Borrower Assistance Program Timing. Aizhk - assistance to mortgage borrowers

  • 03.12.2019

The instability of economic realities and the emergence of private life difficulties can lead to the fact that the earlier obligations to pay mortgage debt cannot be fulfilled by the borrower in the same amount. Banking organizations are interested in ensuring that citizens do not accumulate loan debt, so they restructure the debt or give credit holidays. But all these steps are not always able to help families in difficult situations.

To receive state support, you must meet the established criteria and go through the registration process.

Since 2016 it began to operate government program, aimed at helping mortgage borrowers who, due to circumstances, are unable to repay the loan. Certain amounts are allocated from the budget money, which are directed to partial repayment of debt on mortgage loan.

Mortgage as special program Lending was developed and implemented in the Russian Federation to enable citizens to acquire property without serious initial investments. The very essence of this program is to help people. Many families got the opportunity not to save up for years on housing, but to buy it today and, living in it, to pay the borrowed money. A mortgage is issued for a period of up to 30 years, and all funds spent on housing, together with interest on their use, are paid in monthly installments.

The mortgage program is good and convenient for everyone, but it also has a significant minus - you cannot predict your well-being for decades to come. The life of each person undergoes changes and not all of them, unfortunately, are positive. For many decades, a citizen can get a family, children, lose a well-paid job or even health. Principle itself mortgage lending implies that if a person can no longer pay monthly installments, the housing is sold and the bank takes away the balance of the outstanding debt, and the difference in the amount is returned to the former borrower. Of course, such an outcome is considered deplorable, because years of contributions go down the drain, not to mention the fact that the landlord is on the street. In order to prevent this situation, in 2015, a state program to support mortgage borrowers was developed.

Legislative framework

This system began to operate in 2016. Its foundations are set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 373 “On the basic conditions for the implementation of the assistance program ...” dated April 20, 2015. For less than two years, it was suspended, but then resumed. In August 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to resume the action of the program, which had been stopped by that time, which was enshrined in Resolution No. 961 of 08/08/2017. The deadline for the state support was not specified and in 2018 it is valid in the prescribed amount. To date, government support has been provided to nearly 19,000 families who are in dire financial straits.

From the moment of its first adoption, Decree No. 373 was constantly being finalized and improved; new substantial points were introduced into it that improved the interaction procedure and took into account the interests, especially of borrowers. The document prescribes the basic conditions for participation in the program and the amount allocated from a special government fund. In 2017, two billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program.

Supporting Authority

Program state support mortgage borrowers is carried out through the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, and is directly sold by the Joint-Stock Company “Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending” (AHML). This structure is authorized to consider candidates applying for state financial support and stimulate housing lending.

AHML is state organization and its budget is 100% state money. This structure has a clear purpose - to support banks that are engaged in long-term mortgage lending.

Cooperation between banks and AHML is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. A citizen turns to a credit institution and receives a loan in it to purchase housing.
  2. In the presence of certain conditions, the borrower applies to AHML for state support. The allocated money is not given in cash to the needy, but is transferred directly to the creditor for partial repayment of the debt.
  3. The Bank restores its financial reserves at the expense of the issued funds, and the transferred amount is debited from the payer's debt.

In such operations, the bank respects its interests, and the borrower receives financial support from the state and extends the possibility of paying off debt.

Categories of borrowers

Government Decision No. 373 provides a complete list of citizens who have the right to count on participation in the developed program. The list was approved in 2015 and slightly adjusted in November 2016. It includes:

  1. Parents who have one or more minor child.
  2. Guardians or trustees raising one minor child or more children under the age of 18.
  3. Citizens who took part in hostilities.
  4. People with any degree of disability, in the presence of official confirmation of this fact.
  5. Parents raising a disabled child.
  6. Parents who contain children older than 18 years old but not reached 24 years old, provided that they study full-time in educational institutions.

The conditions apply only to people who have Russian citizenship, a Russian passport and permanent registration in Russia.

Borrower Requirements

Mortgage repayment at the state’s expense is possible, but it is necessary to comply with established requirements. The borrower must fall into one of these categories and be a citizen of the Russian Federation, but this does not guarantee him that assistance will be provided.

One of the most important indicators is the level salary at the moment and the ratio of the size of the loan payment on the day of registration and on the day of application to AHML. The applicant must have a low monthly income. The maximum salary is calculated as follows:

  1. The amount of the mortgage payment is deducted from the monthly income.
  2. The remaining amount should not exceed the cost of living in double size. Based on the PM of a specific region. The amount of income is divided into all family members.

The calculation takes data for the last three months. AHML specialists proceed from the fact that the previously established loan payment should increase by at least 30%. Such a situation often develops among those citizens who have issued a foreign currency mortgage or took out a loan at a floating interest rate.

Loan requirements

In order to receive financial assistance, it is extremely important that the loan itself also meets the established requirements. They apply mainly to the amount of a mortgage loan. It is extremely unreasonable to establish any restrictions in the monetary equivalent, because the cost of residential objects varies depending on the region and the settlement, therefore, the requirements are put forward directly for real estate taken as a mortgage. Collateral housing must meet the following criteria:

  1. The real estate area should be no higher than 45 m2 for a 1-room apartment, 65 m2 for a 2-room apartment and 85 m2 for a 3-room apartment.
  2. The cost of one square meter is calculated at the average price in a given village. Exceeding the average is allowed no more than 60%.
  3. Mortgage real estate is the borrower's sole living space. If he has a share in other rooms, it is important that it does not exceed 50% of total area. Data on the availability of other real estate is taken from 2015.

