Who is the owner of Rosbank? Societe Generale bought a controlling stake at a record price

  • 03.07.2023

Despite all the problems, the French bankSocietyGeneralestill became the full owner Rosbank, which previously belonged to Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin. Neither their own problems nor squabbles between sellers prevented European bankers from gaining an even stronger foothold in the promising Russian market.

In Russia, where Societe Generale already has a strong position, the bank intends to pursue an “ambitious and targeted expansion strategy.” The bank's announcement on the completion of the transaction particularly emphasized Rosbank's large territorial coverage and the fact that it has the largest regional network among domestic commercial banks.

The fact that Societe Generale owns three more Russian banks and a local subsidiary representative office, it won't hurt. Rosbank and other Societe Generale structures will develop in the same direction, but independently and autonomously, says Alexander Popov, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank.

Difficult deal history

In 2006, Societe Generale bought 20% minus one share of Rosbank from Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov with the option to purchase another 30% plus two shares for $1.7 billion. The French decided to exercise the option. However, in January 2008, Societe Generale began to have problems. The bank reported huge losses allegedly incurred due to the fault of a trader who violated the rules.

As a result, together with the write-off of losses resulting from mortgage crisis in the US, the bank reported losses exceeding $10 billion, as a result of which the bank's net profit fell to $1.38 billion from $7.5 billion a year earlier. There was talk in the market that the bank might not recover from the losses and become a victim of a takeover. The completion of the deal with Rosbank was in jeopardy.

However, the management of the French bank, with the help of the government and through a long-established system of corporate protection, proved that Societe Generale will not be sold to anyone for now. Current financial problems will be resolved through the release own shares by 5.5 billion euros, which will allow compliance with all capital adequacy standards.

However, difficulties were not only on the part of the buyer. The “divorce” of Prokhorov and Potanin, which was accompanied by courts and other corporate struggles, even slowed down the takeover for some time. The Cyprus court, as an interim measure in a dispute between partners, blocked Rosbank shares owned by the joint fund "KM-invest". However, on February 11 it became known that the ban had been lifted.

As a result, having overcome all obstacles, on February 13 Societe Generale officially announced that it was completing the deal to acquire a controlling stake in Rosbank. The press release also states that Societe Generale intends to Russian legislation make an offer to buy out shares to the remaining minority shareholders.

KM-invest still has about 20% of the bank's shares, and according to the Vedomosti newspaper, citing a representative of Potanin's company Interros, these papers will also be transferred to Societe Generale in exchange for shares of the French bank.

Flight of the French to Russia

Societe Generale has been operating in Russia for a long time. Currently, this group owns four more banks in addition to Rosbank. French controlled financial and credit organizations belong to the second echelon of Russian banks. The largest before the acquisition of Rosbank was Banque Societe Generale Vostok - this universal bank ranks 29th in Russia in terms of assets.

The French also own Rusfinance Bank, which is primarily engaged in consumer loans, DeltaCredit, specializing in mortgages, and a very small bank - SKT, working in the field of car lending.

Rosbank, which is in eighth place in Russia by assets, will become the largest acquisition of the French. For now, according to the head of Rosbank, Alexander Popov, there will be no fundamental changes in the company’s work. In an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper on the eve of the closing of the deal, Popov said: “Rosbank operates independently and absolutely autonomously, which is explained by both the current shareholder structure and the difference in the scale of the business.”

As for competition with Banque Societe Generale Vostok, Popov does not see any problems in this. “We have our own strategy for development and ensuring growth of both business volumes and profitability. We are pleased with the success of others, but we strive for the client to choose us,” says Rosbank.

For a French bank, strengthening its position in the growing Russian market, especially through acquisitions of such major player like Rosbank, it is a great success. Moreover, in conditions when in their “native” markets in Europe, as well as in the USA, financial sector is experiencing serious problems.

For Russians, working under the guidance of Western colleagues can also be beneficial. For example, a group of researchers from the Russian economic school demonstrated in their work that Russian banks, in which foreigners participate in capital, usually work more efficiently than purely Russian organizations.

True, whether the presence of a foreign shareholder is a cause or a consequence of greater efficiency is not reported, writes the Vedomosti newspaper (for more details, see

History of Rosbank

Joint Stock commercial bank Rosbank is a diversified private financial institution, one of the leaders of the Russian banking system. As of March 1, 2010, Rosbank's equity capital amounted to 43,014.83 million rubles, and total assets - 1,194,962.03 million rubles. Based on the results of the second quarter of 2011, it ranks thirteenth in the Russian Federation in terms of assets.

