Do-it-yourself covered veranda for your home. Do-it-yourself veranda: step-by-step solutions for a DIY extension to your house

  • 19.09.2021

An extension to the main entrance is an indispensable attribute of a private or country house. It not only saves you from the heat in summer, but retains heat and protects the front door from snow and rain at other times of the year. In this article we will talk about how to make a veranda frame with your own hands, about the types of materials for construction and methods of covering the frame.

Depending on capabilities, skills and funds, the material for construction is chosen. If you are familiar with carpentry and know how to use an ax and a hacksaw, you can easily and quickly assemble a wooden frame.

If you are more accustomed to working with a holder and a welder’s mask, then it will not be difficult to build a frame for a veranda from reinforcement and a metal profile. Let's talk about each type in more detail.


Wood is the most affordable material, easy to process, so many owners prefer it for constructing a frame, but the main thing here is to choose the right type of wood.

Hard varieties (larch, oak) are more durable, less susceptible to rot, fungus and mold, but they are more expensive and more difficult to work with, so this type is usually used in the lower part of the frame, which is more often in contact with the ground and is more susceptible to atmospheric influences. Made from durum varieties bottom trim frame.

The top and rafters are constructed from other types (cedar, pine, walnut). Although, if there are no financial problems and are not afraid of processing difficulties, then, if desired, the entire frame can be made of hard wood. Since the reliability of the entire structure depends on the strength of the frame, special attention should be paid to the quality of the material.

Upon visual inspection, the wood should not have the following defects:

  1. Rotten.
  2. Wormhole.
  3. Blue, the precursor to decay.
  4. Cracks.
  5. Black (tobacco) and falling knots.
  6. Skolov.

Important! The material for the veranda frame must be dry with a humidity of no more than 12–14%, otherwise the raw wood will shrink, crack, and change geometric and linear dimensions when it dries.


Let's consider the technology of its device:

  1. On a measured building area, the black fertile layer of soil is removed and the surface is leveled.
  2. In the corners of the future veranda, holes are dug with a depth of at least 60 cm and a width of 50*50 cm. The same holes are dug along the long sides with a distance between them of no more than 200 cm. If the width of the veranda is more than 300 mm, then the pillars must be placed inside the perimeter.
  3. They do it at the bottom of the pits sand cushion 15–20 cm thick and compacted thoroughly.
  4. The holes are filled with concrete, leveled horizontally and smoothed.
  5. After the concrete has set, its surface is covered with a layer of waterproofing material and columns of the required height made of brick or foam or cinder blocks are placed.
  6. The dimensions of the supports are made “in brick” with the obligatory bandaging of the rows.

Important! The height of the pillars depends on the level of the finished floor on the veranda, which is recommended to be 20–30 cm below the floor in the house. Then the roof falls under the canopy of the main building, which makes it easier to connect the two buildings and reduces the risk of leaks.

  1. For monolithic columns, formwork is made over the holes and poured with concrete to the design height of the foundation.
  2. The columns are covered with a layer of waterproofing (plastered and coated with bitumen).
  3. If there are voids left - sinuses, then they are covered with dry soil, gravel or crushed stone.
  4. To install a metal frame into the foundation when laying or pouring concrete, embedded elements are installed to which the lower frame will be attached (pieces of reinforcement protruding 10–15 mm above the surface, plates or corners).
  5. There is no need to build a foundation under the metal frame. If the cladding involves the use of lightweight materials, for example, polycarbonate, then concrete preparation with a thickness of 10–15 cm on a leveled and compacted surface may be sufficient.

Using the prepared foundation, you can begin the construction of the veranda frame, which comes in two types.

Wooden frame

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • Beam 100x150 or 150x150 mm - for the lower and upper trim.
  • Beam 100x100 mm or board 150x50 mm - for racks and joists.
  • Bar 50x50 mm - for horizontal connections.
  • Board 150x50 mm - for rafters.
  • Nails, staples, metal corners.

The structure of the frame is as follows:

  1. The surface of the posts is covered with one or two layers of roofing felt or other rolled insulating material to protect the wood from dripping moisture.
  2. The bottom trim beam is installed, the corners are joined using the “wood floor” method. The instructions for constructing such a lock are simple: identical grooves are cut out at the joining ends of the beams, which are connected by placing one end of the beam on the other. The depth of the groove is half the height of the beam, and the length is approximately twice the width.

Important! If it is necessary to join the strapping along the long sides of the veranda, you need to ensure that the joints of the beams always fall on the foundation and do not hang in the air between the pillars.

  1. They cut into the frame the joists on which the flooring will be mounted.
  2. Frame posts are installed along the perimeter using the tongue-and-groove method, which should rest on the foundation pillars. The verticals are secured using nails, metal brackets, and corners.
  3. The top of the frame along the entire perimeter is rigidly fastened with a beam of the upper trim.
  4. Under the eaves of the building, along the length of the roof of the veranda, a beam is installed - a “purlin”, rafters are attached to it, which rest on the other side on the frame frame. The roof slope is made at least 3%, and the rafters extend 40–50 cm above the front side of the frame for the installation of a cornice.

The frame is ready, you can start covering it.

Metal frame

When choosing a standard kit of a prefabricated frame, which can be purchased over the counter, assembly is carried out without the use of special technical means, here you only need an adjustable wrench or wrench. Detailed instructions will help you understand the purpose of each element and do everything correctly.

