Loan for building a house showuser. Targeted loan for house construction

  • 16.09.2023

Owning your own home is the preferred residential property option for most people. And despite the significant financial costs, many are ready to go all the way in resolving this issue.

A mortgage for the construction of a private house in 2019 is one of the ways to realize your dream.

Such real estate is significantly superior to apartments square meters and it is your own home that can offer the following:

  • You are not required to coordinate your vacation plans with your neighbors.
  • The layout of the room you have chosen.
  • Opportunity to acquire a household plot, etc.

There are quite a lot of advantages here, which is quite obvious to everyone. However, the more important issue is the financial component. If you have the required amount of money on hand, then the question disappears. Otherwise, only a mortgage seems to be the most reasonable solution.

But here you need to understand that there are a great many sharp pitfalls, because we are talking about concluding a long-term loan agreement with a bank. Therefore, each bank will offer you its own conditions for such lending. In addition to the floating return percentage, there are many other points that should not be overlooked.

Possible lending options

Borrowed funds to build your own home can be obtained from Russian banks taking into account that your financial well-being meets the stated requirements. Here are some of the suggested options:

  • Typical consumer loan.
  • Conventional mortgage to build a house.
  • Opening a mortgage with additional collateral. agreements for own real estate.
  • Mortgage using maternity capital.

Each of these proposals has its own pros and cons. A mortgage for the construction of a residential building seems to be the most successful offer, but only a few banks are ready to open it. In addition, the applicant will have to face a large number of bank requirements.

A consumer loan has far from the most pleasant interest rates and very strict conditions for fulfilling the points specified in the contract. In this regard, a mortgage with collateral will be more profitable in terms of interest rates, but processing such a loan can take a long time.

Regarding the use of maternity capital when opening mortgage loan, then this is one of special programs banking sector. There are some nuances here. Therefore, let’s talk about each of the described options separately.

Consumer lending option

This is one of the most obvious alternatives to a mortgage, and if we consider all types of cash loans, then consumer lending offers the shortest terms for reviewing customer applications. Bank representatives will not be interested in what purposes the funds are allocated, and as for the list of documents provided, they are minimal.

Some financial institutions They can only request a passport and other identity document.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that this type of lending has a whole series disadvantages:

  • High interest rates. To date a loan in rubles provides a return of 20%.
  • Credit money can be used for up to 10 years.
  • The applicant has the right to count on a relatively small amount of money. On average, up to 2 million rubles.

Such lending is offered by almost everyone operating banks who conduct transactions with private clients. However, a mortgage for the construction of a residential building seems to be a more profitable offer. A consumer loan is short-term, limited in loan amount and has high repayment rates.

Let's look at what mortgage lending can offer to an interested client.

Mortgage with a collateral agreement

Any young family is interested in purchasing their own home or expanding their own living space. To resolve this issue, it is ideal to draw up a mortgage agreement with your own apartment as collateral. However a non-residential property or property may be suitable as collateral land plot .

Such a mortgage will be more profitable in comparison with a consumer loan. Firstly, the term of the loan agreement can be calculated up to 30 years. Secondly, here the applicant has the right to count on a more significant sum of money. The loan is issued based on estimated value mortgaged property - on average 80-85% of the calculated amount. The interest rates offered are different, but on average start from 18%.

Minor disadvantages include the following:

  • The process of applying for a loan can be called longer and more tedious.
  • The amount of funds allocated is limited to the value of the collateral.
  • There is a risk of loss of the mortgaged property if the client is unable to make payments on the loan.

If you are interested in a mortgage for the construction of a private house with personal real estate as collateral, then in this case it is necessary to talk about additional costs when concluding an agreement. It is you who will pay for collateral insurance, pay for the collateral assessment service and fulfill other conditions of the bank. A similar option for cash lending is offered by Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB 24 and others.

The most common mortgage

Is it possible to get a mortgage for building a house in Russian banks? This question is relevant for many Russians who are excited about the idea of ​​building their own home. But since you need a lot of money to make your dream come true, you only have to go to the bank.

