criteria.
The concept of the quality of the loan portfolio and the criteria for its assessment. Quality - this is: property or belonging, all that is the essence of the face or things; The combination of essential signs, properties, features that distinguish the subject or phenomenon from others and give it certainty; This or that property, a sign that determines the dignity of anything.
Consequently, the quality of the phenomenon should show its difference from other phenomena and determine its dignity.
The qualitative difference between the loan portfolio from other portfolios of the commercial bank is to the essential properties of the loan and categories of a loan nature, as a return movement of the cost between participants in relations, as well as the monetary nature of the object of relations.
The combination of types of operations and the money market tools used, forming a loan portfolio, has features defined by the nature and purpose of the Bank's activities in the financial market. It is known that loan operations and other credit operations differ in high risk. At the same time, they must meet the goals of the Bank's activities - to obtain maximum profits with a permissible level of liquidity. From this flows such properties of the loan portfolio, as credit risk, yield and liquidity. It includes the criteria for assessing the advantages and disadvantages of a specific bank loan portfolio, i.e. Criteria for assessing its quality. Under the quality of the loan portfolio, it is possible to understand this property of its structure, which has the ability to ensure the maximum level of profitability at the permissible level of credit risk and the liquidity of the balance.
Consider the content of individual criteria for assessing the quality of the loan portfolio.
The degree of credit risk. Credit riskassociated with the loan portfolio is the risk of losses that arise as a result of the default at the lender or counterparty, which is cumulative. Assessment of the degree of risk of a loan portfolio has the following features. First, the cumulative Risk depends:
- on the degree of credit risk of individual portfolio segments, whose assessment techniques have both general traits and features related to the specifics of the segment;
- diversifying the structure of the loan portfolio and its individual segments.
Secondly, To assess the degree of credit risk A system of indicators must be applied, which takes into account many aspects that should be taken into account.
The level of profitability of the loan portfolio. The elements of the loan portfolio can be divided into two groups: appliciting and nonsense Income assets. The last group includes interest-free loans, loans with frozen percentages and with a long delay in interest payments. In foreign practice, with a long-term overdue debt, the percentage practices the refusal of their accrual, since the main debt is the main debt. In Russian practice is governed by a mandatory interest accrual. The level of profitability of the loan portfolio is determined not only by the level of interest rate on loans provided, but also by the timeliness of paying interest and the amount of the principal debt.
Yield The loan portfolio has a lower and upper border. Nizhny The boundary is determined by the cost of carrying out credit operations (personnel costs, loan accounts, etc.) plus the percentage payable for the resources invested in this portfolio. The upper bound is the level of sufficient margin. The calculation of this indicator follows from the main purpose of margin - coverage costs for the maintenance of the bank.
Liquidity level loan portfolio. Since the level of liquidity of the Bank is determined by the quality of its assets and, above all, the quality of the loan portfolio, it is very important that the loans provided by the Bank returns to the terms established by the contracts or the bank would have the opportunity to sell loans or their part due to their quality and profitability. The higher the share of loans classified in the best groups, the higher the liquidity of the bank.
In favor of applying the proposed criteria for assessing the quality of the loan portfolio (the degree of credit risk, the level of profitability and liquidity) can be given the following arguments. The low risk of the credit portfolio elements does not mean its high quality: the loans of the first category of quality, which are provided to first-class borrowers for small interest, cannot bring high income. High liquidity inherent in short-term credit assets also brings low interest income.

2. Managing a loan portfolio

The formation and management of the loan portfolio is one of the fundamental moments in the Bank's activities. Optimal, high-quality loan portfolio affects the liquidity of the bank and its reliability. The reliability of the Bank is important for many - for shareholders, enterprises, the population, which are depositors and the services of the Bank. The loss of the contribution affects the numerous savings of depositors and the capital of many hozergans. Financial nonequilibrium banks reduces general confidence in the state credit system, and this is also felt in other sectors of the economy.
To form an optimal loan portfolio, the Bank is important to develop the appropriate credit policy - to correctly select market segments, determine the structure of activity.
Much attention should be paid to the quality of the loan portfolio. The poor-quality loan portfolio, unreasonable loan disorders, issuing loans to unreliable borrowers may cause financial non-equilibrium banks. The bank issuing non-paying loans is squandered by credit resources that could be used to stimulate the accumulation of real capital and contribute to the economic development of the Bank.
In management of a loan portfolio, a change in the management of the terms of assets and liabilities and, therefore, the difference between interest rates and ultimately, yield. Each source of resources has its own unique characteristics, variability and reserve requirements. The approach to their management is the method of conversion of financial resources, which considers each source of funds individually.
Management of the Bank's credit portfolio is an important element of its credit policy.
The bank's strategy and tactics in the field of obtaining and providing loans is the creature of its credit policy. Each bank forms its own credit policy, taking into account political, economic, organizational and other factors. When formulating credit policy, the Bank proceeds from the fact that loan operations bring the bulk of its profits. After analyzing the document in which the main elements of the loan policy of banks developed by the Federal Deposit Corporation of the United States, we note that the most important elements of the Bank's credit policy are related to the formation and management of the loan portfolio, in particular:
- goals based on which the bank's loan portfolio is determined;
- a description of the policy and practice of interest rates, credit commissions and the conditions for their repayment;
- description of standards with which the quality of all loans is determined;
- indication relative to the maximum loan limit;
- the description of the region serviced by the Bank, industries, spheres or sectors of the economy, in which the main part of credit investments should be carried out;
- Characteristics of diagnostics of problem loans, their analysis and ways out of emerging difficulties.
Among the factors affecting the formation of the loan portfolio of banks, allocate the specifics of the banking service market. Each bank should take into account the need for borrowed funds of the main customers of the elected economy sector. In the process of developing credit policies, banks determine priorities in the formation of a loan portfolio, considering its diversification from the standpoint of determining the optimal credit policy. It can be divided into species: legal lending policies and personal lending policies, etc.
Banks not included in the large group specialize in providing loans to small shopping and trade and industrial companies.
Also in documents that reveal the content of the credit policy of banks are characterized by those types of loans, the provision of which is prohibited or extremely undesirable (borrowers, the solvency and reliability of which cause doubts that did not provide a complete list of documents, etc.).
A clear and detailed description of credit policies is important for any bank. It discloses the content of all procedures for lending and responsibilities of employees of banks related to these procedures. Compliance with the provisions of the credit policy allows the Bank to form such a loan portfolio, which contributes to the achievement of the goals delivered in banking activities. These goals are to ensure the profitability of the bank, controlling risk management, compliance with the requirements of banking laws.
In any bank, overall responsibility for loans lies on the board of directors. It develops a bank credit policy that is formulated in a special document having a variety of names. For example, in the US, this document is called a memorandum of credit policy. The most important element of the Bank's credit policy is to manage a loan portfolio. The credit policy should cover the loan portfolio and control over it as a common, as well as establish standards for making specific credit decisions. In addition to the general credit policy, the Bank's council should develop a document on an independent internal credit audit program and assess assessment assessment, as well as methods for monitoring the sufficiency of redundancy in case of losses on loans.
    Credit portfolio management methods.
The cumulative risk of the loan portfolio depends on the level of riskiness of loans, according to which it is formed, and therefore to determine portfolio risk should analyze the risk of all its components.
      Credit risk management methods are divided into two groups:
      methods of credit risk management at the level of a separate loan;