Please note that all these restrictions on credit and the size of housing do not affect families with three or more minor children.

Program Terms

You can apply for state support only if one of the main conditions is observed, which is often not taken into account by debtors - a mortgage loan must be issued at least a year ago. If a loan was taken just a few months ago, you should not count on debt restructuring. All government efforts are not aimed at freeing the borrower from credit obligations. Support only reduces payments to an acceptable level, leaving the citizen an amount that he can repay on his own.

Count on financial assistance You can only once. Moreover, if the application is rejected due to insufficient grounds, then the citizen can turn to a special interdepartmental commission. It was approved in 2017 and allows a more individual approach to the consideration of situations. The commission can not only decide on the need for assistance on a previously rejected application, but also increase the amount of compensation by any number of units, up to 100%.

Help format

Final result state aid expressed in monetary terms, but what format will be selected in each case depends on many circumstances. There are two main ways to reduce monthly payments:

  1. Decrease in debt obligations of the borrower.
  2. Conversion of a foreign currency loan into ruble equivalent.

The choice of option depends, first of all, on the initial data of the loan taken.

The state support program was developed after economic crisis significantly weakened the financial capabilities of payers. A few years ago, the mortgage was issued at floating rates, as this aspect not regulated by the state. This procedure protects the lending institution itself from loss of profit, but it can become a debt trap for the borrower, which actually happened to many payers.

Complicated circumstances and the fact that the income level of more citizens has seriously fallen negatively affected their solvency in the first place.

Decrease in borrower obligations

The reduction of the borrower's obligations is carried out according to a certain scheme. The first thing that the financial institution decides is how much to compensate the applicant. Established minimum size in this case does not exist, but there is a maximum. Often, 20-30% of the total outstanding mortgage debt is reimbursed. It is envisaged that the size of state support should not exceed one and a half million rubles.

The following categories of citizens will be able to pay off 30% of the debt:

  1. The family has two minor children.
  2. Disability established.
  3. Parents raise a disabled child.
  4. The applicant is a war veteran.

Families with one child can receive only 20% of the remaining mortgage debt. Please note that from this rule an exception may be made if interdepartmental commission Decides that a large amount of debt is due.

It is important to determine not only how much money will be compensated from budgetary fundsbut also how they are provided. There are two options for assistance:

  1. The entire agreed amount is debited from the balance of the debt, after which the amount of monthly payments is recalculated.
  2. The stipulated amount of money is divided into parts, each of which will be used to compensate for the monthly payment. In this case, there are two significant limitations. First, no more than 50% of the monthly installment can be compensated. And secondly, the duration of such a payment should not exceed 18 months.

Which option to choose is decided between the borrower and the lender, but the prerogative is given to the citizen, because the financial organization does not lose anything in either case.

Replacing a currency mortgage with a ruble

Many mortgage borrowers found themselves in an unpleasant situation of financial collapse precisely because they once issued a loan in foreign currency. Long-term stability on foreign exchange market weakened the vigilance of citizens, and it seemed that nothing would shake the current situation. Mortgage loans taken due to the jumped rate increased several times. And given the interest rate applied to them, repayment of contributions became simply unrealistic.

The state support program allows citizens who apply for a mortgage in foreign currency to convert the loan into ruble equivalent.

Restructuring of such loans is carried out not at the established rate, but according to the laws adopted today. The interest rate applied to the ruble equivalent should not exceed that which is provided in the bank today for registration mortgage programs. The rate can be increased only in one case if the borrower has violated the established insurance rules, stipulated by the contract lending.

Documents for restructuring

Financial institutions consider an application for debt restructuring with the help of state support only if the borrower provides a mandatory set of documents for consideration of his candidacy. Data on his financial and marital status must be confirmed and fit the terms of the program.

The list of documents consists of the following forms:

  1. The passport.
  2. Valid loan agreement.
  3. Documents for minor children - birth certificates.
  4. Certificate of disability or participation in hostilities and obtaining veteran status.
  5. Help from medical institutionif a minor child has a disability.
  6. Statement of income for the last three months.
  7. A copy of the workbook from the employer or its original, if the person is not working at the moment.
  8. Help with educational institution that an adult child is studying full-time.
  9. Guardians and adoptive parents must provide a decision of the guardianship authorities and a court order.
  10. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  11. Insurance policy.

The list may be supplemented at the discretion of the credit institution. A sample application for mortgage restructuring is attached to the article.


For state financial support to repay part of the remaining mortgage loan, the borrower will need to go through a phased procedure. It consists of the following steps:

  1. A package of documents is submitted to the credit organization that issued the mortgage loan.
  2. The bank considers the submitted application and renders its verdict.
  3. If the decision is positive, the applicant proceeds to the next step, and if the decision is negative, he can turn to the interagency commission for a more detailed consideration of the circumstances and a more individual answer.
  4. A new loan agreement is being concluded or an additional agreement is being prepared for an existing form.