This mortgage is allocated for the construction process of a private house, and after the official commissioning of the object for use, it appears as an element of collateral under the loan agreement. If during the first steps of construction there is not enough land as collateral, then it may be additionally necessary to issue another collateral or involve responsible guarantors.

Some of the banks are ready to offer very interesting solution according to this mortgage agreement. Funds for construction will be issued in several stages, and interest calculations will be made at each stage of funds allocation. Thus, the client does not risk overpaying extra money and is guaranteed to receive his funds to ensure the full construction of the house.

Almost all banks will require the applicant to have the land plot registered in the name of the mortgage recipient. An important condition is the absence of any encumbrances on the land. Otherwise, the bank will refuse to provide a loan. The mortgage is issued under the following conditions:

  • Payments under the loan agreement can be set by the bank from 17%.
  • Lending can be calculated over time - up to 30 years.
  • The mortgage loan amount is calculated based on the appraised value of the land plot and an extract from the payroll.

In most large banks, such as Sberbank or Rosselkhozbank, such a mortgage lending offer appeared relatively recently. However, due to instability with the national currency, many of the banks temporarily curtailed such a program. Some financial institutions continue to issue cash loans to the population under the conditions described above.

Mortgage with direct use of maternity capital

As of 2019, maternity capital in Russia amounted to more than 450 thousand rubles. This is one of the state’s social programs, which opens up great opportunities for young families in resolving the situation with their own real estate. The legislation provides that maternity capital can be used for the construction and purchase of one’s own housing, including the construction of a private house.

When opening a mortgage loan, maternity capital can be used to pay the down payment or to pay off the balance under the current agreement. In this case, there is no need to wait until the child is three years old - the certificate can be used immediately after receiving it.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • The applicant provides the bank with a maternity capital certificate. In this case, the document can be provided by both the certificate owner and the spouse.
  • The bank contacts the Pension Fund and clarifies the balance of maternity capital.
  • The applicant himself is obliged to provide all documents not only to the bank, but also directly to Pension fund RF, because the funds will be allocated by this very structure.

Otherwise, a mortgage loan agreement is not much different from a regular cash loan. The only point is that large banks like Sberbank similar social programs They also offer a lower payout percentage. However, such information should be clarified and statistics on the example of several financial organizations should be considered.

Video: Lecture on mortgages for building a house

Is the mortgage recipient at risk?

Many people are concerned about possible risks, which are the main obstacle when applying for a mortgage. The greatest worries are associated with the fact that in the event of a mortgage and in the absence of the ability to pay monthly installments, a person loses his own property. But this situation can be looked at from a different angle.

In the event that the mortgage owner loses the ability to pay monthly installments, he has the opportunity to resell the unfinished private house. The demand for such real estate is quite high for our market. And an unclosed mortgage can be easily transferred to a new owner. In this case, you will not lose absolutely anything and the risk is reduced to an absolute minimum.

Taking out a mortgage is a very profitable and worthy offer for those people who need this money. Thanks to them, you can build and furnish your new home. Just be more careful when studying mortgage offers from different banks. Choose the mortgage that has the most favorable terms and conditions and will cause you the least inconvenience. We wish you good luck!

Rate in rubles *

Loan term

Distinctive feature This program is to provide a mortgage secured by existing real estate, and not purchased. This condition is especially relevant for those clients who need money to build a house.

For what purposes can you take out a loan secured by real estate?

A mortgage secured by existing real estate is issued:

    for the purchase of finished housing - apartments in apartment building or residential country house(including land plot);

    for the purchase of an apartment during the construction stage;

    for the purchase of land;

    for the purchase of a house under construction (including a land plot).

    for initial construction;

Within the framework of this program, you can purchase and not living space– ready-made apartments. But the most popular option today is a loan for the construction of a residential building. For the remaining specified purposes, as a rule, there are separate mortgage programs, which are issued on the security of the purchased property.