It cannot be said that when constructing a frame from individual profile elements, it will be necessary to involve a specialist and prepare a set of special equipment. Although this does not cause problems now, there are many organizations that specialize in the construction of welded structures and are equipped with everything necessary for such work. But the price in this case can be quite high.

In our article we are talking about work done with our own hands, so we will consider the procedure and technology for constructing a welded frame for a veranda yourself.

  • The lower piping, usually consisting of pipes of a larger diameter than the other elements, is laid along the foundation columns and firmly welded to the mortgages.
  • Install corner posts, carefully measuring the verticality of each profile.
  • Intermediate supports are installed at the same distance from each other, equal to the width of the facing material.

  • The upper trim is welded along the perimeter to the ends of the racks, strictly monitoring the horizontality of the structure.
  • To provide stability and rigidity in the blind walls of the frame, it is recommended to install additional diagonal struts - “stringers” from the same profile as the intermediate posts. There must be at least one on each side of the building.
  • Along the beams of the lower trim, by welding, logs are installed every 60–70 cm, serving as the basis for.

Roof rafters are placed at a slope of at least 3%, their cross-section depends on the roofing covering - the heavier the material, the stronger the elements should be. The technology for installing a metal roof frame is similar to installing wooden rafters.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the welds of the structure; the reliability and durability of the building depends on this. It is necessary to clean the seams with a grinder, check for lack of welding, boil again if necessary and coat with a protective primer 3 times.

The frame of a metal terrace veranda, made in compliance with all technological requirements, will simply be sheathed and insulated (see), and such an extension will last for many years.

In the article we examined possible options for constructing a frame for a terrace or veranda; which one to choose depends on your preferences, finances and capabilities.

After looking at the photos and videos in this article, you will get a complete picture of the working aspects of construction and will certainly be able to complete your plans with your own hands.

Many owners of individual homes often think about new extensions. After all, when you yourself are the owner of the dacha or personal plot, you definitely want to do something exclusive and as comfortable as possible. Let's consider one of the most common options for extensions - a veranda. At the same time, we will analyze the methods of constructing it with our own hands.

The need for a veranda. Functions

The need for a veranda for your own home is obvious, because it is a place where it is easy to gather the whole family for a summer barbecue dinner, and at the same time hide from the evening rain and watch its threads through the large windows. But at the same time, I want to be able to stay warm from the autumn wind while on the veranda. It is often assumed that some kind of greenhouse will be placed inside such an extension. Hence the functions that this building should have:

  • good roof, preferably transparent or matte,
  • huge windows,
  • warm walls,
  • large space,
  • close connection with home.

A similar extension to a house is sometimes also called a terrace.

Design of possible options with photos

For clarity, we present several options for an attached veranda. Here, for example, is the design of a simple summer structure associated with a house.

A simple open veranda does not protect against the cold

Here we see a classic option: the roof of a residential building is initially extended, then the overhanging edge is supported on pillars, after which the floor is paved. The open veranda is ready. However, in the fall, as in the photo, inside such a space will be very cold and uncomfortable.

It's another matter when the veranda is covered with glass. Then the wind will not blow into it. Here is a version of a similar design.

A veranda with glass walls in the form of windows provides good protection from the wind.

Here the columns are already solid, made of brickwork, and the area between the columns is covered with huge windows, which simultaneously provides aesthetics, protection from the wind, and excellent visibility.

An even more reliable option in terms of heat is a permanent veranda.

The building in this case is more like a room in a house

Here the terrace is part of the house. The degree of glazing is also high, but there are also solid walls and warm floors, powered by heating the house or by electric current. Although there is still a feeling of the presence of the surrounding world.

How to build it yourself: step-by-step instructions

Project and drawing

We start with design. It is necessary at this stage to decide on the size of the veranda. The width of the building is usually taken to be no more than 3 m, otherwise the terrace will be too bulky. But as for the length, the owners must decide for themselves whether to extend the veranda over the entire house or not. Most often, a summer room is attached to only half or a third of the building.

  1. Foundation. For a veranda, the most successful option is a columnar one. In this case, they simply put several metal or asbestos pipes into the project, which will be dug into the ground standing to the depth of soil freezing. Their insides will have to be concreted with reinforcing rods. It is advisable to connect the protruding pipe heads with a grillage - a concreted tape around the perimeter.
  2. Walls. There is a unanimous opinion on this issue: it is better to use the same material from which the house is built, because each type of building element has its own degree of expansion. For example, a wooden veranda may become slightly deformed over time and “press” on a brick house. If the hut is made of logs, then a terrace made of boards will come in handy.
  3. Roof. Usually it is single-pitched. There is room for design thought here. Most often, a transparent roof is made, for example, from colored polycarbonate. You can use thick glass, but it is enough to simply extend the roof of the house, be it slate or tiles. The main thing is to maintain the required slope. Typically, the slope of the veranda roof is less than that of the roof slopes of the house, since the width of the extension is small. A large pitch angle of the veranda roof will lower its front part too much.

We will talk in more detail about choosing the appropriate components at each stage of construction in the process of describing the general step-by-step instructions. Having decided on the materials and dimensions, they make a drawing or sketch.

