Hidden realtor commission scheme. “Hidden commission”: how realtors can deceive you

  • 13.09.2020

What are realtors hiding?

The logic of interaction between realtors and real estate market participants is clear to everyone. Real estate professionals offer services for which they get paid. However, we will dwell on some ways of additional or unofficial income, which some representatives of the profession do not disdain. One of the most common is hidden commission.

There are two main mechanisms for hidden realtor commissions in the real estate market. In both cases, the “injured” party is the real estate buyer, who unknowingly pays more for the apartment than it is worth. The seller is either completely involved in the adventure, or simply guesses about the actions of the realtor on the part of the buyer, but, as a rule, does nothing, since he is primarily interested in selling and making a profit.
The first scheme for receiving hidden commission in general view it looks like this: a realtor, showing the buyer an apartment, adds his commission on top to the price already set by the seller. Thus total cost the offer increases by the amount that such a specialist assigns to himself as a reward. Thus, a representative of one of the Samara real estate agencies told us that during one of the transactions he met with a hidden commission in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. It was by this amount that one private realtor increased the cost of an ordinary 2-room Khrushchev apartment. “The only measure here is the ethics and conscience of a real estate specialist,” says our interlocutor. “On average, the hidden commission of a realtor assigned in this way can be 30-50 thousand rubles, but there are also market participants who set more generous fees.”

Moreover, the entire mechanism of such a sale with a hidden commission was initially designed for the short-sighted home buyer. It’s easy to check whether the price is inflated and whether your agent’s commission is hidden in it. The buyer should look for the options offered to him by the realtor in open sources: if he manages to find the same apartment at a lower price, he should immediately inform his agent about this.

The second mechanism of the hidden realtor commission works differently. Let’s assume that a potential buyer and his realtor are looking at an apartment at a price of 2 million rubles. The owner sells it at the same price - there is no deception or cheating here. The buyer likes the apartment and expresses his readiness to buy it. The buyer's realtor promises to talk to the owner about bargaining. He negotiates: he reports that his client is ready to buy housing at a price of 1.95 million rubles - a bargain of 50 thousand. The owner agrees, especially in the current market conditions and provided that the buyer is ready for the transaction. And then the real estate agent reports that for his client the officially announced cost will be 1.98 million rubles. This is how a realtor earns 30 thousand rubles on a hidden commission. “This scheme was suggested to us by our buyer’s realtor when we were selling a 1-room apartment on the street. Chelyuskintsev,” says Samara resident Ivan Nikolaenko. - It turned out that we actually paid 30 thousand to a third-party realtor for bringing a buyer. The buyer thought that we gave him 20 thousand rubles from the initially stated price, although in fact the discount was 50 thousand. Honestly, it was a little offensive for the deception, because they could have simply “dumped” these 20 thousand and the person was ready to buy. In the end, his agent had to pay extra.”

In this case, it is more difficult to verify the realtor’s honesty. After all, if a person trusts an agent to negotiate, then he will only learn the final result of the bargaining from the words of a specialist. And either he takes his word for it or he doesn’t. The possibility that the seller, knowing about this simple fraud, will “pity” the buyer during the transaction and report that the bargaining was actually greater is unlikely. The main thing for the seller is to sell his home in order to solve his own housing problem. Often there is no time for mercy towards strangers. What should a buyer do to avoid hidden realtor commissions under this scheme? It is possible to bargain yourself, but then, in principle, the question arises about the advisability of contacting a realtor when buying an apartment.

On this variations of hidden agency fees don't end. For example, a buyer's realtor may invite the selling party to “contribute” to the choice of their client. In other words, influence his choice by persistently recommending a specific option. With some buyers, such psychological pressure works - the agent earns a reward from the seller of the apartment. In a more civilized version, both consulting parties simply divide the commission, but, of course, not everyone agrees to this.