Borrower information

Nationality: does not matter

Age: 20 years at the time of applying for a targeted loan secured by real estate and not older than 65 years at the time of full repayment of the loan;

Employment: credit is given to both employees and founders and co-founders of companies and individual entrepreneurs;

Co-borrowers/guarantors: co-borrowers can be up to 3 people, both relatives and any third parties;

Military ID: not required.

Real estate information

When pledging purchased/existing real estate:

    The building in which the object is located should not be registered for major repairs, demolition or reconstruction with vacancy;

    The property must have a separate kitchen and bathroom;

    The final decision on whether the collateral meets the requirements is made by the bank.

Insurance Information

Features of the program

Today the bank operates following conditions issuing a loan for real estate construction:

    loan term from 3 to 25 years;

    base interest rate – 8.75%* per annum;

    amount – from 300 thousand rubles. – for regions and from 600 thousand rubles. – for Moscow and the Moscow region;

    loan amount – no more than 70% of the value of the existing property.

A mortgage for the construction of a house from Rosbank can be issued with the involvement of co-borrowers - up to 3 people, who may be relatives of the main borrower or not be related to him. To receive money to build a house, a bank client in mandatory must provide documents confirming the intended use of funds.

Mortgage for the construction of a private house: list of requirements for the borrower

Clients can receive a targeted loan secured by real estate on favorable terms. The borrower only needs to have a confirmed income and meet the age requirements, namely, to be no younger than 20 and no older than 65 years old on the date of full repayment of the debt. The client's nationality does not matter.

A mortgage for the construction of a private house is issued only on the condition that an apartment is provided as collateral. If the purpose of lending is the purchase of apartments, then the finished apartments that are owned by the borrower should act as collateral.

Before applying for a mortgage at the construction stage or for the purchase of finished housing, it is important to remember that the property pledged as collateral must meet the following bank requirements:

    The apartment is located in a building that is not subject to demolition, reconstruction or major renovation. Required condition– presence of a separate kitchen and bathroom.

    The apartments are a separate room, located on above-ground floors and have central communications. Full list requirements for apartments are presented in the General Loan Conditions.

More details

* Credit conditions affecting full price loan (as of June 17, 2019): rates 9.25% -10.5%, with a loan amount of 50% of market value mortgaged real estate, making a payment for a reduction in interest rate in the amount of 4% of the loan amount, life and health insurance, property and the risk of loss (limitation) of ownership rights to it (the borrower has the right not to insure these risks), and depending on credit history, loan term (3-25 years), labor activity, level of education, number of parties to the transaction, location of the collateral, type of income and ratio of income to expenses. Until the intended use of the loan is confirmed, the rate increases by 2%. Loan size from RUB 600,000. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from RUB 300,000. for other regions. Costs for appraisal and insurance – in accordance with the tariffs of appraisal and insurance companies. PJSC Rosbank reserves the right to change any part of this message without prior notice.

Check out credit product Rosbank

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is one of the few credit organizations, where you can get a loan for the construction of an individual residential building, and perhaps the only one that confirms applications for loans for the construction of houses made of timber. In any case, providing loans for construction is quite risky for the bank. Therefore, in order to make a decision on granting payment, the applicant is strictly vetted in all aspects, and serious collateral will be required to confirm the seriousness of his intentions.

Due to banking instability in the winter of 2014-2015. many banks have curtailed their lending programs for private housing construction, since this type of lending is the most risky for banks due to the possibility of unfinished construction.

Sberbank resumed issuing loans for individual construction in May 2015 and plans to continue this practice in 2017. According to the bank's terms and conditions:

  • a mortgage loan can be provided for a period from 1 year to 30 years at 12.5…13.5% per annum and more (as of December 30, 2016);
  • down payment is limited ( at least 25% from the required amount) and the age of the borrower;
  • traditionally, most favorable conditions are provided for applicants who get paid through Sberbank;
  • the loan can be partially repaid using maternity capital or state certificate under the “Young Family” program.

Taking into account maximum term lending by mortgage for building a house from Sberbank(up to 30 years) and moderate cost construction services and building materials in the regions, such a loan can be repaid in fairly easy payments.