First, the bank repays the difference from equity, but then the entire amount indicated is compensated by AHML

Appeal to the bank

Many borrowers complain that the bank refuses to restructure their mortgage loan, not wanting to consider documents for state support. Keep in mind that not all credit institutions included in the list of AHML, which makes it difficult to cooperate. If the refusal is the initiative of the bank, then you can safely apply to the interagency commission, since such actions are considered illegal.

The borrower, who at his own discretion fits the established requirements and conditions of state support, is obliged to fill out an application form. This form is confirmed by the collected documents and is transferred to the creditor for examination and final verdict.

A positive decision results in a review of previously established amounts of payments. Before signing a new agreement with the bank, you should decide on the method of compensation - one-time or in installments to pay off monthly payments.

Appeal to AHML

The entire registration procedure is carried out in close cooperation between the bank and AHML. If the process goes the standard way, then the citizen will not have to contact AHML on his own, this is what the creditor does. The bank submits the documents already considered to the agency, which on their basis transfers to the financial organization the agreed amount of compensation.

If the lender rejects the request for debt restructuring or decides to compensate only a small part of it, which, in the opinion of the property owner himself, is unjustified, a commission review of the situation can be initiated. In some cases, the commission may decide to pay 100% of the debt, but for this reason must be very good.

Samples of documents

It will be interesting to you

After another collapse russian ruble 2014-2015 mortgage borrowers who took out a loan in foreign currency faced the need to pay huge amounts to the bank. And they’re not at all what they counted on when concluding a loan agreement. Once in financial bondage, they turned to the state for help.

Initially, officials of all stripes convinced dissatisfied citizens that the sharply increased debt was a consequence of their greed and hindsight. But then statesmen nevertheless developed a program to help mortgage borrowers. True, not for all debtors affected by a significant fall in the national currency.

The assistance program has been operating since 2015. However, those who wish to resolve their financial difficulties at the expense of the state it turned out so much that the budget allocated for the project was over, and it was curtailed.

But at the end of the summer of 2017, the state decided to extend the program. On August 11, 2017, government decree No. 961 was issued on further measures to support mortgages in difficult financial situations. The previous program had some changes. From its content, it became clear that the state was fully oriented towards supporting unlucky foreign currency debtors.

The new program has several features:

  1. Assistance to citizens with excessive mortgage debt is provided through its restructuring. This means that the loan does not "say goodbye", and the bank renegotiates a new loan agreement with the client, with more favorable conditions for the borrower. Or draws up supplementary agreement to the old. The main purpose of the documents drawn up is to reduce the financial burden on the debtor, to make the loan agreement feasible.
  2. No more than 30% of the mortgage debt is compensated at the state expense. At the same time, the maximum possible amount that can be allocated for partial repayment of a loan is 1.5 million rubles.
  3. The state warns that assistance is provided once, and in further risky transactions with the bank, citizens will have to rely solely on themselves.

When repaying part of the debt through the assistance program, the bank is obliged to restructure the loan on certain conditions:

  1. Renew foreign currency loans in rubles - at the exchange rate in force at the time of conclusion of the updated agreement;
  2. Set the interest rate for the borrower no more than 11.5% (per annum);
  3. “Forgive” a client a certain amount of debt - at least 1.5 million rubles (due to partial write-off and / or translation at a more favorable exchange rate);
  4. Do not charge the debtor for late payments a penalty (with the exception of amounts recovered by court order and fines paid earlier);
  5. Do not reduce the deadlines for the fulfillment of credit obligations by the debtor.

AHML provides assistance to mortgage borrowers on behalf of the state. This is briefly referred to as the "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending", through which banks receive money in the amount of income received from the client. That is, urging lenders to meet the debtors, the state from the treasury covers their costs arising from the softening of the conditions of the mortgage agreement (within the established limits). For these purposes, 2 billion rubles were transferred to the Agency’s account.

Pay attention: the maximum possible amount of compensation may be increased, but not more than twofold. The decision on this is made by a special interdepartmental commission - at the request of the debtor.

Currently, the official website of AHML has posted information that the restructuring of mortgage debt is possible in 2 ways:

  1. Interest rate reduction;
  2. Recalculation in ruble equivalent at a lower rate.

Who can count on support

Power dictates harsh conditions for those who are going to participate in it. The August government decree significantly reduced the list of citizens to whom the state is prepared to cover part of the debt. For example, before it included employees of defense enterprises, municipal employees, and scientists. They are not in the new list.

In 2019, the assistance program applies only to the following categories of borrowers:

  1. Adult citizens with disabilities;
  2. Parents raising children with disabilities;
  3. Veterans who participated in armed conflicts of recent decades (military operations);
  4. Parents / guardians / guardians of minor children (in any quantity);
  5. Parents financially supporting their children full-time students in various educational institutions - until the "children" reach 24 years of age.

This list is closed, that is, exhaustive. However, strict requirements are imposed not only on debtors, but also on real estate, which is purchased with money borrowed from the bank.

Property Requirements

The assistance program is valid for certain residential properties.

They have to:

  1. To be in the territory of Russia;
  2. To be the only housing of the borrower and his household (they may have a share in another apartment / house / room, but not more than 50%);
  3. Do not exceed established sizes total area of \u200b\u200bthe room:
  • 85 m2 - for a 3-room (or more) residential facility;
  • 65 m2 - for a 2-room residential facility;
  • 45 m2 - if real estate with 1 living room is taken into the mortgage.