Typical diagram of a house veranda

The figure indicates the dimensions of the future building, as well as important dimensions, for example, the distances between connecting elements, roof slope, etc.

Necessary materials and calculations with detailed examples

As an example, we will write down instructions for constructing a wooden frame of a lean-to veranda 3 meters long and 2 meters wide. Let us take the height of such an extension to be 2 m directly next to the house and 1.7 m from the front side.

To build such a veranda we will use the following components:

  • wooden beams 100 mm x 100 mm with a total length of 42 m,
  • logs in the form of wooden beams 50 mm x 100 mm long, each 3 m (with a margin) - 4 pieces (for 3 meters of a building, according to building codes, 4 roof supports are enough),
  • edged boards 20 mm thick for walls, board dimensions: 200 mm x 3 m, 200 mm x 2 m, their total area is 10 m 2,
  • boards for roof sheathing 25 mm thick, with dimensions 150 mm x 3 m, total area 4.5 m 2,
  • floor boards with an area of ​​2 m x 3 m, that is, an area of ​​6 m 2, board size: 30 mm x 250 mm x 2 m,
  • nails approximately 2 kg.
  • metal or asbestos pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for a foundation 1.5 m long - 6 pieces (1 piece for each meter of length of the building is quite sufficient according to building codes),
  • polyethylene with an area of ​​approximately 1 m2 (for 6 pipes),
  • mastic for coating pipe ends - 1 bucket,
  • fittings with a diameter of 8 mm - 12 rods (2 per pipe) 1.5 m each (according to the length of the pipes),
  • cement 15 kg,
  • sand 45 kg.

We will show how the materials were calculated.

To fill the insides of pipes with a diameter of 100 mm inserted into the ground with concrete, you will need a little cement and sand. Total volume equal to the product of the number of pipes and their volume. The latter is calculated as the product of the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe and its length: V = 0.1 x 0.1 x 1.5 = 0.015 m3. Here, for simplicity, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe is taken as the cross-sectional area of ​​a square of 100 mm x 100 mm.

For six pipes the volume will be as follows: V total. = 6 x 0.015 = 0.09 m3. Let us take the volume of solution we need equal to 0.1 m3. According to building standards, to prepare such a volume it is enough to take 15 kg of cement and 45 kg of sand.

Let's also count lumber. Beams 100 mm x 100 mm are needed as connecting elements of the frame. We will have three horizontal straps, namely the lower perimeter at floor level, the window sill perimeter, and the same at the roof level. We will also have vertical racks, according to the number of pipes, 6 pieces of 2 m in height are enough. Totally, summing everything up, we get the total length of the beams 100 mm x 100 mm: L = (2 m + 3 m + 2 m + 3 m) x 3 + 2 m x 6 = 42 m.

For walls with a standard height of 1 meter for verandas, you will need the number of boards that will cover an area equal to the product of the perimeter of the building and the height of 1 m: S = (2 m + 3 m + 2 m + 3 m) x 1 = 10 m2.

Boards for sheathing under the roofing will be installed with slots equal to their width. Therefore, half the approximate roofing area is sufficient. The latter is approximately 3 m x 3 m = 9 m 2 (taking into account the roof slope). This means that 4.5 m2 is enough for us.

Construction tools

We will need the following tools for work:

  • hacksaw,
  • hammer,
  • axe,
  • shovel for mixing the solution,
  • bayonet shovel for digging.

How to build: step by step instructions

  1. First you need to mark the future veranda. Relying on our own drawing, we find the installation points for the foundation pipes. The maximum possible step between such supports is 2 m. It is advisable to step back at least 4 cm from the foundation of the house and also determine the location of the holes for supports along the building.
  2. The depth of the cavities for foundation pipes should be about 1.5 m, depending on the region. The holes themselves can be dug with a shovel. There is an option to drill them with a universal hand drill. It is sold in many hardware supermarkets. After preparing the cavities, they are filled with solid polyethylene for waterproofing, and then metal or asbestos-cement pipes are inserted into them. After that, two or three rods of reinforcement are pushed inside each such element and concrete is poured. The top end of each pipe should protrude at least 20 cm above the ground.
  3. After the concrete has hardened, you can begin installing the floor. But first you need to either make a grillage - connect all the pipes with a concrete strip, or at least add some total area future veranda with crushed stone. If you do not carry out the described manipulations, debris will subsequently accumulate under the floor of the terrace, and the covering itself will be cold for the owners’ feet.
  4. Let's consider the option without a grillage, when the entire planned area of ​​the veranda is covered with crushed stone. It's both cheaper and simpler. After filling our plot of land with stones, they need to be leveled with a shovel. Next, it is necessary to lay wooden beams with a profile of 100 mm x 100 mm along the pipes protruding from the ground, coated with mastic, fastening them in the corners with standard locks. These locks, made with an axe, are also called cuts or notches. Their options are shown in the diagram below. The future floor will rest on the beams described.