Mortgage conditions for the construction of a private house in Sberbank in 2017

Sberbank’s loan product has an undeniable advantage - low annual interest which the borrower will have to pay for using the borrowed money. In 2017, the minimum interest rate for using a loan is 12.50%. In addition to this benefit, there are others:

  • There are no fees for processing the application or servicing the loan.
  • There are no penalties for early payment.
  • This loan can be paid in part at the expense of maternal capital or funds allocated under the state program providing housing for young families.
  • Each application is considered individually.
  • The loan is repaid monthly in equal (annuity) payments.
  • Favorable conditions for those whose salary cards are issued by Sberbank. And also for borrowers whose employing company is accredited by the bank.
  • To maximize the amount of the loan received, you can attract co-borrowers.
  • It is most profitable to invest borrowed money in a house that is being built by a company financed by Sberbank.
  • For the amount of interest on the loan, you can register with the Federal Tax Service tax deduction at the rate of 13% of all interest paid.

A special feature of Sberbank is the ability to defer the payment of the principal debt for up to 3 years. That is, for the first years the borrower will only pay interest. This is often very convenient, because during the construction process additional and unforeseen expenses constantly arise.

Under what conditions can you get a loan to build a house from Sberbank?

In 2017, you can borrow money from the bank for the construction of individual housing only in rubles. (for obvious reasons, loans are no longer issued in dollars and euros). The mortgage lending program is target. That is, a mortgage from Sberbank for the construction of a private house cannot be spent on any other purposes.

The borrower can count on the following conditions:

  • Minimum loan amount - from 300,000 rub., loan term - from 1 to 30 years.
  • The maximum amount is no more than 75% of the estimated value of the future private home or 75% of the value of the collateral property (whichever is less).
  • Second part in size at least 25% must be entered as down payment.
  • The age of the client wishing to apply for a loan is at least 21 years old. The loan repayment period is calculated based on the fact that at the end of scheduled payments the borrower’s age was no more than 75 years old(may be critical when receiving money for long term).
  • The applicant's work experience is at least 6 months. in the last place and at least one year of continuous work experience over the last 5 years. For participants in the salary project from Sberbank, the requirements are relaxed.
  • The borrower is required insure property, which will act as collateral for the period until the end of the loan agreement. If the loan is paid off early, funds for unused years of insurance can be returned.

Unlike buying an apartment on credit, when the bank immediately transfers the money to the seller, this is not possible with individual construction. In this regard, the money is transferred to the borrower piecemeal: usually half first, and then the rest. The second part will be issued only after a report and submission of documents for the first.

The bank does not charge fines or commissions for early repayment loan:

  • Each time, in the form of a scheduled payment, you can make an amount of any amount, but not less than that established by the agreement.
  • Final early repayment is made upon application and must occur on a weekday.

Collateral is a mandatory condition for lending

The bank must make sure that the borrower really intends to repay the borrowed money, therefore, in order to avoid risks real estate pledge is issued(mortgage). However, since the house itself, especially on initial stage construction cannot act as collateral, then the applicant will have to pledge other residential premises or property.

Most often, a loan is issued for the construction of a house. secured by land in Sberbank. If the cost of the plot is disproportionate to the amount required by the bank client, the latter may demand additional deposit. It can be a garage, car, apartment, or other property.

The practice of attracting co-borrowers is also common. They will help solve two problems at once:

  • will contribute to increasing the loan amount for which the borrower can qualify;
  • for the bank will be additional guarantee that the loan will be repaid in full.

Co-borrowers or guarantors may not be required in every case. They are involved in numbers of up to 3 people. In practice, it is quite difficult to convince relatives or friends to act as guarantors of the security of the loan. But the spouse is an obligatory co-borrower, if she exists and regardless of her age.

