When it is profitable to take leave in the year. Household analysts: When is it profitable to go on vacation? How to consider the length of rest and vacationing taking into account holidays

  • 10.11.2020

Dear vacation

There is a delusion that the holidays are equal to the employee's wages, which means that I go on vacation, there is no loss in the salary. This is mistake. But often it will be recognized about it when the employer charges the salary. The most dangerous for the budget are January, February and May - months, in which the least of all working days.

For example, if an employee earns 15 thousand rubles, and his vacation in January is two weeks (14 days), then at the end of the month he will receive only 12,167,30 rubles. With income of 100 thousand rubles. Losses will be about 19 thousand rubles. - Employer will only accrue 81,114,91 rubles.

Vacations are considered for a simple formula: the average earnings of the employee is multiplied by the number of days of vacation. The complexity is to calculate the average earnings. In order not to spend a lot of time on calculations, we recommend using simple vacation tax calculators that are many on the Internet (for example,). The remaining part of the salary is charged on the basis of the average cost of spent days per month of vacation.

The total income for the month in which the vacation was taken, will in any case, if:

  • The worker worked at the current job place less than 12 months.
  • Over the past 12 months he had vacation, rounded or hospital days.
  • The employee rises a salary, less than 12 months ago.
  • If a long vacation was decorated a month in which many days off.

Vacation with profit

The greatest number of working days in 2016 will be in August (23), September (22) and December (22). If you take leave for several days during these months, then the general charges will be several hundred or thousand rubles less than an average. But if during these periods to make a long vacation or with several days to additionally capture the weekend, then the employer will accrue more.

Suppose the worker draws up 14 days of vacation from 1 to 14 August 2016. With a salary of 15 thousand rubles, at the end of the month it will earn 15 645.56 rubles., And at 100 thousand rubles. - 104 303,31 rub. The same order of numbers is obtained at the design of 8 days of vacation from 24 to 31 December 2016. If you add to this period 9 days of January 2017 January, then it turns out 18 days, having rested in which you can only win in the salary.

Salary per month, rub.

Golden Rule: Leave on vacation in months with the largest number of working days and, if possible, capture the weekend.

If the organization has the opportunity to choose, any employee thinks about when it is better to take a vacation. This is important, since the amount of holidays and the duration of rest can be different monthly.

They advise you to choose a month in which more than 20 working days. The greatest number of working days is usually in such months as july, August, September, October and December.

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Personnel and Accounting Department do not like when the vacation period is much fragmentedSince the turnover of documents is increased several times. Although the employee has the full right to walk several times on vacation for a small number of days.

What months is it better to take?

If you want to get good cash payments, then take a vacation that starts on Saturday and ends on Sunday: Weekends are added to the counting of vacations.

With the loyal management of the company, employees can go to rest for 4 weeks in a row. Use this opportunity if your employer makes it possible to take a whole vacation.

However, it is worth remembering: Going on vacation, you will be provided in all its durationAnd in the future you can only count on the payment of the actually spent number of days, which in this case is about a few days.

Number of working days in 2018:

May and holidays

From the point of view of duration it is quite convenient to go on vacation in May, but on short-term period. You can take about 4-5 days.

You can arrange on the working days that comes from May 1 to 9, take into account the transfer of the weekend, and you will be given about 10-11 vacation days. By this method, you can act on other holidays, adding it to a long weekend.

The most disadvantages in monetary terms For vacation months - this is January and May. The number of working days in these months is minimal, but the salary is issued in full, so it is not profitable to relax at that time.

Why it is not profitable to take a vacation in January or May:

  • The size of your earned board reaches 30.000 rubles.
  • In January (May), you will need to work 17 days (20 in May), and the price of one working day is 1764.7 rubles (1500).
  • At the same time for any vacation day is charged 1023.8 rubles.

Obviously, the employee is much it is more profitable to work out a small number of days (taking into account holidays) than to go to less paid leave.

With what date go on vacation, it does not matter. The main thing is a large number of business days.

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the most profitable vacation is that vacation, which is taken a month with the smallest number of weekends and the maximum number of working days.

No need to forget about the fact that not just taking into account the earned fee, but also considering the premium over the past year before vacation.

We calculate what month in 2019 will be the most profitable for rest.

- We were told to fill out a preliminary vacation schedule for 2019. Colleagues were counted on the size of the holidays, but the opinions were divided. Tell me, is there any difference in which month go on vacation? Interested in the financial side of the issue.

The size on the basis of the average earnings obtained in the year. However, the month in which you are planning a vacation is of great importance.

