Rectangular brick house. Rectangular house projects

  • 10.03.2020

Firstly, they were all developed under the guidance of architect Boris Zaitsev, and they can only be purchased from us.

Secondly, the uniqueness of our standard projects lies in their versatility. They contain the necessary set of rooms of appropriate dimensions for “Standard” class houses. At the same time, the layout and design of the house can be easily adapted to the needs of a specific customer. You can add (remove) a terrace, make it glazed, under a canopy or a completely open area. Make a staircase on the side or in the center, or make steps on three sides, with or without railings. The roof can be made gable or hipped. Instead of a porch, make a terrace or a small canopy. There is no need to make a glass partition between the kitchen and living room at all, or it can be made opaque.

The premises provided in the house are functional. This means that the bed is placed in the bedroom, not diagonally, but along the wall; if the bed is double, then free access to it is provided on both sides. When designing a dressing room, we provide for storage systems to be placed there. There is enough space around the dining table to move chairs away and go around the table; The table is designed to be of such a size that all family members can fit behind it, depending on the number of bedrooms. Four bedrooms of 25 m² each with one bathroom of 3 m² - this is a clear imbalance.

Our projects have a simple geometric shape, as a rule, they are rectangular in plan. From the 8 years of experience of our bureau, we can conclude that the simpler the house in the Standard class, the greater the likelihood that it will be built according to the project and in accordance with the initial wishes of the customer, without problems and without “divorces”, which is already In 2-3 years, the owners will move into the house and that the construction will not turn out to be unfinished.

The laconic appearance of our houses is their great advantage. For Standard-class houses, the high cost of finishing is not appropriate. Conciseness does not mean monotony. Having selected a project based on functionality (trying out the layout to suit your wishes), you can order changes to the appearance. Sometimes it is enough to change the pattern of the brick to make the house look completely different. We can finalize the project by completely changing its style or adding other accents to the existing composition.

It is much better to use high-quality materials than a complex form where there could be a simpler and more reliable solution. To implement complex structural components, highly qualified builders will be required, and you will need to pay more for their work. If complex structures are taken on, underestimating their complexity, this will affect the quality, and the reliability of the entire house may suffer.

Hello! Question for professionals about the project one-story house w3-65. We want to purchase the project, but we have doubts: 1. Is it possible to build this house on the basis of a wooden frame made of sip panels (Canadian house) and finish it with siding? 2. The price for construction indicated by you is quite low, although we understand that this is just a guideline, nevertheless, how economical is this project (or not?) at its core. 3. Perhaps this is the most important question: in your opinion, it is possible to build such a house on a southern slope where the height difference is more than 3 percent, but definitely no more than 10. Well, and if possible, please write: it looks like the project includes a sauna?! This is not in the description, but we ourselves suspect that room 2, 3 and behind the toilet is a sauna? You acknowledge flax in advance for the answer.

Administrator | 09.25.2014 14:06:02
Hello, Marina! I hope I understood everything correctly, I’m answering. Construction: I am sure that it is possible to build a house of a similar plan using the technology you specified. Price: there is nothing specific in this house in terms of increasing the cost of construction and the indicated cost corresponds to the volume of this house. Slope: Of course, it can be built, the question is that the foundation provided for in the standard project will not be suitable for your area and the same height difference, so you will need more accurate data and, most likely, its modification. Sauna: This is a technical room, in this documentation the sauna is not designed, the room is simply left. In the end- I don’t see any point in buying a standard project in order to redo such volumes of the building structure. I am inclined to assume that it will be easier and more reliable to immediately contact a company that builds houses using the specified technology and designs them itself. You will save both money and time, although no one has canceled the careful choice of the company.

Marina | 07/14/2016 18:38:37
Thanks for the detailed answer!

Alexey | 07/14/2016 18:40:04
Hello, I have a question about heating. How is it carried out?

Administrator | 11.11.2014 11:28:51
Good afternoon, Alexey! The gas boiler is located in the kitchen in accordance with the design documentation. Next, according to the standard scheme - radiators in the rooms.

Alexey | 07/14/2016 18:41:28
Hello, thanks for your answer. There is no gas, is it possible to correct the design for a solid fuel boiler?

Administrator | 11/13/2014 09:21:43
Almost any changes can be made to the project; the only question that arises is the cost and timing of such modifications. To clarify the cost of improvements and the timing of their implementation, please write a request with your wishes for changing the design of this cottage.