Interest rates for the program

The interest rates presented are relevant in 2017 for borrowers receiving salaries on Sberbank cards. They depend on the term for which the loan is issued and the amount of the down payment. May change at the discretion of the bank. But for those who have already registered loan agreement, changing the interest on the loan is not possible in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

Interest on credit program Sberbank for individual construction(as of December 30, 2016)

For applicants who do not participate in salary projects Sberbank, interest rates will be somewhat higher. Additional interest:

  • + 0.5% - for those who do not receive a salary from the bank;
  • + 1.0% - for the period of mortgage registration;
  • + 1.0% - if the borrower refuses to insure his own life and health at the request of the bank.

The sequence of obtaining a loan for building a house in Sberbank

Receiving money from a bank in order to invest it in the construction of an individual residential building implies a certain sequence of actions. An applicant for a loan for building a house from Sberbank will need to do the following:

  1. Collect and provide a preliminary package of documents (on ownership of a building plot, house design).
  2. Submit an application and documents to the Bank or its branch.
  3. Wait for a positive decision (2-5 days are allocated for consideration).
  4. Conclude a loan agreement with the bank.
  5. Receive the first part of the loan.
  6. Report to the bank about spending money.
  7. Get the second part of the money. The procedure is repeated as many times as the credit line is divided into parts.
  8. Register ownership of the house after completion of construction.
  9. Transfer the house to the bank as collateral to reduce interest.

You can submit your application to a Sberbank branch at one of the places you choose:

  • borrower registration;
  • construction of a private house;
  • accreditation of the borrower's employing company.

To reduce risks, the bank may insist on additional conditions that will be written down in the agreement along with the standard ones.

Sberbank practices limiting the construction period - for example, three years. After this period ends, the borrower will have to register the house, insure it and transfer it to the bank as collateral. This will help reduce the interest by 1 point.

Documents for obtaining a construction loan

The applicant will need three types of documents: identifying him, confirming his solvency and plans to build a house. You also need to fill out a special application form, which will be issued at the department. For consideration loan application The bank will need:

  • Passport of the applicant (and co-borrowers, if any).
  • Certificate of income of the applicant and other documents confirming his earnings and solvency (the same for co-borrowers, if any). These certificates are not needed if the applicant receives a salary through Sberbank.
  • Documents for a land plot suitable for housing construction.
  • Documents for additional real estate that is planned to be mortgaged.

After a positive decision on the application you will need:

  • Project of the future house, sketches, estimates and any other documentation.
  • A bank statement confirming that the applicant has own funds for the first payment.

The list of documents can be supplemented by decision of the loan officer. For those who receive a construction loan under the “Young Family” program, additional papers will be needed (for more information, see the relevant paragraph below).

Checks for the purchase of materials, agreements with construction company and suppliers of individual structures (windows, doors, stairs), various receipts - but exclusively with the seals of legal entities.

Preferential conditions for participants of social programs

Participants government programs « Maternity capital" and "Providing housing for young families" (sometimes simply called "Young Family") are not provided any preferential terms for obtaining or paying off a construction loan. They cannot count on lower interest rates or any other concessions.

However, they have the right to use government budget funds to repay the loan amount and interest on it. Taking into account the funds allocated by the state for relevant programs, this can serve as a great help for parents with children and young families.

Maternity capital to repay a loan for building a house

For families holding a maternity capital certificate, federal law given the opportunity to use funds provided by the state for down payment on the loan, as well as payment of interest and interest. At the same time, funds under the certificate cannot be used to pay fines, penalties and other unexpected payments.

The legislation regulating maternity capital does not specifically separate loans for the purchase of housing (houses, apartments) from loans for its construction. All of them can improve living conditions, which means they are suitable for investing maternity capital.

To take advantage of the opportunity to invest a certificate under the maternity capital program in the construction of a private residential building, you will need:

  1. Take it from the bank certificate of credit debt balance.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund (PF) with this document and write an application for disposal of maternity capital funds for partial repayment of the loan.
  3. After the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation approves the application, you will not have to agree on anything with the bank - the transferred amount will be counted towards payment of obligations under the agreement and will allow you to recalculate the monthly payment schedule.

