Do I need to change old compulsory medical insurance policies? When should you change your health insurance policy?

  • 17.05.2020

The compulsory medical insurance policy is the basis for providing a citizen with free medical care in state medical institutions.

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It is a personal document, i.e. contains personal information of its owner. Therefore, when a citizen’s full name changes, the change is also subject to medical insurance.

What is it?

Replacing a medical insurance policy with a new one when changing your last name concerns:

  • . Compulsory insurance, as noted above, affects public hospitals and is the basis for the provision of free medical care. Issued to every citizen of the Russian Federation in mandatory. Includes the following information: full name of its owner, gender, period during which the document is valid, signature of the citizen, hologram (protects against counterfeiting), unique barcode.
  • VHI. Voluntary insurance carried out at the personal request of a citizen (often issued by employers). It includes personal information about its owner, therefore it is also subject to change if the full name changes. Validity period voluntary insurance usually 1 year.

A citizen who has changed his last name will not be able to use his previous VHI policies or compulsory medical insurance.

A prerequisite for their further use is the re-registration of documents, which consists of several stages.


The legislative basis for the issue under consideration is Federal Law No. 136 of 2011, which regulates provisions related to the features and procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy.

It installs:

  • list of required documents;
  • obligations of the insurance company to reissue the policy free of charge.

Replacing a medical policy when changing your last name

The need to change honey. policy arises in the event of a change of name.

The reasons may be different:

  • divorce proceedings between the child's parents;
  • entering into a marriage union;
  • etc.

After marriage

The most common reason for making changes to the full name is. If she got married and decided to take her husband’s surname, she must change her passport information.

Once this is complete, you can begin re-registration of personal documents, incl. policy.

To the child

If the change of surname affected him, then he also needs to obtain a new medical insurance policy. The procedure occurs after changing the main document (Birth Certificate).

Information about the child must be changed in the passports of his father and mother, because his last name has changed.

If a child is 14 years old and has received a new passport with changed information, he can independently contact the insurer to obtain a medical policy.


So, the procedure for re-registration insurance policy in 2019, if there is a change in surname, it looks like this:

  1. Selecting an insurance company (you can contact the same insurer or choose a new organization).
  2. Collection of documents.
  3. Visit to the selected insurance company.
  4. Drawing up an application with the help of an employee, providing him with a package of documents.
  5. Obtaining a temporary certificate form.

The last step is a return visit to the insurance company (within the specified period) to obtain a permanent policy.

Where to contact?

To change your medical policy when changing your last name, you will need to visit your local branch of the insurance company.

You must contact the territorial branch located at the place of registration. They are available in all populated areas, so there will be no difficulties.

  • federal insurers provide insurance services throughout Russia, and regional firms usually operate within one subject of the state;
  • more careful control over the provision medical services on a free basis, owners of policies issued regional companies, often encounter violations of legal rights;
  • Federal insurance organizations employ competent specialists who you can turn to to solve your problem.

In any case, when choosing a company to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to pay attention to the presence of a license.

Required documents

Replacing a medical policy when changing your last name involves collecting a certain list of documents:

  1. New passport received. It must contain information with the surname already changed.
  2. Previous medical insurance. Its inclusion in the list of securities is not mandatory, but desirable.
  3. SNILS. This insurance certificate, in appearance it is a green plastic card.

If there is a change of surname for a person under 14 years of age, a birth certificate already containing the new full name is attached to the package of documents.

Sample application

An application for a new policy due to the invalidity of the previous document is filled out in the form established by the insurance organization.

It must indicate:

  • new personal information (changed full name);
  • the reason for which the need to reissue the policy arose;
  • applicant's contact information.

If there is a change in the surname of a child under 14 years of age, then the application is drawn up by one of his parents.

Temporary certificate

When contacting insurance organization With a completed application and a collected package of documents, the citizen will be issued a temporary certificate.

It does not matter the age of the applicant - up to 18 years or after reaching the age of majority; in any case, a policy is issued that is valid for 30 days.

