United Credit Bureau. PJSC United Credit Bank OJSC United Credit Bank

  • 01.06.2020

The bank was founded at the end of 1990 in the form of a share bank under the name "Oksky" in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In the first half of 1998 it was transformed into a closed joint stock company. During its history, the financial institute has changed owners more than once, among which it is worth noting LLC CB Gazenergoprombank, OJSC Nizhegorodoblgaz, individuals Vladimir Yuritsyn and Yuri Salyatov. Until the end of 2009, the blocking stake in the bank was controlled by business partners Alexey Alyakin and Alexey Rashchupkin (both finally left the shareholders in the second half of 2010). Also in 2009, the head office credit organization moved from Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, to the city of Alexandrov, Vladimir region, where a bank branch operated since 2006. In mid-2010, Dmitry Agramakov with a minority stake in authorized capital. By May 2011, Dmitry Agramakov’s share increased to 41.83%, but subsequently did not exceed 30%.

In July 2013, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported the discovery of a large underground group of bankers involved in illegal cashing cash. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the list of main banks that took part in the cash-out scheme included Mast-Bank, Intercapital and Oksky Bank. At various times, Alexey Alyakin acted as a minority shareholder in all three banks. In turn, Dmitry Agramakov was on the board of directors of Mast-Bank and was a shareholder of Intercapital. A month after the news appeared, Oksky Bank announced on its website that Dmitry Agramakov (who was at that time a suspect in the case of underground bankers) had sold his entire stake in Oksky Bank. Mr. Agramakov also left the board of directors of Mast-Bank.

In March 2014, Oksky Bank changed its name to OJSC United Credit Bank (abbreviated as OJSC O.K. Bank). In April of the same year, the bank changed its chairman of the board; he became Vyacheslav Zabotin, one of the three largest shareholders of the bank. In February 2015, the bank's head office moved from the Vladimir region to the city of Yaroslavl.

In 2014, the bank was brought to administrative responsibility three times for failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism and was fined once.

From March to June 2017, the composition of shareholders of the United Credit Bank has undergone significant changes: in just three months, a third of the shareholders in the credit institution have changed. On May 30, 2017, the head of the credit institution, Vyacheslav Zabotin, reduced his stake from 19.9% ​​to 9.9%. At the same time, Lyubov Yakubovich became a shareholder with an almost 10 percent stake. Earlier, in mid-April, Elena Kavryzhenko completely sold her stake (9.99%) and Diana Lutovinova acquired the same stake in the bank. A month earlier, in mid-March, Vladimir Lednev sold his 9.94% stake. At the same time, Irina Shakhrai had a similar share.

As a result, according to the latest available data as of June 5, 2017, the two shareholders with the maximum shares (19.86% and 19.90%) in the bank’s capital are two members of the bank’s board of directors - Ivan Korotin and Sergei Trubnikov, respectively. A 9.91% stake in the credit institution also belongs to its chairman of the board, Vyacheslav Zabotin. In addition, the chairman of the board of directors of the bank, Alexander Mikhalchuk, and Irina Shakhrai hold similar shares (9.94% each). Another 10.1% of the organization belongs to Airat Absalyamov, and 9.99% each belongs to Lyubov Yakubovich and Diana Lutovinova.

The bank's head office is located in Yaroslavl. In addition, the network of divisions includes two operational offices and one operating cash desk outside the cash desk in Moscow, one operational office in Aleksandrov (Vladimir region) and a branch in Dzerzhinsk ( Nizhny Novgorod region). The average number of bank staff during 2016-2017 was 186 employees. The company's own ATM network is not developed.

In the offices of the financial institution, private clients are offered loans (consumer, mortgage, car loans and credit cards), deposits, bank cards MasterCard and Visa systems, money transfers(including through the Leader, Contact, Western Union And " Golden Crown"), payment of utility and other bills, currency exchange and individual safes.