    The diagram shows different types of locks for connecting beams; we use the simplest ones

  5. The next step is to build the frame of the veranda. Vertical racks We also make it from beams with a section of 100 mm x 100 mm. We fasten them to the perimeter of the base. After installing the verticals, we line the flooring with edged boards with a thickness of 30 mm or more. We nail the floorboards to the beams.
  6. We install window sill beams at a height of 1 m, simultaneously fastening the verticals with them. The profile of window sill bars can also be 100 mm x 100 mm. To connect the beams in all cases we use the classic lock discussed above. We also use screws or nails. You can strengthen all connections with metal corners. After installing the window sill beams on the outside of the veranda, we nail the edged boards to close the space from the floor to the window sill beams.
  7. We make the top trim of the future veranda. To do this, we connect the verticals with the same beams, then we rest standard logs on this structure for mounting the roof.

    Important to remember! Since a typical veranda uses a pitched roof, the front verticals should end up lower than the rear verticals adjacent to the house by about 30 cm. If we didn’t take this into account right away, you can take a hacksaw and saw down the standing beams.

    The wooden frame of the veranda, in this case it is made close to the house, part of the frame rests on the foundation of the house, this option is acceptable

  8. To erect a terrace roof, sheathing is nailed onto the logs. Then sheets of roofing material are fixed and the same hard material is laid that decorates the slopes of the common roof. There are also other options here that will provide an exclusive architectural form. For example, frames can be mounted on joists and “filled” with especially strong glass. This solution will provide additional heating of the room from the sun, even in winter.

    Just a note. IN recent years Another possibility has become widespread: it is enough to screw sheets of polycarbonate used for the construction of greenhouses to the joists with self-tapping screws. This is a very convenient and practical material. It bends well, which allows you to create arched structures. With its help it is easy to create the most unusual roof for your veranda.

  9. We may not fill the space for windows if an open veranda is enough for us. If it is decided that the building will be closed, it is enough to install ordinary glazed wooden frames. At the same time, window frames can be “equipped” with multi-colored glass, resulting in exclusive stained glass windows that are noticeable even from afar. A similar example can be studied in this photo.

    Stained glass in design wooden veranda, the glass here is made to order

  10. Special attention must be paid to installing the door. The opening for this element is initially laid into the project on the side of the terrace. Under no circumstances should you install the veranda door directly opposite the common entrance, otherwise drafts will not be avoided!

Final finishing of floors, walls and ceilings. How to insulate and with what

In our example, the lower part of the veranda is finished with boards. Such walls can be easily insulated from the inside with polystyrene foam. You just need to glue the slabs of material with mounting adhesive. Outside, plank walls can easily be “covered” with siding; it is screwed to the wood with self-tapping screws. The insulating material on the inside can be finished with aesthetic panels, for example, made of plastic, for additional insulation.

There is an option to cover the space between the window sill beams and the floor with sandwich panels or OSB boards instead of boards. In the latter case, it is sufficient to use sawdust enclosed in polyethylene as an insulating material. Plastic bags with sawdust are attached with metal mounting tape and nails. And the inner surface, after securing plastic bags with sawdust, is finished with plywood. There are no boundaries for design ideas here, final decision depends entirely on the owner.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video on the topic.

Video: How to attach a wooden summer terrace to your house

We have provided design options and detailed instructions for the construction of a veranda, which is a continuation of a private house. It remains to add one last note: when inventing an unusual, stylish veranda, do not forget about building codes and rules, and also try to make sure that even at the project stage your veranda does not spoil the overall picture of the house.

A house outside the city is a place where you can take a good break from everyday worries and relax. Therefore, every owner of a suburban area tries to make it as comfortable and beautiful as possible. Creating a veranda is one of the most popular ways to improve a site. This building advantageously expands the residential area, and the right approach To build a veranda with your own hands, you can not heat it and spend time at any time of the year.

What is a veranda

This is a closed or open terrace, which is located along the facade of a residential building. This room was built into the house initially or added later. As a rule, it is not heated. It can have glazed windows and doors (veranda) or do without them (terrace). The design of the veranda should match the overall appearance of the house and be in the same style. For example, for wooden house You can build a brick veranda, but it will be ugly. It is better to make it also from wood. The roof for the veranda is usually made of a pitched roof, using the same roofing material as for the roof of the house.

One of the defining aspects of the overall appearance of the terrace is the location and shape of windows and doors. The shape and patterns of the frames of window and door openings will help you make your extension original and beautiful.

Photo: room options made of various materials

Cozy veranda A simple open veranda under construction
Spacious bright veranda Open terrace Veranda with equipped rest room View of the veranda from the street

Modern verandas are no longer cluttered with work clothes and household supplies premises. Now these are full-fledged premises and extensions of a residential building, the arrangement of which is approached with the utmost seriousness and responsibility.

Design is the most important stage in the construction of any structure, including a veranda. At this stage you need to create a sketch on which you will depict by hand general view structures, and a detailed design drawing, indicating all measurements and necessary materials for construction. The more detailed the project, the easier it will be to build later. After all, you will know in advance how long, for example, a board you need for a particular element, as well as how many such boards you need. The project will help you calculate the amount of material and the approximate cost of constructing a veranda.

There are many projects for constructing an open veranda

If you do not have drawing skills, then you can look up the project in open sources or order an individual one from specialists.

How to make a foundation correctly

To build a veranda, it is enough to erect a columnar or strip base, the depth of which will be equal to the depth of the base of the house. Experts do not recommend connecting the main foundation to the base of the extension due to differences in weight. They will not shrink equally and this can lead to deformations of the extension. Leave a gap of 30-40mm between these two bases.