Why is it issued? A temporary certificate form is the basis for providing a citizen with free medical care during the period of time when a permanent policy will be issued.

What is the price?

Registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out free of charge - insurance companies do not charge money for this.

However, many people have questions related to paying for the renewal of an insurance policy. The answer to them will be the same for residents of all regions - changing the policy due to a change in full name will be free of charge.


Law “On compulsory health insurance in Russian Federation"(2010) and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules (2011) establish the right of every citizen of the country and certain certain categories of persons to independently choose an insurance company and obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy.
The forms previously received by citizens do not lose legal force and are valid until they are replaced with a document of a single standard; medical care is provided according to them in full programs. Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single type are personalized and are characterized by high levels of protection against counterfeiting or changes in posted data. Forms are produced centrally - Federal Fund Compulsory medical insurance.

To organizations where to change your policy health insurance or you can obtain a document taking into account the requirements of the law, including licensed medical insurance companies listed in the register of health insurance companies.

How is the replacement made?

To obtain or replace an updated uniform form, the client must contact (in person or through trustee) to one of the policy issuing points and fill out an application indicating the insurance organization he has chosen independently. For minor children, the choice of company is made by the child's parents or legal representatives (guardians). The registration procedure is free of charge.

Along with the application, you must provide an identity card or passport and an individual number pension insurance(SNILS). The data reflected in the application must be indicated correctly, legibly and without corrections.

The insured person has the opportunity to change the previously selected insurance company once during calendar year, except for exceptions related to a change of place of residence or termination of the operation of an insurance organization.

Replacement of a compulsory medical insurance policy is made upon submission of an application accompanied by the following documents or notarized copies:

Applicant category Documents requested for presentation Note
1 Citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 14 years of age or older
  • ID card (passport),
The issued policy does not contain restrictions on the validity period.
2 Minor citizen of the Russian Federation (under 14 years old)
  • birth certificate,
  • confirmation of pension insurance (OPS or DPO, if available),
  • ID card of the parent (anyone).
The issued sample has no restrictions on the period of validity.
Citizen of another state
3 Permanently residing in the Russian Federation
  • passport of a foreign citizen,
  • resident card,
  • Confirmation of compulsory public health certificate or additional training certificate.
The issued form has no restrictions on its validity period.
4 Temporarily residing in the Russian Federation
  • passport of a foreign citizen with a temporary residence permit stamp,
  • certificate of pension insurance (if available).
The sample issued has a limited validity period.
Stateless person
5 Permanently residing in the Russian Federation
  • document certifying a stateless person,
  • right of residence,
The issued sample has no restrictions on its validity period.
6 Temporarily residing in the Russian Federation
  • a document certifying a stateless person with a note indicating temporary residence permit,
  • certificate of pension insurance (if any).
The issued sample has a limited validity period.
7 Person with refugee status
  • document certifying the applicant's refugee status.
The option issued has a limited validity period.

On the day the application is submitted, the client is given a temporary certificate valid for 30 working days from the date of registration. The specified time is necessary to verify the fact of possible issuance of the policy by another company and the subsequent production of the form.

The applicant is entitled to receive only one policy form. If the issuer discovers during the verification of an issue previously made by another organization, a secondary provision of an analogue is not made.

According to the temporary certificate, the client is provided with the entire volume of medical services provided for by the compulsory medical insurance package at the place of residence (registration) or in any medical organization on the territory of the Russian Federation.

After producing the personal form, the organization will notify the client about the readiness and need for receipt.

When is a policy change necessary?

The forms in the hands of citizens are valid without any restrictions until they receive a new document. But in some circumstances it is necessary to make a replacement as quickly as possible in order to avoid possible refusal when applying for free services included in the compulsory health insurance package. This applies to:

  • loss or damage to an existing sample;
  • change of passport or other identity document;
  • changes in first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth;
  • change of permanent place of residence (applies to moving to a permanent or temporary place of residence (if temporary registration is available) to another region, republic or region of the Russian Federation;
  • detecting errors or inaccuracies in the information provided.