After the bank accepts funds from maternity capital, review of the loan repayment schedule: the amount of monthly payments decreases, but the repayment dates and the period for using the money do not change (as it was, for example, 20 years, it will remain so).

Construction loan under the “Young Family” program

The holder of a state certificate under the program “Providing Housing for Young Families” can invest the state subsidy funds allocated to him in the amount of up to 30-35% of the cost of the property under construction to pay off a loan taken from Sberbank for construction.

The procedure for using a certificate implies that first its owner must:

  • obtain a certificate from the bank about the loan balance;
  • contact the local government body with an application to spend the money.

The transfer to the bank of an amount from the state budget under the “Young Family” certificate occurs to repay the loan debt and interest. After making this payment, the amount is reviewed monthly payments, similar to using a certificate under the maternity capital program.

To receive a subsidy, program participants will need to provide the bank with additional documents:

  • marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children (if relevant);
  • documents confirming the relationship of the co-borrowers, if they are parents or wife.


Building housing away from the bustle of the city is a modern trend, popular among Russians. Living outside the city is healthier and more enjoyable. And construction individual house on credit is a justified solution when you want to move to a new home in the near future, but you don’t have enough money construction work not enough. It’s especially great if you already have a plot for a house.

Rate in rubles *

Loan term

A distinctive feature of this program is the provision of a mortgage secured by existing real estate, rather than purchased property. This condition is especially relevant for those clients who need money to build a house.

For what purposes can you take out a loan secured by real estate?

A mortgage secured by existing real estate is issued:

    for the purchase of finished housing - an apartment in an apartment building or a residential country house (including with a land plot);

    for the purchase of an apartment during the construction stage;

    for the purchase of land;

    for the purchase of a house under construction (including a land plot).

    for initial construction;

As part of this program, you can purchase and non-residential premises– ready-made apartments. But the most popular option today is a loan for the construction of a residential building. For the remaining specified purposes, as a rule, there are separate mortgage programs that are secured by the purchased property.

Borrower information

Nationality: does not matter

Age: 20 years at the time of applying for a targeted loan secured by real estate and not older than 65 years at the time of full repayment of the loan;

Employment: loans are provided to both employees, founders and co-founders of companies and individual entrepreneurs;

Co-borrowers/guarantors: co-borrowers can be up to 3 people, both relatives and any third parties;

Military ID: not required.

Real estate information

When pledging purchased/existing real estate:

    The building in which the object is located should not be registered for major repairs, demolition or reconstruction with vacancy;

    The property must have a separate kitchen and bathroom;

    The final decision on whether the collateral meets the requirements is made by the bank.

Insurance Information

Features of the program

Today the bank has the following conditions for issuing a loan for real estate construction:

    loan term from 3 to 25 years;

    base interest rate – 8.75%* per annum;

    amount – from 300 thousand rubles. – for regions and from 600 thousand rubles. – for Moscow and the Moscow region;

    loan amount – no more than 70% of the value of the existing property.

A mortgage for the construction of a house from Rosbank can be issued with the involvement of co-borrowers - up to 3 people, who may be relatives of the main borrower or not be related to him. To receive money for building a house, a bank client must provide documents confirming the intended use of the funds.

Mortgage for the construction of a private house: list of requirements for the borrower

Clients can receive a targeted loan secured by real estate on favorable terms. The borrower only needs to have a confirmed income and meet the age requirements, namely, to be no younger than 20 and no older than 65 years old on the date of full repayment of the debt. The client's nationality does not matter.

A mortgage for the construction of a private house is issued only on the condition that an apartment is provided as collateral. If the purpose of lending is the purchase of apartments, then the finished apartments that are owned by the borrower should act as collateral.

Before applying for a mortgage at the construction stage or for the purchase of finished housing, it is important to remember that the property pledged as collateral must meet the following bank requirements:

    The apartment is located in a building that is not subject to demolition, reconstruction or major repairs. A prerequisite is the presence of a separate kitchen and bathroom.