Free cheese on the real estate market

All these methods of making relatively honest money from real estate buyers are practiced by both private realtors and representatives of real estate agencies. Such specialists, of course, will not tell the client who turns to them for help in choosing and purchasing an apartment about the principles of their work. But they will be able to offer the service at a tempting price or even for free. However, it is clear that such a selection of housing will be free only in words, but in fact it is quite likely that the agent’s commission will be hidden, hidden in the increased cost of housing.
In itself, a free service in any area looks absurd, unless it is part of a marketing strategy and is not included in a package of other services that are already paid for in full. Accordingly, if a real estate specialist promises to help you for free, keep in mind: the temptation to make money from you, the opposite party to the transaction, or all of them at once will be very great.

A civilized alternative to such a “free” service looks quite clear: in the form of a legally binding contract, which spells out the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as the amount of remuneration that the agent will receive for the completed task.

Prices are creeping down

In modern market realities, the most noticeable property is the one at the lowest price. Often in open sources you can find several advertisements for the sale of the same apartment, differing in prices. The difference in cost, as a rule, falls within the range of 10 to 100 thousand rubles and depends on the area of ​​the object, its quality characteristics and price.

It’s worth mentioning right away that these may not be the price “games” that realtors like to blame for. We are talking about a situation where several agents list the same apartment at once, slightly adjusting the price.

If the same property is exhibited several times at different prices, this may simply be the cost of updating information or the peculiarities of pricing real estate services. For example, the owner could reduce the price, but his agents had not yet had time to adjust their offers. So side by side is an offer from the owner at the lowest price and several offers from real estate agencies with a commission already added to this amount (the amount also varies). Let us now ignore how expedient and effective such a sale can be.

The logic of a potential buyer’s actions, as a rule, is simple: contact the author of the cheapest offer. If it is the owner himself or an agent selling the apartment for a lower fee, so much the better for the buyer. However, this same move may be another trick that the seller himself is not even aware of yet. “We were selling a 1-room apartment that my wife inherited,” says Ilya Ovchinnikov, a resident of Samara. - We entered into an agreement with a real estate agency, they put our apartment up for sale at a price of 2.2 million rubles. There were calls, several views. A couple of weeks later a man called and said that his client wanted to see our apartment. They liked everything during the viewing, and then the buyer left, but his realtor stayed. And he told us that his client was ready to buy our apartment for 2.1 million rubles - it was at this price that he offered him our one-room apartment. We all unanimously objected that we were selling for 100 thousand more, to which he said that we could stop searching for a buyer and resolve the issue now, just by moving up a little in price. We then refused, and a couple of weeks later our realtor found us a buyer at the desired price.”

Thus, it may well turn out that the apartment you like in the ad is offered at the cheapest price not by the owner himself, but by a third-party agent. Moreover, the homeowner may not suspect anything. Are such actions of a realtor legal? Obviously not, since the personal data of the apartment seller is used without his knowledge and is deliberately distorted.

What kind of realtor does the market need?

There are several global issues in the field of interaction with realtors. First - is it possible to do without a realtor? Confident skeptics argue that it is possible and with a thinking head on your shoulders there will be no more risks than with the support of a real estate agent. On the other hand, often the need to seek professional help is caused by objective circumstances - lack of time for self-training and conducting a transaction, difficulties in preparing documents or finding a suitable object, participation in a transaction consisting of several parts.

However, at the stage of choosing a realtor, it doesn’t get any easier. There are no uniform measures of quality and criteria for the literacy of real estate specialists on the market. And consumers of real estate services themselves choose based on a variety of factors: personal recommendations from friends, the company’s popularity in the market, the time the agency has existed, the location of the office and its appearance, of course, based on the cost of services and many other indicators. Are they even taken together as an indicator of objective professionalism and a guarantee of a successful transaction? Alas, not always.

Meanwhile, there is definitely a need for competent design of a wide variety of real estate transactions on the market. As in any business in the service sector, a realtor is expected to provide service and guarantees, as well as the aggregation of all actions necessary to solve the task. So, to set a goal, agree on the timing and cost of the service, and then receive ready-made solution in the form new apartment, the amount from the sale or a fully formed package of documents. This is exactly what a civilized market for real estate services can look like.