The choice of the right type of foundation depends on what material the extension will be made of and the characteristics of the soil. For example, for the construction of heavy brick extensions, it is better to make strip foundation, and for wooden lungs a columnar base is sufficient.

Tape base: step-by-step construction instructions

The dimensions of the foundation for the extension should be the same as the dimensions of the foundation of the house.

In order for the foundation to be strong, it needs to be “watered” at first. Especially on hot days. Moisten it with water and cover with plastic wrap. So, it won't crack.

Columnar base

For light timber or polycarbonate verandas, the construction of a columnar foundation is ideal. The recommended depth of holes for pillars is 800–1100 mm. For a small veranda (3x4 meters) it will be enough to install support structures only in the corners. But for greater reliability, it is better to play it safe and make intermediate posts. The distance between the supports should ideally be 80–100 centimeters.

The parameters of the pillars must be carefully calculated

  1. Dig holes for support structures. Using a drill will make the task much easier.
  2. Make a sand and crushed stone cushion for the pillars. Sand in a layer of 150–200 mm, and crushed stone 100 mm. Compact each layer well.
  3. Make wooden formwork and lay reinforcement mesh.
  4. Pour concrete to the full depth of the hole and let it harden.
  5. After hardening, coat concrete structures bitumen.
  6. Remove the formwork and cover all cracks with sand.
  7. The ground part of the foundation is made of bricks. The height of their construction should be equal to the height of the base of the house.


It is better to start installing the subfloor immediately after building the foundation, having previously waterproofed the base with roofing felt in 2 layers.

The floor can be made of wood or concrete. The first option is better suited for a frame wooden veranda, the second for a massive brick one.

How to build a wooden one

Subfloor installation

  1. Secure the bottom trim to the base with anchors. The strapping elements are connected to each other using galvanized nails.
  2. Attach wooden floor joists to the trim beams at a distance of 500 mm from each other.
  3. Fill the space between them with expanded clay.
  4. Using an uncut board or plywood about 5 cm thick, construct a deck that is attached to the floor joists using galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We create a concrete

  1. Fill the base with sand, the layer of which should be 100 mm.
  2. Then comes a layer of expanded clay.
  3. Lay a reinforcing network, the rods of which are 6–8 mm, and the cells are 250x250 mm.
  4. Pour the concrete mixture.
  5. The thickness of the floor screed should be 3–5 cm.

It is important that the concrete surface is perfectly flat. Use a spirit level to check this as you work.

Wooden veranda: design and implementation

Option for a light wooden veranda

Wood is the most popular and ancient building material. This material does not lose its position even with the advent of new species.

In principle, building a veranda based on a wooden frame is a simple process. Almost anyone can handle this task. Having correctly installed the frame racks and protected them with shields or clapboards, you get a good veranda.

Wood is an environmentally friendly raw material with a beautiful appearance. It does not have much weight, which greatly facilitates work in the fundamental part of the building.

But, this is a flammable material. Therefore, fire sources, such as barbecues, must be located at a safe distance from such a structure.

In addition, wooden structures require additional treatment with antiseptics, since the external environment and weather conditions do not have a very good effect on this material.

To build the frame of the veranda, use only high-quality wooden beams, the cross-section of which is 10x10 centimeters.

  1. Make grooves in the beams of the lower trim where vertical supports will be installed in increments of 0.5 meters.
  2. Install the supports, fastening them with staples and screws or nails.

    Vertical rack mounting options

  3. In order to make a pitched roof, the vertical beams must be made of different heights. What this means is that where the bottom of the roof will be, the beam should be 500 mm lower than the place where the top of the roof will be.
  4. Build the top frame from timber with a slope for a pitched roof.
  5. After you have made the top trim, you can install the rafters for the roof. Make an additional girder near the roof slope, securing it to all supports with anchor bolts. If the roof is supposed to be heavy, then it is better to add transverse boards to the timber frame. And attach racks and subcomponents to them. Thus, the rafter system will be reliable for any type of roof.
  6. The rafters are mounted at a distance of 500 mm. For them, a beam with a section of 10x20 cm is used.
  7. The next stage is covering the frame. You can use clapboard inside and siding outside. Between them you need to put waterproofing and thermal insulation materials. Don't forget about window and door openings.

    Wooden frame cladding

How to attach brick or foam blocks

Beautiful brick veranda

This is already a capital building. If the work is done according to the rules, then such a building will be comfortable at any time of the year. In the summer heat it will be cool there, and in the winter cold it will be warm. The brick veranda is distinguished by its durability, fire safety and ease of maintenance.

But it also has a drawback. Namely, heaviness. Therefore, its construction requires a strong foundation.

When the foundation and subfloor are ready, laying can begin. There is a type of spoon masonry, in which the total thickness of the walls is 12 cm; bonded masonry, with 25 cm walls and chain masonry, with 38 cm walls.

If the veranda is intended to be used all year round, then you can make 2 rows of masonry and put waterproofing and thermal insulation materials between them.

You can leave single masonry. Then insulation and waterproofing are laid between brickwork and the material of the internal wall cladding.

Outside finishing work remain at the discretion of the owner: it can be facing brick, it is allowed to sheathe the building with polycarbonate.