      credit risk management methods at the bank loan portfolio level.
The risk management methods of a separate loan include:
    analysis of the creditworthiness of the borrower;
    analysis and assessment of the loan;
    structuring loan; documentation of credit operations;
    control on the loan and condition of the deposit.
The feature of the listed methods is the need for their consistent application, since simultaneously they are the stages of the lending process. If at each stage in front of the credit worker there is a task of minimizing credit risk, then it is legitimate to consider the stages of the lending process as methods for managing the risk of a separate loan. Bank credit portfolio management methods:
      creating reserves for compensation for credit operations of commercial banks;
Method of diversification It consists in the distribution of the loan portfolio among the wide range of borrowers, which differ from each other, both according to the characteristics (the value of the capital, form of ownership) and the conditions of activity (sector of the economy, geographical region). There are three types of diversification - sectoral, geographical and portfolio.
Limiting As a credit risk management method, is to establish the maximum permissible size of the loans provided, which makes it possible to limit the risk. Thanks to the establishment of lending limits, banks can avoid critical losses due to the rapid concentration of any type of risk, as well as to diversify the loan portfolio and provide stable income.
Creating a reserve To compensate for possible losses on credit operations of commercial banks as a method of credit risk management consists in accumulating parts of the funds, which are later used to compensate for non-refundable loans. On the one hand, the reserve for credit risks is the protection of investors, creditors and shareholders of the Bank, and on the other - reserves increase the reliability and stability of the banking system as a whole.
This approach is based on the principle of diligence, according to which bank loan portfolios are estimated at the reporting date on net worth, i.e. Taking into account possible losses on credit operations. To cover these losses, it is envisaged to create a special reserve of translating part of the Bank's funds into individual accounting accounts, from which in the event of not a loan returns the corresponding amount.
Securitization - This is the sale of bank assets through the transformation of them into securities, which are located in the market. Mainly securitization applies to bank loans, allowing banks to transfer the credit risk to other market participants - investors who buy securities. In addition, using securitization, the Bank can transfer the risk of a change in interest rate and the risk of early repayment of the loan.
The securitization process allows you to move the bank's balance sheet assets for the balance, i.e. It is one of the types of bank off-balance sheet activities.

    4. Promotions of the credit portfolio in world banking practice

The credit portfolio analysis system includes the following elements:
1. Evaluation of the quality of loans that make up the loan portfolio.
2. Determination of the portfolio structure based on the quality of loans and the assessment of this structure based on the study of its dynamics.
3. Determination of sufficient values \u200b\u200bof reserves for coverage of losses on loans based on the structure of the loan portfolio.
In world banking practice, various quality assessment systems are applied.
Consider the license system.

Rating Classification Signs
0 Unclassified loans The assessment of the loan is not completed or the revaluation of the quality of the loan is required.
High Quality Loans (Prouch)
First-class borrower in terms of creditworthiness. Complete and debt repayment in the past. Powerful cash flow. First-class pledge. Attractive loan characteristics, i.e. Purpose, term and procedure for repaying loans.
2 High quality loans A good level of creditworthiness, for example, not less than 2 classes. A sufficient to pay off the loan of the inflow of funds. Good credit history. Solid pledge. Attractive loan characteristics for the bank.
3 Satisfactory Acceptable financial position of the client (not lower than 3 class). Good debt repayment in the past (rare short drawing of the jar). Sufficient deposit. Loan Characteristics: Revolving loan (which does not have a repayment schedule in parts and all debt is repaid immediately) or a renewable loan (a loan to working capital, which is provided within the credit line as the loan needs; as the debt reduction and the release of the loan loan reduction renewed).
4 Limit Unstable customer creditworthiness in past periods, insufficient deposit. The loan is issued under the guarantee. Permanent control is required.
5 Loan quality worse than limit The return of the loan is doubtful. An additional agreement on debt repayment is required.
6 Losses Principal debt and interest are not repaid