Rosbank is part of the international financial group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, another Russian bank of this group, Banque Societe Generale Vostok, was merged with it.

Rosbank has credit ratings three largest international agencies: Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch. In November 2008, the authoritative British magazine “The Banker” awarded Rosbank the prestigious “Bank of the Year” award, recognizing it as the best financial institution Russia.

Founded in 1993 as JSCB "Independence" (JSC), subsequently changed its organizational and legal form several times (1994 - LLP, 1996 - CJSC). In September 1998, Interros Holding Company acquired the bank and renamed it JSCB ROSBANK (CJSC). In 1999, Rosbank became an Open Joint Stock Company.

In 2003, Rosbank acquired the OVK banking group for $200 million, thereby significantly expanding its branch network.

In June and September 2006, blocks of 10% shares of the bank for $317 million each were sold to the French banking group Société Générale. The French bank also received an option to purchase another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion by the end of 2008, which was exercised in February 2008.

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank's owners (Societe Generale and Interros) were announced to merge Rosbank, Bank Societe Generale Vostok, DeltaCredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank. As a result, it was expected that the largest private bank Russia (the total volume of assets was estimated at 656 billion rubles as of January 1, 2010). However, upon completion of the merger, Rosbank became only the third largest private bank in Russia by assets, behind Alfa Bank and its principal Austrian competitor, UniCredit Bank.

In February 2010, BSGV and Rosbank united the ATM network. At all Rosbank ATMs, holders of BSGV cards can make transactions without additional commissions, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares of Rusfinance Bank and DeltaCredit Bank.

On April 15, 2011, the shareholders of Rosbank made a decision to reorganize the bank in the form of merging CJSC BSGV into it, which took place on July 1, 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, the rebranding of the bank began, which consists of switching to the symbols of the Société Générale group. The new logo of the bank became a red-black square with a white stripe, the font of the bank's name was changed, and under it information appeared about the affiliation with the Société Générale group. In the summer of 2011, new symbols were introduced on bank cards, a legal merger was carried out, and from October 2011, all branches and ATMs became completely equivalent, and the process of changing signs at branches began. The network of partner banks was also significantly expanded, and consequently the number of ATMs and terminals that Rosbank clients can use without commission.

March, 1993

KB “Independence” was founded

September 1998

CB "Independence" was renamed by shareholders (Interros company) into JSCB "ROSBANK" (OJSC). General license No. 2272

September, 2000

Rosbank shareholders approved the decision to merge ONEXIM Bank with it. The strategic direction of development has become work with corporate clients

December 2002

Consolidation of the business of Rosbank and IFC Bank strengthened Rosbank's human resources and technologies for the development of the investment direction

July 2005

Successful completion of the consolidation of the business of Rosbank and six OVK banks (First OVK, Central OVK, Povolzhsky OVK, Privolzhsky OVK, Siberian OVK, Far Eastern OVK). Since that time, the universal commercial bank under the single brand "ROSBANK" has one of the largest private regional networks in the country and is one of the leaders Russian market retail banking services

June, 2006

The French banking group Societe Generale entered into the capital of Rosbank

February 2008

Societe Generale Group became the majority shareholder of Rosbank

February, 2010

Shareholders decided to consolidate Russian assets Societe Generale groups, including Rosbank and other Russian subsidiary banks - Bank Societe Generale Vostok (BSGV), Rusfinance, DeltaCredit, with the aim of maximizing the synergy of various business areas and gaining positions as a leading international financial institution in Russia, covering all market segments

January, 2011

Acquisition of Rusfinance and DeltaCredit banks from the Societe Generale Group, which become 100% subsidiary banks of Rosbank

July 2011

Rosbank merged with BSGV, becoming the largest international financial institution in Russia

Rosbank is a private universal bank as part of an international banking group Societe Generale, providing all types of services to private and corporate clients. Rosbank's subsidiaries are Rusfinance ( consumer lending) and DeltaCredit (mortgage). Regional network The bank covers about 700 branches in 340 populated areas countries. In terms of assets and capital, Rosbank is the largest international financial structure in Russia and is one of the top five Russian banks by size loan portfolio.

