Banknote counter for different denominations. Banknote counter with determination of currency denomination and banknote counter-sorter

  • 09.04.2020

DORS 750- the first counter developed in Russia with automatic recognition of currency, denomination, orientation and authentication by IR image, visible image, UV, optical density, size. DORS 750 successfully passed tests in Central Bank Russia and the European Central Bank.

End-to-end recalculation of a mixed stack of banknotes with display of detailed results for each denomination separately and for the entire stack. DORS 750 makes it possible to process a mixed pack immediately, without preliminary sorting.

DORS 750 checks each banknote according to the image in infrared light, visible image, optical density, size, as well as the absence of background glow of the banknote paper under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


  • MIX mode: recalculation of all denominations and orientations of banknotes of the same currency. This mode detects each counted banknote by IR and visible image, the accuracy of their alignment, as well as control of the luminescence of banknote paper in UV light. DORS 750 determines the total amount of banknotes passed through, their quantity, and the amount for each denomination separately. DORS 750, operating in MIX mode, allows you to very quickly process cash received from clients with simultaneous verification of authenticity; the report generated by the counter will allow the cashier to compare the actual amount of money with the amount stated in the documents.
  • DOMINAL mode: recalculation of one denomination of banknotes of all orientations. The denomination is determined based on the first banknote in the stack being counted. When a banknote of a different denomination is detected DORS 750 will stop counting, beep and display an error message on the monitor. A banknote of a different denomination will be placed in the receiving pocket on top. In this mode, there is detection of each counted banknote by IR and visible image, the accuracy of their alignment, as well as control of the luminescence of banknote paper in UV light. In the NOMINAL mode it is possible to control the orientation of banknotes during recalculation. The orientation is determined by the first banknote in the stack being counted, allowing the cashier to verify the uniform orientation of the banknotes in the stack being counted.
  • COUNTING mode: simple recalculation of the number of banknotes. The COUNT mode is characterized by two features:
    • Detection of machine-readable features is disabled, however, DORS 750 controls the geometric dimensions of the banknote and the mechanical parameters of the passage of banknotes along the path.
    • Maximum counting speed, 1500 banknotes per minute.
    • This mode is used when checking the number of already collected stubs: on the one hand, there is no need to check the authenticity of banknotes, on the other hand, it is necessary to check their number as quickly as possible.
  • Recalculation start mode when pressing the “START” button allows you to control the start of banknote counting. Convenient when working with old money: the cashier has the opportunity to lay the banknotes evenly without haste.
  • Summarization mode of recalculation results allows you to calculate any volume money supply, receive a detailed report (number of banknotes and amount) for each denomination, as well as for the entire count.


  • three operating modes: simple recounting, recalculation of banknotes of the same denomination with the ability to control the orientation of banknotes, recalculation of a mixed stack of banknotes of different denominations;
  • automatic currency detection. When recalculating a bundle, the counter determines the currency based on the first banknote; if a banknote of a different currency is included, it is rejected;
  • quick recalculation of a mixed stack of banknotes of the same currency with authentication verification, determination of the denomination of banknotes, display of a detailed result of the recalculation;
  • detection of banknotes in the ultraviolet range, by IR image, visible image, optical density, size;
  • control of the orientation of banknotes in the stack being counted;
  • three speed modes allow you to process banknotes of varying degrees of deterioration;
  • multicurrency. Basic configuration - three currencies (RUR/USD/EUR), optionally - up to 5 currencies;
  • ADD summation mode, which allows you to accumulate data on the number of banknotes being counted, denominations and total amount;
  • automatic or manual start mode;
  • counting mode for a stack of banknotes of a user-specified size (from 1 to 999).
  • the first counter developed in Russia with automatic recognition of currency, denomination and orientation, with a full-fledged detection unit;
  • The meter uses an efficient and reliable feed mechanism to avoid jams. When placing banknotes in the feed pocket, there is no need to carefully align the banknotes in the stack being counted;
  • one of the highest speeds for counting banknotes with detection and determination of denomination on the market of counting equipment – ​​1500 banknotes per minute;
  • intuitive and practical interface: access to rarely used functions is provided through the menu. The DORS 750 operator, during operation, practically does not resort to manual menu control;
  • remote update software via the Internet via PC. The system independently determines the availability of the necessary updates compatible with a specific meter.