In addition to the license system of the credit portfolio assessment, there is also a ball system:
Appointment and amount of debt.
1. Purpose It is reasonable and the amount is fully justified-20
2. Purpose is doubtful, the amount is acceptable-15
3. Appointment is unconvincing, the amount is problematic-8
Financial position of the borrower.
1. Very much current and former financial position. Strong and stable inflow of funds. (1 class) - 40
2. Good financial situation. Strong inflow of funds. (2 class) .- 30
3. The borrower has recently lost a lot, the influx of the means is weak (uncredit) .- 4
1. Do not need a pledge or extensive cash pledge is provided - 30
2. Significant liquid pledge - 25
3. A sufficient deposit of acceptable liquidity - 15
4. A sufficient deposit, but limited liquidity - 12
5. Insufficient deposit of low quality - 8
6. No acceptable pledge - 2
Term and loop repayment scheme.
1. Short-term self-recognition loan, a good secondary repayment source - 30
2. A medium-term loan with repayment of debt parts during the term of the loan, a powerful inflow of funds - 25
3. Medium loan, disposable repayment at the end of the term, the average inflow of funds - 20
4. Long-term loan redeemed by parts, uncertainty in the influx of funds sufficient to repay the debt - 12
5. Long-term loan, secondary repayment sources no- 5 Credit information on the borrower.
1. Great relationships in the past with a borrower-25
2. Good credit reviews from reliable sources - 20
3. Limited reviews, but no negative information - 15
4. No reviews - 95.
5. Adverse feedback 0
Relationship with a borrower.
1. There are constant favorable relationships - 10
2. There are mediocre relationships or any- 4
3.Bank carries losses on relationships with a borrower- 2
Credit price.
1. Above usual for a loan of this quality - 8
2. In accordance with the quality of the loan, 5
3. Below is the usual credit for this quality - 0
Credit quality rating based on points:
1. Best 163-140
2. High quality 139-118
3. Satisfactory 117-85
4. Extreme 84-65
5. Worse than the limit 64 and lower.
The score assessment system allows you to determine the structure of the loan portfolio during the reporting period and compare it with previous periods and on the basis of this to identify a positive or negative trend.
Positive trend - Growth of the specific gravity of the best loans and high-quality loans.
Negative trend - the growth of the share of loans of the limit level and worse than the limit.

5. Analysis of the loan portfolio of Russian banks

By carrying out credit operations, the bank seeks not only to their volumetric growth, but also to improving the quality of the loan portfolio. Thus, to effectively manage the loan portfolio, it is necessary for its analysis on various quantitative and qualitative characteristics both in whole to the bank and according to its structural divisions.
Quantitative analysis involves the study of the composition and structure of the Bank's loan portfolio in dynamics (for a number of years, for quarterly dates of the reporting year) for a number of quantitative economic criteria to which include:
the volume and structure of credit investments by type;
the structure of credit investments in groups of borrowers;
loans time;
timely repayment of loans provided;
sectoral affiliation;
Currency types;
Credit price (interest rates).
Such an analysis makes it possible to identify the preferred areas of credit investments, development trends, including regarding the repayment of loans and their profitability. Of great importance is the comparison of the actual debt balances with the projected, with the established lending limits, "credit ceilings", etc. "Credit ceilings" are the upper limits of the total amount of loans or their growth, installed for banks (sometimes individually), or the limit of the amount or the number of loans issued to one client.
The quantitative analysis follows the analysis of the quality of the loan portfolio. The scope of the credit fee and its type have a different risk for certain economic conditions, therefore, the types of loan, depending on the volume and goals of lending, are estimated in different ways, which should be taken into account when studying the bank's loan portfolio. For this purpose, various relative indicators are used, calculated by turnover over a certain period or by the residue for a specific date. To them, for example, include the proportion of problem loans in the entire gross client credit portfolio; The relation of overdue debts to share capital, etc. Based on the qualitative characteristics of the loan portfolio, it is an assessment of compliance with the principles of lending and the degree of risk of credit operations, the liquidity prospects of this bank. Thus, in any bank, the state of the loan portfolio must be under constant supervision

Today, the loan portfolio acts as a specific criterion that allows for the quality of the Bank's credit policy and predict the result of the credit activity of the reporting period. Analysis and assessment of the quality of the loan portfolio allow bank managers to manage its loan operations.

The formation of a commercial bank loan portfolio is the main phase of the implementation of its credit policy. The formation of a loan portfolio is proceeded when the general purpose of the bank's credit activity is formulated, a credit policy strategy has been developed, under this strategy, the priority objectives of the formation of a loan portfolio, taking into account the current conditions of the external environment, market conditions, the bank's own capabilities.

In this way, relevance of the topic Studies manifests itself in the fact that the formation of an optimal loan portfolio as one of the main directions for posting financial resources is the most important issue for any bank.

The purpose of this course work is the study of the theoretical and practical foundations of the formation of a loan portfolio of a commercial bank. Credit portfolio bank savings

In accordance with the purpose of tasks Next:

  • - reveal the theoretical foundations for the formation of a loan portfolio of a commercial bank;
  • - determine the concept and essence of the credit portfolio of the commercial bank;
  • - To study the methods of management and analysis of the bank's loan portfolio.

Object research are a loan portfolio of a commercial bank.

Subject of study Forms and methods of managing a loan portfolio of a commercial bank are performed.