How do you interact with realtors?

Alexander Insarov,
resident of Samara:

Six months ago we sold the family’s three-ruble rent in order to exchange it for two apartments. The buyer's realtor worked with a hidden commission - our specialist later told us. During the deposit for the apartment and then, during the transaction itself, the buyer’s realtor was very nervous; the buyer knew nothing about his plans to earn 70 thousand rubles on our apartment. We learned about this fact before the deal and did not back down. The sale was urgent, the apartment was not the easiest - we could wait a long time for another buyer. The impression left, of course, is twofold: the apartment itself is not bad, we did not hide the obvious shortcomings, but in terms of money, our buyer, of course, lost.

Alina Urazova,
resident of Samara:

We have our own family realtor, like a family dentist or photographer. We have known her for about ten years, during which time, with the help of this specialist, we managed to sell our parents’ apartment and buy them a new one, change our home twice and once change our sister’s home. Our realtor Elena has a private practice; she previously worked in one of the Samara agencies. We trust her completely, her commission is lower than in many companies in the city, and we are already regular customers with the appropriate attitude. I always recommend her, and it doesn’t bother me at all that she works for herself - she’s still a reliable and professional person.

Kirill Zavarzin,
resident of Tolyatti:

A year ago we bought an apartment for our daughter in Samara. They turned to a large city real estate agency for help. Personal reviews there was none, so we chose a reliable company with a name. In the end, we were satisfied with our decision: our specialist took care of all the paperwork and fully coordinated the transaction. The time for meetings and settlements was always selected based on our busyness. A very client-oriented approach, unobtrusive service without the desire to add as many additional services as possible.

The hidden commission of realtors for services means the amount they receive without the consent of their client. Unfortunately, to this day this phenomenon occurs in the real estate market, just as there are unscrupulous private brokers and agencies. The realtor's hidden commission schemes are different: here is the participation of an additional agency and broker in the transaction, and the imposition of additional conditions on the other party to the transaction.

Hidden realtor commissions - popular schemes

  • Scheme No. 1 – the realtor represents the seller. Let’s say a buyer has been found to buy out a share in an apartment or the entire property, but suddenly an agent starts bidding, offering to give up a certain amount under various pretexts. In such cases, the realtor’s hidden commission scheme is based on receiving a bonus on the buyer’s agency side.
  • Scheme No. 2 – the realtor represents the buyer. Having agreed with his customer on the amount and conditions, the agent contacts the seller’s representative and asks for a discount, which he intends to receive himself, and not provide to his client. If an agreement fails, he will most likely announce his refusal to deal and will look for more accommodating partners.

Consequences of the work of unscrupulous agents

Ultimately, cooperation with such masters of hidden schemes has a negative impact on the customers, on both sides: deals fall through and time is wasted. Despite the fact that it is often necessary to urgently sell an apartment or, conversely, buy it. On the other hand, there are also additional financial costs, and the risk of getting less money than planned.

Hidden commissions of realtors: violation of professional ethics or outright fraud?

From a legal point of view, the implementation of a hidden commission scheme by a realtor can be interpreted as theft of property ( cash) by deception or abuse of trust. Such cases can be considered under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2: fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.

After all, the realtor of the second party also participates in the transaction, depriving his client of the opportunity to receive additional profit. The unscrupulous agent receives money without any legal grounds, which is essentially a scam.

Unfortunately, in order to bring an agent to justice, a personal appeal to the judicial authorities of the victim is required, i.e. the one at whose expense the realtor received the bonus. Unfortunately, such cases are very rare.

Hidden commission: execution cannot be pardoned.