    The apartments are a separate room, located on above-ground floors and have central communications. A complete list of requirements for apartments is presented in the General Loan Conditions.

More details

* Lending conditions affecting the full cost of the loan (as of June 17, 2019): rates 9.25% -10.5%, with a loan amount of 50% of the market value of the mortgaged property, making a payment for a reduction in the interest rate in in the amount of 4% of the loan amount, life and health insurance, property and the risk of loss (limitation) of ownership rights to it (the borrower has the right not to insure these risks), and depending on the credit history, loan term (3-25 years), labor activity, level of education, number of participants in the transaction, location of the collateral, type of income and ratio of income to expenses. Until the intended use of the loan is confirmed, the rate increases by 2%. Loan size from RUB 600,000. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from RUB 300,000. for other regions. Costs for appraisal and insurance – in accordance with the tariffs of appraisal and insurance companies. PJSC Rosbank reserves the right to change any part of this message without prior notice.

Check out Rosbank's loan product


The dreams of many people are not limited to buying an apartment or building a house. However, there is a category of citizens for whom owning a home is a lifelong dream, but this requires money, so building a house on credit is the best solution.

Loan for building a house

There are several possibilities for realizing your dream own home, because sometimes its construction can cost less than a small apartment in a dusty city. Firstly, you can start individual construction slowly, as free space becomes available. cash or purchasing building materials in installments, however, although this approach eliminates the need to use a loan, it delays the entire construction process for for a long time, which can sometimes take years.

Secondly, you can save up a certain amount over several years and then build a building in a matter of months, but you will still have to wait. How to choose best option? If you have initial capital, a mortgage for the construction of a private house will help. This option is good because there is no need to wait for many years, but you need to remember that you will have to pay back the money lent from the bank, plus interest.

Mortgage for building a house from a bank

We devalue national currency It becomes more difficult for private individuals to take a loan from a bank to build a house, since a mortgage on individual housing construction assumes a long period of use of funds, so banks take a big risk when issuing borrowed funds for building a house. Compensation for your own risks of non-repayment is included in the high interest rate on the mortgage.

After completion of construction, you will have to register the property as collateral so that in the event of force majeure, the bank can sell the property to pay off borrowed funds. At the initial stage, you will have to pledge a land plot to the bank or provide a guarantee from third parties. Some financial institutions offer staged construction financing. This approach is good because interest is accrued only on the funds issued, which helps to save a lot.

It is important for banking institutions that the land where the house is being built is registered in the name of the borrower. In addition, the site should not have any encumbrances. An attractive feature of a mortgage is its long repayment period, while the interest rate can be high. On the other hand, it is only possible to obtain a large amount for construction from a bank.

Preferential loan for housing construction

In addition to the general grounds for obtaining a loan for construction, some categories of citizens can count on preferential loan for housing. Its special feature is its low interest rate. Not everyone can take advantage of such a loan, but only those who can officially confirm their social status as:

  • young family;
  • military;
  • parents with many children;
  • young specialists.

Preferential lending is subsidized by the state, therefore special waiting lists are formed in local executive authorities. However, it is not enough to belong to this category of citizens (the exact list can be found in the authorities social protection). In addition to the fact that a person is in need, he must be able to pay off his debts, which also needs to be documented.

Consumer loan secured by real estate

An alternative to all available offers from banks can be a non-targeted consumer loan secured by real estate. If the amount you need is small, you may not need a deposit. Some banks only require a passport, while some may require a certificate of income, especially if the loan amount is large. The disadvantage of a loan can be called high percentage and comparatively short period of time use credit funds.

Loan for building a house using maternity capital

Recently, it has become possible to spend maternity capital on a loan to build a house. This is a type of preferential lending, where part of the debt amount is repaid through the use of a certificate, and it does not matter whether the certificate is provided by the owner or the borrower himself. Matkapital can be used as a down payment when shared construction private house. This type lending helps even low-income families become owners of their own homes.