The theoretical basis of the work was the work of domestic and foreign researchers dedicated to bank management, banking operations, the functioning of commercial banks on the various segments of the financial market. In the process of work, a conceptual basis, scientific and practical approaches, developments and methods of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners on the financial assessment of the loan portfolio, its quantitative description, quality of management are used: in the works of foreign specialists P. Rose, E. Reed, R. Kottrator, E. Gill, J. F. Skyli ml., D. Maknoton, Morsman E. et al., And also in the works of domestic banking specialists: O.I. Lavrushina, V.I. Kolesnikova Banking: Tutorial / Ed. V. I. Kolesnikova, Ji. P. Rabbivetsky. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996. - 480s., D. A. Voronina, Yu.S. Maslenchenkova, S.N. Kabushkin, N.V. Burner, A.A. Lobanova, L.G. Batrakova, p.p. Kovaleva, M.N. Belyaeva Belyaev M.K., Ermakov S.L. Banking. Integrated about complex. Ed. Top, - M., 2008. - 288 p., D.A. Laptyreva, V.T. Sevruk, A.M. Tavasiyev. In addition, the work used regulatory documents on banking activities in the Russian Federation. Two main legislation on banking activities can be allocated.

First of all, it is necessary to allocate a federal law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (with amended and add. Dated January 10, 2003) Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" // Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. -31 July 2002 - №43. The law "On the CBD" establishes the basis for the functioning of the Central Bank of Russia. It is comprehensive, including various rules regulating both the device and the position of the CBD in the state, monetary policy and the norms regulating labor relations with the employees of the CBD. We emphasize that on July 10, 2002, was set forth in the new edition. Note that the last ten-thirteen years of law on banks and banking activities was reinforced several times.

The second is the meaning - "Federal Law on Banks and Banking Activities (as amended July 31, 1998, 5, July 8, 1999, June 19, August 7, 2001, March 21, 2002) Federal Law of February 3, 1996 G. N 17-FZ "On Amendments and Additions to the RSFSR Law" On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR "// Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - February 5, 1996 - №6. - Art. 492; As a result of August 7, 2001 // Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. - October 3, 2001 - №61 .. The law "On banks and banking activities" (hereinafter referred to as the text "On banks ..." is a special sectoral legislation, regulating the legal status of subjects and the form of banking activities in the Russian Federation.

Along with legislative acts, the legal regulation of banking is also built on sub-banner regulations. In particular, you can allocate:

  • - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1994 N 1184 "On the improvement of the work of the Banking System of the Russian Federation" (as amended on April 27, 1995) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1994 N 1184 "On the improvement of the work of the banking system of the Russian Federation "// Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - June 13, 1994 - №7. - Art. 696;
  • - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 2000. N 194 "On the conditions of antitrust control in the financial services market and on the approval of the methodology for determining the turnover and borders of the financial services market of financial institutions" Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 2000 N 194 "On the conditions of antitrust monitoring the financial services market and approving the methodology for determining the turnover and borders of the financial services of financial organizations "// Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - March 13, 2000 - №11. - Art. 1183.;
  • - Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2002 N 454-R On the termination of the participation of federal state unitary enterprises and federal state institutions in the authorized capital of credit institutions. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2002 N 454-R // Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - April 15, 2002 - №15. - Art. 1446 ..

Lending to individuals and legal entities is one of the main activities that practically any bank are engaged in. Interest, which the Bank receives from the provision of funds is a significant column earning organization. To understand what the bank's loan portfolio is, it is necessary to carefully examine information about the phenomenon and familiarize themselves with his nuances.


The bank loan portfolio is the total amount of debts that have customers in front of a credit institution at a certain point in time. It includes the amounts that the borrower's extradition agreement was concluded. Percentage size and possible net profit are not taken into account.

If we speak in a simple language, the organization's loan portfolio is those tools that the company should receive after returning the amount issued to customers to temporary use under certain conditions. Credit portfolio can be sold. The action allows you to fully convey the debt obligations of borrowers by another company or fulfill partial sale. The current legislation permits other manipulations if they do not contradict the established standards.

Types and stages of formation

Today there are 2 actual types of loan portfolios that allow banks to make a profit: neutral and risky. The first includes contracts with clients who regularly return money to the bank and carefully fulfill their obligations. This species is considered the most expensive. The composition of the risky loan portfolio includes the contracts of those who can delay the payment or not to be able to make it.

The formation of a loan portfolio is one of the main tasks of each credit institution. It allows you to get substantial profits. For this reason, the organization is trying not to neglect such an opportunity. There are several stages of the preparation procedure. The company is obliged to take into account the principles of the formation of a loan portfolio. Allocate the following steps that the Bank must have decided to start providing funds to citizens:

  1. Analyze the factors that can affect the amount of demand.
  2. Shape credit potential.
  3. Provide compliance with the potential and loans that plan to issue an organization.
  4. Analyze loans granted to citizens, taking into account various signs to implement action.
  5. Assessing how qualitatively a loan portfolio was formed, and take into account its effectiveness.
  6. Develop and implement a list of activities that will help improve the existing portfolio.

The implementation of all stages will allow the credit institution to acquire a reliable way to produce profits. In the process, the structure of the loan portfolio for loans can be allocated.


A company that wants to make a profit in a timely manner must monitor the money issued and ensure their timely return. This event is to manage the credit portfolio of a commercial bank.

Principles of operation - to get the maximum amount of profit, sowing at the same time to minimize risks. To do this, within the company, a program is being developed that allows you to implement these 2 main principles. The result of the action becomes the formation of a system representing a balance between benefits and risks. Holding him, the company will be able to receive the optimal amount of profits, while practically eliminating the danger of cash loss.

There is a list of tools that are using companies to implement the credit portfolio management. The list includes:

  • delimitation of powers of the heads of the department for different types of loans;
  • conducting personal assessment of risks for each applicant;
  • individual formation of a proposal for each client who wants to start cooperation.