  • CIS technology visible form.
  • CIS technology Scanning the entire area of ​​a banknote allows you to check 100% of the area of ​​each counted banknote in the visible range of light. Checking this machine-readable feature allows you to identify counterfeit banknotes that differ from genuine banknotes in IR image.
  • Several ultraviolet sensors, working in both transmission and reflection, provide checking the background glow of banknote paper in the UV spectrum. Checking this machine-readable feature allows you to identify counterfeit banknotes that differ from genuine banknotes in the background glow of banknote paper when exposed to UV radiation.
  • The optical density of banknote paper is defined as the average transmittance of IR light passing through the banknote. This is a basic level of control, mandatory for any banknote counter. These sensors also allow you to control the evenness of the passage of banknotes along the path.
  • DORS 750 also determines the geometric dimensions of banknotes.
  • When recalculating in any operating mode, a check is made for doubleness, passing of banknotes in a chain, and banknotes with a large missing fragment.
  • Banknote jam detection as they move along the path, it avoids damage to a large number of banknotes. Typically, jams occur when foreign objects (paper clips, paper, etc.) get into the meter path. In this case, the first banknote counted is stuck, but to avoid physical damage to the remaining banknotes DORS 750 stops working.

To facilitate the work of employees of banks, financial exchanges and other enterprises, who often deal with a large number of documents and securities, a variety of modern equipment. It significantly increases work efficiency, saves time and effort, and also increases accuracy, which is important, for example, when working with currency. Especially for counting and checking for authenticity large sums money, developed banknote counter, the purchase of which will be a valuable investment of your financial resources.

There are different models, some of which can only work with one type of currency, others that are designed for several different currencies.

Especially for the convenience of money conversion money counting machine is equipped with a metal chassis, thanks to which all banknotes are processed in a minimum amount of time. Also, some models may be equipped with a multifunction display. It displays not only the nominal value, but also other information about the results of the recalculation. For example, you can set the settings so that the display shows not the total amount, but the amount for each of the denominations being counted.

Today, most banknote counting devices are not only equipped with a large number of useful functions, but also have an easy-to-learn interface. You can master working with such a device in just a few minutes.

One of the popular modern models banknote counter, buy which we have is the so-called two-pocket. It allows you to count banknotes without stopping and immediately weed out those that may be counterfeit or seem suspicious. And especially advanced models are equipped with special ports through which it is possible to connect an external display. On the display you can track the actions of the cashier in exchange office or an operator at a bank. The result of the currency count is also immediately displayed on the monitor.

With us you can buy a money counting machine with various features at an affordable price. The entire range of products offered boasts high level quality, which is confirmed by relevant documents. By purchasing currency counters from us, you get reliable and durable devices.

Verifying the authenticity of a banknote with this counter includes taking a full infrared image of the banknote with high resolution (40 dots per inch), scanning magnetic marks, checking the absence of a general luminescence background and the glow of individual marks and fibers in ultraviolet light, checking the size and optical density of the banknote. The location of the magnetic sensors is fully adapted to work with Russian rubles. Also, this arrangement of sensors completely covers the magnetic tags of US dollars and euros. Enabling the detection function for any currency (UAH, USD, EUR) is done by pressing one key.


  • High conversion speed
  • Multicurrency. Detection and determination of the denomination of the three main currencies used in Ukraine: Hryvnia, USD, EUR.
  • Full authentication using IR, UV and magnetic security features.
  • Formation of a pack for a specified number of banknotes, as well as for a user-specified amount.
  • End-to-end recalculation of mixed batches. The ability to recalculate banknotes of the same currency of any denomination, orientation, issue, determining their authenticity and reporting the total amount by denomination and the number of banknotes.
  • Display on the screen of all counter actions performed, including data on the selected currency, sorting mode, the number and amount of banknotes counted, the number of banknotes in the rejection pocket, the specified pack size; turning on detection.
  • Availability of the “Main SUM” function: the counter accumulates data on all saved conversions and displays detailed information on the screen (or printer) for each denomination, as well as the total number and amount of banknotes. The “Main SUM” function allows you to maintain statistics for three main currencies (hryvnia, US dollars, euros)
  • Easy access to the tract. Stuck banknotes are easily removed from the counter path.
  • The meter switches to energy-saving mode for a time set by the user (from 1 to 30 minutes), if necessary, this mode can be disabled.

Banknote counters- this is specialized equipment designed for organizations that work with large volumes of cash. The task of the device data is to recalculate banknotes at face value. Counters are very convenient when you need to quickly and accurately count funds and form bundles with a certain number of bills.

On the site site you can buy a banknote counter from well-known manufacturers - Dors, Cassida, DoCash, Magner, Mercury and many others. We offer a wide selection of models of this equipment, from which you can choose the device that best suits you in terms of functionality and price.

Basic types of banknote counters which are represented in our company:

  • bank note counters
  • office banknote counters
  • counter-sorters
  • portable and compact banknote counters
  • coin counters

Bank grade banknote counter - These are professional devices that are intended for use in areas where cash turnover is daily and minute-to-minute. The peculiarity of bank meters is that their design and mechanisms are designed to withstand heavy loads. The moving elements are made of metal to reduce their natural wear. Therefore, such a model can work without interruption from 8 to 14 hours a day. Some counters can also check banknotes for authenticity based on basic security features, and also support the function of determining the denomination.