If these circumstances exist, the insured citizen must submit a notice of change to the insurance company within 30 days.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name and other circumstances is free of charge and must be completed within 10 days (working days).

To change an existing sample in these cases, you must present the following:

Possible situation Documents required to be presented Features of the procedure
1 Change of information (first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth, etc.)
  • pension insurance certificate (previous confirmation is allowed, since the SNILS number does not change),
  • marriage or divorce certificate or other document on the basis of which changes were made.
The client must submit a certain list to the policy issuing point of the selected insurance company within a month. The applicant is issued a temporary certificate, which after 30 days is replaced with an updated version of the policy, which will have a new number.
2 Change of residence
  • passport,
  • SNILS number (if available),
  • compulsory medical insurance certificate.
You should contact the representative office of the insurance company at your new place of residence, and in the absence of one, there is no option left except to change the insurance company compulsory medical insurance company. If you use the old sample, you will need to change it, and a mark is placed on the document of a single sample (on the back) with information entered into a single electronic register.
3 Unusable or lost document
  • passport,
  • SNILS (if available).
The registration procedure is the same as for initial receipt. The new form is marked “duplicate”.
4 Loss of temporary certificate
  • passport,
  • SNILS.
If there is no time to wait for the completed policy to arrive, then at the registration point they can provide a certificate confirming the receipt of the application from the client and the sending of the application for the production of the policy.
5 Passport replacement
  • a copy of the replaced document, a passport with new data,
  • confirmation of pension insurance,
  • the document on the basis of which the replacement was made.
Previously, when changing a passport based on age, it was only necessary to notify the insurance company about this in order to make adjustments to the unified register for insured citizens. Since 2013, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 396n), any changes in identity cards (passports) require re-issuance of the policy.


There are no legal grounds for refusing to provide medical care to clients who present an old-type compulsory medical insurance certificate. But persons who find themselves in the above situations requiring mandatory and urgent replacement of a document should hurry up with the exchange. After all, changing your compulsory medical insurance policy is quite simple - you only need an application and a couple of documents available to each citizen.

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The compulsory medical insurance policy is the main document confirming that its owner is insured and has the right to receive free medical care in accordance with the list of services guaranteed by law. That is why every citizen of the Russian Federation is required to have a policy, regardless of social and financial status. Acting on at the moment The registration procedure came into force at the beginning of 2011, but the old model is still considered valid throughout Russia. You can get help with them at any medical institution in the country.

What is a policy

Law "On social insurance"provides that the policy is a personal document in which the personal data of the owner is entered, as well as additional installation information:
- last name, first name and patronymic;
- date and place of birth;
- place of registration.

If one of the personal data of the policy owner changes, or inaccuracies and errors are identified in the record, the document must be replaced. In practice, this means that you will have to change your compulsory medical insurance policy in the following cases:
- marriage or divorce accompanied by a change of surname;
- changes in the date or place of birth of the policy owner.

The procedure for re-issuing a policy

The policy can be obtained at your place of residence: you do not need to go to your place of registration to get it insured. However, if the insured person moved and changed registration, then the compulsory medical insurance policy must be reissued. In this case, the owner of the policy who has moved within the same subject of the Russian Federation only needs to notify his insurance company about the change of place of registration. To carry out this procedure, the policy owner must visit the office of the organization that issued the policy to him.

Re-issuance of the document is carried out on the basis of an application from the owner of the compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as documents confirming the fact of changes that have occurred, in particular, a passport with a registration mark and SNILS. Renewal or replacement of the policy must be carried out within 1 month from the date of the changes.

Those citizens who have changed their region of residence will have to clarify whether their insurance company has a representative office in this subject of Russia. If it is, then you must notify your insurance company of the change of address by writing a corresponding statement. If the insurance company does not have a branch or representative office in this region, then you should select a new insurance company and conclude another contract with the subsequent issuance of a new compulsory medical insurance policy.