Available to corporate clients and individual entrepreneurs cash management services, loans and bank guarantees, salary projects, currency transactions, merchant acquiring, collection and safe deposit boxes. Both legal entities and individuals are also offered remote Internet banking services.

Among the bank's clients, such enterprises of the Vladimir region as OJSC Avtobaza No. 3 and OJSC Iskra were previously noticed. The bank's main borrowers in terms of corporate lending today are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses operating in such segments as trade, construction, real estate operations, etc. sectoral structure The bank's corporate client obligations are dominated by financial and investment organizations, as well as companies and enterprises of trade and transport.

Based on the results of the first nine months of 2017, the credit institution’s assets showed a slight increase (+3.3%) and as of October 1 amounted to 16.0 billion rubles. During the specified period, attracted interbank credits showed a significant increase in liabilities (+81.1%), and funds from enterprises and organizations also showed positive dynamics. The increase in these liabilities made it possible to compensate for the reduction in capital (-10.1%) and a small outflow of individual deposits (-6.1%). In assets, despite the insignificant dynamics during the period under study, noticeable structural changes. The growth of loans to individuals (+445.6 million rubles, or +13.4%) compensated for the decrease in the loan portfolio of legal entities (-321.5 million rubles, or -17.5%). In turn, a small increase in the portfolio securities(+566.9 million rubles) and an almost sevenfold increase in fixed assets (+244.4 million rubles) occurred simultaneously with a reduction in other assets by more than a third (-483.8 million rubles).

More than 60% of the credit institution’s liabilities are formed by client funds with a predominance of deposits individuals(38.2% of liabilities, mainly deposits with a maturity of one to three years). Means corporate clients(a quarter of liabilities) are mainly represented by deposits with a maturity of three to six months and subordinated loans. Attracted interbank loans, represented by short-term loans from Russian banks, account for 12.3% of liabilities. The remaining part of the loans is presented own capital, the sufficiency of which, in accordance with the N1.0 standard, exceeded 13% (with a minimum level of 8%). The capital includes a subordinated loan in the amount of 1.1 billion rubles at the residual value. Fixed capital adequacy (N1.2), which does not include the subordinated loan, is 9.1% with a minimum of 6.0%.

The bank's client base is small, but quite stable; monthly turnover on accounts of the client base has averaged 2.0-2.5 billion rubles since the beginning of 2017.

As of October 1, 2017, the asset structure is dominated by a portfolio of securities with a share of 54.4%. On loan portfolio accounts for a third of assets, highly liquid funds occupy 5.6%, fixed assets and items of other assets - 4.9%.

Securities portfolio - 8.7 billion rubles. Two-thirds of the portfolio is represented by bonds transferred as of the reporting date to repo. Another third is formed mainly by bonds Russian companies(JSC Russian Railways, LLC Transbaltstroy, PJSC NK Rosneft and other issuers, according to explanatory information to the bank’s reporting as of October 1, 2017). Trading activity in the portfolio is traditionally very high, the main volume of transactions falls on Eurobonds, with which the bank carries out repo transactions. For recent months turnover on repo transactions amounted to 27-41 billion rubles.

The loan portfolio is 5.3 billion rubles, 72% represented by retail lending, although at the beginning of 2016, loans to legal entities exceeded retail loans in volume. The share of overdue debt has increased slightly since the beginning of 2017 - from 4.3% to 5.1%. The provisioning level has increased accordingly and more than doubles the arrears at 11.5%. Traditionally, there is a fairly low collateralization of loans with property as collateral (28.0% of the portfolio). The bulk of loans to enterprises and organizations were issued for terms from six months to one year, and retail loans were provided mainly for terms of over three years.

On the market interbank lending In most cases, the bank acts as a net borrower. Until mid-2016, it attracted the missing liquidity mainly from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation through repo transactions; since mid-2016, commercial banks have been the main creditors.

The bank maintains high activity in the market foreign exchange transactions. Turnover by conversion operations since the beginning of 2017, the average amount was 30-70 billion rubles per month.