Guest | 07/14/2016 18:42:52
Sorry, it’s not clear the project area based on the external walls. Namely, this is how they will count, and not by gender. Could you please let me know.

Administrator | 12/28/2014 19:16:53
Hello, the building area for this cottage project is 83.7 sq.m.

Adam | 07/14/2016 18:44:33
Is it possible to build this project using expanded clay blocks?
Thank you!

Administrator | 03/09/2015 19:47:11
Hello Adam! Subject to making appropriate changes to the cottage project you are considering, it is possible. To estimate the cost and timing of making these changes, you can send a request to

Elena | 07/14/2016 18:46:00
Good day! I'm interested in the w3-65 house project. Is it possible to build from profiled timber? How many cubes are required for construction? And is it possible to adapt this project to a bathhouse?
Thanks in advance!

Administrator | 04/06/2015 08:49:50
Hello, Elena! When changing the functionality of this building to a bathhouse and building from profiled timber, it will be necessary to make a significant number of changes to the project, but all this can be done. The cubic capacity will be known after making appropriate changes to the documentation.

Lyudmila | 07/14/2016 18:47:19
Hello. I am interested in the price of the W3-65 (Z16) project using Canadian technology for finishing (which is included in the price during construction), what is the best way to heat such a house? What area is needed for a one-story house in acres of land? Thank you.

Administrator | 04/09/2015 12:29:33
Hello, Lyudmila! Canadian technology- This frame house construction. It is necessary to prepare for the frame new project, you won’t be able to use the current drawings. To answer other questions you need clarification, please send a request to and our manager will contact you to clarify the details.

Vasily | 09/13/2016 19:32:19
Good day! 1. Is it possible to “move” the right wall a little by a meter to make the bathroom and living room larger? 2. Is it possible to use an electric boiler? 3. Is it possible to build from cellular concrete blocks? 4. Are engineering communications included in the project?
Thank you!

Starting to build a house means drawing up project documentation, i.e. project or plan for a future building. Importance this stage Don't underestimate. A properly compiled one will help you avoid a lot of troubles related to both the appearance of your future home and its functionality, as well as reliability.

After all, design documentation contains not only information about the sizes and shapes of the main elements of the structure, but also provides for the location and other useful information.

Everyone has ever seen a home that is hardly aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes these are elaborate buildings, the appearance of which is a mixture of different styles and materials, sometimes they are simple box houses with small and obvious violation of proportions.

Such buildings are obtained when developers make the following mistakes:

  1. During construction, no house plan was prepared.
  2. The house plan changed during construction.

Avoiding such mistakes today is not difficult. Thematic magazines and resources to help developers Internet networks. Easiest to use ready plan and a design project that can be copied from the resources mentioned above. However, it should be remembered that changing anything is already finished projects not worth it, because it can have a negative impact on both appearance structure, and on the strength of its basic elements.

If you still decide to change or add something, then the most economical option would be to seek help from an architectural institute student. For little money, he will look at your project through the eyes of a more experienced specialist than you.

You can also use them, which allow you to independently prepare a house project of a simple shape, even for people with minimal knowledge in the field of construction.

Main sections of a standard house project

As a rule, design documentation for the construction of a house consists of three parts and includes architectural, structural and engineering sections.

The architectural section contains information about the layout of each floor of the building. This is a drawing that contains data on the locations of rooms, corridors, windows and openings, and ventilation shafts. The thickness is also indicated here.

The constructive section includes more general characteristics. The location of stairs and passages is indicated here, as well as a description of the specifics of the materials used in construction.

The location of engineering and communication systems is included in the engineering section of the project. In addition to the diagrams, it also contains drawings of the location of the electrical network and telephone cable. Recommendations for connecting electrical appliances and plumbing can also be given.

Standard, individual and draft house designs

Although houses are being built today different forms, there are only three main types of house designs. Let's look at their features and describe the pros and cons.

A standard project is a project of houses of the same type, prepared in advance and containing all the necessary diagrams, drawings and data, including estimates. All standard projects and the houses are similar to each other.

The main advantages of a standard project are its low cost, reliability, proven by time and by other developers, as well as saving time resources on drawing up and processing documentation.

However, by choosing a standard project, you deny yourself the opportunity to change anything in the future building and add something to your taste. In addition, it should be taken into account that standard projects may not be suitable for the area where construction is planned.

House sketch design

Draft design– this is a simplified house project, a detailed diagram of the future building. One is somewhat cheaper and is issued in short terms. However, being guided only by a preliminary design during construction, there is a risk of not getting exactly the result you expected.