There are legends about fabulous fees in the real estate business. This article will discuss the legality of receiving these fees by hiding part of the cost of the objects being sold from clients, the so-called “hidden commissions”.
Before studying a phenomenon as such, it is necessary to describe it and, if possible, define it. What is a hidden commission? Under what circumstances is it possible? How is it removed? Who and how is involved in the process of obtaining it? Let's consider two typical cases of a purchase and sale transaction in which the interests of both parties are represented by realtors.
In the first example agency M buys an apartment from agency N. Relations with clients are formalized by appropriate agreements, which set out remuneration for services rendered. The price of the apartment is agreed with the buyer. When making an advance payment to N, his representatives ask on the eve of the transaction to give them additional money and not to discuss the price with the owner of the apartment during the transaction itself. The offer is accompanied by a hint that if refused, the property will be sold to another buyer. M representatives agree. The deal is going through. Agency N, in addition to the commission specified in the contract with the seller, assigns a significant amount, which their client does not know about, and which is called a “hidden commission”. Similar examples are often found in practice in seller's market when the number of people willing to purchase an object significantly exceeds the number of offers.
In the second example just as in the first, agency M buys an apartment from agency N. Relations with clients are formalized by appropriate agreements, which stipulate remuneration for services rendered. But the final price of the object has not been agreed upon with the buyer. When making an advance payment to N, representative M asks to increase the cost of the object and return the difference between the real and increased price to him after the transaction. The offer is accompanied by a hint that if refused, he will convince the buyer to purchase another property. N's representatives agree. The deal is going through. Agency M, in addition to the commission agreed upon in the contract with the buyer, pockets a significant amount that their client does not know about, which is also called a “hidden commission.” Similar examples are often found in practice in buyer's market when the number of offers significantly exceeds the number of actual buyers.

Hidden commission is a sum of money received by a realtor as a remuneration in the process of providing a service, not stated in the contract with the client or otherwise agreed upon with him.

During a discussion on one of the most famous online real estate forums on the topic of the admissibility of hidden commissions in the work of a professional realtor, the three most common points of view were identified:
- hidden commission is unacceptable under any circumstances;
- there is no point in working without a hidden commission;
- in certain situations, hidden commission is acceptable.
At the same time, almost all the participants in the discussion who advocated the inadmissibility of hidden commissions did not deny that they repeatedly had to help counterparties hide part of the money from their client when conducting joint transactions. This was explained by the fact that they acted exclusively in the interests of their own client, who knew about the hidden commission, but did not refuse to carry out the transaction. Without touching on the moral and ethical side of such an argument, we will try to analyze the actions of all participants in the process of concealing the commission, based solely on the norms of criminal law. First of all, let's answer the question: is receiving a hidden commission a crime? To do this, we will check for the presence of all the necessary elements of a crime.
Object(main feature) in in this case is private property, A subject(optional attribute) – monetary values client.
Objective side consists of causing property damage to the owner through deception or abuse of trust in the form of concealing the real amount received from the sale of the property.
Subjective side characterized by direct, usually premeditated intent and selfish motive.
Subject– in fact, the realtor himself meets two mandatory criteria: sanity and age criminal liability. In my many years of experience communicating with colleagues, I have never met anyone under 16 years of age, which I cannot say regarding sanity. Anything has happened. Let’s assume that (before reading this article) they won’t send a fool for a hidden commission.

Thus, all the signs of a crime are evident. Now let's try to (unofficially) qualify it. Because We have already established the factual circumstances of the “case”; we will focus on establishing a specific norm of criminal law that provides for liability for this crime.
Let's start with something simpler second example, in which the buyer's realtor, through fraud or breach of trust, takes possession of his client's property. This act falls within the scope of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “fraud”, which is one of the forms of theft of someone else's property. A fraudulent realtor uses the special trust relationship that has developed between him and the client, which is based on civil contract. In the absence of trust, a fraudulent realtor deliberately distorts the actual state of affairs, deliberately misinforms the client, and deliberately misleads him regarding the price of the property. In both cases, the purpose of the action is to encourage the client, of his own free will (falsified, however, by false information or omission of the truth), to transfer a significant amount to the fraudster.
Let's move on to consider first example. In this case, actions to receive a hidden commission cannot be classified as fraud, because at the time of criminal influence, the amount of money constituting the hidden commission had not yet come into the possession of the owner and, therefore, the necessary signs of theft are absent. There is “causing property damage to the owner by deception or abuse of trust,” defined by criminal law as a crime under Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The main difference from fraud here is the nature of the material damage. In case of theft (fraud), the damage is expressed in real deprivation the owner of his valuables. Property damage in the crime in question consists of losses in the form of shortfall in what is due, in the form of lost material benefits, but not real damage associated with a decrease in the owner’s property, which always occurs in theft.