Interesting in earlier current program important attention was paid to the cost per square meter of housing purchased in a mortgage. It should not be more than 60% higher than the average market for the region. And the maximum footage was established not by the number of rooms, but by the number of mortgagor's family members living in a mortgage apartment. However, the updated assistance program from AHML does not contain these restrictions.

Borrower Requirements

To participate in the program, borrowers must not only be included in the above list of “preferential” categories, but also meet very important additional criteria:

  1. 3 months before submitting an application to the bank for mortgage restructuring, the average income of each member of the borrower's family, after paying the planned loan amount, did not exceed two minimum subsistence levels established in the region of their residence. Thus, the emphasis is on families with small and medium incomes, in which, despite the regularity of income, a mortgage loan has become an overwhelming burden.
  2. At the time of applying for restructuring, regular payments on the loan should increase by at least 30% - compared with the amounts that were planned to be given to the bank on the day the loan agreement is concluded. This condition was cut off from the ruble mortgage program, which may also be experiencing difficult financial problems. However, such a giant leap in monthly installments is probable only if the mortgage was taken in foreign currency.

Required documents

It will include:

  1. Photocopies of papers proving the identity of the borrower himself and all his household members: Russian passports, “children's” certificates;
  2. Documents that confirm that it belongs to one of the categories of Russians who have the right to repay a mortgage with the help of the state:
    • certificates for children (if it is their presence that gives the right to state support);
    • veteran certificate of the established form;
    • mSEC certificate of disability - for himself or his child;
    • paper from an educational institution confirming the fact of training a son or daughter in full-time form, etc .;
  3. Documents proving the amount of income of the borrower or joint debtors, as well as the total income of members of his family - for the last 3 months:
    • photocopies of the pages of the work book;
    • certificates taken at work 2-NDFL;
    • certificate of unemployment benefits (for able-bodied, but unemployed citizens);
    • extract of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the amount of pension for last year (for pensioners / disabled people or when receiving benefits for a disabled child);
    • an extract on the amount of “guardian” payments, etc .;
  4. A valid mortgage agreement concluded with a creditor bank (it must be executed at least one year before submitting an application for debt restructuring);
  5. Schedule of monthly payments - to repay the target loan;
  6. Form No. 9 (provided at the passport office at the place of registration);
  7. The application of the established form, in which the borrower informs about his own property status and members of his family, concerns the availability of other real estate (his form can be downloaded and viewed on the official website of AHML).

And even such a long list is likely to be incomplete, as different banks participating in the state mortgage subsidy program establish their list of required documentation. Usually it is laid out on electronic portals of credit organizations.

Pay attention: an extract from the USRN on the ownership of the borrower (s) on the subject of pledge, that is, on real estate purchased on credit, banks no longer require applicants. Previously, they had to be taken, but now AHML itself asks this document in Rosreestr.

Help Scheme

So, a borrower having difficulties in repaying a loan needs to contact the creditor bank and find out if the creditor is participating in this state program.

If the answer is yes, the debtor has to take a series of actions in order to get help from AHML:

  1. You need to find out which department of the bank deals with this issue. Usually this is a unit for working with debtors (or with arrears). By phone or through the site you need to find out its location and contact details.
  2. By calling the department or arriving in person, the borrower clarifies what documents he will have to collect for submission to the bank.
  3. Having collected the necessary papers, the citizen sends them to financial organization together with the application form. It indicates the reason why the borrower seeks state assistance.
  4. Having received a package of securities from the debtor, the financial institution sends them to AHML - for verification. It is believed that on average it lasts about a month. However, it is better to tune in to a longer wait, as many citizens complain that they had to wait six months for an answer.
  5. AHML often asks additional documentsthat the applicant must provide him.
  6. If the Agency makes a positive decision, the bank informs the debtor about it and sets a meeting time to draw up a new loan agreement.
  7. At the meeting, either a completely new contract with amended conditions is drawn up, or an additional agreement to current document. An adjusted schedule of regular payments is also developed and signed, a paper is drawn up on a change in the content of the mortgage.
  8. The previous mortgage is requested from the bank archive. She has to wait 2-4 weeks.
  9. Then all the amended, supplemented and newly drawn up documents are given for registration. On this procedure can be considered completed.

Bank List

IN new program About 100 Russian banks are involved in helping mortgage debtors. Their complete list is given on the AHML website - along with phones by which borrowers can clarify information of interest to them. In it you can see almost everything financial institutionspopular in our country.