Due to the lack of detailed diagrams and drawings, construction work becomes more complicated.

Individual house project

An individual project contains all the necessary sections of design documentation, however, unlike a standard project, all drawings, diagrams, descriptions of materials and progress of work are drawn up for a specific house and in accordance with the wishes of the customer.

In addition, in in this case The number of people who will live in the house, their tastes and preferences, as well as design ideas can also be taken into account. Another advantage is the ability to adjust the costs of finishing the premises.

Of course, this option is not cheap. In addition, the preparation of documentation may require quite a lot of time, which, in turn, will delay the construction period.

Saving on house shape

As we have already said, the construction of a house begins from the moment of planning and preparation of the plan.

If you have set yourself the task of building a beautiful, but, then you should know some nuances: designing a rectangular-shaped house will help you save on construction.

What are the savings and benefits: houses of simple shape are easier to design and build. The more corners and bends a building has, the more expensive the project and the actual construction will cost you.

At home, it is also better to make it as simple as possible without unnecessary bevels.

In addition to the fact that it is easier and faster to build a house without design frills, you will subsequently be able to save on heating your home. After all, every protrusion and corner is additional, which means additional heating costs.

Also, when designing a house of a simple shape, you will most likely be protected from possible engineering errors. After all, buildings of the correct shape are built much more often, which means there is accumulated experience in drawing up accompanying documentation. Of course, structures of unusual shapes are also found in house construction, but most often each such idea requires an individual approach, which does not exclude errors in engineering calculations.

Before starting construction of a residential building, it is necessary to draw up design documentation. The project is carefully prepared by professionals; it must include useful data that may be useful in the process of building a house.

Project of a one-story rectangular house

The document contains complete information about the communications layout. The document must be drawn up correctly and logically, with complete content. A project compiled by professionals serves as a guarantee comfortable stay owners in their home. Ideally, the project should actually embody all the owners’ ideas about their future home. Often, projects of rectangular houses and cottages are no different from any other options for building private housing of a more complex shape. In any case, choosing the shape of the house and its silhouette is a creative approach to design, and in this case everything is decided on an individual basis.

When choosing the configuration of a future home, it is not advisable to order building designs of complex polygonal shapes. This is due to considerations of better preservation of warm air in residential premises. Currently, the question of how much money the owner of the house will spend on heating it is far from idle. In addition, there are a number of other advantages that favor choosing the layout of rectangular houses:

  1. First of all, it is the classic design of a simple rectangular house with a not very elongated shape that allows you to reduce costs not only for expenses and construction, but also for heating the future building.
  2. Rectangular house designs turn out to be the most economical: the construction of such a house requires less financial resources.
  3. The possibility of an engineering error when drawing up design documentation for a simple rectangular house is negligible, because cottages of this shape are constantly being built. Many construction organizations have long learned to accurately construct rectangular buildings.

Rectangular houses have one significant drawback. The rectangular elongated shape of the house increases the contact area of ​​the external walls in relation to the internal volume of the room. It is for this reason that a rectangular house requires higher energy costs than, for example, a square-shaped house. However, this disadvantage is successfully compensated for by the increased thickness of the wall masonry.

Read also

German private house projects

Option for planning and rational placement of premises in a rectangular house with an attic

Components of a standard project

When developing a project with special construction organizations documentation should consist of three components:

  1. The architectural section contains drawings and diagrams of the interior of the building. The drawings indicate not only the location of rooms and corridors, windows and doors, but also the location of the ventilation shaft and the height of the ceilings. The section describes in detail the layout of each floor of the building.
  2. The constructive section contains general data, namely the layout of the foundation of stairs and passages, a description of the specifics of building materials.
  3. Engineering section. It indicates the location of the building’s engineering and communication systems, draws up detailed sewerage and water supply diagrams, drawings of the heating system, and the location of electrical and telephone networks. It also describes recommendations for connecting plumbing and electrical appliances.

Types of building projects

Depending on what kind of house you want to build, you should choose the type of project. , sketch and individual.

Standard project

A typical project is a fully prepared document, which is a ready-made set of diagrams and drawings with explanatory notes for them and a pre-compiled cost estimate. All standard projects are created according to the same plan and therefore are very similar to each other. They have both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Low cost.
  2. Time-proven reliability.
  3. There is no need to order the project several weeks in advance; it can be purchased immediately, thereby saving time on construction.


  1. A typical project does not always correspond to the area on which the house will be built.
  2. There is no possibility to add or change anything in the drawing.