Calculation of the number of bricks for the terrace (table)

Masonry size Length Width Height Qty
seam, pcs.
taking into account
seam 10 mm, pcs.
1 m 3 single brickwork250 120 65 512 394
1 m 3 thickened brickwork250 120 88 378 372
1 m 2 masonry in half a brick
(masonry thickness 12 cm)
250 120 65 61 51
1 m 2 masonry in half a brick
(masonry thickness 12 cm)
250 120 88 45 39
1 m 2 masonry in 1 brick
(masonry thickness 25 cm)
250 120 65 128 102

(masonry thickness 38 cm)
250 120 65 189 153
1 m 2 masonry of one and a half bricks
(masonry thickness 38 cm)
250 120 88 140 117
1 m 2 masonry in 2 bricks
(masonry thickness 51 cm)
250 120 65 256 204
1 m 2 masonry in 2 bricks
(masonry thickness 51 cm)
250 120 88 190 156
1 m 2 masonry of 2.5 bricks
(masonry thickness 64 cm)
250 250 65 317 255
1 m 2 masonry of 2.5 bricks
(masonry thickness 64 cm)
250 250 88 235 195

Roof: ceiling trim and other structural elements

To finish work on the roof, you need to build a sheathing, lay down layers of insulation and cover the surface with the finishing roofing material.

The sheathing can be made continuous for rolled materials or sparse for sheet roofing. The first is made from OSB boards. They need to be attached to the rafters, leaving a gap of 10 mm. The sparse sheathing is done in steps recommended by the manufacturers of the selected roof. Usually it is about 300–350 mm. The sheathing is attached to the rafter part with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

Veranda roof

Place mineral wool in the cells between the beams of the sheathing part. This will be thermal insulation. Lay a waterproofing material on top, which is attached to the sheathing using staples from a construction stapler.

For a continuous version of the sheathing, the heat-insulating material is laid inside the veranda, fixing it with the help of transverse slats added to the sheathing.

The last stage is laying the roofing material. Ideally the same as the roof of a house.

Final work

Mount the finished floor joists to the wooden subfloor, between which it is necessary to lay thermal insulation. Finished floor boards are laid on top, which can be painted or varnished.

Insulate the veranda floor taking into account climatic conditions region

Concrete floors can be finished in the same way as wood floors. Or you can send it at your discretion, for example, lay linoleum or tiles.

The last stage of construction is the installation of windows, doors and landscaping of the veranda. The better it is equipped at the dacha, the more pleasant it will be to live there in the summer.

There is no need to install additional electrical wiring to the veranda. Here you can use an extension cord that is pulled from the house, and lighting fixtures are connected to it.

Video: diagram for constructing a corner veranda with your own hands

Almost anyone can handle the work of building a veranda. This is a wonderful place to relax, which is simply necessary for summer cottage plot. Do not doubt the need for this extension. You will definitely enjoy spending your evenings in the cozy space of the veranda. Good luck!

Closed and open, stone and brick, with full-wall windows and semi-shaded ones - verandas have long been transformed from small buildings that acted as utility rooms into spacious and functional rooms. If desired additional area becomes a summer dining room, a refuge on a hot day, and, subject to careful insulation, a winter garden. It is difficult to say what exactly the veranda should become: with your own hands, you can create a modest extension or a luxurious hall with equal success.

The veranda is never considered as a separate structure: it is a part of the house that is attached to the main building during the construction process or after some time. Most often it is adjacent to the facade or end side, that is, to the wall into which the door is mounted. Thus, to get into the house, you first need to go to the veranda.

Traditionally, extensions are divided into two types:

  • open– the upper half of the walls is missing, and the roof is supported by beams;
  • closed– the space free from the walls is glazed (in some cases, the area of ​​the glass covering prevails over the area of ​​the wooden part).

Designing the layout and appearance extensions, you should remember about harmony: the veranda should merge with the house, match its style, be built from similar materials, and be suitable in size. The optimal length of the room is 4-7 m, width – 2.5-3.5 m. A smaller area is not enough, and a larger one will look bulky.

Verandas open type combine a porch and an equipped rest area. Wooden furniture, railings, and floral decor create a homely feel, although the building is, in fact, located on the street

A small covered veranda serves as a hallway or dining room, especially in the summer. Here you can not only meet guests, but also chat with them over a cup of tea, sitting comfortably in an armchair

An open veranda is a great place to summer holiday. There is everything you need to have a great time: fresh air, nature, comfortable furniture and saving shade

Usually, even indoor spaces are not heated, so the veranda is more often used in the warm season. Before construction begins, a number of precautionary measures must be taken.

Preparatory stage: documents and selection of materials

It is worth taking care of the future in advance. It is possible that in a few years you will have to sell, donate or rent country house, and then you will need documents that confirm the legality of the extension. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine and get the same papers, but in a more complicated and lengthy way.

The first step is to contact the design organization so that, based on the provided sketches, a drawing and design of the future structure can be drawn up. In this case, it makes no difference how the veranda at the dacha is built: with your own hands or with the help construction organization. WITH finished project, application, passport and documents confirming ownership, you will have to visit several important authorities and wait for approval, after which you can begin construction. The final legal touch - new registration home upon completion of work.