We will name only a few of them:

  1. Directly AHML;
  2. Sberbank
  3. VTB Bank
  4. Alfa Bank;
  5. Bank opening;
  6. VTB 24;
  7. UniCredit Bank;
  8. Rosbank;
  9. Binbank;
  10. Raiffeisenbank;
  11. Russian Agricultural Bank;
  12. Credit Bank of Moscow;
  13. Bank "Saint-Petersburg;
  14. Absolut Bank;
  15. Far Eastern Bank;
  16. OTP Bank and others

Please help in solving the problem. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 No. 373 “On the basic conditions for the implementation of the assistance program specific categories borrowers for mortgage housing loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and increase share capital joint stock company The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending approved the basic conditions for implementing a program to help certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, according to which AHML JSC compensates the lender for each mortgage housing loan (loan), restructured in accordance with the said Decree. On February 10, 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 172, according to which the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 373 dated April 20, 2015 was amended, in particular, in terms of extending the term of the program for assisting borrowers on mortgage housing loans (loans). The conditions for participation in this program have been changed. These changes entered into force on February 23, 2017. The program from April 2015 until December 2016 was provided for those whose incomes decreased by 30% or more (one of the conditions), then in December this condition was removed and all those whose income minus mortgages did not exceed for each member of the family of the borrower (joint debtor) of twice the cost of living established in the subject of the Russian Federation, people began to find out about this through word of mouth, but the program was supposed to end on March 1, 2017, the hype began, it was officially extended in February to 31.

2017. 05, but 10 days later announced an early termination. In accordance with the terms of the program for assisting borrowers, citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation and have a mortgage home loan subject to restructuring were required to provide extracts from the Unified Bank to the mortgage bank state registry rights to real estate and transactions with him on the rights of the mortgagor and family members, the value of which is 1800 rubles. Thus, a family of 3 was required to pay at least 5400 rubles. On the official website of AHML, JSC, the Government of the Russian Federation and mortgage banks for the period from February 10, 2017 to March 7, 2017, information about the possible closure of the program due to a lack of funds for its implementation was not made public, and therefore citizens did not have the opportunity Reliably assess your chances of state support for this program. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it on the rights of the mortgagor and family members are issued upon application and subject to payment after at least 10 working days.

Therefore, all citizens who wrote an application for their receipt and made payment as soon as the changes came into force in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 172 would receive certificates after 10 working days, namely March 13, 2017. But before the specified date, namely March 7, 2017, the information on the program’s closure due to the complete exhaustion of funds allocated for its implementation appeared on the official website of AHML. Therefore, not a single citizen was able to exercise his right to participate in this program in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 172 in the period from its entry into force to the present. My family became a victim of the improper execution of these decisions. In connection with the foregoing, I ask you to initiate an audit against the Government of the Russian Federation, AHML JSC, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation and the leadership of these departments for the presence of a corruption factor in the creation and implementation of Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 No. 373 “On the basic conditions for the implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers on mortgage housing loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation and increase the authorized capital of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, dated February 10, 2017 No. 172 “On amendments to some acts Government Russian Federation". Even those who handed over documents in the month of March, after the entry into force of the amendments on February 23, it turns out they will not receive this help, because the money will run out.

According to the data from the AHML website as of March 1, 2017, the balance of budget funds is 1,523,300 thousand rubles. Due to the sharp increase in the number of borrowers wishing to participate in the program, we fix that the forecast amount for already approved applications is close to the balance allocated to the bank. In this connection, we expect that in the near future a decision will be made on early completion programs, - noted in Sberbank. That’s what they knew, they handed over documents according to the program earlier from the bank, to my request to clarify the situation: ”In connection with the placement on the AHML website of information about the completion of the assistance program at home.

Russia / mortgage / assistance / and the lack of information on the specified site about the possibility of conducting transactions on previously approved applications starting from 10. 03. 2017 a suspension is introduced for all transactions under the AHML program, including if a decision on the assistance program was made until 09.03.

2017 inclusive. Information on the possibility of preliminary approval of transactions with AHML is being clarified. Transactions will be carried out only after receiving additional information from AHML; the possibility of conducting transactions will be announced additionally. ”

Why then extended the program to 31. 05. 2017? So, people spent the last money on these USRN statements, many of them got more than 6 thousand rubles of expenses for receiving USRN statements. We just handed over the documents to the bank, someone else is waiting for the USRN statement from Rosreestr, and now there is news that the program is being closed ahead of schedule. But how could it be possible to calculate when the money would run out for ordinary people, even if AHML could not answer this question?

They themselves cannot articulate how many applications in total, how many approvals. And so on. P. Do you have this information? I have not it. They write - “for December 2700 applications, for February more than for 2016”.

More is how much? How much I read the news - well, nothing converges, even though equations with unknown components, but 22 thousand (approved!) Fail. On January 1, there was talk, I remember, of help for a little more than 10 thousand. Borrowers. Where they collected another 12 thousand

If still January just watching? They themselves are already confused. Either they run out of money, or have already run out. Nobody knows anything. And does not know. And how much they screwed up with 4.5 billion.

For 2015-2016, when only a few knew about the program, history is silent. Look, put them in Sberbank even if (I exaggerate, of course) at 10% - and +0.5 billion per year. I am silent about the fat in Ruseestra - not to evaluate it, again, due to lack of data - how many people asked for December - February? 50,000 or 500,000 people? Again, we will never know.

Friends filed 27. 02 ,. And what's the point? Neither hearing nor spirit. True, they requested something there after a month. Then someone wrote about the really needy) Yeah, we have done a year restructuring for the year (credit holidays), t.

K. There really is no money to pay (I’m on maternity leave, my husband was reduced s / n). So, when I called the mountains. Line after filing documents. The operator told me that Sberbank has one of the conditions for participation in the program - no debt. So funny I have not been.

True, another employee later denied this, but the fact itself.) Of course, I believe that the requirements were too underestimated (about 2 lived. Minimum) - we didn’t get that amount even when I worked, although my husband and I have a good profession. (4 people in a family, now 26 t. R. After taxes, 10 t. R.