The bank serves more than 3 million clients and is one of the leaders in lending individuals- is in third place in Russia in terms of loan portfolio size. The bank has also developed well in the area of ​​private banking - servicing wealthy private clients.

The key areas of Rosbank's work with legal entities are investment banking services and corporate lending. As of the end of 2010, Rosbank was in 12th place among Russian banks in terms of the volume of funds raised legal entities and in 17th place in terms of the size of the corporate loan portfolio. The bank's clients include the largest Russian and international companies. Rosbank is also one of the leading arrangers and underwriters in the market of ruble corporate and municipal bonds.

The bank offers small and medium-sized businesses not only loans, but also cash management services, deposits, bank business cards, salary projects, leasing, commercial mortgage and much more.

Rosbank has investment credit ratings from the international rating agencies Fitch Raitings and Moody's Investor Service. In 2006 and 2008, Rosbank was recognized as the best financial institution in Russia according to the authoritative British magazine The Banker.

Click the button next to the bank description to view the text on the source website.

OJSC JSCB "ROSBANK" is one of the largest financial institutions in Russia. The strategic direction of development of ROSBANK is financial support small and medium businesses.

Small and medium-sized business lending programs allow you to quickly and conveniently obtain funds for running and developing your business. The decision to issue a loan is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the client’s business in the shortest possible time.

The bank was registered in 1993 under the name "Independence". In the crisis year of 1998, it was purchased by structures of the industrial and financial group Interros and acted as a bridge bank for the bankrupt ONEXIMbank of Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov. In 2002, Rosbank took over investment bank IFC is also part of the Interros group, the main industrial asset of which is MMC Norilsk Nickel, and already in 2003, for only $200 million, it bought the UWC banking group, at that time the largest retail group in Russia.

It has 61 branches, 530 sales offices and 4 subsidiary banks in various regions of Russia*, almost 50 offices in Moscow, 6 subsidiary foreign companies, among which the largest are Rosbank S.A. (Switzerland) and Belrosbank (Belarus).

Rosbank's 16,500 employees (excluding subsidiaries and companies) today serve 60 thousand corporate and 5 million private clients. The bank has issued more than 3 million cards, including over 55 thousand chip cards. The number of ATMs reached 1,370 terminals (of which 109 ATMs with cash-in function).

In October 2006, the acquisition of Rosbank shares by the French Societe Generale** was completed. The French bought 20% minus 1 share. Market value Rosbank's business was valued at a ratio of almost 4.2 to the bank's equity capital, which is still a record among CIS banks.

In August 2006, Societe Generale also received an option to acquire a 30% stake plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion with a redemption period until December 31, 2008, and in mid-February 2008 Societe Generale purchased an additional 30% of the bank's shares, becoming the owner of a controlling stake (the total purchase amount was $2.33 billion). To date, Societe Generale has consolidated 57.5% of the shares. Another 37.31% belongs to Pharanco Holdings, controlled by Vladimir Potanin, the rest is in the hands of former and current top managers of the bank and “market investors.”

In Russia, the interests of Societe Generale are already represented by Bank Societe Generale Vostok, DeltaCredit Bank and Samara Rusfinance Bank, merging with the Moscow bank Stolichnoe Credit Partnership.

In The Banker’2008 ranking, Rosbank, with consolidated assets of $16.6 billion, rose to 439th place in the global ranking table and to 347th place in terms of tier 1 capital ($1.48 billion). The Societe Generale banking group ranks 11th in it with consolidated assets of $1,577.745 billion (27th place in Tier 1 capital - $31.8 billion).

In Russia, Rosbank ranks 10th in terms of net assets (436.6 billion rubles as of July 1, 2008 according to RAS). Own funds, including a subordinated loan - 43.26 billion rubles.


* "Rosbank-Volga", "Povolzhskoe OVK", "Central OVK" and "Privolzhskoe OVK". In December 2006, First OVK, Siberian OVK and Far Eastern OVK (OVK is an abbreviation for Mutual Credit Society) were merged with Central OVK Bank.

** The French financial group is represented in 77 countries with almost 3 thousand branches and 120 thousand employees, but the main activity is carried out in France. The group's retail business covers more than 22 million customers in 26 countries. Market capitalization - $51.88 billion as of 09/01/2008 (lost almost 50%: $98.93 billion as of 01/01/08). Assets - about 1 trillion euros, profit in the first half of 2008 - 1.74 billion euros (3.175 billion euros for the first half of 2007).