Based on the results of the first nine months of 2017, the bank slightly reduced its loss compared to the same period in 2016 - 96.1 million and 128.6 million rubles, respectively. Net profit for the entire 2016 amounted to 58.8 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Alexander Mikhalchuk (chairman), Ivan Korotin, Sergei Trubnikov, Vadim Goncharov, Sergei Berezovsky, Pavel Yakubovich.

Board: Amiran Akhmetshin (acting chairman), Elena Steksova, Nikolai Polunin.

OKB is one of the top five in terms of the number of stored credit histories in the country. The organization has been operating since 2004. Its repository contains more than 260 million credit records belonging to 70 million borrowers. The client list includes over six hundred lenders, insurance agencies and mobile operators. Major shareholder and supplier credit information OKB is the leading bank in the country, Sberbank of Russia.

OKB activities

OKB collects, processes and stores all information related to borrowers' loans. To check the presence or absence, as well as the state of the credit history in the OKB, you must request a certificate from the Central Committee for Intellectual Property. The United Bureau regularly publishes statistical and analytical reports on various aspects of lending, for example:

  • list of credit-active regions of the Russian Federation;
  • coverage of the population with retail loans;
  • overdue debts in different years etc.

OKB provides corporate clients with online services for coordinating loan portfolios and preventing loan fraud in financial institutions, scoring tools, etc.

Example of OKB statistical data: graph of changes in the number of credit histories

Unique OKB base

If you have active or closed debt in a “green” bank, there is a high probability that your credit history will be present in OKB. It is in OKB that there is complete information about the credit histories of former and current debtors of Sberbank. For reference, this is 40% of all loans issued in Russia. OKB significantly increased its database, receiving over 12 million data on personal loans from Alfa-Bank in 2013.

History of the OKB's formation

"United credit bureau"was formed as a result of the alliance of two BKIs: Expirian-Interfax and Infocredit.
Merging stages:

2009 - purchase by Sberbank controlling stake Expirian-Interfax shares;
2010 - combination of financial data of borrowers stored in Infocredit and Expirian-Interfax;
2011 - renaming Expirian-Interfax into the United Credit Bureau;
2012 - Infocredit liquidation.


OKB cooperates with TsKKI. TsKKI has data on BKI, which stores the credit histories of borrowers. If you need to find out which BKIs store your loan information, .

OKB and media

Many media outlets use OKB data to inform the public about “ credit health» throughout the country and individual regions. Thus, thanks to the OBK, we can find out by what percentage the number of mortgages has increased compared to last year or what percentage of borrowers are taking out new loans to repay old ones (in 2016 there were more than 50%).

How can an individual obtain a credit report from OKB?


Use the online service, there you can request your credit history from the United Credit Bureau. In this case, it is possible to log in using the State Services portal or account in Sberbank.

In the office in person

You need to come with an identification document to the company’s office at the address: Moscow, second Kazachiy lane, building 11, building 1.

PJSC "O.K. Bank" was founded in 1990.

The Bank's priority task is to provide simple, convenient and high-quality service to each of our clients.

The Bank has all the licenses necessary to carry out banking, and is also a participant in the State Deposit Insurance System.

The bank is actively developing and since the beginning of 2011, the bank's assets have increased more than five times, the bank's capital has increased four times, and the loan portfolio has increased more than four times.

The bank serves clients in Moscow, Alexandrov and Dzerzhinsk. The number of bank clients - individuals and legal entities - has increased several times

Due to the dynamic growth and development of the Bank, the staff is actively expanding. The bank employs young, motivated, top-level specialists.

The Bank is constantly developing relations with Legal entities, focusing on promising and long-term relationships, offering a full range of services for companies and Individual entrepreneurs from opening a current account to salary projects and trade acquiring.

The Bank is constantly introducing new technologies to improve the quality and convenience of customer service, as well as to increase the range of services provided to our Clients.