Construction mortgage terms

Although a mortgage is in an accessible way building their own home, not everyone will be able to get it, since the applicant is subject to requirements that may vary from bank to bank, but the terms of the mortgage for building a house are the same for most of them. Money is issued in rubles or foreign currency, and the loan size is calculated based on 10-90% full price housing. The repayment period for the mortgage can be up to 3 decades; the housing is pledged to the bank and insured. In addition, the borrower himself, whose age must be 23-65 years, takes out insurance for himself.

Enforcing the mortgage

Banks require the borrower to provide mortgage collateral. The collateral is any liquid real estate or land plot, if it does not have any encumbrances. The security can be a guarantee from friends or relatives. After completion of construction, the constructed own real estate can act as a separate object of collateral.

Loan amount for housing construction

Based on the type of loan to be taken for construction, maximum amount home loan will be different. So, if you use a standard consumer loan, the amount of funds will be limited to an amount of about 2 million rubles. But when mortgage lending the borrower can expect to receive funds in the amount of 10-90% of the cost of housing built by the borrower.

Interest on a loan for building a house

Every borrower cares about what percentage of the loan is offered by banks implementing home loan programs. Firstly, this figure will depend on the currency of the loan. Secondly, for each category of citizens, banks have their own programs, the percentage of payments for which will be different. It is important not to forget about the collateral - the more liquid it is, the more the bank can reduce interest rate.

Construction mortgage term

The maximum loan term offered by banks today is limited to 30 years, and one important factor should be taken into account when determining this period - the age of the borrower. Since mortgages are issued to citizens from 23 to 65 years old, the term decreases closer to the upper limit of the corridor. For example, people of pre-retirement and retirement age can count on a maximum of ten years, or even less. The minimum period for all applicants is 1 year, less often 3.

Documents for a loan for building a house

Most financial institutions when issuing consumer loan They will only ask for a passport, but for some this will not be enough. This loan may require you to provide certain documents to obtain a home construction loan. The list of them may differ slightly, but the main ones are documents confirming the identity and solvency of the borrower. From additional documentation, one can note the presence of insurance, papers that confirm the ownership of the collateral, a certificate of maternity capital, etc.

Where to get a mortgage to build a house

Most large banks in Russia offer the opportunity to build a house on credit, and each has its own programs. You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for issuing a loan, filling out an application and calculating approximate payments on the websites of institutions. Among the leaders whose programs include a mortgage for the construction of a country house are:

  • Sberbank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Moscow Credit Bank;
  • RosEvroBank and others.

Mortgage for building a house in Sberbank

Secured by the property being built or other property, you can take out a loan for building a house from Sberbank. Another deposit must be provided until construction is completed. The client can receive an amount of 300,000 rubles for 30 years. The minimum age of the borrower is 21 years, and the maximum is 75 (by this time the last payment on the loan must be made). Rates start from 12.5%. Own money The contribution must be 25% of the cost of the property under construction. It is necessary to obtain insurance and you can attract a co-borrower to increase the loan amount.

Loan for building a house at Rosselkhozbank

The information provided on the bank’s website indicates that it is impossible to get a loan to build a house from Rosselkhozbank, but you can draw up a mortgage agreement and buy a plot of land for the construction of this house or purchase a ready-made building along with a plot of land in a rural area. To do this, it is necessary to provide collateral, which will be the purchased object. Loan rates start at 14.50%, and the amount provided varies from 100,000 to 20,000,000. The term of the funds provided is up to 30 years.

Mortgage for the construction of a house VTB 24

According to official data, mortgages for the construction of a private house are not supported by VTB 24, nor by Rosselkhozbank. However, you can request a non-targeted loan from the bank secured by liquid real estate and with its help, build a dacha or complete the construction of an existing residential building (frame, brick, cottage, etc.), however, if the borrower invests in an amount not exceeding 15,000,000 rubles.

You should definitely know that this is the maximum amount, and the bank will provide only 50% of the value of the mortgaged property. But the positive aspect of such lending is that there is no need for a down payment. Issue bank loan produced for 20 years under fixed rate 12.25% for the entire borrowing period.

Video: mortgage to build a house

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