One of the differences between the new law on compulsory medical insurance and the old one is for ordinary person is that he himself chooses the insurance company with which he wants to be insured. Previously, for workers, the insurance company was chosen by the employer, for children and pensioners - by the regional administration. According to the new law, since 2011 we, potential and existing patients, must do this on our own. It’s as if they are telling us: this is your policy - the policy of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It entitles you to free medical care and some responsibilities.

Andrey Akulenko, deputy head of the department for organizing registration of insured citizens of the St. Petersburg Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, answers questions related to the medical policy and its significance for us and for the compulsory health insurance system.

Why do some medical institutions in St. Petersburg require an urgent replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy?
Because at the stage of discussion of the draft new law on compulsory medical insurance, it was indeed discussed that in December of this year the time allotted for replacing policies would expire. This was a controversial provision of the bill, and in the final version of the law this limitation of the period for obtaining policies was removed. But, as doctors say, the “phantom pain” remains.

What policies are in force today in St. Petersburg?
New policies of a uniform type are in effect - more than 3.6 million St. Petersburg residents have already received them, that is, 68%. And old ones, issued before May 1, 2011 by different insurance companies. Moreover, only those old policies are valid that do not have an expiration date stamp before January 1, 2011. That is, your old policy is valid until the moment you replace it with a new one, which means it is unlimited and valid throughout Russia. Another thing is that in other regions medical workers are already adapting to new uniform policies that are uniform for the entire country, therefore, if you are planning to leave St. Petersburg, then just in case it is better to play it safe and replace the policy in order to reduce the risk of refusal to provide medical care at the expense of compulsory medical insurance (free of charge).

Who necessarily needs to exchange their old policy for a new one?
Newborns are required to obtain a policy, simply because they did not have one. Moreover, it is better to do this as quickly as possible - with children in medical institutions need to be contacted frequently. Others should change their old policy to a new one in the following cases:

1. If the old policy has a note about the expiration of the policy - until January 1, 2011.
2. If your personal data has changed (last name, first name, patronymic). Most often this happens when women get married.
3. If you want to change the insurance company, but you have an old policy in your hands.
4. If you moved to St. Petersburg for permanent residence with an old medical policy.

According to the law, within a month from the moment of registration in St. Petersburg, you should contact the insurance company of your choice to issue a new uniform policy, even if you do not currently plan to seek medical help. You must fulfill this requirement not at will, it is your responsibility. There are no sanctions for failure to comply with the law, but if you need routine medical care, you may have difficulty contacting medical organizations.

Is it necessary to replace the policy if a Russian has moved to St. Petersburg, but has already exchanged the old policy for a new one in the region from which he arrived?
Change new policy no need. You just need to contact the insurance company to register you with it and put the stamp of your insurance organization on the policy. Then you must select the clinic where you would like to receive medical care (“attach to the clinic”). Remember, if in St. Petersburg there is the same insurance company whose policy you received in your region, and you are not going to change it, you need to contact its branch in St. Petersburg and report your arrival. If you were insured by your local - regional insurance company, of which we do not have a representative office, you must choose one of 9 St. Petersburg insurance companies medical organizations and contact her to receive a stamp on the policy guaranteeing you free medical care in St. Petersburg.

The new law allows a patient to switch from one insurance company to another once a year. Does this change the new uniform policy issued in St. Petersburg?
No, it doesn't change. If a St. Petersburg resident wants to change his insurance company to another, he comes to the office of the chosen company, and they put a stamp on the back of the policy.
The new policy form must be replaced if personal data changes - last name, first name, patronymic.

Where can I change my policy?
To exchange your old policy for a new one, you can contact one of 119 policy issuing points, choosing from them the one that belongs to the company you have chosen. Or to one of 35 multifunctional centers (MFCs).
Policy issuance points and MFCs are located in all areas of the city. .
But if you have already received a new policy and want to change the insurance company, then you need to go directly to its office. The previous insurance company and MFC do not carry out the procedure for replacing the insurer.
Remember that, in accordance with current legislation, you can change your insurance company once per calendar year before November 1st.

How does the policy change and what documents are needed for this?