In conclusion, we will dwell on the qualifying features inherent in both articles and determined by the amount of damage caused and the presence of accomplices. We will not dwell on the qualifying feature determined based on the amount of damage. Criminals who receive a hidden commission are so confident in their impunity that they think little about whether large or especially large amounts of damage will be charged to them. But the topic of complicity is very relevant, especially for those who, hiding behind the interests of their clients, enter into a conspiracy with criminals. Let's start this time by considering first example.
In the actions of the buyer’s representative (realtor M), who secretly transferred an amount of money from the owner of the purchased object to realtor N, there are signs complicity. Facilitating the commission of a crime by given in advance promises to hide the fact of shortfall from the victim. What is important is the fact of the promise, and not the reality of its fulfillment. Those. if during the transaction the owner did not ask the counterparty about the real purchase price, and he did not have to lie, this does not exclude complicity and does not affect the qualifications of complicity. Why? Because, without having previously received a promise to hide the crime, the contractor of agency N would have refused (in his own words, he would not have carried out a transaction with this buyer) from his criminal plan.
Second example more complex and ambiguous in the distribution of roles of accomplices. Let's first analyze the actions of the buyer's representative (realtor M). Signs on the face incitement. M's inciting actions (by persuasion and threat to refuse the transaction) are carried out with direct intent and cause N's determination to commit a crime. In addition, in the active actions of M (for example, in the form of restricting communication between the parties to a transaction in order to hide the true value of the object from his client), there are signs complicity. And who is the performer? The performer in both examples is realtor N. The only difference is that in the first example N implements his own criminal plan, and in the second example, the plan of a fellow fraudster.

Let's summarize. Hidden commissions have flourished in the real estate market in the last few years. There are several reasons for this, the main one of which is the huge influx of random people into the ranks of realtors. Discussions on the permissibility of receiving hidden commissions periodically arise both between realtors and between realtors and clients. Unfortunately, representatives of law enforcement agencies ignore this phenomenon, do not participate in public discussions, and do not comment on it from the point of view of the law. The author of this material tried, due to his knowledge and mental abilities, to give a legal assessment of the actions to obtain a hidden commission. I really hope that this article will help my colleagues correctly put a comma in its title, if, of course, they have not done so yet.

The realtor's commission is a few percent of the total amount of the concluded transaction, but in reality, a realtor's earnings can be many times higher. Recently, the average realtor remuneration for the sale and purchase of an apartment in Moscow or the Moscow region is approximately from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, and simple transaction support (paperwork, etc.) is 1% of the transaction. Realtors sometimes resort to various frauds to get additional income in addition to the official remuneration provided for in the contract.

Option 1

This is the most common method. The real estate agency agrees with the seller on a specific amount for which the apartment will be sold. Most often, realtors try to underestimate the cost of their client’s apartment. The apartment is put up for sale at a price much higher than the agreed price. All excess profits go not to the seller of the apartment, but to the agency. The apartment seller needs to be very careful when concluding an agreement with the agency.

Option 2

Since the value of real estate is constantly growing, and the number of applicants for one apartment can be more than 2 people, realtors, for a certain fee, negotiate with one of the buyers to sell the apartment at a certain price. Even if a potential client appears offering a large sum for an apartment, the real estate agent will not inform the home seller about this.