The most disadvantages from a financial point of view for vacation - those in which a lot of weekends, that is, January and May. In 2019, in January it turned out only 17 business days, in May - 18.

According to the Labor Code (), the number of non-working days does not affect wages: you still get a complete salary. However, the number of working days in the month affects the average cost of the working day, which means that the size of the holidays.

Example. Suppose you earn 25 thousand rubles per month. The cost of one working day in January, therefore, will be

25000/17 \u003d 1470.6 rubles.

If you decide to extend the New Year holidays and take a weekly vacation in January, then you need to calculate the cost of one vacation day:

25000 / 29.3 (monthly month number of days) \u003d 853 rubles.

853 x 7 \u003d 5971 rub. - So many holidays you should get for the January extra holiday.

Now we will calculate the total payments in January. Minus vacation you will have 10 business days for which you should get 1470.6 x 10 \u003d 14706 rub. Add to this amount 5971 ruble of vacations: it turns out 20677 rubles. That is, going on vacation in January, you are significantly losing financial plan.

For comparison, take August 2019, in which 22 working days.

25000/22 \u003d 1136 rub. - The cost of one working day in August. The cost of one vacation day remains the same - 853 rubles, respectively, and for the week of August vacation you will also receive 5971 rubles. The remaining working days (and 15 of them) multiply on the average value:

15 x 1136 \u003d 17040 rubles.

We add holidays to this: 17040 + 5971 \u003d 23011 rub. "You get this amount by leaving for a vacation in August."

Another question concerns whether the weekend should be included on vacation (we are not talking about holidays). For example, if you leave for a week, you can specify the days or from Monday to Friday, or from Monday to Sunday.

On the one hand, not including a weekend on vacation, you "save" a couple of days to "fly away" them later. On the other hand, you need to consider the financial aspect. The thing is that the holidays are calculated on calendar days (). That is, if you take a vacation from Monday to Friday, then the holidays for you for these five days and accrue. But if you specify in a statement seven days of vacation, then you will be given money for all seven days. And the salary would be calculated on the usual work week in five days.

Example. Suppose you take a vacation in April, in which 22 working days. With a salary of 25 thousand rubles, the cost of one working day will be

25000/22 \u003d 1136 rub.

If you take a five-day vacation, then you will have 17 business days for which you should get 17 x 1136 \u003d 19312 rub. Add to it 5 x 853 \u003d 4265 rub. vacations, and for April your final amount will be equal 23577 ruble.

If you turn on on your vacation and weekend, you will get 7 x 853 \u003d 5971 rub. Vacations I. 25283 rub. For all April.

However, note that if you take a vacation for two weeks and want to "smash" him for two statements - from Monday to Friday and from Monday to Friday, "Saving" thus four days, then it is better to first discuss this option with the employer - it should Be agree to such tricks.

There will be a situation in a different way if the holiday weekend falls on your vacation: unlike the usual weekend, they are excluded from the calculation of the vacation taxes, so they are better not included in the vacation statement.

Briefly about the main thing:

1. The most disadvantageous months for vacation from the point of view of finance - January and May: they have a lot of holiday weekend, which directly affects the cost of the working day.

2. In turning on the weekly vacation Saturday and Sunday, you will win about 10% of the vacation amount: they are calculated on calendar days.

3. If you go on vacation for two weeks, you can "break" it for two statements, but first it is better to discuss this option with the employer.

If you have questions that you can't find an answer, they are, and we will try to answer them.

The State Duma responded to the most common questions from vacation and reported when it was most profitable.

Paid leave can be taken by 28 calendar days per year. By decision of the employer, an employee can get additional leave. You can share a month of vacation on the part. But one of them should not be shorter than 14 days.

A new employee can take a vacation in six months of work. But often employers go to meet and release earlier. It happens that a person has been purchased for a plane tickets, rooms booked.

How to calculate holidays

The vacation employer usually pays no later than three days before the start of vacation. The amount is calculated on the basis of the second-day earnings for the reporting period - as a rule, for the year. If the employee worked less, then for the spent period.

When it is more profitable to go on vacation

The most favorable month for vacation is a month in which more working days. Vacations closer to wages. It is advantageous to take the maximum number of vacation days at a time with the seizure of the weekend. Weight vacations pay, but there is no salary.

In May and January, take a vacation unprofitable, because working days in these months few months. If the day of vacation falls for a holiday, it will not be included on vacation, and post the day to another day - add it to the end of the holiday.

Infographics: State Duma of the Russian Federation