For a mortgage). In general, the idea was good, but implementation. Alas. Well, nothing, we will know that we need to monitor various decrees and decrees. And now what remains is to hope that there will still be enough money for those who submitted before March 7, and to pay off the debts that they incurred when ordering information. By what right did the banks require the registration of the USRN, without them the full package of documents was not accepted for processing.

? " Credit and insurance companies, and
notaries obligated independently
request and receive information
contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to
real estate (EGR) and
state cadastre real estate (SCN) - the relevant amendments have been made to
a number of regulatory acts by the federal
Law No. 259-ФЗ dated 13.07.2015. Since the entry into force of the document,
there are from 12. 10. 2015, insurers, banks and
notaries in transactions,
requiring the provision of information from
EGRP and SCN, will have to independently
demand the necessary information, not
shifting this responsibility to customers. Current editions of the laws “On Banks and
banking activities»No. 395-1 from
02. 12. 1990, “On the organization of insurance
affairs in the Russian Federation ”No. 4015-1 of 27. 11. 1992, and
also the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on
notary public No. 4462-1 of 11. 02. 1993 year
imposed obligations on citizens
provide bank officials
structures in insurance companies or
notary full package of documents,
provided for operations
insurance or notarial
actions accordingly. For the implementation of innovations a unified
interdepartmental electronic system
interactions through which exchange
information between Rosreestr,
The cadastral chamber on one side and
banks, insurers and notaries with
another will be possible at the maximum
short time." We really hope for this help from the state, we ask you not to close the program
I ask you to take measures and not close the program ahead of schedule, find reserve funding so that it is enough until the end of the program 31. 05. 2017. Sincerely, Anastasia Yuryevna Ponomareva.

Since there is a category of citizens whose number has difficulty paying a mortgage loan, the assistance program for such borrowers has been extended. The updated mortgage assistance program for borrowers, signed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Federation, came into effect in August 2017.

Assistance to mortgage borrowers in a difficult situation

The updated version of the project clarifies the conditions, compliance with which is mandatory for all citizens. So, what are the requirements to be met in order to qualify for assistance to borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation when paying a mortgage in 2017?

Consider the list:

  • The first binding agreement is aimed at observing the category of citizens. Only citizens - war veterans can take advantage of the help; citizens who have minor children or are their trustees; disabled citizens.
  • Second important point - The official location of the property. Mortgage collateral must be located only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Also, it should be borne in mind that at least one year must pass from the time a mortgage loan is issued at the time of applying for restructuring.
  • The monthly payment of the borrower increased by at least thirty percent.
  • Mortgage property must be the only housing space in the family of the borrower. Addition, the existence of a common share of the mortgagor and members of his family in the right to ownership of other housing is possible, in the aggregate no more than fifty percent.

Terms of the updated program to help mortgage borrowers

Banks participating in the program in 2017

To write a request to apply the terms of this program to you, it is important to contact the bank in which the mortgage was issued. Later, the bank itself sends an appeal to AHML. The list of banks participating in the assistance program for borrowers in 2017, who found themselves in a difficult situation on a mortgage, is quite large.

The main ones are:

  • Sberbank
  • VTB 24;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Russian Agricultural Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Rosbank;
  • Absolut Bank.

Advice - if the financial situation worsens and it is impossible to pay the mortgage loan on time, you should not hide from the bank even in a difficult situation. In any case, it is necessary to make monthly payments on the taken loan, and as a rule the creditor goes to the meeting for responsible customers.

If you do not fit the conditions of this program, then you can try.

Assistance to Sberbank mortgage borrowers

What is restructuring? This is a change in the terms of the contract in order to provide support to the borrower on a monthly basis. Usually, the result of the work is a decrease in payments on a formalized loan. The program for assisting mortgage borrowers in Sberbank began its work on August 22, 2017. In order to express a desire for restructuring, you need to go to the bank's branch, where loan officers work.

List of documents required for an application with Sberbank:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate or adoption of children;
  • certificate of a war veteran;
  • loan agreement;
  • earnings information;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by a notary;
  • confirmation of registration of housing space.

Implementation of the program through AHML

Mortgage clients who find themselves in a difficult situation can hope for support in the person of government agencies. To solve the problem associated with the mortgage, there is AHML. The AHML mortgage borrower assistance program is a real help in the circumstances. For all questions of interest, you can get answers by phone number of the agency 8 800 755 55 00. Today, 72 organizations are its partners.

The following help options are available:

  • change of loan currency;
  • interest rate reduction, not less than twelve percent;
  • clearance deferral maximum term one and half year;
  • decrease in principal debt.

The borrower, who finds himself in a difficult situation, chooses one of the proposed forms and writes a statement together with the loan officer, then it should be registered. Collect documents and wait for a decision. If all conditions are met, the result will not be long in coming, and a positive decision will be made. As a result, sign a new contract and, of course, make monthly payments on time. It should be noted that the restructuring service for the client is completely free. Costs arising in the process of work are compensated by the state.


Statistics show most often credit organizations go towards the borrowers. The main thing is to approach the described rules for borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation. Mortgage borrower assistance program is a good opportunity to revise the initial conditions of the loan agreement and reduce the financial burden.