Option 3

It often happens that a realtor needs to sell “stagnant goods” or a certain apartment, with the seller of which the realtor has his own agreements. In this case, the real estate agent shows the apartment to the buyer at the same price, but with worse repairs, transport accessibility and infrastructure. For lack of a better option, the buyer leans toward the “right” option.

Option 4

The buyer has a certain amount of money, for example, 3 million rubles. The realtor negotiates a deal with the seller of the apartment, which is listed for 2.7 million rubles, and sells it to the buyer for 3 million rubles. In this case, the agencies insist on transferring the advance payment for the apartment through their account. You also need to be wary if the broker asks the buyer to deposit money into two safe deposit boxes. A situation often occurs when the seller’s realtor and the buyer’s realtor come to an agreement with each other. The seller is persuaded to sell at a lower price, and the buyer is persuaded to buy at a higher price. Realtors share the profits received among themselves.

Trust but verify

No matter how honest a realtor may seem to you, you always need to be extremely careful. Here are some tips:

  1. Meet and personally communicate with the seller, do not hesitate to discuss the cost of the apartment and other terms of the transaction with him. Insist on meeting with the seller or buyer before signing an agreement with the agency.
  2. In the contract, indicate the full cost. Instead of an advance, enter into a deposit agreement, which is paid according to the agreement preliminary purchase and sale. The deposit remains with the seller if the buyer refuses the transaction. If the seller changes his mind, he is obliged to return double the deposit.
  3. After concluding the agreement, deposit money into one safe deposit box.

Buying a new apartment or house is, of course, a good thing, but troublesome. These chores, on the one hand, are pleasant - the dreams of what your family nest will be like are finally becoming a reality. However, before the arrangement of that very nest begins, one has to go through many unpleasant moments and face many unforeseen problems. Everything is clear - buying a home is not an easy procedure to begin with. And you need to be prepared for this so as not to panic in vain. And most importantly, you need to be prepared for the fact that the total amount of expenses will end up being an order of magnitude higher than the cost of the apartment or house you are considering. What is this excess cost in the end? How much do you need to have in your stash so that the deal doesn’t fall through?

When asking the price for housing, you need to take into account a very long list of services that need to be paid before becoming a full-fledged owner of an apartment or house. If you are very lucky and you yourself have found the option you need, then you can save a little on the services of a real estate agency. But even in this case, it is still better to entrust the execution of the entire purchase and sale transaction to a professional. Therefore, it is not advisable to completely exclude the services of a realtor - there will be much more hassle, and the costs of verification may be no less.

To assess all additional costs above the declared price of the apartment, we decided to turn to real estate market professionals and mortgage lending to get the answer, as they say, first hand.

“Buying an apartment through a real estate agency is faster, easier, more reliable and, paradoxical as it may sound, cheaper,” the head of the department assures us secondary market company "INCOM-Real Estate" Sergey Shloma. The expert explained what costs, in addition to the cost of the apartment itself, the buyer will bear when contacting a real estate agency: “There are costs associated with possible additional checks and additional fee documents (for example, with the legalization of redevelopments - redevelopments have been made in every third apartment). Who pays for this is an open question: either the seller, or the buyer, or the agency. Additional costs also arise when conducting mutual settlements under a transaction (collection, security of funds, renting safe deposit boxes or opening letters of credit).”

For all these services, real estate agencies charge an average of 3-6% of the cost of the purchased home. Whether to contact realtors or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Is this a case where you can save money? It is probably worth putting the issue of guaranteed security of the entire transaction at the forefront. The agency gives such guarantees and is responsible for the transaction. Otherwise, all responsibility lies with the buyer.

Contacting a real estate agency eliminates the need to search for options. A selection agreement is concluded with the agency (usually 10-15 options are offered), then these objects are shown to the client. When the choice is made, negotiations begin with the seller of the apartment or house. Then it is necessary to correctly draw up an advance relationship or an advance payment agreement, which will fully describe the transaction. “We must lower the seller’s price as much as possible, protecting the interests of our client-buyer,” says Sergei Shloma. – We must assist in checking the selected object and in conducting absolutely safe mutual settlements between buyer and seller. We also ensure the transfer of the apartment, its legal and physical release. In a word, the client becomes the owner of a new and safe home and is 100% free from possible risks.”