The credit institution applies its own methods to minimize risks and profit. All of them form the policy of the organization. If the offices of the institutions are located in different cities, the criteria for behavior with borrowers for them determines the head office. The company forms a committee that is intended to determine:

  • the amount of funds that can provide a bank as loans;
  • interest rate at a certain period of time;
  • the need for collateral and guarantors;
  • other nuances capable of affecting safety and profitability.

The Credit Committee is obliged to determine the degree of risks to which the Bank may subjected himself to profit. In addition, the Competence of the Authority is a decision on the terms of the provision of funds for key clients of the organization. Such a distribution empowers managers of offices to independently solve work issues that do not relate to the global lending line for the organization.


To understand how to get the maximum profit with minimal risks, the company's employees are forced to analyze the credit portfolio of the commercial bank. Today, various types of loans can be used in demand, and sometimes it is difficult to identify patterns. In addition, the company itself can provide highly distinguished proposals. Only a comprehensive study of activities will allow to understand which way it is necessary to move further to improve the work of the organization.

There are 2 types of analysis that each company uses for evaluation: quantitative and qualitative. For 1 species, the organization performs the following activities:

  • considers how many contracts were concluded within each credit program for a certain period of time;
  • determines the totality;
  • takes into account the total amount of the capital provided;
  • compares the obtained indicators at a similar time interval;
  • the results obtained with the plan.

Conducting a detailed analysis allows you to highlight directions that are most popular with customers and make them priority. In addition, the assessment allows you to identify the most risky lending areas, the conclusion of transactions in which should be avoided. The results of the event may have a significant impact on administrative decisions that will take the company's leadership. Determine the volume of lending for the next period will be much easier. On the results of the analysis, the credit flow is based. It represents the possible amount of all funds that the company will be able to allocate to the provision of loans to citizens and organizations.

Quantitative analysis is not the only assessment method to which the Bank resorts to build policies and determining the nuances of the formation of a loan portfolio. Performing qualitative analysis, employees of the institution will be able to identify:

  • the share of problem loans in the total mass of loans;
  • the amount of overdue debt in the total portfolio;
  • determine the dynamics for a certain period of time;
  • choose priority directions;
  • determine the areas of activity that are developing slower than others.

The action allows you to determine the quality of the loan portfolio. The banking market is in constant motion. It is characteristic of rapid changes. For this reason, experts advise regularly carry out both types of analysis. This will significantly increase the possible profit and minimize damages.

Bankruptcy and loan portfolio

The bank may have their own lenders. Their roles usually appear:

  • depositors who put money in the company at interest;
  • suppliers;
  • enterprises with whom the firm has concluded a cooperation contract.

If the company understands that it is not able to count on its own debt obligations, it declares itself bankrupt. However, the firm is recognized as not immediately. The company assists a temporary administration that takes measures to improve the current situation. If the actions bring the result, the Bank is calculated on debt obligations to creditors.

However, the actions do not always give the result. If the Central Bank sees that the organization cannot get out of the current situation, he recognizes bankrupt company. In this case, a number of activities are carried out to calculate with creditors. One of them is the implementation of the loan portfolio.

Most people had an opinion that if the company was closed, no need to return the money received. However, non-fulfillment of obligations is fraught with the applications of serious sanctions. A bank who is trying to stay afloat will not ceremony with debtors. The company can independently try to recover funds from debtors or transfer the right to another company by selling a loan portfolio. However, the action is not always performed. If the decision to recognize the firm bankrupt is not made over a long period of time, it can save the portfolio with it. Return a loan at the same time will still have to. If the company closed, to repay debt obligations will come through the separation of another bank.

Sales of a loan portfolio

If it was decided to implement the loan portfolio, another organization can acquire it. However, the action should be carried out in accordance with the established rules. So, a new company that bought a loan portfolio is obliged to notify the borrowers. Then the company independently redistributes existing loans, relating to them to the category of risky or neutral. Subsequently, the borrower will be carried out by the corresponding work.

Most people fear that the interest rate after the sale of the portfolio will increase significantly. However, the new company is not entitled to change the conditions of already concluded contracts. Returning money to the bank will have to be on the same scheme that acted before the implementation of the portfolio.

Among the traditional activities of commercial banks, the main operation is the provision of loans, since the direct relationship between the result of lending, the profitability and stability of the Bank's existence is obvious.

Presentation by the Bank of Cash under the written commitment of the Client is the cornerstone of banking business. These operations bring banks the bulk of the profits. Thus, from the total amount of gross operating income of American commercial banks in 1989 in $ 368.4 billion. $ 25.9 billion (68.1%) accounted for interest payments on loans issued and leasing, and only 51, $ 2 billion (13.9%) - on income from the securities portfolio.

The importance of credit operations is determined by many circumstances, among them you can allocate the following:

the predominance of credit in active operations of commercial banks of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage is up to 50-70%;

the interest received on credit operations is the main source of income of a commercial bank;

these operations are the most risky and therefore the most responsible for the reputation of the bank and its sustainability, since the contributious resources are prevalent, and not their own funds of the bank;

the ability to ensure the return of the loan by the creditor;

indicator of the professional consistency of the staff of the Bank and its leadership;

the size, composition and structure of credit operations is the base for the calculation of the main estimated indicators of the bank - liquidity and solvency.

It should be noted that a loan, as an economic category, is associated with other cost categories. Therefore, crediting principles are customary to divide into two groups:

general economic principles are inherent in all categories, including a loan;

principles reflecting the essence and function of the loan.