Before visiting the design organization, you should create a sketch of the proposed veranda, where you must indicate the exact dimensions and location of doors and windows

In addition to the documentary side, there is also a financial side - the purchase and preparation of building materials. The main principle is consistency. For example, if the house is built of laminated veneer lumber, then the extension should also be made of wood. A veranda attached to a brick building must be made entirely or partially of brick. Combinations such as brick and foam blocks or wood and siding are absolutely unacceptable.

Main stages of construction

One of the options suitable for self-construction is a closed wooden frame veranda. Laying a foundation, erecting walls, and roofing work do not require large material investments or the use of construction equipment.

Diagram of the components of the veranda: 1 – racks; 2 – foundation pillars; 3 – lower trim; 4 – drain; 5 – pick up; 6 – double-glazed window; 7 – paneling; 8 – top trim.

Do-it-yourself veranda drawings will help you foresee any nuances and avoid mistakes. For example, the number, dimensions and location of double-glazed windows should be calculated in advance.

Step #1 - construction of a columnar foundation

After the top layer of soil has been removed and markings have been made, construction of the foundation begins. It would be great if it was analogous to the foundation of a house, but this is not always possible. The simplest and fastest is the columnar option.

To install the posts, various building materials are used: red solid brick, white sand-lime brick, concrete blocks, reinforced concrete beams, homemade concrete structures

Sequence of work:

  • Along the perimeter (necessarily in the corners) of the future extension, holes for pillars are dug 1 m deep;
  • gravel and sand cushions are placed at the bottom of the pits;
  • produce waterproofing (bitumen);
  • make a 15-centimeter concrete base;
  • pillars are erected from bricks using ordinary masonry.

The height of the pillars is calculated based on the height of the floor of the house. To ensure that at the end of construction the roof of the veranda fits under the overhang of the roof of the building, the floor of the veranda is approximately 30 cm lower than the floor of the building.

Step #2 - installation of the frame

Creating a strong and stable frame for attaching wall elements is an important step in building a wooden veranda with your own hands. The lower and upper harness are made, the material for which is logs (diameter 12 cm) or beams (8 cm x 8 cm, 10 cm x 10 cm). The connection is made using a “direct lock”.

It is better to start the construction of the extension frame with more powerful corner elements, gradually moving on to the remaining details - vertical and horizontal beams

When arranging the lower double trim, logs are cut in at the level of the 2nd log and racks are installed, which are secured with metal staples and nails. A second frame is installed in the upper part and rafters are installed. The upper ends of the rafters are connected to a beam located under the roof slope of the building. Bolts are used to connect horizontal elements and racks.

Step #3 – construction of walls and roof

How to upholster the veranda walls so that the frame can support the weight of the structure? For this, relatively lightweight materials are used - lining or boards. Each type of wooden material has its own installation features. For example, when the elements are arranged horizontally (which is preferable), the lining is fitted closely, plank to plank, and the boards are overlapped.

If the veranda is being built simultaneously with the construction of the house, a solid roof covering is used: the roof of the house smoothly merges into the roof of the veranda

Thermal insulation material is laid on the inside, which is sold in the form of slabs or rolls. The finishing of the room is carried out using plasterboard or chipboard panels. There are many options for decorating the interior: the design depends on the purpose of the veranda.

The roof configuration of the extension has several options, but the most popular is the shed roof type - simple to implement and, as a rule, ideally combined with the roof of the house. The rafters are located at an angle: the upper ends are fixed under the slope, the lower ends rest on the walls.

There are two options for designing ceilings: in the first case, they are sewn up with boards, in the second, they are left open

The same material that was used to equip the roof of the building is used as a roofing covering. It is important that both texture and color match. Usually, when building a veranda with your own hands, they use a material that is easy to install, for example, soft tiles, metal tiles or roofing felt.

The procedure for laying roofing felt:

  • boards are attached to the rafters in such a way as to create a dense flooring;
  • roofing felt sheets are rolled out overlapping, securing the edges with galvanized nails;
  • additionally fix the coating with slats located at the same distance from one another;
  • the lower edge of the roofing is folded over and nailed down.

Step #4 – forming the floor

The best material for the floor is a treated wooden board about 30 mm thick.

When choosing a tone for painting a wooden floor, they most often choose translucent paints and varnishes that preserve the natural texture of the wood.

The width may vary, but usually products of about 85-120 mm are taken. The boards are placed on the joists using a thermal insulation layer. The top surface of the floor must be flat and smooth. Each part is treated with a protective agent, and after installation it is covered with paint or varnish.

A closed veranda is a complete home, protected from weather troubles. Having thought through the appropriate interior, it can be turned into a study, relaxation room, dining room or playroom for children

Video examples of the construction of such buildings

A veranda at the dacha can be built using ready-made double-glazed windows. Their sizes depend on the total area of ​​the room and the degree of illumination. The more glass, the lighter the finished structure looks. Sliding structures are especially good, allowing you to turn a closed veranda into an open one in warm weather.

Veranda - an extension option, a logical continuation country house. Built by frame technology the veranda can become a comfortable place to relax, be used as a vestibule or additional storage space. A decorated or glazed veranda is a decoration for a low-rise building, giving it a unique style.

The frame veranda is erected in the most short terms and has the following advantages:

  • creation of additional multifunctional space;
  • strengthening walls;
  • improving sound insulation of main rooms;
  • maintaining heat in the house;
  • ergonomic appearance.