  • Anyone over 14 years of age must present only a passport to obtain a policy.
  • To obtain a policy for a child, parents must present their birth certificate and their passport.
  • To obtain a policy for another person, you need to have your own passport, the passport of the person for whom you are receiving the policy, and a free-form power of attorney indicating passport details. There is no need to certify it to any organizations.

Old-style compulsory health insurance policies issued before May 1, 2011 had different shapes(Only in St. Petersburg, the number of different types of policies reached 25, and throughout the country there were hundreds of types of policies, with inconsistent information). It was often problematic to receive medical care in another region with your own policy, because it was difficult to identify the patient using it, which means that the institution was afraid that it would not receive payment for the medical care provided.

In accordance with Federal Law-326, from May 1, 2011, they began to issue policies of a single type, which are valid throughout Russia: for a resident of Magadan, Kaliningrad, Moscow and St. Petersburg, they are the same. Medical institutions in any region know how to work with them: new policies have a 16-digit number and a barcode, which makes it much easier to enter information into the documents of medical institutions. When you enter the number, all information about the patient appears on the computer. Some healthcare facilities have readers that read barcode information, making it even easier to enter data into a medical information system.

Doctor Peter

Every resident of the Russian Federation falls under state program compulsory health insurance (CHI). However, he can exercise his right to free medical care only if he has insurance contract. Several years ago, the form of filling out and the type of this insurance changed somewhat. How is it possible to replace a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type of policy today?

Is it necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type policy: latest news of 2019

Recently, the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund announced that it was suspending the issuance of new policies until January 2019. Because of this, a rumor arose that everyone needs to urgently change their old-style compulsory medical insurance policy to a new one before November 1, 2018, otherwise there will be problems with the provision of medical services.

On October 26, an explanation came from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, namely, it states that all policies are issued for an indefinite period and medical care under them can be obtained without any restrictions. Until November 1, you can apply to change the insurance company servicing your compulsory medical insurance policy if the quality of its services does not suit you. This can be done once a year. Therefore, dear readers, there is no need to urgently change your policy.

The text of the press release is below:

Do I need to change compulsory medical insurance when changing my registration?

Art. 51 paragraph 2 Federal Law“On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation” regulates that all policies issued on the territory of the Russian Federation before 05/01/2011 are valid until they are replaced by a single format. Thus, the insurance you have in hand does not need to be changed until its validity period comes to an end.

However, in some circumstances the policy must be replaced without delay. For example, in the event of a change of place of residence, personal data or loss of insurance, it may be considered invalid. If outdated information remains in the compulsory medical insurance policy, the citizen may be denied medical care.

It is worth noting that there is no need to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of a temporary change of place of residence, a short-term departure or a long business trip. But in case of change of registration, obtaining a new insurance contract is a mandatory condition.

Types of insurance documents

Section III of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance contains uniform requirements for registration insurance document, describes its types and information that must be provided in it. In 2019, citizens have several types of them in their hands:

  • on blue A5 paper;
  • in the form of a plastic card with a chip containing information;
  • as part of a chipped universal electronic card(UEC).

Since January 1, 2017, the issuance of UEC in the Russian Federation has been suspended. This card is no longer considered a mandatory tool for the provision of state and municipal services. Previously, when it was necessary to replace the contract, the insured person received new insurance as part of the UEC. This card can additionally be used when contacting government services, as bank card, as well as an electronic wallet and a travel ticket.

Currently, two types of policies are issued in the Russian Federation: paper and plastic. If we talk about durability and compactness, then the latter option wins. However, given that many medical institutions still do not have special equipment to read information from the card, the paper form is more convenient to use.

New sample policy and its features

Under the phrase " new sample» two innovations should be understood:

  • an updated form for filling out a paper form, which was introduced in 2011;
  • electronic plastic card, which has been issued since 2014.

New contracts with the insurer on a paper basis were issued with a validity period until 2014, so today they are no longer valid. Citizens can contact the insurance organization for a new paper copy or for a microchipped electronic card. Plastic cards, which have been issued since 2014 and issued by insurers, do not have an expiration date.