And yet, some unforeseen expenses cannot be ruled out - for example, the seller did not pay the duty, and you no longer want to wait for him to pay (if he pays at all). Or an additional notarized document was needed. Therefore, it is still worth investing in paying for the agency’s services. maximum percentage of the cost of the apartment - 6%, or even add a couple more percent for complete peace of mind.

If, when buying an apartment, you take out a mortgage loan, then this, of course, is a different story: the range of prices is very wide, because here everything depends on the term and conditions under which the buyer takes out a mortgage loan. In this case, housing can cost one and a half, or even three times more expensive.

How to calculate the real cost mortgage loan, including all commissions and all expenses when obtaining a loan? What are the additional costs when getting a mortgage? The head of the sales department helped us understand these issues. mortgage products Nordea Bank Roman Slobodyan. Costs can be divided into three components:
1. Insurance - on average 0.6% of the loan amount.
2. Real estate valuation in an independent company - on average 5,000 rubles for an apartment and 15,000 rubles for country real estate.
3. Costs of conducting a transaction - renting lockers or opening a letter of credit for settlement between counterparties (3,000 rubles), notary services (power of attorney, drawing up DCT, receipts, etc. - 7,000 rubles), payment of state fees for registration at the registration chamber - all in the average amount about 10,000 rubles.
But not all of these expenses will necessarily appear in each specific transaction, the expert explains.

As for full price mortgage loan, we asked Roman Slobodyan to calculate it using the example of a loan from Nordea Bank. For example, the following parameters are used:
The cost of the apartment is 6.5 million rubles.
The loan amount (90% of the cost) is 5.85 million rubles.
The loan term is 30 years.
The rate is fixed for the first five years - 11.5%, starting from the sixth year: MosPrime 6 months. + 5% (recalculated every year on the due date).

The total cost of the loan example we considered (in percentage per annum) as of the date of information was 12.96%.

In conclusion, we will give some advice to those who are preparing to purchase a new home. When choosing a currency for your mortgage, determine the level of risk you are willing to take on the loan. If you take rubles, then the risk of dependence on exchange rate No. However, foreign currency loans are offered at significantly more favorable rates than rubles. The difference in rates at Nordea Bank, for example, reaches 4%. Thus, if you take out a small loan and understand that you are ready to repay it quickly enough, for example, within 2-3 years, by selling other real estate, then a foreign currency mortgage can be profitable and risks are minimized by short term and the availability of an asset for sale, explains Roman Slobodyan.

And one more thing: many real estate agencies cooperate with banks that provide mortgages, and accordingly, can offer more favorable conditions lending. “We cooperate mainly with the most large banks, in each of which we have certain preferences. These are banks that have about 98% of the market volume. All our clients, accordingly, receive preferences from each partner bank. That is, if a person comes to a bank friendly to us for a mortgage as a third party, his conditions for acquiring a loan are worse than those of the person who comes to us. In fact, the client may not even use our services, but simply come and ask a question about a mortgage, we will, of course, help him, and, in addition, the client will even earn from 0.5 to 1% on this operation (for example, if the loan is taken out for 20 years, then on average the savings will be 1 million rubles),” adds Sergei Shloma from INCOM-Real Estate.

So, summarizing our research on the problem additional expenses When buying a home, we came to the conclusion that it is still necessary to have up to 10% of the cost of the home. Then you can be sure that no unforeseen expenses not scary. True, there is for potential buyers and good news. Sergei Shloma reassured us a little. It turns out that today the situation on the market is such that the buyer has the opportunity to bargain, and as a result, housing sometimes costs him exactly the stated price or even a little cheaper. So go ahead - bargain! Happy shopping and happy life in a new home!