State program validity period

Conclusion of loan agreements - from 02/07/18.

The issuance of loans under the State program is possible no later than 12/31/22 (inclusive). At the birth of a second or third child in the period from 07/01/2022 to 12/31/2022, a loan can be issued until 03/01/2023 (inclusive).

Persons entitled to receive a loan under the State Program:

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have had a second or third child in the period from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022 (inclusive), having citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Lending currency

Lending programs

  • Acquisition of finished housing
  • Acquisition of housing under construction

Loan terms

From 12 months to 30 years

Minimum loan amount

300 000 rubles

Maximum loan amount

12,000,000 rubles for the purchase of objects located in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region;
6 000 000 rubles for the purchase of objects in other regions

Please note: under the state program transactions with underfunding are not allowed!

Property to be credited

Living space:

  • house;
  • part of a residential building of a blocked building - “town house”;
  • The living room with the land on which it is located.

Living space:

  • an apartment (including in a residential building consisting of one or more block sections - “town house”);
  • house;
  • part of a residential building of a blocked building - "town house".

An initial fee

20% of the value of the credited property

Confirmation of a down payment in accordance with the standard terms of the products. Confirmation not allowed the fact of payment of part of the value of the credited property and / or the right to receive funds allocated from the budget to pay part of the value of the loaned property, by other persons, with the exception of the Borrower / any of the Co-Borrowers.

Intended use of funds

Under the program "Acquisition of finished housing":

For the purchase of residential premises (including land) in the primary market with a legal entity (with the exception of investment fundincluding him management company) under the contract of sale (after the completion of the construction of the premises and registration of ownership of entity, previously a Developer / Investor).

Under the program "Acquisition of housing under construction":

For investment in the construction of residential premises in accordance with Federal Law of December 30, 2004 No. 214-FZ “On Participation in shared construction apartment buildings and other real estate objects and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation ”:

  • under an agreement on participation in shared construction concluded with developer (legal entity,
  • under a contract of assignment of a claim under a contract for participation in shared construction concluded with investor (legal entity,excluding an investment fund, including its management company).


  • Compulsory insurance of property pledged in accordance with the requirements of Sberbank PJSC.
  • Compulsory Life and Health Insurance of the Borrower / Title co-borrower, subject to the following:

insurance is carried out for a period of at least 12 months with subsequent annual extension until the expiration of the loan agreement with a lump-sum payment of the insurance premium under the insurance policy / insurance contract.

Life insurance and health of the borrower is a prerequisite for the issuance of a loan. Without of this condition credit cannot be provided.

Extension / renewal of the period of the preferential rate:

If the Borrower / Title co-borrower who received a loan with a discounted rate, has a third child due to the birth of a second child (no later than December 31, 2022), then the validity period of the reduced rate can be extended / the reduced rate can be established again, subject to the provision to the Bank of the child’s birth certificate, and, if necessary, another document confirming the child’s citizenship of the Russian Federation.

The term for which the preferential rate is extended / re-established:

  • 5 years from the date following the expiration date of 3 years from the date of the loan (at the birth of the third child and the provision of supporting documents to the bank within 3 years from the date of loan);
  • from the next Payment date following the day the Borrower / Co-borrowers provide the bank with supporting documents, for a period of, not exceeding 5 years from the date following the expiration date of 3 yearsfrom the date of granting the loan (at the birth of the third child within 3 years from the date of granting the loan and in the case of providing supporting documents after 3 years from the date of granting the loan);
  • from the nearest Payment date following the day the Borrower / Co-borrowers provide the bank with supporting documents for a period not exceeding 5 years from the date of birth of the third child (at the birth of a third child after 3 years from the date of loan).

* upon the borrower's refusal to renew / terminate the life insurance contract, annual interest rate the loan will be increased to the maximum allowable interest rate in the framework of the Lending Program, namely: the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the date of loan issuance + 2 percentage points

** for the period until the first change in the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. After the first change in the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the interest rate is set at the level of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the loan, increased by 2 pp

Age at time of loan

not less than 21 years

Age at the time of loan repayment under the contract

Work experience

at least 6 months * at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total experience over the last 5 years **


Russian Federation

Additional Requirements for the Borrower / Title Co-Borrower

  • the Borrower / Title Co-borrower, starting from January 1, 2018 and no later than December 31, 2022, has a second and (or) third child with the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • the spouse (s) of the Borrower / Title Co-borrower (if the Borrower / Title Co-borrower is married) has the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Requirement for the Co-Creator

  • The Co-borrowers include the Title co-borrower, her (her) spouse (regardless of his solvency, age and number of children born to her (him)), as well as the person whose income is taken into account when calculating maximum size loan (to which the requirement for the presence of children does not apply).
  • If the child’s parents are not registered in the marriage, inclusion in the number of Co-borrowers is allowed persons starting from January 1, 2018 and no later than 12/31/2022. the second and (or) third child is born with the citizenship of the Russian Federation, provided that the person is the parent of the second and (or) third child of the Title Co-borrower (regardless of the solvency of this person).
  • Spouse of the Title Co-borrower is not included in the Co-Borrowers only if there is a valid marriage contract establishing a separate ownership of the property of the spouses, including in relation to the Loaned Real Estate Property.