Validity period

Medical insurance policies differ not only in type, but also in terms of validity. In 2011, new documents began to be issued in Russia, but the old existing agreements are still valid. Medical insurance validity period:

  1. Most old insurance contracts were issued for a certain period. The end date is indicated on its front side. When it arrives, the citizen receives a new contract.
  2. The contracts of the new uniform sample are unlimited. Of course, this is very convenient. However, there are a number of circumstances under which they are subject to mandatory replacement.

There is no point in delaying the renewal of expired insurance, although health workers do not have the right to refuse to provide services in an emergency. As soon as the contract expires, you should select the appropriate insurance organization and issue a new one. This service is provided free of charge.

Replacement procedure

If you have valid old-style health insurance, there is no need to replace it. However, in some cases it is necessary to re-register it. How to change the policy? The procedure looks like this:

  • first stage and very important aspect– choice of insurer. In this matter, you need to be guided by the reputation of insurance companies and reviews of their clients. When replacing a policy, the policyholder usually contacts the organization where he received the previous one;
  • then you need to visit the insurer’s office and fill out an application in which you should clearly state the reason for the re-registration. At the same time, you need to carefully ensure that there are no errors in it;
  • At the appointment with the insurer, the client must present an identity card to the employee. As a rule, this is a civil passport;
  • the policyholder must present his personal account number;
  • after consideration and acceptance of the papers, the applicant is issued a temporary certificate, which has the same force. Its validity period is no more than 30 days;
  • The policyholder must obtain new insurance within 30 days. At the appointed time, he comes to the insurance company to receive it. Before you pick up the paper, it is better to make sure that all the information is true.

Soon, citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy through government services. Currently, online issuance of health insurance is being tested - a trial version is open to residents of St. Petersburg.

Required documents to receive

In order to replace a compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen must provide the insurer with the following documents and information:

  • civil passport;
  • application for replacement indicating the reason;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • old insurance, if it has not been lost;
  • the child’s birth certificate and the identity card of his legal representative, if the insurance is issued for a minor.

If compulsory health insurance is issued for a child under 14 years of age, then presentation of SNILS is not a prerequisite for receiving it. In the event that another person, rather than a legal representative, acts on behalf of the insured person (for example, not a mother or father, but a grandmother or grandfather), a power of attorney will be required. This is regulated by the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance.

It is possible to re-register compulsory medical insurance online. On the EMIAS website you can see points for issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies, which accept applications for a contract directly through this electronic resource.

Points for issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies in different regions of the country can be found on this website.

Registration deadlines

As a rule, the period for issuing insurance does not exceed 10 days. Insurance companies issue new document within 1-1.5 weeks depending on workload.

Clause 50 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance stipulates that the period for issuing an insurance contract cannot exceed the validity period of the temporary certificate issued during the acceptance of documents. Thus, the maximum duration for producing a new document is 30 days.

If compulsory medical insurance is issued through the MFC, then the time frame for receiving it may increase by a couple of days. This occurs due to the document being sent by mail.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Here are the cases in which re-registration of health insurance is mandatory:

  • loss current document(loss, damage, theft);
  • change of personal data of the insured person: last name, first name, patronymic;
  • in connection with moving to another city or region of the country for the purpose of permanent or temporary (if there is a certificate of temporary registration) residence;
  • replacement of a civil passport or other identification document, information about which is provided in the contract;
  • when changing the insurance organization providing health insurance;
  • presence of inaccuracies and errors in the insurance contract.

The above circumstances oblige the insured person to notify the insurer of changes within 30 days. As a rule, new health insurance is made and issued 10 days after the applicant applies. The service of issuing and replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy is free of charge.


So, citizens of the Russian Federation can continue to use the old-style compulsory medical insurance insurance until its validity period comes to an end. The document is subject to re-issuance when moving, when changing the last name, first name or patronymic, when changing the passport and when lost. Obtaining a new contract with an insurer does not entail any problems or costs: the procedure for reviewing and accepting documents is quick, and medical insurance is issued within 30 days from the date of application.

You can find out more about the new model below.

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