The first group includes:

efficiency - characterizes the achievement of the greatest efficiency of the use of the loan in the smallest credit investments. Such a policy is important both for creditors and for a lender. For the Bank, efficiency leads to the possibility of accelerating the circuit of credit resources. For a lender, the cost-effectiveness in the use of a loan means a reduction in credit fees, an increase in income;

differentiation - lies in granting a loan on various conditions, depending on the nature of the loan, the loan, credit risk, credit period, the timeliness of the return and some other circumstances;

comprehensiveness - suggests such a loan policy that is carried out taking into account the patterns of economic development at a certain period.

The second group includes the following principles:

urgency - means that the loan period should be established in the loan agreement, and this period must be followed by a creditor;

material security of the loan - according to this principle, only the movement of the really existing value must be serviced;

parisability means that each loan must make a bank for the time borrowing of funds fee;

return - means that the loan must be refunded within the period specified in the contract;

the objective nature of the loan - loans are issued only for certain purposes, namely, to satisfy the temporary need of a lender in additional funds. This is the difference between crediting from financing.

The Bank's loan portfolio includes interbank loans and loans granted to individuals and legal entities, or a loan portfolio to customers. At the same time, due to its specificity, all interbank operations in general, and interbank loans in particular, banks are allocated in taking into account and analyze in a special group and are considered separately from customer operations.

The author believes that the emergence of the term "loan portfolio of the bank" was due to the need for quantitative and, above all, the qualitative characteristics of issued loans and credit activities of the Bank as a whole.

There are different points of view on the definition of the term "loan portfolio". We give several definitions and generally accepted interpretations of the concepts presented in the economic banking literature.

The loan portfolio is the result of the Bank's activities, which includes a set of all loans issued by the Bank for a certain period of time.

The Bank's loan portfolio accounts for balance sheet accounts for short-term, long-term and overdue loans. These are the volumetric characteristics of the bank's loan portfolio. Qualitative characteristics are used to assess the repayment bank of loans and reduce the amount of credit risks, i.e. Non-return the amount of the principal debt on the loan and percent on it.

Formally, the bank's loan portfolio is the whole set of loans issued to them for every moment. However, if it is not just a list of loans, but such a totality, which is structured under a specific criterion (criteria), substantial for loans, then the "loan portfolio" becomes the characteristic of the quality of loans issued and the entire credit activities of the Bank.

The loan portfolio is a set of credit account balances on a specific date that are grouped on various features, including by types of credit, by types of collateral, in terms of profitability, according to the composition of borrowers, etc.

Despite the existing diversity of definitions, the overall thesis of the above definitions is that the loan portfolio is the result of the Bank's credit activities. Therefore, the most complete and correct will be the definition of a loan portfolio in two aspects:

quantitative characteristic of the bank's credit activity, i.e. information about the volume of lending, composition and structure of investments;

qualitative characteristics of the bank's credit activity, i.e. Classification of credit investments on certain criteria.

In the process of the evolution of the term for the separation of quantitative and high-quality characteristics, such concepts as a gross loan portfolio, a clean loan portfolio, a loan portfolio suspended at the percentage of risk and others.

The gross loan portfolio of customers gives a quantitative characteristic and is calculated by summing up urgent, prolonged, overdue and questionable debts on credit accounts on a specific date.

The loan portfolio with high-quality positions characterize such concepts as a net loan portfolio and a loan portfolio that has been risks.

The net loan portfolio is calculated by subtracting from the gross loan portfolio amount of the created reserve for losses by dubious debts. It represents the amount of credit investments that can be returned to the bank to the analyzed date. Credit investments are known to be classified according to the degree of risk depending on the class attitude to a certain risk group (from 0 to 150%), therefore the loan portfolio is calculated, which has been raised percentage of risk. The multiplication of the debt balance in the context of the forms of providing the set percentage of risk is determined by a weighted loan portfolio, from which the amount of the reserve for losses on doubtful debts, which is desired and is the amount of its own and attracted resources, which may not return to the bank.

It should be noted that a qualitative assessment involves the classification of the Bank's credit investments on certain criteria. These criteria include: the degree of creditworthiness of customers, appointment, size and type of loans, terms and procedures for repaying loans, the amount and quality of ensuring the repayment of loans, types of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement, compliance with the loan repayment time, etc. This is necessary for credit management A portfolio, its quality.

In this paper, the author adheres to the point of view of the definition of the loan portfolio, according to which the loan portfolio is considered as a set of credit debt, reflected in the second grade plan of accounting accounts in banks of the Republic of Belarus, as well as interbank loans and deposits. With regard to the credit portfolio of a specific bank, on the basis of the actual data of which the analysis was made, this approach is reflected in the composition of the loan portfolio, factoring operations are also included, leasing, accounting of bills, fulfillment of the obligation on issued bank guarantees and guarantees.

To analyze the composition and structure of the loan portfolio is possible on various features. The author has taken some classification features (see Appendix 1).

If you analyze the sectoral structure of the loan portfolio, then we can note those industries, the placement of funds in which is most beneficial in terms of the ratio of profitability and risk, as well as note how diversified the loan portfolio. The diversifying indicator will show how depends on the bank to change the situation in the individual industry. From the point of view of quality management, the loan portfolio can be:

the optimal is the loan portfolio, most suitable in the composition and structure of the optimal credit and marketing policy of the Bank and its plan of strategic development;

a balanced loan portfolio is such a portfolio of bank loans, which in its structure and financial characteristics lies at the point of the most effective solution of the "Risk-profitability" dilemma, that is, at the point of achieving a balance between two opposing categories.

Taking into account the above reasoning and classifications, the commercial bank loan portfolio can be displayed in the form of a table reflecting the main conditions of prisoners of credit contracts (see Appendix 2).