Office Grade Banknote Counter- are used to recalculate the average cash volume. The performance of such models is designed for approximately 3-5 hours a day. Almost all office banknote counters have a feed pocket with horizontal loading of banknotes. Thanks to this design, bills can be placed on top of the stack of processed money during the counting process. The feeding pocket of these counter models is designed for an average of 300 - 500 banknotes. Such models can additionally be equipped with ultraviolet, magnetic or infrared detection.

Banknote counters (sorters)- are two-pocket or multi-pocket models. Their difference lies in the fact that, together with the recalculation of banknotes, they can determine their authenticity and denomination, as well as sort according to specified characteristics. Such devices provide an additional rejection pocket into which the counter sifts out bills that do not meet the specified recalculation parameters. Two-pocket banknote sorters can perform continuous counting, which is an advantage over single-pocket models. In addition, such devices support all types of detections and can work non-stop. The company's product range also includes counter models that sort banknotes according to the degree of deterioration. Such models are mandatory for installation in financial institutions.

Portable banknote counters- are intended for use in cases where it is inconvenient or impossible to use full-fledged stationary equipment. The peculiarity of portable meters is their compactness, lightness and ability to function autonomously. Such devices can operate from all common power sources and even from a car cigarette lighter. Due to its small dimensions, such a counter can be placed, for example, in a bag. As for functionality, a portable banknote counter can not only count money, but also documents, leaflets, price tags and other paper materials of a certain density.

For small organizations, we also offer compact, budget-class banknote counters. They are used for counting small amounts of money and are equipped with a loading pocket on the back of the case that can hold a maximum of 200 banknotes. In such models, bills are loaded vertically. The only disadvantage of such devices is the inability to add additional bills during the counting process. Therefore, in order to recalculate the number of banknotes taking into account new ones, you need to wait until the end of the process and perform a new loading of cash.

Coin counters- these are devices similar in principle to working with banknote counters, but designed to count coins. With their help, you can quickly recalculate metallic money, as well as sort by a given parameter. As a standard, coin counters are equipped with two pockets - a receiving pocket for feeding coins, and a reject pocket - for coins that do not meet certain parameters or specified characteristics. Some models support the function of summing multiple results. The counting speed of such devices, as a rule, does not exceed 500 coins per minute.

Banknote counter with detector is a device for counting banknotes of different denominations and determining their authenticity.

The device is used in commercial establishments and financial institutions. This is a workflow automation tool that makes it possible to simplify people’s work and protect banknotes from counterfeiting.

Compared to a conventional device, a unit with an authenticity detector has expanded functionality.

It performs several actions at a time, saving the cashier's time.

Occupies a small area on the desktop and is designed for many years of use.

The device operates in bundle control mode and detects double bills. The operator configures the equipment as desired, adjusting the counting speed, automatic or manual start. Available in random or fixed packaging.

Money counting machines are presented in a stylish external design. They fit into the interior of a store or office. Easy maintenance.

Authentication methods

A counter with a detector automatically checks paper money for authenticity in the following ways:

  1. Ultraviolet detection – checking the banknote with a built-in ultraviolet sensor. Using illumination, counterfeit copies are identified. The method is not considered 100% reliable and is often combined with other authentication methods.
  2. Infrared verification is designed to scan money using infrared light, where each note has a different pattern. Deviation from the standard allows you to identify a fake.
  3. Magnetic detection is a type of verification that counterfeiters have learned to bypass. The machine has built-in magnets, just like cash. Due to hesitation, it is possible to determine the authenticity. Magnetic testing alone is not enough. It is combined with infrared and ultraviolet.
  4. Antistokes check - the banknote is illuminated in infrared radiation. Areas are highlighted in green. High degree of reliability. The fake currency is calculated in a couple of seconds.
  5. Detection by size and thickness of the bill. Money with different denominations has a constant length, width and thickness. Deviations from the norm are a sign of falsification.

The devices are equipped with several authentication methods. This guarantees the reliability of the results obtained.

How it works

The device belongs to the peripheral devices. It connects to commercial equipment after installing the driver using the USB or RS-232 interface.

A stack of bills is loaded into the receiving container. The start button is pressed and counting begins. At the same time, the device checks cash authenticity and eliminates suspicious specimens. For models with the function of determining the value when detected counterfeit banknote a signal is triggered and counting stops.

Each counter has its own characteristics: dimensions, method of loading banknotes, counting speed, pack thickness.

When purchasing a device from our company’s catalog, pay attention to this. If you have any questions, contact the manager. He will help you choose the right model.

Advantages of purchasing a meter with a detector from the Rustekhprom company

If you don’t know where to buy reliable equipment in Moscow, contact our company.

Advantages of ordering from Rustekhprom:

  • balanced prices for goods;
  • products with a long warranty period;
  • competent consultation of managers;
  • fast delivery or pickup;
  • dozens of models in the catalog with descriptions and characteristics;
  • assistance in connection and installation;
  • warranty and post-warranty repairs.