The remaining requirements for the Co-borrower are similar to the requirements for the Borrower / Title co-borrower.

* From 21 years, provided that the loan repayment period under the contract comes before the Borrower / elder of the Co-borrowers is 75 years old
** For customers receiving a salary to an account with Sberbank, this requirement does not apply.
*** In order to increase the maximum loan size, it is allowed to be included in the composition of the Co-Borrowers in case of compliance with the requirements for the Borrower, incl. by age and solvency (with the exception of mandatory compliance with the requirement of the birth of a second and (or) third child).

Key documents:

When confirming income and employment:

  • borrower / co-borrower passport with registration mark;
  • passport of the spouse (s) of the borrower / title co-borrower
  • valid marriage contract, if any
  • document confirming registration at the place of stay (in the presence of temporary registration);
  • documents confirming the financial condition and employment of the borrower / co-borrower.

If as security for a loan a pledge of another property is made out:

Documents that can be provided after approval of the loan application:

  • Documents on credited residential premises (can be provided within 90 calendar days from the date of the Bank's decision to issue a loan);
  • Documents confirming the availability of down payment.

Birth certificates of all children of the Borrower / Title Co-borrower, as well as the Co-Borrower (who is not registered in a marriage with the Title Co-borrower and is the parent of the second and (or) third child of the Title Co-borrower, and, if necessary ( if the birth certificate does NOT have a citizenship mark!) other document (s) confirming (e) the presence of Russian Federation citizenship in children.

Attention! The list of required documents may be changed at the Bank’s discretion.

A loan is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation in branches of Sberbank of Russia:

  • at the place of registration of the borrower / one of the co-borrowers;
  • at the location of the credited property;
  • at the place of accreditation of the company employer of the borrower / co-borrower.

Loan application review period

Within 2 - 5 business days from the date of the provision of a full package of documents.

Loan procedure

At a time.

Loan repayment procedure

Monthly annuity (equal) payments in each bet period.

Partial or full early repayment of a loan

It is carried out on the application containing the date of early repayment, the amount and account from which the funds will be transferred. The prepayment date indicated in the application must be on a business day only.
The minimum size of an early repayable loan is unlimited.
Payment for early repayment not charged.

Penalty for untimely repayment of a loan

The penalty * for untimely repayment of the loan corresponds to the size of the Bank of Russia key rate effective at the date of conclusion of the Agreement, from the amount of the late payment for the period of delay from the date following the date of fulfillment of the obligation established by the Agreement to the date of repayment of the Overdue debt under the Agreement (inclusive).

*By loan agreementsconcluded on July 24, 2016

Tax deductions

Tax deductions apply to the amount of interest paid on a targeted mortgage loan. The deduction is 13% of all interest paid. Property Size tax deductionprovided upon purchase of an apartment, apartment building, room (or share) increased from 1 million to 2 million rubles *. Thus, now when purchasing an apartment you can recover the amount of tax in the amount of up to 260 000 rubles.

You can get detailed information on the Federal website tax service

* - The new rule is valid for everyone who bought property after January 1, 2008 and had not previously received a property tax deduction.

A convenient way to cashless settlement of real estate between the buyer and seller without additional visits to the bank.

  • Profitable

The cost of the service is only 2000 rubles

  • Fast

Registration in 15 minutes

  • Safely

Preservation of money and respect for the interests of the parties

How does the service work?

  1. The buyer transfers funds to a special account of the Real Estate Center from Sberbank
  2. Sberbank real estate center requests information from the Rosreestr about transaction registration
  3. After registration, the money is credited to the seller’s account

Buyer Benefits

Registration of the service takes 15 minutes. No need to withdraw cash at the checkout, count, deposit in a bank cell or take a receipt. The money is stored under reliable protection until the transaction is registered with the Rosreestr, after which the buyer receives a notification that the transaction has taken place. Only after that the money is transferred to the seller’s account.

Use insurance programs real estate (within the framework of the mortgage), as well as the life and health of the borrower in LLC IC Sberbank Insurance and LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance - 100% of subsidiaries of PJSC Sberbank:

  • Simple, convenient and fast design. For example, when extending an insurance contract, you do not need to transfer a copy of it to Sberbank yourself, documents are sent automatically
  • It is possible to resolve the issue online: from signing an insurance contract to settling losses in an insured event
  • The conditions of insurance programs comply with the Requirements for the conditions for the provision of insurance services under the loan products of Sberbank 1
  • The insurance rate / insurance cost when prolonging the insurance contract for the second and subsequent years is 10% lower
  • When an insurance event occurs, you can contact any branch of Sberbank, regardless of where the contract was drawn up
  • You can apply for a policy in a few minutes on the DomKlik website, on the insurance companies website - IC Sberbank Insurance LLC and IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC, or in any branch of Sberbank.

Life and Health Insurance under the Protected Borrower Program 2

What is included in the program?

Insurance is carried out in case of:

  • Death of the Insured
  • Identification of a disability or group for the Insured

What are you getting?

  • The insurance rate is determined individually depending on the gender and age of the client.

FROM detailed terms insurance is available on the website.

Mortgage Insurance 3

What is included in the program?

Property pledged insurance (except the land) from the risks of death, damage.

Additional benefits:

  • 1 month of validity of the insurance contract additionally upon execution at Sberbank branches