In accordance with the Classification of Bank's assets developed by the National Bank, the main indicators relating to the characteristics of the loan portfolio are the following: Type of Bank's Client Activities, Form of ownership, short-term and long-term loans, prolonged debt on principal debt, overdue debt on major debt, dubious debt, amount Debt in I, II, III and IV Risk Group.

It should be paid to the fact that the main purpose of any analysis is the scientific substantiation of adopted management decisions, which are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the operations and optimization of organizational processes. In the general approach, there are two main ways to increase the efficiency of operations: reduction of losses and increase profitability. In this case, the first method seems to be more promising due to the following reasons:

the costs of operations are practically reduced to a minimum, reserves of reducing the cost of banking services have already been used;

hard competition in the banking market and, as a result, the fall in the level of interest rates on loans;

simplicity of services provided by banks;

standardization and rigid regulation of operations technology.

A thorough analysis of factors to the greatest extent affecting the growth of bank loss on various loans, allowed Western bankers to make certain conclusions. According to the World Bank (Table 1.1), the internal for the Bank factors are the cause of 67% of the loss of banks on loans, and the share of external factors accounts for, respectively, 33% of losses.

Table 1.1 Factors that cause losses from the bank when lending,%

Note. A source:

Therefore, these data show that in 67% of cases of bank loss during lending were due to the influence of internal factors, which is a consequence of the shortcomings of the techniques used or improper use. Therefore, the analysis should reveal a potential source of bank loss for their prevention and, accordingly, reducing the risk of credit operations.

A qualitative assessment of the risk of a loan portfolio becomes particularly relevant in connection with the diversification by banks of its operations. In the process of analyzing the loan portfolio, banks are ranking loans, i.e. Use the systematic and objective classification method of the loan portfolio in accordance with the characteristics of quality and risk.

In addition to analyzing the loan portfolio, a loan portfolio is studying in a dynamics, i.e. A linear analysis of the main indicators (gross, net loan portfolio, a loan portfolio, weighted, taking into account the risk, the degree of credit risk, the amount of the created reserve for coverage of possible losses, etc.) over a number of years. Also, to concretize and study the effect of seasonal fluctuations in the real sector, data is used for quarterly dates of the studied period, etc.

This approach allows you to present an analysis of the loan portfolio as a system that includes the following items:

assessment of the quality of loans that make up the loan portfolio;

determination of the structure of the portfolio based on the quality of loans and the assessment of this structure based on the study of its dynamics;

determination of sufficient values \u200b\u200bof reserves for covering losses on loans based on the structure of the loan portfolio.

Since the analysis and management of the loan portfolio complements each other, then it is necessary to consider them as two parts of one whole in their close relationship. The analysis serves as the rationale for the received management decisions, under the influence of which the Bank's loan portfolio is established.

It is important to note that analysis and management are continuous processes. Therefore, the result of their interaction - a loan portfolio formed to a certain date, in turn, becomes the subject of analysis of the following time period. The relationship of two processes of different periods of time is schematically represented in Fig.1.1.

Fig.1.1 The relationship of the processes of analysis and management of various periods of time

Note. Source: [Own development based on models of economic and mathematical modeling].

To achieve their goals, the process of forming a loan portfolio must be managed. The Office is an active part and impact on the process, which implies the need to implement all managerial functions: planning, organization and control.

Consider all these functions. At the planning stage the long-term and short-term goals of the loan portfolio and the standards of its formation are determined. At the same time, as a goal, you can choose certain values \u200b\u200bof the following indicators:

weighted average risk of a loan portfolio;

the structure of the loan portfolio in the context of risk groups;

the degree of diversification of the loan portfolio;

degree of protection against credit risk;

the value of the reserve is sufficient to cover possible losses;

the magnitude of the profitability of the loan portfolio as a whole, etc.

The achievement of these goals is possible only when the optimal indicators of individual loans are reached, such as the risk of a separate loan, the profitability of a separate loan, etc. For this, it is necessary to ensure the consistent achievement of the objectives of individual stages of lending: the fulfillment of rules and procedures in assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower; compliance with the rules for registration of loan agreements; Conduct timely control over the payment of interest and repayment of the principal debt of borrowers in all stages of the loan process.

The implementation of the organization's function implies the definition of organizational structures and persons responsible for managing a loan portfolio, their duties and powers, responsibility, etc. As a rule, this stage includes:

choosing criteria for assessing the quality of loans that make up the loan portfolio;

development of a specific method for assessing the quality of loans (credit analysis procedures) based on criteria and training of the Bank's staff;

organization of work on the classification of loans depending on the quality of the provision;

organization of work on the classification of loans for risk groups .

development of ways to accumulate statistical information by bank to determine the percentage of risk for each group of classified loans, the share of overdue debts and percent of the write-off of it at the expense of the Bank's reserve in the context of certain groups of loans, etc.;

development of methods for determining the absolute value of credit risk in the context of credit portfolio loan groups and cumulative risk on the bank;

introduction of methods for determining the value of the created reserve to cover possible losses on loans;

the development of methods and procedures for assessing the quality of the loan portfolio based on financial coefficients, the segmentation of the loan portfolio.

Now imagine the following control function - control. The implementation of this function occurs in three main directions:

reduction of credit risk for each specific loan (verification of targeted use, verification of material support of the loan, the continuous process of tracking the financial condition of the client, its creditworthiness and the state of calculations);

reduction of losses on loans at the bank credit portfolio level as a whole;

the correctness of the organization of credit operations.