The veranda can be used as an entrance hall, living room, summer kitchen, or greenhouse. It can be divided into several zones, for example for relaxation and storage of garden tools, etc.

What types of frame verandas are there?

The appearance and purpose of a frame veranda make it possible to implement the most innovative design solutions. In shape they can be either classic rectangular, square, or radial, L- and U-shaped, polygonal, etc. Like verandas made of other materials, frame structures can be:

  1. open, in which the roof is supported by support beams, and one or more walls are missing;
  2. closed, which is a space completely enclosed by walls or glazing.

Verandas are also distinguished by the material from which they are built. The best option is a frame veranda made of timber. This structure is perfect not only for a log house, but also for a cottage made of brick, foam blocks, or silicate. In terms of environmental friendliness and ease of construction, a wooden frame veranda has no equal. The only condition is that the wood used for construction must be treated with effective fire and bioprotection.

Designing a frame veranda

Ideally, a frame veranda should be included in the project at the development stage. This will allow you to immediately make the foundation of the required area, preserve the landscaping of the area and reduce the cost of the extension. But it’s okay if you decide to build a veranda a few years after using the house.

When developing a project for a future frame veranda, you first need to decide on its location. In most cases, the structure is located on the front side of the house, replacing the porch. You can also make a veranda at the end or build an L-shaped extension along two walls of the house.

When designing, the following are determined:

  • Dimensions of the veranda. The standard width is 2.5-3 m, but you can make a mini-veranda or vice versa - a large room that can accommodate a summer kitchen and a relaxation area.
  • Foundation type. For the construction of an extension, non-buried or shallow-buried strip bases, and also columnar foundations. The choice of foundation type depends on the hydrogeological characteristics of the site and the type of existing foundation under the cottage.
  • Filling the walls. If we are not talking about an open veranda, then lightweight, environmentally friendly material is chosen to fill the walls, such as lining or OSB boards. Glass or mirror walls, which can be combined with other materials, look impressive.
  • Roofing covering. The best option- making the roof from the same material as the roof of the house. In this case, the veranda will fit ergonomically into the architecture of the building. However, any other material can be used to cover the extension: inexpensive slate or ondulin, soft tiles, etc.

The veranda must withstand all the loads planned on it. When developing the project it is envisaged:

  • joint work of frame racks and ceilings;
  • arrangement of stiffening walls;
  • installation of special spacers;
  • reliable fastening of all components.

Particular attention is paid to creating a reliable connection between the veranda and the house.

Foundation for a frame veranda

Frame structures are installed vertically on the lower frame and are united by the top frame. Additionally, at a height of 1-1.5 m from the bottom point, a number of horizontal beams are installed that connect the frame, giving it strength and stability. The height of the veranda depends on the height of the ceilings in the house. When installing the frame, it is important to position it so that the roof is sloped. The correct installation of frame supports should be checked at the building level.

The cutting of supports is usually carried out using the “direct lock in 1/2 wood” method. Making high-quality connections of horizontal and vertical elements to create a strong and safe structure is a responsible task that only a qualified specialist can do. The joints are reinforced with bolts, angles, screws and other fasteners provided for by the project. To prevent deformation and shifting of the frame, it is attached to the foundation elements using anchors or clamps.

To connect the frame veranda to the house, exhaust floor beams or parts are used rafter system. After assembling the frame, the walls are filled, hydro- and thermal insulation is carried out, and the finishing is applied.

Frame veranda roof

The role of the Mauerlat in a frame veranda is performed by the upper frame, on which layered or hanging rafters are installed. The roof of the veranda can be single- or double-sloped. When installing a pitched roof, it is necessary to make such a slope that will allow precipitation not to accumulate on the roof surface.

The same material is used as roofing as for the roof of the house. Also, the roof of the veranda can be covered with lightweight and durable polycarbonate. The roof is attached to a pre-installed sheathing. Elements of a drainage system should be installed on the roof of the veranda. They must be connected to the house's drain for effective water drainage.

Decorative finishing of the veranda

The optimal option for making the walls of a frame veranda: the bottom is covered with OSB boards or other wood materials, and the top is glazed.

When installing high panoramic windows, a lot of sunlight will fall on the veranda. This option will allow you to equip a greenhouse or winter garden.

The frame veranda should be in harmony with the appearance of the house. Decorating the veranda depends only on the owner’s imagination! Wooden carved posts and railings coated with varnish or paint will be an excellent exclusive decoration. You can order carved balusters or make them yourself. There are a lot of options for decorating a veranda, so it is recommended to consider different styles and trends and choose what you like best.

You can also use different materials to finish the floor of a frame veranda. The most ergonomic solution is a terrace board. High-end laminate can be used from inexpensive materials.

Heated frame veranda

You can turn your veranda into a full-fledged room that can be used all year round with proper heating arrangements. As a rule, the heating system of the house does not allow placing additional radiators on the veranda. In this case, you can install a small wood or solid fuel stove, if the space allows.

Also, a heated veranda requires high-quality insulation of the walls, roof and floor. Used as insulation mineral wool, meeting all environmental and fire safety requirements. It is better to use triple-glazed windows for such a veranda to prevent heat loss.

The cost of arranging a heated veranda is much higher than a regular one, but you will get a full-fledged room that can be used as a hall, dining room or recreation room.