Rosbank is a Russian commercial bank, ranked eighth in the country in terms of net assets. Full name - Open Joint Stock Company Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Rosbank". The headquarters is located in Moscow.

Founded in 1993 as a captive bank of the Interros group.

In 2003, Rosbank acquired the OVK banking group for $200 million, thereby significantly expanding its branch network.

In June and September 2006, blocks of 10% shares of the bank for $317 million each were sold to the French banking group Societe Generale. The French bank also received an option to purchase another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $1.7 billion by the end of 2008, which was exercised in February 2008.

Owners and management

Bank controlled foreign capital. The main shareholder at the end of December 2008 is French Societe bank Generale (57.6% shares). Another major shareholder is a representative of the Interros group, KM Technologies (Overseas) Limited (37.3073%). In December 2008, Interros pledged 19.99% of shares to VTB to secure loans received.

The chairman of the board of directors of the bank is Philippe Henri Citern. Chairman of the Board - Vladimir Golubkov

The bank is a multi-profile financial institution that provides a full range of banking services to both individuals and legal entities. The bank has a general license to carry out banking operations, licenses of a professional market participant securities, licenses to carry out operations with precious metals etc.

Rosbank's clients include more than 3.5 million individuals, 60 thousand small and medium-sized enterprises, 7 thousand large companies.

The bank's assets as of December 31, 2007 according to IFRS amounted to 408.06 billion rubles, capital - 40.9 billion rubles, net profit for 2007 - 6.17 billion rubles.

Auditor - Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

To coordinate the activities of the bank’s divisions, a four-level management system has been formed:
– Head office in Moscow
– Territorial departments: Far Eastern, Ural-Siberian, Volga, as well as the Moscow branch and the North-Western branch
– Branches (total 66)
– Additional offices and operating cash desks

The bank's branches operate in 70 regions of Russia; the bank has 55 branches in Moscow. More than 600 service points are open in Russia.

Despite the fact that the registration date of Rosbank is 1993, the actual history of the brand dates back to 1998, when the owners of ONEXIM Bank, which went bankrupt as a result of the crisis, Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov, acquired JSCB Nezavisimost, transferred there the necessary personnel, assets, customers and gave the bank a new name “Rosbank”. Thus, Rosbank of the late nineties can rightfully be called the bridge bank of the bankrupt ONEXIM.

Rosbank entered the 2000s in the form of an open joint stock company, and in 2003 acquired the OVK banking group (successor of the well-known SBS-Agro) for $200 million, thereby expanding its branch network and customer base. This transaction, completed by 2005, allowed Rosbank to become one of the largest retail banks in Russia at that time.

In 2006, Rosbank attracted the attention of the French banking group Societe Generale, which by the end of 2008, through a series of transactions, managed to buy out a controlling stake (50% plus one share), paying the previous owners of the bank 2.33 billion US dollars.

Currently, the bank's shareholders are Societe Generale S.A. – 82.4%, VTB Bank – 10%, Vladimir Potanin – 7% and minority shareholders – 0.6%.

The bank is led by a board of directors (12 people), chaired by Ogel Didier, and the Management Board, headed since December 2, 2013 by Chairman Dmitry Olyunin (ex-head of Transcreditbank, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University).

Rosbank today is a modern universal bank providing services to all categories of private and corporate clients. Despite the versatility priority direction Its activities include servicing legal entities - corporate clients, and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Special ones have been developed for them investment products, various lending and trade finance programs. In addition, Rosbank is one of the leading arrangers and underwriters in the market of ruble corporate and municipal bonds.

As for working with private clients, on the one hand, this is done by the subsidiaries of Rosbank - Rusfinance (consumer lending) and DeltaCredit (mortgage), and on the other hand, the bank itself offers the country’s population a full range of financial products: time deposits, credit and debit cards, consumer loans and mortgages, as well as a package of related banking services. Separately, it is worth noting the increasingly popular systems remote maintenance, such as Internet banking and mobile banking.

Rosbank in numbers is more than 600 branches, 1,200 points of sale and 3,000 ATMs in 340 locations in Russia. Its clients are more than 3 million individuals, 56 thousand individual entrepreneurs and over 9.5 thousand largest Russian and international companies. The number of employees as of April 2013 is 13.17 thousand people.