An important point in the management of the loan portfolio is the Bank's strategy and tactics in the field of obtaining and providing loans that constitute the being of its credit policy. You can give the following definition: Credit Policy is a policy associated with a loan movement. Each bank forms its own credit policy, taking into account political, economic, organizational and other factors. The key element of the credit policy is tools used by them to meet the needs of customers in the borrowed funds, expressed in the types of loans issued by the Bank.

The credit policy is formulated a common goal, and it is determined ways to achieve it:

priority directions of credit investments in industry affiliation, legal status;

acceptable types of loans and credit accounts;

loans from which the bank prefers to refrain;

preferred Circle of Credit Persons;

undesirable bank bids in various categories;

credit policies to individuals;

a set of measures to control the quality of the loan portfolio.

After analyzing foreign economic literature, it should be noted that the Bank's effective loan policy should include:

the goal, based on which a loan portfolio is formed (indication of the signs of a good loan portfolio: types of loans, the timing of their repayment, size and quality of loans);

responsibilities for the transfer of rights and the provision of information within the loan management;

practice of petitions, verification, evaluation and decision-making on credit applications of clients;

the necessary documentation attached to each credit application, as well as the documentation that should be kept in credit;

rights of the Bank's employees with a detailed indication of the one who is responsible for storing and verifying credit cases;

basic rules of reception, assessment and implementation of loan support;

a description of the policies and practices for the establishment of interest rates and loan commissions, loan repayment conditions;

description of quality standards applied to all loans;

indication of the maximum amount of credit investments (maximum share of loans in assets);

description of the region serviced by the Bank, where the main part of credit investments should be carried out;

a description of the practice of identifying, analyzing and solving situations related to problem loans;

As a rule, a credit policy strategy and tactics are developed in the central office (head bank) by the Credit Department (Management), the Credit Committee, is approved by the relevant Bank Management Authority.

The credit policy of the commercial bank has an internal structure that includes:

bank strategy to develop the main directions of the loan process;

bank tactics on lending organization;

control of the implementation of credit policy.

The main provisions of the credit policy are brought to the lower links, which, as a rule, are the main performers and on which the quality of the loan portfolio is ultimately dependent. The success of credit policies is determined by the practical actions of banking personnel interpreting and implementing credit policies at all stages of the loan process.

Thus, the formation of a loan portfolio is a reflection of the strategy adopted by the highest leadership of the Bank. This is a process that is managed by both the macro level and on the micro level.

Management on the macro level (strategic) is aimed at creating an optimal loan portfolio as a whole, i.e. Determination of priorities, formation standards, portfolio size, and achieving optimal values \u200b\u200bof indicators characterizing the loan portfolio as a whole. Such indicators include: portfolio yield, investment structure and cumulative portfolio risk.

Management at the micro level (current or operational) is aimed at optimizing certain stages of the formation and functioning of the loan portfolio in compliance with all procedures, instructions, methodologies, rules and other restrictions reflecting the Bank's strategy and tactics of the Bank.

So, the credit policy of the Commercial Bank, being a fundamental element of the loan portfolio management process, determines the Bank's long-term targets in this field of activity, given the overall focus of the Bank's functioning, as well as the tools and procedures for directing employees in the management process.

It should be noted that the credit policy, conducted by the commercial banks of the Republic of Belarus in 2003-2004, was determined by both external and internal factors caused by changes in the structure of credit investments of banks. External factors have the greatest impact on the formation of a loan market in the Republic of Belarus.

These factors include the following:

hard monetary policy held by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus;

refinancing policy of commercial banks;

inflationary processes in the economy;

monetary regulation, in particular: devaluation of the national monetary unit, the presence of a mandatory sale of currency revenue;

level of cash emissions;

the presence of external sources of financing (maintenance of external credit lines under the guarantees of banks and the government).

The main internal factors include:

structure of the resource base of commercial banks;

quality of the loan portfolio;

the presence and structure of the client base.

The author considers it necessary to note the negative phenomena in the credit process. As studies show, the lack of a thorough analysis of credit applications, which many banks consider burdensome, is very important. But rapidly changing economic conditions, competitive struggle, the gradual distribution of syndicated loans impose on the analysis of the creditworthiness of the creditative time limitations, which are in conflict with the requirements of reasonable caution.

The lack of pre-testing of new loan technologies and products can lead to serious problems. This refers to the introduction of new loan technologies, which neglect proven practices with principles, procedures and methods for assessing the quality of loans:

The absence of a parallel assessment of loans - a re-evaluation of loans in large banks should be carried out by a unit that is not directly engaged in providing loans and will be able to ensure a loan assessment on the basis of accounts, business divisions, etc. The goal of re-evaluation is to make sure that loans are provided in accordance with the Bank's policies and provide an independent assessment of their quality.

The inability of the Bank's control tools to identify false information about the loan - banks do not conduct an inspection in place, do not confirm its assessment, do not analyze accounting reports.

Despite the fact that banks correctly establish non-price loan conditions, the lack of a clear methodology for calculating the interest rate can lead to an increase in the share of loans with an undervalued level of risk. Also, insufficient attention is also devotioned by the effects of a business cycle, which includes four stages - crisis, depression, revival and rise. Such sectors of the economy, as trade, services, are experiencing rather sharp cyclic oscillations. The activities of the loan can be very sensitive to changes in such separate factors as prices for goods, competition, etc.

Insufficient development of internal documents of the Bank governing credit policies, decision-making procedures for the issuance of a loan, the distribution of responsibilities between divisions and bank employees also negatively affects the state of the loan portfolio. In conclusion, make the following conclusion. The success of credit activities is determined by the presence of weighted credit policies, procedures of organizational and technological measures, adequate loan control systems.